Search results for ""Author Bob""
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. Basic Fiddlers Philharmonic Celtic Fiddle Tunes CD
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. Jazz Philharmonic Cello Book CD
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. Jazz Philharmonic Second Set Bass Book CD Second SetString Bass
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. Jazz Philharmonic Second Set Viola Book CD
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. Jazz Philharmonic Viola
Arcadia Publishing Baltimore and Ohio Railroad in West Virginia
PHAIDON PRESS Understanding Hypermedia From Hypermedia to Virtual Reality
This survey analyzes the media explosion. It describes the background to the convergence of media which is taking place, and discusses the pioneers of the new media arts and technologies. It examines the main building-blocks of hypermedia: words, images, sounds and movement through space and time.
Alfred A. Knopf The Handbook Of Sailing: A Complete Guide to All Sailing Techniques and Procedures for the Beginner and the Experienced Sailor
Hal Leonard Corporation The Best of Bob Seger
Random House USA Inc Let's Taco About How Great You Are
Teaching Resources Problem Solved: Bar Model Math: Grade 1: Tackle Word Problems Using the Singapore Method
HarperCollins Publishers Inc When I Grow Up Shaped Board Book
What do you want to be when you grow up? In this interactive, sturdy, and photo-friendly shaped board book, readers can try on their dream job! An astronaut, a software developer, an art teacher, a marine biologist, a firefighter, a veterinarian, or a musician. . . What do you want to be when you grow up? Anything is possible when you believe in yourself! Join in on the fun in this interactive, shaped board book and try on different occupations showcased in bold, photo-friendly illustrations. When you place your head in the curve of the book, you become a part of the story! This sturdy and fun format is the perfect, playful gift for every kid with big, aspirational dreams. Don't forget to snap some photos or have some silly FaceTime fun! #WhenIGrowUpBook.
Little, Brown & Company Crash, Splash, or Moo!
Calling all daredevils! It's time to play CRASH, SPLASH, OR MOO! in this boisterous picture book with all the excitement of a game show.Mr. McMonkey is your host, and your contestants are America's favorite stunt clam, Action Clam...and a cow! These unlikely daredevils face off in a zany sequence of challenges--and readers get to guess the outcome of all the wacky stunts. Winner gets a Golden Banana!Readers will be laughing, cheering, and giving themselves a round of applause as they play the game over and over again. Bob Shea, creator of many favorite funny books, including Unicorn Thinks He's Pretty Great and the Ballet Cat series, provides endless storytime fun with high-energy audience participation.
FISCHER Krüger Der SatsumaKomplex oder Der Tag an dem Gary zum Helden wurde
Bassermann, Edition Freude am MalenSet Neue Landschaften in l Ein Malkurs in Buch und auf DVD Nach der Kultserie The Joy of Painting
Panini Verlags GmbH Daredevil
Panini Verlags GmbH Catwoman Anthologie
Mosaik Verlag Warum noch lernen
Auer Verlag i.d.AAP LW 61 Unterrichtsideen Bildung in der digitalen Welt Leicht umsetzbar Fr alle Fcher 5 bis 13 Klasse
Goodman Games DD 5E Compendium of Dungeon Crawls Volume 2
Goodman Games presents the Compendium of Dungeon Crawls Volume 2, a collection of 5E adventures. Uncover the mysteries in the catacombs below a monastery, explore the cellars and natural caverns beneath a wilderness keep to solve a crime, or discover a forlorn temple in the frozen wastes. These are but a taste of the adventures contained herein, each playable in one to three sessions. The Compendium of Dungeon Crawls Volume 2 is a 200-page hardcover collection of eight previously published adventures, most of them out of print. These stand-alone, world-neutral adventures are suitable for a variety of character levels, and are easy to import into an existing campaign. These are fully compatible with the fifth edition of the world's first role playing game.
