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Springer Nature Switzerland AG Online Othering: Exploring Digital Violence and Discrimination on the Web
This book explores the discrimination encountered and propagated by individuals in online environments. The editors develop the concept of 'online othering' as a tool through which to analyse and make sense of the myriad toxic and harmful behaviours which are being created through, or perpetuated via, the use of communication-technologies such as the internet, social media, and ‘the internet of things’. The book problematises the dichotomy assumed between real and virtual spaces by exploring the construction of online abuse, victims' experiences, resistance to online othering, and the policing of interpersonal cyber-crime. The relationship between various socio-political institutions and experiences of online hate speech are also explored.Online Othering explores the extent to which forms of information-technologies facilitate, exacerbate, and/or promote the enactment of traditional offline offences (such as domestic abuse and stalking). It focuses on the construction and perpetration of online abuse through examples such as the far-right, the alt-right and Men's Rights Activists. It also explores experiences of, and resistance to, online abuse via examples such as victims' experiences of revenge porn, online abuse and misogyny, transphobia, disability hate crime, and the ways in which online othering is intersectional. Finally, the collection addresses the role of the police and other agencies in terms of their interventions, and the regulation and governance of virtual space(s). Contributions to the volume come from fields including sociology; communication and media studies; psychology; criminology; political studies; information science and gender studies. Online Othering is one of the very first collections to explore a multitude of abuses and their relationship to information and communication technology.
Rowman & Littlefield Portraits of African American Life since 1865
Portraits of African American Life since 1865 is an intimate study of the lives of 14 African Americans since the end of the Civil War. Written by established and rising scholars, these diverse biographies offer a rich portrayal of the African American experience over the last 150 years. Unlike many other books in the field which celebrate the contributions of African American leaders, this volume explores the lives of ordinary individuals who pursued a variety of endeavors from politics, labor reform, religion, medicine, sports, business, and, importantly, civil rights. Through the lives of these men and women who struggled to defy great odds, this text demonstrates the major themes in African American history. Editor Nina Mjagkij includes the largely untold stories of the Highgate sisters, two northern black teachers whose lives exemplify the African American thirst for education and penchant for racial uplift through schooling; Father of the Kansas Exodus, Benjamin 'Pap' Singleton; Pan-African Congress member and international peace movement activist Addie Waites Hunton; and Lester A. Walton, a journalist, foreign minister, and political activist who fought tirelessly for the birthright of citizenship for African Americans in a country that systematically denied that claim. In these engaging passages, students will meet Edgar Daniel Nixon, a forgotten Father of the Civil Rights Movement; Sgt. Allen Thomas, Jr., who served in the Vietnam War; civil servant and civil rights activist, Elmer Henderson; and educator and feminist, Anna Julia Cooper. They will become acquainted with fraternal society leader William Washington Browne, who fostered life insurance among African Americans and advocated black owned banks; Richard Henry Boyd, who established the National Baptist Publishing Board, the largest publishing house owned and controlled by black Americans; and Timothy Drew, 'Noble Drew Ali,' founder of the Moorish Science Temple of America, who fused religion with black nationalism, paving the way for other militant separatist groups. In these pages, students will also encounter Willard Townsend, the highest ranking African American official in the Congress of Industrial Organizations, and Roberta Church, the first African American woman in the South to hold the elected position of Republican State Committeewoman. Compelling as well as informative, Portraits of African American Life since 1865 gives students a heightened understanding of the evolution of what it has meant to be black and American through more than 150 years of U.S. history. This book is ideal for African American history courses.
Apple Academic Press Inc. Ethnobotany of India, Volume 4: Western and Central Himalayas
Ethnobotany of India: Volume 4: Western and Central Himalayas is the 4th volume of the 5-volume set, an informative book series on the ethnobotanical aspects of India. The books cover different regions, including Volume 1: Eastern Ghats and Deccan Volume 2: Western Ghats and West Coast of Peninsular IndiaVolume 3: North-East India and Andaman and Nicobar IslandsVolume 4: Western and Central HimalayasVolume 5: The Indo-Gangetic RegionEach volume looks at the important ethnic plants of the specific region. Volume 4 covers the Western and Central Himalayas, the well-known mountain range on the Indian subcontinent. The unique flora and fauna of the Himalayas are varied, affected by climate, rainfall, altitude, and soils, and are vulnerable to impacts from climate change. The editors espouse that because indigenous non-Western societies form the vast majority of people now as well as in the past, a study of their plant interrelationships is necessary, and India is one of the most important regions of the old world for its ancient and culturally rich and diverse knowledge of ethnobotany. With this in mind, these volumes share a great deal of information that will be valuable to plant botanists and others working in and interested in ethnobotany. This important volume covers the ethnobotanical aspects of many plants of the region. It looks at ethnic diversity of people ethnic food plants and food preparation ethnomedical aspects of plants psychedelic plants and their possible link to soma, a vedic ritual drink whose plant origins are a mystery ethnoveterinary medicinal plants ethno-conservation practices biodiversity heritage sites The volume includes the details of the plants used, their scientific names, the parts used, and how the plants are used, providing the what, how, and why of plant usage. The book is well illustrated with 20 color and 67 b/w illustrations.Together, the five volumes in the Ethnobotany of India series presents the available ethnobotanical knowledge of India in one place. India’s ancient and culturally rich and diverse information and use of ethnobotany will be valuable to those in the fields of botany and plant sciences, pharmacognosy and pharmacology, nutraceuticals, and others. The books also consider the threat to plant biodiversity imposed by environmental degradation, which impacts cultural diversity.
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Travell, Simons & Simons' Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction: The Trigger Point Manual
Selected as a Doody's Core Title for 2022 and 2023! This new edition of Travell, Simons & Simons' groundbreaking work reflects the latest research and best practices associated with trigger points and updates the iconic pain point images that set the standard in the field. New lead editor Joseph M. Donnelly draws on his experience as both educator and physical therapy practitioner to integrate an evidence-based approach into this critical text. In addition, the new edition consolidates information to create a more intuitive user experience and features a completely new full color design to bring concepts to life. NEW! Consolidated: The previous edition’s two volumes– Upper Extremities and Lower Extremities—have been consolidated into one accessible book. NEW! Updated research from around the world and coverage of the most current evidence-based treatments prepare readers for practice. UPDATED! More integrated presentation. Information on pain is now better integrated with information on pain treatment. UPDATED! In-text learning aids integrated throughout the text, including learning objectives, case studies, and Q&As, help students master the material and apply it to practice. eBook available for purchase. Fast, smart, and convenient, today’s eBooks can transform learning. These interactive, fully searchable tools offer 24/7 access on multiple devices, the ability to highlight and share notes, and more
Wolters Kluwer Health Psychopharmacology Algorithms: Clinical Guidance from the Psychopharmacology Algorithm Project at the Harvard South Shore Psychiatry Residency Program
Algorithms serve an important purpose in the field of psychopharmacology as heuristics for avoiding the biases and cognitive lapses that are common when prescribing for many conditions whose treatment is based on complex data. Unique in the field, this title compiles twelve papers from the Psychopharmacology Algorithm Project at the Harvard South Shore Psychiatry Residency Training Program and presents practical ways to adopt evidence-based practices into the day-to-day treatment of patients. Psychopharmacology Algorithms is a useful resource for practicing psychiatrists, residents, and fellows, as well as psychiatric nurse practitioners, psychiatric physician assistants who prescribe, advanced practice pharmacists who prescribe, and primary care clinicians. Teachers of psychopharmacology may find it particularly valuable. Researchers in clinical psychopharmacology may find it helpful in identifying important practice areas that are in need of further study. Contains ten updated psychopharmacology treatment algorithms designed to assist with the clinical use of psychiatric medications, each complete with extensive critical evaluation of the evidence supporting the rationales for each treatment step and the advantages and disadvantages of various alternatives to the recommended treatments. Provides introductory material explaining the usefulness of algorithms as clinical tools and how to make best use of the algorithms in the book. Papers focusing on inpatient psychopharmacology, and on residency training in psychopharmacology using the algorithms are included Annual updates to the accompanying eBook are planned. Prepared by David N. Osser, MD, general editor of the Psychopharmacology Algorithm Project at the Harvard South Shore Program and its website, Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, and an editorial board member of several psychiatric and psychopharmacology journals and the Model Curriculum for Psychopharmacology of the American Society of Clinical Psychopharmacology. Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone. Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
Princeton University Press The Best Writing on Mathematics 2020
The year's finest mathematical writing from around the worldThis annual anthology brings together the year’s finest mathematics writing from around the world. Featuring promising new voices alongside some of the foremost names in the field, The Best Writing on Mathematics 2020 makes available to a wide audience many articles not easily found anywhere else—and you don’t need to be a mathematician to enjoy them. These writings offer surprising insights into the nature, meaning, and practice of mathematics today. They delve into the history, philosophy, teaching, and everyday aspects of math, and take readers behind the scenes of today’s hottest mathematical debates.Here, Steven Strogatz reveals how calculus drives advances in virology, Paul Thagard argues that the power of mathematics stems from its combination of realistic and fictional qualities, and Erica Klarreich describes how Hao Huang used the combinatorics of cube nodes to solve a longstanding problem in computer science. In other essays, John Baez tells how he discovered the irresistible attractions of algebraic geometry, Mark Colyvan compares the radically different explanatory practices of mathematics and science, and Boris Odehnal reviews some surprising properties of multidimensional geometries. And there’s much, much more.In addition to presenting the year’s most memorable writings on mathematics, this must-have anthology includes a bibliography of other notable writings and an introduction by the editor.This book belongs on the shelf of anyone interested in where math has taken us—and where it is headed.
