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Taylor & Francis Inc Global Entertainment Media: Content, Audiences, Issues
Global Entertainment Media offers a unique perspective on entertainment media worldwide. As one of the first comprehensive books to address entertainment mass media worldwide, it addresses students as TV watchers and takes them to new places, both geographically and intellectually. Editor Anne Cooper-Chen has gathered an international group of scholars to explore such concepts as psychology, gratifications, and effects of media entertainment and its relation to national cultures, as well as to discuss the business of international TV trade by transnational media corporations.In this volume, experts discuss the content, audiences, and cultural and legal aspects of their respective countries, all of which are major TV markets. The country-specific chapters draw on the individual insights, expertise, and currency of 10 resident authors. Contributions represent every hemisphere of the globe, offering detailed examinations of media entertainment in United Kingdom, Germany, Egypt, Nigeria, South Africa, India, Japan, China, Brazil, and Mexico. The two concluding chapters provide cross-national case studies that look at familiar TV experiences--The Olympics and the "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire" show--in global and novel ways.Global Entertainment Media is intended for students in international media, comparative media, cross-cultural communication, and television studies, and it also has much to offer scholars and researchers in entertainment media.
Taylor & Francis Inc Understanding and Treating Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A Cognitive Behavioral Approach
Among the most prevalent and personally devastating psychological disorders the development of a cognitive approach to obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) has transformed our understanding and treatment of it. In this highly practical and accessible book, Jonathan Abramowitz presents a model of OCD grounded in the most up-to-date research that incorporates both cognitive and behavioral processes. He then offers a step-by-step guide to psychological treatment that integrates psychoeducation, cognitive techniques, and behavioral therapy (exposure and response prevention). Unlike other manuals for the treatment of OCD, this book teaches the reader how to tailor the choice of techniques and delivery modes for individuals presenting with a wide range of specific OCD symptoms, such as contamination fears and cleaning rituals, fears of harm and compulsive checking, symmetry and ordering, and severe obsessions with mental rituals. The techniques are illustrated with numerous case examples; clinical forms and handouts are provided for use with patients. A final chapter suggests strategies for overcoming common obstacles in treatment.
Taylor & Francis Inc Cultures of Infancy
Cultures of Infancy presents the first systematic analysis of culturally informed developmental pathways, synthesizing evolutionary and cultural psychological perspectives for a broader understanding of human development. In this compelling book, author Heidi Keller utilizes ethnographic reports, as well as quantitative and qualitative analyses, to illustrate how humans resolve universal developmental tasks in particular sociodemographic contexts. These contexts are represented in cultural models, and three distinct models are addressed throughout the text: the model of independence with autonomy as developmental organizer; the model of interdependence with relatedness as the developmental organizer; and the model of autonomous relatedness representing particular mixtures of autonomy and relatedness. The book offers an empirical examination of the first integrative developmental task-relationship formation during the early months of life. Keller shows that early parenting experiences shape the basic foundation of the self within particular models of parenting that are influenced by culturally informed socialization goals. With distinct patterns of results the studies have revealed, Cultures of Infancy will help redefine developmental psychology as part of a culturally informed science based on evolutionary ground work. Scholars interested in a broad perspective on human development and culture will benefit from this pioneering volume.
Taylor & Francis Inc Innovations in Instructional Technology: Essays in Honor of M. David Merrill
M. David Merrill has been active in the field of instructional technology for almost 40 years. His contributions range from basic instructional principles and instructional design theory to development and implementation of learning environments. Innovations in Instructional Technology is a collection of original essays written by leading scholars and practitioners who have worked with and been inspired by Professor Merrill. The chapters in this book represent a sampling of key innovations in the instructional technology field and include knowledge of how people learn, how people solve problems, how designers conceptualize learning spaces, how teachers implement learning activities, and how evaluators assess outcomes.This volume is divided into five basic areas of research in instructional technology, mirroring the diverse contributions of Dr. Merrill's work:*four chapters on learning objects and the notion of reusable components;*three chapters that discuss fundamental aspects of learning and the design of instruction;*three chapters that address innovations in the area of assessment, evaluation, and model validation;*three chapters that concern theories of learning and instruction; and*three chapters on instructional design practice.The book concludes with a chapter outlining Dr. Merrill's responses to challenges, comments, and questions on the future of the field--ranging from the notion of initial passions with regard to instructional technology to connections between theory and practice to questions of conscience--from an expert panel comprised of many of the contributors to the book.As Dave Merrill's work will continue to be required reading for students of instructional technology, Innovations in Instructional Technology is a book that will appeal to students, researchers, and practitioners in the field.
Taylor & Francis Inc Working Couples Caring for Children and Aging Parents: Effects on Work and Well-Being
As the baby boomer generation approaches midlife, many dual-earner couples are struggling with issues of simultaneously caring for children while tending to aging parents. This timely book uncovers the circumstances faced by these workers, known as the “sandwiched generation”, and identifies what they need in order to fulfill their work and family responsibilities. Authors Margaret B. Neal and Leslie B. Hammer suggest the workplace as an arena for change, proposing that it adapt to the situations of today’s workers by providing flexibility and understanding the needs and priorities of families.Based on a four-year national study funded by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, Working Couples Caring for Children and Aging Parents examines: employer and governmental initiatives affecting work and family life in the United States; supports provided to working caregivers in countries other than the United States; the effects of being “sandwiched” on work-family fit, well-being, and work; and changes in work and family roles and outcomes over time. This book will interest a broad audience, including students, policymakers, family care practitioners, IO psychologists, work-life professionals, gerontologists, sociologists, human resource managers, and occupational health psychologists.
Taylor & Francis Inc One-on-One Tutoring by Humans and Computers
One-on-One Tutoring by Humans and Computers articulates the CIRCSIM-Tutor project, an attempt to develop a computer tutor that generates a natural language dialogue with a student. Editors Martha Evens and Joel Michael present the educational context within which the project was launched, as well as research into tutoring, the process of implementation of CIRCSIM-Tutor, and the results of using CIRCSIM-Tutor in the classroom. The domain of this project is cardiovascular physiology, specifically targeting first-year medical students, though the idea is applicable to the development of intelligent tutoring systems across populations, disciplines, and domains.This 5 year-long project was motivated by the belief that students need assistance in building appropriate mental models of complex physiological phenomena, as well as practice in expressing these ideas in their own words to fully develop those models, and experience in problem-solving to use those models effectively. The book outlines directions for future research, and includes distinct features such as:*detailed studies of human one-on-one tutoring;*learning outcomes resulting from use of the tutor;*natural language input parsed and translated into logical form; and*natural language output generated using the LFG paradigm.This volume will appeal to educators who want to improve human tutoring or use computer tutors in the classroom, and it will interest computer scientists who want to build those computer tutors, as well as anyone who believes that language is central to teaching and learning.
Taylor & Francis Inc A Critical Discourse Analysis of Family Literacy Practices: Power in and Out of Print
In this groundbreaking, cross-disciplinary book, Rebecca Rogers explores the complexity of family literacy practices through an in-depth case study of one family, the attendant issues of power and identity, and contemporary social debates about the connections between literacy and society. The study focuses on June Treader and her daughter Vicky, urban African Americans labeled as "low income" and "low literate." Using participant-observation, ethnographic interviewing, photography, document collection, and discourse analysis, Rogers describes and explains the complexities of identity, power, and discursive practices that June and Vicky engage with in their daily life as they proficiently, critically, and strategically negotiate language and literacy in their home and community. She explores why, despite their proficiencies, neither June or Vicky sees themselves as literate, and how this and other contradictions prevent them from transforming their literate capital into social profit. This study contributes in multiple ways to extending both theoretically and empirically existing research on literacy, identity, and power: * Critical discourse analysis. The analytic technique of critical discourse analysis is brought into the area of family literacy. The detailed explanation, interpretation, and demonstration of critical discourse analysis will be extremely helpful for novices learning to use this technique. This is a timely book, for there are few ethnographic studies exploring the usefulness and limits of critical discourse analysis. * Combines critical discourse analysis and ethnography. This new synthesis, which is thoroughly illustrated, offers an explanatory framework for the stronghold of institutional discursive power. Using critical discourse analysis as a methodological tool in order to build critical language awareness in classrooms and schools, educators working toward a critical social democracy may be better armed to recognize sources of inequity. * Researcher reflexivity. Unlike most critical discourse analyses, throughout the book the researcher and analyst is clearly visible and complicated into the role of power and language. This practice allows clearer analysis of the ethical, moral, and theoretical implications in conducting ethnographic research concerned with issues of power. * A critical perspective on family literacy. Many discussions of family literacy do not acknowledge the raced, classed, and gendered nature of interacting with texts that constitutes a family's literacy practices. This book makes clear how the power relationships that are acquired as children and adults interact with literacy in the many domains of a family's literacy lives.A Critical Discourse Analysis of Family Literacy Practices: Power In and Out of Print will interest researchers and practitioners in the fields of qualitative methodology, discourse analysis, critical discourse studies, literacy education, and adult literacy, and is highly relevant as a text for courses in these areas.
