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Taylor & Francis Inc Biological Sequence Analysis Using the SeqAn C++ Library
An Easy-to-Use Research Tool for Algorithm Testing and DevelopmentBefore the SeqAn project, there was clearly a lack of available implementations in sequence analysis, even for standard tasks. Implementations of needed algorithmic components were either unavailable or hard to access in third-party monolithic software products. Addressing these concerns, the developers of SeqAn created a comprehensive, easy-to-use, open source C++ library of efficient algorithms and data structures for the analysis of biological sequences. Written by the founders of this project, Biological Sequence Analysis Using the SeqAn C++ Library covers the SeqAn library, its documentation, and the supporting infrastructure.The first part of the book describes the general library design. It introduces biological sequence analysis problems, discusses the benefit of using software libraries, summarizes the design principles and goals of SeqAn, details the main programming techniques used in SeqAn, and demonstrates the application of these techniques in various examples. Focusing on the components provided by SeqAn, the second part explores basic functionality, sequence data structures, alignments, pattern and motif searching, string indices, and graphs. The last part illustrates applications of SeqAn to genome alignment, consensus sequence in assembly projects, suffix array construction, and more.This handy book describes a user-friendly library of efficient data types and algorithms for sequence analysis in computational biology. SeqAn enables not only the implementation of new algorithms, but also the sound analysis and comparison of existing algorithms.Visit SeqAn for more information.
Taylor & Francis Inc Integrated Assessment of Health and Sustainability of Agroecosystems
Exploring the implementation of participatory, multistakeholder, and transdisciplinary ecosystem health research, Integrated Assessment of Health and Sustainability of Agroecosystems combines the latest theories in complexity and management with practical tools and approaches for sustainable rural development research. Although the text focuses on smallholder farming communities in the central highlands of Kenya, the material discussed can be—and has been—effectively applied to agroecosystems in many other parts of the world.After showing how the agroecosystem health framework was successfully adapted in a smallholder-dominated agroecosystem, the book integrates participatory methods, systems analyses, pulse process models, and soft systems methods in an open-ended, adaptive R&D process. It then looks at how to use correspondence analysis to refine a research-based suite of indicators and analyze data obtained using indicators. Incorporating the authors’ pioneering work in the ecosystem health field, this book demonstrates the potential of the agroecosystem health paradigm as a framework in the decision-making processes of agricultural communities in a tropical highlands area.
Taylor & Francis Inc Ultrafast Dynamics and Laser Action of Organic Semiconductors
Spurred on by extensive research in recent years, organic semiconductors are now used in an array of areas, such as organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs), photovoltaics, and other optoelectronics. In all of these novel applications, the photoexcitations in organic semiconductors play a vital role. Exploring the early stages of photoexcitations that follow photon absorption, Ultrafast Dynamics and Laser Action of Organic Semiconductors presents the latest research investigations on photoexcitation ultrafast dynamics and laser action in pi-conjugated polymer films, solutions, and microcavities.In the first few chapters, the book examines the interplay of charge (polarons) and neutral (excitons) photoexcitations in pi-conjugated polymers, oligomers, and molecular crystals in the time domain of 100 fs–2 ns. Summarizing the state of the art in lasing, the final chapters introduce the phenomenon of laser action in organics and cover the latest optoelectronic applications that use lasing based on a variety of cavities, such as distributed feedback-type cavity.With contributions from a host of renowned international experts, this book explores the underlying processes in both existing and potential organic optoelectronic applications. It provides a broad overview of the scientific debate in the field of photophysics in organic semiconductors.
Taylor & Francis Inc MATLAB and C Programming for Trefftz Finite Element Methods
Although the Trefftz finite element method (FEM) has become a powerful computational tool in the analysis of plane elasticity, thin and thick plate bending, Poisson’s equation, heat conduction, and piezoelectric materials, there are few books that offer a comprehensive computer programming treatment of the subject. Collecting results scattered in the literature, MATLAB® and C Programming for Trefftz Finite Element Methods provides the detailed MATLAB® and C programming processes in applications of the Trefftz FEM to potential and elastic problems.The book begins with an introduction to the hybrid-Trefftz (HT) FEM that covers basic concepts and general element formulations of the method. It then concentrates on both the essentials and subroutines of MATLAB and C programming. The next few chapters present applications of T-elements to potential problems and linear plane elasticity, discuss how to solve body force in elasticity through radial basis functions, and examine how special purpose functions can be constructed. The final chapter explores advanced topics, such as the construction of Trefftz p-elements, dimensionless transformation, and an alternative formulation to HT FEM. Unifying the computer programming aspects of the Trefftz FEM, this book will stimulate the development and application of this novel method in many facets of practical engineering.
