Search results for ""Author Howard""
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Guide to the Dissection of the Dog
Get an up-close look at canine anatomy with the only complete guide to the dissection of the dog. Utilizing detailed descriptions and more than 300 high-quality color anatomic drawings, Guide to the Dissection of the Dog, 8th Edition walks you through how to perform precise canine dissections while developing your understanding of basic mammalian structure and specific canine features. Each chapter offers self-contained guidance on the dissection of a specific body part, allowing you to perform dissections in whatever sequence your choose. Other helpful features include: an emphasis on the anatomical knowledge and terminology from the Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria; a comprehensive list of all figures and tables; and an extensive list of references for further research. In all, this one-of-a-kind canine dissection manual is the resource you need to better understand and review what you are learning in your first-year dissection course. The only hands-on canine dissection guide available reinforces the information that you learn in your mandatory first-year dissection course. Body part organization follows the order of dissection commonly taught in veterinary schools and enables you to perform dissections in any sequence. More than 300 high-quality color anatomic drawings guide each step-by-step dissection procedure. Radiographs, CAT scans and MR images appear throughout the text where relevant to help you visualize internal anatomic features that can only be revealed through these diagnostic methods. Comprehensive list of tables and figures makes it easy to find key images and information at a glance. Detailed descriptions of anatomical structures ensure the most thorough, precise canine dissections. Clear and easy-to-follow instructions guide you in properly performing dissection techniques. Option of a digital book on Pageburst offers high-resolution illustrations that are directly linked to the text - letting you search for any text work or anatomic clue and discover any instance of what you want to read more about. NEW! High-resolution digital images have been added throughout the book to provide a clinical context for the drawings and to highlight internal anatomic structures with excellent contrast resolution. NEW! Additional transverse sections of the brain give you the anatomic knowledge you need to accurately interpret MR images. NEW! Updated figure labels and text adhere to the latest Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria.
Obelisco Solución Heartmath, La
Flashlight Press When a Dragon Moves In Again
If you build a perfect castle, a dragon will move in – and that’s exactly what happens to one very lucky boy when his family gears up for some changes. The boy and his dragon bounce in their castle, duel with delight, and have an amazing time together…until they find out that their castle is a crib for a new baby. Huh? As soon as they get used to the news, the boy and dragon are back in roaring form, entertaining the infant with marching music, aerial acrobatics, and baby-bottle bowling. But merriment turns to mischief and mischief leads to consequences. Can a dragon friend – real or not – help smooth the transition to big brotherhood? Find out…When a Dragon Moves In Again.
Image Comics Satellite Sam Volume 2
The second volume of Satellite Sam plunges further into the world of sex, addiction, and obsession, all behind the scenes of America's favorite daily sci-fi kids' show, "Satellite Sam." Michael White discovers his father was murdered — and his investigation drags dark secrets, shocking twists, and violent pasts into the light...
Harbour Publishing Beyond Forgetting: Celebrating 100 Years of Al Purdy
Grand Central Publishing Killer Instinct
Random House USA Inc Elbow Grease
Cengage Learning, Inc Politics in a Changing World
Providing a foundation for a comparative understanding of political life, POLITICS IN A CHANGING WORLD includes in-depth chapters on political science concepts (ideology, political culture, interest groups, governmental institutions, parties) followed by a series of brief country studies. The concepts and country studies help students acquire a better understanding of the actors and institutions that play a part in diverse political systems, how and why they act in relation to one another, and what their actions mean for the political system and its citizens. The Seventh Edition is thoroughly updated throughout, including coverage of the global economic crisis, the 2012 United States election, the Conservative Party-Liberal Democratic Party coalition and the victory of a new Conservative Prime Minister in Great Britain, and the democratic upheavals in Egypt and elsewhere in the Arab world.
Nurturing Life Designs Notching Up the Nurtured Heart Approach: The New Inner Wealth Initiative for Educators
London Town Press A Frenzy of Sharks: The Surprising Life of a Perfect Predator
Sharks are deadly predators with incredible natural advantages, from internal ears that detect the distant sounds of a struggling fish to nasal organs that hone in on the electrical fields of their prey. With startling, fact-packed text and spectacular photos, A Frenzy of Sharks reveals this creature's fascinating world. Readers meet graceful blue sharks, lightning-fast makos, burrowing angel sharks, and powerful hammerheads, as well as lesser-known wobbegongs and the ethereal manta rays. Going beyond sharks' thrilling life as hunters, the book captures a less-known of this remarkable animal; images showing them squirming inside egg sacs and effortlessly transporting human passengers reveal sharks a side of sharks rarely seen.