Temple University Press,U.S. Ethnographies of Youth and Temporality: Time Objectified
As we experience and manipulate time—be it as boredom or impatience—it becomes an object: something materialized and social, something that affects perception, or something that may motivate reconsideration and change. The editors and contributors to this important new book, Ethnographies of Youth and Temporality, have provided a diverse collection of ethnographic studies and theoretical explorations of youth experiencing time in a variety of contemporary socio-cultural settings. The essays in this volume focus on time as an external and often troubling factor in young people’s lives, and shows how emotional unrest and violence but also creativity and hope are responses to troubling times. The chapters discuss notions of time and its and its “objectification” in diverse locales including the Georgian Republic, Brazil, Denmark and Uganda. Based on long-term ethnographic fieldwork, the essays in Ethnographies of Youth and Temporality use youth as a prism to understand time and its subjective experience. In the series Global Youth, edited by Craig Jeffrey and Jane Dyson
John Wiley & Sons Inc Endotoxin and Sepsis: Molecular Mechanisms of Pathogenesis, Host Resistance, and Therapy
Progress in Clinical and Biological Research, Volume 397 ENDOTOXIN AND SEPSIS Molecular Mechanisms of Pathogenesis, Host Resistance, and Therapy Proceedings of the Fourth Conference of the International EndotoxinSociety Held in Nagoya, Japan, October 23-27, 1996 Jack Levin, Matthew Pollack, Takashi Yokochi, and Masayasu Nakano,Editors Recent breakthroughs in our understanding of the molecular biologyof the human immune response have lead to important advances in therecognition and treatment of sepsis. Endotoxin and Sepsis:Molecular Mechanisms of Pathogenesis, Host Resistance, and Therapycompiles the latest basic and clinical research on many aspects ofsepsis, including sepsis/SIRS. It provides researchers andclinicians with an up-to-date overview of the critical data andconcepts in this rapidly progressing field of inquiry. Featuring contributions by researchers and clinicians from aroundthe world, this book presents papers covering a broad spectrum ofspecialized topics in the bacteriology, biochemistry, molecular andcellular interactions, pathophysiology, and pharmacodynamics ofsepsis/SIRS. It also presents information on in vivo detection andpotential new therapies that target sepsis and its cellulareffects. Specific topics covered in Endotoxin and Sepsis: MolecularMechanisms of Pathogenesis, Host Resistance, and Therapy include: * Enzymes essential to the biosynthesis of Lipid A and theirimportance in the design of a new generation of antibiotics * Recent breakthroughs in the understanding of the role of CD-14 incellular resistance to infection and its therapeutic implications * The role of Interleukin 6 in endotoxin-induced inflammatoryresponse * The molecular mechanisms responsible for endotoxin tolerance * Unique chemical and biological features of LPS, and natural andsynthetic LPS control mechanisms. Endotoxin and Sepsis: Molecular Mechanisms of Pathogenesis, HostResistance, and Therapy is must reading for laboratory and clinicalmicrobiologists, immunologists, and other investigators studyingbacterial endotoxins, and specialists in internal medicine. It willalso be of interest to biotechnology and pharmaceutical researchersinvolved with the development of new drugs to combat sepsis.
University of Texas Press Opera and Vivaldi
From the New York Times review of the Dallas Opera's performance of Orlando furioso and the international symposium on Baroque opera: ". . . it was a serious, thoughtful, consistent and imaginative realization of a beautiful, long-neglected work, one that fully deserved all the loving attention it received. As such, the production and its attendant symposium made a positive contribution to the cause of Baroque opera . . . . " Baroque opera experienced a revival in the late twentieth century. Its popularity, however, has given rise to a number of perplexing and exciting questions regarding literary sources, librettos, theater design, set design, stage movement, and costumes—even the editing of the operas. In 1980, the Dallas Opera produced the American premier of Vivaldi's Orlando furioso, which met with much acclaim. Concurrently an international symposium on the subject of Baroque opera was held at Southern Methodist University. Authorities from around the world met to discuss the operatic works of Vivaldi, Handel, and other Baroque composers as well as the characteristics of the genre. Michael Collins and Elise Kirk, deputy chair and chair of the symposium, edited the papers to produce this groundbreaking study, which will be of great interest to music scholars and opera lovers throughout the world. Contributors to Opera and Vivaldi include Shirley Wynne, John Walter Hill, Andrew Porter, Eleanor Selfridge-Field, Howard Mayer Brown, William Holmes, Ellen Rosand, and the editors.
Emerald Publishing Limited Culturally Responsive Strategies for Reforming STEM Higher Education: Turning the TIDES on Inequity
By the end of this decade, the U.S. economy will annually create hundreds of thousands of new jobs requiring a bachelor's degree in STEM fields, particularly computer science. This increasing need for computer scientists, coupled with an inconsistent agenda for managing dramatic shifts in the demographic landscape of higher education, compromises our competitiveness in scientific discovery and innovation. As higher education seeks to address this issue, the need for more culturally responsive approaches to undergraduate STEM teaching also increases.This book uses the power of reflection, storytelling, and data to holistically demonstrate the effectiveness of a novel professional development intervention for STEM faculty - Teaching to Increase Diversity and Equity in STEM, or TIDES - that significantly increased faculty self-efficacy in implementing culturally responsive pedagogies. In it, the editors combine the authentic voices of authors from multiple institutional contexts and individual worldviews to assimilate and synthesize broad theoretical concepts into practice in usable ways, while also offering concrete applicable examples of strategies and solutions that serve as an important comprehensive reference for all undergraduate educators and administrators. This practical guide provides a durable platform for building capacity in understanding of the cultural complexities and institutional realities of recruiting and retaining diverse students in STEM, particularly the computer sciences.
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Webster's New World Basic Dictionary of American English
In the United States, 20 percent of the adult population is marginally literate. Of these roughly 30 million people, approximately 1.8 million are enrolled in basic skills literacy programs. Webster's New World has created a dictionary that is uniquely designed to help these beginning readers. Webster's New World Basic Dictionary of American English defines 49,000 of the most commonly used words in the American English lexicon. These are the words adult readers are most likely to encounter in newspapers and magazines, on job applications and product instructions, on advertising billboards and their children's school progress reports. The dictionary defines these words in clear, easy-to-understand language, using only words that are themselves defined in the dictionary, but never condescending to the adult reader. Definitions are liberally supplemented with example phrases and sentences that put words in context and help new readers understand meaning and usage. Special notes on synonyms help new readers differentiate between words with similar meanings. And selected illustrations help readers identify and remember words. This quality paperback book is designed for ease of reading and use, as well as for durability. Primarily created for native English speakers, it is also a valuable reference for more advanced readers of English as a second language. From the editors of the prestigious Webster's New World College Dictionary, the Basic Dictionary of American English brings the full scholarship behind that work to this important new offering in the field of literacy.
