Search results for ""Author THOMAS""
Bohlau Verlag Eleganz Und Performanz: Von Rednern, Humanisten Und Konzilsvatern. Johannes Helmrath Zum 65. Geburtstag
Aschendorff Verlag Universum Infinitum: Nicolaus Cusanus and the 15th-Century Iberian Explorations of the Ocean World
Theologischer Verlag Konfessioneller Religionsunterricht in Multireligioser Gesellschaft: Eine Empirische Studie Fur Die Deutschsprachige Schweiz
Bohlau Verlag Privilegium maius: Autopsie, Kontext und Karriere der Fälschungen Rudolfs IV. von Osterreich
De Gruyter Das Jüdische Exil Und Andere Themen
De Gruyter Close-Range Photogrammetry and 3D Imaging
The fourth edition of this well-known guide to close-range photogrammetry provides a thorough presentation of the methods, mathematics, systems and applications which comprise the subject of close-range photogrammetry. The authors present accurate imaging techniques to analyse the three-dimensional shape of a wide range of manufactured and natural objects. 1st edition awarded the Karl-Kraus-Medal for “Best International Textbook’’. Covers all current and established technology features and recent technologydevelopments of signifi cance. New topics include: aspherical lenses, hyperspectral camera and colour calibration.
Walter de Gruyter Unternehmensgründung
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Les Puissances de l'Ame
Etudes Alexandrines Les Monnaies Des Fouilles Du Centre d'Etudes Alexandrines: Les Monnayages de Bronze a Alexandrie de la Conquete d'Alexandre a l'Egypte Moderne
Real Reads Far from the Madding Crowd
Young, attractive and impetuous, Bathsheba has inherited a farm and is determined to be as independent as possible. Her natural beauty is a magnet for men; how will she choose between them? Gabriel Oak is a young farmer, just set up in business with his own flock of sheep. He meets Bathsheba and falls in love with her, but she turns him down. He has to stand by and watch while the woman he loves is courted by others, first by William Boldwood, much older than Bathsheba; then by Sergeant Troy, young, handsome, and reckless. Who will she choose? Throughout Bathsheba’s series of mistakes, Gabriel remains her loyal friend. But will he ever be more than just a friend?
Paraclete Press The Complete Imitation of Christ
Broadview Press Ltd Leviathan
Thomas Hobbes's Leviathan is the greatest work of political philosophy in English and the first great work of philosophy in English. In addition, it presents the fundamentals of his beliefs about language, epistemology, and an extensive treatment of revealed religion and its relation to politics.Beginning with premises that were sometimes controversial, such as that every human action is caused by the agent's desire for his own good, Hobbes derived shocking conclusions, such as that the civil government enjoys absolute control over its citizens and that the sovereign has the right to determine which religion is to be practiced in a commonwealth. Hobbes's contemporaries recognized the power of the arguments in Leviathan and many of them wrote responses to it. Selections from books by John Bramhall, Robert Filmer, Edward Hyde, George Lawson, William Lucy, Samuel Pufendorf and Thomas Tenison are included in this edition. Leviathan is divided into four parts: In the first part, Of Man, Hobbes presents a view of human beings and of the natural world in general that is materialistic and mechanistic. In the second part, Of Commonwealth, he defends the theory of absolute sovereignty, the view that the government has all the political power and has the right to control any aspect of life. In the third part, Of a Christian Commonwealth, he critiques concepts like revelation, prophets, and miracles in such a way that it becomes doubtful whether they can be rationally justified. In the fourth part, Of the Kingdom of Darkness, he explains various ways in which priestly religion has corrupted religion and transgressed the rights of the sovereign. In this revised edition of Hobbes's classic work, A.P. Martinich improves Hobbes's punctuation for the sake of clarity. He has also added new notes for readers, extensive cross references, and substantial part of Hobbes's reply to Bramhall's The Catching of Leviathan.
