Search results for ""Author THOMAS""
Princeton University Press The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Retirement Series, Volume 5: 1 May 1812 to 10 March 1813
Volume Five of the definitive edition of Thomas Jefferson's papers from the end of his presidency until his death includes 592 documents from 1 May 1812 to 10 March 1813. America declares war on Great Britain on 18 June 1812. Jefferson counsels domestic reconciliation while suggesting that America recruit British incendiaries to burn London if British ships attack American cities. He passes on to President James Madison a long and discouraging letter from Isaac A. Coles describing American military bungling in the Niagara Campaign. An unofficial proposal that Jefferson return to public life as secretary of state does not gain the retired statesman's support. Jefferson receives many requests for governmental patronage, responds insightfully to a colorful assortment of authors and inventors, is mildly diverted by a fraudulent perpetual-motion machine, and spends considerable time on legal troubles. A dispute with David Michie over land in Albemarle County nearly leads to a duel between Michie and Jefferson's agent. A conflict with Samuel Scott over property in Campbell County further vexes Jefferson, who prepares an extensively researched answer to Scott's complaint. Despite the conflict, Jefferson graciously writes a letter of introduction for Scott's son. Jefferson remains accessible to the public, receives anonymous letters urging him to convert to Christianity, and settles a wager for one correspondent who asks if Jefferson ever met the British king. Jefferson gloomily observes that "the hand of age is upon me" and complains that his faculties are failing. He still has thirteen years to live.
Princeton University Press The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Retirement Series, Volume 4: 18 June 1811 to 30 April 1812
Volume Four of this definitive edition of Thomas Jefferson's papers from the end of his presidency until his death includes 581 documents from 18 June 1811 to 30 April 1812. Between these two dates, Jefferson famously declares that, "tho' an old man, I am but a young gardener"; expresses hostility to dogs and joins in a petition for a tax to reduce their numbers; calculates lines for a horizontal sundial; surveys part of his Bedford County estate; and draws up work schedules for his Poplar Forest plantation and detailed slave lists for Poplar Forest and Monticello. Jefferson also takes readings of a solar eclipse; attempts to determine Monticello's longitude; measures Willis Mountain; and calls for a fixed international standard for measures, weights, and coins. Joseph Milligan publishes a revised edition of Jefferson's Manual of Parliamentary Practice in March 1812, and Jefferson sends William Wirt a detailed and colorful but largely negative portrait of Patrick Henry for use in his biography of the Virginia orator. Finally, and perhaps of greatest importance to posterity, in January 1812 correspondence resumes between Jefferson and his old friend John Adams, after a long hiatus resulting from their rivalry for the presidency in 1800.
Princeton University Press The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Volume 34: 1 May to 31 July 1801
In Volume 34, covering May through July 1801, the story of Thomas Jefferson's first presidential administration continues to unfold. He quickly begins to implement his objectives of economy and efficiency in government. Requesting the chief clerk of the War Department to prepare a list of commissioned army officers, Jefferson has his secretary Meriwether Lewis label the names on the list with such descriptors as "Republican" or "Opposed to the administration, otherwise respectable officers." The president calls his moves toward a reduction in the army a "chaste reformation." Samuel Smith, interim head of the Navy Department, in accordance with the Peace Establishment Act, arranges for the sale of surplus warships. Secretary of the Treasury Albert Gallatin gathers figures on revenues and expenses and suggests improvements in methods of collecting taxes. Jefferson delivers an eloquent statement on his policy of removals from office to the merchants of New Haven, who objected to his dismissal of the collector of the port of New Haven. He makes clear that while his inaugural address declared tolerance and respect for the minority, it did not mean that no offices would change hands. On the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Fourth of July, Jefferson entertains around one hundred citizens, including a delegation of five Cherokee chiefs. And on 30 July, Jefferson leaves the Federal City for two months at Monticello.
