Search results for ""TAYLOR FRANCIS""
Taylor & Francis Inc Elemental Analysis of Biological Systems: Biological, Medical, Environmental, Compositional, and Methodological Aspects, Volume I
The purpose of this volume is to emphasize the fact that biological trace element research is a multidisciplinary science which requires a prudent combination of biological insight and analytical awareness. The text frequently stresses that accurate measurements on biologically and analytically "valid" samples hold the key for success in future investigations. It reminds the analytical scientists and the life sciences researchers that their perceptions should extend beyond conventional limits - namely, the former as generators of data and the latter as interpreters of those findings. This book enables the reader to understand the intricacies of elemental composition studies in biological systems, and also provides a valuable source of information to biologists, biochemists, physicians, nutritionists and related scientific workers who intend to draw meaningful conclusions from the analytical findings.
Taylor & Francis Inc Titanium Alloys: An Atlas of Structures and Fracture Features
Recognized for their superior strength, corrosion/oxidation resistance, and biocompatibility, titanium alloys are particularly intriguing to engineers, scientists, and metallurgists in aerospace, biomedical, and other industrial applications. Titanium Alloys: An Atlas of Structures and Fracture Features uses award-winning micrographs and fractographs to illustrate how alloy microstructures are affected by various thermomechanical treatments present in real world operating conditions.This book is the first of its kind to compile microstructural and fracture features for titanium alloys and titanium aluminides as well as capture its fractographic features together with the conditions that produced failure. The author discusses the physical metallurgy of titanium alloys as a standard for observing microstructures and their failures. Then she combines the skillful use of scanning electron microscopy in fracture analysis and an eye for detail to deliver a visual presentation of fracture surfaces generated under different loading conditions, including ductile, fatigue, intergranular, and cleavage fractures. Especially helpful to those engaged in failure analysis of titanium components, the book includes a case study applying key criteria to the service failure of a defective titanium alloy component. Supported byadditional background data such as types, compositions, phase transformations, microstructures, and typical fractographs, Titanium Alloys: An Atlas of Structures and Fracture Features offers exceptional insight into the structure-property correlations of titanium alloys.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Enhancing the Performance of Ad Hoc Wireless Networks with Smart Antennas
A large portion of the network capacity of an ad hoc network can be wasted by the medium access mechanisms of omni-directional antennas. To overcome this problem, researchers propose the use of directional or adaptive antennas that largely reduce radio interference, improving the utilization of wireless medium and the resulting network throughput.Enhancing the Performance of Ad Hoc Wireless Networks with Smart Antennas discusses these issues and challenges. Following an introduction to ad hoc networks, it presents an overview of basic Media Access Control (MAC) and routing protocols in ad hoc networks with omni-directional antennas. The book then focuses on the use of smart antennas in ad hoc networks and reviews the strategies used in designing MAC and routing protocols for improved medium utilization and improved routing performance with effective load balancing. Finally, it analyzes the design issues related to priority based quality-of-service (QoS) routing protocols, illustrating the potential of these antennas in comparison to omni directional antennas. The book concludes with an examination of open problems and challenges for ad hoc networks.
Taylor & Francis Inc The Amphipathic Helix
The Amphipathic Helix is a comprehensive volume discussing amphipathic helices in systems as diverse as serum lipoproteins, lung surfactant, cytotoxic peptides, ion channels, mitochondrial targeting, peptide hormones, G proteins, T-cell recognition, DNA binding proteins, and antifreeze proteins. The book also includes general introductory material that defines amphipathic helices, discusses methods to identify amphipathic helical segments from the amino acid sequence of a protein, illustrates how amphipathic helices can be used in the de novo design of peptide and protein structures, and describes how these helices stabilize protein structures. There is also a section on techniques to determine helix orientation in a membrane environment using polarized attenuated total reflection infrared spectroscopy or solid state NMR spectroscopy. Recent developments on all these topics have been discussed by leading experts in this reference for researchers and students in biochemistry, biophysics, and pharmacology.
Taylor & Francis Inc Flow Cytometry: Advanced Research and Clinical Applications, Volume II
The current technology and its applications in flow cytometry are presented in this comprehensive reference work. Described in explicit detail are the instrumentation and its components, and applications of the technology in cell biology, immunology, pharmacology, genetics, hematology and clinical medicine. Methods for data analysis, including both hardware and software, and explicit experimental techniques for making specific measurements are presented.Material is divided by topic into two volumes: Volume I covers instrumentation, genetics, and cell structure; Volume II contains material on cell function studies by flow cytometry.This reference is essential for both the novice and the experienced investigator using flow cytometry in research, and for students of cell biology, biomedical engineering, and medical technology.
Taylor & Francis Inc Thyroid Diseases: Clinical Fundamentals and Therapy
Thyroid Diseases: Clinical Fundamentals and Therapy provides a wide-ranging examination of all clinically significant areas of thyroid diseases. Underlying physiological principles are closely linked to the clinical situation and practical therapeutic interventions. The book examines the clinical course, therapy, and final outcome of thyroid diseases, particularly the bimodal and transient evolution of several thyroid diseases. It also discusses the medical, surgical, and radiometabolic therapy of thyroid diseases, stressing the pros and cons of each therapeutic modality. More than 80 acknowledged experts from North America, Europe, and Japan have contributed to this exceptional reference volume, making it essential for physiologists, clinical endocrinologists, radiologists, researchers in nuclear medicine, oncologists, and radiotherapists.
Taylor & Francis Inc Brain Slices in Basic and Clinical Research
Brain Slices in Basic and Clinical Research describes advancements in the field of brain function and dysfunction through use of central nervous system slice preparations. Topics are authored by leading scientists and include the following:Mechanisms of synaptic plasticity as the basis of memory processes Chaos and synaptic variability Brain calcium currents Glutamate receptors Pathophysiology of excitotoxins Cerebral hypoxia-ischemia Neuronal injury Free radicals Optical methods of measuring brain metabolism Voltammetry in brain slices Calcium imaging Patch-clamp recording and application of macromolecules through patch-clamp pipettes in brain slices Intracellular double labeling of various neuronal populations Use of brain slices in teaching neurophysiological methodsMost of the topics are published in book format for the first time, and some of the techniques are more fully detailed than in any other book.