Taylor & Francis Inc Quantitative Drug Design: A Critical Introduction, Second Edition
Since the publication of the first edition, the field has changed dramatically. Scientists can now explicitly consider 3D features in quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) studies and often have the 3D structure of the macromolecular target to guide the 3D QSAR. Improvements in computer hardware and software have also made the methods more accessible to scientists. Taking these developments into account, Quantitative Drug Design: A Critical Introduction, Second Edition shows scientists how to apply QSAR techniques at a state-of-the-art level.New to the Second Edition A new chapter on methods that identify the 3D conformations to use for 3D QSAR New discussions on partial least squares, multidimensional scaling, clustering, support vector machines, kNN potency prediction, and recursive partitioning Expanded case studies that include the results of data that has been re-analyzed using newer methods A new case study on the discovery of novel dopaminergics with pharmacophore mapping and CoMFA A new case study on the application of CoMFA to series in which the 3D structure of the ligand-protein complex is known Based on the author’s four decades of experience in all areas of ligand-based computer-assisted drug design, this invaluable book describes how to transform ligand structure-activity relationships into models that predict the potency or activity/inactivity of new molecules. It will help you avoid traps when dealing with quantitative drug design.
Taylor & Francis Inc Second-order Nonlinear Optical Characterization Techniques: An Introduction
Although chemists, biochemists, biologists, and material scientists are often interested in using nonlinear optical techniques for characterizing their samples, they seldom have the necessary background to exploit these methods. Designed for nonspecialists, Second-Order Nonlinear Optical Characterization Techniques: An Introduction focuses on the potential of second-order nonlinear optics as a powerful characterization tool. Avoiding extensive mathematical details, this multidisciplinary book does not require a background in advanced mathematics or physics. After introducing linear optics from the perspective of polarizability and linear susceptibility, the authors cover incoherent second-harmonic generation. They then deal with the study of surfaces and interfaces, exploiting the intrinsic surface sensitivity of second-harmonic generation and sum-frequency generation. The final chapter discusses second-order imaging techniques, including confocal microscopy and two-photon excited fluorescence microscopy.Accessible to a wide range of scientists, this concise book stresses the reliability of nonlinear optical processes for probing surfaces and interfaces. Drawing on the insight offered in the text, scientists from many disciplines can now clearly understand and use second-order nonlinear optical methods.
Taylor & Francis Inc Chiral Separations by Capillary Electrophoresis
Covers the Fundamentals of Chiral Separation, Available Chiral Selectors, and Numerous Applications of Chiral Separation by Capillary ElectrophoresisSince the 1980s, modern analytical tools have enabled capillary electrophoresis to become a standard part of the chemist’s toolkit. With contributions from international experts, Chiral Separations by Capillary Electrophoresis provides a general overview of the principles of chiral separation by capillary electrophoresis and the different chiral selectors available.The book discusses the most important as well as several new chiral selectors used in capillary electrophoresis. It reviews recent pharmaceutical and biomedical applications and explores novel techniques, such as capillary electrophoresis coupled to mass spectrometry and microchip technology. The book also examines the quantitative aspects of capillary electrophoresis, the possibilities of capillary electrochromatography, and the various chiral columns available.Capillary electrophoresis has proven to be an effective tool for chiral separation. This book explains how this technique can be used in the separation of molecules, offering insight into both existing and emerging applications.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Mastering the Rules of Competitive Strategy: A Resource Guide for Managers
The stakes are high and real. Money is spent. Personnel are committed in a battle for the triumph or downfall of a company. Yet, given the same circumstances, some companies continue to thrive while others wash out and become also-rans. In the end, it is the dynamics of the competitive marketplace, the quality of the organization’s business plan, and the ability to successfully implement strategies, that validate and ensure a company’s existence.Mastering the Rules of Competitive Strategy: A Resource Guide for Managers blends selected historical lessons with modern business practice to provide a solid platform on which to understand, develop, and apply competitive business strategies. It identifies commonalities in culture and strategy among businesses that have successfully adapted to changing marketplaces and emerging competitors. The author defines nine distinct rules of strategy to implement in your own company to achieve the same level of success. Each rule or chapter is supported with real-company examples, quick-tip guidelines, and applications. Each includes a Strategy Diagnostic Tool to provide a reliable performance measure that supports you in building, evaluating, and monitoring your business strategies. The book emphasizes developing your ability to think and act like a strategist. An outline of a Strategic Business Planin the Appendix provides a starting place for developing your strategies, as well as a format for presenting your ideas to management. By deliberately and systematically following these nine enduring rules of competitive strategy you will overcome obstacles that have crushed other businesses. Integrating them into your business plans can increase your chances of triumphing over rivals who are looking to oust you from the marketplace.