Princeton University Press The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Retirement Series, Volume 3: 12 August 1810 to 17 June 1811
Volume Three of the definitive edition of Thomas Jefferson's papers from the end of his presidency until his death presents 567 documents covering the period from 12 August 1810 to 17 June 1811. Jefferson is now firmly ensconced in retirement at Monticello and Poplar Forest. He is not free from legal and political concerns, however, with the controversy over the 1807 federal seizure of the Batture Sainte Marie at New Orleans looming particularly large. Jefferson prepares for his defense against Edward Livingston's lawsuit by corresponding at length with his counsel and involved public officials, and seeking out documents and legal authorities to vindicate himself. He also seeks to end Philadelphia journalist William Duane's growing estrangement from mainstream Republican politics, lobbies for the appointment of a committed Republican to fill a vacancy on the Supreme Court, and argues with the Rivanna Company over its proposed encroachments on his property. Other highlights are Jefferson's draft constitution for an agricultural society, his astronomical calculations, his notes on plantings at Poplar Forest, and his estimate of the cost of shipping flour. Documents on slaves and slavery include discussions of schemes for colonizing freed slaves in Africa, information on the medical condition of some of Jefferson's slaves, and an account of a visit to Monticello with a distinctly unflattering portrayal of the ex-president's standing in the community and his relations with his slaves.
Princeton University Press The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Volume 32: 1 June 1800 to 16 February 1801
"I have sometimes asked myself whether my country is the better for my having lived at all?" Jefferson muses in this volume. His answer: "I do not know that it is." Required by custom to be "entirely passive" during the presidential campaign, Jefferson, at Monticello during the summer of 1800, refrains from answering attacks on his character, responds privately to Benjamin Rush's queries about religion, and learns of rumors of his own death. Yet he is in good health, harvests a bountiful wheat crop, and maintains his belief that the American people will shake off the Federalist thrall. He counsels James Monroe, the governor of Virginia, on the mixture of leniency and firmness to be shown in the wake of the aborted revolt of slaves led by the blacksmith Gabriel. Arriving in Washington in November, Jefferson reports that the election "is the only thing of which any thing is said here." He is aware of Alexander Hamilton's efforts to undermine John Adams, and of desires by some Federalists to give interim executive powers to a president pro tem of the Senate. But the Republicans have made no provision to prevent the tie of electoral votes between Jefferson and Aaron Burr. Jefferson calls Burr's conduct "honorable & decisive" before prospects of intrigue arise as the nation awaits the decision of the House of Representatives. As the volume closes, the election is still unresolved after six long days of balloting by the House.
Princeton University Press The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Volume 31: 1 February 1799 to 31 May 1800
As this volume opens, partisan politics in the United States are building to a crescendo with the approach of the presidential election. Working for a Republican victory, Jefferson consults frequently with Madison, Monroe, and others to achieve favorable results in state elections. He corresponds with controversial journalist James T. Callender. Sifting information from published rumors and private letters, he follows events in Europe, including Bonaparte's unexpected rise to power in France, and sees the value of his tobacco crop plummet as U.S. legislation cuts off the French market. Jefferson grows concerned at Federalist promotion of English common law in American jurisprudence and at proceedings in the Senate against William Duane, printer of the Philadelphia Aurora. Drawing heavily on British legislative practice, however, as well as advice from Virginia, he begins in earnest to compile a manual of parliamentary procedures for the Senate. As president of the American Philosophical Society, Jefferson calls for reform of the United States census. He publishes an appendix to Notes on the State of Virginia defending his account of the Mingo Indian Logan's legendary 1774 speech. And Jefferson consults Joseph Priestley and Pierre Samuel Du Pont de Nemours about the curriculum for a projected new university in Virginia. While continuing the reconstruction of Monticello, he mourns the death of the infant girl of his younger daughter, Mary Jefferson Eppes.
