Search results for ""author elizabeth"
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC English in Global Aviation: Context, Research, and Pedagogy
Taking readers step-by-step through the major issues surrounding the use of English in the global aviation industry, this book provides a clear introduction to turning research into practice in the field of English for Specific Purposes (ESP), specifically Aviation English, and a valuable case study of applied linguistics in action. With both cutting-edge research and evidence-based practice, the critical role of English in aviation is explored across a variety of contexts, including the national and global policies impacting training and language assessment for pilots, air-traffic controllers, ground staff, and students. English in Global Aviation teaches readers how to apply linguistic research to real world, practical settings. The book uses a range of corpus-based findings and related research to provide an effective analysis of the language needs of the aviation industry and an extended look at linguistic principles in action. Readers are presented with case studies, transcriptions, radiotelephony, and a clear breakdown of the common vocabulary and phrasal patterns of aviation discourse. Students and teachers of both linguistics and aviation will discover the requirements and challenges of successful intercultural communication in this industry, as well as insights into how to teach, develop, and assess aviation English language courses.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd TNM Atlas
A fully illustrated guide to the current TNM classification (8th Edition) and staging system The Union for International Cancer Control's (UICC) TNM classification system is the most widely used cancer classification and staging system in the world. It is used to describe the anatomical extent of disease and is, therefore, essential to patient care, research and cancer control. This seventh edition of the TNM Atlas provides health-care professionals with a detailed pictorial guide to the system, demonstrating its practical application via clear, direct text and an array of full-color medical illustrations. The atlas features: Specially produced content, created to reflect the most recent iteration of the TNM classification of malignant tumours, the 8th Edition More than 300 full-color medical illustrations covering all anatomical sites of cancer involvement Quick-reference material that is ideal for use in clinical and educational settings The revised seventh edition of the TNM Atlas is a valuable resource for all medical, surgical, and radiation oncologists, anatomical and surgical pathologists, cancer registrars, oncology nurses, physician extenders, international cancer care centers and NGOs dedicated to cancer control.
Saqi Books Wild Thorns
A young Palestinian named Usama returns from working in the Gulf to support the resistance movement. His mission is to blow up buses transporting Palestinian workers into Israel. Shocked to discover that many of his fellow citizens have adjusted to life under military rule, Usama sets out to accomplish his mission ...with disastrous consequences. Wild Thorns is the first Arab novel to offer a glimpse of social and personal relations under Israeli occupation. Featuring unsentimental portrayals of everyday life, its uncompromising honesty and rich emotional core plead elegantly for the cause of survival in the face of oppression.
Ohio University Press Domestic Violence and the Law in Colonial and Postcolonial Africa
Domestic Violence and the Law in Colonial and Postcolonial Africa reveals the ways in which domestic space and domestic relationships take on different meanings in African contexts that extend the boundaries of family obligation, kinship, and dependency. The term domestic violence encompasses kin-based violence, marriage-based violence, gender-based violence, as well as violence between patrons and clients who shared the same domestic space. As a lived experience and as a social and historical unit of analysis, domestic violence in colonial and postcolonial Africa is complex. Using evidence drawn from Sub-saharan Africa, the chapters explore the range of domestic violence in Africa’s colonial past and its present, including taxation and the insertion of the household into the broader structure of colonial domination. African histories of domestic violence demand that scholars and activists refine the terms and analyses and pay attention to the historical legacies of contemporary problems. This collection brings into conversation historical, anthropological, legal, and activist perspectives on domestic violence in Africa and fosters a deeper understanding of the problem of domestic violence, the limits of international human rights conventions, and local and regional efforts to address the issue.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Food Safety and Quality Assurance: Foods of Animal Origin
Teaches students and practitioners how to: understand the food chain as a single entity, collect and analyze data relevant to investigation of foodborne disease outbreaks, identify human health hazards in foods of animal origin, and principles of safe food.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Interaction by Design: Bringing People and Plants Together for Health and Well-Being: An International Symposium
These proceedings contain the presentations from a landmark joint conference between AHTA and PPC, the two leading organizations promoting research, teaching, and practice in horticultural therapy. In this contributed volume, the top names in horticultural therapy address universal design of outdoor spaces and their therapeutic applications, the theme of the conference. The most outstanding feature of this volume is the combination of information from designers of therapeutic and healing gardens and the practitioners that use the gardens.