Taylor & Francis Inc Genomics: Fundamentals and Applications
This unique new text delivers a solid foundation for understanding the role of genomics in human health and in advances that promise to help improve the quality of human life. Unlike other works that focus mainly on toxicogenomic techniques, Genomics presents a thorough overview of the field in four major sections: 1) fundamentals of genes and genome structure, function, expression, variations, and genomic technology platforms; 2) applications of genomics in drug discovery and drug development, safety evaluation, genomic database maintenance, mining, and analysis, food safety monitoring, and translational toxicogenomics; 3) how regulatory agencies such as the FDA and EPA use genomic data in their safety evaluation; and 4) a summary of the current state and the future prospect of the science of genomics.With an international perspective and practical case studies, Genomics is the first resource to present essential discussion of theory and application for: eukaryotic genomes epigenomics translational genomics and biomarker development
Taylor & Francis Ltd Immunological Computation: Theory and Applications
Clearly, nature has been very effective in creating organisms that are capable of protecting themselves against a wide variety of pathogens such as bacteria, fungi, and parasites. The powerful information-processing capabilities of the immune system, such as feature extraction, pattern recognition, learning, memory, and its distributive nature provide rich metaphors that researchers are finding very useful for the development of computational models. While some of these models are designed to give us a better understanding of the immune system, other models are being developed to solve complex real-world problems such as anomaly detection, pattern recognition, data analysis (clustering), function optimization, and computer security. Immunological Computation: Theory and Applications is devoted to discussing different immunological mechanisms and their relation to information processing and problem solving. This unique volume presents a compendium of up-to-date work related to immunity-based techniques. After presenting the general abstractions of immune elements and processes used in computational models, it then— Reviews standard procedures, representations, and matching rules that are used in all immunological computation models Covers the details of one of the earliest and most well-known immune algorithms, based on the negative selection (NS) process that occurs in the thymus Examines promising immune models, including those based on danger theory, cytokine network models, and MHC-based models The text goes further to describe a wide variety of applications, which include computer security, the detection and analysis of anomalies and faults, robotics, and data mining among others. To enhance understanding of this emerging field of study, each chapter includes a summary, review questions, and exercis
Taylor & Francis Ltd Cooperative Wireless Communications
Cooperative devices and mechanisms are increasingly important to enhance the performance of wireless communications and networks, with their ability to decrease power consumption and packet loss rate and increase system capacity, computation, and network resilience. Considering the wide range of applications, strategies, and benefits associated with cooperative wireless communications, researchers and product developers need a succinct understanding of relevant theory, fundamentals, and techniques to navigate this challenging field. Cooperative Wireless Communications provides just that.Assesses Applications, Benefits, and Methods of Cooperative Strategies This comprehensive reference handbook contains useful background to develop and implement cooperative mechanisms for infrastructure-based wireless systems and self-organizing multi-hop wireless networks (e.g., ad hoc, mesh, peer-to-peer, and sensor networks). It introduces key cooperative strategies and details recent improvements to a variety of cooperative mechanisms and frameworks applicable in diverse scenarios.Addressing fundamentals and techniques, this invaluable reference: Offers comprehensive guidance on technical, practical, and deployment aspects of cooperative strategies and the latest IEEE standard specifications Explores key challenges and solutions in 3G, B3G, 4G WiMAX, and ad hoc, mesh, and sensor networks Covers cooperative diversity, virtual MIMO, cognitive radio networks, and resource and mobility management Discusses energy efficiency, relaying strategy, routing, MAC, topology control, and security Provides Guidance to Resolve Key ChallengesA distinct introduction to different cooperative mechanisms, cooperation frameworks in diverse scenarios, and recent improvements to wireles
Taylor & Francis Inc Design and Use of Relational Databases in Chemistry
Optimize Your Chemical DatabaseDesign and Use of Relational Databases in Chemistry helps programmers and users improve their ability to search and manipulate chemical structures and information, especially when using chemical database "cartridges". It illustrates how the organizational, data integrity, and extensibility properties of relational databases are best utilized when working with chemical information.The author facilitates an understanding of existing relational database schemas and shows how to design new schemas that contain tables of data and chemical structures. By using database extension cartridges, he provides methods to properly store and search chemical structures. He explains how to download and install a fully functioning database using free, open-source chemical extension cartridges within PostgreSQL. The author also discusses how to access a database on a computer network using both new and existing applications.Through examples of good database design, this book shows you that relational databases are the best way to store, search, and operate on chemical information.