Princeton University Press The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Volume 18: 4 November 1790 to 24 January 1791
Volume 18, covering part of the final session of the First Congress, shows Jefferson as Secretary of State continuing his effective collaboration with James Madison in seeking commercial reciprocity with Great Britain by threatening--and almost achieving--a retaliatory navigation bill. During these few weeks Jefferson produced a remarkable series of official reports on Gouverneur Morris' abortive mission to England, on the first case of British impressment of American seamen to be noticed officially, on the interrelated problems of Mediterranean trade and the American captives in Algiers, and on the French protest against the tonnage acts. All of these state papers reflected the consistency of Jefferson's aim to bolster the independence of the United States, to promote national unity, and even, as his report on the Algerine captives indicates, to lay the foundations for American maritime power. This volume reveals Jefferson's continuing interest in a unified system of weights and measures, his effort to create a mint, and his concern over executive proceedings in the Northwest Territory. It contains also his suggestions for the President's annual message and his first encounter, at the hands of Noah Webster, with Federalist ridicule of his interest in science. Despite his heavy official duties and the confusion into which his household was thrown when 78 crates of books, wines, and furniture arrived from France, Jefferson never failed to write his promised weekly letter to his daughters and son-in-law under the alternating plan which obligated each of them to write only once every three weeks. The record of this time of extraordinary pressure shows that Jefferson retained his usual equanimity except when, after a full two months, he failed to receive any scrap of writing from the little family at Monticello.
Princeton University Press The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Volume 14: October 1788 to March 1789
Volume 14, from October 1788 through April 1789, continues and almost completes Jefferson's stay in France as American minister.
Princeton University Press The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Volume 15: March 1789 to November 1789
In Volume 15 Jefferson, a veteran of the councils of his own country's revolution, becomes an eyewitness of the opening events of the great upheaval in France in 1789. The Archbishop of Bordeaux and his colleagues of the National Assembly ask Jefferson's aid and counsel in drafting a new constitution; he declines in July but gives a private dinner in August for Lafayette and the moderates who wish to form a coalition and thus avoid civil war. He is catapulted into the limelight by Mirabeau's attack on Necker for the shortage of grain and flour. He advises Lafayette about the latter's proposed draft of a Declaration of Rights and proposes a compromise charter for France in order to gain time, to consolidate the advances already made, and to allow public opinion to ripen. Jefferson dines with De Corny and learns at first hand what happened at the fall of the Bastille. Three days later he is among the crowds with Dugald Stewart, the young Scottish philosopher, as Louis XVI is "led in triumph by his people thro' the streets of the capital." He writes long dispatches to Jay and private letters to Thomas Paine and Richard Price, among others, detailing the events that he regarded as "the first chapter of the history of European liberty." Early in September Jefferson becomes ill and, treated by a philosopher-physician, is possessed by the idea that "the earth belongs in usufruct to the living." He urges Madison to develop this concept and to apply it to American legislation--but his ostensible purpose is supported by arguments addressed wholly to the situation in France, whereby he furnishes justification for the abolition of ancient debts, the public appropriation of feudal grants, the wiping out of hereditary privileges, and the eradication of monopolies. Late in September, with Polly, Patsy, Petit, and two servants, Jefferson leaves Paris for a six months' leave, unaware that the same day the United States Senate confirmed his nomination as Secretary of State. Four weeks later he lands in Norfolk, where he is greeted by the officials--and finds that politics and anti-federalism are far from inactive in Virginia.
Princeton University Press The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Volume 13: March 1788 to October 1788
From 1784 to 1789 Jefferson was in France, first as commissioner to negotiate peace treaties and then as American minister. Volume 13 continues the account of these years (which are covered in Volumes 7 to 14) and includes material on his travels through Holland, Germany, and northern France; on his study of wine cultivation, whale fishing, and the tobacco trade; on the consular convention with France; on the news from the United States concerning the beginnings of the Federal Government under the new Constitution.
Princeton University Press The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Volume 5: February 1781 to May 1781
The description for this book, The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Volume 5: February 1781 to May 1781, will be forthcoming.
