Search results for ""TAYLOR FRANCIS""
Taylor & Francis Ltd Jung and Sociological Theory: Readings and Appraisal
Carl Jung has always lain at the edge of sociology's consciousness, despite the existence of a long-established Freudian tradition. Yet, over the years, a small number of sociological writers have considered Jung; one or two Jungian writers have considered sociology. The range of perspectives is quite wide: Durkheim, Weber, Marx, Levi-Strauss, feminism, mass society, postmodernism. These scattered writings, however, have had little cumulative impact and inspired little debate. The authors seem often not to have known of each other, while the sociological mainstream has remained unmoved or unaware.This is the situation that this book seeks to change. Jung and Sociological Theory brings together a selection of articles and excerpts in a single volume, together with some writings from anthropology, and seeks to begin the task of critical evaluation. Presented in three parts, the book covers anthropology, sociology and an appraisal of Jung and sociological theory. Gavin Walker explores the relationship between Jung and sociology, asking what the writers included here wanted from Jung, how we should locate Jung on the sociological landscape, and how this might link to anthropology. In conclusion he suggests that sociology’s problem with Jung is less that he is difficult to place, than that he compels sociology to face some of its own inconsistencies and evasions.Jung and Sociological Theory will be of interest to all academics and students working in the fields of Jungian studies, analytical psychology and psychoanalysis, sociology, anthropology, feminism, comparative religion and the history of ideas.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Healy Lectures: 2005-2015
The Nicholas J. Healy Lectures on Admiralty Law takes place annually at New York University School. They commenced in 1992 with the aim of providing a forum for the scholarly consideration of maritime law and, delivered by expert academics and practitioners in the field, provide great insight into the development of admiralty law since then. This volume collects the seventh to thirteenth lectures, which were given from 2005 to 2015.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Routledge Handbook of Radical Politics
Successive waves of global protest since 1999 have encouraged leading contemporary political theorists to argue that politics has fundamentally changed in the last twenty years, with a new type of politics gaining momentum over elite, representative institutions. The new politics is frequently described as radical, but what does radicalism mean for the conduct of politics?Capturing the innovative practices of contemporary radicals, Routledge Handbook of Radical Politics brings together leading academics and campaigners to answer these questions and explore radicalism’s meaning to their practice. In the thirty-five chapters written for this collection, they collectively develop a picture of radicalism by investigating the intersections of activism and contemporary political theory. Across their experiences, the authors articulate radicalism’s critical politics and discuss how diverse movements support and sustain each other. Together, they provide a wide-ranging account of the tensions, overlaps and promise of radical politics, while utilising scholarly literatures on grassroots populism to present a novel analysis of the relationship between radicalism and populism.Routledge Handbook of Radical Politics serves as a key reference for students and scholars interested in the politics and ideas of contemporary activist movements.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Persons and their Minds: Towards an Integrative Theory of the Mediated Mind
Today’s approaches to the study of the human mind are divided into seemingly opposed camps. On one side we find the neurosciences, with their more or less reductionist research programs, and on the other side we find the cultural and discursive approaches, with their frequent neglect of the material sides of human life. Persons and their Minds seeks to develop an integrative theory of the mind with room for both brain and culture. Brinkmann’s remarkable and thought-provoking work is one of the first books to integrate brain research with phenomenology, social practice studies and actor-network theory, all of which are held together by the concept of the person. Brinkmann’s new and informative approach to the person, the mind and mental disorder give this book a wide scope. The author uses Rom Harré’s hybrid psychology as a meta-theoretical starting point and expands this significantly by including four sources of mediators: the brain, the body, social practices and technological artefacts. The author draws on findings from cultural psychology and argues that the mind is normative in the sense that mental processes do not simply happen, but can be done more or less well, and thus are subject to normative appraisal. In addition to informative theoretical discussions, this book includes a number of detailed case studies, including a study of ADHD from the integrated perspective. Consequently, the book will be of great interest to academics and researchers in the fields of psychology, philosophy, sociology and psychiatry.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Litigation in the Technology and Construction Court
The Technology and Construction Court ("TCC") deals with legal cases that often require specialist technical expertise. This can lead to complex and sometimes lengthy proceedings. In light of the Jackson reforms and developments in cost controls in the TCC, the manner in which claims are handled is of paramount commercial importance to lawyers and lay clients alike.This book provides a practical, but intellectually informative guide to dealing with proceedings in the TCC. Looking at the different types of claims which are commonly, and not so commonly, brought in this court, it considers different potential approaches to such claims depending on the circumstances in which parties find themselves. This is a genuine practitioners’ guide, with the principal focus on expeditious, cost-effective case management. Construction practitioners at the Bar, solicitors, adjudicators, arbitrators, and in-house counsel alike, will all find it an invaluable reference for their practice.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Fermented Foods, Part II: Technological Interventions
This book reviews the use of fermentation to develop healthy and functional foods and beverages and the commercialization of fermented food products through the use of biotechnology. The first two sections cover the health and functional benefits of fermented foods and the latter two sections include chapters on global and region-specific fermented foods that have crossed the geographical barriers to reach supermarkets all over the world.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Project and Program Turnaround