Taylor & Francis Inc The Immunologic Revolution: Facts and Witnesses
This unique volume contains reviews by some of the most prominent immunologists in the world. The authors present vital facts for each of their areas of expertise and provide individual perspectives on how their own contributions were developed and how these contributions influenced general immunological thinking and development. This impressive collection of personal reviews by these internationally renowned immunologists makes The Immunologic Revolution an important and lasting contribution to the entire biomedical community.
Taylor & Francis Inc Sex Chromosomes and Sex Determination in Vertebrates
The cloning of the SRY gene and the attainment of XX mice transgenic for the Sry gene opened a new era in research on sex determination. This book surveys current knowledge of sex chromosomes and sex determination in all vertebrate classes, relying on the restriction of genetic recombination in sex chromosomes as the unifying concept of this subject. The book's interdisciplinary approach integrates contributions from the fields of cytogenetics, molecular biology, developmental biology, and evolutionary genetics. A detailed treatment of the meiotic behavior of sex chromosomes is featured, and the entire text is supplemented by numerous schemes, drawings, and electron micrographs.The book will be valuable to general cytogeneticists, vertebrate zoologists, and veterinarian and medical practitioners interested in the foundations of sex determination and the current knowledge of sex chromosomes. It will also interest students in advanced undergraduate and graduate courses in these areas.
Taylor & Francis Inc Retinoids and Carotenoids in Dermatology
This up-to-date reference describes how retinoids and carotenoids function in the skin and how they can be utilized to prevent and treat a wide variety of skin diseases, as well as advance biomedical research in relation to cancer treatment and immunology. Providing an in-depth update on the pharmacology, pharmacodynamics, and new applications of retinoid therapy, this source also addresses topics outside of dermatology, such as vitamin A nutrition, and the role of antioxidants in aging, metabolic activation, and cellular signaling. With chapters by internationally recognized authorities in specialties ranging from biochemistry and nutrition to molecular biology and clinical science, this source will stand as the only up-to-date source on the topic.
Taylor & Francis Inc Adenosine Receptors: Therapeutic Aspects for Inflammatory and Immune Diseases
After a century of research, several lines of evidence now indicate that the ability of adenosine to directly control inflammatory cells has a major impact on the functions of the inflammatory and immune systems. Consequently, many promising therapeutic approaches are beginning to emerge that focus on the modulation of adenosine, including the development of compounds that interfere with the breakdown of adenosine, as well as specific agonists and antagonists of various adenosine subtypes. Some of these compounds have already entered clinical trials. While information on the role of adenosine is growing rapidly, until now it has remained scattered in the literature.Edited by three pioneering researchers in the field, Adenosine Receptors: Therapeutic Aspects for Inflammatory and Immune Diseases presents the first single volume compilation of reviews on how adenosine, acting on its cellular receptors, regulates immune responses. The book is organized to provide the reader with a general overview of adenosine receptors, delving into molecular biology, cell biology, and pharmacology. Separate chapters focus on the role of adenosine receptors in regulating the function of the various cell types that are involved in immune responses. Further chapters delineate the role of purinergic signaling in the pathophysiology of a variety of disease states associated with an overzealous or insufficient immune response. These include autoimmune diseases, asthma, atherosclerosis, ischemia-reperfusion injury, and cancer. Much of the methodology and findings documented in this text may well lead to new therapeutic modalities for pathologies such as ischemia and reperfusion, heart disease, wound healing, tumors, pain, and a variety of central nervous system diseases including Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and epilepsy, as well as mood and sleep disorders. This resource provides background and direction for those researchers entering the field of adenosine and inflammatory disease, and provides a comprehensive reference for experienced investigators.
Taylor & Francis Inc 3D Cadastre in an International Context: Legal, Organizational, and Technological Aspects
The increase in private property value, growth of underground and multilevel development, and the emergence of 3D technologies in planning and GIS drives the need to record 3D situations in cadastral registration. 3D Cadastre in an International Context: Legal, Organizational, and Technological Aspects demonstrates how to record 3D scenarios in order to improve insight into overlapping constructions. This book emphasizes the technical aspects of cadastral registration, focusing on four main topics: context (in which 3D situations in seven countries are studied); the framework for modeling 2D and 3D situations; models for a 3D cadastre; and realization of a 3D cadastre. The book presents preliminary solutions for issues related to efficient methods for 3D data collection, 3D data structuring and modeling, organization of 2D and 3D objects in one environment, 3D database creation and 3D analyzing.
Taylor & Francis Inc Chemical Process Performance Evaluation
The latest advances in process monitoring, data analysis, and control systems are increasingly useful for maintaining the safety, flexibility, and environmental compliance of industrial manufacturing operations. Focusing on continuous, multivariate processes, Chemical Process Performance Evaluation introduces statistical methods and modeling techniques for process monitoring, performance evaluation, and fault diagnosis.This book introduces practical multivariate statistical methods and empirical modeling development techniques, such as principal components regression, partial least squares regression, input-output modeling, state-space modeling, and modeling process signals for trend analysis. Then the authors examine fault diagnosis techniques based on episodes, hidden Markov models, contribution plots, discriminant analysis, and support vector machines. They address controller process evaluation and sensor failure detection, including methods for differentiating between sensor failures and process upset. The book concludes with an extensive discussion on the use of data analysis techniques for the special case of web and sheet processes. Case studies illustrate the implementation of methods presented throughout the book.Emphasizing the balance between practice and theory, Chemical Process Performance Evaluation is an excellent tool for comparing alternative techniques for process monitoring, signal modeling, and process diagnosis. The unique integration of process and controller monitoring and fault diagnosis facilitates the practical implementation of unified and automated monitoring and diagnosis technologies.