Harvard University Press The Poems of Emily Dickinson: Including Variant Readings Critically Compared with All Known Manuscripts (3 Volumes in 1)
Taylor & Francis Ltd Echinoderms: Munchen: Proceedings of the 11th International Echinoderm Conference, 6-10 October 2003, Munich, Germany
Since 1972, scientists from all over the world working on fundamental questions of echinoderm biology and palaeontology have conferred every three years to exchange current views and results. The 11th International Echinoderm Conference held at the University of Munich, Germany, from 6-10 October 2003,continued this tradition. This volume comprises 95 submitted papers and 96 abstracts covering a wide spectrum from innovative student contributions to the lessons learnt from experienced specialists. The content of the contributions ranges from original research results to the latest synopses concerning a variety of topics, including visual sensing, larval cloning, mutable collagenous tissues, sea urchin aqua-culture, deuterostome phylogeny, palaeobiology and taphonomy.
Little, Brown & Company The Complete Poems
Though generally overlooked during her lifetime, Emily Dickinson's poetry has achieved acclaim due to her experiments in prosody, her tragic vision and the range of her emotional and intellectual explorations.
University of Washington Press Unending Crisis: National Security Policy After 9/11
In Unending Crisis, Thomas Graham Jr. examines the second Bush administration's misguided management of foreign policy, the legacy of which has been seven major--and almost irresolvable--national security crises involving North Korea, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, the Arab-Israeli conflict in Palestine, and nuclear proliferation. Unending Crisis considers these issues individually and together, emphasizing their interrelationship and delineating the role that the neoconservative agenda played in redefining the way America is perceived in the world today.
University of Notre Dame Press Summa Contra Gentiles: Book Two: Creation
Book Two of the Summa Contra Gentiles series examines God's freedom in creation, his power as creator of all things, and the nature of man, particularly the unity of soul and body within man. The Summa Contra Gentiles is not merely the only complete summary of Christian doctrine that St. Thomas has written, but also a creative and even revolutionary work of Christian apologetics composed at the precise moment when Christian thought needed to be intellectually creative in order to master and assimilate the intelligence and wisdom of the Greeks and the Arabs. In the Summa Aquinas works to save and purify the thought of the Greeks and the Arabs in the higher light of Christian Revelation, confident that all that had been rational in the ancient philosophers and their followers would become more rational within Christianity. Book 1 of the Summa deals with God; Book 3, Providence; and Book 4, Salvation.
Columbia University Press The Land of the Five Flavors: A Cultural History of Chinese Cuisine
Renowned sinologist Thomas O. Hollmann tracks the growth of food culture in China from its earliest burial rituals to today's Western fast food restaurants, mapping Chinese cuisine's geographical variations and local customs, indigenous factors and foreign influences, trade routes, and ethnic associations. Hollmann details the food practices of major Chinese religions and the significance of eating and drinking in rites of passage and popular culture. He enriches his narrative with thirty of his favorite recipes and a selection of photographs, posters, paintings, sketches, and images of clay figurines and other objects excavated from tombs. Hollmann's award-winning history revisits the invention of noodles, the role of butchers and cooks in Chinese politics, debates over the origin of grape wines, and the causes of modern-day food contamination. He discusses local crop production, the use of herbs and spices, the relationship between Chinese food and economics, the influence of Chinese philosophy, and traditional dietary concepts and superstitions. Citing original Chinese sources, Hollmann uncovers fascinating aspects of daily Chinese life, constructing a multifaceted compendium that inspires a rich appreciation of Chinese arts and culture.
Columbia University Press The Sacred Universe: Earth, Spirituality, and Religion in the Twenty-First Century
A leading scholar, cultural historian, and Catholic priest who spent more than fifty years writing about our engagement with the Earth, Thomas Berry possessed prophetic insight into the rampant destruction of ecosystems and the extinction of species. In this book he makes a persuasive case for an interreligious dialogue that can better confront the environmental problems of the twenty-first century. These erudite and keenly sympathetic essays represent Berry's best work, covering such issues as human beings' modern alienation from nature and the possibilities of future, regenerative forms of religious experience. Asking that we create a new story of the universe and the emergence of the Earth within it, Berry resituates the human spirit within a sacred totality.