Simon And Schuster Group USA Skeeters
Smokestack Books Civil Insolencies
Whittles Publishing Shipwrecks of the Forth and Tay
This new book is a very much improved and updated edition of the successful previous edition, "Shipwrecks of the Forth", and benefits hugely from the vast amount of vital new information gleaned by the author during 15 years of painstaking research. Each wreck is listed by area with details of position, history and fate. The text is accompanied by maps and charts and illustrated with many dramatic photographs. As a result of this meticulous work, exciting discoveries and recoveries such as ships' bells and pottery have been made by divers, allowing them to confirm identities of previously unknown wrecks.In addition to first-hand local knowledge of fishermen, coastguards, lifeboat men and divers, the author has consulted primary sources including official records from the Admiralty and Lloyds, official German U-boat records and Norwegian, Swedish and Danish records. Many vessels were lost due to running aground or collisions but the vast majority of shipwrecks immediately surrounding our coasts resulted from military activities during the First and Second World War. As such this aspect of the book provides significant historical interest for readers.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Regulation Theory and the Crisis of Capitalism
This five-volume collection (with individual volumes available separately) provides a comprehensive overview of the regulation approach to capitalism and its crisis-tendencies. Edited by a major British contributor to the approach, the collection includes not only key theoretical and empirical works from leading French regulationists but also representative work from other regulation schools and scholars. It also includes major critiques of the approach. Topics covered include regulationist approaches to the labour process, accumulation regimes (especially Fordism and post-Fordism), modes of social regulation, forms of state intervention, and the crisis tendencies of capitalism. Contributions cover different periods and different countries as well as different sectors and the changing global economy as a whole. The set includes both pioneer works and recent theoretical innovations and also explores the links between regulationism and other approaches, such as institutionalism, radical geography, critical discourse analysis, and feminism. This collection will be an essential reference work in institutional and evolutionary economics, in radical political economy, and in all social science disciplines concerned with capitalism and its crisis-tendencies.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Conscience, Consciousness and Ethics in Joseph Butler's Philosophy and Ministry
Offers a new interpretation of Butler's theology and suggests that exploration of his methods may contribute to modern thinking about ethics, language, the Church as well as religion and science. Joseph Butler [1692-1752] is perhaps Britain's most powerful and original moral philosopher. He exercised a profound influence over the contemporary Protestant Churches, the English moralists and the Scottish philosophical schoolbut his theory of the "affections", grounded in Newtonian metaphysics and presenting an account of human psychology, also set the terms of engagement with questions of education, slavery, missions and even labour relations. Inthe nineteenth-century English-speaking world he was an authority of first resort for Evangelicals, Tractarians, philosophers, scientists, psychologists, economists, sociologists, lawyers and educationalists alike. He remains a key reference point for modern American and British philosophers, from Broad to Rawls and beyond. Many analyses of Butler, however, have been distorted by aggressively secular readings. This book is based on a comprehensive reassessment of his published work and the surviving manuscripts and archival materials. These are set within an account of his spiritual and intellectual development and his ministerial vocation, from the protracted and painful process of conforming to the Church of England to his initial observations on a social philosophy. Demonstrating that even The Analogy originated in liturgical preaching, this book offers a refreshed and detailed account of Butler's key terms - conscience, consciousness, identity, affections, charity, analogy, probability, tendency - and suggests that exploration of his methods may contribute to modern thinking about ethics, language, the role of the Church, and the religion and science debates. BOB TENNANT taught English Literature at the University of Sussex, spent many years as a senior manager in adult education, and was a trade union and political activist serving leading organisations at local, regional and national levels. He has written on political, economic and trade union matters for many newspapers and periodicals and is a founder of The British Pulpit Online, seeking to create an online catalogue and database of all printed British sermons from 1660 to 1901.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Globalisation? Internationalisation and Monopoly Capitalism: Historical Processes and Capitalist Dynamism
This book acts as a welcome foil to current thinking on the concept of globalisation, which tends to be divided into two distinct camps: one which suggests that the neo-liberal model has triumphed and has no realistic alternative, and another which argues that globalisation, in its most extreme form, does not really exist, rather having evolved gradually from the very beginnings of industrialisation. Bob Milward presents an alternative view of globalisation and argues that indeed there has been a continuum in capitalist development, but that this has been forged by historical processes and the dynamism of the competitive forces of capitalism. He identifies the emergence of monopoly capitalism as an important shaping factor, and in so doing sheds light on issues of underdevelopment, multinational imperialism and crises in advanced capitalist economies.This radical, multidisciplinary account of the condition of the global economy, encompassing a critique of the neo-liberal foundations of orthodox global analysis, will appeal to an extensive audience. Students, researchers and academics in the fields of economics, heterodox economics, economic geography, politics, sociology, development studies, international relations and public policy will find Globalisation? Internationalisation and Monopoly Capitalism to be an engaging read.