Taylor & Francis Inc Fluid Mechanics for Civil and Environmental Engineers
Offers an intuitive, detailed, and easy to understand practical introduction to fluid mechanics for all disciplines of engineering Provides in-depth and detailed coverage of open channel flow that is especially valuable for civil and environmental engineers Balances theory with real-world applications Uses state-of-the-art mathematical software, Mathcad for teaching and detailed problem solving, making this textbook an exceptional choice for learning fluid mechanics in the 21st century Contains examples with detailed solutions and graphic illustrations using Mathcad, homework problems, computer algorithms, highlighted keywords, and chapter summaries
Taylor & Francis Inc Combinatorial and High-Throughput Discovery and Optimization of Catalysts and Materials
The development of parallel synthesis and high-throughput characterization tools offer scientists a time-efficient and cost-effective solution for accelerating traditional synthesis processes and developing the structure-property relationships of multiple materials under variable conditions. Written by renowned contributors to the field, Combinatorial and High-Throughput Discovery and Optimization of Catalysts and Materials documents the impact of combinatorial methods for inorganic, organic, polymeric, and biological materials applications over the last several years.This valuable reference describes techniques for the preparation, formulation, fabrication, optimization, performance testing, and evaluation of catalysts, polymeric materials arrays, sensing materials, fuel cell battery and memory materials, semiconductor nanoclusters, dielectrics, OLED arrays, additives, organic coatings, luminescent materials, and phosphors. The book introduces some of the latest features in the development of combinatorial and high throughput workflows, including new library designs, the scale-up of combinatorially discovered materials, and innovative methods of data storage, data mining and informatics. It also points to active research in the development of intelligent software for data mining including multiparameter modeling and visualization. As combinatorial materials science becomes increasingly applicable to a growing number of materials and problems, Combinatorial and High-Throughput Discovery and Optimization of Catalysts and Materials provides an essential portrait of the success, challenges, and opportunities in this field for the next generation of combinatorial chemists, material scientists, and industrial chemists and academics.
Taylor & Francis Inc Soy in Health and Disease Prevention
While the western world has only recently become enamored with the soybean, East Asia has been consuming and enjoying the associated health benefits of this versatile proteinaceous legume for centuries. The Japanese in particular have devoted much energy to unraveling the mysteries and revealing the science of this oil-rich bean. The Fuji Foundation for Protein Research was established to support soybean studies, which have resulted in a considerable amount of profound literature on the soy-wellness connection. Unfortunately for westerners, very little of this information has been presented in English. Soy in Health and Disease Prevention, edited by the highly distinguished Michihiro Sugano, brings the west up to speed on the latest findings concerning this common, yet most powerful health aid. Perhaps, the most authoritative book on the subject available in any language, Soy in Health and Disease Prevention presents the very latest health and nutrition research and findings available on soy products. Functional food experts from Japan, as well as other parts of the world,explore the action and diverse health effects of the common soybean. Included is the latest information with regard to soy’s impact on · Cancer prevention · Immune system function · Osteoporosis · Atherosclerosis · Aging and longevity This book is essential reading for all researchers and students involved with the study and production of functional foods. Dr. Sugano who is the current director of the Fuji Foundation has published over 400 journal articles, as well as 80 book chapters. His primary area of research is in food functional factors, predominantly regulation of lipid metabolism.
Taylor & Francis Inc Analytical and Approximate Methods in Transport Phenomena
On the job or in the field, when facing a problem with differential equations and boundary conditions, most likely you don’t have time to read through several publications in search of a method that may or may not solve your problem. Organized for quick and easy access to practical solutions, Analytical and Approximate Methods in Transport Phenomena is a reference for the day-to-day problems encountered when working with variables in heat, mass, or momentum transfer.This text is organized differently from usual resources on applied mathematics for engineers. First, it introduces a new classification system of the problem based on just three numbers, so locating the appropriate solution method is quick and easy. Second, the author presents mathematical methods with applications in mind, introducing examples, as well as common or possible solutions, before presenting any mathematical theory or method. This allows you to identify the issue you need to resolve, then apply the appropriate method to the problem at hand. The book also includes practical discussions of the consequences and applications of various solutions. The book highlights mathematical methods as tools for solving practical problems, not as a primary objective. Its structure and focus on application, with just the right amount of mathematical rigor, makes it the most effective manual available for easily finding the analytical methods needed to solve transport problems.