Columbia University Press GIS Methodologies for Developing Conservation Strategies: Tropical Forest Recovery and Willdlife Management in Costa Rica
Tropical habitats may contain more than a third of the world's plant and animal species; Costa Rica alone is home to one of the highest levels of biodiversity per unit area in the world, and stands at center stage in worldwide conservation efforts. Within such regions, the use of state-of-the-art digital mapping technologies-sophisticated techniques that are relatively inexpensive and accessible-represents the future of conservation planning and policy. These methods, which employ satellites to obtain visual data on landscapes, allow environmental scientists to monitor encroachment on indigenous territories, trace park boundaries through unmarked wilderness, and identify wildlife habitats in regions where humans have limited access. Focusing on the rich biodiversity of Costa Rica, the contributors demonstrate the use of geographic information systems (GIS) to enhance conservation efforts. They give an overview of the spatial nature of conservation and management and the current status of digital mapping in Costa Rica; a review of the basic principles behind digital mapping technologies; a series of case studies using these technologies at a variety of scales and for a range of conservation and management activities; and the results of the Costa Rican gap analysis project. GIS Methodologies for Developing Conservation Strategies provides powerful tools for those involved in decision-making about the natural environment, particularly in developing nations like Costa Rica where such technologies have not yet been widely adopted. For specialists in such areas as geography, conservation biology, and wildlife and natural resource management, the combination of conceptual background and case examples make the book a crucial addition to the literature.
The University of Chicago Press Philosophers Speak for Themselves: Berkeley, Hume, and Kant
The philosophic search for truth has been evident in all ages and among all peoples. The developments of each generation require new philosophies and the recasting of old ones. The eighteenth century was no exception, and the scientific advances of the times brought about many innovations in philosophic thought. At a time when scientists were reducing certain phenomena of the natural world to expressions of a few simple mathematical laws, men such as Berkeley, Hume, and Kant were trying to discover how far and on what basis human reason could be applied with similar success in other fields. The selections in this book, preceded by short biographical sketches, document this philosophic search. "The selections are liberal and well chosen, indeed only an examination of the table of contents will give an adequate idea of the value of this volume. . . . How better can one become a modern thinker than by reading and studying at first hand the writings that have made modern thought possible?"—Roger W. Holmes, The Philosophical Review
The University of Chicago Press The Spell of Language: Poststructuralism and Speculation
Originally published as "Le Mirage Linguistique", this test studies the role of linguistics in structuralism and poststructuralism. Thomas G. Pavel examines French thought through the work of luminaries such as Levi-Struss, Lacan, Foucault, and Derrida. The "spell of language" for Pavel consists of three things: the promise that linguistics seemed to represent for the humanites and social sciences; the distortions, misunderstandings, and wilful neglect incumberant upon the "linguistic turn"; and above all, the break with traditional humanism. He isolates three modes of thought - moderate structuralism, scientific structuralism and speculative structuralism - and shows how even as they diverge from each other, they all advocate an antihumanist point of view. In this book, Thomas Pavel shows that structuralism's flawed use of linguistic theory has rendered hollow the philosophical core of a whole generation of work in the human sciences.
The University of Chicago Press Youth on Trial: A Developmental Perspective on Juvenile Justice
It is often said that a teen "old enough to do the crime is old enough to do the time", but are teens really mature and capable enough to participate fully and fairly in adult criminal court? In this book - the fruit of the MacArthur Foundation Network on Adolescent Development and Juvenile Justice - a wide range of leaders in developmental psychology and law combine their expertise to investigate the current limitations on our youth policy. The first part of the book establishes a developmental perspective on juvenile justice; the second and third parts then apply this perspective to issues of adolescents' capacities as trial defendants and to questions of legal culpability. Underlying the entire work is the assumption that an enlightened juvenile justice system cannot ignore the developmental psychological realities of adolescence. Not only a state-of-the-art assessment of the conceptual and empirical issues in the forensic assessment of youth, "Youth on Trial" is also a call to reintroduce sound, humane public policy into our justice system.
