Search results for ""TAYLOR FRANCIS""
Taylor & Francis Ltd An Age of Equipoise? Reassessing mid-Victorian Britain
The Age of Equipoise by W.L Burn was published in 1964 and became a central text in the canon of interpretations of the Victorian period. The book subsequently fell out of favour but recent claims to establish a new interpretative standard have, paradoxically, prompted reviewers to cast back to Burn's work as the orthodox standard against which such claims should be judged. The essays in this volume by British and American contributors all engage, to varying degrees, with the notion of 'equipoise' and how it can help to illuminate the mid-Victorian period in ways which alternative formulations cannot. Some of the chapters develop arguments embedded in Burn's own book; others take up issues largely absent in The Age of Equipoise, such as the position of children, Britain's interaction with the wider world, and the threats the period experienced to its concept of masculine identity. Together the essays demonstrate the intricacy and turbulence of the forces of cohesion in Victorian society, along with the success of that culture in achieving a working, if shifting, modus vivendi. Moreover, they substantiate the argument that, whatever the limitations of Burn's work, 'equipoise' deserves rehabilitation as a powerful conceptual framework for making sense of mid-Victorian Britain. About the Editor: Martin Hewitt is Director of the Leeds Centre for Victorian Studies and editor of the Journal of Victorian Culture. With Robert Poole he has recently produced an edition of The Diaries of Samuel Bamford, 1858-61 (Sutton, 2000).
Taylor & Francis Ltd Turner as Draughtsman
Turner as Draughtsman looks at the artist's practice of drawing in various media (pen, pencil and chalk as well as watercolour and oil paint), an aspect of Turner's work which has hitherto received very little attention. Andrew Wilton shows that, while Turner's art has always been celebrated for its atmospheric breadth and freedom of handling, he based his working procedures throughout his career on the discipline of drawing in outline, which was an essential element in the grand strategy by which he achieved his formidable results. An important section of the book is devoted to the vexed question of Turner's drawing of the human figure, and the crucial role played by the figure both in his conception of landscape and in his ambitious attempts to master all the genres of fashionable contemporary art.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Improving Teaching and Learning in the Humanities
Part of the successful series Looking Afresh at the Primary CurriculumSuitable for classroom teachers and trainee teachers, providing invaluable preparation and support for curriculum leadership in the humanities
Taylor & Francis Ltd Change, Strategy and Projects at Work
Change, Strategy and Projects at Work provides a working insight into the nature of change, the formulation of strategy and the implementation of change through projects in the workplace. It is a ‘how to’ book with real practical application, containing the tools, techniques, advice and guidance you need to analyse organisational context, develop a strategic plan and manage a project. To help you in leading change and creating opportunities for yourself and your organisation, the book takes an integrated approach to managing change, developing strategy and project management, and covers:* How strategic objectives are chosen, promoting awareness of the wider organisational context and the strategic planning process* The knowledge, tools, techniques and confidence needed to act as a change agent * The skills, competencies and other attributes needed to improve your employabilityThe book is ideal as a dip-in guide for professional development, a self-study resource or a textbook for formal courses on change, strategy and project management in a work context. It is used to support the Open University’s undergraduate course ICTs, Change and Projects at Work (T226).
Taylor & Francis Ltd CIM Revision Cards Managing Marketing Performance
Designed specifically with revision in mind, the CIM Revision Cards provide concise, yet fundamental information to assist students in passing the CIM exams as easily as possible. A clear, carefully structured layout aids the learning process and ensures the key points are covered in a succinct and accessible manner. The compact, spiral bound format enables the cards to be carried around easily, the content therefore always being on hand, making them invaluable resources no matter where you are.
