Search results for ""TAYLOR FRANCIS""
Taylor & Francis Ltd Concise Textbook of Equine Clinical Practice Book 3: Respiratory and Gastrointestinal Diseases
This concise, practical text covers the essential information veterinary students and nurses, new graduates, and practitioners need to succeed in equine medicine, focussing on respiratory and gastrointestinal diseases. Written for an international readership, the book conveys the core information in an easily digestible, precise form with extensive use of bullet points, lists, diagrams, protocols, and extensive illustrations (over 300 full-colour, high-quality photographs).Part of a five-book series that extracts and updates key information from Munroe’s Equine Surgery, Reproduction and Medicine, Second Edition, the book distils best practice in a logical straightforward clinically based approach. It details relevant clinical anatomy, physical clinical examination techniques and findings, normal parameters, aetiology/pathophysiology, differential diagnoses, diagnostic techniques, management and treatment, and prognosis. The emphasis is on information tailored to general equine clinicians with just enough on advanced techniques to make the practitioner aware of what is available elsewhere. The respiratory system is split into sections on surgical and medical conditions of the upper and lower respiratory tracts. The gastrointestinal system is divided into the upper tract, including the oral cavity and dentistry, and the lower tract and peritoneal cavity. Ideal for veterinary students and nurses on clinical placements with horses as well as practitioners needing a quick reference ‘on the ground’.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Architecture in Development: Systems and the Emergence of the Global South
This extensive, edited volume investigates how architects, planners, and other related experts responded to the contexts and discourses of “development” after WWII. The essays encompass countries as diverse as Israel, Ghana, Greece, Belgium, France, India, Mexico, the United States, Venezuela, the Philippines, South Korea, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Turkey, Cyprus, Iraq, Zambia, and Canada. The subject matter is increasingly taught as part of a broader turn to globalize the field of architecture studies, incorporating hitherto unacknowledged geographies primarily from the global south, with a focus on how architecture production is part of technical, economic, and political processes.
Taylor & Francis Ltd World Dance Cultures: From Ritual to Spectacle
Chapter structure is designed to enable teachers to build a syllabus based around the book. Case studies incorporate the voices of other scholars, to provide students with important alternative perspectives. The first comprehensive introductory textbook on this subject, written for undergraduates.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Descriptosaurus Punctuation in Action Year 1: The Ninjabread Girl
* A new series from the bestselling Descriptosaurus family * Age specific stories that can be used for reading for pleasure’ and also containing a step by step guide to teaching punctuation * Characters from each story are used to demonstrate a range of punctuation rules in a fun and engaging way appropriate to that age group. * Areas covered include: Formulating punctuation rules, using misconceptions to highlight common errors and using teaching tips to provide a punctuation model *An indispensable teaching aid for making punctuation fun for all Year 1 to 4 Primary Teachers and Literacy Coordinators.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Multicultural Psychology
The new edition of this bestselling textbook, Multicultural Psychology, helps students gain an understanding of how race, ethnicity, and culture shape their beliefs and behavior as well as those of people around them. Giving a voice to people underrepresented in psychology and society, this book introduces multicultural research in biological, developmental, social, and clinical psychology. The book reviews histories, gender roles, and LGBTQ intersectionality of African Americans, Latinx Americans, Asian Americans/Native Hawaiians/Pacific Islanders, Native Americans, Americans of Middle Eastern and North African heritage, and Americans with Multiple Racial/Ethnic Heritages to provide in-depth coverage of the largest groups of color in the United States. It provides the perfect balance of careful presentation of psychological concepts, research, and theories, and a sensitive, expertly rendered discussion of their applications to people of color.This book is ideal for a course on Multicultural Psychology and a must read for all psychology students as well as for everyone interested in multiculturalism. It is accompanied by a full, updated set of resources for students and lecturers.Content new to this edition includes: A chapter on Emerging Groups covering Americans of Middle Eastern and North African heritage, and Americans with Multiple Racial/Ethnic Heritages Up-to-date research on a rapidly growing multicultural literature Review of research on cultural responses to COVID-19 Coverage of White privilege and Whiteness Expanded coverage of qualitative research methods Recent neuroscience research on personally relevant interventions Expanded coverage of LGBTQ intersectionality A glossary Updated instructor and student resources, including PowerPoint lecture slides, video resources, and classroom exercises and activities
Taylor & Francis Ltd Light and Lens: Thinking About Photography in the Digital Age
Includes images from over 235 international contributing artists to illustrate how to create thought provoking, digitally based photographs. New topics include 3D photography, animated sequences, augmented reality, drones, effects of image manipulation, immersive media, interactive installations, protest photography, and expanded content on smart phone photography and photography in social media and activism. Emphasises the fundamental aesthetic and technical building blocks needed to create effective and thought-provoking digital photographs.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Essential Paediatric Surgery
With this timely practical textbook encompassing the full range of clinical conditions within paediatric surgery, surgeons-in-training will be delighted to discover that the book offers them a concise outline of paediatric surgical practice, thus ensuring that they are wholly familiar with a wide range of clinical scenarios.Key topics are included within sections on neonatal surgical conditions, surgical disorders of infancy, surgical conditions in childhood and adolescence, head and neck, hepatobiliary and pancreatic disorders, preparation of the child for surgery, malignant disorders, urology, neurosurgery and trauma. Short chapters complemented by clinical photography, schematic figures and tables splendidly enable the reader to understand key concepts with confidence.Author-experts throughout the world have generously contributed to this textbook, ensuring that the contents reflect real world' practice. A wide range of readers, notably surgeons-in-training, members
Taylor & Francis Ltd HR Futures 2030: A Design for Future-Ready Human Resources
This design for future-ready human resources is a futurist guide to the challenges and changes lying ahead in the world of work and offers a way forward. The world of work is evolving at an exponential rate, and significant shifts are expected. COVID-19 was a warm-up lap and an accelerator of changes, but many still lie ahead. Those changes are rarely addressed in current general HR thinking. At the same time, the growing complexity is making employees and employers alike anxious about the future of work.This is an academic-grade book backed up by evidence-based trends and signals and offers pragmatic upskilling pathways. It is priceless in such an environment for forward-looking scholars and present-oriented, pragmatic industry captains and HR leaders compelled to find answers for their inevitably obsolescing, inorganically morphing workforce. The book was written by the former Director of HEC Lausanne’s Executive MBA and founder of Executive Education of HEC Lausanne, with 12 years’ experience in leading and designing educational programs, together with a NATO- and U.S.-awarded futurist with experience in academic teaching and executives training. This volume offers metaphors to help convey the messages, a clear structure to plan for the decade to come, and several guidelines to follow.