SAP Press SAP S/4HANA Architecture
If you're working with SAP S/4HANA, you need to know the ins and outs of the system. Master SAP S/4HANA's technical and application architecture with this book! See how the foundation is built: the backend data models, the frontend user experience, the analytics and extension capabilities, integration options, and more. Then learn about SAP S/4HANA's core application areas, from finance to logistics. Finally, see what SAP S/4HANA architecture looks like in the cloud. Get ready to master SAP S/4HANA from the ground up! In this book, you'll learn about:a. Technical Foundation See what makes a modern ERP solution. Learn about SAP S/4HANA's technical backbone, including the underlying programming models. Then walk through core concepts: the SAP Fiori user experience, analytics, intelligent technologies, integration, extensions, and more. b. Business Architecture Explore SAP S/4HANA's line of business landscape. Take a tour of the master data structure and individual application areas like sales, service, sourcing and procurement, logistics, warehouse management, and finance. c. Cloud ConsiderationsPop the hood of SAP S/4HANA Cloud. Discover cloud-specific architecture features, from scoping to outputs to identity and access management. Learn about cloud operations for SAP S/4HANA Cloud and SAP S/4HANA Cloud, private edition.Highlights include:1) Technical and application architecture2) Programming models3) Analytics4) Extensibility5) Integration6) Master data7) Sales and service8) Sourcing and procurement9) Logistics and manufacturing10) Finance and governance11) Identity and access management12) On-premise and cloud
Alfred Music She Had Me at Heads Carolina: Conductor Score
Arcadia Publishing Worcester State University
Random House USA Inc The City of God
Pearson Education (US) SOA Governance: Governing Shared Services On-Premise & in the Cloud
The Definitive Guide to Governing Shared Services and SOA Projects SOA Governance: Governing Shared Services On-Premise and in the Cloud is the result of a multi-year project to collect proven industry practices for establishing IT governance controls specific to the adoption of SOA and service-orientation. Authored by world-renowned experts in the fields of SOA, IT governance, and cloud computing, this comprehensive book provides clear direction as to what does and does not constitute SOA governance and then steps the reader through the most important industry governance practices, as they pertain to individual SOA project lifecycle stages. With a consistent, vendor-neutral focus, and with the help of case study examples, the authors demonstrate how to define and position precepts, organizational roles, processes, standards, and metrics. Readers benefit from thorough and visually depicted cross-references and mapping between roles, processes, precepts, and project stages, enabling them to fully explore dynamics and dependencies and thereby learn how to use these governance controls to create their own custom SOA governance systems. This important title will be valuable to every practitioner concerned with making SOA work, including senior IT managers, project managers, architects, analysts, developers, administrators, QA professionals, security specialists, and cloud computing professionals. Topic Areas Defining SOA governance Establishing an SOA governance office and program Working with proven SOA governance precepts and processes Identifying organizational roles and relating them to SOA governance Associating design-time and runtime SOA project stages with SOA governance controls Governance considerations specific to shared services Roles, precepts, and factors specific to cloud-based services Understanding and categorizing SOA governance products and technologies Applying governance controls as early as the planning stages and measuring their success in subsequent stages Using vitality triggers to govern shared services on an on-going basis SOA governance controls that pertain to business information documents and policies
Pearson Education (US) SOA with .NET and Windows Azure: Realizing Service-Orientation with the Microsoft Platform
The Authoritative Guide to Building Service-Oriented Solutions with Microsoft .NET Technologies and the Windows Azure Cloud Computing Platform In SOA with .NET and Windows Azure, top Microsoft technology experts team up with Thomas Erl to explore service-oriented computing with Microsoft’s latest .NET service technologies and Windows Azure innovations. The authors provide comprehensive documentation of on-premise and cloud-based modern service technology advancements within the Microsoft platform and further show how these technologies have increased the potential for applying and realizing service-orientation practices and goals. Specifically, the book delves into Microsoft enterprise technologies, such as: Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) Windows Azure Windows Workflow Foundation (WF) Windows Azure AppFabric BizTalk Server Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) well as industry service mediums, including WS-* and REST, and many related service industry standards and technologies. The book steps through common SOA design patterns and service-orientation principles, along with numerous code-level examples that further detail various technology architectures and implementations.