Macmillan Learning Democracy in America: Abridged with an Introduction by Michael Kammen
Yale University Press Textures: Pour approfondir la communication orale et écrite
Language proficiency emerges not solely as mastery of discrete skills, but also through one’s ability to express ideas fully in a variety of cultural contexts. This innovative French‑language textbook employs a holistic approach that integrates listening, reading, writing, and conversation—placing communication at the heart of the learning experience. It provides intermediate‑level students with the interpretive tools necessary for literary and cultural studies. There are interactions with a variety of texts and media, including short stories, poems, essays, images, and podcasts.
Yale University Press Bom Dia, Brasil: 3rd Edition of Português Básico para Estrangeiros
Bom Dia, Brasil is a completely revised and updated edition of the popular beginning Portuguese text Português Básico para Estrangeiros. It aims to teach the Portuguese language in a fast, interesting, and efficient way. The method employed engages students' interest by exploring personal, social, professional, and cultural topics, while providing them with the basic concepts needed to communicate effectively in Portuguese. Thirty-six thematic units in the book explore personal, social, professional, and cultural topics. Music, poetry, and other authentic materials present a panorama of contemporary Brazil. Bom Dia, Brasil features new illustrations, dialogues, pair activities, and research projects. Vocabulary, grammar, and listening exercises and activities are integrated into the book.
University of Washington Press Voices for Tolerance in an Age of Persecution
Drawing on the Folger’s rich collections of 16th- and 17th-century books, manuscripts, and works of art, Voices for Tolerance in an Age of Persecution tells the story of the struggle between tolerance and persecution. It traces the roots of our quest for liberty of conscience and freedom of expression and explores how individuals and communities in early modern Europe experienced, contemplated, and responded to the forces of hate, racism, and intolerance as their world expanded to include peoples and cultures radically different from their own. Essays explore many topics including religious dissent, the protestant and Catholic reformations in Germany, protestant identity in France, Jews in early modern Europe, Africans in England and Scotland, Catholics in Renaissance England, the Puritan revolution, Islam, early modern Ireland, and print culture.
Indiana University Press The Crazy, Wonderful Things Kids Say: Tales from the Singing Pediatrician
"Hey, doctor, I want to tell you something!"For 54 years, kids have shared with pediatrician Arnold Tanis stories, questions, and bold pronouncements about their childhood worlds. In between treating them, the good doctor wrote many of them down. Three generations of patients offer memorable and downright funny observations and opinions about all sorts of things: shots, school, their brothers and sisters, growing up, and even Dr. Tanis himself and whether he can sing as well as he thinks he does. The parents also chime in, both to complain about all their kids put them through and to celebrate how well they eventually turn out. A tireless, lifelong advocate of child safety, Dr. Tanis's impact on his patients and their families spans decades. This book is a testament to his career and a memorable glimpse of the warm and sometimes crazy world of a singing pediatrician.