Taylor & Francis Ltd CIM Revision Cards Marketing Planning
Designed specifically with revision in mind, the CIM Revision Cards provide concise, yet fundamental information to assist students in passing the CIM exams as easily as possible. A clear, carefully structured layout aids the learning process and ensures the key points are covered in a succinct and accessible manner. The compact, spiral bound format enables the cards to be carried around easily, the content therefore always being on hand, making them invaluable resources no matter where you are. Features such as diagrams and bulleted lists are used throughout to ensure the key points are displayed as clearly and concisely as possible. Each section begins with a list of learning outcomes and ends with hints and tips, thereby ensuring the content is broken down into manageable concepts and can be easily addressed and memorised
Taylor & Francis Ltd Quantum-Mechanical Signal Processing and Spectral Analysis
Quantum-Mechanical Signal Processing and Spectral Analysis describes the novel application of quantum mechanical methods to signal processing across a range of interdisciplinary research fields. Conventionally, signal processing is viewed as an engineering discipline with its own specific scope, methods, concerns and priorities, not usually encompassing quantum mechanics. However, the dynamics of systems that generate time signals can be successfully described by the general principles and methods of quantum physics, especially within the Schrödinger framework. Most time signals that are measured experimentally are mathematically equivalent to quantum-mechanical auto-correlation functions built from the evolution operator and wavefunctions. This fact allows us to apply the rich conceptual strategies and mathematical apparatus of quantum mechanics to signal processing.Among the leading quantum-mechanical signal processing methods, this book emphasizes the role of Pade approximant and the Lanczos algorithm, highlighting the major benefits of their combination. These two methods are carefully incorporated within a unified framework of scattering and spectroscopy, developing an algorithmic power that can be exported to other disciplines. The novelty of the author's approach to key signal processing problems, the harmonic inversion and the moment problem, is in establishing the Pade approximant and Lanczos algorithm as entirely algerbraic spectral estimators. This is of paramount theoretical and practical importance, as now spectral analysis can be carried out from closed analytical expressions. This overrides the notorious mathematical ill-conditioning problems with round-off errors that plague inverse reconstructions in those fields that rely upon signal processing.Quantum-Mechanical Signal Processing and Spectral Analysis will be an invaluable resource for researchers involved in signal processing across a wide range of disciplines.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Strained-Si Heterostructure Field Effect Devices
A combination of the materials science, manufacturing processes, and pioneering research and developments of SiGe and strained-Si have offered an unprecedented high level of performance enhancement at low manufacturing costs. Encompassing all of these areas, Strained-Si Heterostructure Field Effect Devices addresses the research needs associated with the front-end aspects of extending CMOS technology via strain engineering. The book provides the basis to compare existing technologies with the future technological directions of silicon heterostructure CMOS.After an introduction to the material, subsequent chapters focus on microelectronics, engineered substrates, MOSFETs, and hetero-FETs. Each chapter presents recent research findings, industrial devices and circuits, numerous tables and figures, important references, and, where applicable, computer simulations. Topics covered include applications of strained-Si films in SiGe-based CMOS technology, electronic properties of biaxial strained-Si films, and the developments of the gate dielectric formation on strained-Si/SiGe heterolayers. The book also describes silicon hetero-FETs in SiGe and SiGeC material systems, MOSFET performance enhancement, and process-induced stress simulation in MOSFETs.From substrate materials and electronic properties to strained-Si/SiGe process technology and devices, the diversity of R&D activities and results presented in this book will no doubt spark further development in the field.
Taylor & Francis Ltd High Pressure Surface Science and Engineering
In many instances of mechanical interaction between two materials, the physicalcontact affects only the outermost surface layer, with little discernible influence on the bulk of the material. The resultant high pressures in these localised regimes can induce surface structural changes such as deformation, phase transformation and amorphization. The understanding of these physical phenomena is critical in the study of common 'contact loading' processes such as scratching, grinding, milling, polishing, indentation testing, wear, friction and erosion.
Taylor & Francis Ltd From Nuclear Transmutation to Nuclear Fission, 1932-1939
From Nuclear Transmutation to Nuclear Fission, 1932-1939 deals with a particular phase in the early history of nuclear physics: the race among four laboratory teams to be the first to achieve the transmutation of atomic nuclei with artificially accelerated nuclear projectiles (protons) in high-voltage discharge tubes. This volume covers the background of the development of particle accelerators in the 1920s, the growth of the laboratories and their teams, the race itself, and its aftermath.The book provides an overview of the history of nuclear physics, from Ernest Rutherford's nuclear atom of 1911 to nuclear fission on the eve of World War II. It focuses on the details of the laboratory "race," which was won by the English team in 1932. The volume also covers the reaction of the different laboratories to the discovery of nuclear fission, their wartime roles, and a brief epilogue on the later careers of the principal personalities.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos: Where do we go from here?