Pitch Publishing Ltd 26 Miles 385 Yards: How Britain Made the Marathon and Other Tales of the Torrid Tarmac
Bob Phillips takes us on an exhilarating journey across the formative years of marathon running - from 1896 through to the Olympic marathons of the 1950s that revolutionised the event. Through a compelling blend of personal memoirs, anecdotes, runner biographies, torrid tales and extraordinary facts and figures, the book shines a light on Britain's role in the development of marathon running and how its courageous competitors have invariably captured the public imagination. Learn about the brilliant generational talents who have cemented the event at the pinnacle of popular athletics, from the days when naive amateurs ran for tin medals towards the era of highly trained professionals. 26 Miles 385 Yards is a must-have book for every marathon enthusiast.
Pitch Publishing Ltd Shanks; Yanks and Jurgen: The Men Behind Liverpool's Rise Again
What would the late, great Bill Shankly have made of the current Liverpool side? There's a great deal he would have hated about the modern game, but there's a lot about today's Liverpool he would have liked. With Jurgen Klopp instilling a team ethic and re-engaging the fans, the Reds have restored something of 'Shanks's Holy Trinity' - that union between players, manager and supporters - at least as much as a 21st-century conglomerate will allow. Although he grew up as a socialist during the Great Depression, Shanks was never shy to spend big and used methods ahead of his time. Shanks, Yanks and Jurgen shows how the values he acquired from his pit-village background formed key elements of the Liverpool way. When wounded by tragedies and tricked by con men, the club briefly lost direction. Recovery was started by Liverpool's astute new owners and completed by an inspirational manager, but also by returning to aspects of Shankly's template - albeit in a modern context. Bob Holmes explains how Shanks's philosophies still resonate today.
Fonthill Media Ltd Super Snoopers: The Evolution and Service Career of the Specialist Boeing C-135 Series with the 55th Wing and Associated Units
The US Air Force has performed peripheral reconnaissance adjacent to the traditional foe of Russia, China, North Korea and others for seven decades. Evolving from rudimentary aircraft to an unprecedented level of sophistication, the current, elderly airframes boast unmatched performance. The book details the aircraft, equipment, sensors, air bases involved, and limited operational details-as much remains highly classified. Additionally, stories by the personnel involved, who have flown these mission, and often faced their quarry at very close range. The majority of aircraft involved are the Boeing C-135 series, including more than 100 different airframes, of 48 different versions. Missions include strategic intelligence, airborne command and control, treaty compliance, Open Skies, weather reconnaissance, aerial refuelling, and transportation. Details the different aircraft missions, bewildering programme names, operating locations, and flying units involved. Background support organisations are presented. A potted history of every aircraft involved is included, together with units operated, and designations applied. Sixty years of operations, which continue to this day, are mostly shrouded in secrecy. A cat and mouse adventure, throughout the Cold War, into the new peace dividend, and now in the face of renewed Russian aggression. The veil of secrecy is lifted, ever so slightly!
ECW Press,Canada The Murders That Made Us: How Vigilantes, Hoodlums, Mob Bosses, Serial Killers, and Cult Leaders Built the San Francisco
No Starch Press,US Introduction To Computer Organization: An Under the Hood Look at Hardware and x86-64 Assembly
Unlike other books about assembly language and computer organisation, Introduction to Computer Organization is written with the understanding that most programmers will never have to write x86-64 assembly language or design hardware. By the end of the book readers should have a strong understanding of how binary is used to store data; how Boolean logic works, and how it's implemented in a computer; the basics of computer hardware; assembly language; program flow; and Input/Output.