Pearson Education (US) Concepts in Strategic Management and Business Policy
For Strategic Management and Business Policy courses. Class-tested approach to Strategy with new focus on environmental sustainability. Wheelen and Hunger’s class-tested approach to teaching Strategy is brought into sharper focus with a new theme: environmental sustainability. By bringing the sustainability theme into focus, this text equips students with the strategic concepts they will need to know as they face issues such as climate change, global warming and energy availability. MyManagementLabfor Strategic Management and Business Policy is a total learning package. MyManagementLab is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program that truly engages students in learning. It helps students better prepare for class, quizzes, and exams–resulting in better performance in the course–and provides educators a dynamic set of tools for gauging individual and class progress. This program will provide a better teaching and learning experience–for you and your students. Here’s how: Improve Results with MyManagementLab: MyManagementLab delivers proven results in helping students succeed and provides engaging experiences that personalize learning. Environmental Sustainability Theme Focused: Present students with critical topics such as climate change, global warming, and energy availability. Help Students Apply Concepts to Real-Life Scenarios: A Strategic Management Model provides structure for content and case analysis. Note: You are purchasing a standalone product; MyManagementLab does not come packaged with this content. If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MyManagementLab search for ISBN-10: 0133254186/ISBN-13: 9780133254181. That package includes ISBN-10: 0133126145/ISBN-13: 9780133126143 and ISBN-10: 0133123685/ISBN-13: 9780133123685. MyManagementLab is not a self-paced technology and should only be purchased when required by an instructor.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Biomedical Ethics
Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig The Invention of the Neue Wilde: Painting and Subculture around 1980
Springer Weißbuch Allergie in Deutschland
Duncker & Humblot Der Handelsrechtliche Jahresabschluss
V&R unipress GmbH Emanzipation nach der Emanzipation: Jüdische Literatur, Philosophie und Geschichte um 1900
Spektrum Academic Publishers Neurowissenschaften: Eine Einführung
Dieses umfassende Lehrbuch für Studenten und Dozenten der Neurobiologie sowie an der Hirnforschung Interessierter aus Medizin und Psychologie ist die erste integrierende Darstellung der modernen Neurowissenschaften. Zahlreiche Disziplinen versuchen gemeinsam, menschliches Denken und Verhalten sowie deren Störungen auf biologische Strukturen und Vorgänge bzw. ihre Veränderung zurückzuführen. Der 'Kandel/Schwartz/Jessell' setzt nur (Oberstufen-)Schulwissen voraus und entwickelt aus der umfassenden Präsentation der molekularen und zellulären Grundeinheiten und -funktionen des Nervensystems geschickt das Verständnis von Wahrnehmungsprozessen, der Bewegungssteuerung und schließlich der höhreren geistigen Hirnleistungen wie Sprache, Lernen und Gedächtnis.Um das von Studierenden nachgefragte Buch auch weiterhin lieferbar halten zu können, wurde es schwarzweiß gedruckt.
Brill U Fink Exotismen in Der Kritik
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Integrale Planung der Gebäudetechnik: Erhalt der Trinkwassergüte - Vorbeugender Brandschutz - Energieeffizienz
Mit zunehmender Komplexität der Haustechnik sind in Planungsprozessen von öffentlich-gewerblichen wie auch privaten Bauvorhaben – unabhängig von Größe und Investitionsvolumen – immer häufiger kontraproduktive Wechselwirkungen zwischen den Gewerken beziehungsweise den Systemen festzustellen. Die einzelnen Planungsziele – wie die der Betriebssicherheit und Energieeffizienz, des Erhalts der Trinkwassergüte oder des vorbeugenden Brandschutzes – sind gerade in fortgeschrittenen Planungsphasen oft nur noch mit erheblichen Mehrkosten und Zeitverzug zu synchronisieren! Das vorliegende Fachbuch vermittelt ein Grundverständnis von integralen Planungsprozessen und zeigt auf, wie schon in der Frühphase einer Projektkonzeption Zielkonflikte zwischen den Gewerken erfolgreich vermieden oder zumindest minimiert werden können. Zahlreiche Praxisbeispiele erläutern dem Fachingenieur potenziell risikobehaftete Schnittstellen. Schließlich werden auf Basis aktueller Gesetze und Regelwerke sowie neuester Erkenntnisse aus Forschung und Lehre zahlreiche Tipps für die alltägliche Planungspraxis gegeben.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Praxishandbuch Wirtschaft in Afrika