Nonlinear dynamics has been successful in explaining complicated phenomena in well-defined low-dimensional systems. Now it is time to focus on real-life problems that are high-dimensional or ill-defined, for example, due to delay, spatial extent, stochasticity, or the limited nature of available data. How can one understand the dynamics of such systems? Written by international experts, Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos: Where Do We Go from Here? assesses what the future holds for dynamics and chaos. The chapters address one or more of the broad and interconnected main themes: neural and biological systems, spatially extended systems, and experimentation in the physical sciences. The contributors offer suggestions as to what they see as the way forward, often in the form of open questions for future research.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Physical Measurement of Bone
Bone is a complex biological material that consists of both an inorganic and organic phase, which undergoes continuous dynamic biological processes within the body. This complex structure and the need to acquire accurate data have resulted in a wide variety of methods applied in the physical analysis of bone in vivo and in vitro. Each method has its own strengths and applications depending on the information sought by the clinician or researcher. The Physical Measurement of Bone provides a detailed description of all the major methods of bone analysis, including brief comments on clinical evaluation. The physics of each method are introduced as well as a summary of practical procedures. The book is essential reading for practicing medical physicists and technicians who need to know about the many methods of bone analysis open to them, and, more importantly, the wide coverage provides a good introductory framework for students of medical physics and biomedical engineering.
Taylor & Francis Ltd A History of Light and Colour Measurement: Science in the Shadows
2003 Paul Bunge Prize of the Hans R. Jenemann Foundation for the History of Scientific InstrumentsJudging the brightness and color of light has long been contentious. Alternately described as impossible and routine, it was beset by problems both technical and social. How trustworthy could such measurements be? Was the best standard of intensity a gas lamp, an incandescent bulb, or a glowing pool of molten metal? And how much did the answers depend on the background of the specialist?A History of Light and Colour Measurement: Science in the Shadows is a history of the hidden workings of physical science-a technical endeavor embedded in a social context. It argues that this "undisciplined" subject, straddling academia, commerce, and regulation, may be typical not only of 20th century science, but of its future.Attracting scientists, engineers, industrialists, and artists, the developing subject produced a new breed of practitioners having mixed provenance. The new measurers of light had to decide the shape not only of their specialism but of their careers: were they to be a part of physics, engineering, or psychology? The physical scientists who dominated the subject into the early 20th century made their central aim the replacement of the problematic human eye with physical detectors of light. For psychologists between the wars, though, describing the complexity of color was more important than quantifying a handful of its dimensions. And after WWII, military designers shaped the subject of radiometry and subsumed photometry and colorimetry within it. Never attaining a professional cachet, these various specialists moved fluidly between science and technology; through government, industry, and administration.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Accelerator Driven Subcritical Reactors
This book describes the basic knowledge in nuclear, neutron, and reactor physics necessary for understanding the principle and implementation of accelerator driven subcritical nuclear reactors (ADSRs), also known as hybrid reactors.Since hybrid reactors may contribute to future nuclear energy production, the book begins with a discussion of the general energy problem. It proceeds by developing the elementary physics of neutron reactors, including the basic nuclear physics involved. The book then presents computational methods, with special emphasis on Monte Carlo methods. It examines the specifics of ADSR, starting from the neutron spallation source to safety features. A thorough discussion is given on the size of hybrid reactors, which follows very different constraints from that of critical reactors. The possibility to optimize the source importance is examined in detail. The discussion of the fuel evolution follows with its relevance to safety and to the waste production and incineration. The conditions for having a constant reactivity over sufficiently long lapse of time are also discussed. The book also evaluates a number of practical designs that have been proposed. Finally, the last chapter deals with the examination of proposed and possible waste transmutation policies and the role which could be played by ADSR in this context. The potential advantage of the Thorium cycle is discussed as well as different scenarios that could be used to implement it.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Philosopher's Tree: Michael Faraday's life and work in his own words