Taylor & Francis Inc Transportation Systems Security
Highlighting the importance of transportation to a country’s infrastructure and survival, Transportation Systems Security presents the strategic and practical considerations involved in the implementation of physical, procedural, and managerial safeguards required to keep all modes of transportation up and running during an actual or potential disaster. Structured in an easy cognitive fashion, the book begins with a basic introduction providing terms and definitions. It describes both physical and information system layouts and defines who controls what parts of the process, how far control is extended, and who oversees controls within the system. Building on this foundation, subsequent chapters discuss problems such as the need for a more defined “domain-based” approach when threats, assets, vulnerabilities, and safeguards are not under local control. The book describes and refines the concepts of criticality, impact, and consequence as they relate to the assignation of value for personnel, assets, facilities, information and activities in terms of how they might support performance. By comparing continuity of operations planning (COOP) to business continuity planning (BCP), the book presents security measures as a value-added benefit rather than a hindrance to business and introduces the notion of certification, accreditation, and licensure. It demonstrates safeguards that layer outward from the entity and across the system with the ability to prevent, detect, and notify, as well as respond to and recover from a crisis. Emphasizing the sharing of information and methods, the book encourages security to become an integrated component within the system, not just imposed on top of it. It takes a holistic approach to the transportation infrastructure, introducing the concept of fragility and the measurable factors involved, and including a 20 page questionnaire to help managers determine their company’s fragility in terms of transportation security.
Taylor & Francis Inc Environmental Assessment of Estuarine Ecosystems: A Case Study
Estuaries in every country exemplify the same paradox — they are among the most productive ecosystems and also among the most impacted by anthropogenic activities. And although estuarine biodiversity is key to the ecological and economic health of coastal regions, estuaries are exposed to toxic effluents transported by rivers from remote and nearby conurbations and industrial and agricultural concerns, putting them at risk. Increased attention to environmental issues highlights the fragility and importance of estuaries and brings to the forefront the need for an up-to-date assessment of techniques.Environmental Assessment of Estuarine Ecosystems: A Case Study describes a comparative, multidisciplinary ecotoxicological study of two contrasting estuaries in France. Based on the results of this study, the book presents generalizations about how different techniques might be applied and interpreted in future, similar studies assessing the ecotoxicological status of these vital coastal systems. With contributions from international experts, this reference covers all aspects of estuaries from the physiological to the economical. It introduces the state-of-the-art science required to investigate ecotoxicological problems in many estuaries all over the world.Although carefully focused on a specific region, this book covers a broad range of environmental issues and solutions, demonstrating how various pieces of information can be integrated into a sound assessment. Understanding the observations about this region and the techniques used for its assessment provide a benchmark for assessing, remediating, and applying new developments to other estuaries.
Taylor & Francis Inc Advanced Signal Processing: Theory and Implementation for Sonar, Radar, and Non-Invasive Medical Diagnostic Systems, Second Edition
Discover the Applicability, Benefits, and Potential of New Technologies As advances in algorithms and computer technology have bolstered the digital signal processing capabilities of real-time sonar, radar, and non-invasive medical diagnostics systems, cutting-edge military and defense research has established conceptual similarities in these areas. Now civilian enterprises can use government innovations to facilitate optimal functionality of complex real-time systems. Advanced Signal Processing details a cost-efficient generic processing structure that exploits these commonalities to benefit commercial applications. Learn from a Renowned Defense Scientist, Researcher, and InnovatorThe author preserves the mathematical focus and key information from the first edition that provided invaluable coverage of topics including adaptive systems, advanced beamformers, and volume visualization methods in medicine. Integrating the best features of non-linear and conventional algorithms and explaining their application in PC-based architectures, this text contains new data on: Advances in biometrics, image segmentation, registration, and fusion techniques for 3D/4D ultrasound, CT, and MRI Fully digital 3D/ (4D: 3D+time) ultrasound system technology, computing architecture requirements, and relevant implementation issues State-of-the-art non-invasive medical procedures, non-destructive 3D tomography imaging and biometrics, and monitoring of vital signs Cardiac motion correction in multi-slice X-ray CT imaging Space-time adaptive processing and detection of targets interference-intense backgrounds comprised of clutter and jamming With its detailed explanation of adaptive, synthetic-aperture, and fusion-processing schemes with near-instantaneous convergence in 2-D and 3-D sensors (including planar, circular, cylindrical, and spherical arrays), the quality and illustration of this text’s concepts and techniques will make it a favored reference.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Sustaining the Military Enterprise: An Architecture for a Lean Transformation
The U.S. government mandates that all Department of Defense logistic-wide initiatives adopt commercially proven practices and strategies to undergo maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) transformations. Reasons for the drastic order include aging weapons systems, an aging workforce, limited financial resources, and new technologies, just to name a few. In order to execute this radical directive, transformation offices have been established to implement these new strategies. However, these offices have no condensed, user-oriented context to refer to when implementing these new strategies.Sustaining the Military Enterprise describes a Lean Enterprise Architecture (LEA) strategy to transform sustainment processes. It incorporates the management and technical skills necessary to design and implement cost effective, integrated, sustainment networks and agile organizational structures. The application of LEA to military sustainment initiatives will lead to less resource intensive and less organizationally disruptive practices than seen in traditional Lean enterprise transformation methods. The book is organized into six chapters, which focus on three major subject categories. Topics include management techniques for transforming the military sustainment enterprise, improving the enterprise, process improvement initiatives and benchmarking best practices, and activities for enterprise transformation. The text also provides an assessment and description of the current military sustainment system and a guide to the LEA transformation. Through an intensive examination of new technologies, tools, and strategies, the author provides a means for military sustainment initiatives to achieve a successful transformation.