Taylor & Francis Inc Change Management Strategies for an Effective EMR Implementation
Despite the promise of improving care and other benefits, EMR implementations are highly disruptive to the organization.. This book will show you how to create an environment for success in your organization to not only ensure that your EMR implementation effort is successful but that your organization builds change capacity and flexibility in the process. This new nimbleness will serve you well in our world of continual change.
Taylor & Francis Inc The Ethics of Rhetoric
Weaver's Ethics of Rhetoric, originally published in 1953, has been called his most important statement on the ethical and cultural role of rhetoric. A strong advocate of cultural conservatism, Weaver (1910-1953) argued strongly for the role of liberal studies in the face of what he saw as the encroachments of modern scientific and technological forces in society. He was particularly opposed to sociology. In rhetoric he drew many of his ideas from Plato, especially his Phaedrus. As a result, all the main strands of Weaver's thought can be seen in this volume, beginning with his essay on the Phaedrus and proceeding through his discussion of evolution in the 1925 Scopes "Monkey Trial." In addition, this book includes studies of Lincoln, Burke, and Milton, and remarks about sociology and some proposals for modern rhetoric. Each essay poses issues still under discussion today.
Taylor & Francis Inc AIDS and Alcohol/Drug Abuse: Psychosocial Research
AIDS is the number one health issue facing the nation today. The way in which AIDS relates to substance abuse is explored by drug abuse researchers in this timely volume. A major focus of AIDS and Alcohol/Drug Abuse is on the problems of conducting AIDS research on racial minorities in this country. Bringing together experts in the field, this volume examines the specific obstacles and challenges researchers have faced in assessing and addressing the needs of underserved populations and maps routes and procedures that can improve both research and available health care services.This unique volume also focuses on aspects of HIV infection that have received little attention elsewhere. It includes the first information published in the open literature about intravenous drug use in Alaska. Another chapter highlights some little-known facts that relate substance abuse to HIV infection in the American Indian/Alaskan Native population, among whom--it has been predicted--a devastating epidemic of HIV infection is likely. Problems with prevention, research, and treatment of individuals who are both intravenous drug users and who are infected with HIV are explored. Other chapters look at the transmission of HIV infection--by gay men who are alcoholics and by intravenous drug users. AIDS and Alcohol/Drug Abuse ends with hopeful chapter for AIDS prevention. Readers interested in the relationship of intravenous drug use and HIV infection, particularly among racial and ethnic minorities, will find this to be a practical, readable book. In particular, substance abuse counselors and researchers, and anyone involved in the AIDS prevention movement will find a valuable wealth of information.
Taylor & Francis Inc Psychoanalysis, Scientific Method and Philosophy
This by now well-known pioneering dialogue on Freudian analysis is concerned not with therapeutic implications, individual or social, of psychoanalysis or of any other brand of psychology, but solely with the status of psychoanalysis as a scientific theory. Matching talents with a distinguished group of philosophers and social scientists, psychoanalysts made their claims and willingly subject them to the methodological scrutiny common to the sciences and the philosophy of science. This book records one of the few times in the United States that a distinguished group of psychoanalysts met with an equally distinguished group of philosophers of science in a free, critical interchange of view on the scientific status of the field. While a sense of the event’s excitement is captured here, it also had clear results, such as an expanded notion of psychoanalysis as a scientific theory, and a clear realization that certain elements in psychoanalysis are substantially beyond the boundaries of causal inference or the rules of logic.Two opening statements by Heinz Hartmann and Ernest Nagel set the tone for the debate and discussion that followed. These are followed by social scientific statements of Abram Kardiner, Ernest van den Haag, and Alex Inkeles, followed by the philosophers Morris Lazerowitz, Donald C. Williams, and Anthony Flew. Such distinguished scholars as Adolf Grunbaum, Michael Scriven, Gail Kennedy, Arthur Pap, Philipp Frank. Arthur C. Danto, Max Black and others, round out this pioneering effort in the literature of intellectual combat.Sidney Hook applies to his vision of psychoanalysis the same compelling rigor he applied to other would-be advocates of a science beyond ordinary scientific method or safeguards. He nonetheless points out that even therapeutic success is not the last word, but must itself be tested on a variety of measures: statistical no less than analytical. This remains a courageous and disturbing work, one that commands attention among practicing psychiatrists, psychoanalysts—and their would-be patients.