Michael Faraday's social origins, his thought processes, his methods of experimentation, and his religion have all been subjects of exhaustive analysis by historians and philosophers of science. One aspect of his work, which provides unique insight into his career path and the way in which his mind worked, has not received much emphasis outside the realm of academic professionals: namely, his writing. The Philosopher's Tree: Michael Faraday's Life and Work in His Own Words is an illustrated anthology of Faraday's writings compiled with commentary by Professor Peter Day, the director of the Royal Institution of Great Britain.From when he was a teenage apprentice bookbinder until his final resignation from the Royal Institution due to failing memory, Faraday wrote voluminously and his output took many forms. Apart from letters, Faraday kept journals (both scientific and personal); as a practicing scientist, he wrote articles in learned journals; as an adviser to the government and to many other agencies, he wrote reports; and as a supremely successful communicator (especially to young people), he left lecture notes and transcripts. All of these writings add life, color, and depth of focus to the stereotypical scientific colossus. Although Faraday's life was largely lived within what might appear to be very narrow geographical confines (just a few miles around 21 Albemarle Street in London's West End), his professional, social, and family relationships were extensive and diverse, and his responses to them equally complex. Through all the forms of expression that his multifaceted career required of him, one fact shines clearly: not only is Faraday one of the world greatest scientists, he showed enviable quality as a writer.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Handbook of Moire Measurement
Since its development in the late 1970s, the Moiré Fringe method has become a standard technique for the measurement of the behavior of materials and structures. Edited by one of the co-inventors of the technique, the Handbook of Moiré Measurement brings together a series of extended case studies from recognized experts in the field. The emphasis is on the application of the method to real situations, and presents a very readable account of the technique from the point of view of the user. As an introduction to the Moiré technique and its variants, this book will be of interest to readers at all levels, but is particularly suitable for undergraduates and graduate students in physics, materials science, and structural and mechanical engineering.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Encyclopedia of Chemical Physics and Physical Chemistry 3 Volume Set
The Encyclopedia of Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics introduces possibly unfamiliar areas, explains important experimental and computational techniques, and describes modern endeavors. The encyclopedia quickly provides the basics, defines the scope of each subdiscipline, and indicates where to go for a more complete and detailed explanation. Particular attention has been paid to symbols and abbreviations to make this a user-friendly encyclopedia. Care has been taken to ensure that the reading level is suitable for the trained chemist or physicist. The encyclopedia is divided in three major sections:FUNDAMENTALS: the mechanics of atoms and molecules and their interactions, the macroscopic and statistical description of systems at equilibrium, and the basic ways of treating reacting systems. The contributions in this section assume a somewhat less sophisticated audience than the two subsequent sections. At least a portion of each article inevitably covers mater
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Correspondence of John Flamsteed, The First Astronomer Royal: Volume 1
Professor Eric Forbes left behind at his death an important collection of the letters of John Flamsteed (1646-1719), First Astronomer Royal. A leading figure in the final phases of the seventeenth-century scientific revolution, his extensive correspondence with 129 British and foreign scholars all over the world touches on many of the scientific discussions of the day.A detailed, scholarly work of reference, The Correspondence of John Flamsteed, The First Astronomer Royal: Volume 1 is an essential guide to the exciting developments in scientific thinking that occurred during the seventeenth century. It supplements the published correspondence of Isaac Newton and Henry Oldenburg, and will be an invaluable research tool, not only for historians of astronomy, but also for researchers examining how scientific thought developed.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Universities and Corporate Universities: The Higher Learning Industry in Global Society
An exploration of the world of higher education and higher learning, and its relationship to the corporate world and the global learning society. Peter Jarvis synthesizes developments in HE, training and corporate research and development in order to map the future of learning and training.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Genetic and Evolutionary Diversity: The Sport of Nature
This book examines the causes of genetic diversity within and between populations, species formation and multiplication and the association of species in communities. It also discusses reproductive patterns in relation to the integrated control of breeding systems and chromosomes behaviour. The ideas presented link fields of biology usually treated separately, which are relevant to population genetic, cytogenetic , ecological and evolutionary studies.This revised edition includes significant advances in the fields of plant genetics and cytogenetics and a greater emphasis on long term evolutionary processes.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Drug Therapy for Stroke Prevention
Stroke is the third leading cause of death in the USA and UK. It is a major cause of disability among adults and is a significant factor in dementia in later life and its incidence is on the rise. This book discusses specific medications that target the blood and vasculature and how these treatments can be used to complement other therapeutic measures, such as carotid endarterectomy. It covers the pharmacological methods used to address the risk factors in stroke, the major drug discoveries of recent years--antiaggregant, antithrombotic, and anticoagulant therapies--and also long established therapies such as aspirin and warfarin. With contributions by internationally recognized experts, this is a unique single source of information on current pharmacological prevention of stroke.