Taylor & Francis Inc Cardiovascular Molecular Imaging
Cardiovascular Molecular Imaging is based on a groundbreaking NIH symposium sponsored by the American Society of Nuclear Cardiology. The first all-inclusive guide to the targeted molecular imaging of the cardiovascular system, it includes color illustrations throughout and is packaged with a user-friendly CD-ROM with supplemental material.This reference covers new methods for the analysis and management of cardiovascular pathophysiological processes and discusses new technologies for analyzing cardiovascular receptors, gene expression, vascular structures, and biological processes that affect the heart and associated vessels.Bridging the gap between basic science and clinical applications, the contributors: Span the most recent molecular imaging procedures used to stage disease states and assess treatment outcomes for specific cardiovascular ailments Discuss the potential of molecular imaging to provide an improved understanding of the diagnosis and management of critical cardiovascular pathophysiological processes Track the identification of targeted biological markers for molecular and physiological processes and cover their possible impact on the development of new imaging instruments and technologies Consider biochemical processes and signaling events that precede pathophysiological transformations Analyze the latest imaging technologies that enable healthcare practitioners to improve the diagnosis, treatment, and evaluation of patients with cardiovascular conditions
Taylor & Francis Inc Nucleotides and Regulation of Bone Cell Function
ATP's powerful impact on the heart and blood vessels was first described in 1929, but it was not until the 1970s that ATP was proposed as the 'purinergic' neurotransmitter in autonomic nerves. The door to this area of research was thrown open when receptors for ATP and its ectoenzymatic breakdown product adenosine were first cloned in the early 1990s. Now, rapidly accelerating research has taken scientists beyond the nervous system, to isolate receptors for purines and pyrimidines in many biological systems. Increasing evidence suggests that research into this area may lead to breakthrough applications in treating many of the most pressing health issues of today, including rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, inflammation, and cancer.Nucleotides and Regulation of Bone Cell Function brings together the most important findings in the field, written by the very pioneers who have energized the research. Covering many aspects of purinergic signaling with regard to osteoblasts, osteoclasts, and chondrocytes, this volume provides an up-to-date exploration of the actions of nucleotides on skeletal cells. Supported by recent studies, this volume describes the distribution of receptors for purines and pyrimidines in skeletal tissue cells. It considers purinergic and P2 nucleotide receptor signaling in osteoclasts and osteoblasts, examines the role of purinergic signaling in regulating cartilage metabolism and chondrocyte function, and details ATP release mechanisms. It also delves into inflammation and immunomodulation, considers the pathophysiologic implications of the findings, and discusses future directions of research, including purine-related therapeutic interventions in a variety of diseases.In providing a compilation of major breakthroughs, Nucleotides and Regulation of Bone Cell Function offers the most definitive account currently available of the role played by purinergic extracellular signaling in both normative and pathologic conditions.
Taylor & Francis Inc Practical Aspects of Hyaluronan Based Medical Products
The ballooning body of research devoted to hyaluronan (HA) reflects its enormous potential for various medical applications. There have been many successes of varying degrees in the development of medical products based on HA, but also some setbacks. While there is obviously ample information available on the chemistry and various properties of this macromolecule, Practical Aspects of Hyaluronan Based Medical Products is the first book devoted to systematically applying this knowledge to product development.Based on the author's extensive experience working with HA, this book explores in detail the chemistry, composition, formulation, testing, safety, effectiveness, quality control, and regulatory approval of HA medical products. It begins with a survey of the historical development and recent products based on hyaluronan. Subsequent chapters detail the rheological properties of the molecule and explore the chemical principles and methods forming the technical basis of product development, illustrated by more than 50 figures of chemical structures, reaction schemes, and rheological properties. Individual chapters then consider standards, tests, and analytical methods; safety of HA-based products for their indicated applications; and clinical performance, mechanism of action, and product characteristics.Practical Aspects of Hyaluronan Based Medical Products surveys FDA review documents as well as peer-reviewed journal articles to identify the elements essential to successful product development, namely, understanding the critical issues in the regulatory path and linking clinical performance of the products to their original design.
Taylor & Francis Inc Enhancement in Drug Delivery
Providing a significant cross-fertilization of ideas across several disciplines, Enhancement in Drug Delivery offers a unique comprehensive review of both theoretical and practical aspects of enhancement agents and techniques used for problematic administration routes. It presents an integrated evaluation of absorption enhancers and modes for promoting absorption that is especially valuable to those involved with the development of pharmaceutical, cosmetic, bioengineered, and medical products, as well as graduate students looking to study this intriguing field and those professionals involved with patents and regulatory issues.Organized by routes of administration, the book is divided into eight major sections: oral, rectal, buccal/sublingual, dermal/transdermal, nasal, vaginal/uterine, ocular, and brain. It offers fundamental as well specialized information including current findings on— · Surfactant use to accelerate macromolecule input · Targeted gastrointestinal delivery and enhanced absorption of lipophilic drugs · Permeation issues in rectal absorption · Chemical means of enhancement · Carriers for enhanced delivery to and across the skin · Methods associated with breaching the skin · Promoted buccal and sublingual absorption · Emerging ocular, nasal, vaginal, and uterine delivery systems · Carriers for overcoming the blood brain barrier Those investigators primarily involved with one specific route of delivery will be able to learn of helpful concepts and find additional stimulat
Taylor & Francis Inc Liposomes in Gene Delivery
Many specialists are not familiar with both drug delivery and the molecular biology of DNA vectors. Liposomes in Gene Delivery covers both-molecular biologists will gain a basic knowledge of lipids, liposomes, and other gene delivery vehicles; lipid and drug delivery scientists will better understand DNA, molecular biology, and DNA manipulation. Topics include an introduction to nucleic acids, a theoretical description of DNA, recombinant technology, lipids and liposomes, stability and interaction properties of lipids and liposomes, complexation of lipids and liposomes with DNA plasmids, gene expression of genosomes in various models, structure-activity relationships, and transfection models. This is an excellent introductory text for graduate students, scientists, and researchers in molecular and cell biology, genetics, biochemistry, physical chemistry, colloid science, pharmacology, molecular science, and medicine.
Taylor & Francis Inc Patterns, Models, and Application Development: A C++ Programmer's Reference
Patterns, Models, and Application Development, a new book from two experts in C++, integrates a methodology for program development and covers three main categories: object modeling as a program design tool, design patterns and their modeling in C++ language structures, and a discussion of the implementation of PC hardware-related features. It addresses the gap between the ability to code and the ability to program.
Taylor & Francis Inc The Handbook of Photonics
Reflecting changes in the field in the ten years since the publication of the first edition, The Handbook of Photonics, Second Edition explores recent advances that have affected this technology. In this new, updated second edition editor Mool Gupta is joined by John Ballato, strengthening the handbook with their combined knowledge and the continued contributions of world-class researchers.New in the Second Edition:Information on optical fiber technology and the economic impact of photonics Coverage of emerging technologies in nanotechnology Sections on optical amplifiers, and polymeric optical materialsThe book covers photonics materials, devices, and systems, respectively. An introductory chapter, new to this edition, provides an overview of photonics technology, innovation, and economic development. Resting firmly on the foundation set by the first edition, this new edition continues to serve as a source for introductory material and a collection of published data for research and training in this field, making it the reference of first resort.