The U.S. economy thrives on the development of new products, new systems, and new processes. Usually, these advances start as a flash of inspiration by highly creative individuals. It is complex and difficult to go from initial inspiration to a final product, process, or system. So it is not surprising that approximately one out of every four development programs fails. A development program or project in trouble is distinct from a program encountering typical development difficulties. Such a program or project can appear to be in free fall.This book identifies the essential fundamentals for executing a program or project turnaround effectively. These fundamentals include: Clearly identifying the next critical accomplishment needed for success Assigning responsibility for each program task to one person Capitalizing on colocation and face-to-face communication Recruiting problem solvers Wining commitment from team members Using team accomplishments to propel high team morale The guidance provided in this book is applicable to all program or project genres, including manufacturing, nonprofit work, education, medicine, investment management, and municipal management.Software has become a great part of both providing product functionality and assisting with managing product development. A special chapter devoted to software development dispels common misconceptions and provides guidance for turning around this special type of project or program. This book is a highly valuable source of insight for a wide range of readers, including management professionals, business students, and executive managers. Every member of a product or project development team will find its recommendations to be of high value.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Environmental Pollutants and their Bioremediation Approaches
This book is a compilation of detailed and latest knowledge on the various types of environmental pollutants released from various natural as well as anthropogenic sources, their toxicological effects in environments, humans, animals and plants as well as various bioremediation approaches for their safe disposal into the environments. In this book, an extensive focus has been made on the various types of environmental pollutants discharged from various sources, their toxicological effects in environments, humans, animals and plants as well as their biodegradation and bioremediation approaches for environmental cleanup.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Renal Drug Handbook: The Ultimate Prescribing Guide for Renal Practitioners, 5th Edition
This invaluable guide, endorsed by the UKMi and reflecting the extensive experience of the UK Renal Pharmacy Group, features drug monographs guiding physicians in how to prescribe, prepare, and administer drugs to patients with different levels of kidney function and when undergoing renal replacement therapy. It has been fully updated for this fifth edition to include up to 100 additional drugs, while maintaining the clear structure and format that is easy to use and simple to follow in the busy clinical setting. It continues to offer support and guidance to health care professionals enabling them to prescribe medications to their renal patients appropriately and safely.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Success is Assured: Satisfy Your Customers On Time and On Budget by Optimizing Decisions Collaboratively Using Reusable Visual Models
"Success is Assured" was born from a pair using those design practices over a century ago: The Wright Brothers. They set about methodically learning the causal relationships between the different design decisions they needed to make and the performance of the airplane. The Wright Brothers fundamentally transformed the front end of development into a sharply focused learning and decision-making process, and thereby eliminated the late - process rework in which their competition was stuck.Similarly, Toyota built an amazing manual product development system that consistently created a cadence of high quality products that customers want. Myriads of Lean principles, jargon, and tools have been introduced and applied with minimal impact on design loopbacks, engineering productivity, and knowledge reuse within small to midsize engineering companies – and almost no penetration within highly complex engineering companies. This book teaches methodologies to relentlessly expose knowledge gaps and trade-offs early and optimize results before detailed design begins, thereby avoiding the expensive firefighting and engineering rework that consume most of our engineering capacity today. This book teaches new thinking and methodologies to convert the chaotic front end of product development into a convergent process of set-based learning and continuous innovation – a game changer for companies that depend upon a steady flow of innovative products.Watch this video and understand how to consistently satisfy your customers on-time and on-budget! Visit
Taylor & Francis Ltd Climate Change Finance and International Law
Since 2010, a significant quantity of international climate change finance has begun to reach developing countries. However, the transfer of finance under the international climate change regime – the legal and ethical obligations that underpin it, the constraints on its use, its intended outcomes, and its successes, failures, and future potential – constitutes a poorly understood topic. Climate Change Finance and International Law fills this gap in the legal scholarship. The book analyses the legal obligations of developed countries to financially support qualifying developing countries to pursue globally significant mitigation and adaptation outcomes, as well as the obligations of the latter under the international regime of financial support. Through case studies of climate finance mechanisms and a multitude of other sources, this book delivers a rich legal and empirical understanding of the implementation of states’ climate finance obligations to date.The book will be of interest to scholars and students of international law and policy, international relations, and the maturing field of climate change law.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Educational Leadership and Pierre Bourdieu
Pierre Bourdieu was one of the most important thinkers of the twentieth century. He argued for, and practiced, rigorous and reflexive scholarship, interrogating the inequities and injustices of modern societies. Through a lifetime’s explication of the ways in which schooling both produces and reproduces the status quo, Bourdieu offered a powerful critique and method of analysis of the history of schooling, and of contemporary educational polices and trends. Though frequently used in educational research, Bourdieu’s work has had much less take up in Educational Leadership, Management and Administration. Educational Leadership and Pierre Bourdieu argues that ELMA scholars have much to gain by engaging more thoroughly with his work. The book explains each of the key terms in Bourdieu’s thinking tool kit, showing how the tripartite concepts of field, habitus and capitals offer a way through which to understand the interaction of structure and agency, and the limits on the freedom of an individual – in this case an educational leader – to act. Educational Leadership and Pierre Bourdieu offers an analysis of dominant trends in ELMA research, examining the kinds of questions asked, projects undertaken and methods used. It provides alternative questions and methods based on a Bourdieusian approach, further readings and a range of exemplars of the application of these tools. The book will be of interest to those whose primary focus is the utility of Bourdieu’s social theory.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Talkabout Transitions: From Education to Employment