Taylor & Francis Inc The Impact of International Television: A Paradigm Shift
For several decades, cultural imperialism has been the dominant paradigm for conceptualizing, labeling, predicting, and explaining the effects of international television. It has been used as an unchallenged premise for numerous essays on the topic of imported television influence, despite the fact that the assumption of strong cultural influence is not necessarily reflected in the body of research that exists within this field of study. In The Impact of International Television: A Paradigm Shift, editor Michael G. Elasmar and his contributors challenge the dominant paradigm of cultural imperialism, and offer an alternative paradigm with which to evaluate international or crossborder message influence. In this volume, Elasmar has collected original research from leading scholars working in the area of crossborder media influence, and contributes his own meta-analysis to examine what research findings actually show on the influences of crossborder messages. The contributions included here illustrate points, such as: the contentions of cultural imperialism and the context in which its assumptions emerged and developed; the complexities of the relationship between exposure to foreign television and its subsequent effects on local audience members; the applicability of quantitative methods to a topic commonly tackled using argumentation, critical theory, and other qualitative approaches; and the difficulty of achieving strong and homogenous effects. In bringing together the work of independent researchers, The Impact of International Television: A Paradigm Shift bridges over 40 years of research efforts focused on imported television influence, the results of which, as a whole, challenge the de facto strong and homogenous effects assumed by those who support the paradigm of cultural imperialism. The volume sets a theory-driven agenda of research and offers an alternative paradigm for the new generation of researchers interested in international media effects. As such, the volume is intended for scholars, researchers, and students in international and intercultural communication, cross-cultural communication, mass communication, media effects, media and society, and related areas. It will also be of great interest to academics in international relations, cross-cultural and social psychology, intergroup and international relations, international public opinion, and peace studies.
Taylor & Francis Inc Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology: Volume IV
This fourth book in the series continues the tradition of the popular earlier volumes by offering lively and entertaining information about some of contemporary psychology's most illustrious ancestors. The 21 chapters, many of them written by today's most visible and eminent authors, concentrate on the lives and achievements of major psychologists from a variety of areas. Created for undergraduate and graduate courses in the history of psychology, the variety of pioneers represented provide enough flexibility to also use it as a supplemental reader in other psychology courses. Each of the five volumes in this series contains different profiles thereby bringing more than 100 of the pioneers in psychology more vividly to life.
Taylor & Francis Inc Attachment Issues in Psychopathology and Intervention
To be a human being (or indeed to be a primate) is to be attached to other fellow beings in relationships, from infancy on. This book examines what happens when the mechanisms of early attachment go awry, when caregiver and child do not form a relationship in which the child finds security in times of uncertainty and stress. Although John Bowlby, a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, originally formulated attachment theory for the express purpose of understanding psychopathology across the life span, the concept of attachment was first adopted by psychologists studying typical development. In recent years, clinicians have rediscovered the potential of attachment theory to help them understand psychological/psychiatric disturbance, a potential that has now been amplified by decades of research on typical development. Attachment Issues in Psychopathology and Intervention is the first book to offer a comprehensive overview of the implications of current attachment research and theory for conceptualizing psychopathology and planning effective intervention efforts. It usefully integrates attachment considerations into other frameworks within which psychopathology has been described and points new directions for investigation. The contributors, who include some of the major architects of attachment theory, link what we have learned about attachment to difficulties across the life span, such as failure to thrive, social withdrawal, aggression, anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, dissociation, trauma, schizo-affective disorder, narcissistic personality disorder, eating disorders, and comorbid disorders. While all chapters are illuminated by rich case examples and discuss intervention at length, half focus solely on interventions informed by attachment theory, such as toddler-parent psychotherapy and emotionally focused couples therapy. Mental health professionals and researchers alike will find much in this book to stimulate and facilitate effective new approaches to their work.
Taylor & Francis Inc Conversations of the Mind: The Uses of Journal Writing for Second-Language Learners
Asking students to write journals that reflect on their learning has become a widespread pedagogical practice in recent years. However, the scholarly literature does not address certain key questions about how journal writing aids learning: * Is there something inherent in journal writing that encourages students to write reflectively? * What psycholinguistic or cognitive factors help to explain the power of journal writing? * Why do some students use journals to write prolifically and creatively while others limit their responses to summarizing the assigned course reading? * Why do teachers find some journal entries so much more engaging than others? * How do teachers' ways of responding to journals affect their students' development as writers and thinkers? This book addresses such questions through a careful analysis of the journal writing of the students in the author's ESL classes at a large urban college. It contains detailed case studies of five culturally- and linguistically-diverse students with widely differing responses to journal writing. To teachers of composition for both first- and second-language students and to teachers of graduate courses in education and qualitative research, this book offers a contextualized description of journal writings as a complex social activity. By emphasizing the need for educators to reexamine their pedagogy and to learn from their students, Conversations of the Mind is an indispensable contribution to the emerging literature of teacher research and reflective practice.
Taylor & Francis Inc Case Studies in Communication and Disenfranchisement: Applications To Social Health Issues
See blurb for Communication and Disenfranchisement. Books will be promoted together.
Taylor & Francis Inc Models of Action: Mechanisms for Adaptive Behavior
This volume presents an international group of researchers who model animal and human behavior--both simple and complex. The models presented focus on such subjects as the pattern of eating in meals and bouts, the energizing and shaping impact of reinforcers on behavior, transitive inferential reasoning, responding to a compound stimulus, avoidance and escape learning, recognition memory, category formation, generalization, the timing of adaptive responses, and chromosomes exchanging information. The chapters are united by a common interest in adaptive behavior--whether of human, animal, or artificial system--and clearly demonstrate the rich variety of ways in which this fascinating area of research can be approached. In so doing, the book demonstrates the range of thought that qualifies as theorizing in the contemporary study of the mechanisms of adaptive behavior. It has two purposes: to bring together a very wide range of approaches in one place and to give authors space to explain how their ideas developed. Journal literature often presents fully-formed theories with no explanation of how an idea came to have the shape in which it is presented. In this volume, however, leaders in different fields provide background on the development of their ideas. Where once psychologists and a few zoologists had this field to themselves, now various types of computer scientists have added great energy to the mix.
Taylor & Francis Inc Basic and Applied Memory Research: Volume 1: Theory in Context; Volume 2: Practical Applications
Basic researchers unlock the secrets of nature; applied researchers unlock the means by which those secrets of nature can change people's lives. Neither basic nor applied research has an independent impact. These volumes examine the convergence of basic and applied research in the field of memory. Volume 1: Theory and Context, focuses on the methods for understanding and applying basic memory theory, while Volume 2: Practical Applications, expands the understanding of practical memory research by providing in-depth research examples and findings. If the science of memory is to make a significant contribution to society, coordinating our basic and applied efforts and determining how they complement each other become of paramount importance. These volumes will help in this regard--both as textbooks demonstrating how to investigate memory and apply basic memory theory, and as reference sources leading to a better understanding of certain problems in basic and applied memory research. Readers of these volumes will gain a thorough grasp of the way major themes relate to basic and applied research collaboration, how programmatic basic and applied research can be conducted on particular memory problems, and the manner in which basic and applied work in major problem areas has been incorporated into the field of memory. Both volumes present important information that will be indispensable to researchers and students alike.
Taylor & Francis Inc Community-Based Programs and Policies: Contributions to Social Policy Development in Health Care and Health Care-Related Services
This collection is focused on the provision of community-based programs and activities in health and related long-term care services that have contributed, or may in the future contribute, to social policy development. Several of the articles in this collection deal with community-based health and long-term care program and policy initiatives that have been facilitated through federal programs such as Medicare, Medicaid and the Older Americans Act. The implementation of some of these community-based programs have significantly influenced social policy thinking regarding the beneficial effects of integrating medical and social aspects of health and long-term care services, as well as the health care team approach to the delivery of health and long-term care services. Another dimension addressed is the impact of interest groups, such as family caregivers, in advancing social policy that supports the efforts of community-based family care givers in providing services to patients in need.The underlying theme is how such local community programs have contributed in a variety of ways to the development of social policies at the community level that in many ways focus on the integration of health and related long-term care services and a health care team approach to the provision of such services. The book will be of interest to community development courses in Schools of Social Work and other health professions such as Nursing and Public Health. It will also be of interest to health policy programs in public administration and other social sciences.This book was published as a special issue of Social Work in Public Health.