Taylor & Francis Inc Soy Applications in Food
Soy is prized by the food industry for both its versatility and the major role it plays in food functionality. However, only a limited amount of information is available explaining soy's full potential in food applicability. Soy Applications in Food provides insight into the different types of soy ingredients available for consumption and details the processing conditions required for their successful application in food.Comprehensive and complete, the book offers a wealth of information about soy health benefits, the current soy food market, and the processing of soybeans into different soy ingredients. It discusses the use of soy protein in baked goods, pasta, cereal, meat products, and food bars. The book also addresses how to process soybeans into soy milk, soy beverages, and textured soy protein; how to select identity-preserved soybeans for various food applications; how to overcome the "beany" flavor of some soy products; and how soy protein is fulfilling the need for protein in underdeveloped countries. Featuring contributions from industry experts with years of experience in the field, Soy Applications in Food is a valuable resource for obtaining information on the technical and practical applications of soy ingredients.Mian N. Riaz talks about his books on the CRC Press YouTube Channel.
Taylor & Francis Inc Eigenvalues of Inhomogeneous Structures: Unusual Closed-Form Solutions
The engineering community generally accepts that there exists only a small set of closed-form solutions for simple cases of bars, beams, columns, and plates. Despite the advances in powerful computing and advanced numerical techniques, closed-form solutions remain important for engineering; these include uses for preliminary design, for evaluation of the accuracy of approximate and numerical solutions, and for evaluating the role played by various geometric and loading parameters.Eigenvalues of Inhomogeneous Structures: Unusual Closed-Form Solutions offers the first new treatment of closed-form solutions since the works of Leonhard Euler over two centuries ago. It presents simple solutions for vibrating bars, beams, and plates, as well as solutions that can be used to verify finite element solutions. The closed solutions in this book not only have applications that allow for the design of tailored structures, but also transcend mechanical engineering to generalize into other fields of engineering. Also included are polynomial solutions, non-polynomial solutions, and discussions on axial variability of stiffness that offer the possibility of incorporating axial grading into functionally graded materials.This single-package treatment of inhomogeneous structures presents the tools for optimization in many applications. Mechanical, aerospace, civil, and marine engineers will find this to be the most comprehensive book on the subject. In addition, senior undergraduate and graduate students and professors will find this to be a good supplement to other structural design texts, as it can be easily incorporated into the classroom.
Taylor & Francis Inc Angiogenesis: From Basic Science to Clinical Applications
Why a new book on angiogenesis and why now? For the first time concepts proposed over 30 years ago have found clinical validation. In the last two years the first antiangiogenic agents have been approved by the FDA for the treatment of cancer and age-related macular degeneration. Not surprisingly, this clinical success has raised a new set of basic and clinical questions that need to be addressed.Angiogenesis: From Basic Science to Clinical Applications presents the latest advances in basic science and reviews the status of the clinical applications of angiogenic growth factors and inhibitors. It explores current molecular and genetic findings on the regulation of angiogenesis, discusses the results of clinical trials and identifies the pathological conditions that are most likely to benefit from such treatments. Edited by a leading researcher in the field, the book includes contributions from multiple experts in their respective disciplines, supplemented by illustrations and photographs. A unique combination of information on basic science and clinical trials research, this book is truly a state-of-the-art review of the state of the science.
Taylor & Francis Inc Handbook of Dairy Foods and Nutrition
Once again the National Dairy Council has produced the industry reference on the important role of dairy foods in health. Packed with the latest information from the Council’s notable scientists, the Handbook of Dairy Foods and Nutrition, Third Edition makes the case for the beneficial role of dairy foods in a variety of conditions and disease states. The handbook begins with a comprehensive overview of the nutritional content and benefits of milk and milk products including cheese and yogurt. The authors explain the effects of dairy intake on cardiovascular health and hypertension. The Dairy Council continues its research review by providing the most up-to-date information on the relationship between dairy intake and colon, breast, and prostate cancers. An entirely new chapter is devoted to addressing recent research about the role of dairy foods in weight management. Supporting the age-old advice that milk gives you strong bones and teeth, this handbook has chapters examining the evidentiary relationship between dairy intake and bone and dental health. A full chapter addresses the condition of lactose digestion, distinguishing lactose intolerance from lactose maldigestion, as well as providing research-based strategies to improve milk tolerance. A summary of dairy’s contribution to health throughout the life cycle from childhood and adolescence into adulthood and old age, rounds out this latest installment of the Dairy Council’s authoritative reference on the importance of dairy foods in the American diet. Continuing to provide state-of-the-art information on dairy products and nutrition, the Handbook of Dairy Foods and Nutrition, Third Edition is a useful resource for nutrition scientists, dietitians and other health professionals, educators, dairy researchers, and the food industry.
Taylor & Francis Inc Cell Death During HIV Infection
This work provides the first comprehensive compendium of the progress made in understanding the process of cell death related to HIV and the potential breakthroughs in treatment that offer much promise. Combining the work of more than two dozen top researchers, this seminal volume provides clinicians and researchers with an excellent reference while also serving as an incubator to stimulate future research. It explains the fundamental biology involved with apoptosis, explains its clinical impact in HIV, and examines the newest therapeutic approaches.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Performance Assurance for IT Systems
Performance Assurance for IT Systems emphasizes the importance of addressing performance and technology-related issues from the beginning of the planning process, at the feasibility and bid stages. It promotes the concept of Performance Assurance throughout the entire system lifecycle, covering technology, relevant processes, and people-related topics. This accessible, jargon-free book shows how to meet the increasing pressure to deliver proposals and systems in shorter timescales, emphasizing pragmatic, cost-effective, and well-designed systems. The book consists of two major parts: Part I covers the processes deployed throughout the system lifecycle, including the choice of technologies, client requirements, sizing, stress testing, and capacity management; Part II provides a technology foundation made up of brief primers on hardware and software technologies, discussing key factors that influence performance and helping management make informed decisions on technical risk. The author includes references to problems encountered on "real life" projects, and provides insight valuable to a variety of IT professionals, from technical architects and developers to IT management.
