Search results for ""Author George""
Oxford University Press Inc From Colony to Superpower: U.S. Foreign Relations since 1776
A finalist for the 2008 National Book Critics Circle Award for Nonfiction, this prize-winning and critically acclaimed history uses foreign relations as the lens through which to tell the story of America's dramatic rise from thirteen disparate colonies huddled along the Atlantic coast to the world's greatest superpower. George C. Herring tells a story of stunning successes and sometimes tragic failures, captured in a fast-paced narrative that illuminates the central importance of foreign relations to the existence and survival of the nation, and highlights its ongoing impact on the lives of ordinary citizens. He shows how policymakers defined American interests broadly to include territorial expansion, access to growing markets, and the spread of an "American way" of life. And Herring does all this in a story rich in human drama and filled with epic events. Statesmen such as Benjamin Franklin and Woodrow Wilson and Harry Truman and Dean Acheson played key roles in America's rise to world power. But America's expansion as a nation also owes much to the adventurers and explorers, the sea captains, merchants and captains of industry, the missionaries and diplomats, who discovered or charted new lands, developed new avenues of commerce, and established and defended the nation's interests in foreign lands. From Colony to Superpower captures all this as it tells the dramatic story of America's emergence as superpower--its birth in revolution, its troubled present, and its uncertain future.
Orion Publishing Co Dying Of The Light
A whisperjewel from Gwen Delvano calls Dirk t'Larien across space and beyond the Tempter's Veil to Worlorn, a dying Festival planet of rock and ice. Warlorn is slowly drifting through twilight to neverending night; as the planet sinks into darkness, so its inhabitants face annihilation.Seven years ago, on Avalon, Gwen was Dirk's lover, his Guenevere; now she wears the jade-and-silver bond of Jaantony Riv Wolf high-Ironjade Vikary, a barbarian visionary, an outcast from his own people for his acts of violence. And Garse Janacek, Jaan's *teyn*, his shieldmate, is also bound to Gwen - in hatred. Dirk, a rogue and a wanderer, is called to be saviour of the three who are bonded together in love and hate.But in breaking their triangle, he could lose all ...
Headline Publishing Group The Kingdoms of Savannah: WINNER OF THE CWA AWARD FOR BEST CRIME NOVEL OF THE YEAR
*WINNER OF THE CWA GOLD DAGGER AWARD 2023 FOR BEST CRIME NOVEL OF THE YEAR*The apotheosis of Southern Gothic Noir' NEIL GAIMAN'Compelling characters and vivid settings make this impressive Southern narrative stand out among the best . . . not to be missed' KARIN SLAUGHTER'A rich, sprawling, dazzling mystery . . . I savoured every page' RILEY SAGERIt begins quietly on a balmy Southern night in Savannah as some locals gather at Bo Peep's, one of the town's favourite watering holes. Within an hour, a man will be murdered and his companion will have 'disappeared'.An unlikely detective, Morgana Musgrove, doyenne of Savannah society, is called upon to unravel the mystery of these crimes. Morgana is an imperious, demanding, and conniving woman, whose four grown children are weary of her schemes. But one by one she inveigles them into helping with her investigation, and soon the family uncovers some terrifying truths - truths that will rock Savannah's power structure to its core.Moving from the homeless encampments that ring the city to the stately homes of Savannah's elite, The Kingdoms of Savannah brilliantly depicts the underbelly of a city with a dark history and the strangely mesmerizing dysfunction of a complex family.'I've never read a mystery novel any finer than this one . . . utterly satisfying' KURT ANDERSEN'Green's novels may not come around often, but when they do, they hit hard and stay with you long after the end' KIRKUS, STARRED REVIEW
ME - Fordham University Press A Philosophy of Prayer
SPIE Press Geometrical Optics: Lectures in Optics (Volume 2)
This second volume of the series Lectures in Optics develops a thorough presentation of geometrical optics effects. The book begins by discussing refraction and reflection off single surfaces, both flat and spherical. Presented next are the essential building elements, optical power and beam vergence, which are paramount in imaging because the incident vergence is added to the element’s power to produce the vergence leaving the optical element. Imaging definitions and formulation are covered next, followed by the power configurations and imaging arrangements possible with a single element, a single lens, and a mirror for real and virtual objects. Next, two more parameters are introduced: the extent of an element along the optical axis (thick lenses and lens systems) and the extent of an element perpendicular to the optical axis (stops and pupils). The way image quality is affected by the transverse restriction of light is then discussed, including resolution and image blur. Finally, the book introduces the concepts of optical aberrations as a consequence of a violation of the paraxial approximations. This book is suitable for all Geometrical Optics courses at college, graduate school, or professional school levels, such as physics, engineering, visual science, or optometry programs. Comprehensive practice examples, exercises, and quizzes throughout the chapters reinforce an understanding of the covered material.