Taylor & Francis Inc Probation and Parole
Probation and Parole Departments must provide for the protection of society as well as the rehabilitation of the offending individual. Probation and Parole: Current Issues presents leading authorities offering various broad and specific aspects of the controversial topic along with the latest research. This handy source provides illustrative examples of current hot button issues and can be used as an excellent core or complement textbook for a probation and parole class. Issues discussed range broadly from mental health considerations to rehabilitation options. The book provides wide multi-national perspectives of the issues, including research and comparisons on juvenile recidivism between the United States and Australia. This crucial work provides a detailed look at the research on individuals in the system, the programs for those citizens that are successful, and those methods that may be ineffective. A study is also presented with data on the positive impact of Assertive Community Treatment workers who provide mental health treatment in the community. The book is extensively referenced and includes several figures and tables to clearly present data. This book is a useful resource for educators, students, and anyone in the probation and parole field. It was published as a special issue of the Journal of Offender Rehabilitation.
Taylor & Francis Inc Solution-Focused Substance Abuse Treatment
Solution-Focused Substance Abuse Treatment describes the standard of care for substance abuse treatment, demonstrates how solution-focused brief therapy exceeds this standard, and shows how it can effectively be used in substance abuse evaluation, case management, and both individual and group treatment. Beginning and advanced concepts are provided to address the questions of even the most advanced clinician, all placed in the context of cultural awareness. Most importantly, the author answers the many questions professionals may have about how solution-focused brief therapy can be successfully integrated into the field of substance abuse. It provides a thorough understanding of the issues that therapists face when working with this at times challenging population, and demonstrates how the use of solution-focused brief therapy can minimize power struggles and enhance client success. Sample forms and handouts are included, as are additional resources for effective evaluation and treatment.
Taylor & Francis Inc Trauma and Serious Mental Illness
An exploration of the newfound connections between mental illness and trauma For decades, the idea that serious mental illnesses (SMIs) are almost exclusively biologically-based and must be treated pharmacologically has been commonplace in psychology literature. As a result, many mental health professionals have stopped listening to their clients, categorizing their symptoms as manifestations of neurologically-based disturbed thinking. Trauma and Serious Mental Illness is the groundbreaking series of works that challenge this standard view and provides a comprehensive introduction to the emerging perspective of SMIs as trauma-based. This unique collection illustrates how different psychotherapy approaches can lead to reduced symptomatology, decreased psychological distress, and improved functioning in individuals living with SMIs. Each extensively-referenced chapter in Trauma and Serious Mental Illness offers mental health workers a forward-looking theoretical inquiry, empirical study, or critical treatise providing compelling counter evidence to challenge the widespread belief that SMIs are not reactions to the extreme and extremely disturbing circumstances embodied by psychological trauma. In addition to the etiological application, this revealing text proposes ways to incorporate this cutting-edge approach toward treatment options as well. Contributors to Trauma and Serious Mental Illness suggest that: childhood trauma is related to psychotic disorders dissociation can be confounded with psychotic symptoms auditory hallucinations can be diagnostic of dissociation rather than psychosis psychosis is related to the quality of family of origin environment and to age of onset of childhood abuse bipolar and trauma-related disorders sometimes overlap individuals with SMIs suffer related trauma even in treatment facilities and much more! Trauma and Serious Mental Illness is an eye-opening resource for mental health professionals, psychologists, counselors, psychiatrists, social workers, trauma workers, and educators and students in these disciplines.
Taylor & Francis Inc Integrative Endocrinology: The Rhythms of Life
This book explains the treatment of endocrine disorders using natural therapies. Donald Beans provides the reader with everything there is to know to treat endocrine disorders without hormones. This book outlines the function of the endocrine glands and the testing of their function including clinical laboratory evaluation and bedside diagnosis. This is the first book to include the entire endocrine system and many natural therapies in one text, thus allowing the practitioner an unprecedented insight into endocrine treatment. Integrative Endocrinology discusses, in depth, the fundamental philosophical difference between hormone replacement therapy and integrative endocrinology. Natural therapies include acupuncture, gland cell therapy, homeopathy, herbal medicine, and a number of other methods. This book is of great value to health professionals, students and scholars in integrative medicine, alternative medicine and endocrinology. It is also valuable as a self help handbook for the motivated non-professional.
Taylor & Francis Inc Dealing with Natural Disasters In libraries
Learn from those who actually dealt with disaster! Regardless of the type of library, natural disasters can have catastrophic effects on its collections and artifacts. Dealing with Natural Disasters in Libraries provides an inside look at different disasters and how diverse types of libraries dealt with the consequences. This useful resource covers a wide range of natural disasters, including flood, fire, water damage, mold, sick building syndrome, and hurricane damage. Librarians from different types of libraries describe personal efforts to cope with real-life cases of disaster, and discuss principles and lessons which can be used to plan forand better respond tofuture catastrophic occurrences. Every library should have a disaster plan in place. Dealing with Natural Disasters in Libraries provides realistic guidance on how to best prepare for catastrophic damage and loss, and practical suggestions on how to best respond once disaster does strike. These authors use their unique perspectives on having lived through a disaster to provide a close examination of lessons learned. This crucial book includes a selected bibliography and a series of case studies that illustrate what other librarians did to repair and rebuild collections and facilities after experiencing some of the most challenging circumstances imaginable. Managing people, education and training, the creation of a disaster plan, the treatment of damaged materials, recovery of materials, and the successful rebuilding of a library after its complete destruction are all discussed in detail. Dealing with Natural Disasters in Libraries examines: case studies of different types of disasters and effective responses steps small libraries should take during the first month after a disaster strategies to deal with fire, smoke, and water damage issues what to do to avoid mold growth after moisture problems or water damage fixing sick buildings dealing with the devastation of Hurricane Katrina post-disaster recovery differing responses to minor disasters, localized disasters, major disasters, and catastrophic disasters providing public access to vital information after disasters strike prevention of potential disaster situations and more! Dealing with Natural Disasters in Libraries is an essential resource for academic librarians, public librarians, special librarians, school librarians, library science faculty, and administrators.
Taylor & Francis Inc Information Technology and Evidence-Based Social Work Practice
Learn to use the latest technological advances in evidence-based social workSocial work practice can be positively or negatively impacted by the advance of technology. Advances and applications must be up-to-date as possible, yet they may be ineffective if not simple enough to easily learn and use. InformationTechnology and Evidence-Based Social Work presents leading social work experts exploring the latest technological advances and the innovative practical applications which can be used effectively in evidence-based social work. Students and practitioners get creative practical advice on how best understand technology and apply it to their work.Information Technology and Evidence-Based Social Work is divided into four sections. The first section provides the context for understanding the technological link between social work and evidence-based practice. The second section presents examples of how information technology can be used to effectively teach students and practitioners in the field. Section three explores ways to implement technology for use by clients. The fourth section summarizes and then takes a look at the future of technology in evidence-based social work. Chapters include questions for practitioners and for clients to illuminate the current and future issues surrounding technology and evidence-based practice. The text also includes extensive references, and useful tables and figures.Topics in Information Technology and Evidence-Based Social Work include: the impact of technology on social work computer-assisted evidence-based practice customized web-based technology and its use in clinical supervision enhanced technology-based evidence-based practice model and its applicability to large human service organizations. using information technology to provide evidence for planning and evaluating programs using technology in advocacy the geographic information system (GIS) as a useful tool in all aspects of programs and policies evaluating practice through information technology the development and evaluation of an online social work service psychotherapeutic group intervention for family caregivers over the Internet support group online chat a case study of how Internet chat group technology can be implemented with cancer survivors technology as a service learning mechanism for promoting positive youth development in a community-based setting a model which can be used to collect information and—by using best evidence available—arrive at a confident decision and more! Information Technology and Evidence-Based Social Work is timely, stimulating reading for educators, undergraduate students, graduate students, and practitioners in the fields of social work, psychology, and public administration.