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Grabb's Encyclopedia of Flaps: Head and Neck
Still the most comprehensive reference available on surgical flaps, this classic text remains your go-to source for practical, authoritative guidance on achieving the best possible outcomes for your patients. The thoroughly revised 4th Edition features an all-new, full-color format that greatly enhances its visual appeal and usefulness in your everyday practice. Dozens of internationally recognized experts describe every clinical proven flap option available for repairing both routine and unusual problems, lavishly illustrated with clinical photographs and diagrams of anatomy, blood supply, flap design, and operative procedures.Extensively indexed and organized by anatomic region, chapters follow a logical format that clearly presents all the information you need to know: indications, anatomy, flap design and dimensions, operative technique, clincal results, and summary. This comprehensive, clinically relevant information allows you to select the best flaps for safe, predictable, and aesthetically desirable results for every patient.Volume 1 of Grabb’s Encyclopedia of Flaps, 4th Edition , covers Head and Neck. For complete coverage of every anatomic area, please order the2-Volume set.Key Features The most current, complete, and relevant reference available to date in the fast-changing field of plastic and reconstructive surgery. A new full-color design throughout, with redrawn illustrations, color figures, and vibrant clinical photographs, enhances the clinical usefulness of the text. Seven new chapters in Volume 1 cover recent developments in the f, supraclavicular artery island flap for head and neck oncologic reconstruction and sensate thoracodorsal artery perforator flap. Updated content on innovative perforator flaps that have led to more versatile flap designs in nearly all areas of the body, with the added benefit of limiting donor site morbidity and expanded applications of “propeller” flaps. Chapters on less commonly used flaps moved online to preserve the encyclopedic scope of the reference, yet also maintain a manageable size in the print edition. Clinically useful editorial comments throughout that reflect the four editors’ more than 100 years of collective experience. Now with the print edition, enjoy the bundled interactive eBook edition, which can be downloaded to your tablet and smartphone or accessed online and includes features like: Complete content with enhanced navigation Powerful search tools and smart navigation cross-links that pull results from content in the book, your notes, and even the web Cross-linked pages, references, and more for easy navigation Highlighting tool for easier reference of key content throughout the text Ability to take and share notes with friends and colleagues Quick reference tabbing to save your favorite content for future use
Duke University Press Surviving against the Odds: Village Industry in Indonesia
President Barack Obama’s mother, S. Ann Dunham, was an economic anthropologist and rural development consultant who worked in several countries including Indonesia. Dunham received her doctorate in 1992. She died in 1995, at the age of 52, before having the opportunity to revise her dissertation for publication, as she had planned. Dunham’s dissertation adviser Alice G. Dewey and her fellow graduate student Nancy I. Cooper undertook the revisions at the request of Dunham’s daughter, Maya Soetoro-Ng. The result is Surviving against the Odds, a book based on Dunham’s research over a period of fourteen years among the rural metalworkers of Java, the island home to nearly half Indonesia’s population. Surviving against the Odds reflects Dunham’s commitment to helping small-scale village industries survive; her pragmatic, non-ideological approach to research and problem solving; and her impressive command of history, economic data, and development policy. Along with photographs of Dunham, the book includes many pictures taken by her in Indonesia.After Dunham married Lolo Soetoro in 1967, she and her six-year-old son, Barack Obama, moved from Hawai‘i to Soetoro’s home in Jakarta, where Maya Soetoro was born three years later. Barack returned to Hawai‘i to attend school in 1971. Dedicated to Dunham’s mother Madelyn, her adviser Alice, and “Barack and Maya, who seldom complained when their mother was in the field,” Surviving against the Odds centers on the metalworking industries in the Javanese village of Kajar. Focusing attention on the small rural industries overlooked by many scholars, Dunham argued that wet-rice cultivation was not the only viable economic activity in rural Southeast Asia.Surviving against the Odds includes a preface by the editors, Alice G. Dewey and Nancy I. Cooper, and a foreword by her daughter Maya Soetoro-Ng, each of which discusses Dunham and her career. In his afterword, the anthropologist and Indonesianist Robert W. Hefner explores the content of Surviving against the Odds, its relation to anthropology when it was researched and written, and its continuing relevance today.
University of Illinois Press La Voz Latina: Contemporary Plays and Performance Pieces by Latinas
Elizabeth C. Ramírez and Catherine Casiano bring together a collection of plays and performance pieces by innovative Latina playwrights. Surveying Latina theatre in the United States from the 1980s to the twenty-first century, the editors present works displaying a variety of forms, themes, and genres, expanding the field of Latina theatre while situating it in the larger spectrum of American stage and performance studies. Ramírez and Casiano provide historical context and a production history for each work and a biography of, and artistic statement from, each playwright. Contributors: Yareli Arizmendi, Josefina Báez, The Colorado Sisters, Migdalia Cruz, Evelina Fernández, Cherríe Moraga, Carmen Peláez, Carmen Rivera, Celia H. Rodríguez, Diane Rodriguez, and Milcha Sanchez-Scott. The volume also includes commentary by Kathy Perkins and Caridad Svich.
Royal Society of Chemistry Contrast Agents for MRI: Experimental Methods
As a practical reference guide for designing and performing experiments, this book focuses on the five most common classes of contrast agents for MRI namely gadolinium complexes, chemical exchange saturation transfer agents, iron oxide nanoparticles, manganese complexes and fluorine contrast agents. It describes how to characterize and evaluate them and for each class, a description of the theory behind their mechanisms is discussed briefly to orient the new reader. Detailed subchapters discuss the different physical chemistry methods used to characterize them in terms of their efficacy, safety and in vivo behavior. Important consideration is also given to the different physical properties that affect the performance of the contrast agents. The editors and contributors are at the forefront of research in the field of MRI contrast agents and this unique, cutting edge book is a timely addition to the literature in this area.
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Bulletproofing the Psyche: Preventing Mental Health Problems in Our Military and Veterans
This book presents the latest in neuroscience and resiliency research alongside the personal stories of military veterans to advocate for an empirically validated training protocol. In Bulletproofing the Psyche: Preventing Mental Health Problems in Our Military and Veterans editors Kate Hendricks Thomas and David L. Albright lead an interdisciplinary team of researchers, practitioners, and military veterans in calling for a new kind of training with a focus on "bulletproofing the psyche": psychological resiliency skills training. They combine research and storytelling to argue that somatic protocols, a training method long used in the treatment sector to rewire the brain after trauma and a proven, valid alternative to drug and talk therapy, should be applied to the prevention and training sectors. Contributors include leaders in the fields of trauma research, military social work, and veterans' health. Students and scholars in the fields of social work, military psychology, social psychology, health promotion, organizational development, and institutional organization will find the research relevant, while clinicians, counselors, and mental health care providers working with military-connected communities may find the discussion of trauma treatment and intervention model transformative for their practice.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Electrocardiogram in Emergency and Acute Care
The Electrocardiogram in Emergency and Acute Care Clear, practical guidance in mastering ECG interpretation in the critically ill patient The Electrocardiogram in Emergency and Acute Care contains clear, practical guidance on mastering both single-lead and 12 lead ECGs, covering the full range of complexities and including a section on differential diagnosis of more common ECGs, with over 200 tracings from which to learn and self-test. The editors place an emphasis on readability and accessibility, with clearly written chapters and excellent illustrations that serve as a primary source of information for students, trainees, and practicing emergency physicians in all areas. In The Electrocardiogram in Emergency and Acute Care, readers can expect to find detailed information on topics such as: Clinical applications, impact, and interpretation of the electrocardiogram, plus variants of the normal, lead misplacement, and electrocardiographic artifact encountered in clinical practice Cardiac rhythms and cardiac dysrhythmias, covering cardiac rhythms with normal rates, narrow QRS complex tachycardia, wide QRS complex tachycardia, and bradycardia Anatomic and physiologic considerations of ischemic heart disease, historical development of the prehospital electrocardiogram, and electrocardiographic findings in acute coronary syndrome Special populations, high-risk presentation scenarios, and advanced electrocardiographic techniques, covering electrocardiograms in pediatric and poisoned patients The Electrocardiogram in Emergency and Acute Care is ideally suited to medical students, residents, and physicians in training, but is also a useful reference for established physicians as a review and reference text, along with all other health professionals working in this field.