Taylor & Francis Inc Transport Phenomena in Capillary-Porous Structures and Heat Pipes
Two-phase nano- and micro-thermal control device research is now proving relevant to a growing range of modern applications, including those in cryogenics, thermal engineering, MEMS, and aerospace engineering. Until now, researchers have lacked a definitive resource that provides a complete review of micro- and nano-scale evaporative heat and mass transfer in capillaries-porous structures. Transport Phenomena in Capillary-Porous Structures and Heat Pipes covers the latest experiemental research efforts in two-phase thermal control technology research and development. The book covers vaporization heat transfer and hydrodynamic processes occurring in capillary channels and porous structures—paying particular attention to the physical mechanisms of these phenomena. Extensive experimental research activities on unique film and photo materials of boiling inside slits, capillaries, and capillary-porous structures are reviewed. By providing a complete record of research in the field, this volume gives researchers, engineers, and practitioners working on vaporization heat transfer and hydrodynamic processes the findings needed to avoid unnecessary experimental efforts, and will help further the development of this dynamic area of research.
Taylor & Francis Inc Modelling Urban Development with Geographical Information Systems and Cellular Automata
Urban development and migration from rural to urban areas are impacting prime agricultural land and natural landscapes, particularly in the less developed countries. These phenomena will persist and require serious study by those monitoring global environmental change. To address this need, various models have been devised to analyze urbanization and the physical, socioeconomic, and institutional factors impacting urban development. The most promising and rapidly developing of these paradigms take advantage of new Geographical Information System (GIS) technology. Modelling Urban Development with Geographical Information Systems and Cellular Automata presents one such cutting-edge model that is more than just predictive. It describes how the model simulates the urbanization process, and it provides theoretical context to promote understanding. Starting with a practical overview of the modelling techniques used in urban development research, the author focuses on the cellular automata model and its greatest strength – the incorporation of fuzzy set and fuzzy logic approaches through which urban development can be viewed as a spatially and temporally continuous process. Real-Life Application to Develop Future Planning Methods The text describes a landmark study underway, in which the fuzzy constrained cellular automata model has been implemented in a GIS environment to simulate urban development in Sydney, Australia. Featuring a survey of associated research and a geographical database for the Sydney simulation, this book answers many general "what if" questions for urban planners and details a new approach that they can adapt to their own testing and evaluation needs. This modeling method will provide researchers and planners with the means to not just predict population trends, but to better prepare for their consequences.
Taylor & Francis Inc Analog and VLSI Circuits
Featuring hundreds of illustrations and references, this volume in the third edition of the Circuits and Filters Handbook, provides the latest information on analog and VLSI circuits, omitting extensive theory and proofs in favor of numerous examples throughout each chapter. The first part of the text focuses on analog integrated circuits, presenting up-to-date knowledge on monolithic device models, analog circuit cells, high performance analog circuits, RF communication circuits, and PLL circuits. In the second half of the book, well-known contributors offer the latest findings on VLSI circuits, including digital systems, data converters, and systolic arrays.
Taylor & Francis Inc Chemical and Biological Properties of Food Allergens
In the U.S. alone, severe food-related allergic reactions account for an estimated 30,000 emergency room visits and 150 deaths per year – unsettling statistics for food product developers and manufacturers who are charged with ensuring food safety and quality throughout the entire farm-to-table production chain. Providing the clear-cut information necessary to conduct an effective allergen risk analysis, Chemical and Biological Properties of Food Allergens comprehensively examines the chemical, analytical, technological, and medical aspects of food allergies and the growing problem of cross-contact contamination during product processing.With contributions from an international team of research specialists, the book explains the basic mechanisms of allergenic reactions in humans, the molecular background of these mechanisms, and the problems of food tolerance and intolerance. It also discusses the issues related to common treatments of food allergies and the narrow groups into which they are categorized. Covering the most important recognized allergens in the U.S. and the EU, this resource also explores cutting-edge technological and biotechnological ways to lower the immuno-reactive and allergenic properties of foods. Chemical and Biological Properties of Food Allergens evaluates the current research literature in a concise format – a must for food product developers and biochemists.