Taylor & Francis Inc African American Behavior in the Social Environment: New Perspectives
An essential text to help to understand human behavior and the processes that guide human adaptation Social workers and therapists need to assess the full range of aspects of their client problems such as socioeconomic status, academic achievement, parental incarceration, psychopathology, and other risks. African American Behavior in the Social Environment: New Perspectives explores the latest empirical and theoretical findings of human behavior and resiliency in African American individuals, families, and communities. Leading scholars provide unique insights into African American mental health, gender relations, family interactions and dynamics, inequality, poverty, the balance between work and family, and nontraditional families. This important text discusses in detail the importance of understanding the processes that guide human adaptation and understanding the dynamics of how particular ethnic groups, cultures, and people use resources to adapt to certain circumstances that can be useful in assessment and treatment. African American Behavior in the Social Environment: New Perspectives presents the analysis and research of several individuals in order to provide an understanding of how the concept of protective factors, racial identity, and racial socialization has been approached, the direction their insights have taken them, and the results of exploring the dynamics of African American behavior in relationship to environments. Research discussed in African American Behavior in the Social Environment: New Perspectives include: socioeconomic status health disparity the impact of having incarcerated parents academic achievement gap kinship ties leadership development race identity and socialization suicide among African American adolescents Black churches impact in HIV/AIDS prevention culturally relevant mental health services gender and sexuality issues policy and practice and much more! African American Behavior in the Social Environment: New Perspectives is an invaluable resource for counselors, marriage and family therapists, educators, and students in African American studies.
Taylor & Francis Inc Education for Library Cataloging: International Perspectives
Examine cataloging and classification training programs around the worldEducation for Library Cataloging: International Perspectives examines the global development of educational programs for cataloging and classification in the library and information field. Library school faculty and professional librarians from more than 20 countries discuss a wide range of topics, including formal school and continuing education of catalog librarians, education and training for paraprofessional staff in cataloging and technical services, changes in library school programs, and metadata and information organization instruction.Faculty members and seasoned librarians from Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, Latin America, and the Middle East present case studies and overviews of library and information school programs, bibliographies of cited works in both Western and non-Western language literature, and plenty of helpful tables and charts. Articles presented in Education for Library Cataloging: International Perspectives are organized geographically to make it easier to check which countries are covered in each region, and to determine regional similarities and differences. Political, historical, cultural, religious, and linguistic factors were also considered to demonstrate the wide range of educational efforts and programs to cultivate cataloging professionals all over the world.Topics examined in Education for Library Cataloging: International Perspectives include:* education and training development for librarians in the University of Botswana Library* the library science school curricula in the Cross River State of Nigeria* the training of students in cataloging via distant education in South Africa* education programs in China* the education for knowledge organization (including cataloging and classification) in India* the current status of cataloging education in Japan* on the job training of catalog librarians in South Korea* the education for cataloging in Australia* how catalog librarians are trained in Germany and Austria* recent changes to the library education system in Poland* a critical study of cataloging instruction within the library and information science programs in Spain* a recent survey of graduate education and training for cataloging and classification in the United Kingdom* an overview of the education for cataloging and classification in Mexico* the current status of cataloging and classification education in Egypt* recent changes to cataloging teaching in Israel* the continuing education for catalogers in Saudi Arabia * and much moreMany of the articles presented in Education for Library Cataloging: International Perspectives document the initial efforts to introduce education for cataloging in particular countries, including Egypt and Japan. This book is an invaluable resource for library and information school educators, administrators, and students.
Taylor & Francis Inc Social Responsibility Therapy for Adolescents and Young Adults: A Multicultural Treatment Manual for Harmful Behavior
Gain the unique approach to enhance relapse prevention in harmful behavior treatment Social Responsibility Therapy for Adolescents and Young Adults: A Multicultural Treatment Manual for Harmful Behavior is a crucial treatment manual that can be used by mental health professionals whose caseload includes a multicultural population of adolescents and young adults who exhibit multiple forms of harmful behavior. This unique therapy enhances relapse prevention in harmful behavior treatment by addressing the target behavior problem, negative social influence problem, and dose-response problem, along with acknowledging that harmful behavior is multicultural and addressing the key criticisms of multicultural therapy through a theory-driven treatment approach that utilizes methods and procedures from existing evidence-based treatments with known multicultural applications. Social Responsibility Therapy for Adolescents and Young Adults: A Multicultural Treatment Manual for Harmful Behavior provides a comprehensive explanation of Social Responsibility Therapy, its advantages, and the intervention evidence-base for multiple forms of harmful behavior. This text discusses in detail the multicultural intervention approach, its rationale, and content. Implementation methods and treatment protocol are explored. The book includes illustrated case studies, tables, figures, and references to additional available readings. Topics discussed in Social Responsibility Therapy for Adolescents and Young Adults: A Multicultural Treatment Manual for Harmful Behavior include: evidence-based procedures used in Structured Discovery learning experiences to target harmful behavior helping clients discover how they acquired, maintained, and generalized a broad range of harmful behavior addressing target behavior problems, negative social influence problems, and the dose-response problem five areas of human functioning that are critical to the wellbeing of self and others which can only be addressed through psychotherapy and forensic parenting developing prosocial behavior alternatives which contribute to both relapse prevention and personal development and much more! Social Responsibility Therapy for Adolescents and Young Adults: A Multicultural Treatment Manual for Harmful Behavior is an essential resource for social workers, counselors, psychologists, and psychiatrists whose caseloads include a multicultural population of young people who exhibit multiple forms of harmful, abusive behavior.
Taylor & Francis Inc Evolving Internet Reference Resources
Save time and avoid trouble as you search the Internet for reliable resourcesEvolving Internet Reference Resources provides both beginning and experienced researchers with a comprehensive overview of the key information sources available online in the humanities, sciences, and social sciences. This invaluable book is your guide to the best free and subscription-based Internet sites and services for 26 diverse subject areas, including law, psychology, rhetoric, LGBT studies, health and medicine, engineering, Asian studies, and computer science. Experts in specific areas review Web sites, meta sites, indexing and abstracting services, directories, portals, databases, and blogs for their accessibility and usability, saving you valuable time and effort in your search for the best academic research and reference resources on the Web.Evolving Internet Reference Resources is your pathfinder for all levels of research in crucial areas of academic and general interest. The book will lead you through the almost overwhelming volume of information available online to help you steer clear of unreliable, untrustworthy, and slipshod material as you search for dictionaries, glossaries, bibliographies, images, book reviews, career information, fieldwork opportunities, biographical sources, timelines and chronologies, audio and video clips, interactive maps, online collections, and much more.Topics covered in Evolving Internet Reference Resources include: significant developments in the availability of art images on the Web how Internet resources have transformed rhetoric, composition, and poetry why free Web sites can sometimes be unreliable organizational strategies for librarians how commercial publishers have acquired some of the best LGBT online resources the potential for Internet resources to enhance social activism in Latin America new approaches taken by librarians in creating online information government agency Web sites online versions of college guides the development of RSS (Really Simple Syndication) technology the virtual reference shelf available to nursing students and faculty ESL (English as a Second Language) Web sites Evolving Internet Reference Resources is an essential tool for all librarians (academic, school, special, and public), library science faculty, and faculty and students in a wide variety of disciplines.
Taylor & Francis Inc Usage Statistics of E-Serials
What are the potentialsand limitationsof usage statistics in libraries?As libraries increase their use of electronic resources, the value of quality evaluation of usage statistics has gained greater importance. Usage Statistics of E-Serials tackles this difficult issue by exploring in detail the proper evaluation of the level of usage of electronic resources. Noted experts discuss their own experiences in the field from multiple viewpoints and backgrounds, providing the reader with a well-rounded view of the entire topic. Issues comprehensively examined include the gathering and processing of statistics, costs and benefits of e-journals, evaluation and interpretation of data, and the comparison of different types of data collection methods.Usage Statistics of E-Serials reviews a range of situations and experiences of librarians and administrators in several different academic libraries. These authorities offer approaches and strategies to help readers more fully understand how to best manage those crucial resources. Multiple perspectives shine a needed spotlight on various challenges still facing academic librarians who attempt to measure and manage their library’s electronic resources. This resource includes helpful screen captures, tables, and figures to fully explain ideas and data.Topics in Usage Statistics of E-Serials include: processing, standardizing, and dissemination of usage statistics a case study examining the cost of selection, acquisition, maintenance, and renewal of subscription of e-journals cost savings of canceling print journals evaluation and interpretation of data about the content and use of databases in decision-making the MaxData Project results of the Council of Connecticut Academic Library Directors (CCALD) e-resource management survey in-house current-awareness module MyCLICAPS statistics options provided by Serials Solutions the influence of usage statistics on collection development decisions the tracking of electronic resources by San Jose State University from the Federal depository program usage statistics as the basis for a usage-based pricing system more! Usage Statistics of E-Serials is a must-have resource for every academic librarian, particularly those in technical services, public services, and administration involved in gathering and utilizing usage statistics.