Peeters Publishers An English-French Dictionary of Clipped Words
This dictionary deals with the little words which everyone uses every day without even noticing them and which are so liable to escape the grasp of a speaker of another language - clipped words, obtained by back-clipping or apocope (the dropping of one or more final syllables), by front-clipping or aphesis (the dropping of one or more final syllables), by the combination of these two processes and sometimes further transformed, especially in slang, by the addition of a new ending. The aim is not of course merely to list all these words and say from which longer words they were obtained; an attempt is made here to retrace the history of each of them, its stylistic, semantic and often morphological evolution, to illustrate this with authentic and often pungent or humorous quotations and also to show how each can be translated into the other language. Indeed this is an English-French bilingual dictionary, whose aim is to translate clipped words according to priciples of historical and register fidelity which bilingual dictionaries do not ordinarily set for this type of headword. Thus, clipped words will be shown to have meaning precisely because they are clipped; consequently, this meaning must be preserved and conveyed in translation. This dictionary thus aims at being different from traditional bilingual dictionaries, dictionaries of slang and colloquialisms included, in the structure and content of its articles, in which much space is devoted to the lexicological data, which inform the strictly lexicographical information. Special attention and care have been devoted to the system of cross-references, the recording and presentation of derived forms, variants and compounds and to the presentation of slang or colloquial synonyms of the headwords. The body of the dictionary is preceded by a preface in which the editing principles and methods are outlined and an attempt is made at analyzing the corpus : its historical, sociological and morphological aspects are reviewed, together with the motivations of those that coin or use clippings. These motivations appear essential to the proper appraisal of this body of slang and colloquial words; this dictionary's intention is to pay homage to all the unknown paople who have made the lexicon richer by playing with and on words, with joyful humour, zest and gusto. It is hoped that all lovers of words will have the same pleasure exploring this dictionary as its author had writing it. Professor Fabrice Antoine teaches English at the Universite Charles-de-Gaulle Lille III (France). His research fields are bilingual lexicography, lexicology and translation; he has been a consulting editor for a dozen bilingual dictionaries, general as well as slang ones. He is especially interested in French and English slang and colloquialisms and co-hairs ELEXTRA (Etudes sur le Lexique et la Traduction), a research centre at the University of Lille.
Oxford University Press Decadent Conservatism: Aesthetics, Politics, and the Past
British Decadent literature was a radical attack on conventional morality and middle-class taste, its insistence on the autonomy of art and its exploration of sexuality, dissipation, and depravity at odds with the literary and social establishment. Yet this counter-cultural narrative has obscured the often reactionary and elitist tendencies of Decadent writers and artists of the fin de siècle. Decadent Conservatism offers the first in-depth examination of the intersection of Decadence and conservatism, arguing that underpinning both was the desire to find alternatives to liberal modernity. Both Decadents and conservatives turned to the past to uncover values and models of social organisation that could offer stability in a chaotic world. From well-known figures such as Oscar Wilde and W.B. Yeats, through to the forgotten editors of short-lived periodicals, important female aesthetes such as Michael Field, and politicians such as Arthur Balfour, Decadent Conservatism challenges conventional understandings of the relationship between aesthetics, politics, and the past in late-Victorian Britain. Through a series of thematic chapters exploring the alternative communities created by little magazines, the politics of Individualism, investments in monarchy and religion, Folk Decadence, and jingoistic and nationalist responses to the Second Anglo-Boer war, this study offers a new, and much messier, picture of fin-de-siècle literary politics. It will be of interest to those working on Victorian literature and modernism, as well as social, political, and cultural history of the period 1880-1920.
Royal Society of Chemistry Microalgal Hydrogen Production: Achievements and Perspectives
Hydrogen could be the fuel of the future. Some microorganisms can produce hydrogen upon illumination. Biological methods of production could be greener than chemical or physical production methods, but the potential of biological methods is still being harnessed. This comprehensive book highlights the key steps necessary for future exploitation of solar-light-driven hydrogen production by microalgae. The highly regarded editors bring together 46 contributors from key institutions in order to suggest and examine the most significant issues that must be resolved to achieve the goal of practical implementation, while proposing reliable methodologies and approaches to solve such issues. This 19 chapter book will be an indispensable resource for academics, undergraduate and graduate students, postgraduates and postdoctoral scholars, energy scientists, bio/chemical engineers, and policy makers working across the field of biohydrogen and bioenergy.
Pennsylvania State University Press Iconography Beyond the Crossroads: Image, Meaning, and Method in Medieval Art
This volume assesses how current approaches to iconology and iconography break new ground in understanding the signification and reception of medieval images, both in their own time and in the modern world.Framed by critical essays that apply explicitly historiographical and sociopolitical perspectives to key moments in the evolution of the field, the volume’s case studies focus on how iconographic meaning is shaped by factors such as medieval modes of dialectical thought, the problem of representing time, the movement of the viewer in space, the fragmentation and injury of both image and subject, and the complex strategy of comparing distant cultural paradigms. The contributions are linked by a commitment to understanding how medieval images made meaning; to highlighting the heuristic value of new perspectives and methods in exploring the work of the image in both the Middle Ages and our own time; and to recognizing how subtle entanglements between scholarship and society can provoke mutual and unexpected transformations in both. Collectively, the essays demonstrate the expansiveness, flexibility, and dynamism of iconographic studies as a scholarly field that is still heartily engaged in the challenge of its own remaking.Along with the volume editors, the contributors include Madeline H. Caviness, Beatrice Kitzinger, Aden Kumler, Christopher R. Lakey, Glenn Peers, Jennifer Purtle, and Elizabeth Sears.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Big Data Analytics for Internet of Things
BIG DATA ANALYTICS FOR INTERNET OF THINGS Discover the latest developments in IoT Big Data with a new resource from established and emerging leaders in the fieldBig Data Analytics for Internet of Things delivers a comprehensive overview of all aspects of big data analytics in Internet of Things (IoT) systems. The book includes discussions of the enabling technologies of IoT data analytics, types of IoT data analytics, challenges in IoT data analytics, demand for IoT data analytics, computing platforms, analytical tools, privacy, and security.The distinguished editors have included resources that address key techniques in the analysis of IoT data. The book demonstrates how to select the appropriate techniques to unearth valuable insights from IoT data and offers novel designs for IoT systems.With an abiding focus on practical strategies with concrete applications for data analysts and IoT professionals, Big Data Analytics for Internet of Things also offers readers: A thorough introduction to the Internet of Things, including IoT architectures, enabling technologies, and applications An exploration of the intersection between the Internet of Things and Big Data, including IoT as a source of Big Data, the unique characteristics of IoT data, etc. A discussion of the IoT data analytics, including the data analytical requirements of IoT data and the types of IoT analytics, including predictive, descriptive, and prescriptive analytics A treatment of machine learning techniques for IoT data analytics Perfect for professionals, industry practitioners, and researchers engaged in big data analytics related to IoT systems, Big Data Analytics for Internet of Things will also earn a place in the libraries of IoT designers and manufacturers interested in facilitating the efficient implementation of data analytics strategies.
University of Wisconsin Press Intermediate Horizons: Book History and Digital Humanities
This innovative collection examines how book history and digital humanities (DH) practices are integrated through approach, access, and assessment. Eight essays by rising and senior scholars practicing in multiple fields—including librarians, literature scholars, digital humanists, and historians—consider and reimagine the interconnected futures and horizons at the intersections of texts, technology, and culture and argue for a return to a more representative and human study of the humanities. Integrating intermedial practices and assessments, the editors and contributors explore issues surrounding the access to and materiality of digitized materials, and the challenge of balancing preservation of traditional archival materials with access. They offer an assessment in our present moment of the early visions of book history and DH projects. In revisiting these projects, they ask us to shift our thinking on the promises and perils of archival and creative work in different media. Taken together, this volume reconsiders the historical intersections of book history and DH and charts a path for future scholarship across disciplinary boundaries.