Taylor & Francis Inc Developmental Toxicology
Highlighting latest advances in genetics and biochemistry, the completely revised Third Edition reviews the field from basic science, clinical, epidemiological, and regulatory perspectives. Contributions from top opinion leaders in the field bring together developments in molecular embryology and cell biology as they apply to problems in developmental toxicology. It covers testing of pharmaceutical and environmental agents and interpretation of developmental toxicology data, highlighting mathematical and statistical techniques, as well as the effects of toxic exposure on the functional development of various organs.The relationship between maternal and developmental toxicology is examined, in addition to current techniques for studying chemical disposition, metabolism, and placental transfer. Close attention is given to the regulatory aspects of testing and risk assessment. Pre- and postconceptional clinical care and genetic factors in clinical developmental toxicology are also discussed.Key topics include: the roles of apoptosis and signal transduction pathways in normal and abnormal development the role of epigenetic changes in development the role of nutrition and individual susceptibility the utility of bioinformatics global and targeted gene expression changes
Taylor & Francis Inc Industrial Safety and Health for Goods and Materials Services
Industrial Safety and Health for Goods and Materials Services focuses on the safety requirements of the wholesale and retail trades, including warehousing. This detailed text describes the hazards associated with chemicals, compressed gases, and fire. In addition to discussing the ergonomics behind hand tools, ladders, machine guarding, material handling, and industrial trucks, the book: Addresses interventions and preventive approaches to help ensure a safe workplace Uses real-world examples and relevant illustrations Provides guidance on removal, delimiting, and mitigation of safety and health hazards Includes safety checklists and other tools for immediate use Identifies energy source exposures, potential hazards, and applicable regulations This resource provides a comprehensive review of applicable safety standards that impact these industries, and addresses how to work with OSHA to comply with its regulations. This text is a valuable reference for promoting safety in the workplace, and every manager in these fields would benefit from a copy.
Taylor & Francis Inc Quantifying and Understanding Plant Nitrogen Uptake for Systems Modeling
Discusses New Advancements to Improve Existing Simulations of Plant NitrogenWritten by research pioneers and leading scientists in the area of agricultural systems, Quantifying and Understanding Plant Nitrogen Uptake for Systems Modeling comprehensively covers plant N uptake in agricultural system models, especially for building soil-plant system models. The text illustrates how to minimize the transportation of nitrogen fertilizers in crop production to surface and ground waters, as even moderate errors in uptake estimations lead to a dramatic increase in the amount of nitrogen leached into groundwater. It also highlights the knowledge gaps preventing correct simulation of this process and explains what to look for when using a system model and interpreting simulation results. Applies to a Variety of Crops, Including Oilseed, Wheat, Potatoes, and MaizeAddressing quantification and synthesis in the context of system modeling, this text introduces cutting-edge and original information regarding N uptake not previously offered by other research texts in the field. This, in turn, benefits scientists, professors, system modelers, and model users in interpreting modeling results for enhancing nitrogen management and developing decision support tools. This volume documents, with complex, detailed models, plant N uptake based on absorption kinetics of transporters across the root cell membranes, mass flow, and diffusion to the root surface of single or composite roots. It also provides simpler models used in N uptake simulations at the field and watershed scales.Discusses All Areas of the Complex ProcessIn addition to the important processes of nitrogen translocation, remobilization, and grain protein formation, the book documents various philosophies, mechanisms, and scales in simul
Taylor & Francis Inc Food Engineering Aspects of Baking Sweet Goods
Most baking books do not focus on the simultaneous heat and mass transfer that occurs in the baking process, thereby ignoring a fundamental facet of process and product development. Addressing the engineering and science elements often ignored in current baking books, Food Engineering Aspects of Baking Sweet Goods explores important topics in understanding the baking process and reviews recent technological advances.With contributions from various international authorities on food science, engineering, and technology, the book covers the rheology of cake batter and cookie dough, cake emulsions, the physical and thermal properties of sweet goods, and heat and mass transfer during baking. It also presents the science of soft wheat products, including the quality of soft wheat, the functions of ingredients in the baking of sweet goods, and the chemical reactions during processing. In addition, the contributors discuss cake and cookie technologies as well as recent advances in baking soft wheat products. The final chapter examines the nutritional issues of consuming fats and sugars and presents general strategies for substituting fats and sugars in baked products. Taking an engineering approach to the field, this volume delineates the complex food process of baking, from ingredients to production to finished product.