Taylor & Francis Inc Managing Sustainable Tourism: A Legacy for the Future
Intelligently designed tourism strategies for the twenty-first century!Successful tourism development and marketing are dependent on maintaining a delicate balance between economic growth and the protection of environments. Managing Sustainable Tourism: A Legacy for the Future tackles the tough issues of tourism such as negative environmental impact and cultural degradation, and provides answers that don’t sacrifice positive economic growth. This essential book offers practical plans for fostering harmonious relationships among local communities, the private sector, not-for-profit organizations, academic institutions, and governments at all levels as well as develops management practices and philosophies that protect natural, built, and cultural environments while reinforcing positive and orderly economic growth.Managing Sustainable Tourism discusses in-depth the sensible guidelines for protecting environment, heritage sites, and local culture while developing realistic tourism goals for compatible economic growth. Useful strategies for sustainable tourism are detailed for each tourism type, along with useful tried-and-true marketing techniques aimed at cooperation and respect for all types of environments. Case studies, research, and supplemental reading lists clearly illustrate ideas and the author’s qualified suggestions.Managing Sustainable Tourism explores: the future of the tourism industry understanding sustainable tourism the economics of community growth through tourism marketing the sustainable tourism product nature tourism heritage tourism cultural tourism rural tourism practical guidelines for sustainable tourism a workable global sustainable tourism initiative Managing Sustainable Tourism is an ideal resource for educators, students, developers, entrepreneurs, investors, tourism strategists, planners, policymakers, and anyone interested in sustainable tourism for the new millennium.
Taylor & Francis Inc Jewish Relational Care A-Z: We Are Our Other's Keeper
A collection of caregiving tools combining the values of Jewish tradition and self-relationsuseful for practitioners of ANY faith!Self-relations, a powerful framework for doing respectful and humane caregiving for oneself and for others is here brought into relationship with Jewish thought. Jewish Relational Care A-Z: We Are Our Other’s Keeper is an extensive resource for caregiving tools and approaches. Using Jewish tradition and Self-Relations as take-off points, experts from many fields provide insightful perspectives and effective strategies for caregiving.In the language of self-relations each of us is not referred to as a Self. Instead, each of us is more accurately described as a relationship between selvesrelationship is the basic psychological and religious unit! Jewish Relational Care A-Z: We Are Our Other’s Keeper sensitively centers on relationships and the healing process, using the understanding that to spark healing in others, a loving, respectful relationship must first be present between every aspect of our selves. Thirty-six categories of caregiving are comprehensively presented, allowing its use as a helpful resource for any clergy considering any of the included topics. Each author’s personal reflections, and personal experiences using care tools clearly illustrate how love-respect relationships within oneself can transcend into effective care for others.Jewish Relational Care A-Z: We Are Our Other’s Keeper provides helpful tools and explores: the use of language as a relational care tool time management for optimum performance for oneself and for others compassion fatigue, the need for self-care, and nurturing your own spiritual and psychological development purposeful visiting as a sacred task silence as an important part of spiritual care the profound difference made in lives through relational listening music as sacred powera communion between humans and the Divine chanting as an intimate expression of the soul creative ritual in relational healing spontaneous prayer, and its place in relational care relational care with other faiths inside and outside of the community care for those going through divorce care when a pregnancy is unwelcome relational care for sexual orientation and gender identity issues successful caring for those who don’t care about you dealing with traumatic loss care for those who have sinned sexually fragile relationships care with the healthy aging relational care and retired clergy care for those traumatized by sexual abuse care for the cognitively impaired, mentally ill, and developmentally disabled care for the final moments of life care for the sick and dying care within the grieving process Jewish Relational Care A-Z: We Are Our Other’s Keeper is practical, insightful reading for clergy and caregivers of all denominations, educators, students, and lay people who care about clergy and their work.
Taylor & Francis Inc Understanding Ecological Programming: Merging Theory, Research, and Practice
Increase the effectiveness of prevention programs by altering community and social settings! Understanding Ecological Programming: Merging Theory, Research, and Practice contains vital information to help you become a better community-based program designer using ecological programming. Focused on the basic concept of the ecological programming modelthat people’s behaviors cannot be separated from their settingsthis book provides examples that clarify how ecological applications in programs increase their effectiveness. With tables, figures, assessment tools, and studies of programs currently using ecological or similar approaches, this book will show you how to change the individual’s environment to prevent further ruinous behavior. This book will help you find the answers to such questions as: what is an ecological social program? what are the components of ecological programming? what do real programs that have implemented these principles look like? how realistic is it to suggest that one should implement an ecological program, is it harder than it seems? what are the outcomes of programming with an ecological model? what is the cost/benefit ratio of an ecological approach? A major innovation presented in Understanding Ecological Programming is the Ecological Programming Scale (EPS), introduced by co-editor Dr. Susan Jakes. This book provides an overview, analysis, and evaluation of the EPS as a useful tool that assesses the ecologicalness of a social program and shows you how to apply it to your work. This valuable resource also offers an example of a successful program that encompasses ecological programmingthe Adolescent Diversion Project (ADP)as well as an example of a now-defunct social program that is evaluated to determine whether it failed due to a lack of ecological design incorporation. Using the information in this book, you can improve on pre-existing social programs and create better ones. Understanding Ecological Programming is a must-read for social program developers/designers, program operators, interventionists, extension agents, community psychologists, human service providers, and extension specialists.
Taylor & Francis Inc A Guide to Self-Help Workbooks for Mental Health Clinicians and Researchers
Never has the need for a compendium of self-help workbooks been so great! From the founder of the world’s first PhD program in Family Psychology comes an extensive guide to nearly all of the mental health workbooks published through 2002. Placed together in one volume for the first time, A Guide to Self-Help Workbooks for Mental Health Clinicians and Researchers includes reviews and evaluates the complexity of each workbook in regards to its form, content, and usability by the client. From abuse to women’s issues, this annotated bibliography is alphabetized by author, but can also be researched by subject. While self-help workbooks are currently not as popular or as mainstream as self-help books and video, that could soon change. Self-help workbooks are versatile, cost-effective, and can be mass-produced. The workbook user is active rather than passive, and the mental healthcare worker can analyze a more personal response from the user, whether in the office or via the Internet. A Guide to Self-Help Workbooks for Mental Health Clinicians and Researchers brings these workbooks together into one sourcebook to suit anyone’s needs. Each self-help workbook is reviewed according to specific criteria: contents structure specificity goal level of abstraction a subjective evaluation usually concludes the review of the workbook A Guide to Self-Help Workbooks for Mental Health Clinicians and Researchers also includes: an in-depth introduction discussing the need for workbooks in mental health practices indices for subject as well as author an address list of the publishing houses for the workbooks annotated in the bibliography an Informed Consent Form to verify compliance with ethical and professional regulations before administering a workbook to a client A Guide to Self-Help Workbooks for Mental Health Clinicians and Researchers offers you a complete resource to self-help workbooks for all mental health subjects. Dr. L’Abate’s highly selective review process helps you find exactly what you need. This unique sourcebook is vital for mental health clinicians, counselors, schoolteachers, and college and graduate students.
Taylor & Francis Inc Integrating Gender and Culture in Parenting
Show parents how to help their children break free of the artificial limitations placed upon them by society’s gender and cultural expectations! This book presents both theoretical and practical ideas for integrating gender and culture into parenting. Unlike other books on the subject, this one examines interventions and activities, and suggests discussion topics that provide children with the skills to become critical consumers and thinkers. You’ll learn to help children discover and celebrate who they are, while infusing the message that they should notice and challenge exaggerated stereotypes of gender and ethnicity. From the editor: If therapists can coach parents in helping to inoculate their children, beginning at early ages, against the negative effects of gender socialization, perhaps the work of developing equal relationships in their friendships and intimate relationships will be less taxing as they grow and mature. Additionally, as children are taught to challenge rigid gender and ethnicity messages, perhaps they will feel a greater sense of flexibility as they dream about who they want to become and how they want to live their lives. This essential book will teach you to help children defeat the harmful media messages they’re bombarded by. Integrating Gender and Culture in Parenting: presents 20 simple ideas and 5 group activities to teach children about social justice in our everyday lives explores parental socialization practices and the values transmitted to school-aged and young adult offspring, focusing on the way parents’ teaching styles integrate race and gender investigates the parenting practices of middle-class, dual-earner couples who feel that they are successfully balancing family and workwith a look at the specific strategies these couples use to achieve an appropriate balance shows what family therapists should know about sexuality education, and highlights the specific roles that feminist family therapists can play with parents, children, and adolescents to help children be more sexually responsible and less likely to put themselves in sexually risky situations examines the gender messages found in 63 articles from the top three selling parenting magazines in the United States In addition, you’ll find two revealing and insightful chapters in which interviewer Lori Lund discusses the cultural scripting that American boys and girls are subjected to, with: Jackson Katzone of America’s leading anti-sexist male activists and the creator/director of the United States Marine Corps Gender Violence Prevention Program, and Mary Pipherrespected sociologist, educator, and bestselling author of Reviving Ophelia: Saving the Selves of Adolescent Girls and Hunger Pains
Taylor & Francis Inc Community Interventions to Create Change in Children
Help a child meet the challenges of the real world! Our children spend a significant amount of time in school, working to develop the skills they need to succeed in the real world. But more and more, they face social and emotional challenges that can't be effectively addressed during school hours. Community Interventions to Create Change in Children reflects the efforts by psychologists to work outside the classroom, combining research with action to produce community-based interventions that address the concerns children struggle with every day: bullying and victimization, prejudice, cross-cultural friendships, poverty, and homelessness. Community Interventions to Create Change in Children presents varied interventions, methodologies, and practices with diverse groups of children. Qualitative and quantitative methodologies are used with accompanying case studies as psychologists interact with children in settings as varied as public parks, summer camps, and Kid's College, a Chicago-based program that promotes positive race relations. The book includes articles on: effective mentoring practices traditional behavioral reinforcement with homeless children survival skills for urban youth cross-cultural friendships prejudicial attitudes and behaviors and much more! Community Interventions to Create Change in Children is an essential resource for psychologists, educators, counselors, and social workers committed to making a difference in the lives of children.