Afrika ist ein Kontinent im Aufschwung, der eine große wirtschaftliche Dynamik entwickelt. Wenn deutsche Unternehmen am Aufschwung Afrikas partizipieren wollen, müssen sie mit einigen Besonderheiten vertraut sein. Das Buch zeigt diesen Weg zu erfolgreichen Geschäften in Afrika. Es ist ein praxisorientierter, gleichwohl wissenschaftlich fundierter Ratgeber für alle Unternehmer und wirtschaftlich Interessierten, die in Afrika erfolgreich sein wollen. Es vereint dabei die Erfahrungen vieler Unternehmen mit der wissenschaftlichen Perspektive und den Erkenntnissen des Centre for Business und Technology in Africa der Hochschule Flensburg.In der 2. Auflage werden neue Entwicklungen auf dem afrikanischen Kontinent aufgegriffen und aktuelle Antworten gegeben auf die klassischen Fragen, die jeder Akteur für sich beantworten muss, der in Afrika wirtschaftlich erfolgreich sein will: WARUM Afrika für das Geschäft interessant ist, WO die größten Erfolgsaussichten bestehen, WIE vorzugehen ist und WELCHE Ansätze zur künftigen Gestaltung der Wirtschaftsbeziehungen zwischen Deutschland und Afrika erfolgsvorsprechend sind.Das Buch beschreibt, wie in Afrika investiert werden kann und bündelt die aktuellen Erfahrungen von Managern großer Konzerne und Familienunternehmen mit langjähriger Geschichte auf dem Kontinent.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Statistik: Eine verständliche Einführung
Dieses Lehrbuch der statistischen Datenanalyse wurde speziell für Einführungskurse konzipiert und richtet sich an alle, die eine leicht verständliche Einführung in die sozialwissenschaftliche Statistik suchen. Es bezieht sich auf das Feld der Erziehungs- und Sozialwissenschaften und behandelt den Stoff nicht als inhaltsunabhängiges mathematisches Wissen.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Fidus: Latein entdecken: Ein Comic fÃ"r Einsteiger
Mit dem Hund "Fidus" lernen die SchÃ"lerinnen und SchÃ"ler das Köln der frÃ"hen Kaiserzeit kennen.Die Comics im Fidus ermöglichen einen sanften und motivierenden Einstieg in die lateinische Sprache: Inhalt und Grammatik erschließen sich mÃ"helos anhand der Zeichnungen.Die Kinder lernen so erste Formen und Wörter, sodass der Einstieg ins Latein-Lehrbuch stark entlastet wird. Kurze und einfache Ãbungen festigen das Gelernte.Die Fidus-HintergrÃ"nde Ã"ber das antike Köln sind genau recherchiert. In den Comics tauchen immer wieder Gegenstände auf, die tatsächlich aus der Antike erhalten und im Museum zu besichtigen sind. So wird das antike Köln greifbar wie nie, und mit Fidus sind wir mittendrin!Der Comic Fidus eignet sich besonders gut fÃ"r das erste Lernjahr bei Latein als erster oder zweiter Fremdsprache.Der Titel ist auch als Schullizenz erhältlich!
Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH Wissenschaftskorrespondenz: Auf Dem Weg Zur 'Generellen Morphologie'. April 1858 Bis Oktober 1866
Verlag Vittorio Klostermann Junger Debatte: Band 6 (2023): Uber Den Schmerz
Verlag Vittorio Klostermann Michael Stolleis - Zum Gedenken
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Wissen des Rechts
Das positive Recht ist das Objekt des rechtlichen Wissens. Aber wer oder was ist sein Subjekt? Ist es "die" Rechtswissenschaft? Ist es die jeweils zu einer Entscheidung befugte Stelle? Oder ist es gar "das Recht selbst"? Im Hauptbeitrag dieses Bandes wird die provokante These entfaltet, dass das Recht nicht bloß Gegenstand der Erkenntnis, sondern auch Subjekt des Erkennens ist. Den Schlüssel zum Verständnis dieser These bildet eine Theorie der Rechtsquellen. Diese lassen sich als Formen des Urteilens begreifen, etwa in der Form der Behauptung, etwas gehe nicht an, weil es das noch nie gegeben habe (Gewohnheitsrecht), oder etwas sei unerlaubt, weil das so entschieden worden sei (Gesetzesrecht). Keine Quelle kann für sich selbst sprechen. Sie bedarf der Vermittlung durch eine andere. Zwischen den Quellen entsteht solcherart ein spannungsreiches Verhältnis von wechselseitiger Anerkennung und Zurückweisung. Im Fall der Beziehung zwischen der hoheitlichen Rechtsanwendung und der wissenschaftlichen Rechtserkenntnis lässt sich dieses Verhältnis unter Anknüpfung an Hegel als Dialektik von Herrschaft und Knechtschaft beschreiben. Aus der Sackgasse, in die das rechtliche Wissen damit gerät, lässt sich ein Ausweg nur finden, indem man die Theorie der Rechtsquellen zur Theorie des Rechtsverhältnisses erweitert. Auf deren Grundlage lässt sich die Rechtsgeltung als Konstrukt begreifen, dessen wir uns bedienen, um mit moralischen Auffassungsunterschieden fertig zu werden.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Studien zur Struktur des Bewusstseins: Teilband II Gefühl und Wert Texte aus dem Nachlass (1896-1925)