This is a comprehensive programme of activities designed to support young people as they make the transition from education to employment. Following the hugely successful TALKABOUT structure, the programme is broken down into topics and activities, each constructed to teach the skills necessary for further education or employment. Topics explore the various opportunities available to school leavers, offer guidance on the application and interview processes and consider the skills necessary to make employment a success. Exploring transition as a process of discovery, this programme takes the fear and uncertainty out of this time of change. The resource includes: Assessment and evaluation forms to help assess the needs of the individual and personalise the programme 40 engaging activities Fully photocopiable and downloadable colour resources to facilitate group sessions This book is an invaluable resource for professionals working with teenagers and young adults with SEMH needs, autism spectrum disorders and intellectual disabilities. The programme would also benefit teenagers and young people daunted by change or struggling to find or remain in employment.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Multilingual Law: A Framework for Analysis and Understanding
This book introduces and explores the concept of multilingual law. Providing an overview as to what is 'multilingual law', the study establishes a new discourse based on this concept, which has hitherto lacked recognition for reasons of complexity and multidisciplinarity. The need for such a discourse now exists and is becoming urgent in view of the progress being made towards European integration and the legal and factual foundation for it in multilingualism and multilingual legislation. Covering different types of multilingual legal orders and their distinguishing features, as well as the basic structure of legal systems, the author studies policy formation, drafting, translation, revision, terminology and computer tools in connection with the legislative and judicial processes. Bringing together a range of diverse legal and linguistic ideas under one roof, this book is of importance to legal-linguists, drafters and translators, as well as students and scholars of legal linguistics, legal translation and revision.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Chatterbugs Manual: A 12-Week Speech, Language and Communication Programme for Early Years
The Chatterbugs Manual is a practical resource for all those supporting the development of the foundation communication skills of attention and listening, turn-taking and early vocabulary in children. The Chatterbugs programme has been designed to bridge the gap between education and specialist speech, language and communication provision, specifically with Early Years mainstream settings in mind. It enables school staff to prepare children—including those with delayed communication skills, EAL learners, or children with suspected special education needs—for learning in school by developing their communication skills through the use of robust communication strategies. The Chatterbugs Manual contains: An overview of the programme, including step-by-step instructions on how to plan and deliver a Chatterbugs session Guidance on identifying children likely to benefit from the programme Progress Tracking documents, along with information on measuring outcomes Child-friendly, illustrated session resources Frequently Asked Questions A parent-friendly information leaflet Information on models of implementation Information on accessing training and supportDeveloped by an experienced speech and language therapist, Chatterbugs has consistently recorded successful outcomes for over 80% of participants since the programme’s inception in 2012, and for over 90% of participants since 2016. With its hands-on approach, the programme is an essential resource for educators, support staff, and speech and language therapists working with Early Years children.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Polymers and Multicomponent Polymeric Systems: Thermal, Thermo-Mechanical and Dielectric Analysis
In recent years, multicomponent polymers have generated much interest due to their excellent properties, unique morphology, and high-end applications. This book focuses on thermal, thermo-mechanical, and dielectric analysis of polymers and multicomponent polymeric systems such as blends, interpenetrating polymeric networks (IPNs), gels, polymer composites, and nanocomposites. Through these analyses, it provides an insight into the stability of polymer systems as a function of time, processing, and usage. Aimed at polymer chemists, physicists, and engineers, it also covers ASTM/ISO and other standards of various measurement techniques for systematic analysis in materials science.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Action Picture Test
*The Renfrew Action Picture Test cards are now available for free, to assist with online assessments and the ease of administrating the test, but in order to fully score the RAPT the pack will need to be purchased. You can find the downloadable cards under ‘Support Materials’ on the product page*Since its first publication in 1967, the Renfrew Action Picture Test has been a reach-for assessment used by a range of professionals dedicated to the speech and language development of children between 3.0–8.5 years of age.Widely used by Speech and Language Therapists / Pathologists, SENCOs, and teachers, among other professionals, the test covers words used to convey information (i.e. nouns, verbs, prepositions); present, past and future tenses; irregular forms of plural and past tenses; simple and complex sentence construction; and passive voice. The test provides an Information and Grammar score that can be benchmarked against a UK school population.This 5th edition has been fully updated, including revision of scoring guidelines, modernisation of images and, through an extensive nation-wide programme, fully re-standardised against a modern school population, making RAPT a trusted first-line tool in speech and language assessment.Intended for use in educational settings and/or therapy contexts under the supervision of an adult. This is not a toy.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Coastal and Deep Ocean Pollution
During the recent decades, social, political and academic endeavours have been made to improve environmental quality and reduce pollution. In particular, the ocean, sea and coastal areas show varying degrees of impact from the multiple human activities carried out in the terrestrial as well as in the aquatic environment. Ecology is a science which studies the relationship between organisms and the surrounding environment and in the modern era, the marine world is getting increasing attention. For centuries it has been the final reservoir of human garbage; later it became an oil farm with a concomitant increase of coastal population growth and unplanned growth of the fishing industry and the increasing use of sea routes for cargo transport and recreational uses (cruises). All this led to rising contamination with negative effects on biota and even human health. It is then imperative to know the current situation of the world's oceans: that is the main purpose of this book, to document at a glance the latest research in the field of ocean pollution.