Globe Law and Business Ltd Investing in Distressed Debt in Europe:: The TMA Handbook for Practitioners
The European distressed debt market has grown exponentially during the last few years, experiencing very significant development. Many investors have entered that market with the intention of profiting from the opportunities that this market is offering them. However, navigating the waters of the European distressed debt market has not always been easy, because this market is far from homogeneous and legal fragmentation is the norm. This co-publication with TMA Europe provides an overview of the European distressed debt market, covering debt trading, non-performing loans, direct lending, restructuring and workouts. It analyses these topics and others from a pan-European point of view, and is intended as a practical guide for anyone seeking a better understanding of the commercial and legal complexities involved in a highly fragmented market where different jurisdictions, legislative frameworks and market practices apply. Ignacio Buil Aldana, a partner in the finance and restructuring team at the London office of Spanish law firm Cuatrecasas, Gonçalves Pereira, has acted as consulting editor for the publication, which also features contributions from other leading experts in the field. Whether you are a lawyer in private practice or in industry, a financial advisor or an investor, this title aims to give you comprehensive insight into all the significant aspects of the European distressed debt market.
John F Blair Publisher Prayin' to Be Set Free: Personal Accounts of Slavery in Mississippi
In his introduction to Prayin’ to Be Set Free, Andrew Waters likens the personal accounts of former Mississippi slaves to the music of that state’s legendary blues artists. The pain, the modest eloquence, and even the underlying vitality are much the same. What is now Mississippi wasn’t acquired by the United States until 1798, at which time it had fewer than 10,000 inhabitants, excluding Native Americans. By the Civil War, it had over 430,000 slaves and 350,000 whites. More than half the whites were members of slave-owning families. The majority of slaves worked in the cotton fields. Mississippi was known as a slave-buying frontier state, in contrast to the eastern states, which sold slaves westward. Indeed, many of the former slaves in this book speak of coming to Mississippi as children. At the height of the Depression, the out-of-work wordsmiths who comprised the Federal Writers’ Project began interviewing elderly African-Americans about their experiences under slavery. The former slaves were more than 70 years removed from bondage, but the memories of many of them were strikingly clear. The accounts from former Mississippi slaves are considered among the strongest in the entire collection. The 28 narratives presented here are the best of those. Andrew Waters is a writer and former editor. A native North Carolinian, he graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with Honors in Creative Writing and received a graduate degree from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. He is the executive director of the Spartanburg Area Conservancy in Spartanburg, SC.
Indiana University Press Museums of Communism: New Memory Sites in Central and Eastern Europe
How did communities come to terms with the collapse of communism? In order to guide the wider narrative, many former communist countries constructed museums dedicated to chronicling their experiences. Museums of Communism explores the complicated intersection of history, commemoration, and victimization made evident in these museums constructed after 1991. While contributors from a diverse range of fields explore various museums and include nearly 90 photographs, a common denominator emerges: rather than focusing on artifacts and historical documents, these museums often privilege memories and stories. In doing so, the museums shift attention from experiences of guilt or collaboration to narratives of shared victimization under communist rule. As editor Stephen M. Norris demonstrates, these museums are often problematic at best and revisionist at worst. From occupation museums in the Baltic States to memorial museums in Ukraine, former secret police prisons in Romania, and nostalgic museums of everyday life in Russia, the sites considered offer new ways of understanding the challenges of separating memory and myth.
University of Minnesota Press Trans Philosophy
Establishing trans philosophy as a unique field of inquiry, offering tools for our quest toward a more just and equitable worldTrans Philosophy defines this burgeoning and polymorphous discipline as philosophical work that is accountable to and illuminative of cross-cultural and global trans experiences, histories, and cultural productions. Across language and politics, feminism and phenomenology, and decolonial theory, it addresses trans worldmaking in all its beauty and mundanity. Critically, the editors center the contributions of trans and gender-nonconforming philosophers from around the globe. Showcasing work from a range of emerging and established voices, Trans Philosophy addresses discrimination, embodiment, identity, language, and law, utilizing diverse philosophical methods to attend to significant intersections between trans experience and class, disability, race, nationality, and sexuality. At a time when trans-exclusionary vi
Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures Unpublished Bo-Fragments in Transliteration I: (Bo 9536 - Bo 9736)
The monograph offers a large number of unpublished text fragments in photo and transliteration and gives succinct philological notes to these fragments. The fragments are part of a large collection that had been found during the early German campaigns at the Hittite capital Hattusa before the Second World War. The fragments were taken to the Staatliche Museen in Berlin (which fell to Eastern Germany after the war) and were finally returned by the German Democratic Republic to Turkey (the Museum of Ancient Anatolian Civilizations, Ankara) in the year 1987. They were then divided among a team of eminent Turkish Hittitologists under the supervision of Sedat Alp, but most of the pieces remained unpublished. Following a decision of the Turkish Ministry of Culture in 2010, a new team was formed, partly consisting of members of the former team, but also supplemented by several Turkish Hittitologists of the younger generation. The author of the present monograph is one of these new team members. Oguz Soysal is an experienced Hittitologist and the author of a number of important publications, which received much attention in the field. In more than one case he has already dealt with unpublished fragments, and on these occasions he has shown himself to be a skilled editor of new texts. As a collaborator of the Hittite Dictionary of the University of Chicago, Soysal was able to draw upon the rich lexical files of this project in order to assign fragments to a text or even join them together with other fragments. Soysal provides photographs and transliterations of each piece. This is a very felicitous decision. Photos offer the users of his book all the information needed on the sign forms of the fragments, and the transliterations show how Soysal has interpreted those signs. Wherever necessary, Soysal gives philological notes to explain certain forms or to present relevant text variants. Each fragment, if possible, is accompanied by information on its assignment to a Hittite text or text genre, the date of the composition, the fragment's measurements, and previous bibliography. After the presentation of the fragments highly useful indexes on onomastics and lexicographical matters close the book.
Globe Law and Business Ltd Investing in Distressed Debt in Europe, Second Edition: The TMA Handbook for Practitioners
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, opportunities for distressed-debt investors continued to appear in the European market despite high numbers of state-backed loans and financial injections from EU member states. Such opportunities are set to increase significantly as this financial assistance is gradually withdrawn, and especially in light of the EU Directive 1023/2019 on Preventive Restructuring (the ‘Restructuring Directive’), which gives a more central role to distressed creditors who will benefit from more flexible pre-insolvency instruments with a broader scope. This second edition, co-published with TMA Europe, provides an overview of the European distressed-debt market and covers, among other topics: non-performing loans; direct lending; and restructuring and workouts. It explores these subjects from a pan-European viewpoint and includes a comprehensive analysis of how the Restructuring Directive has been implemented. Chapters have been written by leading experts in the field, supported by consulting editors Ignacio Buil Aldana and Patricia Alvarez Alonso, partners in the restructuring, insolvency and special situations team at the London office of Spanish law firm Cuatrecasas. Whether you are a lawyer in private practice or in-house, a financial adviser or an investor, this practical guide will provide you with invaluable insight and a better understanding of the commercial and legal complexities involved in the European distressed-debt market.