Hal Leonard Publishing Corporation Hal Leonard Harmony Theory Part 2 Chromatic
Catholic Book Publishing The Story of Easter St Joseph CarryMeAlong Board Book
MP - University Of Minnesota Press Time Passages Collective Memory and American Popular Culture
MP-VIR Uni of Virginia The Papers of George Washington Volume 34 8 September20 November 1781
MP-VIR Uni of Virginia The Papers of George Washington Volume 29 28 October31 December 1780
In volume 29 of the Revolutionary War Series, problems and frustrations dominate the final nine weeks of 1780 for Gen. George Washington - particularly the failure to strike a meaningful blow against the British headquartered in New York City and its environs.
Hal Leonard Publishing Corporation The Best of George Strait Strum It Guitar
O'Reilly Cloud Application Architectures
Helps to learn practical techniques for creating web applications on cloud computing infrastructures and methods for migrating existing systems to these environments. This title shows you what's necessary for developing transactional web applications in the cloud - mission-critical activities that include customer orders and payments.
Dover Publications Inc. Scottish Fairy and Folk Tales
Brownies, kelpies, mermen, trolls, and other supernatural creatures magically appear in a series of delightful tales to assist, annoy, and otherwise meddle in the lives of simple Scottish country folk.
Pontificio Istituto Biblico The Love Commandment in Mark: Theological Study of Mark 12 28-34
Pontifical Oriental Institute The Synod of Diamper Revisited
Prh Grupo Editorial 1984 LanguageSpanish Contemporanea Debolsillo
Siruela Diez Posibles Razones Para La Tristeza Del Pensamiento Ten Possible Reasons for the Sadness of Thought Biblioteca De Ensayo serie menor Essay Library Minor Series
A partir de unas palabras en las que Schelling insinúa, a la manera de los gnósticos, que la tristeza es el telón de fondo de la naturaleza en general y de la condición humana en particular, George Steiner desarrolla diez tesis acerca de la tristeza inherente a la condición pensante del ser humano. Como en los ejercicios de sabiduría de un Séneca o un Marco Aurelio, pero desde una perspectiva marcada por la neurofisiología y la física cuántica, el autor levanta ante el lector una batería de preguntas que delatan el carácter dramático del pensamiento humano. Hay algo más allá del pensar que sería impensable? Podemos vivir sin pensar en absoluto? El pensamiento es infinito? Cuáles son las relaciones entre el pensamiento y el lenguaje, y entre el pensamiento y el yo? Podemos realmente pensar el pensamiento? En la última de las Diez (posibles) razones Steiner aborda la cuestión de Dios. Verosímilmente, dice, el homo se hizo sapiens [...] cuando surgió la cuestión de Dios. En efecto, no ha
Editorial Sexto Piso Revolución en mente
George Makari ha escrito nada menos que una historia de la mente moderna. Apoyado en una investigación impresionante y una capacidad de síntesis sin parangón, conduce al lector por un viaje europeo que comienza a finales del XIX y culmina con el cataclis
Edaf Antillas 1984
Siglo XXI de España Editores, S.A. La Europa revolucionaria 17831815
Seix Barral Indiana
Siruela Presencias reales
Steiner es el heredero, lúcido y exigente, de la tradición europea que otorga a la literatura y a las artes un espacio céntrico en nuestra civilización y en nuestra conciencia de ella.Del prólogo de CLAUDIO GUILLÉNEn esta obra ambiciosa a la vez que transgresora, Steiner plantea la tesis de que todas las expresiones de arte genuino y la comunicación humana a través del uso del lenguaje están enraizadas en una realidad trascendente que está, a su vez, relacionada de forma íntima e inextricable con la presencia real de lo divino, independientemente del credo que se profese.El autor ahonda en las correlaciones intelectuales e históricas de la cultura occidental, explora los límites del lenguaje profundizando en los sentidos y significados que entrañan sus términos más relevantes, y afronta todos aquellos temas insoslayables para un pensador de su talla, tales como la existencia de Dios o nuestro recurrente y fallido intento para justificar la experiencia estética, entre otros. Se
Siruela En lo profundo del mar