Taylor & Francis Ltd China and England: The Preindustrial Struggle for Justice in Word and Image
This book examines egalitarian social ideals and institutions that arose in preindustrial China and England, and in the process, uncovers China’s forgotten role in the history of social justice debate and legislation during the eighteenth century. Drawing on a wide range of visual and documentary evidence, the author shows that many prominent individuals in both England and China adopted comparable strategies as a logical response to excesses of privilege and arbitrary power, with educated but non-noble persons taking advantage of print culture, a more literate population, an expanded art market, public spaces and other familiar ‘early modern’ developments to interrogate the system of inherited privilege and promote a more meritocratic society. This shared experience created common ground for transformative exchange between the two great traditions during the eighteenth century. By providing a more global account of what we call Western values, the book shows that early modern China and England had far more in common than is normally supposed, and thus challenges claims on the right and the left that the people of China lacked a concept of social justice and that China’s cultural legacy should be treated as exceptional in regard to human rights.
Taylor & Francis Ltd A Practical Guide to Peritoneal Malignancy: The PMI Manual
Peritoneal malignancy is a rapidly growing field within surgical oncology. National and International treatment programmes and training curricula are being established worldwide to co-ordinate treatment and management of these challenging clinical problems. A large body of evidence now exists, but the practical implications of this evidence base remain unclear. The Peritoneal Malignancy Institute in Basingstoke, the largest centre in the world, is at the forefront of new developments and techniques. This manual combines the experience of the PMI with the latest evidence to provide a practice-oriented guide to the successful set up and running of a peritoneal malignancy unit.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Routledge Handbook of Archaeothanatology: Bioarchaeology of Mortuary Behaviour
This timely publication moves away from anecdotal case studies to offer syntheses of archaeothanatological approaches with an eye to higher-level inferences about funerary behaviour and its meaning in the past. It offers detailed insight into the background and development of archaeothanatology, its theory, methods, applications, and its most recent advances, with a lexicon of related vocabulary. It is is a key source for archaeo-anthropologists and bioarchaeologists.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Survival 60.6
Survival, the bi-monthly publication from The International Institute for Strategic Studies, is a leading forum for analysis and debate of international and strategic affairs. With a diverse range of authors, thoughtful reviews and review essays, Survival is scholarly in depth while vivid, well-written and policy-relevant in approach. Shaped by its editors to be both timely and forward-thinking, the publication encourages writers to challenge conventional wisdom and bring fresh, often controversial, perspectives to bear on the strategic issues of the moment.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Survival 60.5
Survival, the bi-monthly publication from The International Institute for Strategic Studies, is a leading forum for analysis and debate of international and strategic affairs. With a diverse range of authors, thoughtful reviews and review essays, Survival is scholarly in depth while vivid, well-written and policy-relevant in approach. Shaped by its editors to be both timely and forward-thinking, the publication encourages writers to challenge conventional wisdom and bring fresh, often controversial, perspectives to bear on the strategic issues of the moment.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Ultrasound in Assisted Reproduction and Early Pregnancy
This text offers a succinct overview of the essential clinical applications of ultrasound in infertility management. It will be of benefit to established practitioners in reproductive medicine, as it details the aspects of quality, safety, training, and certification that help improve standards of practice. Those in training or with a special interest in fertility issues will also find it essential reading.Print versions of this book also include access to the eBook version with links to procedural videos.
Taylor & Francis Ltd New Geographies of Abstract Art in Postwar Latin America
This edited volume examines the history of abstract art across Latin America after 1945. This form of art grew in popularity across the Americas in the postwar period, often serving to affirm a sense of being modern and the right of Latin America to assume the leading role Europe had played before World War II. Latin American artists practiced gestural and geometric abstraction, though the history of art has favored the latter. Recent scholarship, for instance, has focused on geometric abstraction from Argentina, Brazil, and Venezuela. The book aims to expand the map and consider this phenomenon as it developed in neglected regions such as Central America and the Andes, investigatinghow this style came to stand in for Latin American contemporary art.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Structural Defects Reference Manual for Low-Rise Buildings
The Structural Defects Reference Manual for Low-Rise Buildings has been written to assist professionals and students involved in building construction to identify causes of structural failure. Each chapter carefully addresses design, materials and workmanship factors which contribute to structural defects. The main structural elements - roofs, walls, floors and foundations - are all covered and illustrated by case studies. The book also contains relevant data and guidance to show how all the different building elements should be designed and constructed.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Private Correspondence between Sir Harry Parkes and Edmund Hammond, 1865-1868
