Search results for ""Urano""
Ediciones Urano Como Atrapar a Una Heredera (Agentes de la Corona 1)
Ediciones Urano Mas Brillante Que El Sol
Ediciones Urano Acuerdo, El
Ediciones Urano Una Mujer Rebelde
Urano World PARADOJA
Urano World LA VENTA
Ediciones Urano Excelencia Ahora!
Ediciones Urano Dia Que Dejo de Nevar En Alaska, El -V2*
Ediciones Urano Historiadora, La
Urano World Huerfana Perdida
Ediciones Urano Todas Las Vidas de Eva KI
Ediciones Urano Corazon de la Bruja, El
Ediciones Urano Una Leccion de Tinta Y Venganza
Ediciones Urano Yerba Buena
Ediciones Urano Ultimo Graduado, El
Ediciones Urano Prosperidad
Urano World LOS CUATRO
Urano World El Metodo de Neurotransformacion
Ediciones Urano Eutanasia Para Vivir
Urano World Faith of the Butterfly
Urano Publishing What Self-Esteem Training Does Your Child Need Today?
Urano World Foxglove
Urano World DOS Amores de Mi Vida, Los
Urano World Querido Vecino
Puck Ediciones Urano Enciéndeme
Puck/Ediciones Urano Juntos En La Hoguera
Urano Publishing Inc Tao de la Salud-Segunda Parte -V2*
Ediciones Urano S.A.U. Un Príncipe Encantador
Puck Ediciones Urano Chica Que Nos Devolvió El Mar, La
Ediciones Urano S.A.U. Generación Dopamina
Ediciones Urano S.A.U. Una Lección de Amor
Umbriel Ediciones Urano S.A.U. Mika En La Vida Real
Ohio University Press The Community Table: Effective Fundraising through Events
In resource-challenged Athens County, Ohio, staff and volunteers at the nonprofit Athens County Foundation came up with a daring idea: to host a locally sourced, gourmet dinner for four hundred people. The meal would be held on the brick-paved main street of the city of Athens, to raise funds for the food bank, and increase awareness of the persistent local struggle with food insecurity, as well as raise the visibility of the foundation. The logistical challenges were daunting, but the plan would unite the community around the common theme of providing for its own. Since then, Bounty on the Bricks has become a touchstone event that raises close to one hundred thousand dollars for the food bank. In The Community Table, Athens County Foundation executive director Susan Urano translates her years of nonprofit experience with large-scale annual fundraisers into a step-by-step guide for development professionals, community leaders, and volunteers. Urano guides readers to consider when to mount a fundraiser, who the stakeholders are, what social and financial value the event will bring to the community, and how partnerships might augment the payoff. Using real-life examples, she explains how organizers can learn from mistakes and illustrates methods of team building, conflict resolution, and problem solving. Sample ideas, timelines, budgets, publicity plans, and committee structures round out The Community Table.
CRC Press Interstitial Hyperthermia Physics Biology and Clinical Aspects
In the last decade the use of interstitial microwave antennas to deliver localized and controlled power to deep-seated tumours has been explored in institutes around the world. Simultaneously the field of brachytherapy also progressed as clinicans began to develop new implantation approaches for a variety of tumour sites, thereby promoting the insertion of catheters which could serve as conduits for the insterstitial microwave applicators. Although the challenges presented by deep-seated tumours have not been solved, the developments in the field of brachytherapy and the implantation of interstitial applicators for hyperthermia are such that a volume dedicated to this approach is warranted. This third volume in the series Hyperthermia and Oncology provides insight in and updated information on various aspects of interstitial hyperthermia. It aims to serve as a guide for clinicians who are either already working in the field or who wish to implement this treatment. It also provides basi
Kyoto University Press and Trans Pacific Press The Limits of Tradition: Peasants and Land Conflicts in Indonesia
The Limits of Tradition explores the discourse of adat (customary or traditional) landownership that played an important role in peasant resistance against Indonesia's state development programmes and demonstrates its inherent limits as a viable instrument for enhancing the rights of forest-dwelling communities.The book traces the process in which the Indonesian government, as well as NGOs, developed competing interpretations of the discourse, and it presents fieldwork reports on how the lower classes appropriated it. It represents an in-depth study on the role of subaltern elites in creating and organising counter-hegemonic culture.