En lo profundo del mar recoge las mejores obras de ficción de George Steiner, compendio de todos los temas recurrentes que han guiado la trayectoria del gran maestro del ensayo.George Steiner se ha referido a las narraciones reunidas en esta colección como un acto de rememoración, una serie de piezas que, independientemente del marco en el que se desarrollen ;las profundidades del Pacífico o las selvas de la Amazonia, la Polonia de los campos de exterminio o la Italia posterior a la caída del comunismo;, se comprometen una y otra vez con las mismas ideas de fondo: la inhumanidad en el corazón de la cultura y el enigma del lenguaje y su poder para consagrar o destruir hombres y mundos.Con una prosa ejecutada con brío, sumamente rica en referencias y un estilo cautivador, Steiner, siempre convencido de la tarea moral del escritor, reflexiona con lucidez sobre las crisis de valores causadas por las circunstancias históricas y sus devastadoras consecuencias: los monstruos que puede o
Planeta Publishing Lincoln En El Bardo
Westermann Schulbuch Animal Farm. EinFach Englisch New Edition Textausgaben
Leapfrog Press Report from a Place of Burning
Cato Institute Money: Free and Unfree
The United States has endured crippling financial crises, together with many other sorts of monetary disorder, throughout its history. Why? The popular answer has long been that U.S. banks have been under-regulated, that increased regulation and centralization over the years have helped, and that still more regulation and centralization is needed. In Money: Free and Unfree, George Selgin turns this conventional wisdom on its head. Through a series of painstakingly researched essays covering U.S. monetary history since before the Civil War, he traces U.S. financial disorders to their source in misguided government regulations. State governments were early culpritsbut in taking advantage of the Civil War to dramatically increase its own involvement in the banking and currency system, the federal government set the stage for even worse problems to come. Instead of addressing the root causes of these crises, the Federal Reserve Act reinforced some of them, while dramatically increasing the potential for politically-motivated abuse of monetary policy. Selgin's revisionist thesis may shock and anger champions of monetary orthodoxy, but they'll be hard-pressed to refute the solid scholarship upon which that thesis rests.
Nightboat Books Lyric Multiples: Aspiration, Practice, Immanence, Migration
Lyric Multiples comprises four essays written over the last decade. The subject is poetry but the essays range over such topics as the evolution of the human call, ascensional modes of thinking, pop songs, the built environment and its discontents, the post-punk moment, its fruitful aftermath, and much else. Throughout this book, Albon explores unencountered varieties of aesthetic experience and the contributions they make to an ideal of social interconnectivity.
Rocky Nook Why Photographs Work: 50 Great Images Who Made Them, What Makes Them Special and Why
Every photographer, from weekend enthusiast to professional, can learn by studying the "greats". In Why Photographs Work, author/photographer George Barr analyzes fifty striking images by some of the world's top photographers. Accompanying Barr's analysis of each image is an explanation by the photographer describing the circumstances of making the image, including not only the how, but also the why. Also included is each photographer's biography, a reference to his or her websites and publications, and brief technical descriptions of the equipment used in making each image. With guidance from Barr, we learn to decipher that certain intangible "something" that makes an image go beyond the ordinary. As we gain an understanding of and appreciation for the elements that make an image truly great, we are bound to improve our own images as well. Included are images by: Charles Cramer, Bruce Barnbaum, Harald Mante, Dan Burkholder, Nick Brandt, Hans Strand, Roman Loranc, Huntington Witherill, Susan Burnstine, Ryuijie, Beth Moon, Phil Borges, Shaun O'Boyle, David Ward, Michael Levin, Michael Reichmann, Michael Kenna, Cole Thompson, George Jerkovich, Bengt Ekelberg, Sandra Davis, Brian Kosoff, Joe Lipka, Gordon Lewis, Lawrence Chrismas, Craig Richards, and many more.