Penguin Putnam Inc Color Your Life: How to Use the Right Colors to Achieve Balance, Health, and Happiness
Oxford University Press Inc The Religion Clauses: The Case for Separating Church and State
Throughout American history, views on the proper relationship between the state and religion have been deeply divided. And, with recent changes in the composition of the Supreme Court, First Amendment law concerning religion is likely to change dramatically in the years ahead. In The Religion Clauses, Erwin Chemerinsky and Howard Gillman, two of America's leading constitutional scholars, begin by explaining how freedom of religion is enshrined in the First Amendment through two provisions. They defend a robust view of both clauses and work from the premise that that the establishment clause is best understood, in the words of Thomas Jefferson, as creating a wall separating church and state. After examining all the major approaches to the meaning of the Constitution's religion clauses, they contend that the best approaches are for the government to be strictly secular and for there to be no special exemptions for religious people from neutral and general laws that others must obey. In an America that is only becoming more diverse with respect to religion, this is not only the fairest approach, but the one most in tune with what the First Amendment actually prescribes. Both a pithy primer on the meaning of the religion clauses and a broad-ranging indictment of the Court's misinterpretation of them in recent years, The Religion Clauses shows how a separationist approach is most consistent with the concerns of the founders who drafted the Constitution and with the needs of a religiously pluralistic society in the 21st century.
New Vessel Press Guys Like Me
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Midway 1942: Turning point in the Pacific
In less than one day, the might of the Imperial Japanese Navy was destroyed and four of her great aircraft carriers sank burning into the dark depths of the Pacific. Utilizing the latest research and detailed combat maps, this book tells the dramatic story of the Japanese assault on Midway Island and the American ambush that changed the face of the Pacific war. With sections on commanders, opposing forces, and a blow-by-blow account of the action, this volume gives a complete understanding of the strategy, the tactics, and the human drama that made up the Midway campaign, and its place as the turning point in the Pacific war.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Internationalisation Strategies of Small-Country Firms: The Australian Experience of Globalisation
The international business literature often struggles to depict a universal experience of internationalisation from the perspective of large countries. This book seeks to enrich the literature by providing a nuanced overview of the little-known Australian experience, being an atypical case of a small- to medium-sized economy which liberalised rapidly from the 1980s outside any trading bloc.Six data-rich survey chapters explore Australia's mixed success in founding its own multinationals. The experience of Australian firms is set in historical and comparative perspective, including interactions with inward and specifically American FDI. Five industry studies next consider why firms in retail, wine and professional services were more successful than in financial services and shipping. Nine detailed case studies of firms then identify the elements of administrative heritage, strategy and learning that have been the key to success or failure. The book concludes by outlining what can be learned from Australia's example and presenting implications for future research.The Internationalisation Strategies of Small-Country Firms will appeal to scholars, researchers and postgraduate students in international business and international economics.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers A Child Sees God: Children Talk About Bible Stories
In A Child Sees God, Howard Worsley explores how we can all learn from a child's perspective of the world and shows how a child's eye view of the Bible reveals many interesting ideas about ethics and morality, and provides new ways of understanding these ancient stories.By asking families to read Bible stories to their children and discuss these stories with them, recording the ensuing conversations, Howard Worsley offers not only fresh insights into the meaning and significance of these stories but also reflections on how adults can use the Biblical text in the company of children at different stages of development. Following the theory that all stories ever written fall into one of seven categories, this book shows that the themes of the Bible are no different, dividing stories into sections containing texts of wonder, adventure and leadership, terror, justice and judgement, comfort and hope, comedy, and mercy and forgiveness.This fresh look at the Bible through the eyes of children will be a fascinating read for parents, teachers, ministers, and anyone with an interest in child spirituality or ethics.