Taylor & Francis Inc Behavior Psychology in the Schools: Innovations in Evaluation, Support, and Consultation
Decrease destructive behaviors and improve students’social outlook and academic performance with the ideas you’ll find in this book!Here is a state-of-the-art review of behavior psychology services in public schools! It will help you address issues of evaluation, technical assistance consultation, training, student discipline, academic remediation, and health-facilitating intervention. Then it explores systems-wide applications that put this knowledge to work.Authored by respected clinicians, educators, and researchers who blend their extensive practical knowledge with scientific findings to deliver sound, practical advice, Behavior Psychology in the Schools: Innovations in Evaluation, Support, and Consultation: presents an overview of the focus, scope, and practice of behavioral consultation to public schools, examining contemporary approaches such as positive behavior support, functional behavioral assessment, and efficacy evaluation shows why problem behavior in elementary and middle school students requires a preventive, whole-school approach and describes steps to implement school-wide positive behavior support examines ways to enhance academic behavior, decrease disruptive behaviors, and improve academic performance looks at risk prevention programs designed to promote healthy behavior and prevent chronic health problems, substance abuse, high-risk sexual behaviors, and physical/sexual abuse of children reviews constructive and preventive methods of reducing school violence and vandalism examines the laws and policies that support the use of school-wide discipline programs shows you how to use curriculum-based measurement to evaluate treatment efficacy describes consultation to a public school district in the form of a systems-wide evaluation of instructional and behavior support practices for developmentally disabled students teaches you to select effective interventions for responding to behavior problems shows you how to provide teachers with the resources and support needed to ensure successful plan intervention makes recommendations for improving outcomes in school-based consultation
Taylor & Francis Inc Libraries and Electronic Resources: New Partnerships, New Practices, New Perspectives
Keep your library a step ahead in the changing world of information technology!As the Internet adds new dimensions to the relationship between information and user, digital libraries face new challenges in managing electronic resources. Libraries and Electronic Resources: New Partnerships, New Practices, New Perspectives addresses challenges and new roles for libraries in creating innovative models of scholarly communication, establishing standards for e-book publishing, influencing consortial site licensing on a global basis, and enhancing access to digital collections. This practical guide highlights current trends in e-resource management, focusing on economic, information, and publishing issues, and provides valuable information on the new roles libraries (and librarians) will play in the digital age.This vital book contains information on: the evolution of relationships between university presses and research libraries how the commercialization of scholarly publishing is at the center of the economic problems faced by libraries California Digital Library?s eScholarship program, which fosters faculty-led innovation in the scholarly publishing Project Euclid, a joint electronic publishing initiative of Cornell University Libraries and Duke University Press content standards for electronic books publishing global consortial activities in the area of site licenses for electronic resources new roles for librarians in creating digital libraries of instructional resources The successful digital library will be one that keeps pace with the ever-changing world of information technology. Library professionals must stay up to speed in adopting new models, working in tandem with educators to re-define the learning process to incorporate electronic publishing and resources. Libraries and Electronic Resources: New Partnerships, New Practices, New Perspectives is an essential guide to the Internet’s impact on e-resources management--past, present, and future.
Taylor & Francis Inc Couples and Body Therapy
Bring the physical dimension into your therapeutic work with couples! This helpful book offers couples therapists new and powerful techniques derived from several body-oriented therapies. This fresh approach can help you identify the hidden conflicts and attitudes of your clients. Couples and Body Therapy offers you exercises, tips, and practical suggestions for helping troubled couples. In Couples and Body Therapy, expert therapists candidly discuss the dangers and benefits of using touch to heal. Their discussion of whether, when, how, and whom to touch clients includes valuable suggestions for working through transference and countertransference, as well as for dealing with hostile clients and obtaining informed consent to touch.Couples and Body Therapy provides thoughtful explorations of the ideas and methods of well-regarded experts--including Virginia Satir, Wilhelm Reich, Alexander Lowen, John Pierrakos, Fritz Perls, Stanley Keleman, and John Gutman--as they apply to the physical expression of emotional states. This book draws from a number of powerful bodywork systems, including: core energetics biodynamic analysis formative psychology Hakomi Gestalt Use it to learn the healing skills of body-oriented therapies, including: centering yourself before sessions giving voice to your clients’ body messages doing effective energy assessments reading posture, gesture, and somatic signals using concentration exercises and grounding techniques Plentifully illustrated with case studies, Couples and Body Therapy is essential reading for therapists, educators, and students. It offers a repertoire of skills to give you fresh and innovative ways to uncover and heal problems in couples.
Taylor & Francis Inc Internet and Personal Computing Fads
An easy-to-understand guide to often-confusing computer/Internet jargon! Internet and Personal Computing Fads is an A-to-Z reference book written in a straightforward style that’s informative enough for library use but informal enough for general reading. This essential guide takes a practical look at the most often-seen computer and Internet terms and describes them in easy-to-understand language. From Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) to Hypertext to Y2K, more than 100 entries are included, featuring historical backgrounds, popular and practical uses, interesting fun facts, and bibliographies. Detailed enough for reference use by academics, the book has a natural tone that will appeal to students, casual computer users, and those who are intrigued by the chaotic, fascinating, but often frustrating and daunting morass of information known today as the World Wide Web. A perfect introduction to the world of computers and the Internet, this book presents brief, jargon-free explanations of terms representing a variety of fields of interest, including general computer use, business, entertainment, multimedia development, and education. You'll learn about: artificial intelligence the history of computer hardware the Mac vs. PC debate Internet domains such as .com, .edu, .gov, and others the meanings of commonly used e-mail abbreviations, including BTW, FYI, LOL, and more distance learning the origin and meaning of the word cyberspace and a great deal more! In clear and concise entries, Internet and Personal Computing Fads will help you understand the meaning of terms including: bandwidth biometrics bookmarks CAD (computer-assisted design) chat rooms clip art cookies cybercafé digital audio, video, imaging, and cameras dot com e-mail, e-books and e-zines electronic publishing emoticons filtering freeware (shareware) gaming Global Positioning Systems (GPS) instant messaging Internet advertising Linux MIDI mp3 Spam (Internet junk mail) URL usenet and many, many more! An everyday guide for enthusiasts and a perfect place to start for newcomers, Internet and Personal Computing Fads is an easy-to-use handbook with wide-ranging appeal. It combines the comprehensive information you’d expect from a reference book with a casual and colorful look at the histories and backgrounds of popular computer/Internet terms and concepts. As a vital resource or an occasional reference, this book is an exceptional value.
Taylor & Francis Inc Women's Experiences with HIV/AIDS: Mending Fractured Selves
Meet the women behind the statistics!Women's Experiences with HIV/AIDS: Mending Fractured Selves examines the impact of HIV/AIDS on women, the fastest-growing subgroup of the HIV-infected population of the United States. Based on interviews with HIV-infected women, the book gives voice to their experiences. This powerful text offers a firsthand view of what it is like to live day-to-day as a woman with the added burden of HIV/AIDS.Women's Experiences with HIV/AIDS is a powerful and compelling look at the day-to-day struggles of 37 women infected with HIV. Their stories detail their ongoing effortswith varying degrees of successto come to grips with the disease as they try to rebuild their lives. Through qualitative analysis, the book demonstrates the importance of relational resources, such as AIDS activism, support groups, and social support. It also addresses potential problems for women associated with caregiving and presents ethnographic research findings on the complex factors that affect women with HIV (socioeconomic status, sexual preference, lifestyle differences). Women's Experiences with HIV/AIDS also addresses research topics such as: how HIV infection affects a woman's sense of self how women repair disruption and restore identities the limits to women's coping strategies and whether those strategies still work if women become functionally impaired or develop AIDS how women's structural and social environments facilitate or impede repair the role of women's informal networks in biological disruption and repair A rare look at the experience of women infected with HIV (most studies focus on male samples), Women's Experiences with HIV/AIDS is an invaluable academic resource as a course supplement in the fields of medical sociology, women's studies, public health, and community health, and is an enlightening read for everyone interested in HIV/AIDS research.