The University of Chicago Press Feminism in Twentieth-Century Science, Technology, and Medicine
What useful changes has feminism brought to science? Feminists have enjoyed success in their efforts to open many fields to women as participants. But the effects of feminism have not been restricted to altering employment and professional opportunities for women. The essays in this volume explore how feminist theory has had a direct impact on research in the biological and social sciences, in medicine, and in technology, often providing the impetus for fundamentally changing the theoretical underpinnings and practices of such research. In archaeology, evidence of women's hunting activities suggested by spears found in women's graves is no longer dismissed; computer scientists have used feminist epistemologies for rethinking the human-interface problems of our growing reliance on computers. Attention to women's movements often tends to reinforce a presumption that feminism changes institutions through critique-from-without. This volume reveals the potent but not always visible transformations feminism has brought to science, technology, and medicine from within.Contributors:Ruth Schwartz CowanLinda Marie FediganScott GilbertEvelynn M. HammondsEvelyn Fox KellerPamela E. MackMichael S. MahoneyEmily MartinRuth OldenzielNelly OudshoornCarroll PursellKaren RaderAlison Wylie
Emons Verlag GmbH 111 Places in Toronto That You Must Not Miss
Toronto, from its humble beginning as Muddy York, has emerged as an exemplary, world-class city. As the 4th largest urban area in North America, it is a treasure trove of obscure, trend-setting Canadian places. Ranked as one of the world's leading places to live, it represents home to almost 20% of Canada's population. Toronto has become the nation's capital of business, culture, sports and entertainment. A place where you can take in the best of all sports, especially hockey, live music, art, and an award-winning culinary scene, all in a weekend. The city's strength and roots come from its diverse population. Toronto takes from its indigenous and British past, a welcoming and collaborative twist on this dynamic multicultural city. Toronto has been described as a city within a green space. Hike inner city trails along the many ravines. Ride in a canoe or skate along the water's edges. Take the longest streetcar ride in North America through flourishing neighbourhoods, full of hidden gems to discover. Find the small artisanal ice creameries, wander the graffiti alleys, or make music at a karaoke cocktail lounge. Explore the allure of the 6ix, with 111 Places in Toronto That You Must Not Miss.
University Museum Publications The Gordion Excavations, 1950-1973: Final Reports Volume II; The Lesser Phrygian Tumuli Part 2 The Cremations
This volume contains the excavation report for 12 cremation burials from the Phrygian site of Gordion in central Anatolia. These tombs, dating from the later seventh century to the third quarter of the 6th century BCE, were excavated by The University Museum between 1950 and 1969, and by the German brothers Alfred and Gustav Körte in 1900. The processes for interment through construction of tumulus and cremation procedure are carefully detailed, followed by an analysis of associated finds. Two tumuli of the Hellenistic period, both covering stone chambers with inhumation burials within, are included in an appendix. Further appendices discuss other specific materials excavated from the cremation burials. A discussion of the contemporary inhumation and cremation tumulus burials at Gordion in the Phrygian period, highlighting their continuities and significant differences, forms part of the conclusion, as does discussion of sociocultural developments at Gordion between ca. 650-525 BCE as illuminated by the mortuary remains. The tumuli afford insights into questions related to gender, religion, adult/child identity, trade, social status, ethnicity, transcultural affiliations, ceramic developments, jewelry manufacture, high-status artifact display (including ivory), feasting behaviors, animal sacrifice, hero cult, and widespread "killing" of artifacts associated with the cremation burials. This entirely new publication of Gordion's tumuli makes available at last the elite cremation burials of the later Middle and early Late Phrygian (Achaemenid) periods excavated by The University Museum. By including the two Körte tumuli, it provides a complete assemblage of the cremation tumuli at Gordion. They afford remarkable new insights into life, death, and an elaborate system of value at Gordion during this most turbulent century.
National Association for the Education of Young Children Trauma and Young Children: Teaching Strategies to Support and Empower
Educators need access to accurate and useful guidance on helping children and families who have been exposed to trauma. Learn the basics of what trauma is, what the effects can look like, and specific types of trauma that may be experienced as well as targeted suggestions for creating trauma-informed classrooms and practices that support children and families. This book brings together how educators can incorporate the community into trauma-aware practices, acknowledges and addresses the needs of educators, and offers solutions for caring for themselves as well as the populations they serve.
Taschen GmbH Case Study Houses. The Complete CSH Program 1945-1966. 40th Ed.