Taylor & Francis Ltd GIS for Group Decision Making
In today's society, it is very common for decisions that influence us all to be made by a combination of interested parties, all with their own agenda. In this instance, how can we be sure that the decision is the correct one, not just decided by the group with the most political influence or most money? Such groups have now become fundamental decision-making units within and between organisations in most societies and are more often than not very complex structures. The use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Groupware can be used in several practical contexts to make sure that spatial decision problems are overcome in the most effective way.A fundamental aspect of a spatial decision problem is the matter of location. The complexity of spatial decision problems result from the multiplicity of stakeholders involved, their often conflicting interests, and the intangible variables of the decision environment. Examples of such problems include: where to locate a public facility, which brownfield redevelopment strategy to choose, which sites to select for environmental restoration, or which comprehensive land use plan to adopt. Good solutions to such problems -if they exist at all- are characterised by a certain minimum level of secretarial support; hence the decision-making process should involve experts, citizens, and interest groups alike. Such a collaborative approach to spatial decision-making needs methodology, tools, and application examples to inspire its adoption and more widespread use. This book sets out the key to the collaborative spatial decision-making approach: its theoretical basis, the requisite tools, and a number of application examples.GIS professionals and researchers should find this an invaluable guide to an emerging area of GIS
Taylor & Francis Ltd Genetically Modified Crops: Assessing Safety
Biotechnology has a significant impact on both medicine and agriculture. With the introduction of new products to the marketplace, the safety of those products is of paramount importance. New safety evaluation strategies are now employed to ensure that the consumer is adequately protected. This book describes those strategies and addresses some of the key advances that have been made in agrochemical biotechnology. Genetically Modified Crops: Assessing Safety covers biotechnology's uses in agriculture, regulations on novel foods, and numerous case studies in safety evaluation. It also treats the issue of protein allergy. This volume will have a strong impact on the current debate over genetically-modified foods, and it will be a useful reference for all those working in the field.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Innovations in GIS 6: Integrating Information Infrastructures with GI Technology
Integrating Information with GI Technology examines the components necessary for building infrastructure to support the panoly of Geographic Information (GI) research and services. These include novel approaches to two- and three-dimensional spatial analysis and spatio-temporal modelling. The book establishes the case for the Web as the technological backbone of internet and intranet environments, whilst recognising the importance of efficient implementation and the need for high-performance computing to deliver services and share data in an effective manner. This book represents a change in the direction of the Innovation series by focusing on the most innovative current research and professionals in the expanding market for GI services should find this an invaluable resource.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Aspirin and Related Drugs
Reviewing over a century of aspirin research and use, Aspirin and Related Drugs provides a comprehensive source of information on the history, chemistry, absorption in the body, therapeutic effects, toxicology, elimination, and future uses of aspirin.Highlighting the historical evolution of the salicylates and the commercial development of aspirin, the book reviews the pharmacokinetics of the salicylates, ibuprofen, and paracetamol as a basis for understanding the biodisposition of these analgesic drugs. Leading specialists discuss the therapeutic role of aspirin in the prevention and treatment of thrombo-embolic diseases, its place along with non-acetylated salicylates in the treatment of rheumatic diseases and plain, and the potential applications for aspirin and related drugs as prophylactics for colon cancer, Alzheimer's disease, and vascular dementia. They also present comparisons with other drugs used to treat pain and inflammation.With extensive data and literature covering a broad field, this is the definitive reference on the actions and applications of aspirin, salicylates, and related drugs. Physicians, pharmacists, pharmacologists, toxicologists, and chemists will find this resource useful in their daily work. It will also be valuable to pharmaceutical companies and researchers in the development of newer agents and novel applications.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Poland: A New Power in Transatlantic Security
This authoritative volume assesses how the recently democratized political system in Poland is adapting to the challenges posed by the country's adhesion to NATO which it joined in 1999. The contributors analyse Poland's performance as a newcomer.