Canongate Books Snowblind: A Brief Career in the Cocaine Trade
This book recounts the activities of former cocaine smuggler and dealer, Zachary Swan, chronicling his outstanding scams and successes of the early 1970s and the comings and goings of his various associates, customers, and antagonists. This is a limited edition, only 1000 copies have been made and feature unbelievable production values. The boards of the book are made from reinforced mirrors. Inside the book, the title page is numbered and signed by the collaborators - Damien Hirst, Howard Marks and Robert Sabbag - and there is a metal credit card as a bookmark in the style of an American Express card.Inside the book, a special die-cut trench runs through the pages that feature Zachary Swan's most daring import/export manoeuvres, and inside this trench hides a real $100 bill, rolled up. The final three digits of the note, which were specially secured from the US Treasury, correspond to the number of the edition from the run of one thousand. The edition comes in a special slip case featuring the same artwork as the endpapers: reproduced dollar bills, and all copies are numbered, sealed and protected when bought.
Europa Editions (UK) Ltd Nothing is Lost
An award-winning urban thriller full of rage and raw emotion In a small town just like any other, a police identity check goes wrong. The victim, Saïd, was fifteen years old. And now he is dead. Mattia is just eleven years old, and witnesses the hatred and sadness felt by those around him. While he didn’t know Saïd, his face can be seen all over the neighbourhood, graffitied on walls in red paint, demanding “Justice”. Mattia decides to pull together the pieces of the puzzle, to try to understand what happened. Because even the dead don’t stay buried forever, and nothing is lost, ever.
Texset Press The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood
Emerald Publishing Limited Political Power and Social Theory
Part of a series studying political power and social theory, this volume discusses topics such as defence policy and corporate growth, global markets, governance structures and policy options, and reflections on embedded autonomy.
The History Press Ltd The Highland Railway: Britain's Railways in Old Photographs
The Highland Railway has a special place in the eyes of many who have an interest in railways. Whether it is the romantic scenery, the long lines running through sparsely populated country or the characteristics of its locomotives that draws people is hard to say. The railway was a lifeline to the country during the twentieth century, and nowadays provides one of the most popular tourist lines in Scotland. Through the selection of over 200 archive photographs and their captions, this book depicts the rich scenery and history of the Highland Railway which stretched from Perth to Inverness and then further north to Wick and west to Kyle of Lochalsh. It shows how the train services met the needs of scattered communities in all weathers throughout the year; how the annual influx of tourists in the summer months was handled; and how the lines survived several attempts to close them by continually adapting their role. This book will be a treat for anyone who remembers the golden age of the railway and for anyone keen to capture the essence of those bygone days.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Minimalist Syntax: The Essential Readings
This book is a collection of key readings on Minimalist Syntax, the most recent, and arguably most important, theoretical development within the Principles and Parameters approach to syntactic theory. Brings together in one volume the key readings on Minimalist Syntax Includes an introduction and overview of the Minimalist Program written by two prominent researchers Excerpts crucial pieces from the beginning of Minimalism to the most recent work and provides invaluable coverage of the most important topics.
Indiana University Press Teaching, Learning, and the Holocaust: An Integrative Approach
Classroom study of the Holocaust evokes strong emotions in teachers and students. Teaching, Learning, and the Holocaust assesses challenges and approaches to teaching about the Holocaust through history and literature. Howard Tinberg and Ronald Weisberger apply methods and insights of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning to examine issues in interdisciplinary teaching, with a focus on the community college setting. They discuss student learning and teacher effectiveness and offer guidance for teaching courses on the Holocaust, with relevance for other contexts involving trauma and atrocity.
Columbia University Press No Return, No Refuge: Rites and Rights in Minority Repatriation
Refugee displacement is a global phenomenon that has uprooted millions of individuals over the past century. In the 1980s, repatriation became the preferred option for resolving the refugee crisis. As human rights achieved global eminence, refugees' right of return fell under its umbrella. Yet return as a right and its practice as a rite created a radical disconnect between principle and everyday practice, and the repatriation of refugees and Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) remains elusive in cases of forced displacement of victims by ethnic conflict. Reviewing cases of ethnic displacement throughout the twentieth century in Europe, Asia, and Africa, Howard Adelman and Elazar Barkan juxtapose the empirical lack of repatriation in cases of ethnic conflict, unless accompanied by coercion. The emphasis on repatriation during the last several decades has obscured other options, leaving refugees to spend years warehoused in camps. Repatriation takes place when identity, defined by ethnicity or religion, is not at the center of the displacing conflict, or when the ethnic group to which the refugees belong are not a minority in their original country or in the region to which they want to return. Rather than perpetuate a ritual belief in return as a right without the prospect of realization, Adelman and Barkan call for solutions that bracket return as a primary focus in cases of ethnic conflict.