Taylor & Francis Inc Sex and Tourism: Journeys of Romance, Love, and Lust
Explore the complex relationship between tourism and intimacy in this new book with a worldwide perspective! With a unique combination of academic and personal accounts, Sex and Tourism: Journeys of Romance, Love, and Lust takes you behind the scenes with motel owners, adventure travel guides, backpackers, and others working on all sides of the international tourism industry. The editors have created a model that views the situation from three different perspectives: tourist, tourism provider, and nature of the encounter. Unlike other related volumes, this book is not just about the sex trade, but also about the role of tourism in love, marriage, and relationships. The global focus of Sex and Tourism will introduce you to: off-season romance on the island of Crete sex tourism in Cambodia a South Korean museum dedicated to women forced into sexual slavery by the Japanese military the sexual aspects of adventure travel in Canada cross-cultural marriage in Thailand gentleman's clubs in New Orleans Australian river guides and their potential liaisons with clients People who travel to escape their day-to-day lives often become involved in situations they would never find themselves in at home. Good or bad, many of these situations are examined in Sex and Tourism. You'll learn about the illegal trafficking of girls in Nepal, worldwide programs for combating child sex rings, and the lethal combination of AIDS and tourism, but you'll also find accounts of love and romance far from home. You will see how the tourism industry can act as a facilitator of human intimacy and what happens when different cultural realities collide. Anyone involved in recreation, leisure, anthropology, social science, or tourism will be interested in this book. Sex and Tourism is an enlightening guide to the complex world found at the crossroads of sightseeing and sex.
Taylor & Francis Inc Internet Guide to Cosmetic Surgery for Women
Learn to use the Internet to find important information on cosmetic surgery proceduresand the right surgeon to do it!Hundreds of thousands are considering cosmetic surgery of some sort. The question is where can you go to find out what is right for you? The Internet Guide to Cosmetic Surgery for Women gives you the advantage of finding out everything you want to know about cosmetic surgeryfrom the comfort and privacy of your own home. This comprehensive resource guides you through the mountains of information on the Internet, providing a thorough listing of Web sites detailing every aspect of plastic and cosmetic surgery for every body part, as well as presenting strategies for finding specific information you are looking for. The Internet Guide to Cosmetic Surgery for Women gives you the tools to find information about a specific procedure, learn the surgery’s advantages as well as riskseven how to locate the best surgeons for the procedure. The book provides screen shots to illustrate Web sites, information on where to find the latest important statistics and data, and helpful definitions for cosmetic surgery terms.The Internet Guide to Cosmetic Surgery for Women not only lists Internet addresses and basic sites on cosmetic surgery, but also reveals where to find quality information on: the costs of surgery selecting a cosmetic surgeon liposuction calf implants tummy tucks thigh lifts buttock liposculpture buttock augmentation belt lipectomy breast surgeries, including enlargement, lifts, reconstruction, and reduction cheek implants facelifts jaw augmentation laser skin resurfacing lip augmentation nose surgery cellulite treatment Botox injections hair removal hair transplantation scar revision wrinkle treatment chemical peels cosmetic dentistry and much more! The Internet Guide to Cosmetic Surgery for Women is an essential guide for anyone interested in or considering plastic and cosmetic surgery procedures.
Taylor & Francis Inc Psychosocial Aspects of the Asian-American Experience: Diversity Within Diversity
Discover intervention strategies for issues affecting Asian Americans!This important book examines the childhood, adolescence, young adulthood, and aging stages of Asian Americans to help researchers and practitioners offer better services to this ethnic group. Psychosocial Aspects of the Asian-American Experience will help you understand the ethnic and cultural diversity within the Asian-American population and offers both quantitative and qualitative research that may impact social policies and social services for Asian Americans.Representing Chinese, Japanese, Filipinos, Koreans, Asian Indians, Vietnamese, Hmong, Cambodians, and native-born Hawaiians, this helpful book covers a wide span of individual ethnic identities in order to represent the scope of the Asian-American subculture.The topics and problems examined in Psychosocial Aspects of the Asian-American Experience include: ethnic identity, acculturation, and cultural orientation psychological adjustment of adoptees attitudes and behavior of adolescents regarding academic achievement social network composition depression and other mental health problems dating violence and domestic abuse substance abuse aging In addition to analyzing these problems, this book also presents culturally competent intervention strategies to assist human services practitioners in offering their clients relevant services that are appropriate for their ethnic backgrounds, beliefs, and experiences. This book is also a valuable resource for researchers, policymakers, and graduate students and faculty members in the areas of social work, sociology, psychology, and ethnic studies.
Taylor & Francis Inc Collection Development in the Electronic Environment: Shifting Priorities
Learn to allocate scarce library resources to meet learning, research, and service goals!How can you buy more books and journals with less money, while also installing the latest software and hardware, paying staff to train faculty and students in its use, offering the new round-the-clock information services users demand, and redefining the traditional collection-centered model of the library? It sounds impossible, but these are the conflicting imperatives every collections librarian faces at the dawn of the twenty-first century. Collection Development in the Electronic Environment offers solid, practical advice from the experience of other librarians who have met the same challenges, as well as useful information from vendors. Based on the conference Collection Development in the Electronic Environment: Shifting Priorities, this informative book suggests proven, effective strategies to deal with a librarian's most pressing problems. One case study shows how Iowa State University turned a cutback in journals into a new vision of what the library should be, involving a broad-based committee in the project. Other chapters discuss the specifics of budgeting for the unpredictable pricing of electronic materials, the increased demands on library staff, and the challenges of maintaining dual libraries--the electronic and the paper-based--both facing expensive issues of preservation.Collection Development in the Electronic Environment offers help and advice on the most complex and difficult issues librarians confront: planning changes in library structure, function, and activities building new models for collection development identifying and fulfilling the needs of scholars in various disciplines redefining staff roles and responsibilities setting priorities in journal purchases using electronic innovations to enhance collection development dealing with copyright, fair use, and intellectual property in electronic formats Through case studies and firsthand experiences, Collection Development in the Electronic Environment provides you with the fresh ideas and proven strategies you need to guide your library into the electronic era.
Taylor & Francis Inc Volunteerism Marketing: New Vistas for Nonprofit and Public Sector Management
Explore the personality traits, values, and characteristics to look for in volunteers! Volunteerism Marketing: New Vistas for Nonprofit and Public Sector Management is an excellent research tool for volunteer organizers, academic researchers and reference librarians in the disciplines of business, education administration, health care, psychology, public administration, and sociology. This book will give you a better understanding of what kind of people to look for when seeking volunteers in hospitals, hospices, for organ donation, and for public education. Through studies and tests such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, this book explores the personality traits and characteristics of volunteers in various fields. In Volunteerism Marketing, you will discover the characteristics that separate volunteers from non volunteers and the segmented characteristics of volunteers for differing venues. This information will assist you in attracting, training, and retaining the right volunteers for your organization. Some of the areas you will explore include: the differences between hospice volunteers and other types of volunteers the unique characteristics of hospital volunteers, such as these three social-lifestyle variables: the average number of hours served in a volunteer’s primary organization, the number of volunteer organizations in which the volunteer serves, and the volunteer’s frequency of attendance at religious services encouraging human organ donation with financial incentives exploring research that examines volunteerism as a part of social marketing utilizing the concept of market exchange to attract non-parents and the community as a whole as volunteers in public educationVolunteerism Marketing: New Vistas for Nonprofit and Public Sector Management is the single most current and comprehensive guide to the subject of volunteerism. This exceptional reference provides you with decisionmaking support in a wide variety of nonprofit settings and gives guidelines for future research. The segmented and descriptive case studies, charts and graphs found in this valuable book will assist you in understanding the characteristics of volunteers for differing fields, while giving you an edge on recruiting and retaining them!