Taylor & Francis Inc Brotherhood of the Sea: A History of the Sailors' Union of the Pacific, 1885-1985
In 1934, the Pacific Coast was shaken by a massive strike of waterfront workers- on the docks and the ships. In this mighty struggle, the Sailor’s Union of the Pacific, quiescent since it’s defeat in the period after the first World War was reborn. Fighting on San Francisco’s Embarcadero led to the stationing of National Guard troops on the ‘front’. This book looks at the Union from 1885 to 1985.
Taylor & Francis Inc Fear of Crime: Incivility and the Production of a Social Problem
Most studies of fear of crime assume that is rimarily induced by direct or indirect contact with a criminal event. Consequently programs designed to deal with this problem focus on either increased police protection or a number of crime prevention programs. In this study, Dan A. Lewis and Greta W. Salem raise questions both about the validity of these assumptions and the effectiveness of the programs. A five-year investigation has led the authors to challenge those theories that focus only on the psychological responses to victimizations and fail to take into account the social and political environments within which such fears are shaped and nurtured.Explicitly laying out a 'social control' perspective which informs their research and analysis, the authors examine the fear of crime in ten neighorhoods in Chicago, San Francisco, and Philadelphia which represent the range of communities typically found in urban areas. On the basis of their analysis the authors contend that fear of crime is not related to exposure or knowledge about criminal events alone but also stems from residents' concerns about broad changes taking place in their neighborhoods. Many people, they argue, are afraid not only because crime occurs but also because they believe that they have lost control over the environment in which they live.Lewis and Salem conclude that the eradication of fear of crime requires strategies that move beyond the traditional crime prevention programs to consider ways to restore the control that community residents feel they have lost and the possibilities for a more equitable distribution of security in urban areas.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Transforming Narcissism: Reflections on Empathy, Humor, and Expectations
Using Kohut's seminal paper "Forms and Transformations of Narcissism" as a springboard, Frank Lachmann updates Kohut's proposals for contemporary clinicians. Transforming Narcissism: Reflections on Empathy, Humor, and Expectations draws on a wide range of contributions from empirical infant research, psychoanalytic and psychotherapeutic practice, social psychology, and autobiographies of creative artists to expand and modify Kohut's proposition that archaic narcissism is transformed in the course of development or through treatment into empathy, humor, creativity, an acceptance of transience and wisdom. He asserts that empathy, humor, and creativity are not the goals or end products of transformations, but are an intrinsic part of the ongoing therapist-patient dialogue throughout treatment. The transformative process is bidirectional, impacting both patient and therapist, and their affect undergoes transformation - for example from detached to intimate - and narcissism or self-states are transformed secondarily as a consequence of the affective interactions. Meeting or violating expectations of emotional responsivity provides a major pathway for transformation of affect. For beginning therapists, Transforming Narcissism presents an engaging approach to treatment that incorporates the therapeutic action of these transformations, but also leaves room for therapists to develop styles of their own. For more experienced therapists, it fills a conceptual and clinical gap, provides a scaffold for crucial aspects of treatment that are often unacknowledged (because they are not "analytic"), or are dismissed and pejoratively labeled "countertransference." Most importantly, Lachmann offers a balance between therapeutic spontaneity and professional constraint. Focused and engaging, Transforming Narcissism provides a bridge from self psychology to a rainbow of relational approaches that beginning and seasoned therapists can profitably traverse in either direction. Dr. Lachmann contributed to an article on empathy in the April, 2008 issue of O magazine, pp. 230.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Symptom-Focused Dynamic Psychotherapy
Traditionally, psychoanalytically oriented clinicians have eschewed a direct focus on symptoms, viewing it as superficial turning away from underlying psychopathology. But this assumption is an artifact of a dated classical approach; it should be reexamined in the light of contemporary relational thinking. So argues Mary Connors in Symptom-Focused Dynamic Psychotherapy, an integrative project that describes cognitive-behavioral techniques that have been demonstrated to be empirically effective and may be productively assimilated into dynamic psychotherapy.What is the warrant for symptom-focused interventions in psychodynamic treatment? Connors argues that the deleterious impact of symptoms on the patient's physical and emotional well being often impedes psychodynamic engagement. Symptoms associated with addictive disorders, eating disorders, OCD, and posttraumatic stress receive special attention. With patients suffering from these and other symptoms, Connors finds, specific cognitive-behavior techniques may relieve symptomatic distress and facilitate a psychodynamic treatment process, with its attentiveness to the therapeutic relationship and the analysis of transference-countertransference. Connors' model of integrative psychotherapy, which makes cognitive-behavioral techniques responsive to a comprehensive understanding of symptom etiology, offers a balanced perspective that attends to the relational embeddedness of symptoms without skirting the therapeutic obligation to alleviate symptomatic distress. In fact, Connors shows, active techniques of symptom management are frequently facilitative of treatment goals formulated in terms of relational psychoanalysis, self psychology, intersubjectivity theory, and attachment research. A discerning effort to enrich psychodynamic treatment without subverting its conceptual ground, Symptom-Focused Dynamic Psychotherapy is a bracing antidote to the timeworn mindset that makes a virtue of symptomatic suffering.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Predatory Priests, Silenced Victims: The Sexual Abuse Crisis and the Catholic Church