The University of Chicago Press Generations and Collective Memory
When discussing large social trends or experiences, we tend to group people into generations. But what does it mean to be part of a generation, and what gives that group meaning and coherence? It's collective memory, say Amy Corning and Howard Schuman, and in Generations and Collective Memory, they draw on an impressive range of research to show how generations share memories of formative experiences, and how understanding the way those memories form and change can help us understand society and history. Their key finding-built on historical research and interviews in the United States and seven other countries (including China, Japan, Germany, Lithuania, Russia, Israel, and Ukraine)-is that our most powerful generational memories are of shared experiences in adolescence and early adulthood, like the 1963 Kennedy assassination for those born in the 1950s or the fall of the Berlin Wall for young people in 1989. But there are exceptions to that rule, and they're significant: Corning and Schuman find that epochal events in a country, like revolutions, override the expected effects of age, affecting citizens of all ages with a similar power and lasting intensity. The picture Corning and Schuman paint of collective memory and its formation is fascinating on its face, but it also offers intriguing new ways to think about the rise and fall of historical reputations and attitudes toward political issues.
Marshall Cavendish International (Asia) Pte Ltd The Invitation: An Orange Porange Story
Marshall Cavendish International (Asia) Pte Ltd The Missing Ball: An Orange Porange Story
Cranberry Press Winning Digital Customers: The Antidote to Irrelevance
Mango Media Eat Real to Heal: Using Food As Medicine to Reverse Chronic Diseases from Diabetes, Arthritis, Cancer and More (Breast cancer gift)
Disease-Fighting Healthy Foods“This is not a fad diet. This is for real! And it works….I recommend this book to anyone who wants to live a long and healthful life." ―Sylvia Dolson, author, aspiring centenarian and animal welfare advocate#1 Best Seller in Juices & Smoothies and Special Diets CancerChange your diet and power up your immune system. If you want to feel active, clear-minded. and strong enough to fight off disease, it all starts with the food you put into your body. Eat Real to Heal shows you the organic, plant-based foods you should be eating. Focusing on diet, nutrition, and meditation, this book teaches you how to power up your immune system and give yourself the best possible chance at beating chronic diseases like diabetes, arthritis, acne, psoriasis, fibromyalgia, and even cancer.Fortify and detoxify with vegan recipes. Eat Real to Heal shows you how to create and follow a meal plan that utilizes nutritious, vegan recipes, made with pure and organic ingredients, that are quick, easy, and delicious! Also, learn about juicing, managing stress, detoxifying your home, breathing exercises and yoga that connect you with your body, and the Gerson Therapy.Reach optimal health in just 5 weeks. If you've been diagnosed with a serious or a non-life-threatening illness, you're in remission, you want to stop taking medications or you're just looking to feel better this book is for you! The easy-to-follow advice and instructions in Eat Real to Heal will get you feeling vibrant, strong, and energized, and give you the best possible chance at preventing and beating all kinds of chronic diseases―from acne to diabetes to cancer in just five weeks!Eat Real to Heal teaches you how to: Upgrade your eating habits and your lifestyle Flood your body with nutrients and detoxify your system Boost your immune system and turn your body into a disease-fighting machine If you read Eat to Beat Disease, the Eat to Beat Disease Cookbook, or The Complete Anti-Inflammatory Diet for Beginners, you will want to read Eat Real to Heal.
Rowman & Littlefield Straight Lady: The Life and Times of Margaret Dumont, "The Fifth Marx Brother"
WILDGuides Britain`s Reptiles and Amphibians
DC Comics JLA: The Tower of Babel The Deluxe Edition
Batman. Superman. Wonder Woman. Green Lantern. The Flash. These are the world s greatest heroes the team known as the Justice League of America. The JLA has battled terrifying foes across the galaxy but what will happen when the battle turns inward? A mysterious plague has swept across Earth. All language has seemingly turned to gibberish, and the world is plunged into a state of panic as communication becomes impossible. The JLA is determined to set things right but it turns out that one of their own may have played a role in this disaster. Is one of the heroes truly responsible for the chaos across the planet? Will the JLA survive this shocking betrayal? JLA: The Tower of Babel The Deluxe Edition is a tale of epic proportions, by acclaimed writer Mark Waid (Kingdom Come, The Flash) and artist Howard Porter (The Flash, Scooby Apocalypse). Collects JLA #18-21, 32-33, 43-46, and two stories from JLA Secret Files #3.