IVP Academic Matthew 14–28
Clemson University Digital Press The Fire that Breaks: Gerard Manley Hopkins’s Poetic Legacies
Harvard Educational Publishing Group Leading Instructional Rounds in Education: A Facilitator’s Guide
In this practical guide, Thomas Fowler-Finn identifies the key ideas explored in each phase of instructional rounds and discusses how facilitators can skilfully guide a network of educators through the rounds process while gradually transferring agency to the network.He shows how to scaffold participant learning and model effective teaching practices, and explores potential facilitator responses to issues that arise at each step. The book includes new and tested protocols to advance the work of all facilitators, whether novice or experienced.Written by a leading instructional rounds consultant who worked closely with the Harvard team that pioneered instructional rounds, Leading Instructional Rounds in Education: A Facilitator’s Guide provides tools, suggestions, and reflections to ensure that facilitators—and the networks they lead—achieve maximum results.
Penguin Random House Children's UK Ladybird Readers Beginner Level - Thomas the Tank Engine - Thomas and the Elephant (ELT Graded Reader)
Ladybird Readers is an ELT graded reader series for children aged 3-11 learning English as a foreign or second language. The series includes traditional tales, favourite characters, modern stories and non-fiction. Written by experts, it uses proven methods to help children learn English and grasp key grammar and vocabulary points. Perfect for learning English in school or at home Develops reading, writing, speaking, listening and critical thinking skills Features much-loved characters and authors such as Peter Rabbit, Peppa Pig, Roald Dahl and Eric Carle Eight levels follow the Common European Framework of Reference for language learning (CEFR) Language activities in every book provide preparation for the Cambridge English Pre-A1 to A2 (YLE) tests Features free online resources including audio, answer keys, lesson plans and tips for parents Thomas and the Elephant, a Beginner level Reader, helps children to learn and practice their first words in English. It introduces everyday phrases and focuses on vocabulary that young children can use in daily life. Simple text and repetition support understanding, and speaking and listening activities develop confidence.An elephant helps Thomas in India.Visit the Ladybird Education website for more information.
Penguin Random House Children's UK Ladybird Readers Beginner Level - Thomas the Tank Engine - Nia Learns Numbers (ELT Graded Reader)
Ladybird Readers is an ELT graded reader series for children aged 3-11 learning English as a foreign or second language. The series includes traditional tales, favourite characters, modern stories and non-fiction. Written by experts, it uses proven methods to help children learn English and grasp key grammar and vocabulary points. Perfect for learning English in school or at home Develops reading, writing, speaking, listening and critical thinking skills Features much-loved characters and authors such as Peter Rabbit, Peppa Pig, Roald Dahl and Eric Carle Eight levels follow the Common European Framework of Reference for language learning (CEFR) Language activities in every book provide preparation for the Cambridge English Pre-A1 to A2 (YLE) tests Features free online resources including audio, answer keys, lesson plans and tips for parents Nia Learns Numbers, a Beginner level Reader, helps children to learn and practice their first words in English. It introduces everyday phrases and focuses on vocabulary that young children can use in daily life. Simple text and repetition support understanding, and speaking and listening activities develop confidence.Nia learns one, two, three . . .
University Press of Southern Denmark Need to Know: Eastern & Western Perspectives
Museum Tusculanum Press Cultural Encounters in Near Eastern History
Museum Tusculanum Press Internal Reconstruction in Indo-European: Methods, Results, and Problems
Ovid Technologies Técnicas maestras en Cirugía Ortopédica. Columna vertebral
Como parte de la prestigiosa serie Técnicas maestras en cirugía ortopédica®, Columna vertebral es una referencia concisa, con abundantes ilustraciones, que abarca las técnicas quirúrgicas más avanzadas y exitosas para la columna vertebral, todas ellas detalladas paso a paso. Dirigida por los doctores Todd J. Albert y Thomas A. Zdeblick, esta edición totalmente revisada presenta las técnicas preferidas de los maestros de la cirugía, ilustradas con fotografías intraoperatorias secuenciales, a vista de cirujano, así como magnífi cos dibujos de destacados ilustradores médicos. Desde la publicación de la primera edición en 1997, el campo de la cirugía de columna vertebral ha avanzado a un ritmo vertiginoso. Quizá en ninguna otra rama de la cirugía ortopédica la tecnología haya cambiado tan radicalmente el tratamiento quirúrgico. Esta 4.ª edición ofrece al lector información actualizada necesaria para afrontar con confi anza los retos de la cirugía de la columna vertebral, ayudándole a reducir al mínimo los errores, mejorar los resultados y aumentar la seguridad de los pacientes.