This is a new series which publishes for the first time the correspondences of Sir Harry Smith Parkes (1828 – 1885) the second British Minister of Japan, and includes the complete transcriptions of his ‘private’ letters to and from Edmund Hammond, permanent Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, who was the decision maker about major issues in the British relation to Asia, and his successors at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Chronologically arranged, the series covers all such letters during his 18 years in Japan and with the first volume for Bakumatsu, the end of the Shogunate era. Parkes arrived in Japan in 1865 as the second Minister Plenipotentiary and Consul General of the United Kingdom to Japan and stayed at the position till 1883. He was one of the few who observed Japan during its turbulent period of Westernization, and supported the reformers to establish the new government. His efforts and services, alongside his secretaries such as Ernest Satow, George Aston, and A. B. Freeman-Mitford, saw the modernization of Japan starting under the strong influence of Britain.Despite his leading role between Japan and the West in early years, his days and activities in Japan are less known and not widely studied due to the lack of primary source information as his experiences remained unpublished, unlike his predecessor Rutherford Alcock who authored The Capital of the Tycoon or Ernest Satow’s A Diplomat in Japan. Apart from two volumes in Parkes’ biography by F. V. Dickins, no contemporary sources of his life are available.This series of private correspondence of Sir Harry Parkes will fill such a gap, and will be of interest for scholars and student of Japan and Anglo-Japanese history. All correspondence included in the volumes are fully annotated. Also included are his letters with other members of the ministry and documents such as conference minutes, which will provide a comprehensive understanding of the subject.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Transfer of Learning: Participants' Perspectives of Adult Education and Training
The book addresses a crucial issue for all involved in education and training: the transfer of learning to new and different contexts. Educators, employers and learners face the problem of ensuring that what is learnt in the classroom is able to be adapted and used in the workplace. It focuses on adult learners in professional and vocational contexts. The authors provide an accessible book on the transfer of learning which draws on multi-disciplinary perspectives from education, psychology and management. The Transfer of Learning will be useful both for postgraduate students and for practitioners wanting to deepen their understanding of transfer and for those interested in practical applications. It combines theory and practice from international research and the authors' own case studies of transfer involving learners engaged in professional development and study towards qualifications. Theories of adult learning, change and lifelong learning are discussed in relation to the transfer of learning. The purpose of this book is to emphasise to tertiary educators and trainers the importance of transfer and in doing so highlight the participants' voices as central foci in coming to an understanding of the process. By doing this it balances the literature which has to date emphasized transfer from a trainer's and/or organization's perspective. There has been little if any substantive material on tertiary transfer issues and yet demands are increasing for tertiary education providers to be more accountable and more focused on developing students' ability to use their learning in everyday work situations. The book is unique in that it adopts a phenomenological perspective and underscores the significance of the participants' voices in understanding issues.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Russian Politics in Transition
First published in 1997 and written by two distinguished Russian scholars, this book examines the problems and prospects of democratic transition in Russia since the disintegration of the Soviet Union. Specifically, it offers a compelling evaluation of the rise and fall of the 1990 Russian parliament. The problems of transforming what had been a regional assembly into a national parliament are analysed in the context of the failure of perestroika, the difficulties of generating pluralist politics, the strength of presidential power and the tensions between ideologies of reform, on the one hand, and the realities of economic crisis, on the other. The analysis allows them to evaluate the role of political upheaval and conflicts of legitimacy in Russian democratization.The book is divided into three sections. The first offers a theory of transition to modern democracy. This provides the framework for the second section, an account of the first parliament after the 1990 elections, its conflicts with presidential power and the reform agenda of the government and, finally, its fall. The third section examines three particular problems which were decisive in producing the crisis of Russian parliamentarianism and democratization: voting behaviour in a non-party parliamentary setting and its relationship to conflicts between legislature and executive; populism and representation; and the role of democratic values and procedures in the legislative process.Drawing on their unrivalled knowledge of issues, events and actors, Nikolai Biryukov and Victor Sergeyev gather and interpret much new evidence to explore their subject. In a path-breaking study, the authors draw on a variety of sources and traditions to produce an original theory of the problems of political stability set up by democratic transition in Russia.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Drugs, Alcohol and Addiction in the Long Nineteenth Century: Volume IV
This collection captures key themes and issues in the broad history of addiction and vice in the Anglo-American world. Focusing on the long nineteenth-century, the volumes consider how scientific, social, and cultural experiences with drugs, alcohol, addiction, gambling, and prostitution varied around the world. What might be considered vice, or addiction could be interpreted in various ways, through various lenses, and such activities were interpreted differently depending upon the observer: the medical practitioner; the evangelical missionary; the thrill seeking bon-vivant, and the concerned government commissioner, to name but a few. For example, opium addiction in middle class households resulting from medical treatment was judged much differently than Chinese opium smoking by those in poverty or poor living conditions in North American work camps on the west coast, or on the streets of Soho. This collection will assemble key documents representing both the official and general view of these various activities, providing readers with a cross section of interpretations and a solid grounding in the material that shaped policy change, cultural interpretation, and social action.
