Search results for ""Author Scott""
William B Eerdmans Publishing Co Ministers of Propaganda
Gregorian & Biblical Press The Holy Spirit's Agency in the Resurrection of the Dead: An Exegetico-Theological Study of 1 Corinthians 15,44b-49 and Romans 8.9-13
Editorial Médica Panamericana S.A. Tcnicas avanzadas en el tratamiento de los traumatismos de mueca
Amherst Media Photographing Birds of Prey The Art of Identifying Documenting Raptors
Capture the magnificence of wild birds of prey in this guide by an accomplished nature photographer.
Harvard Business Review Press The Little Black Book of Innovation, With a New Preface: How It Works, How to Do It
In The Little Black Book of Innovation, long-time innovation expert Scott D. Anthony draws on stories from his research and field work with companies like Procter & Gamble to demystify innovation. Anthony presents a simple definition of innovation and illuminates its vital role in organizational success and personal growth. Anthony also provides a powerful 28-day program for mastering innovations key steps: finding insight, generating ideas, building businesses, and strengthening capabilities. With its wealth of illustrative case studies from around the globe, this engaging and potent playbook is a must-read for anyone seeking to turn themselves or their companies into true innovation powerhouses.
Skyhorse Publishing Echo in Ramadi The Firsthand Story of US Marines in Iraqs Deadliest City
Barricade Books Cigar City Mafia
With meticulous detail, Scott M. Deitche documents the rise of the infamous Trafficante family, ruthless competitors in a violent, shifting place, where loyalties and power quickly changed.''
MK - Stanford University Press The CEO Playbook for Strategic Transformation Four Factors That Will Make or Break Your Organization
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. Scott A Smiths Serious Blues Essential Phrasing Get Your Fingers to Play Whats in Your Head Book DVD
CQ Press International Politics Classic and Contemporary Readings
This comprehensive, smartly-organized reader showcases the very best international relations scholarship: over 90 readings represent the field's traditions and contemporary debates, helping students trace the development of the scholarly field. International Politics: Classic and Contemporary Reading's four main partsâtheoretical traditions, war and peace, international political economy, and emerging issuesâdovetail with how most IR courses are taught, making the book easy to use. But this is more than just a collection of readings: International Politics is designed to help readers engage critically, in the spirit of intellectual pluralism, with some of the world's most provocative questions. Editor Scott P. Handler's substantial part headnotes put each of the selections into context, and he models analytic questions throughout. At the end of each headnote, discussion questions serve to guide class debate. Class-tested o
Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers Wooden Bones
North Star Press of Saint Cloud Inc The Hooked X: Key to the Secret History of North America
The Hooked X is a secret symbol first found on an inscribed slab of rock, dated 1362, unearthed by a farmer in Minnesota in 1898. This mysterious symbol inspired the author to pursue a nine-year investigation on both sides of the Atlantic that led to the discovery of other artifacts and clandestine documents indicative of secret trips to North America long before Columbus. The trail of evidence led to a deep plunge into the shadowy areas of Freemasonry and the Knights Templar that most brethren of these orders are unaware of. This incredible true story reveals untold secrets of North America that weave from medieval times through today, forever changing history as we know it.
Hoover Institution Press,U.S. Power to the Patient: Selected Health Care Issues and Policy Solutions
HOW CAN WE BEGIN TO CONTROL THE RISING COSTS OF HEALTH CARE?When calculated on a per capita basis, the United States has the costliest health care system in the world. The debate rages on over how to cope with the rising costs of medical care, with proposed solutions ranging from a single-payer system with broad government control to loosely defined market-driven plans. Power to the Patient: Selected Health Care Issues and Policy Solutions looks at three key elements of health care costs - third-party payment, the realities of growth in medical spending, and the medical liability system - and offers thoughtful, realistic suggestions to help stem the tide of rising expenses for everyone.Scott W. Atlas proposes changing the nature of health care insurance so that patients make direct payments to their health care providers. The critical focus, he says, should be on empowering the patient by putting consumers in charge of their money and letting them make cost-conscious decisions about spending health care dollars.Daniel P. Kessler reviews the current debate over the medical liability system, examining three areas of proposed reforms: limits on liability, 'patients' bill of rights' proposals, and alternative reforms such as medical practice guidelines, dispute resolutions, and no-fault insurance.Mark V. Pauly looks at the reasons why real medical spending has increased and concludes that it is virtually impossible to lower costs without lowering quality of care.