Quart Publishers Wild Bar Architekten: De Aedibus 21
Transcript Verlag Health Promotion and Prevention Programmes in Pr – How Patients′ Health Practices are Rationalised, Reconceptualised and Reorganised
The shift to prevention and health promotion is an example of how policy makers aim to rationalise and organise both health systems and patients' health practices. By applying a perspective from empirical science & technology studies (STS), based on qualitative research methods, the chapters of this book present a view behind the scenes and zoom into the micropolitics of prevention and health promotion. They analyse how patients are framed as being "at risk", how preventative regimes shape medical practices, and what its practical consequences are in patients' everyday lives. This makes the insights of this book relevant for prevention and health promotion practitioners, public health policy-makers and researchers.
Peter Lang AG Walther-Bibliographie- 1968-2004
Bohlau Verlag Die Päpste Benedikt: Josef Ratzinger und seine Vorgänger
MACK The Triple Folly (single volume)
The Triple Folly presents the rich collaboration between artist Thomas Demand, architects Caruso St John, and textile makers Kvadrat which produced an astonishing new pavilion for Kvadrat’s Ebeltoft campus. The basis of the building is three found paper objects – a legal pad, a paper plate, and a soda jerk hat – which Demand brought to Caruso St John with the simple question: ‘Can you make this into architecture?’ In response, the architects created a sculptural tripartite folly, a kind of inhabitable still life poised on the area’s rolling seaside hillocks, encompassing a meeting room, a kitchen, and a flexible living space which holds a textile work by the artist Rosemarie Trockel. Inspired by Kvadrat’s role as a celebrated textile producer, Demand initially pursued the idea of the tent as an archetypal architectural structure with many iterations across contexts of leisure and shelter, simplicity and grandeur. Translating these concepts into his own artistic idiom of paper, he tasked Caruso St John with materialising this lightness of form, with a touch of his distinctive, duplicitous whimsy. The final building, completed in September 2022, achieves this through a harmonious sequence of steel and fibreglass structures which create their environments through the fall of light and shadow, textured opacity and welcoming transparency. This publication presents extensive images of the completed buildings alongside in-depth illustrated conversations with Frank Gehry, Denise Scott Brown, Adam Caruso, Valerie Verhack, Anders Byriel, Emilie Appercé, and Thomas Demand.
Battlebridge Publications Simplicity and Cemplexity in Creole and Pidgins
Green Lion Press Euclid's Elements Book One with Questions for Discussion
Island Press The Freedom of the City
“Congestion is the life of the city . . . it is what we came for, what we stay for, what we hunger for”, wrote Charles Downing Lay, prominent American landscape architect and planner of the early 1920s. These words are relevant today as density and congestion are once again under siege, especially in our most productive and thriving cities. Published in 1926, The Freedom of the City by Charles Downing Lay is an eloquent and timely defence of urbanism and city life. Award-winning author and urban historian Thomas J. Campanella has given Lay’s text new life and relevance, with the addition of explanatory notes, imagery, an introduction, and biographical essay, to bring this important work to a new generation of urbanists. Lay was decades ahead of his time, writing The Freedom of the City as Americans were just beginning to fall in love with the automobile and leave town for a romanticised life on the suburban fringe. Planners and theorists were arguing that heavily congested cities were a form of cancer, that great metropolitan centres like London and New York City must be decanted into a leafy “garden cities” in the countryside. Lay saved his sharpest pen for these anti-urbanists in his own profession of city and regional planning. Lay writes of the delights of city life and – especially - that importance of the singular, essential ingredient that makes it all possible: “congestion” (closest in definition to “density” today). Congestion, to Lay, is the secret sauce of cities, the singular element that gives London, Paris, or New York its dynamism and magic. He believed that the amenities and affordances of a city are “the direct result of its great congestion”; indeed, congestion is “the life of the city. Reduce it below a certain point and much of our ease and convenience disappears. Campanella writes “for all his blind spots, Lay's core argument still obtains. The Freedom of the City was prescient in 1926 and timely now. Certainly, the essentials of good urbanism extolled in the book- human scale, diversity, walkability, the serendipities of the street; above all, density - are articles of faith among architects and urbanists today.”