Die ersten drei Bände der vorliegenden,vier Teilbände umfassenden Edition bieten eine umfangreiche Präsentation von Husserls deskriptiver Erforschung der intentionalen Strukturen des Bewusstseins in den drei Hauptklassen von intentionalen Akten, den Verstandes-, Gemüts- und Willensakten. Der größte Teil der wiedergegebenen Manuskripte entstand in den Jahren zwischen 1908 und 1915. Im Jahr 1925 hat Husserls Assistent Ludwig Landgrebe auf der Grundlage vieler der hier edierten Texte ein umfangreiches Typoskript mit dem Titel „Studien zur Struktur des Bewusstseins“ angefertigt. Husserls fragmentarischer Entwurf einer Einleitung zu diesem Typoskript wird im ersten Band der Edition wiedergegeben.Der zweite Teilband enthält Husserls deskriptive Untersuchungen der Gefühlsakte und der Konstitution der Werte in solchen Akten. In detaillierten Beschreibungen unterscheidet er zwischen verschiedenen Gefühlsarten, zwischen Gefühlspassivität und Gefühlsaktivität und er ringt mit dem Problem der objektivierenden Leistung der Gefühlsakte. Dieser Band ist der zweite Teilband des vier Teilbände umfassenden Sets Husserliana 43. Er enthält keine Einleitung (erhältlich als Teil des Teilbandes 1) und keinen Index (erhältlich als Teilband 4). This volume is the second part of the four-part set Husserliana 43. It does not contain the Introduction (available as part of the first volume of the set) nor Index (available as the fourth volume of the set).
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Institutions of the Enlarged European Union: Continuity and Change
How have the main institutions and decision-making processes of the EU responded to the arrival of new member states? This book assesses the actual state of the EU institutions in the years after the 2004 enlargement, examining each of the main institutional actors as well as trends in legislative output, implementing measures and non-legislative approaches. The contributors outline the key changes as well as patterns of continuity in the institutional politics of the EU.The analysis finds that breakdown has been avoided by a combination of assimilation of the new member states and adaptation of the system, without any fundamental transformation of the institutions. Nonetheless, they conclude that it is not just 'business as usual'. The streamlining and formalization of procedures, together with increased informal practices, has implications for transparency and accountability. Widening has not prevented deepening of European integration, but it has deepened normative concerns about the democratic legitimacy of that process which will remain very much on the agenda of the enlarged EU.This nuanced approach to the complexities of studying institutional politics and change contains important new and original data. As such it will be invaluable for postgraduate and advanced undergraduate students of EU politics and administrative science, as well as researchers, practitioners and journalists working in the fields of European studies more widely.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Single Parents and Child Support Systems: An International Comparison
Taking a novel approach to child support policy analysis, Single Parents and Child Support Systems locates the transfer of payments between separated parents within a wider social policy ecosystem and compares the political, institutional and administrative dimensions of child support policy enactment across the globe. Featuring contributions from an interdisciplinary collective of researchers in social policy, social work, sociology, economics and law, the book assesses how child support policies align conceptually with other social policies. Single Parents and Child Support Systems begins by setting out how children’s and single parents’ economic welfare is conceived across countries in relation to the triple burden of financial, caring and administrative responsibilities faced by single mothers. Chapters map how post-separation child support policy reinforces or breaks from the gender and family logics that underpin welfare and family policies in 10 different countries spanning corporatist, liberal and Nordic welfare regimes. Offering extensive coverage of a diverse range of international legal provisions and social policies, this stimulating book will be an essential resource for academics and researchers of social policy, social work, family law and gender studies. Its practical insights and suggested avenues for reform will also benefit policy makers, child support administrators and legal professionals.