The Case Study House program (1945–1966) was an exceptional, innovative event in the history of American architecture and remains to this day unique. The program, which concentrated on the Los Angeles area and oversaw the design of 36 prototype homes, sought to make available plans for modern residences that could be easily and cheaply constructed during the postwar building boom. The program’s chief motivating force was Arts & Architecture editor John Entenza, a champion of modernism who had all the right connections to attract some of architecture’s greatest talents, such as Richard Neutra, Charles and Ray Eames, and Eero Saarinen. Highly experimental, the program generated houses that were designed to redefine the modern home, and had a pronounced influence on architecture—American and international—both during the program’s existence and even to this day. TASCHEN brings you a retrospective of the entire program with comprehensive documentation, brilliant photographs from the period and, for the houses still in existence, contemporary photos, as well as extensive floor plans and sketches.
Wordsworth Editions Ltd Lady Audley’s Secret
With an Introduction and Notes by Esther Saxey The flaxen-haired beauty of the childlike Lady Audley would suggest that she has no secrets. But M.E. Braddon’s classic novel of sensation uncovers the truth about its heroine in a plot involving bigamy, arson and murder. It challenges assumptions about the nature of femininity and investigates the narrow divide between sanity and insanity, using as its focus one of the most fascinating of all Victorian heroines. Combining elements of the detective novel, the psychological thriller and the romance of upper class life, Lady Audley’s Secret was one of the most popular and successful novels of the nineteenth century and still exerts a powerful hold on readers.
MP-SYR Syracuse University P Guilt Rules All Irish Mystery Detective and Crime Fiction
Irish crime fiction, long present on international bestseller lists, has been knocking on the door of the academy for a decade. With a wide range of scholars addressing some of the most essential Irish detective writing, Guilt Rules All confirms that this genre has arrived.
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins LIR. Neurociencia
Rethinking Schools Rethinking Bilingual Education: Welcoming Home Languages in Our Classrooms
Wits University Press Life of Bone: The Taung Fossil and Thre South African Artists
Life of Bone brings into sharp relief, and interrogates, the abutting practices of the scientific and the artistic, practices which have co-existed since the beginning of our species. It's based on an exhibition, scheduled to open in May 2011 at the Origins Centre at the University of the Witwatersrand. This exhibition will display the original fossil skull of the Taung child hominid alongside artworks by Joni Brenner, Gerhard Marx and Karel Nel made specifically in response to these evolutionarily significant remains. This unique combination of paleoanthropological finds and art prompts a range of enquiries on the nature of both artistic and scientific disciplines, and encourages a dialogue between the very distant historic and the contemporary.
Image Comics The Fade Out Volume 3
The final act of the best-selling Hollywood Noir comic from the award-winning team of Brubaker and Phillips!
St. Martin's Griffin Luck of the Draw: My Story of the Air War in Europe
Massey University Press Tree Sense: Ways of thinking about trees
Pro Lingua Learning Gramática del inglés: Paso a Paso 2
Oxford Archaeology Landscape and Prehistory of the East London Wetlands
Archaeological investigations carried out during improvements to five key junctions along a stretch of the A13 trunk road through the East London Boroughs of Tower Hamlets, Newham and Barking and Dagenham have revealed evidence for activity spanning the Mesolithic through to the post-Roman period. Regionally important evidence of Neolithic activity included artefact assemblages of pottery and worked flint. A rare cache of charred emmer wheat provides definitive evidence of early Neolithic cereal cultivation in the vicinity and a fragment of belt slider made from Whitby jet attests the long distance exchange networks. The greatest concentration of activity, however, dates to the 2nd Millenium BC and includes several waterlogged wooden structures and trackways, burnt mounds and other evidence associated with wetland edge occupation. Extensive geoarchaeological and palaeoenvironmental sampling provides an important record of landscape evolution and periods of major change can be detected, both natural and anthropogenically induced. As well as providing a context for the archaeology along the A13, this raises a number of issues regarding the interaction of local communities with the natural environment, how they responded to change and to a certain extent exploited it. Ultimately this is of relevance not only to understanding the past but also to current concerns regarding environmental management along the Thames estuary.