The University of North Carolina Press The Coasts of Carolina: Seaside to Sound Country
The Coasts of Carolina captures the vibrancy of the North Carolina oceanfront, sound country, and interior shores behind the barrier islands. Scott Taylor, who has been photographing the coast for almost thirty years, and Bland Simpson, whose many coastal books have delighted readers for two decades, come together to offer an inviting visual and textual portrait organized around coastal themes such as nature, fishing, and community life, with an emphasis on particular places and seasons. Evocative text is woven together with 145 vivid color images to present a unique and welcoming vision of the coastal region. As natives of the area, the collaborators venture beyond the familiar to show us swamp, marsh, river, sound, and seashore, uncovering places of uncommon delight that most visitors rarely lay eyes on. Their work celebrates the beauty of this amazing region and embodies their distinctive sense of what makes the North Carolina coast so special.
Louisiana State University Press The Faubourg Marigny of New Orleans: A History
Leaving the crowded, tourist-driven French Quarter by crossing Esplanade Avenue, visitors and residents entering the Faubourg Marigny travel through rows of vibrantly colored Greek revival and Creole-style homes. For decades, this stunning architectural display marked an entry into a more authentic New Orleans. In the first complete history of this celebrated neighborhood, Scott S. Ellis chronicles the incomparable vitality of life in the Marigny, describes its architectural and social evolution across two centuries, and shows how many of New Orleans's most dramatic events unfolded in this eclectic suburb.Founded in 1805, the Faubourg Marigny benefited from waves of refugees and immigrants settling on its borders. Émigrés from Saint-Domingue, Germany, Ireland, and Italy, in addition to a large community of the city's antebellum free people of color, would come to call Marigny home and contribute to its rich legacy. Shaped as well by epidemics and political upheaval, the young enclave hosted a post- Civil War influx of newly freed slaves seeking affordable housing and suffered grievous losses after deadly outbreaks of yellow fever. In the twentieth century, the district grew into a working-class neighborhood of creolized residents that eventually gave way to a burgeoning gay community, which, in turn, led to an era of ""supergentrification"" following Hurricane Katrina. Now, as with many historic communities in the heart of a growing metropolis, tensions between tradition and revitalization, informality and regulation, diversity and limited access contour the Marigny into an ever more kaleidoscopic picture of both past and present.Equally informative and entertaining, this nuanced history reinforces the cultural value of the Marigny and the importance of preserving this alluring neighborhood.
Taylor & Francis Inc Hollywood Planet: Global Media and the Competitive Advantage of Narrative Transparency
The popularity of American television programs and feature films in the international marketplace is widely recognized but scarcely understood. Existing studies have not sufficiently explained the global power of the American media nor its actual effects. In this volume, Scott Robert Olson tackles the issue head on, establishing his thesis that the United States' competitive advantage in the creation and global distribution of popular taste is due to a unique mix of cultural conditions that are conducive to the creation of "transparent" texts--narratives whose inherent polysemy encourage diverse populations to read them as though they are indigenous. Olson posits that these narratives have meaning to so many different cultures because they allow viewers in those cultures to project their own values, archetypes, and tropes into the movie or television program in a way that texts imported from other cultures do not, thus enabling the import to function as though it were an indigenous product. As an innovative volume combining postcolonial and postmodern theory with global management strategic theory, Hollywood Planet is one of the first studies that attempts to account theoretically for numerous recent ethnographic studies that suggest different interpretations of television programs and film by a variety of international audiences. Relevant to studies in media theory and other areas of the communication discipline, as well as anthropology, sociology, and related fields, Hollywood Planet contains a powerful and original argument to explain the dominance of American media in the global entertainment market.
Amazon Publishing Maddie's Monster Dad
Maddie loves monsters. She loves watching monster movies, eating monster cereal, and drawing monster pictures. She also loves doing things with her dad. But lately her dad has been very busy with work, so Maddie decides to use her Build-a-Beast kit to create a Monster Dad that is never too busy to play. It turns out there are some things that monsters can't do, and maybe a Monster Dad isn't as special as the real thing. The illustrations in gouache and pencil contain clever, fun details that children (and adults) will love.