Taylor & Francis Ltd British Elections & Parties Review
This volume contains contributions from some of the leading names in British politics, covering several aspects of electoral politics.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Resilience of Democracy: Persistent Practice, Durable Idea
This volume brings together studies of the small number of previously established states that have retained and/or restored democracy despite - in many cases - formidable economic, social or political challenges. It seeks to establish common themes, whether or not they appear to fit a grand casual theory. It is, after all, the very adaptability of democratic systems that characterises their persistence, durability and resilience.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Clausewitz and African War: Politics and Strategy in Liberia and Somalia
Oil, diamonds, timber, food aid - just some of the suggestions put forward as explanations for African wars in the past decade. Another set of suggestions focuses on ethnic and clan considerations. These economic and ethnic or clan explanations contend that wars are specifically not fought by states for political interests with mainly conventional military means, as originally suggested by Carl von Clausewitz in the 19th century. This study shows how alternative social organizations to the state can be viewed as political actors using war as a political instrument.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Scanlon and Contractualism
This collection brings together essays by distinguished political philosophers which reflect on the detailed arguments of What We Owe to Each Other, and comment critically both on Scanlon's contractualism and his revised understandings of motivation and morality. The essays illustrate the uses of Scanlon's contractualism by applying it to moral and political problems and in so doing they provide an assessment of the ability of Scanlon's contractualism by applying it to other forms of ethical theory. The resulting volume makes an important and original contribution to the literature on Scanlon, on contractualism and on contemporary political philosophy.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Deterrence and the New Global Security Environment
This collection of papers rigorously examines the current place of deterrence in international security relations, delivering the best of contemporary thinking. This is a special issue of the leading journal Contemporary Security Policy.It shows how and why nuclear deterrence was the central organizing mechanism for international security relations in the second half of the twentieth century. It has been replaced by a new global security environment in which the central role of deterrence, both nuclear and otherwise, appears to have diminished. The Cold War has been succeeded by a new state of play. This book will be of interest to students of military and naval history and security studies.
Taylor & Francis Ltd International Security Issues in a Global Age: Securing the Twenty-first Century
This volume examines the new, the changing, and the enduring features of international security in the post-Cold War era. In so doing, it examines the extent to which present state structures and institutions have been able to adapt and accommodate themselves to the diversity of security threats.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Reginald McKenna: Financier among Statesmen, 1863–1916
Reginald McKenna has never been the subject of scholarly attention. This was partly due to his own preference for appearing at the periphery of events even when ostensibly at the centre, and the absence of a significant collection of private papers. This new book redresses the neglect of this major statesmen and financier partly through the natural advance of historical research, and partly by the discoveries of missing archival material. McKenna's role is now illuminated by his own reflections, and by the correspondence of friends and colleagues, including Asquith, Churchill, Keynes, Baldwin, Bonar Law, MacDonald, and Chamberlain. McKenna's presence at the hub of political life in the first half of the century is now clear: in the radical Liberal governments of 1905–16, where he acted as a lightning conductor for the party; during the war, where he served as the Prime Minister's deputy and the principal voice for restraint in the conduct of the war; and as chairman of the world's largest bank, where until his death in office aged eighty, he prompted progressive policies to deal with the issues of war debt, trade, mass unemployment, and the return to gold.