Simon & Schuster War
Aviation Supplies & Academics Say Again, Please: A Pilot's Guide to Radio Communications
Seven Stories Press,U.S. The Life Of Meaning
PBS''s Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly, which Bob Abernethy conceived and anchors, has been described as the best spot on the television landscape to take in the broad view of the spiritual dimension of American life . . . by the Christian Science Monitor. Finally, wrote the San Francisco Chronicle, something intelligent on TV about religion. Now, together with his coauthor William Bole, Abernethy has turned his attention to making a book that asks all the big questions—and elicits the most surprising answers from a who’s-who of today’s serious religious and spiritual thinkers from across the spectrum of faiths and denominations.In this thoughtful collection, extraordinary people give their personal and private accounts of their own spiritual struggle. Their insights on community, prayer, suffering, religious observance, the choice to live with or without a god, and the meanings that are gleaned from everyday life form an elegant meditation on the desire for somethin
Fantagraphics White Like She
Little, Brown & Company Reorganized Religion: The Reshaping of the American Church and Why it Matters
The United States is in the middle of an unprecedented spiritual, technological, demographic, political and social transformation-moving from an older, mostly white, mostly Protestant, religion-friendly society to a younger diverse, multiethnic, pluralistic culture, where no one faith group will have the advantage. At the same time, millions of Americans are abandoning organized religion altogether in favour of disorganized disbelief. Reorganized Religion is an in-depth and critical look at why people are leaving American churches and what we lose as a society as it continues. But it also accepts the dismantling of what has come before and try to help readers reinvent the path forward. This book looks at the future of organized religion in America and outline the options facing churches and other faith groups. Will they retreat? Will they become irrelevant? Or will they find a new path forward? Written by veteran religion reporter Bob Smietana, Reorganized Religion is a journalistic look at the state of the American church and its future. It draws on polling data, interviews with experts, and reporting on how faith communities old and new are coping with the changing religious landscape, along with personal stories about how faith is lived in everyday life. It also profiles faith communities and leaders who are finding interesting ways to reimagine what church might look like in the future and discuss various ways we can reinvent this organization so it survives and thrives. The book also reflects the hope that perhaps people of faith can learn to become, if not friends with the larger culture, then at least better neighbours. "A superb examination of the future of Christian institutions.... A must-read for anyone invested in the fate of the American church." -Publishers Weekly (starred review)
Candlewick Press Oh Are You Awake
Walker Books Ltd Ellie's Dragon
No friendship is imaginary.When Ellie is very little, she finds a newborn dragon fresh from the egg on a supermarket shelf, and calls him Scratch. He is quite the sweetest thing she has ever seen! From that day on, Ellie and Scratch do everything together. Ellie's mum and her teacher can’t see her fiery friend, but all her friends can – and, over the years, Ellie's dragon grows to be big, house-trained, and very affectionate. And Ellie is growing, too...A moving story about the wonders of imagination and the nature of growing up from one of Australia’s most revered bookmakers.
Fox Chapel Publishing Wood Finishing 101, Revised Edition
Wood finishing doesn't have to be complicated or confusing. It can be simplified with easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions, and that's exactly what Wood Finishing 101, Updated Edition provides; no science, no art, just simple directions with clear photography to show you every step of the process. With this must-have guide, you’ll learn how to finish common woods using widely-available finishing materials. Follow step-by-step instructions, eliminate the guesswork, and get the finished results you want every time! Bob Flexner has been writing about and teaching wood finishing to hobbyists and professionals for over 30 years. With his expertise, guidance, and easy-to-understand directions, this complete guide to everything you need to know about wood finishing belongs in every woodworker’s library. This new edition includes updated information on solvents and stripping agents.
Hachette Book Group USA The Happiest Book Ever
Hodder & Stoughton Wiffle Lever to Full!
'Personal and engaging . . . anyone who agrees that Star Wars was a defining moment of our collective childhood will love this book' - The Times'Funny and affectionate' - Time Out'Will have you hitching aboard the Millennium Falcon to a galaxy overflowing with infinite possibilities. ****' - Metro*************In 1981, the eight-year-old Bob Fischer was entranced by Daleks, Vogons and crack Imperial Stormtroopers. Almost three decades later, Bob decides to rekindle the affair with a tour of the UK's sci-fi and cult TV conventions. Freewheeling from Doctor Who to Discworld, Star Wars to Star Trek and Robin of Sherwood to Red Dwarf, he combines misty-eyed memories with a terrifying travelogue of terrible, torturous . . . terror. Or something. In space, no one can hear you scream. And don't expect much sympathy in Peterborough, either.
Human Kinetics Publishers I Run, Therefore I Am STILL Nuts!