Taylor & Francis Inc GIS-based Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences
Studies in the humanities and the social sciences can be enhanced through the use of geographic information systems (GIS). However, this computer-aided method of analysis is worthless unless researchers can devote the time necessary to learn what it is, what it can do, and how to use it.Resulting from a six-year project entitled Spatial Information Science for the Humanities and Social Sciences (SIS for HSS), GIS-Based Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences details the tools and processes for deploying GIS in economic and social analyses. Through the use of this book, readers can understand how GIS technology can be utilized in advancing studies. This volume will also encourage professionals in humanities and the social sciences to employ new GIS-based methods in their own research.
Taylor & Francis Inc CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names: Common Names, Scientific Names, Eponyms, Synonyms, and Etymology
This volume provides the origins and meanings of the names of genera and species of extant vascular plants, with the genera arranged alphabetically from A to C.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Mobile WiMAX: Toward Broadband Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks
The Wireless Metropolitan Area Network (WirelessMAN) is a promising Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) technology that provides high-speed, high-bandwidth efficiency and high-capacity multimedia services for both residential and enterprise applications. Mobile WiMAX: Toward Broadband Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks examines the basic concepts, recent advances, and latest standard specifications pertinent to WirelessMANs, placing emphasis on IEEE 802.16-based WiMAX. After introducing the basics of WirelessMAN, the book addresses topics in three accessible parts. The first part focuses on radio frequency (RF), signal processing, multiple in-multiple out (MIMO) technology, and identifying challenges and possible solutions in the physical layer. An examination of protocol issues follows, including those involving medium access control (MAC), quality of service (QoS) in point-to-multi-point (PMP) and mesh networks, cross layer optimization, mobility management, handoff in heterogeneous networks, energy management, and link adaptation mechanisms. The final part considers issues regarding security, economy, and system capacity in the WiMAX.Mobile WiMAX: Toward Broadband Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks is an important resource for those interested in understanding all aspects relevant to the technical, practical, economic, and policy issues concerning WirelessMANs. It offers comprehensive practical and technical guidance on the fundamentals and recent advances in general WirelessMAN, as well as the latest standard specifications in IEEE 802.16a/c/d/e families.
Taylor & Francis Inc Epigenetic Risks of Cloning
Cloning has the potential to be an extremely valuable tool across many fields. In agriculture, the reproductive cloning of farm animals could prove to be advantageous. In clinical medicine, the employment of therapeutic cloning for cell, tissue, and organ replacement appears to be imminent. However, as with any advancement that is poised to touch human lives, the process of cloning must be looked at through the lens of the medical community’s obligation to do no harm.Epigenetic Risks of Cloning includes contributions from 32 leading researchers who are intimately involved with various aspects of cloning. At the frontlines of this science, they are best positioned to explain what is really occurring. With chapters dedicated to each of the animal models being employed for experimentation, the text presents a detailed accounting of cloning methods, an objective review of current findings, and an even-handed discussion of potential concerns. While procedures utilizing a variety of somatic cell types to create cloned animals have proven to be repeatable, efficient consistency has proven to be elusive at best. Less than four percent of reconstructed embryos typically develop to adulthood. This low success rate is the cumulative result of inefficiencies occurring at every stage of development. Epigenetic Risks of Cloning considers the very real consequences of those inefficiencies. In addition to embryonic loss, cloning experiments have experienced very high rates of fetal, perinatal, and neonatal loss, as well as the production of abnormal offspring. At present, there is a legitimate concern that the propensity for epigenetic errors could be paralleled in human embryos. This book offers an excellent opportunity to become acquainted with the current state of cloning, both the methods being utilized, as well as the risks being realized.
Taylor & Francis Inc Acoustic Fish Reconnaissance
Until now, there has not been any work that systematically presents the subject of acoustic fish reconnaissance, details all major aspects of applying acoustic equipment in commercial fish reconnaissance, and offers sufficient analysis of the effectiveness of fish-finding techniques. Acoustic Fish Reconnaissance responds to this need by providing the first overview of the theoretical and practical aspects of acoustic search, detection, interpretation, and population estimation for commercial benefit.This book pays particular attention to the theory and practice of accounting surveys for quantitative estimation of biological resources and fishing conditions in traditional fishing areas. It also analyzes various applications of acoustic technique, based upon the authors' extensive investigations. The text includes the results of the applicability of fish-finding instruments, and offers recommendations on the development of improved acoustic techniques for commercial fleets.
Taylor & Francis Inc Illustrated Guide to Crlme Scene Investigation
You are the first to arrive at the scene. You secure the area, and record what the human eye can see so far. You begin your search. You come across what appears to be physical evidence, and proceed to carefully document, package, and transport it to the lab. You fill out the routine paperwork, and feel secure in the knowledge that you have done everything possible to uncover every piece of crucial evidence - but have you?Co-authored by two seasoned forensic professionals, the Illustrated Guide to Crime Scene Investigation is an essential reference that explains the protocols used in successful crime scene investigation. It presents straightforward and scientifically supported procedures in a vivid pictorial format that explain how to accurately and efficiently document what has been left behind at the scene of a crime. This comprehensive resource presents the concept of SCRIPT: the Searching for and Collection of, Recording, Initializing, Packaging, and Transporting of physical evidence from the scene of a forensic inquiry to a forensic laboratory. It outlines this methodology by providing step-by-step instructions, over 400 photographs, other illustrations, and short narrative segments that guide you through crime scene investigations involving burglary, homicide, robbery, sex crime, and arson or explosion. If you want to be confident that you have uncovered and carefully processed every bit of potential physical evidence on the scene, then the Illustrated Guide to Crime Scene Investigation is the one reference to have with you every time.