Taylor & Francis Ltd De-Radicalisation in the UK Prevent Strategy: Security, Identity and Religion
This book examines de-radicalisation policy in the UK and addresses the contradictions evident in the conceptualisation and practice of de-radicalisation.It explores three main themes that touch upon some of the most pressing issues of our day: security, identity and religion. Situated within the Prevent strand of the UK Counter-Terrorism policy and administered by the police through the ‘Channel Programme’, policymakers have promoted de-radicalisation as a vital instrument in the fight against terrorism. Despite the political and legal importance of de-radicalisation as an instrument of counter-terrorism, we continue to know very little about the programme and the profile of individuals who have been de-radicalised, as well as having little or no access to data on the programme. There is also a glaring lacuna in the wider literature regarding the concept, theory, and evidence base for de-radicalisation policies. This book addresses this lacuna and, with the use of data collected from interviews conducted with 27 practitioners, this work reveals the existence of multiple conceptions of de-radicalisation and a number of conceptual features unique to the UK context. Subsequently, the book proposes that de-radicalisation in the UK would be best conceptualised as ‘technologies of the self’. Seen in this way, de-radicalisation is less about tackling terrorism and radicalisation and more about the re-configuring of citizenship, the construction of a mainstream British identity, and the promotion of certain subjectivities in an era of uncertainty about British political identity.This book will be of much interest to students of critical terrorism studies, de-radicalisation, counter-terrorism, UK politics and security studies in general.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Helping Hands: An Introduction to Diagnostic Strategy and Clinical Reasoning
This brand-new textbook introduces medical students, junior doctors, medical educators and allied health professionals to the vital skills of diagnostic strategy and clinical reasoning, both essential components of becoming an effective clinician. Taking the examination of the hands as a springboard – often the initial step in physical examination and from which a wealth of information can be gleaned – through real-life clinical cases readers are encouraged to refine their powers of observation and decision-making strategy.Key features: • Encourages a conscious approach to clinical reasoning – ‘see’ rather than just ‘look’ • Develops an understanding of why all clinicians can be responsible for diagnostic mistakes and how, with a raised awareness, they can work towards avoiding error • Outlines approaches that can be used when taking a history and when examining patients in any clinical setting • Bundled e-book for use ‘on the go’ while the companion website provides additional materials for students and lecturers including self-assessment questions and teaching guidance Outlining the process of formulating and refining an initial diagnosis, in using this book the medical student or junior doctor will develop a critical self-awareness of the strategies they employ in assessing patients, learn how to improve and enhance their skills, and feel enabled to craft an appropriate management plan.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Browse's Introduction to the Symptoms & Signs of Surgical Disease
Browse's Introduction to the Symptoms & Signs of Surgical Disease is essential reading for all medical students learning the fundamentals of history taking and patient examination, when undertaking a surgical rotation, when preparing for their surgical exams and as they transition to postgraduate studies. Maintaining the engaging and readable style so central to Sir Norman Browse's early editions, the sixth edition of this classic text retains all the features beloved by generations of students while being fully revised and updated throughout in line with current surgical practice.Key Features: Current – fully revised and updated Accessible – highly structured and consistent layout, supplemented by tables and revision panels for rapid reference in the pressured run up to qualifying exams Beautifully illustrated – packed with an unrivalled collection of colour photographs and explanatory line diagrams, refreshed for this new edition Expert editors – with a wealth of clinical and teaching experience, supported by contributors new to this edition bringing a fresh approach Companion website – visit for digital resources to supplement this textbook including self-assessment material, video animations and an image library Now supplemented by online resources for the complete learning and revision package, this sixth edition remains indispensable for the clinical years of undergraduate study to postgraduate surgical training and beyond.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Airport Building Information Modelling
This book details how Building Information Modelling is being successfully deployed in the planning, design, construction and future operation of the Istanbul New Airport, a mega-scale construction project incorporating a varying mix of infrastructures including terminals, runways, passenger gates, car parks, railways and roads. The book demonstrates how Airport Building Information Modelling (ABIM) is being used to:• facilitate collaboration, cooperation and integrated project delivery • manage subcontractors and eliminate cost over-runs • reduce waste on site and enhance overall quality• connect people in a virtual environment to encourage collaborative working • provide clients with an effective interface for lifecycle management including: design development, construction documentation, construction phases and BIM and Big Data Integration for future facilities managementThe book presents a best practice BIM project, demonstrating concurrent engineering, lean processes, collaborative design and construction, and effective construction management. Moreover, the book provides a visionary exemplar for the further use of BIM technologies in civil engineering projects including highways, railways and others on the way towards the Smart City vision. It is essential reading for all Built Environment and Engineering stakeholders.