The sexual abuse scandal in the Catholic Church captured headlines and mobilized public outrage in January 2002. But much of the commentary that immediately followed was reductionistic, focusing on single "causes" of clerical abuse such as mandatory celibacy, homosexuality, sexual repressiveness or sexual permissiveness, anti-Catholicism, and a decadent secular culture.Predatory Priests, Silenced Victims: The Sexual Abuse Crisis and the Catholic Church, a collection of groundbreaking articles edited by Mary Gail Frawley-O'Dea and Virginia Goldner, eschews such one-size-fits-all theorizing. In its place, the abuse situation is explored in all its troubling complexity, as contributors take into account the experiences, respectively, of the victim/survivor, the abuser/perpetrator, and the bystander (whether family member, professional/clergy, or the community at large). Setting polemics to the side, Predatory Priests, Silenced Victims provides a sober and sobering analysis of the interlacing historical, doctrinal, and psychological issues that came together in the sexual abuse scandal. It is mandatory reading for all who seek thoughtful, informed commentary on a crisis long in the making and yet to be resolved.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Adolescent Psychiatry, V. 25: Annals of the American Society for Adolescent Psychiatry
Volume 25 of The Annals is a timely reprise on developmental, psychotherapeutic, and forensic issues that enter into the evaluation and treatment of adolescents. It traverses different explanatory perspectives, offers integrative expositions of several treatment modalities, and wrestles with the legal dimensions of adolescent care.The volume begins with three developmental studies: Shelley Doctors's clinically grounded reconsideration of "adolescent turmoil," Charles Jaffe's dynamic systems approach to adolescent psychotherapy, and Saul Levin's thoughtful consideration of four aspects of the adolescent passage that clinicians tend to ignore: the adolescent's sense of being, of belonging, of believing, and of benevolence. A thorough review of adolescent personality pathology and a case report of adolescent mourning are followed by a series of papers exploring three principal treatment modalities commonly employed in work with disturbed adolescents: psychodynamic, interpersonal, and the integrated approach of the Austen Riggs Center. Consideration of the game of chess as a "method and metaphor" for working with object relationships in narcissistic teenagers concludes the section of material on therapeutic approaches. The final section of volume 25 engages two knotty forensic issues that have come to the fore in adolescent psychiatry. Saul Levin examines the legal and developmental dimensions of the informed consent of minors whereas Everett Dulit outlines three clinical constellations associated with female adolescents' denial of pregnancy and examines their relationship to neonaticide.Like its distinguished predecessors, volume 25 is a thoughtfully assembled collection that not only spans the many facets of adolescent psychiatry but is responsive to the most pressing challenges - evaluative, therapeutic, legal - before the field.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Annual of Psychoanalysis, V. 25
Volume 25 of The Annual is dedicated to the memory of Michael Franz Basch, who achieved distinction as both a psychoanalytic theorist of the first rank and an authority on the nature and conduct of dynamic psychotherapy. A wide range of original contributions bear witness to his theoretical, clinical, and educational interests.A number of papers remind us of Basch's prominence as a self-psychological theorist: Elson's self-psychological reappraisal of self-pity, dependence, and manipulation as self-states; Ornstein's developmental perspective on power, self-esteem, and destructive aggression; Tolpin's review of sexuality from the standpoint of normal self development; and Wolf's discussion of self psychology and the "aging self." Basch's life-long educational concerns gain expression in Goldberg's discussion of clinical teaching, particularly the challenge of leading of case conferences; and Ornstein's and Kay's thoughtful consideration of "enduring difficulties" in American medical education.Additional highlights of the volume include: Fawcett's consideration of the role of pharmacotherapy in psychodynamic treatment; Jaffe's consideration of the applicability of hierarchical models to assessment and intervention in brief psychotherapy; Galatzer-Levy's review of the "witch" metapsychology; Gedo's analysis of mythic themes in the operas Don Giovanni and Der Rosenkavalier; Modell's reflections on metaphor and affects; and Kernberg's discussion of a "new psychoanalytic mainstream," which he compares and contrasts with a parallel convergence of Kohutian and interpersonal analytic approaches. Many of these contributions incorporate reflections on Basch as a teacher and colleague, and the entire volume is framed by Goldberg's moving tribute. Analysts and psychotherapists sharing Basch's commitment to academic and clinical excellence and his keen awareness of the pragmatic requirements of doing effective therapy will find in Volume 25 a cornucopia of riches.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Psychoanalytic Study of Society, V. 13: Essays in Honor of Weston LaBarre
Volume 13 includes chapters on the contributions of Weston LaBarre (B. Kilbourne); Geza Roheim's theory of myth (S. Morales); the origins of Christianity (W. Meissner); myths in Inuit religion (D. Merkur); the psychology of a Sherpa shaman (R. Paul); the psychoanalytic study of urban legends (M. Carroll); and the dogma of technology (H. Stein & R. Hill).