Taylor & Francis Inc Amyloid Precursor Protein: A Practical Approach
In the search for an effective treatment for Alzheimer's disease, APP is a unique model protein that illustrates the wide array of basic and sophisticated characterization techniques available. Exploring a variety of biological techniques to clarify the structure and function of this transmembrane protein, this text presents each method with detailed, step-by-step protocols to achieve reproducible results and provide a framework for studying other membrane proteins.
Taylor & Francis Inc Genetically Engineered Mice Handbook
While mice have always been highly popular laboratory subjects, their suitability for genetic engineering has solidified their position as today's lab animal model of choice. However, their increased use in genetic studies has created a demand for input on phenotyping that is not always easily met. To improve the flow of information on the pathology of mice with spontaneous or genetically engineered mutations, prominent researchers organized a series of meetings. Recognizing other needs, the organizers gradually broadened their focus, until finally they expanded to provide an overview of the entire field of genetically engineered models.The Genetically Engineered Mice Handbook is an extension of those meetings. It offers an introduction for those entering into this area of research, while also serving as a resource for those presently employing mice as laboratory models. Highly comprehensive, this volume covers pertinent aspects of genetically engineered mice, including the use of models for developmental biology and the monitoring of laboratory colonies. With contributions from nearly five-dozen leading researchers, the text presents systematic approaches for analyzing mutant mice for specific medical applications, details a variety of methods for creating mutants and includes information that is particularly hard to access dealing with legal responsibilities.This essential reference examines commonly used traditional, as well as emerging, technologiesTo address the purpose of the original meeting, the Genetically Engineered Mice Handbook directs researchers to the best public websites, and offers instruction on how to use them. In the past, as their work dictated, researchers would seek out experts on particular organ systems. Now groups of experts work together to generate these websites, providing the latest data as well as discussions over points of debate. These sites do not eliminate the need for a trained pathologist, but they do provide reference materials for those lacking expertise in particular anatomic structures. They also offer much greater numbers of examples than are available in print, from which biomedical researchers can draw.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Windows Serial Port Programming Handbook
The popularity of serial communications demands that additional serial port interfaces be developed to meet the expanding requirements of users. The Windows Serial Port Programming Handbook illustrates the principles and methods of developing various serial port interfaces using multiple languages. This comprehensive, hands-on, and practical guide to serial interface programming enables you to develop sophisticated interfaces and apply them in real-world applications.Each chapter addresses a language and how it can be applied in the development of serial port interfaces. The seven languages discussed are:ANSI C Visual C++ Visual Basic LabVIEW MATLAB Smalltalk JavaStep by step and line by line, the Handbook clearly explains the interfacing techniques used for each different language in the serial port communication. Examples from actual systems have been compiled and debugged, with detailed source code for each included on an accompanying CD-ROM.
Taylor & Francis Ltd MPLS for Metropolitan Area Networks
Metro Service Providers are increasingly turning to Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) to converge disparate networks and services into a unified core, maintain quality, and deliver additional value-added capabilities. MPLS for Metropolitan Area Networks addresses service providers' challenges by demonstrating solutions provided by MPLS features such as traffic engineering (TE), fast reroute, VPNs, virtual private LAN services (VPLS), and QoS. The text opens with an overview of metro networks and MPLS, describing business opportunities and challenges and how mission-critical applications can be deployed within Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs). It then examines traffic engineering issues, focusing on fundamental TE concepts, network control, trunk attributes, constraint-based routing (CBR), Resource Reservation Protocol with TE extensions (RSVP-TE), and resource optimization.Following a discussion on how MPLS can bring increased reliability to MANs, the author then concludes the book with a detailed analysis of the service aspect of MANs. Topics reviewed include L3 and L2 MPLS VPNs, geographically dispersed Ethernet multipoint services, virtual private LAN services (VPLS), and the integrated services (IntServ) and differentiated services (DiffServ) QoS models with respect to MPLS.The entire book adopts a simplify-and-exemplify approach, containing a series of real-life case studies and using representative topologies as a basis for illustrating the concepts discussed in each chapter. This learning-by-example approach helps you to remember and understand the complex MPLS concepts and technologies. You can then apply what you have learned from these examples and scenarios to your specific networking environments.
Taylor & Francis Inc Clinical Trials of Drugs and Biopharmaceuticals
The pharmaceutical industry is on the verge of an exciting and challenging century. Advances in pharmaceutical sciences have dramatically changed the processes of discovery and development of new therapeutic drugs and, in turn, resulted in an extraordinary increase in the potential prophylactic and therapeutic interventions. In this atmosphere, an intimate understanding of the mechanisms of pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic activity and the processes of drug evaluation is essential.Clinical Trials of Drugs and Biopharmaceuticals provides an overview of current procedures and major issues involved in drug and biopharmaceutical development. The book examines critical biochemical and pharmaceutical considerations for trials conducted during each phase of clinical development. It also reports information related to early pre-clinical evaluations of pharmacological activities and safety before proceeding with initiation of clinical trials. The sections focus on clinical assessments of drugs and biopharmaceuticals such as cardiovascular, respiratory, central nervous system, gastrointestinal and liver, genitourinary, skin, metabolism, and chemotherapeutic drugs as well as vaccines, biotechnology-derived therapeutics, and plant-based medicines. Practical and informative, this step-by-step guide includes information on all four phases of clinical trials prior to licensure and covers the design of post-marketing studies. The editors examine how recent advances and increased demand for safer and more effective drugs have changed the process by which drugs are developed and approved.