Taylor & Francis Ltd British Elections & Parties Review
The "British Elections and Parties" series publishes research on parties, elections and voting behaviour in Britain, providing analyses of current and historical developments. It is produced under the auspices of the Political Studies Association's Election, Public Opinion and Parties study group.Volume 9 includes research based around four themes: electoral reform; partisanship and voting; parliamentary behaviour; and the attitudes of the young. It provides a source of data on public opinion polls, a summary of local election results, UK referendums, key economic indicators, political parties and a chronology of major political events in 1998.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Arab and Jewish Immigrants in Latin America: Images and Realities
This collection of essays addresses various aspects of Arab and Jewish immigration and acculturation in Latin America. The volume examines how the Latin American elites who were keen to change their countries' ethnic mix felt threatened by the arrival of Arabs and Jews.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Military Power: Land Warfare in Theory and Practice
The contributors here consider the multifarious aspects of the Anglo-American approach to war. All the contributors are concerned to base their work on the overall historical context. They explore the relationship between theory and practice in military operations.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Political Change: A Collection of Essays
Published in the year 1973, Political Change is a valuable contribution to the field of Politics. The problem in the social sciences has been to improve the quality of the relationship between the creative and didactic sides and produce more interesting and verifiable hypotheses and propositions. The literature dealing with this problem has grown and become increasingly technical. This collection of essays are between creativity and didactics. Some are experiments in the mind, as it were plundering history for purpose. Others seek criteria for a politics of development. Still others are more analytical, seeking criteria for theory, as in the articles on political studies, and on political systems. In all, however, there is a common thread, the creation and use of intermediate categories and their applications to real-life historical or contemporary development situations.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Some Account of the Trade in Slaves from Africa as Connected with Europe
First published in 1842, this account has particular reference to the actions of the British Government.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Striving for Divine Union: Spiritual Exercises for Suhraward Sufis
Part of the RoutlegeCurzon Sufi Series, which is aimed at being accessible both to the general reader and the student/scholar in the fieldThe book discusses new important ways of thinking about the sufi hermeneutics of the Qu'ran and its contribution to Islamic intellectual and spiritual lifeRelevant to Islamic and Qur'anic studies, as well as the more general areas of Philosophy and Religion
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Mongolic Languages
An up-to-date survey of the whole language familyPreviously there was little available linguistic material on the Mongolic LanguageMongolic-speaking groups once dominated the Medieval Mongol Empire of Chinggis Kahn, the largest single continental power
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Collected Works of M. A. Czaplicka
Since her death in 1921, the celebrated Polish anthropologist Marya Antonina Czaplicka''s life and works have retained a remarkable contemporary significance. This is the first publication to gather together the complete writings of Czaplicka and includes letters and other previously unpublished material.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Poems of John Donne: Volume One
John Donne (1572-1631) is firmly fixed in the canon of English literature. "No man is an island" and "For whom the bell tolls" are just two of his phrases known by virtually everyone. The Poems of John Donne is a two volume edition of Donnes poems based on a comprehensive re-evaluation of his work from composition to circulation and reception. Donnes output is tremendously varied in style and form and demonstrates his ability to change his writing according to context and occasion. This edition presents the text of all his known poems, from the epigrams, songs and satires written for fellow young men about town, to the more mature verse-epistles and memorial elegies written for his patrons. Volume One contains the Epigrams, Verse Letters to Friends, Love Lyrics, Love Elegies and Satires.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Integral Methods in Science and Engineering
Based on proceedings of the International Conference on Integral Methods in Science and Engineering, this collection of papers addresses the solution of mathematical problems by integral methods in conjunction with approximation schemes from various physical domains. Topics and applications include: wavelet expansions, reaction-diffusion systems, variational methods , fracture theory, boundary value problems at resonance, micromechanics, fluid mechanics, combustion problems, nonlinear problems, elasticity theory, and plates and shells.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Generalized Cauchy-Riemann Systems with a Singular Point