Quercus Publishing The Disappearance of Stephanie Mailer: A gripping new thriller with a killer twist
A twisting new thriller from the author of The Truth about the Harry Quebert AffairIn the summer of 1994, the quiet seaside town of Orphea reels from the discovery of four murders. Two young police officers, Jesse Rosenberg and Derek Scott crack the case and identify the killer.Then, twenty years later and just as he is on the point of taking early retirement, Rosenberg is approached by Stephanie Mailer, a journalist who believes he made a mistake back in 1994 and that the real murderer is still out there, perhaps ready to strike again. But before she can give any more details, Stephanie Mailer mysteriously disappears, and Rosenberg and Scott are forced to confront the possibility that her suspicions might have been proved true.What happened to Stephanie Mailer?What did she know?And what really happened in Orphea all those years ago?Translated from the French by Howard Curtis
University of Washington Press Market Street: A Chinese Woman in Harbin
Back in print - Market Street
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Living a Jewish Life, Revised and Updated: Jewish Traditions, Customs, and Values for Today's Families
The classic and beloved guide to the cultural and spiritual treasures of Judaism; Living a Jewish Life is a primer on Jewish vocabulary, holidays, life cycle events, as well as a handbook for how to make Jewish choices for yourself in our ever-changing modern world.Living a Jewish Life describes Judaism as not just a contemplative or abstract system of thought but as a blueprint for living fully and honorably. This new edition builds on the classic guide, which has been a favorite among Jewish educators and students for years. Enriched with additional resources, including online resources, this updated guide also references recent changes in the modern Jewish community, and has served as a resource and guide for non–Jews as well as Jews.Addressing the choices posed by the modern world, Living a Jewish Life explains the traditions and beliefs of Judaism in the context of real life. It explores the spectrum of liberal Jewish thought, from Conservative to Reconstructionist to Reform, as well as unaffiliated, new age, and secular. Celebrating the diversity of Jewish beliefs, this guide provides information in ways that readers can choose how to incorporate Judaism into their lives. There are no “shoulds” in Living a Jewish Life, just the foundation needed to understand the whys, supported by the Torah, traditional Jewish Law, interpretive texts such as the Midrash, and the sweep of Jewish historyReaders will learn how to choose the right synagogue, and discover the meaning and significance of lighting Sabbath candles. "Shabbat," "Torah," "kosher," "mitzvah" and other key words are all defined in all of their complex and potent meanings.On the most basic level, this book explains the essential Jewish vocabulary, but more importantly, Living a Jewish Life is a sensitive and comprehensive introduction that reveals the timeless nature of Jewish tradition, rich with history and relevant in the modern world.
Wessex Astrologer Ltd Through the Looking Glass: A Search for the Self in the Mirror of Relationships
Back due to popular demand! In this book, Richard Idemon teaches us how to look at the natal chart to gain rich, new insight into our deepest nature - the hidden agendas, childhood patterns and the belief systems that invariably shape our lives and relationships. Combining the symbolism of astrology, mythology and Jungian psychology, he teaches us how to break free of the entrenched attitudes that limit and restrict us. Above all, Idemon provides new depth and dimension to the understanding of the most important aspect of our lives - how we reach out and interact with others. He tells us that the important people in our lives are like looking glasses - mirrors of our unfolding process toward a fuller consciousness. By looking into these mirrors we can transform ourselves and thus change the relationships which are so important to us.
Canterbury Press Norwich Soulful Nature: A spiritual field guide
In our busy, pressured world, the natural world can be a powerful counter-balance, offers wisdom for the challenges, pain and dislocations of life as well as for beauty, wonder and healing. In Soulful Nature, Brian Draper and Howard Green encourage you to get outside and make deeper connections with creation and its creator. They chart walking journeys through rural landscapes and town streets over the course of a year, showing how the natural cycle of the changing seasons can awaken us to the rhythms of our own lives. Each chapter explores a different landscape, zooming in on the small details of the natural world as well as panning out to the wide-screen beauty of time and place. Simple and practical spiritual exercises are provided throughout.