Whether you are just getting acquainted with the joys of running or you can recite the brand and model number of your last 12 pairs of running shoes, you’ll identify with this book as runners did with the popular first volume, I Run, Therefore I Am—Nuts! Best-selling running humorist Bob Schwartz—the Dave Barry of running—is back and will once again have you laughing as he captures the humor, craziness, and obsessions of runners—new and old—with this new collection of 43 hilarious stories. I Run, Therefore I Am— STILL Nuts! brings out the humor in situations that every runner can relate to: • Suffering from RWIA, otherwise known as running watch information addiction • The addictive nature of high-intensity interval training • The depths of despair upon learning your favorite shoe will be discontinued • Embracing the saving grace of age-graded race time calculators • Attempting to run with a reluctant canine companion • Trying out running in the oxymoron of barefoot shoes If you know that the iliotibial band is not an alternative rock group, wear bruised toenails like badges of honor, and know the feeling of having an elephant resting on your shoulders as you’ve hit the wall—this book is for you!
Bristol University Press Clients, Consumers or Citizens?: The Privatisation of Adult Social Care in England
Adult social care was the first major social policy domain in England to be transferred from the state to the market. There is now a forty-year period to look back at to consider the thinking behind the strategy, the impacts on commissioners and providers of care, on the care workforce and on those who use care and support services. In this book, Bob Hudson meticulously charts these shifts. He challenges the dominant market paradigm, explores alternative models for a post-Covid-19 future and locates the debate within the wider literature on political thinking and policy change.
Walker Books Ltd The Underhills: A Tooth Fairy Story
In this magical companion to Bob Graham’s celebrated April Underhill, Tooth Fairy, two fairy sisters, April and Esme, are on a brand new adventure!April and Esme are staying at Grandma and Grandad’s for a whole weekend! A visit to Grandma and Grandad's is always special for the two sisters. There’s the mixing of fairy cakes, pancakes with syrup for breakfast and a chocolate waiting on each of their pillows. And this weekend, when Mum calls with an urgent tooth fairy job, there's an exciting trip to the airport with Grandma to make sure one little girl has her tooth collected. Children are sure to love this thrilling and tender new story, so full of hope, possibility and the magic of a secret fairy world, from master storyteller Bob Graham.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Torture and the Ticking Bomb
This timely and passionate book is the first to address itself to Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz’s controversial arguments for the limited use of interrogational torture and its legalisation. Argues that the respectability Dershowitz's arguments confer on the view that torture is a legitimate weapon in the war on terror needs urgently to be countered Takes on the advocates of torture on their own utilitarian grounds Timely and passionately written, in an accessible, jargon-free style Forms part of the provocative and timely Blackwell Public Philosophy series
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Care Planning and Delivery in Intellectual Disability Nursing
Care planning and delivery form an essential part of everyday practice for all intellectual disability nurses. Care Planning and Delivery in Intellectual Disability Nursing explores how nurses can enable people with intellectual disabilities to obtain good quality care, encouraging them to use the best possible guidance to plan their professional care and to reflect on their practice. The first section of Care Planning and Delivery in Intellectual Disability Nursing explores care planning, care pathways, person-centred care planning, life planning, legal and ethical implications of care planning and risk assessment. The second section explores care planning for people with profound and/or complex needs, care planning for good health, and care planning and delivery in more specialist settings including forensic, mental health, palliative care, community nursing and residential settings.
John Wiley & Sons Inc EcosystemLed Growth
A blueprint to new levels of company growth leveraging your firm's Partner Ecosystem In Ecosystem-Led Growth: A Blueprint For Sales and Marketing Success Using the Power of Partnerships, veteran entrepreneur and tech leader Bob Moore delivers an intuitive and insightful guide to using your company's Partner Ecosystem to unlock countless leads, break sales records, scale your organization, and build a once-in-a-generation business. In the book, you'll discover why partnerships are no longer the domain of partner people schmoozing at conferences. Instead, they can be used to unlock vast amounts of data, new relationships, and scalable growth plays. You'll learn about: Transformational technologies that bring partner data to your fingertips Savvy companies and executives who convert that data into untapped growth opportunities Real-world examples of go-to-market leaders at dozens of leading tech companies implementing a powerfu
John Wiley & Sons Inc TRIVERGENCE