A theory of generalized Cauchy-Riemann systems with polar singularities of order not less than one is presented and its application to study of infinitesimal bending of surfaces having positive curvature and an isolated flat point is given. The book contains results of investigations obtained by the author and his collaborators.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Developments in Nonstandard Mathematics
This book contains expository papers and articles reporting on recent research by leading world experts in nonstandard mathematics, arising from the International Colloquium on Nonstandard Mathematics held at the University of Aveiro, Portugal in July 1994. Nonstandard mathematics originated with Abraham Robinson, and the body of ideas that have developed from this theory of nonstandard analysis now vastly extends Robinson's work with infinitesimals. The range of applications includes measure and probability theory, stochastic analysis, differential equations, generalised functions, mathematical physics and differential geometry, moreover, the theory has implicaitons for the teaching of calculus and analysis. This volume contains papers touching on all of the abovbe topics, as well as a biographical note about Abraham Robinson based on the opening address given by W.A>J> Luxemburg - who knew Robinson - to the Aveiro conference which marked the 20th anniversary of Robinson's death. This book will be of particular interest to students and researchers in nonstandard analysis, measure theory, generalised functions and mathematical physics.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Representations on Krein Spaces [Hot] and Derivations of C*-Algebras
This text provides a comprehensive treatment of representations on indefinite metric spaces, and their applications to the theory of *-derivations of C*-algebras.The book consists of two parts. The first studies the geometry of indefinite metric spaces (Krein and (Pi)(kappa)-spaces) and describes the theory of J-symmetric operator algebras and representations of *-algebras and groups on these spaces in a systematic form. For representations on (Pi)(kappa)-spaces, many significant new results are obtained; this establishes a possible approach to the general theory of representations.In the second part, different techniques of the theory of J-symmetric representations on Krein spaces are applied to the theory of *-derivations of C*-algebras implemented by skew-symmetric and dissipative operators. Various results are obtained, which establish a link between the deficiency indices of skew-symmetric operators implementing *-derivations of C*-algebras and dimensions of representations of these algebras. The problem of isomorphism of skew-symmetric operators is also touched upon.Numerous properties of the domains of *-derivations are investigated. These domains constitute an important subclass of differentiable Banach *-algebras, that is dense *-subalgebras of C*-algebras with properties in many respects similar to the properties of algebras of differentiable functions. The Weyl operator commutation relations are examined in the general context of *-derivations of C*-algebras. Powersí and Arvesonís indices of one-parameter semigroups of *-endomorphisms of the algebra B are considered, and various notions of the index of a *-derivation are introduced and studied.Application of the theory of J-symmetric representations on Krein spaces to the theory of *-derivations of C*-algebras is a new research area of growing interest and there are many exciting advances to be made in this field. The book covers a fairly large and complex body of material, and will serve as a stimulus to further research activity in this area.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Self-Assess Your P-12 Practice or Program Using the Nagc Gifted Programming Standards
Taylor & Francis Ltd Best Practice in Corporate Governance: Building Reputation and Sustainable Success
An earlier book, A Strategic Approach to Corporate Governance (Gower, 1999), examined corporate governance from a philosophical and 'big picture' standpoint. This book digs deeper and explores the operational issues around corporate governance, giving examples of good practice. It is a 'how to' book, which focuses on processes and practical issues, making the case for corporate governance in terms of measurable business benefits and competitive advantage. The author explores a number of key themes: ¢ How corporate governance has expanded in scope and importance worldwide. ¢ How to engage with the wider range of stakeholders whose support is essential for success in a competitive world. ¢ How to distribute power to those who need to use it to perform effectively at all levels in the organisation. ¢ How to encourage the behaviours needed to effect good governance. ¢ How to embed best practice in the daily routine of the organisation. ¢ How to adapt best practice to meet the needs of different organisations. ¢ How effective corporate governance can build sustainable business success. ¢ How corporate governance may evolve to meet the needs of the future. Corporate governance should address the needs of people seeking to cooperate effectively in a shared endeavour. It should be adopted, not imposed and Adrian Davies provides an eloquent and authoritative guide to this process.