Baker Publishing Group The Cross and the Switchblade: The True Story of One Man's Fearless Faith
"Go to New York City and help those boys." When David Wilkerson heard those words in his heart late one night, he was dumbfounded. The boys in question were members of a violent gang and on trial for murder. He himself was a young country preacher settled comfortably in a little mountain church in Pennsylvania. What could God possibly expect him to accomplish? But those words took root in his heart, and he knew he had to go. Risking everything--his career, his marriage, even his life--he found himself walking the streets of New York City and sharing the gospel with the most violent gangs and drug users, sometimes at knife point. With over 15 million copies sold, this is the powerful, riveting true story of how God can use the most unlikely of people to do the impossible--and save those we think are beyond saving.
Baker Publishing Group God's Smuggler
A True-Life Thriller That Will Leave You Breathless! In the anniversary edition of this electrifying real-life story, readers are gripped from the first page by the harrowing account of a young man who risked his life to smuggle Bibles through the borders of closed nations. Now, sixty years after Brother Andrew first prayed for God's miracle protection, this expanded edition of a classic work encourages new readers to meet this remarkable man and his mission for the first time. Working undercover for God, a mission that continues to this day, has made Brother Andrew one of the all-time heroes of the faith. His narrow escapes from danger to share the love of Jesus will encourage and embolden believers in their own walks of faith.
DK LEGO Amazing But True: Fun Facts About the LEGO World - and Our Own!
An eye-popping fact book with a LEGO twist – discover amazing information about the world around us with the help of LEGO minifigures and bricks! Did you know a Goliath spider weighs the same as 75 2x4 LEGO bricks? Or that LEGO bricks and minifigures in various forms have travelled to Saturn, Mars, and the International Space Station? And did you know the Taj Mahal gets a mud pack treatment to remove pollution stains? Or that hummingbirds are the only birds that fly backwards? From unbelievable space and nature facts, to mind-boggling inventions and technology trivia, children will be amazed and entertained with incredible information about the LEGO world and our own. ©2022 The LEGO Group.
Random House USA Inc How Lovely the Ruins: Inspirational Poems and Words for Difficult Times
Random House USA Inc Zeno's Conscience: A Novel
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing Risedronate Effects on Bone Metastasis of Rat Mammary Tumor Cell Lines
Hirmer Verlag Catching the Moment: Contemporary Art from the Ted L. and Maryanne Ellison Simmons Collection
The catalogue highlights the diversity and relevance of the exceptional collection acquired from St. Louis collectors Ted L. and Maryanne Ellison Simmons. The artworks address a broad array of contemporary cultural issues and participate in many discourses of art from the 1960s to the present. Rounding the Bases: The Ted L. and Maryanne Ellison Simmons Collection highlights 100 stellar examples from the 833 works in a St. Louis collection recently acquired by the Saint Louis Art Museum. The diverse collection of contemporary art, made mostly by artists active in the U.S., includes prints, drawings, and photographs as well as sculptures and a painting. The book traces the Simmonses’ focus on art and artists of their own time, and on the broader social, political, art historical, and technical issues that have engaged both the artists and the collectors. Artists featured: Mike Bidlo, Enrique Chagoya, Bruce Conner, Damon Davis, Tony Fitzpatrick, Helen Frankenthaler, Jane Hammond, Tom Huck, Peter Hujar, Jasper Johns, Bruce Nauman, Liliana Porter, Jaune Quick-to-See Smith, Kiki Smith, Paul Thek, Kara Walker, H. C. Westermann, and David Wojnarowicz, among others.
Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig How We Hold: Rehearsals in Art and Social Change - Serpentine Education and Civic Projects
Little, Brown Book Group The Weather In The Streets
Taking up where AN INVITATION TO THE WALTZ left off, THE WEATHER IN THE STREETS shows us Olivia Curtis ten years older, a failed marriage behind her, thinner, sadder, and apprently not much wiser. A chance encounter on a train with a man who enchanted her as a teenager leads to a forbidden love affair and a new world of secret meetings, brief phone calls and snatched liaisons in anonymous hotel rooms. Years ahead of its time when first published, this subtle and powerful novel shocked even the most stalwart Lehmann fans with its searing honesty and passionate portrayal of clandestine love.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook on Modern Legal Realism
This insightful Research Handbook provides a definitive overview of the New Legal Realism (NLR) movement, reaching beyond historical and national boundaries to form new conversations. Drawing on deep roots within the law-and-society tradition, it demonstrates the powerful virtues of new legal realist research and its attention to the challenges of translation between social science and law.Highlighting a contrast with the current Empirical Legal Studies movement, chapters employ a variety of theoretically grounded methods to understand law and address legal problems. They explore an impressive range of contemporary issues including immigration, policing, globalization, legal education, and access to justice, concluding with an examination of how different social science disciplines intersect with NLR.Incorporating global perspectives, the Research Handbook on Modern Legal Realism will be a key resource for scholars and students of legal theory and sociolegal studies. Illuminating the best approaches for combining social science considerations with expert perspectives on legal doctrines, it will also be of interest to practitioners and policy makers working in fields such as criminal and family law.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Timespace and International Migration
'Like the city, the nation, life itself, migration has become increasingly diverse. This stimulating, multi-disciplinary edited collection looks at questions about the connections between time, space and migration at a variety of scales and across a range of sites. Rhythms, patterns and scales of permanent, cyclical and temporary migration are explored in fascinating detail, providing new insights into an increasingly important phenomenon in a globalising world. This collection will reset the agenda for migration studies.'- Linda McDowell, University of Oxford, UKSeeking to re-energise debates on the relationship between human mobility and timespace, this book furthers our understanding of how people move by foregrounding both time and space in the analysis of different empirical migration stories. Though migration is often seen as inherently spatial, the way space is being imagined is rarely analysed, whilst questions of time are widely neglected by migration scholars. Here, in contrast, the idea of timespace is used to assert the significance and connections of these two dimensions. The focus is on how timespace intersects with dynamic migrant constructions, negotiations and performances as an integral aspect of the rhythms of mobilities. Highlighting migration journeys and emotions as embedded and embodied in everyday lives, the chapters also examine the intricate and complex ways timespace enters into, and is juxtaposed with, such feelings and practices in different spaces. Migrations and mobilities are not seen as one-off, separate processes, suspended in timespace, but rather need to be theorised and analysed in more innovative and malleable ways which take into account the non-linear, non-teleological, ambivalent, irrational, messy and fluid ways in which people move. Individual chapters engage with these concepts by considering a broad spectrum of migration stories, from youth mobility, to refugee migration, to gentrification, to food and to the political geography of the border. The overall aim of the book is to interrupt and challenge the ways in which migration scholars use time and space within their research.Contributors include: E. Ascensão, J. Carling, A. Christou, F. Collins, M.B. Erdal, M. Griffiths, A. Ma, E. Mavroudi, J. McGarrigle, P. Novak, B. Page, S. Shubin, D. Smith, H. Zaban
Boydell & Brewer Ltd A New Suffolk Garland
Everything about Suffolk is unexpected: A New Suffolk Garland gathers the best writing, new and old, from people who love this special county. Everything about Suffolk is unexpected. For centuries it has been a much-loved place for writers, artists, musicians, fishermen, farmers ... A New Suffolk Garland gathers the best writing, new and old, from people who love this special county: from a twelfth-century monk to Ed Sheeran, through Gainsborough, Dickens, W.G. Sebald, Ronald Blythe, Robert MacFarlane, Michael Ondaatje and Penelope Fitzgerald to Roger Deakin, Melissa Harrison and Helen Macdonald. The anthology contains specially written new work by Craig Brown, Ralph Fiennes, India Knight, Olivia Laing, Lucy Hughes-Hallett, Robin Robertson and Lucy Walker. From the art of hedge-laying to the undiscovered treasures of Suffolk's churches, from the Suffolk punch stable to Delia Smith's kitchen table, from swimming with otters in the River Waveney to the golden aurioles of Lakenheath, this new collection encapsulates all that is best about Suffolk.