Taylor & Francis Inc Unique Chips and Systems
Which came first, the system or the chip? While integrated circuits enable technology for the modern information age, computing, communication, and network chips fuel it. As soon as the integration ability of modern semiconductor technology offers presents opportunities, issues in power consumption, reliability, and form-factor present challenges. The demands of emerging software applications can only be met with unique systems and chips. Drawing on contributors from academia, research, and industry, Unique Systems and Chips explores unique approaches to designing future computing and communication chips and systems.The book focuses on specialized hardware and systems as opposed to general-purpose chips and systems. It covers early conception and simulation, mid-development, application, testing, and performance. The chapter authors introduce new ideas and innovations in unique aspects of chips and system design, then go on to provide in-depth analysis of these ideas. They explore ways in which these chips and systems may be used in further designs or products, spurring innovations beyond the intended scopes of those presented. International in flavor, the book brings industrial and academic perspectives into focus by presenting the full spectrum of applications of chips and systems.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Wireless Quality of Service: Techniques, Standards, and Applications
Focusing on an important and complicated topic in wireless network design, Wireless Quality of Service: Techniques, Standards, and Applications systematically addresses the quality-of-service (QoS) issues found in many types of popular wireless networks.In each chapter, the book presents numerous QoS challenges encountered in real-world applications and delineates ways to overcome these obstacles. Some of the challenges explored are performance impairments in WLAN hotspots, video streaming applications, and broadband wireless access. The techniques and mechanisms covered to tackle these problems include medium access and call admission control techniques, a parameter tuning algorithm, the QoS-enabling features of IEEE 802.11e, a Markov chain model, a probe-based distributed admission control mechanism, topology-transparent scheduling protocols, and a novel multicast congestion control mechanism. Addressing advanced topics and future directions, the expert contributors acknowledge the need for more research to solve several open issues. In the meantime, they offer innovative solutions to solve current QoS problems.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Using Technology to Transform the Value Chain
Since the end of the tech bubble and 9/11, the number of breakthrough technologies supporting value chain management has increased significantly, especially those involving sensors and wireless. When these trends are combined with the monumental shift in global economies, the result is a new set of disciplines for global business leaders. Demonstrates How Connectivity Streamlines Company ProcessesThis authoritative volume illustrates how companies, through the implementation of web-based and secure tracking technologies such as RFID and wireless sensors, can: Reduce costs Increase sales through connectivity to customers and markets Enable greater use of fixed assets Accelerate working capital turns Enable acquisitions Examines Impact of Tracking Technology on Global Shipping, Pharmaceutical, and Agribusiness IndustriesUsing Technology to Transform the Value Chain provides specific reviews of existing technologies and supply chain activities and places special emphasis on the needed architecture for the accelerating extended supply chain. In addition to evaluating the costs and benefits of satellite communications, it also takes an in-depth look at how technology is transforming agribusiness by allowing for more efficient tracking of all livestock. The steps outlined in this seminal work help companies secure their competitive edge and produce groundbreaking change in the way the conduct business.
Taylor & Francis Inc Health Capital and Sustainable Socioeconomic Development
Given ongoing worldwide calamities such as famine, natural disasters, and drug abuse, international attention has increasingly focused upon disease detection, prevention, containment, and treatment. Serving an unmet need in the marketplace, Health Capital and Sustainable SocioeconomicDevelopment highlights mounting evidence of the strong relationship between human capital and socioeconomic development and poses management strategies from international and interdisciplinary sources. With a fresh perspective, scholars and practitioners in the health and sustainable development fields address such issues as healthcare and education, funding for healthcare services, and the impact of legal and political policies on healthcare needs.An original contribution to the subject, this indispensable reference not only analyzes diverse worldwide health crises and their causes, but also provides insights into effective, pragmatic, and sustainable solutions. Broad Range of Topics Illuminated in a Readable and Pertinent Manner Encompassing theory and practice within three distinct sections, the text begins by examining social and cultural issues including HIV/AIDS and alcohol, with an emphasis on the role of collaborative networks in developing countries. The second part delves into economic considerations as they pertain to western healthcare and low-income countries. It spotlights healthcare in the United States, analyzes Iraq as a case study of the brain drain of health capital, and explores sustainable development as a tangible step toward famine elimination. The book concludes with a thorough analysis of legal and political ramifications, from the social and economic benefits of ending the war on drugs to a human rights approach to healthcare commercialization. Features authors from the Max Planck Institute, Columbia University, the London School of Economics, the Russian Academy of Sciences, Care Perú, and other prestigious institutions
Taylor & Francis Inc Cancer Epigenetics
During the past few decades, it has become increasingly apparent that heredity is not the sole determining factor in disease development, such as cancer. This landmark work covers a wide array of aspects in the relatively new area of epigenetics, ranging from its role in the basic mechanisms of tumorigenesis, to the newest epigenetic drugs being developed and used for cancer therapy.Cancer Epigenetics presents in-depth discussions of DNA methylation alterations, histone and RNA modifications, and nucleosome remodeling, which are all intimately involved in the formation of tumors. It also analyzes metabolic influences on cancer epigenetics and advances in epigenetic cancer gene therapy. Discusses the Latest Advances in the Role of Epigenetics in Tumor Initiation, Progression, and Metastasis With stand-alone chapters written by research pioneers in the field, this definitive resource covers— DNA methylation and cancerHistone modifications in cancerEmerging areas of cancer epigeneticsEpigenetics in the diagnosis, prognosis, and therapy of cancerFuture directions in epigenetic cancer researchBringing together different topics into a single compilation, this text is a prime resource for those with interests ranging from the basic mechanisms of tumor biology to cancer therapy. It also serves as a core textbook for advanced courses with a focus on genetic diseases, molecular biology, and/or cancer. This seminal work answers the call for a thorough and authoritative reference that covers the critical and contemporary aspects of this revolutionary field.