El gran libro de la mitología griega
En este libro descubrirás el origen de los dioses griegos, cómo vivían, cuáles eran sus poderes, quiénes eran Gaia, Urano, Cronos, Zeus, Hera, Poseidón, Démeter, Apolo, Atenea, Afrodita, Prometeo... Conocerás a Heracles y sus doce trabajos y a Ulises y sus aventuras.Un libro con pop-ups y más de 40 animaciones
Egmont Manga Mila Superstar 03
Springer Verlag, Singapore Materiality in Management Studies: Development of the Theoretical Frontier
The book systematizes the materiality concept, which has been fragmented in various fields of business administration and sometimes identified with interpretive postmodern business administration, along with the meta-theories discussed in the humanities and social sciences that aim to overcome humanistic dualism. This book is devoted to developing the concept of materiality as the theoretical frontier that has not been fully addressed in management studies, ranging from daily work practices in office spaces to the manualization of high-tech aircraft maintenance, to quantified personnel evaluations and fuel efficiency standards, to innovation using advanced scientific equipment. Institutional organization theory focuses on the material on which the symbolism of institutions is inscribed. Organizational routine research seeks to unravel the material dimension of organizational performative practices. Organizational wrongdoing research critiques material measurement practice based on social constructionism. Critical management studies focus on the material space as a way to counter the humanistic concept of time. Science-based innovation challenges sociomaterialistic science practices that originate from devices for management of technology (MOT) that have not been able to penetrate into the workings of science and technology, actually. Up-and-coming researchers in Japanese management studies conduct empirical research that draws out the implications of the concept of materiality.
Anaya Educación Dias de Clase School Days Sopa de Libros Soup of Books
El abuelo de Álvaro ha intentado cazar un elefante. El vecino de Beatriz tiene un perro que va a la compra, hace la comida y cuida de su dueño, que es un poco despistado; y el perro Sol, el cerdito Urano y la tórtola Torta se han hecho amigos gracias a un cazador al que le gustan mucho los animales... Para Rodrigo, Noemí, Beatriz, Álvaro, Damián y los demás, los días de clase son una aventura... solo tienen que escuchar.
Océano Ambar El universo y yo
Con este libro te sumergirás en ese mar inmenso, cósmico, que rodea el planeta que habitamos. El Sol, los planetas interiores (Mercurio, Venus, Marte y la Tierra). Los exteriores (Júpiter, Saturno Urano y Pluton), La luna, las estrellas, las constelaciones y sus caprichosas formas, el Universo Profundo, el origen de los mitos, la exploración y la vida en el espacio, y mucho más. También podremos hacer divertidas actividades con las que aprender más y experimentar. Un viaje hacia el espacio es también un viaje hacia el conocimiento.
Los dioses del cambio
La vida no siempre es sencilla; resulta imposible vivir sin encontrar momentos de crisis, dolor o cambios importantes. Sin embargo, no siempre somos conscientes del papel crucial que todos ellos desempeñan en nuestro proceso de crecimiento y evolución.Mientras algunas personas se desmoronan por completo y jamás se recuperan de una situación crítica, muchas otras resurgen renovadas y transformadas, con una nueva sensación de compromiso con su propio potencial, dotadas de un sorprendente reconocimiento de lo sagrado y con una mayor sensibilidad frente a los demás.Los dioses del cambio, un auténtico clásico de la astrología, nos enseña a responder a los intensos tránsitos de Urano, Neptuno y Plutón y a reconocer lo que sucede cuando estos planetas exteriores transitan por nuestra carta astral. Howard Sasportas combina en esta obra sus profundos conocimientos psicológicos con su experiencia práctica como astrólogo para enseñarnos a ver las crisis de la vida como oportunidades