Llewellyn Publications Animal Dreaming: The Spiritual and Symbolic Language of the Australasian Animals
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Steve Kerr: A Life [Large Print]
Silberschnur Verlag Die G Krafttiere fr Kinder
HarperCollins Hardcover Von Hackern lernen. Die Fundamente unserer digitalen Welt
Birkhauser Refining Nature: The Landscape Architecture of Peter Walker. Second and updated edition
Peter Walker, born in 1932, is one of the most seminal and prolific figures in contemporary landscape design – both as a teacher and as practitioner. His career now spans six decades. Amongst his best-known works are Nasher Sculpture Garden in Dallas, Novartis Campus in Basel and the September 11 Memorial in New York. His "generous landscapes" are characterized by minimalist forms; theses spaces are classical but also entirely modern. Scott Melbourne’s review looks at this unique oeuvre in retrospective and pays close attention to how Walker’s urban squares and parks have fared over time. He studies the main design features and provides a comparative analysis of their effects. In the second and updated edition of this book, foreword and bibliography were revised and a subject index was added.
Potomac Books Inc The Great Kosher Meat War of 1902: Immigrant Housewives and the Riots That Shook New York City
2020–21 Reader Views Literary Award, Gold Medal Winner 2021 Independent Publisher Book Award, Gold Medal Winner 2020 National Jewish Book Award Finalist In the wee hours of May 15, 1902, three thousand Jewish women quietly took up positions on the streets of Manhattan’s Lower East Side. Convinced by the latest jump in the price of kosher meat that they were being gouged, they assembled in squads of five, intent on shutting down every kosher butcher shop in New York’s Jewish quarter. What was conceived as a nonviolent effort did not remain so for long. Customers who crossed the picket lines were heckled and assaulted and their parcels of meat hurled into the gutters. Butchers who remained open were attacked, their windows smashed, stock ruined, equipment destroyed. Brutal blows from police nightsticks sent women to local hospitals and to court. But soon Jewish housewives throughout the area took to the streets in solidarity, while the butchers either shut their doors or had their doors shut for them. The newspapers called it a modern Jewish Boston Tea Party.The Great Kosher Meat War of 1902 tells the twin stories of mostly uneducated women immigrants who discovered their collective consumer power and of the Beef Trust, the midwestern cartel that conspired to keep meat prices high despite efforts by the U.S. government to curtail its nefarious practices. With few resources and little experience but steely determination, this group of women organized themselves into a potent fighting force and, in their first foray into the political arena in their adopted country, successfully challenged powerful, vested corporate interests and set a pattern for future generations to follow.
Guilford Publications Treating the Tough Adolescent: A Family-Based, Step-by-Step Guide
This book illuminates the causes of severe adolescent behavioral problems and presents a research-based, 15-step model for helping families bring about meaningful change. Incorporating structural and strategic principles, the author's cohesive approach focuses on setting clear rules and consequences; changing the mood and direction of confrontations; neutralizing such problem behaviors as disrespect, truancy, running away, violence, and threats of suicide; and restoring positive, nurturing family relationships. Special treatment issues covered include adolescent substance abuse and managing problems that arise in single-parent and divorced families, as well as ways to collaborate effectively with outside systems. Featuring a wealth of illustrative case examples, this is an indispensable clinical guidebook and text.
Cornell University Press Bandits in Print: "The Water Margin" and the Transformations of the Chinese Novel
Bandits in Print examines the world of print in early modern China, focusing on the classic novel The Water Margin (Shuihu zhuan). Depending on which edition a reader happened upon, The Water Margin could offer vastly different experiences, a characteristic of the early modern Chinese novel genre and the shifting print culture of the era. Scott W. Gregory argues that the traditional novel is best understood as a phenomenon of print. He traces the ways in which this particularly influential novel was adapted and altered in the early modern era as it crossed the boundaries of elite and popular, private and commercial, and civil and martial. Moving away from ultimately unanswerable questions about authorship and urtext, Gregory turns instead to the editor-publishers who shaped the novel by crafting their own print editions. By examining the novel in its various incarnations, Bandits in Print shows that print is not only a stabilizing force on literary texts; in particular circumstances and with particular genres, the print medium can be an agent of textual change.