Taylor & Francis Ltd Psychoanalytic Theory and Clinical Relevance: What Makes a Theory Consequential for Practice?
In this provocative contribution to both psychoanalytic theory and the philosophy of science, Louis Berger grapples with the nature of "consequential" theorizing, i.e., theorizing that is relevant to what transpires in clinical practice. By examining analysis as a genre of "state process formalism" - the standard format of scientific theories - Berger demonstrates why contemporary theorizing inevitably fails to explain crucial aspects of practice. His critique, in this respect, pertains both to the formal structure of psychoanalytic explanation and the technical language through which this structure gains expression.The pragmatic recommendations that issue from this critique are illustrated with respect to a number of perennial problem areas besetting analysis and cognate disciplines. In a discussion that encompases theories of affect, issues in family therapy, the nature of first-language acquisition, and the philisophical topics of free will and determinism, Berger shows that certain systems of representation (including ordinary language) can describe the psychological realm adequately, and that such systems necessarily follow modern physics in rejecting naive assumptions about the separability of theory and practice. His proposals culminate in a "nonhierarchical" conception of psychoanalytic theory that assigns a separate status to the clinically pragmatic level of theorizing.In both his critique of contemporary analysis and his reconstructive proposals, Berger fuses into a highly readable argument a fascinating range of insights culled from epistemology, linguistics, physics, logic, computer science, history, and aesthetics. More impressively still, he demonstrates how an investigation of psychoanalytic theory can serve as a vehicle for examining pervasive epistemological issues in both philosophy and the social sciences.
Taylor & Francis Inc Music in American Society
This book is the literary legacy of a national music festival in St. Louis, organized to identify as clearly as possible the specifically native character of music originating in the United States of America. The festival—the Bicentennial Horizons of American Music and the Performing Arts (B.H.A.M.)—sponsored more than 250 performances and workshops between Flag Day and Independence Day 1976. It was the only event of the Bicentennial celebration to address itself to a survey and evaluation of the musical development of this country.
Taylor & Francis Inc False Consciousness: An Essay on Mystification
In this book, Guenter Lewy explains and critiques the idea of false consciousness - that people living under capitalism do not know their best interests. This idea was prevalent in the writings of nineteenth century Marxism, modern communism, and the New Left. Lewy applies what German scholars call Ideologiekritik to the Marxian concept of ideology or false consciousness itself, to demystify the concept of mystification. He also presents an account of the historical development of the concept, and the dangers of its application in society. Belief in false consciousness inspired many social scientists to propose that elite classes in capitalist countries use the media and the education system to manipulate the proletariat, thus perpetuating their own power. Lewy marshals social scientific evidence to refute that idea, demonstrating that education and the mass media in the United States in fact often challenge accepted values and the status quo. Lewy documents Soviet and Chinese brainwashing efforts to eradicate dangerous political ideas and values derived from a belief in false consciousness. He also reviews attempts by Marxist and neo-Marxist educators and social scientists in the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany) to free young people from false consciousness by means of emancipatory pedagogy--a program of intense political indoctrination.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Contemporary Perspectives on Rational Suicide
This text brings together spokespersons from several different disciplines who can present their arguments for or against rational suicide as a viable concept and, consequently, a realistic option.The pros and cons of the discussion format bring the readers to search for their beliefs, and the final decision of acceptance or rejection of the concept is left to each individual reader.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Women's Anger: Clinical and Developmental Perspectives
First published in 2000. Women's Anger brings together, in an integrated presentation of anger over the lifespan, theoretical understandings, clinical experiences, empirical research, and the lived experience of anger for women and girls. Women's Anger offers a combined focus of feminist and developmental perspectives on anger, the psychology of emotion, and applied theory. It also focuses on the adaptive and functional aspects of women's anger rather than on the traditional, psychopathology-based models. The reader will be introduced to several clinical illustrations from actual clients as well as to personal accounts of women and girls talking about their own perspectives on anger.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Clinical Chaos: A Therapist's Guide To Non-Linear Dynamics And Therapeutic Change
Psychology and the social sciences are in need of a new foundation, one that provides a better model for understanding complex behavior. Chaos theory and its newest permutation, complexity theory, offers an innovative, exciting and potentially revolutionary leap forward in the evolution of scientific thought. In Clinical Chaos, therapists and theoreticians from various areas in the social sciences will explore the relevance and implications for non-linear dynamics in observing, explaining, and understanding human behavior. At last, the scientific search can again encompass surprise, transformation, unpredictability, and pattern. This book is intended to introduce social scientists to chaos through paths that are already familiar. By linking chaos theory with existing psychological theories and established areas of clinical pursuit, Clinical Chaos emphasizes the relevance of this new science in providing a more flexible useful model for complexities of life.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Textbook Of Behavioural Managed Care