Methuen Publishing Ltd The Garlic Ballads
The peasants of Paradise County in China have been eking out an existence virtually unchanged for hundreds of years, until a glut on the garlic market forces them to watch the crop that is their lifeblood wilt, rot and blacken in the fields - leading them to storm the seat of corrupt Communist officialdom in an apocalyptic riot. Against this heroic backdrop unfold three intricately interwoven tales of love, loyalty and retribution: between man and woman, father and child, friend and friend. Banned in China following Tianamen Square, 'The Garlic Ballads' is a bawdy, mystical and brawling novel that portrays a landscape at once strange and utterly compelling, and a people whose fierce passions overflow the rigid confines of their traditions.
Penguin Books Ltd The Strangers in the House
'Quite simply a masterpiece' John Banville'I've just found a stranger in my house. In a bed on the second floor. He was dying when I got there. You're going to have to deal with it'Hector Loursat has been a drunken recluse since his wife left him eighteen years ago. Shut away in his dilapidated mansion in the small town of Moulins, he barely speaks to his daughter. But when the sound of a gunshot penetrates the padded walls of his study one night, and he discovers a body, Loursat is forced to act. No longer able to ignore the world, he determines to get to the truth of what happened, and save an innocent life.
Penguin Books Ltd Maigret's Memoirs: Inspector Maigret #35
'Compelling, remorseless, brilliant' John Gray I can still see Simenon coming into my office the next day, pleased with himself, displaying even more self-confidence, if possible, than before, but nevertheless with a touch of anxiety in his eyes.' Maigret sets the record straight and tells the story of his own life, giving a rare glimpse into the mind of the great inspector - and the writer who would immortalise him.'One of the greatest writers of the twentieth century . . . Simenon was unequalled at making us look inside, though the ability was masked by his brilliance at absorbing us obsessively in his stories' Guardian 'A supreme writer . . . unforgettable vividness' Independent
Penguin Books Ltd The Judge's House: Inspector Maigret #22
'Compelling, remorseless, brilliant' John Gray He went out, lit his pipe and walked slowly to the harbour. He could hear scurrying footsteps behind him. The sea was becoming swollen. The beams of the lighthouses joined in the sky. The moon had just risen and the judge's house emerged from the darkness, all white, a crude, livid, unreal white. Exiled from the Police Judiciare in Paris, Maigret bides his time in a remote coastal town of France. There, among the lighthouses, mussel farms and the eerie wail of foghorns, he discovers that a community's loyalties hide unpleasant truths.Penguin is publishing the entire series of Maigret novels in new translations. This novel has been published in a previous translation as Maigret in Exile.'One of the greatest writers of the twentieth century . . . Simenon was unequalled at making us look inside, though the ability was masked by his brilliance at absorbing us obsessively in his stories' Guardian 'A supreme writer . . . unforgettable vividness' Independent
Oxford University Press Inc Mastering Catastrophic Risk: How Companies Are Coping with Disruption
A profound and insightful look at how company leaders prepare for and respond to shocks and crises that threaten their business. Successful firms strategically manage and are more accurate in their assessment of large-scale risks. Doing so is increasingly challenging given the pace of change, whether financial, technological, regulatory, or environmental. Mastering Catastrophic Risk provides real-world practical insights into how large companies are responding to this new reality and develops a framework for smarter thinking about events that can damage a business. As leading authorities on risk management, strategy, and company leadership, Howard Kunreuther and Michael Useem take us on a groundbreaking tour of firms' decision making process. They demonstrate how improving readiness for and resilience against future shocks is now an integral part of company strategy. Using the "DISRUPT" model they have developed, they highlight the seven primary Drivers of disruption: Interdependencies increase exposure; Short-term focus results in limited vision; Regulations require change and constrain opportunities; Urbanization increases the costs of disasters; Probabilities of disasters have increased; and Transparency has enhanced public awareness of problems and impacts on firms' reputations. This updated paperback edition includes a new preface to address threats to business that have emerged or intensified in the past two years including existential threats like the coronavirus, self-inflicted calamities like the Wells Fargo customer account scandal, and natural disasters like the West Coast wildfires and hurricanes on the Atlantic. Some disruptions can be anticipated, while others arrive without warning. Their onset stresses decision makers, impairs company operations, and may even put the enterprise at risk. The bottom-line: business leaders and their governing boards face ever more challenging disruptions and must be ever more on guard. If your company is hit tomorrow, will it bounce back, or drown?