CABI Publishing Deafness in Dogs and Cats
Deafness in pets is a very common problem and is increasingly being presented to veterinarians, as owners and breeders become more aware and concerned about such issues. This book provides complete coverage of the subject describing the anatomy and physiology of the auditory system, types of deafness, testing for deafness, methods of amelioration and management, behaviour of deaf animals, and other issues associated with living and dealing with deaf pets.
Stage Door George Colman - Broad Grins: 9781787806306
Archaeopress Ras il-Wardija Sanctuary Revisited: A re-assessment of the evidence and newly informed interpretations of a Punic-Roman sanctuary in Gozo (Malta)
The secluded sanctuary on the coastal promontory of Ras il-Wardija on the central Mediterranean island of Gozo (near Malta) constitutes another landmark on the religious map of the ancient Mediterranean. Ritual activity at the sanctuary seems to be evidenced from around the 3rd century BC to the 2nd century AD and, possibly, even as late as the 4th century AD. This ritual activity was focused in a small built temple and in a rock-cut cave that seems to have incorporated a built extension in a later stage. But the practised cult or cults were aniconic and remained so largely throughout. This may explain why the sanctuary’s excavators did not report any findings of statuettes or any figural images. Contemporaneously, figural images were also venerated on other sites showing that, for a long while, iconism and aniconism co-existed on the Maltese islands. There might have been more than one deity venerated in this sanctuary. Dionysos could have been one of them. But whoever they were, they are likely to have been somehow connected with the sea and / or with a maritime community or communities as the sanctuary itself evidently was.
Syrawood Publishing House Infectious Diseases of the Bovine
States Academic Press Operations Management
Akashic Books,U.S. Buster A Dog
EVER WONDER WHAT GOES ON IN THE MIND OF A DOG? Buster: A Dog is the story of one dog''s lifelong journey, as told by Buster himself. Buster, a strong and proud boxer, spends his early days with a loving family in a public housing complex in Washington, DC. Abruptly, he is taken away by an abusive, alcoholic man, plunging Buster into a challenging, nightmarish existence. Over the course of his life, he will experience homelessness, tragedy, a harrowing stay in a kill shelter, and acts of kindness, including his adoption by an older gentleman grieving the death of his wife. At his peak, Buster lives with a young marijuana dealer who runs a profitable but dangerous business in the city. Along the way, Buster befriends other dogs and witnesses the best and worst aspects of humanity. As the seasons change, and change again, he begins to understand the finality of existence and in turn learns to appreciate the gift of life.
Roaring Brook Press Hermes: Tales of the Trickster
In volume ten of Olympians, George O'Connor delves into the myth of Hermes, the trickster god. From his infancy, when he bewitches animals and bends them to his will (stealing a herd of Apollo's prize cattle in the bargain), to his adolescence and adulthood when he becomes father to the equally mischievous Pan, Hermes's story is wildly entertaining as he brings a little bit of chaos to everything he touches or creates. This volume is sure to be a fan favorite with its wit, charm, and storytelling.
US Naval Institute Press Algorithms of Armageddon
Reformation Heritage Books The Shorter Writings of George Gillespie, Volume 2 the Shorter Writings of George Gillespie, Volume 2: Volume 2
First Second Olympians: Hades: Lord of the Dead
Roaring Brook Press Hera: The Goddess and her Glory
Adventure Publications, Incorporated Wildflowers of Colorado & Southern Wyoming: Your Way to Easily Identify Wildflowers
At the cabin, in the park, or on a hike, keep this tabbed booklet close at hand. Based on the best-selling wildflower field guides and featuring 152 wildflowers of Colorado and southern Wyoming, the booklet is organized by color for quick and easy identification. Narrow your choices by color, and view just a few wildflowers at a time. The pocket-sized format is much easier to use than laminated foldouts, and the tear-resistant pages help to make the book durable in the field.
Taylor Trade Publishing Where Have All Our Cubs Gone?
A journey throughout the world to track down former Cubs to update fans on their present-day lives and look back on their playing or managing careers. Once a Cub, always a Cub, and these former inhabitants of Wrigley Field won't soon forget their days in the Friendly Confines.
Alfred Publishing Co. 50 Gershwin Classics