Cornell University Press Cluny and the Muslims of La Garde-Freinet: Hagiography and the Problem of Islam in Medieval Europe
In the summer of 972 a group of Muslim brigands based in the south of France near La Garde-Freinet abducted the abbot of Cluny as he and his entourage crossed the Alps en route from Rome to Burgundy. Ultimately, the abbot was set free, but the audacity of this abduction outraged Christian leaders and galvanized the will of local lords. Shortly thereafter, Count William of Arles marshaled an army and succeeded in wiping out the Muslim stronghold. The monks of Cluny kept this tale alive over the next century. Scott G. Bruce explores the telling and retelling of this story, focusing on the representation of Islam in each account and how that representation changed over time. The culminating figure in this study is Peter the Venerable, one of Europe's leading intellectuals and abbot of Cluny from 1122 to 1156, who commissioned Latin translations of Muslim texts such as the Qur'an. Cluny and the Muslims of La Garde-Freinet provides us with an unparalleled opportunity to examine Christian perceptions of Islam in the Crusading era.
University of Toronto Press Truly Human: Indigeneity and Indigenous Resurgence on Formosa
The Sediq and Truku Indigenous peoples on the mountainous island of Formosa – today called Taiwan – say that their ancestors emerged in the beginning of time from Pusu Qhuni, a tree-covered boulder in the highlands. Living in the mountain forests, they observed the sacred law of Gaya, seeking equilibrium with other humans, the spirits, animals, and plants. They developed a politics in which each community preserved its autonomy and sharing was valued more highly than personal accumulation of goods or power. These lifeworlds were shattered by colonialism, capitalist development, and cultural imperialism in the twentieth century. Based on two decades of ethnographic field research, Truly Human portrays these peoples’ lifeworlds, teachings, political struggles for recognition, and relations with non-human animals. Taking seriously their ontological claims that Gaya offers moral guidance to all humans, Scott E. Simon reflects on what this particular form of Indigenous resurgence reveals about human rights, sovereignty, and the good of all kind. Truly Human contributes to a decolonizing anthropology at a time when all humans need Indigenous land-based teachings more than ever.
Johns Hopkins University Press The Complete Guide to Food Allergies in Adults and Children
The most complete guide to preventing, testing, living with, and treating food allergies in children and adults.In this comprehensive, evidence-based guide for adults and children with food allergies and those who care for them, Dr. Scott H. Sicherer provides all the critical information you need on preventing, testing, living with, and treating food allergies. Organized in an accessible Q&A format and illustrated with case studies, the book thoroughly explains how to prevent exposure to a known allergen at home, at work, at school, in restaurants, and elsewhere. Emphasizing the most recent advances, Sicherer touches on everything from handling an anaphylactic emergency to diagnosing allergies and intolerances, all while detailing chronic health problems caused by food, such as eczema, hives, and gastrointestinal symptoms.He also shares:• the benefits and risks of new therapies• new prevention guidelines• new approaches to improve quality of life and reduce anxiety• the latest insights on adult-onset food allergies• new diagnostic tests now commercially available• approaches shown to increase safety in school• the latest thinking on treating eczema through the diet• new doses and self-injection devices for treating food anaphylaxis• new information about food allergies that affect the gutDr. Sicherer also reviews food reactions that are not allergic, such as lactose intolerance, irritable bowel syndrome, and celiac disease. He explains how to get adequate nutrition when you must avoid dietary staples and discusses whether allergies ever go away (they do—and sometimes they return). Finally, he includes an allergy and anaphylaxis emergency plan and checklists to reduce cross-contamination. This is the most authoritative and accessible allergy book on the market.