Taylor & Francis Inc DNA Methylation: Approaches, Methods, and Applications
DNA Methylation: Approaches, Methods and Applications describes the relation DNA methylation has to gene silencing in disease, and explores its promising role in treating cancer. Written by leaders in the field, this exceptional compilation of articles outlines the best techniques to use when addressing questions concerning the cytosine methylation status of genomic DNA. It includes concepts, experimental models, and clinical uses of demethylating agents. The book provides a balance between articles clarifying methodological details and more general review chapters that offer broad biological perspectives on DNA methylation. This is an invaluable handbook for researchers and clinicians interested in genetics and molecular biology, particularly epigenetic therapies and gene silencing.
Taylor & Francis Inc The Industrial Information Technology Handbook
The Industrial Information Technology Handbook focuses on existing and emerging industrial applications of IT, and on evolving trends that are driven by the needs of companies and by industry-led consortia and organizations. Emphasizing fast growing areas that have major impacts on industrial automation and enterprise integration, the Handbook covers topics such as industrial communication technology, sensors, and embedded systems.The book is organized into two parts. Part 1 presents material covering new and quickly evolving aspects of IT. Part 2 introduces cutting-edge areas of industrial IT. The Handbook presents material in the form of tutorials, surveys, and technology overviews, combining fundamentals and advanced issues, with articles grouped into sections for a cohesive and comprehensive presentation. The text contains 112 contributed reports by industry experts from government, companies at the forefront of development, and some of the most renowned academic and research institutions worldwide. Several of the reports on recent developments, actual deployments, and trends cover subject matter presented to the public for the first time.
Taylor & Francis Inc Reproductive Biology and Early Life History of Fishes in the Ohio River Drainage: Aphredoderidae through Cottidae, Moronidae, and Sciaenidae, Volume 5
This seven-volume series is the most extensive treatise on early life histories of the freshwater fishes of North America. It represents the state-of-the-art in fishery biology and provides a systematic approach to the study of early life histories of all the fishes in this region. Each volume contains distinguishing characteristics and a pictorial guide to the families of fishes in the OR Drainage, followed by chapters on the families. This series fills a gap in the literature, providing information on the spawning habitat requirements, reproductive behavior, and ecological relationships during the first few months of life for most species. This fifth volume examines the families aphredoderidae through sciaenidae.
Taylor & Francis Inc Microbiological Assay for Pharmaceutical Analysis: A Rational Approach
A user-friendly guide for the evaluation of microbiological assays, Microbiological Assay for Pharmaceutical Analysis: A Rational Approach provides a lucid explanation of the sources of error in microbiological assay and helps analysts choose efficient assay designs that will minimize those sources of error. Beginning with a review of the theoretical basis for the quantitative aspects, the author discusses microbiological assay as a branch of pharmaceutical analysis and distinguishes it from biological assay in general. He draws attention to the microbiological aspects that may not be so obvious to the chemical analyst and to the analytical aspects that may not be so obvious to the microbiologist. The book contains detailed evaluations of assays that illustrate typical experimental designs and addresses how to present a realistic assessment of the best potency estimate from a series of assays. Although there are other valuable books available in this area, they do not address evaluation. Microbiological Assay for Pharmaceutical Analysis: A Rational Approach expands on the guidance given in pharmacopoeias and helps you choose the assay design most appropriate for the purpose of your assay.
Taylor & Francis Inc Molecular Morphology in Human Tissues: Techniques and Applications
Molecular Morphology in Human Tissues: Techniques and Applications presents the most advanced molecular morphological techniques to date. This integrated approach to molecular morphology provides powerful analytical and diagnostic tools at the genome level, making the diagnosis and management of cancer, viral infections, and other diseases more precise and reliable. The pioneers of these techniques contribute step-by-step protocols with tips, guidelines, and other suggestions from their own notebooks, enabling experienced scientists as well as beginners to apply the most progressive detection methods available and to obtain optimal results.
Taylor & Francis Inc Latex Intolerance: Basic Science, Epidemiology, and Clinical Management
This comprehensive, definitive, and long overdue reference deals specifically with all the manifestations of latex intolerance including irritation, allergic contact dermatitis, and contact urticaria. Each chapter presents the latest research in skin irritation, contact dermatitis, and contact urticaria. The well-illustrated textbook also covers in-depth basic science and clinically relevant practical issues such as the management of latex intolerance and hand dermatitis. Experts with a special interest in this area from the UK, Europe, and the US provide a balanced international perspective to this first major book dedicated to latex intolerance.
Taylor & Francis Inc Nanoengineering of Structural, Functional and Smart Materials
In chapters contributed by 24 university & government laboratories, Nanoengineering of Structural, Functional, and Smart Materials combines wide-ranging research aimed at the development of multifunctional materials that are strong, lightweight, and versatile. This book explores promising and diverse approaches to the design of nanoscale materials and presents concepts that integrate mechanical, electrical, electrochemical, polarization, optical, thermal, and biomimetic functions with nanoscale materials to support the development of polymer composites, thin films, fibers, pultruded materials, and smart materials having a superior combination of properties.Interrelating the many different aspects of nanoscience vital to developing new material systems, this book is organized into three parts that cover the major areas of focus: synthesis, manufacturing techniques, and modeling. The book defines functional materials and discusses techniques designed to improve material properties, durability, multifunctionality, and adaptability. It also examines sensors and actuators fabricated from nanostructured microdevices for structural health and performance monitoring. Shifting its focus to nanomechanics and the modeling of nanoscale particles, the book discusses vibration properties, thin films, and pulse laser deposition, low cost manufacturing of ceramic composites, hybrid nanocomposites, and various types of nanotubes. The book combines atomistic modeling with molecular dynamics simulations to clarify design considerations and discusses coupling between atomistic models and classical continuum mechanics models. The authors also advocate the current and potential development of commercial applications, such as nanocoatings to create “artificial skin” and functionalized nanotubes used to enhance the properties of composite materials. Nanoengineering of Structural, Functional, and Smart Materials provides an overview of current trends and cutti