The New York Review of Books, Inc Stalingrad
Mountaineers Books Cascadia Field Guide: Art, Ecology, Poetry
Dark Horse Comics,U.S. Virtually Yours
University of Toronto Press The Anthropology of Precious Minerals
Why do people single out gold, sapphires, diamonds, and other minerals as particularly “precious”? What makes precious minerals “precious”? Drawing from ethnographic and cross-cultural research, this collection of anthropological essays and case studies answers these questions by exploring humans’ multifaceted relationships with the minerals they deem “precious.” The Anthropology of Precious Minerals addresses the entanglement of humans and minerals, with a particular focus on the practices of scrappers, miners, and hunters as they work to extract value. The editors draw from history, archaeology, and ethnography, and remind us that “preciousness” must always be understood in relation to complex cultural, political-economic, and semiotic systems of value.
Policy Press Continuity and Change in Voluntary Action: Patterns, Trends and Understandings
How voluntary action has been defined and measured is considered alongside individuals’ accounts of their participation and engagement in volunteering over their lifecourse in this pioneering study. Combining rich, qualitative material from the Mass Observation Archive (1981-2012) with data from longitudinal and cross-sectional social surveys, it asks what is the scope and appetite for expansion of voluntary effort?
John Wiley & Sons Inc School Counselor Consultation: Skills for Working Effectively with Parents, Teachers, and Other School Personnel
Explore a wide range of strategies and techniques to build your school counselor consulting skillsetIn the newly revised Second Edition of School Counselor Consultation: Skills for Working Effectively With Parents, Teachers, and Other School Personnel, a team of distinguished counselors delivers a comprehensive and insightful exploration of the consultation process. With a strong focus on proven, practical techniques, this book offers readers a detailed case consultation model, an interactive workshop model, concise discussions of trauma-informed practices, consultations supporting students with anxiety, and more. The book also includes: An emphasis on building the skills necessary for counselors to facilitate the personal, social, career, and academic growth of students. An integration of theory and practice using an experiential approach to developing consulting competence. Appendices and sample activities that outline the techniques and strategies used to support learning. Perfect for students pursuing master's degrees in Education, School Counselor Consultation is also ideal for school counselling students and practitioners seeking a hands-on framework for applying consulting theory and approaches to the school setting.
University of Toronto Press Ethical Issues in Community-Based Research with Children and Youth
Efforts to apply ethical guidelines and regulations to vulnerable populations are often problematic. Consequently, health and social scientists sometimes shy away from the challenges of research, particularly when it means addressing value-laden social problems such as sexuality, drugs, and racism. Ethical Issues in Community-Based Research with Children and Youth is a collection of essays that describe the uniqueness of community-based research, outlining several of the ethical concerns that it engenders. The contributors examine such issues as the scope of informed consent to multiple stakeholders, determining competence to give consent in marginalized populations, and managing dual roles as participant researchers. The collection suggests that a more collaborative, ongoing, and discursive approach is needed by researchers and by ethical review boards to ensure that research on sensitive social problems with high risk populations is supported and also conducted with a clear understanding of the highest ethical standards possible.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Scientific Writing: Easy When You Know How
This comprehensive and practical book covers the basics of grammar as well as the broad brush issues such as writing a grant application and selling to your potential audience. The clear explanations are expanded and lightened with helpful examples and telling quotes from the giants of good writing. These experienced writers and teachers make scientific writing enjoyable.
Taylor & Francis Ltd House Of Mirth
Edith Wharton’s The House of Mirth (1905) is a sharp and satirical, but also sensitive and tragic analysis of a young, single woman trying to find her place in a materialistic and unforgiving society. The House of Mirth offers a fascinating insight into the culture of the time and, as suggested by the success of recent film adaptations, it is also an enduring tale of love, ambition and social pressures still relevant today.Part of the Routledge Guides to Literature series, this volume is essential reading for all those beginning detailed study of The House of Mirth and seeking not only a guide to the novel, but a way through the wealth of contextual and critical material that surrounds Wharton’s text.
Little Brown and Company Humankind: A Hopeful History