Royal Society of Chemistry Microfluidics in Detection Science: Lab-on-a-chip Technologies
The concept of a miniaturised laboratory on a disposable chip is now a reality, and in everyday use in industry, medicine and defence. New devices are launched all the time, prompting the need for a straightforward guide to the design and manufacture of lab-on-a-chip (LOC) devices. This book presents a modular approach to the construction and integration of LOC components in detection science. The editors have brought together some of the leading experts from academia and industry to present an accessible guide to the technology available and its potential. Several chapters are devoted to applications, presenting both the sampling regime and detection methods needed. Further chapters describe the integration of LOC devices, not only with each other but also into existing technologies. With insights into LOC applications, from biosensing to molecular and chemical analysis, and presenting scaled-down versions of existing technology alongside unique approaches that exploit the physics of the micro and nano-scale, this book will appeal to newcomers to the field and practitioners requiring a convenient reference.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Dictionary of Medical Vocabulary in English, 1375–1550: Body Parts, Sicknesses, Instruments, and Medicinal Preparations
Medical texts written in English during the late Middle Ages have in recent years attracted increasing attention among scholars. From approximately 1375 onwards, the use of English began to gain a firmer foothold in medical manuscripts, which in previous centuries had been written mainly in Latin or French. Scholars of Middle English, and editors of medical texts from late medieval England, are thus faced with a huge medical vocabulary which no single volume has yet attempted to define. This dictionary is therefore an essential reference tool. The material analysed in the Dictionary of Medical Vocabulary in English, 1375–1550 includes edited texts, manuscripts and early printed books, and represents three main types of medical writing: surgical manuals and tracts; academic treatises by university-trained physicians, and remedybooks. The dictionary covers four lexical fields: names of sicknesses, body parts, instruments, and medicinal preparations. Entries are structured as follows: (1) headword (2) scribal variants occurring in the texts (3) etymology (4) definition(s), each definition followed by relevant quotations (5) references to corresponding entries in the Dictionary of Old English, Middle English Dictionary, and The Oxford English Dictionary (6) references to academic books and articles containing information on the history and/or meaning of the term.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Ethical Innovation in Business and the Economy
One of the strengths of the book is that it combines a conceptual clarification of what ethical innovation means - and why it is needed - with discussions of actual ethical innovations at each of the different responsibility levels in business ethics (the individual, organizational and systemic level).'- Geert Demuijnck, EDHEC Business School, France'Innovation in business is not new. But innovation is new in the business ethics literature. This is the first book I know of that examines both innovation in business ethics and ethical aspects of innovation in business. New ways of doing business and many of the changes brought about by technology and globalization raise ethical issues too often ignored by those in business ethics until there is a crisis or scandal. This ground-breaking group of chapters opens up a new area for research and investigation by those in business ethics and those with an interest in ethics in business.'- Richard De George, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, University of Kansas, USInnovation has become a buzzword that promises dramatic changes in almost every field of business. Absent from this attention is a serious discussion of the ethical sides of dramatic change. To address this, editors Georges Enderle and Patrick E. Murphy gather a team of experts to fully examine the ethics of innovation within business and the economy in this standout addition to the Studies in TransAtlantic Business Ethics series.The book opens with an exploration and clarification of several key concepts necessary for a thorough study of innovation such as business ethics, moral innovation, creativity, and wealth creation. The opening chapters also propose a novel theoretical foundation and methodological approach with which to address ethical innovation. Subsequently, the contributors discuss challenges and opportunities of innovation for individuals, organizations, and systems while zoning in on a wide range of specific examples, including but not limited to: managerial responsibilities, morality and imagination of leaders, as well as the ethics of the Maker Movement. This comprehensive book evaluates organizational innovations from diverse parts of the world including Egypt, India, Latin America, the UK, and the US. Ethical Innovation in Business and the Economy concludes with a presentation of methods for improving economic systems, such as tracing Adam Smith in emerging enterprises, developing a justice model of marketing to the poor, and bridging the formal and informal economies in an African context.This in-depth examination of innovation, and its involvement in the business and economic world, is an invaluable reference tool for students, teachers, and researchers in business and economic ethics, as well as executives in business and other organizations who search for new and more responsible ways to address globalization, sustainability, and financialization.Contributors: T. Beschorner, D. Bevan, G.G. Brenkert, J.B. Ciulla, G. Enderle, N.-h. Hsieh, K.J. Ims, D. Koehn, M. Kolmar, G.R. Laczniak, C. Luetge, P.E. Murphy, E. O'Higgins, P.J. Opio, M.A. Santoro, N.J.C. Santos, A. Tencati, M. Uhl, P.H. Werhane, L. Zsolnai
University of Hawai'i Press Japanese Philosophy: A Sourcebook
With Japanese Philosophy: A Sourcebook, readers of English can now access in a single volume the richness and diversity of Japanese philosophy as it has developed throughout history. Leading scholars in the field have translated selections from the writings of more than a hundred philosophical thinkers from all eras and schools of thought, many of them available in English for the first time. The Sourcebook editors have set out to represent the entire Japanese philosophical tradition—not only the broad spectrum of academic philosophy dating from the introduction of Western philosophy in the latter part of the nineteenth century, but also the philosophical ideas of major Japanese traditions of Buddhism, Confucianism, and Shinto. The philosophical significance of each tradition is laid out in an extensive overview, and each selection is accompanied by a brief biographical sketch of its author and helpful information on placing the work in its proper context. The bulk of the supporting material, which comprises nearly a quarter of the volume, is given to original interpretive essays on topics not explicitly covered in other chapters: cultural identity, samurai thought, women philosophers, aesthetics, bioethics. An introductory chapter provides a historical overview of Japanese philosophy and a discussion of the Japanese debate over defining the idea of philosophy, both of which help explain the rationale behind the design of the Sourcebook. An exhaustive glossary of technical terminology, a chronology of authors, and a thematic index are appended. Specialists will find information related to original sources and sinographs for Japanese names and terms in a comprehensive bibliography and general index. Handsomely presented and clearly organized for ease of use, Japanese Philosophy: A Sourcebook will be a cornerstone in Japanese studies for decades to come. It will be an essential reference for anyone interested in traditional or contemporary Japanese culture and the way it has shaped and been shaped by its great thinkers over the centuries.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Blackwell Guide to Kant's Ethics
THE BLACKWELL GUIDE TO KANT’S Ethics THE BLACKWELL GUIDES TO great Works “Hill has edited an excellent set of essays by both well-established and younger Kant scholars, each of which insightfully discusses fundamental themes and arguments in Kant’s moral philosophy. This collection not only contributes importantly to ongoing scholarship, but it will serve as a perfect companion to upper-level undergraduate and graduate courses that feature Kant’s ethics.” Mark Timmons, University of Arizona Late in the eighteenth century, Immanuel Kant published several influential works of moral philosophy, writings that even his staunchest critics acknowledge represent the efforts of one of the most profound thinkers of the modern age. Reflecting the philosopher’s increasing stature and a resurgence in innovative scholarship, The Blackwell Guide to Kant’s Ethics presents a collection of original essays that address a wide variety of topics crucial to our understanding of Kant’s moral philosophy and its implications. The essays’ broad range of ideas is ensured through contributions by both well-established Kant scholars and rising stars in the field. Readings serve to illuminate and put into perspective issues that Kant addressed in his later writings, including his idea of a good will and formulations of the Categorical Imperative, along with his concepts of virtue, duties to oneself, justice, punishment, and international relations. Further insights are garnered through extensive introductory commentary by the editor that put the essays in context. And in an original concluding essay, noted Kant scholar Arnulf Zweig shares some personal reflections on the enduring value of Kant’s ethics. Informed by impeccable scholarship, The Blackwell Guide to Kant’s Ethics is a thought-provoking new work that will enhance our understanding of Kant’s ethical theories while offering provocative insights into the mind of one of the most influential thinkers in the history of Western philosophy.
Royal Society of Chemistry Polymer Colloids: Formation, Characterization and Applications
Academic and industrial research around polymer-based colloids is huge, driven both by the development of mature technologies, e.g. latexes for coatings, as well as the advancement of new materials and applications, such as building blocks for 2D/3D structures and medicine. Edited by two world-renowned leaders in polymer science and engineering, this is a fundamental text for the field. Based on a specialised course by the editors, this book provides the reader with an invaluable single source of reference. The first section describes formation, explaining basic properties of emulsions and dispersion polymerization, microfluidic approaches to produce polymer-based colloids and formation via directed self-assembly. The next section details characterisation methodologies from microscopy and small angle scattering, to surface science and simulations. The final chapters close with applications, including Pickering emulsions and molecular engineering for materials development. A comprehensive guide to polymer colloids, with contributions by leaders in their respective areas, this book is a must-have for researchers and practitioners working across polymers, soft matter and chemical and molecular engineering.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Encyclopedia of Genetics, Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics, 8 Volume Set
Available in print and online, this unique reference brings together all four fields of genetics, genomics, proteomics, and bioinformatics to meet your dynamic research requirements. It brings together the latest concepts in these vibrant areas and ensures a truly multidisciplinary approach. Topics include genetic variation and evolution, epigenetics, the human genome, expression profiling, proteome families, structural proteomics, gene finding/gene structure, protein function and annotation, and more. The work incorporates a vast amount of topical information, profiles cutting-edge techniques, and presents the very latest findings from an international team of over five hundred contributors. With articles for both students and more experienced scientists, this is a key reference source for everyone. Contains more than 450 articles covering all aspects of genomics, proteomics, bioinformatics and related technologies Includes a glossary containing over 550 clear and concise definitions "I am pleased to recommend it heartily as a essential reference tool...should remain the definitive work...for many years to come."THE CHEMICAL EDUCATOR "Jorde...and co-editors have done a remarkable job in coordinating this information, distilling it into a package that is both easy to navigate and over-flowing in discovery."ELECTRIC REVIEW
Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc Whiskey Master Class: The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Scotch, Bourbon, Rye, and More
Go beyond the glass and discover the secrets behind your favorite style of whiskey. Over the past three decades, Lew Bryson has been one of the most influential voices in whiskey—a longtime editor of Whisky Advocate and author of the definitive guide Tasting Whiskey. In this book, Lew shares everything he's learned on his journey through the worlds of bourbon, Scotch, rye, Japanese whiskey, and more (yes, there are tasty Canadian and Irish whiskeys as well!). In this book, you'll find it all: An overview of the different types of whiskeys, including the rules and identities of each. He also includes information on craft whiskeys, which tend to be more creative and freewheeling than the styles made by traditional producers. Exploration of the key whiskey ingredients, with a close look at the flavor contributions of malt, peat, corn, rye, wheat—even water matters. Distillation for non-distillers and the beauty of barrels: Whiskey is both an art and a science, and what's in the glass is affected by things like pot stills vs. column stills, barrel char, and of course, time. Numerous interviews with master distillers, still makers, and other artisans at the top of their field. Tasting notes throughout so you can identify the whiskeys you might want to try next. Every chapter contains a variety of unique, often behind-the-scenes photography. And with whiskey as the subject, this is a class where you'll want to do the homework!