Skyhorse Publishing The Green Berets: The Amazing Story of the U.S. Army's Elite Special Forces Unit
This is it. The bestselling book that became the sensational John Wayne move. This is the story of the war in Vietnam, written as a novel but based on the true stories of some of America’s bravest heroes. “One of the most exciting war books.” —London Sunday TelegraphIn Vietnam Robin Moore became on the of the first true “embedded” journalists, training and fighting alongside America’s most elite fighters. Though fictionalized, The Green Berets exposed the American public to the horrors of the ground war in Vietnam, and gave the men of the Green Berets the recognition they deserved.Here is the tale of the courageous South Vietnamese girl posing as an anti-American Communist to capture the Viet Cong officer who murdered her family. Here is the graft and double-dealing of South Vietnamese officers undercutting America’s war effort. More importantly, here are America’s soldiers showing unimaginable bravery in the face of a determined and deadly enemy.With a foreword by Major General Thomas R. Csrnko reflecting on the history and future of this elite fighting unit, The Green Berets stands as an enduring classic.Skyhorse Publishing, as well as our Arcade, Yucca, and Good Books imprints, are proud to publish a broad range of books for readers interested in fiction—novels, novellas, political and medical thrillers, comedy, satire, historical fiction, romance, erotic and love stories, mystery, classic literature, folklore and mythology, literary classics including Shakespeare, Dumas, Wilde, Cather, and much more. While not every title we publish becomes a New York Times bestseller or a national bestseller, we are committed to books on subjects that are sometimes overlooked and to authors whose work might not otherwise find a home.
Jolly Fish Press Haunt and Seek
Jolly Fish Press Phantom of the Tracks
Jolly Fish Press Phantom of the Tracks
Jolly Fish Press Trapped in Room 217
Harvard Business School Publishing The Analytical Marketer: How to Transform Your Marketing Organization
How to lead the change Analytics are driving big changes, not only in what marketing departments do but in how they are organized, staffed, led, and run. Leaders are grappling with issues that range from building an analytically driven marketing organization and determining the kinds of structure and talent that are needed to leading interactions with IT, finance, and sales and creating a unified view of the customer. The Analytical Marketer provides critical insight into the changing marketing organization--digital, agile, and analytical--and the tools for reinventing it. Written by the head of global marketing for SAS, The Analytical Marketer is based on the author's firsthand experience of transforming a marketing organization from "art" to "art and science." Challenged and inspired by their company's own analytics products, the SAS marketing team was forced to rethink itself in order to take advantage of the new capabilities that those tools offer the modern marketer. Key marketers and managers at SAS tell their stories alongside the author's candid lessons learned as she led the marketing organization's transformation. With additional examples from other leading companies, this book is a practical guide and set of best practices for creating a new marketing culture that thrives on and adds value through data and analytics.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Violent Crossroads of Central America
Georgetown University Press Conflict and Cooperation in the Global Commons: A Comprehensive Approach for International Security
More than ever, international security and economic prosperity depend upon safe access to the shared domains that make up the global commons: maritime, air, space, and cyberspace. Together these domains serve as essential conduits through which international commerce, communication, and governance prosper. However, the global commons are congested, contested, and competitive. In the January 2012 defense strategic guidance, the United States confirmed its commitment "to continue to lead global efforts with capable allies and partners to assure access to and use of the global commons, both by strengthening international norms of responsible behavior and by maintaining relevant and interoperable military capabilities". In the face of persistent threats, some hybrid in nature, and their consequences, "Conflict and Cooperation in the Global Commons" provides a forum where contributors identify ways to strengthen and maintain responsible use of the global commons. The result is a comprehensive approach that will enhance, align, and unify commercial industry, civil agency, and military perspectives and actions.