Taylor & Francis Ltd World Watching: Streetcorners and Newsbeats on a Journey through Anthropology
This book reflects on the author’s distinguished scholarly career over half a century, linking personal biography to changes in the discipline of anthropology. Ulf Hannerz presents a number of important essays and a brand new chapter that allow readers to track developments in his own thinking and interests as well as broader changes in the field. In doing so he provides students with valuable insight into the research process and the building of an anthropological career. Featuring work conducted in the United States, Africa, Sweden, Hong Kong, and the Cayman Islands, the book spans a period in which anthropology adapted to new global circumstances and challenges. Hannerz covers the emergence of the fields of urban anthropology, transnational anthropology, and media anthropology in which he has played a significant role. The chapters demonstrate interdisciplinary openings toward other fields and bear witness to anthropology’s connections to world history and to public debates.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Abstract Painting and the Minimalist Critiques: Robert Mangold, David Novros, and Jo Baer in the 1960s
This book undertakes a critical reappraisal of Minimalism through an examination of three key painters: Robert Mangold, David Novros, and Jo Baer. By establishing their substantive engagements with Minimalist discourse, as well as their often overlooked artistic exchanges with their sculptor peers, it demonstrates that painting crucially informed the movement’s development, serving not only as an object of critique but also as a crucible for its most central tenets. It also poses broader disciplinary implications as it historicizes and challenges Minimalism’s "death of painting" critiques that have been so influential to theories of modernism and postmodernism in the visual arts.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Reconstructive and Reproductive Surgery in Gynecology, Second Edition: Volume Two: Gynecological Surgery
This new edition of a groundbreaking book is now in two volumes, on 'Fundamentals, Symptoms, and Conditions‘ on 'Reconstructive and Fertility Preserving Surgery and Procedures. From a distinguished editorial team and internationally recognized contributors the text educates surgeons on the techniques and procedures now needed in gynecology, with a special focus on reconstructive vaginal, hysteroscopic, laparoscopic, and laparotomic surgery, including that designed to preserve or enhance fertility. The reader can now more readily understand pathogenesis, appropriate investigation, and application of both surgical and nonsurgical strategies and techniques. The two volumes contain over 20 new chapters and in the integral ebook, over 140 instructional videos; each chapter has Key Points summarized.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Researching South-South Development Cooperation: The Politics of Knowledge Production
Over the last two decades the expanding role of Southern countries as development partners has led to tectonic shifts in global development ideas, practices, norms and actors. Researchers are faced with new questions around identity, power and positionality in global development. Researching South-South Development Cooperation examines this rapidly growing and complex phenomenon, asking to what extent existing assumptions, conceptual frameworks and definitions of 'development' need to be reframed in the context of researching this new landscape. This interdisciplinary book draws on voices from across the Global South and North to explore the epistemological and related methodological challenges and opportunities associated with researching South-South development cooperation, asking what these trends mean for the politics of knowledge production. Chapters are interspersed with shorter vignettes, which aim to share examples from first-hand participation in and observation of South-South development cooperation initiatives. This book will be of interest to anyone conducting research on development in the Global South, whether they are a practitioner or policy maker, or a student or researcher in politics, international development, area studies, or international relations.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Pictorial Atlas of Soilborne Fungal Plant Pathogens and Diseases
The Pictorial Atlas of Soilborne Fungal Plant Pathogens and Diseases describes the soilborne fungal diseases caused by Oomycetes, Zygomycetes, Ascomycetes, Basidiomycetes, and Deuteromycetous (Anamorphic) fungi. Soilborne fungal diseases are significant as both environmental and agricultural problems, yet it is difficult to understand the ecology of pathogenic fungi and its effective control. This book provides very detailed information on many of the commonly and not so commonly encountered groups of soilborne fungi diseases. It will be a useful reference for those teaching and conducting research in mycology, plant pathology, soilborne plant diseases, and the ecology of fungal communities.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Good Faith and Insurance Contracts
Good Faith and Insurance Contracts sets out an exhaustive analysis of the law concerning the duty of utmost good faith, as applied to insurance contracts. Now in its fourth edition, it has been updated to address the arrival of the Insurance Act 2015, as well as any references to new case law. In addition, it synthesises all known judicial decisions by the English Courts concerning good faith in this area.This book is still the only text devoted to a discussion of the duty of utmost good faith applicable to insurance contracts. As good faith is an issue which arises in respect of all insurance contracts, it is a book which will be extremely useful to lawyers involved in insurance as well as insurance practitioners.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Mass Media Revolution
Now in its Third Edition, Mass Media Revolution remains a dynamic guide to the world of mass media, enhancing its readers’ development as critical consumers. The text employs a storytelling narrative style and integrated, chapter-specific digital material, providing a seamless learning experience. It features a wealth of expanded content—with particular attention to diversity in the media industry, reality TV, ethics and social media, and the evolution of online journalism. Chapter content, both print and online, is aligned to the ACEJMC national academic standards. Along with student video resources, this text includes an accompanying instructor resource manual and Power Point slides. All supplementary materials can be found at
Taylor & Francis Ltd Tracking Color in Cinema and Art: Philosophy and Aesthetics
Color is one of cinema’s most alluring formal systems, building on a range of artistic traditions that orchestrate visual cues to tell stories, stage ideas, and elicit feelings. But what if color is not—or not only—a formal system, but instead a linguistic effect, emerging from the slipstream of our talk and embodiment in a world? This book develops a compelling framework from which to understand the mobility of color in art and mind, where color impressions are seen through, and even governed by, patterns of ordinary language use, schemata, memories, and narrative.Edward Branigan draws on the work of Ludwig Wittgenstein and other philosophers who struggle valiantly with problems of color aesthetics, contemporary theories of film and narrative, and art-historical models of analysis. Examples of a variety of media, from American pop art to contemporary European cinema, illustrate a theory based on a spectator’s present-time tracking of temporal patterns that are firmly entwined with language use and social intelligence.