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Grabb's Encyclopedia of Flaps: Upper Extremities, Torso, Pelvis, and Lower Extremities
Still the most comprehensive reference available on surgical flaps, this classic text remains your go-to source for practical, authoritative guidance on achieving the best possible outcomes for your patients. The second volume in the thoroughly revised 4th Edition combines the previous edition's volumes two and three into one all-new, full-color format that greatly enhances its visual appeal and usefulness in your everyday practice. Dozens of internationally recognized experts describe every clinical proven flap option available for repairing both routine and unusual problems, lavishly illustrated with clinical photographs and diagrams of anatomy, blood supply, flap design, and operative procedures.Extensively indexed and organized by anatomic region, chapters follow a logical format that clearly presents all the information you need to know: indications, anatomy, flap design and dimensions, operative technique, clincal results, and summary. This comprehensive, clinically relevant information allows you to select the best flaps for safe, predictable, and aesthetically desirable results for every patient.Volume 2 of Grabb’s Encyclopedia of Flaps, 4th Edition , covers Upper Extremities, Torso, Pelvis, and Lower Extremities. For complete coverage of every anatomic area, please order the2-Volume set.Key Features The most current, complete, and relevant reference available to date in the fast-changing field of plastic and reconstructive surgery. A new full-color design throughout, with redrawn illustrations, color figures, and vibrant clinical photographs, enhances the clinical usefulness of the text. Twenty-five new chapters in Volume 2 cover recent developments in the field, including, fat grafting for breast reconstruction revision and split gluteal muscle flap for autoprosthesis buttock augmentation. Updated content on innovative perforator flaps that have led to more versatile flap designs in nearly all areas of the body, with the added benefit of limiting donor site morbidity and expanded applications of “propeller” flaps. New information on vascularized lymph node flap transfer and new neurotized and composite flaps for multiple anatomic locations, including the hand. Chapters on less commonly used flaps moved online to preserve the encyclopedic scope of the reference, yet also maintain a manageable size in the print edition. Clinically useful editorial comments throughout that reflect the four editors’ more than 100 years of collective experience. Now with the print edition, enjoy the bundled interactive eBook edition, which can be downloaded to your tablet and smartphone or accessed online and includes features like: Complete content with enhanced navigation Powerful search tools and smart navigation cross-links that pull results from content in the book, your notes, and even the web Cross-linked pages, references, and more for easy navigation Highlighting tool for easier reference of key content throughout the text Ability to take and share notes with friends and colleagues Quick reference tabbing to save your favorite content for future use
Royal Society of Chemistry Materials for a Sustainable Future
Sustainability is becoming more and more important in our everyday lives and this book is a non-exhaustive look at materials and how they relate to sustainability. This concerns not only the elements that could be in short supply in the near future, such as phosphorus, helium, some rare earths and platinum metals, but also the pollutants such as carbon dioxide and methane which are being produced in sufficiently large quantities to be a threat to our lives on Earth. Covering fives themes in twenty five chapters, one of the great advantages of this book is that the chapters have been written by scientists or engineers who are experts in their field and include up-to-date statistics, recent research, and references to the latest work. The book includes chapters concerning chemicals and materials that might soon be required in large quantities to help create a more sustainable way of life. These include: biomass needed to manufacture plastics; special compounds and membranes for water purification, water-splitting, photovoltaic cells, batteries and fuel cells; and special materials for buildings, glass technologies and for storing hydrogen. Aimed at industrialists and investors; policy makers in local and central governments; students, teachers, scientists and engineers working in the field; and finally editors, journalists and the general public who need information on the increasingly popular concepts of sustainable living, this book provides current information and points the way forward for new developments.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Spectroscopy and Characterization of Nanomaterials and Novel Materials: Experiments, Modeling, Simulations, and Applications
Spectroscopy and Characterization of Nanomaterials and Novel Materials Comprehensive overview of nanomaterial characterization methods and applications from leading researchers in the field In Spectroscopy and Characterization of Nanomaterials and Novel Materials: Experiments, Modeling, Simulations, and Applications, the editor Prabhakar Misra and a team of renowned contributors deliver a practical and up-to-date exploration of the characterization and applications of nanomaterials and other novel materials, including quantum materials and metal clusters. The contributions cover spectroscopic characterization methods for obtaining accurate information on optical, electronic, magnetic, and transport properties of nanomaterials. The book reviews nanomaterial characterization methods with proven relevance to academic and industry research and development teams, and modern methods for the computation of nanomaterials’ structure and properties - including machine-learning approaches - are also explored. Readers will also find descriptions of nanomaterial applications in energy research, optoelectronics, and space science, as well as: A thorough introduction to spectroscopy and characterization of graphitic nanomaterials and metal oxides Comprehensive explorations of simulations of gas separation by adsorption and recent advances in Weyl semimetals and axion insulators Practical discussions of the chemical functionalization of carbon nanotubes and applications to sensors In-depth examinations of micro-Raman imaging of planetary analogs Perfect for physicists, materials scientists, analytical chemists, organic and polymer chemists, and electrical engineers, Spectroscopy and Characterization of Nanomaterials and Novel Materials: Experiments, Modeling, Simulations, and Applications will also earn a place in the libraries of sensor developers and computational physicists and modelers.
University of Washington Press Studies in American Indian Art: A Memorial Tribute to Norman Feder
Like few of his contemporaries, Norman Feder helped shape the study of American Indian art. In a career spanning four decades as hobbyist craftsman, author, curator, and editor, Feder contributed to the theoretical and methodological foundation of a discipline about to emerge from the narrow interests of museum anthropologists and devoted amateurs into public prominence and widespread appreciation. Feder entered the field without the benefit of academic training, but with a profound firsthand knowledge of the importance of techniques for an understanding of Native American visual forms of expression. Among his lasting contributions is the explicit recognition of the historical nature of these art forms, of the resulting significance of documented collections and information contained in early drawings and photographs for a placement of artifact styles in time and space, and of the usefulness of studies of artifact types or genres in Native American art. In this volume a group of American, Canadian, and European anthropologists, art historians, and collectors explore topics relating to Feder’s far-ranging interests in Native American art and shed light on his background and achievements. Essays by Arthur C. Einhorn, Joyce Herold, Tilly Laskey, Roanne P. Goldfein, Christian F. Feest, Steven C. Brown, Colin F. Taylor, Bill Holm, Arni Brownstone, Imre Nagy, Molly Lee, Marvin Cohodas, Ruth B. Phillips, Sally McLendon, William C. Sturtevant, and Sylvia S. Kasprycki deal with works from different regions, time periods, and traditional forms of expression of Native North America.
Royal Society of Chemistry Drug Discovery for Psychiatric Disorders
The discovery and development of effective medicines for the treatment of psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia and depression has been heralded as one of the great medical achievements of the past century. Indeed, the profound impact of these medicines on our understanding of the pathophysiology underlying these diseases, the treatment of psychiatric patients and even our social perception of mental illnesses cannot be underestimated. However, there is still an urgent medical need for even more effective, safe and well-tolerated treatments. For example, currently available treatments for schizophrenia address mainly the positive symptoms and largely neglect the negative symptoms and cognitive disfunction which greatly impact overall morbidity. Similarly, whilst the current first line antidepressants show significantly improved side effect profiles compared to the first generation therapies, there still up to 40% of patients who are treatment resistant, and even in the patient population which responds well, the onset of action is slow at typically 2-3 weeks. The aim of this book is to provide the first point of call for those involved or just interested in this rapidly expanding and increasingly fragmented field of research and drug discovery. The editors will combine their wide ranging experience and extensive network of contacts with leading scientists and opinion leaders in this field to provide an authoritative reference text covering the evolution, major advances, challenges and future directions in drug discovery and medicinal chemistry for major psychiatric disorders.