Johns Hopkins University Press The Complete Guide to Food Allergies in Adults and Children
The most complete guide to preventing, testing, living with, and treating food allergies in children and adults.In this comprehensive, evidence-based guide for adults and children with food allergies and those who care for them, Dr. Scott H. Sicherer provides all the critical information you need on preventing, testing, living with, and treating food allergies. Organized in an accessible Q&A format and illustrated with case studies, the book thoroughly explains how to prevent exposure to a known allergen at home, at work, at school, in restaurants, and elsewhere. Emphasizing the most recent advances, Sicherer touches on everything from handling an anaphylactic emergency to diagnosing allergies and intolerances, all while detailing chronic health problems caused by food, such as eczema, hives, and gastrointestinal symptoms.He also shares:• the benefits and risks of new therapies• new prevention guidelines• new approaches to improve quality of life and reduce anxiety• the latest insights on adult-onset food allergies• new diagnostic tests now commercially available• approaches shown to increase safety in school• the latest thinking on treating eczema through the diet• new doses and self-injection devices for treating food anaphylaxis• new information about food allergies that affect the gutDr. Sicherer also reviews food reactions that are not allergic, such as lactose intolerance, irritable bowel syndrome, and celiac disease. He explains how to get adequate nutrition when you must avoid dietary staples and discusses whether allergies ever go away (they do—and sometimes they return). Finally, he includes an allergy and anaphylaxis emergency plan and checklists to reduce cross-contamination. This is the most authoritative and accessible allergy book on the market.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Organic Reactions, Volume 100
Written by a "who is who" of leading organic chemists, this anniversary volume represent the Organic Reactions editors' choice of the most important, ground-breaking and versatile reactions in current organic synthesis. The 15 reaction types selected for this volume include reactions for carbon-carbon bond formation, cross-coupling reactions, hydro- and halofunctionalizations, among many others. In line with the successful recipe of the series, each chapter is focused on a single reaction, discussing its mechanism and stereochemistry, scope and limitations, applications to synthesis, comparison with other methods, and experimental procedures. Each chapter concludes with a tabular survey of selected key application examples, complete with reported reaction conditions and yields, to serve as a quick reference guide for synthesis planning.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Organic Reactions, Volume 97
The 97th volume in this series for organic chemists in industry presents critical discussions of widely used organic reactions or particular phases of a reaction. The material is treated from a preparative viewpoint, with emphasis on limitations, interfering influences, effects of structure and the selection of experimental techniques. The work includes tables that contain all possible examples of the reaction under consideration. Detailed procedures illustrate the significant modifications of each method.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Organic Reactions, Volume 93
The latest volume in this series for organic chemists in industry presents critical discussions of widely used organic reactions or particular phases of a reaction. The material is treated from a preparative viewpoint, with emphasis on limitations, interfering influences, effects of structure and the selection of experimental techniques. The work includes tables that contain all possible examples of the reaction under consideration. Detailed procedures illustrate the significant modifications of each method.
John Wiley & Sons Inc 109 Ways to Retain Volunteers and Members
Originally published by Stevenson, Inc., this practical resource provides great ideas and techniques to retain more of your volunteers and members, including step-by-step plans to create a retention plan that helps strengthen and increase your volunteer and membership base. This resource contains dozens of actionable techniques and procedures for retention, including strategies to develop member loyalty, communicate better, offer unique benefits, and avoid volunteer burnout. Successful ideas and programs from other organizations are presented, such as incentive programs, retreats that involve volunteers, “member of the month” programs, etc. Additionally, several useful sample forms and reports are provided, including feedback forms, member interests surveys, volunteer activity/involvement reports, complaint procedures, assessment forms, and more. Important topics covered include: Staff and Volunteer Engagement Recognition and Awards Leadership Effective Communication with Members and Volunteers Automatic Renewal Strategies Member and Volunteer Incentives Effective Meeting Planning Frequent 'Rituals' that Help Formalize New Relationships Member Benefits that Attract and Retain Mentoring Volunteer Member and Volunteer Evaluation Special Events for Volunteers Large Awards Program that Generates Big Benefits Using E-newsletters to Inform, Involve Your Base Handling Volunteer Complaints Catering to Diverse Volunteers or Members Please note that some content featured in the original version of this title has been removed in this published version due to permissions issues.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Endowment Builder: Practical Ideas for Securing Endowment Gifts
Originally published by Stevenson, Inc., this practical resource helps nonprofit organizations generate more endowment gifts. This resource provides step-by-step procedures to help build endowments, ideas and approaches to raise needed funds, actionable tips and techniques, and helpful charts, forms, and useful examples. Important topics covered include: Annual endowment goals Endowment FAQs Endowed scholarships community engagement Marketing endowment opportunities Donor cultivation Named gifts Board member engagement Exclusive donor clubs Endowment agreements Endowment-only campaigns Methods for determining ask amounts Employee naming gifts Bequests Matching gifts Endowment ethics policies Endowment ideas for beginners Endowment brochures Please note that some content featured in the original version of this title has been removed in this published version due to permissions issues.