Taylor & Francis Ltd My Sociology: An Introduction for Today's Students
My Sociology reconceptualizes intro sociology for the changing demographics in today’s higher education environment. Concise and student-focused, My Sociology captures students' attention with engaging stories and a focus on non-dominant populations. Rather than introducing students to theory and history at the beginning of the text, the book integrates the necessary information throughout to keep students engaged.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Law of Yachts & Yachting
Now it its second edition, The Law of Yachts and Yachting is a comprehensive treatise on the law relating to yachts and provides its readers with a thorough analysis of maritime law as relevant to the superyacht sector. Written by a team of leading yachting practitioners and researchers, it covers the legal issues arising during the life of a yacht. The book is written for the legal practitioner, yacht-broker and manager concerned with the operation of professionally crewed yachts including financing, registration, chartering, insurance, compliance and casualty management.Key Features -•The only practitioners’ book on the area •It covers all major aspects of yachting law in a single book •The Law of Yachts and Yachting is highly comprehensive - despite its main focus on contract and tort law, it contains references to public law and international law and practice •References to case law, English, foreign and international•Appendices containing essential source materialsThe second edition will cover important changes in the superyacht industry such as: the new MYBA Charter Form 2017, the Large Yacht Code (LY3) and the Passenger Yacht Code, both shortly to be consolidated into the new REG-YC, and the coming into force of the Maritime Labour Convention 2006, to name just a few.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Vertical Urbanism: Designing Compact Cities in China
Studies of compact cities have evolved along with the rising awareness of climate change and sustainable development. Relevant debates, however, reveal that the prevailing definitions and practices of compact cities are tied primarily to traditional Western urban forms.This book reinterprets "compact city", and develops a ground-breaking discourse of "Vertical Urbanism", a concept that has never been critically articulated. It emphasizes "Vertical Urbanism" as a dynamic design strategy instead of a static form, distinguishing it from the stereotyped concept of "vertical city" or "towers in the park" dominant in China and elsewhere, and suggests its adaptability to different geographic and cultural contexts. Using Chinese cities as laboratories of investigation, this book explores the design, ecological, and sociocultural dimensions of building compact cities, and addresses important global urban issues through localized design solutions, such as the relationship between density and vitality, the integration of horizontal and vertical dimensions of design, and the ecological and social adaptability of combinatory mega-forms. In addition, through discussions with scholars from the United States, China, and Japan, this book provides an insight into the theoretical debates surrounding "compact city" and "Vertical Urbanism" in the global context. Scholars and students in architecture and urban planning will be attracted by this book. Also, it will appeal to readers with an interest in urban development and Asian studies.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Early Christian World
Since its publication in 2000, The Early Christian World has come to be regarded by scholars, students and the general reader as one of the most informative and accessible works in English on the origins, development, character and major figures of early Christianity. In this new edition, the strengths of the first edition are retained. These include the book’s attractive architecture that initially takes a reader through the context and historical development of early Christianity; the essays in critical areas such as community formation, everyday experience, the intellectual and artistic heritage, and external and internal challenges; and the profiles on the most influential early Christian figures. The book also preserves its strong stress on the social reality of early Christianity and continues its distinctive use of hundreds of illustrations and maps to bring that world to life. Yet the years that have passed since the first edition was published have seen great advances made in our understanding of early Christianity in its world. This new edition fully reflects these developments and provides the reader with authoritative, lively and up-to-date access to the early Christian world. A quarter of the text is entirely new and the remaining essays have all been carefully revised and updated by their authors. Some of the new material relates to Christian culture (including book culture, canonical and non-canonical scriptures, saints and hagiography, and translation across cultures). But there are also new essays on: Jewish and Christian interaction in the early centuries; ritual; the New Testament in Roman Britain; Manichaeism; Pachomius the Great and Gregory of Nyssa. This new edition will serve its readers for many years to come.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The CISO Journey: Life Lessons and Concepts to Accelerate Your Professional Development
The book takes readers though a series of security and risk discussions based on real-life experiences. While the experience story may not be technical, it will relate specifically to a value or skill critical to being a successful CISO. The core content is organized into ten major chapters, each relating to a "Rule of Information Security" developed through a career of real life experiences. The elements are selected to accelerate the development of CISO skills critical to success. Each segments clearly calls out lessons learned and skills to be developed. The last segment of the book addresses presenting security to senior execs and board members, and provides sample content and materials.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Process Redesign for Health Care Using Lean Thinking: A Guide for Improving Patient Flow and the Quality and Safety of Care
Process Redesign for Health Care Using Lean Thinking is a response to a simple, but hard to answer, question and is the result of the experiences of a working doctor who was also the chief safety and quality officer of an Australian teaching hospital. At this hospital, he observed that the Emergency Department was staff by talented, well-trained, and respected doctors and nurses. The facilities were modern, and the work load unexceptional, but the department was close to melt down. Bad things were happening to patients, everyone was blaming each other, lots of things had been tried but nothing was getting better and no one could explain why. The problem was not a lack of technical knowledge or expertise, the problem was that no one stood back and said, "what’s the best way to move 200 or 300 patients a day through the complicated and varying, sequence of steps needed to sort out the many different problems that bring patients to our department?" These challenges are faced by hospitals and health services all over the world. There are difficulties with patient flow, congestion, queues, inefficient utilization of resources, problems engaging clinical staff in improvement programs, adverse incidents, and budget constraints. Lean thinking and value stream analysis gives hospitals and health services struggling with these issues the insights they need to help themselves. This book provides a method that systematically turns those insights into working programs of service and system redesign. The book is divided into two sections. The first section gives the background to the approach, and systematically works through the Process Redesign methodology, step-by-step. The second section is a series of case studies that show the methodology in action, what worked and what didn’t work. The goal of any process redesign is simple: the right care, for the right person, at the right time, in the right place, and right the first time. This book helps the people who work in hospitals and health services realize these goals by working together.