The changing role of managed care can be a daunting challenge to both experienced clinicians and students entering into the practice for the first time. Managed care seems to have come out of nowhere and has affected the psychotherapy community so strongly that private-practice clinicians are finding that they must reinvent their practices in order to work well with managed care systems.The Textbook of Behavioral Managed Care presents, in a well organized and comprehensive manner, the basic definitions of managed care; its effects on clinicians; and most importantly, how clinicians can respond to the pressures of managed care and still maintain the quality of their practices. For experienced clinicians, the information in this volume will prove invaluable in adapting to the ever increasing role of managed care; for the student entering into practice, the book is an essential tool for understanding the forces that managed care has brought into play.The better managed care companies have two goals: to stretch behavioral health resources and, ultimately, to improve quality. In light of these two important tasks, this book demonstrates that truly effective implementation of managed care requires sophistication of experienced, knowledgeable, specialized therapists. The Textbook of Behavioral Managed Care will provide clinicians with a greater level of understanding that enables them to implement managed care in the most effective manner possible.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Preferred Provider's Handbook: Building A Successful Private Therapy Practice In The Managed Care Marketplace
First published in 1994. A revolution has been taking place in behavioral health financing, and only those practitioners who know how to successfully market themselves to managed care organizations are likely to maintain their hold in this rapidly changing system. Realistic, clear, insightful and highly practical, The Preferred Provider's Handbook will help therapists to understand the managed care marketplace and to develop the strategies necessary to meet its many challenges. You will learn how to: Get accepted on preferred provider lists of managed care organizations (M.C.O.s); Generate patient referrals once you are accepted onto a panel of preferred providers; Retain active referral status over the long term; Zero in on the higher quality networks that produce higher income and have minimal legal risk; Break into closed provider lists-one of the most difficult but important tasks. The Handbook clearly sets forth the basics of managed care with the aim of helping psycho therapists gain an understanding and acceptance of this new system. The volume addresses strategic marketing, whereby therapists can select and pursue those managed care organizations best suited to their needs; provides tools for designing and implementing a marketing plan; and gives a framework for understanding and making profitable use of future trends-in a profes sional and ethical manner. Of particular value is a chapter discussing marketing implications for behavioral health arising from the Clinton administration's new managed competition plans. Armed with specific information on how to fill out an M.C.O. application, how to analyze a contract, which specialties are most desirable and which should be avoided, how to network, and much, much more, you will be well on your way to professional success. This is an essential resource for all practitioners in the managed care marketplace.
Taylor & Francis Inc Hazardous Materials: Emergency Action Data
This book is a reference guide that provides chemical, health, and safety information on more than 1,120 toxic and hazardous chemicals and lists nearly 3,000 synonyms used for the most commonly transported chemicals by railroad and highway carriers. Information comes straight from the manufacturers and can prove invaluable for first responders faced with a medium to large spill or fire.Chemical listings are presented alphabetically and include such information as the DOT designation, neutralizing agents, special warnings, chemical suit listings, emergency first aid, hazard ratings, fire fighting information, evacuation distances, health hazard information, threshold limit values. The manufacturer of each chemical and phone number to be used to obtain more information regarding the chemical is also provided. Enough information is presented in this guide that there is no longer a need to carry 10-15 reference books when responding to an incident.
Taylor & Francis Inc Money, Incentives and Efficiency in the Hungarian Economic Reform
The essays in this volume document the serious shortcomings of the Hungarian economic reform, which in two decades has brought deteriorating economic performance, declining real wages, a fiscal deficit and severe inflationary pressures. It has proved unexpectedly difficult to substitute a regulated market economy for a centrally planned one. The authors of these essays argue that the problems stem from the incompleteness of the reforms and their compromise character. Today, as the Hungarians prepare to implement more radical measures, constraining the Communist party and rolling back state ownership, they do so under economically difficult conditions.
Taylor & Francis Inc Automating the Design of Computer Systems
Addressing the issues of engineering design in computer architecture, this book describes the design and implementation of MICON, a system for automating the synthesis of small computers.
Taylor & Francis Inc Alcoholism/Chemical Dependency and the College Student
Professionals who work with college students--and college students themselves--address the current epidemic of drug use on college campuses in this timely book. In acknowledging that substance abuse problems proliferate during college and on into adult life when they then affect the next generation, the outstanding group of contributors offers forthright and clear descriptions, explanations, and suggestions for helping students, including examples of university services that have proven successful in dealing with student substance abuse. This helpful book aims to reverse the trend of ambivalence and confusion of administrators and college counselors regarding the area of substance use disorder by providing practical intervention strategies.
Taylor & Francis Inc Homosexuality and Family Relations
The first book of its kind, Homosexuality and Family Relations focuses on the effects of homosexuality and being homosexual on individuals in families and on the family as a group. Edited by Frederick W. Bozett, RN, DNS, and Marvin B. Sussman, PhD, this informative and enlightening volume examines the multiple varieties of family forms in which gay men and lesbians live, addresses the ramifications of homosexuality on family relationships, and explores the countless aspects of parenthood as they are experienced by gay men and lesbians, including adoption and foster care by lesbians and gay men, and the choice of increasing numbers of lesbians to bear children through artificial fertilization. Any professional who is interested in the family--educators, clinicians, academicians, researchers, and students, as well as others interested in families and in human sexuality and men’s and women’s studies--family science, gay studies, nursing, medicine, law, psychology, sociology, social work--will find this book useful, insightful, and unique.