Taylor & Francis Inc Information Delivery in the 21st Century: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Fee-Based Information Services in Libraries
Face the information explosion with confidence!Information Delivery in the 21st Century: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Fee-Based Information Services in Libraries will guide newcomers and established practitioners alike through the major issues facing fee-based library information services today. Those new to this area will find helpful introductions to these issues, presented by seasoned practitioners with years of experience managing successful services or consulting in specialized areas of the information industry. Veteran information service managers will find thought-provoking discussions designed to stimulate the continuous service improvements that are so critical to success in today's rapidly changing information marketplace.Start-up and operation of a fee-based library information service is much like starting and running a small business, with familiar issues such as marketing, price setting, and monitoring the general business environment. In other ways, however, managing these services is even more challenging because of special considerations such as operating within a larger organization, copyright compliance, and changing trends in the information industry. Information Delivery in the 21st Century clarifies all of these issues, putting you in control of your situation.Information Delivery in the 21st Century, based upon sessions presented at the 1997 Fourth International Fee-Based Information Services in Libraries Conference, will give you a better understanding of: pricing policies copyright compliance writing business plans working with a parent organization trends in the information industryHere is the knowledge you’ll require to lead your library through the early years of the new century. Information Delivery in the 21st Century: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Fee-Based Information Services in Libraries is the essential guide you need!
Taylor & Francis Inc Library Outreach, Partnerships, and Distance Education: Reference Librarians at the Gateway
Increase patronage with effective outreach strategies!From the Introduction, by Wendi Arant and Pixie Anne Mosley: “Outreach is a concept that is gaining more and more significance for libraries, particularly with the recent developments in information technology. Dictionaries define it as 'the act of extending services, benefits, etc. to a wider section of the population.’This definition also implies a mission to communicate a particular message to an audience in order to gain their support. Its meaning for libraries is profound, having consequences for fund raising, public service, and public relations.”Library Outreach, Partnerships, and Distance Education: Reference Librarians at the Gateway focuses on extending community outreach in libraries toward a broader public by expanding services that are based on recent advances in information technology. This crucial volume with help you will explore many of the issues that are currently affecting libraries, including: the growth of technology and its effect on libraries and library users emerging literacy issues (computer literacy, non-English-speaking populations) providing effective services to at-risk populations diversity and multiculturalism and how they are changing the ways that libraries are used targeting and reaching specific user groups distance education--bringing the mountain to MohammedIf the public perception of libraries is ever to move beyond that of “musty old book warehouses,” librarians must take a more active role in the development of new services and in heightening awareness of their existing services and collections. Library Outreach, Partnerships, and Distance Education presents ideas and strategies that are now being implemented around the United States to do just that. This book should be a part of every library's plans for the future!
Taylor & Francis Inc Information Delivery in the 21st Century: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Fee-Based Information Services in Libraries
Face the information explosion with confidence!Information Delivery in the 21st Century: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Fee-Based Information Services in Libraries will guide newcomers and established practitioners alike through the major issues facing fee-based library information services today. Those new to this area will find helpful introductions to these issues, presented by seasoned practitioners with years of experience managing successful services or consulting in specialized areas of the information industry. Veteran information service managers will find thought-provoking discussions designed to stimulate the continuous service improvements that are so critical to success in today's rapidly changing information marketplace.Start-up and operation of a fee-based library information service is much like starting and running a small business, with familiar issues such as marketing, price setting, and monitoring the general business environment. In other ways, however, managing these services is even more challenging because of special considerations such as operating within a larger organization, copyright compliance, and changing trends in the information industry. Information Delivery in the 21st Century clarifies all of these issues, putting you in control of your situation.Information Delivery in the 21st Century, based upon sessions presented at the 1997 Fourth International Fee-Based Information Services in Libraries Conference, will give you a better understanding of: pricing policies copyright compliance writing business plans working with a parent organization trends in the information industryHere is the knowledge you’ll require to lead your library through the early years of the new century. Information Delivery in the 21st Century: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Fee-Based Information Services in Libraries is the essential guide you need!
Taylor & Francis Inc Maltreatment in Early Childhood: Tools for Research-Based Intervention
Detect and put a stop to child abuse!For mental health professionals, social workers, legal professionals, and policy makers, Maltreatment in Early Childhood: Tools for Research-Based Intervention examines strategies and ideas for professional training in child protection in the United States. Derived from presentations at the San Diego Conference Responding to Child Maltreatment, this book addresses current assessment issues, the intersection of child maltreatment and other social problems, the history of child protection, and the intricacies of courtroom testimonies, and provides guidance for case management. Through insight into research and case studies, Maltreatment in Early Childhood explores effective approaches to child-friendly services, multivictim cases, therapy, and victim recantation to help you assist sexually abused children or children who have witnessed domestic abuse.Addressing a variety of challenges that face all those involved with youth in need of assistance due to abuse, this informative book examines why children of different racial identities may display different secret-keeping behavior, and presents a variety of approaches that encourage clients to talk about their situation. Maltreatment in Early Childhood explores child abuse from a historical and political context, and discusses key issues relating to all facets of this social problem, including: understanding the pros and cons of asking children to recall their experiences through specific types of questions, such as invitational questions and less preferred questions, which may or may not reveal true answers deciding if the Validity Checklist, the second part of the Analysis procedure, is able to determine truthfulness of allegations in child sexual abuse cases testing the efficacy of the model designed at the National Children's Advocacy Center (NCAC), which may be used to validate abuse and determine if children's statements are accurate overcoming difficulties in the child protection system, including the probability of multiple interviews and potential contamination of children's narratives by a variety of sources, to produce fair evaluations and successful prosecutionsWith tables and charts that will help you easily explore research findings, Maltreatment in Early Childhood provides you with the information you need in order to determine the truth of children's statements, how to present statements in court, and how to affect changes that will protect and assist victims of childhood sexual abuse.
Taylor & Francis Inc The Role of the Hospitality Industry in the Lives of Individuals and Families
The Role of the Hospitality Industry in the Lives of Individuals and Families explores the evolution of the hospitality industry and the relationships between hospitality providers, their families, and the guests they serve. Focusing on the human aspect of the business, this text will give hospitality providers a better understanding of the human relations issues that they or their employees may face and show them how your services affect guests. Offering research and insight into customs and traditions that have influenced modern services, The Role of the Hospitality Industry in the Lives of Individuals and Families will teach you how to better meet the needs of guests at the national or international level while learning how the industry affects employees and their lives outside of work.The Role of the Hospitality Industry in the Lives of Individuals and Families discusses many different themes that relate to the improvement of the profession for both guests and employees, such as the spiritual, philosophical, and historical provisions of hospitality; the human resource and work issues of employees in the industry; consumer and family demands; and marketing strategies for hospitality organizations. In addition, this text discusses many issues that affect guests and that affect you as an employer or employee, such as: responding to the needs of travelers for a “home away from home” dealing with the social and health issues of guests recognizing the changing food habits of Americans and their impact on the hospitality industry examining the frequently negative attitude of Americans toward service hospitality employees balancing a career in the hospitality industry and family life researching the frequency of fast food patronage by older adults and the importance of hotel/motel services to older adults to determine if areas of service need improvement protecting employees from overly demanding guests balancing compassion, generosity, and idealism with the corporate profit maximization mandateThe Role of the Hospitality Industry in the Lives of Individuals and Families also examines the cultural relationships fostered by the hospitality industry as a benefit and proof of quality services. Complete with ideas for further research, this text will help you and your employees evaluate the personal effects of the hospitality industry and help provide better services to guests.
Taylor & Francis Inc The Ideal Gay Man: The Story of Der Kreis
Discover the deliciously succulent homosexual world of the early 1900s!The Ideal Gay Man: The Story of Der Kreis gives you the history of the influential international gay journal Der Kreis, published in Switzerland from 1932--1967. You’ll gain fascinating insight into the journal’s origins, its development, and the reasons for its demise. Entertaining and informative, this book points out how the events of the day relating to the gay movement were reflected in and influenced by Der Kreis.Der Kreis was the world’s most important journal promoting the legal and social rights of gay men. Literary historians, gay theory scholars, and general readers will be intrigued by the generous selection of articles from the English section of the journal, as well as the English translations from the French and German sections. The Ideal Gay Man is a fascinating collection of history and entertainment. Some topics you’ll explore are: the beginning of the publication Der Kreis why Der Kreis stopped publication sections on the English writers, French writers, and German writers of Der Kreis articles on morality and the public’s changing perceptions of homosexuality man and boy love and the differences between leading and seductionThe Ideal Gay Man studies this amazingly influential gentlemen’s journal and provides you with a flattering and long overdue inclusion into gay studies material. You will explore the homosexual world during a turbulent time of intolerance and discover how the events relating to the gay movement were reflected in and influenced by Der Kreis.