John Wiley & Sons Inc 96 Ways to Make Your Website More Donor, Member and Volunteer Friendly
Originally published by Stevenson, Inc., this practical resource offers strategies for nonprofit organizations to connect with more donors, members, and volunteers through their websites, and presents examples of successful website features from a variety of nonprofit organizations. It’s filled with tips on strengthening relationships, reaching a broader audience, and driving traffic to a website. Important topics covered include: Publicizing membership Online donations Blogging Membership kits Sponsorship promotion Donor spotlight programs Member feedback FAQs Personalized web pages Volunteer opportunities Press rooms Online advertising Member privacy Online commerce Online renewals Virtual volunteers Online wish lists Chapter activities Social networking Virtual donor walls Planned gifts Please note that some content featured in the original version of this title has been removed in this published version due to permissions issues.
John Wiley & Sons Inc 87 Ways to Make Your Website More Volunteer Friendly
Originally published by Stevenson, Inc., this practical resource provides strategies for nonprofit organizations to connect with more volunteers through their websites. It includes proven techniques for tailoring a website to meet volunteers' needs and provides examples of effective website features from a variety of organizations. Important topics covered include: Essential elements of a volunteer website How to target baby boomer volunteers How an online conferencing system helps bridge the gap Boost online contact through social media Ways to offer virtual volunteering opportunities Launching a Facebook page How online training can streamline orientation How volunteer blogs promotes communication Online publications How to increase website usage Virtual volunteer projects Useful online tools Recruiting virtual volunteers Migrating existing volunteer programs online Please note that some content featured in the original version of this title has been removed in this published version due to permissions issues.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Nonprofit Website Essentials: 124 Tips, Techniques and Ideas to Add Value to Your Website
Originally published by Stevenson, Inc., this practical resource provides nonprofit organizations with ideas and strategies to maximize the impact and effectiveness of their websites. From adding social media or an online press room to driving traffic or enhancing features, this manual has it all. Important topics covered include: Customizable pages Guest books Incorporating sponsor information Social media strategies RSS feeds Online pressrooms Online publications Website copy Blogs Website marketing Donor outreach Online registrations Virtual tours Marketing Mass emails Please note that some content featured in the original version of this title has been removed in this published version due to permissions issues.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Challenge Gifts and Grants: 76 Ways to Multiply Your Fundraising Dollars
Originally published by Stevenson, Inc., this practical resource helps nonprofit leaders and professionals pursue challenge gifts and grants, enhance donor bases and existing donors, and discover new and creative ways to use challenge gifts. In addition to step-by-step procedures on how to secure more challenge gift and grants, examples are given of what various nonprofit organizations have successfully accomplished with challenge gifts. Important topics covered include: Setting up challenge gifts Encouraging new donors Building endowment funds Foundation perspectives Successful campaigns Matching gift programs Presidential connections Group challenge gifts Grant negotiations Annual campaigns Multipurpose challenges Donor fatigue Donor recognition Prospect identification Challenge grant requirements Challenge gift approaches Please note that some content featured in the original version of this title has been removed in this published version due to permissions issues.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Youth Volunteers: How to Recruit, Train, Motivate and Reward Young Volunteers
Originally published by Stevenson, Inc., this practical resource provides strategies for nonprofit organizations to recruit, train, motivate, and reward young volunteers. It addresses: Beginning a youth volunteer program Tips and techniques to recruit young volunteers Connecting with and motivating young people in volunteer efforts Benefits and rewards for young volunteers Reaching and engaging college-age volunteers Important topics covered include: Volunteer selection guidelines Teen incentive programs College and university partnerships Online recruitment Communicating with younger volunteers Internships Grants and awards Youth volunteer benefits Cultural awareness Family engagement Working with first-time offenders Youth volunteer boards Please note that some content featured in the original version of this title has been removed in this published version due to permissions issues.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Celebrating Your Nonprofit's Milestones: 81 Great Ideas for Planning and Celebrating Milestone Events
Originally published by Stevenson, Inc., this practical resource features strategies for nonprofit organizations to plan, celebrate, and engage constituents in milestone events. Important topics covered include: Community engagement Fundraising Planning and preparation essentials for yearlong events Inauguration ceremonies Facility dedications Organizational collaboration Recognition programs Celebrity events Talent competitions Time capsules Grand re-openings Celebrating organizational history Anniversary milestones Please note that some content featured in the original version of this title has been removed in this published version due to permissions issues.