Liverpool University Press Enlightenment at court: Patrons, philosophes, and reformers in eighteenth-century Europe
This is the first comprehensive analysis of the royal and princely courts of Europe as important places of Enlightenment. The households of European rulers remained central to politics and culture throughout the eighteenth century, and few writers, artists, musicians, or scholars could succeed without establishing connections to ruling houses, noble families, or powerful courtiers. Covering case studies from Spain and France to Russia, and from Scandinavia and Britain to the Holy Roman Empire, the contributions of this volume examine how Enlightenment figures were integrated into the princely courts of the Ancien Régime, and what kinds of relationships they had with courtiers. Dangers and opportunities presented by proximity to court are discussed as well as the question of what rulers and courtiers gained from their interactions with Enlightenment men and women of letters. The book focusses on four areas: firstly, the impact of courtly patronage on Enlightenment discourses and the work as well as careers of Enlightenment writers; secondly, the court as an audience to be catered for by Enlightenment writers; thirdly, the function of Enlightenment narratives and discourses for the image-making of rulers and courtiers; and fourthly, the role the interaction of courtiers and Enlightenment writers played for the formulation of reform policies.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Harmonization and Protection of Trade Secrets in the EU: An Appraisal of the EU Directive
This book addresses the growing importance of trade secrets in today's society and business and the related increase in litigation, media and scholarly attention. Written by a team of international experts, it uses the new EU Trade Secrets Directive as a prism through which to discuss the complex legal issues involved. Featuring both EU and wider international perspectives, chapters examine the Directive's aim of harmonizing legislation on the protection of trade secrets across the EU, and discuss how this has been implemented by member states. Contributors also explore the effects of the new regime on contentious issues and crucial sectors such as medicine, big data and AI, as well as considering its relationship with US law in particular. Scholars and students of patent law, innovation, and EU law and governance, particularly those with an interest in the topic of information freedom, will find this book of great significance in their research. Practitioners working in trade secrets and intellectual property more broadly will also find this book's comprehensive analysis of the Directive and its practical implications invaluable. Contributors include: T. Aplin, R. Arnold, N. Bruun, R. Cooper Dreyfuss, B. Díaz Alaminos, B. Domeij, N. Lee, T. Minssen, A. Nordberg, A. Ohly, N. Rajam, T. Riis, S.K. Sandeen, J. Schovsbo, J.S. Sherkow, H. Udsen, B. van der Donk, M. van Eechoud
Profile Books Ltd Beneath the Skin: Love Letters to the Body by Great Writers
'These essays lift back the skin to reveal something secret and precious, articulating private truths and distilling sensation into language ... this collection is a timely, triumphant celebration of our embodiment' - iNews Buried beneath layers of flesh, our hearts pump, our lungs inflate, our kidneys filter. These organs, and others, are essential to our survival but remain largely unknown to us. In Beneath the Skin, fifteen writers each explore a different body part: Naomi Alderman unravels the intestines and our obsession with food; Thomas Lynch celebrates the womb as a miracle; AL Kennedy explores the nose's striking ability to conjure memories; and Philip Kerr traces the remarkable history of brain surgery. Moving, intimate and often unexpected, this is an awe-inspiring voyage through the mysterious landscape of our bodies.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of International Human Resource Development: Context, Processes and People
This comprehensive Handbook sets out the nature and scope of International Human Resource Development (IHRD) to advance our understanding of research and practice in the field. Drawing on expertise from a global team representing some of the field's most distinguished researchers, the Handbook explores a range of contextual, process and people development practice issues impacting IHRD research and practice. Focusing on IHRD as a distinct field of research and practice, the authors offer comprehensive coverage of a number of critical contextual dimensions that shape the IHRD goals that organisations pursue; impact the IHRD systems, policies and practices that are implemented; and influence the types of IHRD research questions that are investigated. The Handbook examines the processes or actions taken by organisations to globalise IHRD practices and discusses important people development practices that come within the scope of IHRD. By bringing together a variety of research strands and engaging in key debates while also acknowledging the emergent, dynamic and constantly evolving nature of the field, the authors of this Handbook have created an invaluable resource for academics, students, professionals and practitioners in IHRD, HRD, HRM, international management, organisational behaviour and leadership.Contributors: M. Alagaraja, H. Alhejji, V. Anderson, A. Ardichvili, E.E. Bennett, A. Bratton, R. Carbery, N. Clarke, N. D'Annuzio Green, T. Garavan, J. Gedro, K. Grant, C. Gubbins, M. Hammond, J. Kim, S. Kim, Y. Lai, A. McCarthy, A. McDonnell, R.R. McWhorter, H. Moon, C.T. Nolan, D. O'Shea, J. Pearson, V. Pereira, O. Pruetipibultham, W.E.A. Ruona, V. Shanahan, M. Sheehan, C. Valentin, J. Winterton