Taylor & Francis Ltd My Dad Makes Awesome Boats
'My dad makes awesome boats' is a story book for primary aged children. The story is about two friends, Oscar and Samuel. Oscar's dad has a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis. It creates an opportunity to talk with children about the symptoms of MS as well as other aspects of friendship like competition, strengths and weaknesses and talking to each other. It includes a question on each page, eg, 'what do you like doing with your dad' and 'what makes you feel sad' to help discussion about all aspects of living with a relative with multiple sclerosis. It includes activity pages, a relevant word search, spot the difference and drawing pages that allow children to have fun as they talk about what is happening in their lives. The book will be useful for families, therapists, health professionals and teachers to use with children who have a relative with MS or with all children to raise awareness of a common health diagnosis as another example of diversity. "This book is excellent, it will help families as it is talking about very routine things that children understand. This will be a fantastic resource for children, teachers and health professionals". (Katrina Orchard MS specialist nurse).
Taylor & Francis Ltd My Mum Bakes Awesome Cakes: Neurorology Series: Talking About MS
'My mum bakes awesome cakes' is a story book for primary school aged children. The story is about a small group of children. Leah's mum has a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis. It creates an opportunity to talk with children about the symptoms of MS as well as other aspects of friendship like anxiety, competition, strengths and weaknesses and talking to each other. It includes a question on each page, eg, 'what do you like doing with your dad' and 'what makes you feel sad' to help discussion about all aspects of living with a relative with multiple sclerosis. It includes activity pages, a relevant word search, spot the difference and drawing pages that allow children to have fun as they talk about what is happening in their lives. This book will be useful for families, therapists, health professionals and teachers to use with children who have a relative with MS or with all children to raise awareness of a common health diagnosis as another example of diversity. "This book is fantastic, it is the perfect tool to start conversations with children. It gives straightforward explanations of symptoms without being too medical. This will be a great resource for families, teachers and health professionals". (Lisa black MS specialist nurse).
Taylor & Francis Ltd Reading Between the Lines: Understanding Inference
This book is designed for teachers and speech & language therapists working in the fields of language and literacy, and concerned with developing inferencing skills in their students. The ability to draw inference is a crucial element in the comprehension of written language, and this resource will be a valuable aid in mainstream classes throughout Key Stage 2. It is especially appropriate for work with children with speech, language and communication needs and those on the autistic spectrum, who are likely to have particular difficulty understanding inference. The book contains a collection of 300 texts which are graded and lead the student gradually from simple tasks with picture support and plentiful clues to more challenging scenarios where true inference is required. The texts can be used with whole classes, groups and individual children.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Not Just Talking: Identifying Non-Verbal Communication Difficulties - A Life Changing Approach
This innovative approach to dealing with communication difficulties was devised by the author following encounters with increased numbers of children who had learned to talk, but still were unable to communicate effectively. This new theory of communication development devised in the late 1990s has been successfully used by the author and a wide range of educators and promotes the good use of non-verbal skills in children. This programme changes the lives of the children (in the family and at school) who benefit from it. The book will look at: Non-verbal communication theory; Normal and disordered development; Problems arising - behaviour; social skills; emotions; education; in the family; Prevention; Assessment; and, Intervention. Generally those children with poor non-verbal skill development will have limited ability to communicate effectively in all situations and may even be 'shut down', i.e not attempting to communicate unless they choose to. This flagship book provides a whole new perspective and presents a concrete alternative approach to tackling the fundamentals from which communication difficulties arise.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Philosophy Through Storytelling
This is an accessible beginners manual with all you need to run philosophy groups with children or adults. Whether you work with school pupils, students or adults, philosophy offers the opportunity to develop thinking skills that have both personal and academic application. This practical manual contains detailed guidance and a set of short stories for running philosophy groups. It is ideal for use in schools, the sessions can be used in a variety of environments, and with participants of all ages from five to 95. In each session, the participants start with a warm-up, examine a key stimulus, generate questions from that stimulus, agree to focus on one question and share, and challenge and develop views on that question. Finally they consider how well the process went, warm-down and end the session. Using this approach to philosophy is an excellent way to challenge thinking and to encourage interaction, as some participant responses show: 'It's much more worth listening to than I expected', 'It is great to hear what others think and believe', and 'I feel I know the people in my group much better'. This title is particularly ideal for schools using the P4C (Philosophy for Children) method and for adult special needs group leaders. This accessible manual helps you to introduce philosophy to your group and will change how you and your students think about themselves and others.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Communication Game
This title helps you learn how to interact with others more effectively. Can enhance communication skills while enabling participants to discover information on how to interact with others more effectively. One of a range of 10 field-tested games for developing emotional intelligence designed to be used repeatedly by the same people at different stages in their lives. They will help develop self-worth and a sense of confidence, enabling young people to cope with life's challenges. Age: 13 to adult.Intended for use in educational settings and/or therapy contexts under the supervision of an adult. This is not a toy.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Responsibility Card Game