John Wiley & Sons Inc How to Get a Planned Gifts Program Up and Running
Originally published by Stevenson, Inc., this is a step-by-step guide for launching effective planned gifts programs. Readers will learn how to plan and set goals, identify prospects, build mailing lists, involve volunteers, publicize planned gifts, build awareness, recognize donors, and more. Important topics covered include: Estate gift modeling Advisory councils Testimonials Deferred payments Promoting bequests Planned gift expectancies Cultivating agents of wealth Building prospect lists Accepting life insurance Planned gift ambassadors Challenge gifts Intention forms Endowment donors Planned gifts newsletters Planned giving marketing plans Estate donors Please note that some content featured in the original version of this title has been removed in this published version due to permissions issues.
John Wiley & Sons Inc 138 Ways to Generate New, First-time Gifts
Originally published by Stevenson, Inc., this practical resource provides nonprofit leaders and professionals with proven methods and techniques for increasing revenue from first-time gifters. It delivers step-by-step procedures for motivating nondonors to give and explains how to increase success through direct mail, calls, phonathons, events, online giving, and more. Important topics covered include: Motivating non-donors Attracting first-time corporate donors Annual giving strategies: Restricted gifts Employee giving Social media outreach In-kind gifts Increasing return on direct mail appeals Online giving Prospect research Monthly and annual appeals Expanding your prospect database Please note that some content featured in the original version of this title has been removed in this published version due to permissions issues.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Social Media and Communications Technology: Essential Strategies for Nonprofits and Associations
Social media has become a must for organizations to master in order to be successful. Originally published by Stevenson, Inc., this practical resource provides nonprofit leaders and professionals with strategies to harness the power of social media to support their causes and organizations. It’s filled with interaction techniques and examples from a variety of nonprofits. Important topics include: Facebook essentials Professional networking Twitter benefits Press releases and media blogs Blogs YouTube Videos and marketing Social media guidelines Online tools Mobile applications Social networking and special events Virtual meetings Web-based communication options Virtual memberships Landing pages Outreach to a younger demographic Please note that some content featured in the original version of this title has been removed in this published version due to permissions issues.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Volunteer Selection, Screening and Placement Procedures: 66 Tips and Actions You can Take to Ensure the Best Volunteer Fit
Nonprofit organizations often struggle with selecting and screening volunteers and placing them in the best possible positions. This practical resource, originally published by Stevenson, Inc., provides actionable tips and techniques to improve volunteer selection, screening, and placement. The articles in this resource cover useful topics such as: recruitment procedures aimed at filling key volunteer positions, techniques for screening volunteers in advance, interviewing procedures, tips for checking references, how to conduct thorough background checks, how to decline a volunteer appointment with tact, advice on clarifying volunteer tasks before assigning them, steps for conducting volunteer evaluations. Other topics include: Background check rejection follow-up Defining volunteer roles Conducting the right check for the right position Matching tools Conducting volunteer interviews Effective task delegation Staff preparation Consultant programs Training and supervision Agreements and policies Special skills volunteers Evaluation and assessment Placement questionnaires Volunteer satisfaction Advocacy volunteers Codes of conduct Constituent safety Please note that some content featured in the original version of this title has been removed in this published version due to permissions issues.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Nurturing New Volunteers: 86 Ways to Build Long-term Relationships With New Recruits
Although volunteer recruitment can be difficult for nonprofit organizations, volunteer retention is often even more difficult. Originally published by Stevenson, Inc., this practical resource provides nonprofit organizations and professionals with strategies for nurturing long-term relationships with volunteers and examples of what various organizations have done to retain new volunteers. Important topics covered include: Welcome kits Volunteer assignments Goal setting Volunteer motivation Risk management measures Volunteer handbooks Volunteer incentives Volunteer communication Retention approaches Volunteer training Engaging volunteers Volunteer recognition Please note that some content featured in the original version of this title has been removed in this published version due to permissions issues.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Organic Reactions, Volume 80
Volume 80 in the venerable Organic Reactions series contains two chapters. The first describes the use of chiral rhodium complexes to effect catalytic, asymmetric carbon-hydrogen insertion reactions intramolecularly. It details the structural scenarios in which diazocarbonyl compounds can be generated and activated to form, inter alia, lactones, lactams and cyclic ketones. The second chapter describes the use of (chiral) rhodium complexes in combination with diazocarbonyl compounds, but in this case to effect a remarkable transformation that dramatically increases the molecular complexity of the substrates.