Rowman & Littlefield Portraits of African American Life since 1865
Portraits of African American Life since 1865 is an intimate study of the lives of 14 African Americans since the end of the Civil War. Written by established and rising scholars, these diverse biographies offer a rich portrayal of the African American experience over the last 150 years. Unlike many other books in the field which celebrate the contributions of African American leaders, this volume explores the lives of ordinary individuals who pursued a variety of endeavors from politics, labor reform, religion, medicine, sports, business, and, importantly, civil rights. Through the lives of these men and women who struggled to defy great odds, this text demonstrates the major themes in African American history. Editor Nina Mjagkij includes the largely untold stories of the Highgate sisters, two northern black teachers whose lives exemplify the African American thirst for education and penchant for racial uplift through schooling; Father of the Kansas Exodus, Benjamin "Pap" Singleton; Pan-African Congress member and international peace movement activist Addie Waites Hunton; and Lester A. Walton, a journalist, foreign minister, and political activist who fought tirelessly for the birthright of citizenship for African Americans in a country that systematically denied that claim. In these engaging passages, students will meet Edgar Daniel Nixon, a forgotten Father of the Civil Rights Movement; Sgt. Allen Thomas, Jr., who served in the Vietnam War; civil servant and civil rights activist, Elmer Henderson; and educator and feminist, Anna Julia Cooper. They will become acquainted with fraternal society leader William Washington Browne, who fostered life insurance among African Americans and advocated black owned banks; Richard Henry Boyd, who established the National Baptist Publishing Board, the largest publishing house owned and controlled by black Americans; and Timothy Drew, "Noble Drew Ali," founder of the Moorish Science Temple of America, who fused religion with black nationalism, paving the
Cornell University Press Theory Can Be More than It Used to Be: Learning Anthropology's Method in a Time of Transition
Within anthropology, as elsewhere in the human sciences, there is a tendency to divide knowledge making into two separate poles: conceptual (theory) vs. empirical (ethnography). In Theory Can Be More than It Used to Be, Dominic Boyer, James D. Faubion, and George E. Marcus argue that we need to take a step back from the assumption that we know what theory is to investigate how theory—a matter of concepts, of analytic practice, of medium of value, of professional ideology—operates in anthropology and related fields today. They have assembled a distinguished group of scholars to diagnose the state of the theory-ethnography divide in anthropology today and to explore alternative modes of analytical and pedagogical practice.Continuing the methodological insights provided in Fieldwork Is Not What It Used to Be, the contributors to this volume find that now is an optimal time to reflect on the status of theory in relation to ethnographic research in anthropology and kindred disciplines. Together they engage with questions such as, What passes for theory in anthropology and the human sciences today and why? What is theory's relation to ethnography? How are students trained to identify and respect anthropological theorization and how do they practice theoretical work in their later career stages? What theoretical experiments, languages, and institutions are available to the human sciences? Throughout, the editors and authors consider theory in practical terms, rather than as an amorphous set of ideas, an esoteric discourse of power, a norm of intellectual life, or an infinitely contestable canon of texts. A short editorial afterword explores alternative ethics and institutions of pedagogy and training in theory.Contributors: Andrea Ballestero, Rice University; Dominic Boyer, Rice University; Lisa Breglia, George Mason University; Jessica Marie Falcone, Kansas State University; James D. Faubion, Rice University; Kim Fortun, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Andreas Glaeser, University of Chicago; Cymene Howe, Rice University; Jamer Hunt, Parsons The New School for Design and the Institute of Design in Umea, Sweden; George E. Marcus, University of California, Irvine; Townsend Middleton, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Deepa S. Reddy, University of Houston–Clear Lake; Kaushik Sunder Rajan, University of Chicago
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Business History
This important book assembles formative articles that demonstrate how business history emerged as a discipline from the interwar years until the present day. The essays, drawn from authors in the United States, Europe, Asia and Latin America, document the remarkable intellectual achievements of the field, as well as exploring the challenges it faced securing a wider impact on other disciplines. The editors provide a wide-ranging and original introduction. The book will appeal to both social scientists and historians interested to learn how the field of business history was shaped.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Social Policy in Changing European Societies: Research Agendas for the 21st Century
Adopting an interdisciplinary approach this book provides a cutting-edge, in-depth account of social policy research today, how we got here, and where future research should be headed. It defines the core research agenda for the future covering multiple social policy fields, including care, family, health, and housing policy as well as gender equality, labour market policy, and welfare attitudes.The book brings together a unique combination of scholars from social policy, sociology, political science, international relations, and law, who explore how European societies have changed over the last 20 years, the future challenges which need to be addressed and the role for social policy research. The editors argue that to advance research on European social policy, we need to develop a better understanding of the interplay between multiple policies, invest more resources in theoretical development, and effectively utilize perhaps the greatest asset of European social policy research – its multidisciplinarity.Offering crucial insights into the dynamic nature of social policy research, this book will be a valuable guide for social policy scholars and students. Its discussion of a broad range of social policy areas will also be useful for practitioners and policymakers across a wide range of social policy fields.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Interior Design in Practice: Case Studies of Successful Business Models
Through real-world case studies, master the business of interior design practice Whether you hope to own your own company, grow your company, or rise high in the managerial ranks of a larger practice, you must have a tight grasp of business basics in order to succeed as an interior designer. Interior Design in Practice provides the vital business education an interior designer needs. It describes in detail how to plan and launch an interior design business, and how to grow that business towards success. Through real-world case studies, you'll learn the essentials of building a design practice, including: Deciding how and when to use business planning, strategic planning, and financial planning to your benefit Techniques to build teams and motivate team members Ways to avoid costly mistakes Advice on branding and marketing your firm and yourself Methods to integrate new technology into your day-to-day practice, marketing, and networking Coauthored by a former ASID national president and an experienced design writer and editor, Interior Design in Practice assists interior designers with practical, from-the-field advice, along with enlightening case studies throughout the book. Both budding entrepreneurs and seasoned design practitioners will find this comprehensive, real-world guide a welcome stepping-stone to success.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Procedures in Cosmetic Dermatology: Cosmetic Procedures in Skin of Color
Offering a step-by-step, practical approach to increasingly requested cosmetic procedures, Procedures in Cosmetic Dermatology: Cosmetic Treatment of Skin of Color, enables you to master the up-to-date cosmetic techniques that produce the superior results your patients expect. Edited by renowned dermatologist, Dr. Andrew F. Alexis, along with hand-selected experts in this rapidly growing field, it provides practical insights into safe and effective approaches to cosmetic procedures in skin of color that can be performed by dermatologists-all abundantly illustrated and evidence based. A substantial video library demonstrating preferred techniques and modalities helps you successfully incorporate the latest procedures into your practice. Provides complete, clear descriptions for aesthetic dermatological concerns in patients with skin of color, including dedicated chapters on populations of African, East Asian, South Asian, Middle Eastern, and Hispanic/Latino ancestry. Covers management of key dermatologic conditions in skin of color including melasma, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, hair loss, and keloids. Features high-quality images and numerous procedural videos demonstrating exactly how to perform today’s most requested or most challenging procedures. Presents preferred methods and step-by-step techniques for chemical peels, laser hair removal, laser resurfacing, laser treatment of pigmented lesions, hair transplantation, botulinum toxins, soft tissue fillers, periorbital rejuvenation, and more. Shares the knowledge and expertise of editor and cosmetic dermatologist, Andrew F. Alexis, MD, MPH, of New York City’s Center for Diverse Skin Complexions, who is often asked by patients, “Can we use this treatment safely on my skin?”-reflecting concerns regarding complications following cosmetic procedures in patients with non-white skin types. An eBook version is included with purchase. The eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud. Any additional digital ancillary content may publish up to 6 weeks following the publication date.