Penguin Books Ltd Beauty and Sadness
The successful writer Oki has reached middle age and is filled with regrets. He returns to Kyoto to find Otoko, a young woman with whom he had a terrible affair many years before, and discovers that she is now a painter, living with a younger woman as her lover. Otoko has continued to love Oki and has never forgotten him, but his return unsettles not only her but also her young lover. This is a work of strange beauty, with a tender touch of nostalgia and a heartbreaking sensitivity to those things lost forever.
Penguin Books Ltd How NOT to Write a Novel: 200 Mistakes to avoid at All Costs if You Ever Want to Get Published
There are many ways prospective authors routinely sabotage their own work. But why leave it to guesswork? Misstep by misstep, How Not to Write a Novel shows how you can ensure that your manuscript never rises above the level of unpublishable drivel; that your characters are unpleasant, dimensionless versions of yourself; that your plot is digressive, tedious and unconvincing; and that your style is reliant on mangled clichés and sesquipedalian malapropisms. Alternatively, you can use it to identify the most common mistakes, avoid them and actually write a book that works.Guardian Award shortlisted novelist Sandra Newman and veteran editor Howard Mittelmark have distilled 30 years of teaching, editing, writing and reviewing fiction into a hilarious and liberating guide that is the perfect read for anyone who's ever laughed at a badly written piece of prose and for anyone who's ever penned one - and doesn't want to do it again.
Icon Books Introducing Artificial Intelligence: A Graphic Guide
Artificial Intelligence is no longer the stuff of science fiction.Half a century of research has resulted in machines capable of beating the best human chess players, and humanoid robots which are able to walk and interact with us. But how similar is this 'intelligence' to our own? Can machines really think? Is the mind just a complicated computer program? Addressing major issues in the design of intelligent machines, such as consciousness and environment, and covering everything from the influential groundwork of Alan Turing to the cutting-edge robots of today, Introducing Artificial Intelligence is a uniquely accessible illustrated introduction to this fascinating area of science.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The New Atheism and Its Critics, Volume XXXVII
This volume of the classic series is devoted to the claims, arguments, and perspectives of the New Atheists. The volume collects original work on these topics of leading thinkers in the philosophy of religion, epistemology, and metaphysics, and philosophy of science. These studies are punctuated by an original short story by a leading novelist.
This book provides a concise yet rigorous discussion of the main issues in modern macroeconomics. In particular, it examines the controversy over the role and conduct of macroeconomic stabilization policy.While the book is written in such a way as to allow students to read individual chapters in isolation, according to their interests and needs, the book follows a structured direction. After providing a review of mainstream macro-models and the chief areas of controversy between Keynesian, Monetarist and New Classical approaches to stabilization policy, subsequent chapters focus on selected key controversies: the balance of payments and exchange rates; inflation and unemployment; money and economic activity; fiscal policy and aggregate demand; and business cycles.The approach adopted by the authors make this book highly responsive to teaching and student needs. This authoritative state-of-the-art survey of modern macroeconomics will be essential reading for intermediate level courses in macroeconomics.
Taylor & Francis Ltd On Freud's "Screen Memories"
The concept of "screen memories" was introduced by Freud for the first time in his 1899 paper, reprinted here in its entirety. Although the clinical interest in "screen memories" has perhaps diminished in recent analytic discussion, there is much to be gained from revisiting and re-examining both the phenomenon and Freud's original paper within a contemporary context. To this end, Gail S. Reed and Howard B. Levine have invited contributions from eight leading psychoanalysts on the current meaning and value to them of the screen memory concept. These comments come from contemporary psychoanalysts practicing in Italy, Francophone Switzerland, Argentina, Israel, and the United States of America, each of whom has been trained in one or another of a variety of psychoanalytic traditions, among which are ego psychology, a French version of Freud, an American version of Lacan and at least two variants of Kleinian thought - one British and one Latin American. Their comments range from advocating that screen memories are an important, even central, feature of contemporary analytic work (LaFarge, Cohen), to finding the concept less universally applicable, but nonetheless compelling (Ahumada). The editors hope that the encounter with these creative and thought-provoking commentaries will give new meaning to our appreciation of this important clinical phenomenon and stimulate further research and clinical observation into its origins and uses. Contributors: Jorge L. Ahumada, Franco De Masi, Rivka R. Eifermann, Lucy LaFarge, Nellie Thompson, Shlomith Cohen, Florence Guignard, Howard B. Levine, Gail S. Reed, and John P. Muller.