This title is designed to propagate responsibility in an age-appropriate way. It enables players to recognise and identify various types of responsibility. It is one of a range of 10 field-tested games for developing emotional intelligence designed to be used repeatedly by the same people at different stages in their lives. They will help develop self-worth and a sense of confidence, enabling young people to cope with life's challenges. It is suitable for ages 13 to adult.Intended for use in educational settings and/or therapy contexts under the supervision of an adult. This is not a toy.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Expressive Verbs: Colorcards
This title offers 48 cards illustrating expressions with intrinsic meanings. This is a collection of bold, vibrant and often humorous photocards that illustrate actions and expressions implying a range of states, reactions, intentions and emotions, showing how expressions and actions are used to communicate effectively. The images portray the use of fingers, hands, face, mouth, eyes, body and feet, and include: the girl is counting on her fingers; the boy is waving; the girl is sticking out her tongue; the boy is crying; and, the girl is stamping her foot. It is a valuable resource developing verbal and non-verbal expression, creative thought, complex syntactical structures, and an understanding of non-verbal language and cultural diversity. It is ideal for individual and group work in a variety of settings, and with a wide range of people including those with pragmatic disorders, those needing to develop alternative and augmentative communication skills and those needing to improve their receptive and expressive language. It contains 48 cards 210 x 148mm plus booklet, boxed.Intended for use in educational settings and/or therapy contexts under the supervision of an adult. This is not a toy.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Working with Dysfluent Children: Practical Approaches to Assessment and Therapy
This extensively revised edition is now an up-to-date clinical text, with ideas on relating theory to current practice. It is an invaluable resource for those working with children who are dysfluent, containing revised chapters on all stages of dysfluency and practical ideas and suggestions for therapeutic approaches. Areas covered include: development of stammering; assessment of children who are dysfluent; early dysluency; borderline stammering; confirmed stammering; group therapy; and working with nurseries and schools.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Helping Children Locked in Rage or Hate: A Guidebook
This is a guidebook to help children who: hurt, hit, bite, smash, kick, shout, scream or who are out of control, hyperaroused or hyperactive can only discharge their angry feelings in verbal or physical attacks, rather than being able to think about and reflect on what they feel are angry because it is easier than feeling hurt or sad are locked in anger or rage because of sibling rivalry are controlling and punitive regularly defy authority or are diagnosed with a conduct disorder commit cold acts of cruelty, hurt animals or do not cry any more; spoil, damage or destroy what others do or make create fear in others because they have locked away their own fears do not want to please people, cannot trust, have stopped looking for love or approval or truly believe they do not need anyone do not really know how to 'like' someone; and, definitely do not know how to love someone or are affectionate only if they want something.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Helping Children with Fear: A Guidebook
A guidebook to help children who: worry a lot or exhibit signs of ongoing anxiety experience the world as an unsafe place suffer from phobias, obsessions or nightmares are scared to tell someone that they are scared know a terrible loneliness feel insignificant in a world of adult giants feel defeated by life or need help in being assertive and feel so impotent that their only way to feel any potency is to be mute.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Writing and Developing Social Stories
This practical resource provides an introduction to the theory and practice of writing social stories. In addition, there are examples of successful stories to use as guides, as well as information and photocopiable resources for delivering training on the use of social stories. Based on detailed work carried out in homes, schools and pre-schools, this book offers practical support to anyone meeting the needs of a child or young adult with an autistic spectrum disorder. Social stories are short stories intended for children with autism to help them understand their social world and behave appropriately within it. The stories provide clear, concise and accurate information about what is happening in a specific situation, outlining both why it is happening and what a typical response might be. It is written by those directly supporting a child with autism and only successful stories are included in the book. The stories are infinitely flexible and adaptable to an individual child in an individual social situation. It covers children aged 3 to 16.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Creative Games in Groupwork
Presented in a format that immediately allows you to see what materials are needed, how much preparation is required and how each game is played, this book presents practical resource material in an accessible format. Ideas include introduction mixing exercises, games using gentle movement, exuberant games, puzzles brain teasers, verbal games, pen paper games, and more. It includes a special outdoor selection, and advice on how to make your group successful. It is ideal for scout and church leaders, as well as occupational therapists, activity organisers and social workers.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Non-Competitive Activity Book
This superb practical handbook contains 100 activities that are non-competitive and can be used across the whole age spectrum with individuals or groups. It provides indispensable material for use with learning disabilities, mental health, physical disabilities and regressed psychiatric or geriatric patients. The non-competitive nature of these activities ensures that people feel safe in making a contribution, and fear of failure or disappointment is effectively eliminated. Divided into photocopiable sections, these provide a session format that focuses on maintaining and increasing the function of the whole person. It is an ideal resource for day centres, hospitals, care homes and the creative group leader.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Reminiscence Skills Training Handbook
This easy-to-use guide provides an accessible workbook for reminiscence skills training. It includes: information on the history and definition of reminiscence work; the value of the reminiscence experience to older people and their carers as well as practical ideas and suggestions on how to use reminiscence in a beneficial and therapeutic way; how to set up, run and maintain group and individual reminiscence activities; training points and training activities for each section to enhance understanding by making links with the personal experience of the reader; and, emphasis on the role of reminiscence work in the social and emotional care of ethnic minority elders, people with dementia and older people who have been bereaved. This handbook will not only help to promote reminiscence work but also enhance everyday communication between carers and older people.