Taylor & Francis Inc Defects in Microelectronic Materials and Devices
Uncover the Defects that Compromise Performance and ReliabilityAs microelectronics features and devices become smaller and more complex, it is critical that engineers and technologists completely understand how components can be damaged during the increasingly complicated fabrication processes required to produce them.A comprehensive survey of defects that occur in silicon-based metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) technologies, this book also discusses flaws in linear bipolar technologies, silicon carbide-based devices, and gallium arsenide materials and devices. These defects can profoundly affect the yield, performance, long-term reliability, and radiation response of microelectronic devices and integrated circuits (ICs). Organizing the material to build understanding of the problems and provide a quick reference for scientists, engineers and technologists, this text reviews yield- and performance-limiting defects and impurities in the device silicon layer, in the gate insulator, and/or at the critical Si/SiO2 interface. It then examines defects that impact production yield and long-term reliability, including: Vacancies, interstitials, and impurities (especially hydrogen) Negative bias temperature instabilities Defects in ultrathin oxides (SiO2 and silicon oxynitride) Take A Proactive Approach The authors condense decades of experience and perspectives of noted experimentalists and theorists to characterize defect properties and their impact on microelectronic devices. They identify the defects, offering solutions to avoid them and methods to detect them. These include the use of 3-D imaging, as well as electrical, analytical, computational, spectroscopic, and state-of-the-art microscopic methods. This book is a valuable look at challenges to come from emerging
Taylor & Francis Ltd WiMAX/MobileFi: Advanced Research and Technology
WiMAX is bringing about a worldwide revolution in broadband wireless access, including both fixed and mobile handsets. The IEEE 802.16 working group standardized most aspects of WiMAX signaling messages. However, several algorithms were left unspecified opening the door for innovations in protocol engineering for 802.16/802.20-based broadband wireless systems. Get Connected to the WiMAX Revolution WiMAX/MobileFi: Advanced Research and Technology brings together the world’s leading WiMAX researchers to present progressive techniques in the design, analysis, and optimization of protocols for WiMAX. This ground-breaking, previously unpublished, collection of papers addresses topics such as connection admission control, integration with WiFi Networks, QoS support, handoff management, scheduling algorithms, and load-balancing just to name a few. Written under the leadership of editor Yang Xiao, member of the IEEE 802.11 working group, WiMAX/MobileFi: Advanced Research and Technology represents the most cutting-edge survey of WiMAX technologies. It provides a foundation to support currently emerging applications as well as fuel the development of future innovations.
Taylor & Francis Inc Hatred, Lies, and Violence in the World of Islam
Hatred, Lies, and Violence in the World of Islam examines the torrential flood of anti-Israeli, anti-Jewish, and anti-Zionist propaganda that permeates many Muslim societies. Raphael Israeli locates the source of this anti-Semitic sentiment in the inadequacies and insecurities of Muslim states. By demonizing and delegitimizing Israel and Jews, they seek to eliminate a successful counterexample of their own failures, thus putting an end to their own "humiliation."Beyond mapping the distribution of anti-Israel and anti-Jewish propaganda in the Arab and Islamic worlds, Israeli uses case-studies to illustrate the premises of this study: the Palestinians, who have a direct stake in battling Israel; Turkey, which now claims leadership of the Arab and Sunni Muslim worlds; and Shi'ite Iran, which provides a more extreme example of both hatred and disregard for fact and history while threatening to destroy Israel.Israeli documents the worldwide collaboration between Jew-haters of all sorts, explaining the exponential growth of Jew-hatred on the Internet, with thousands of new hate sites added every year, outpacing Jew-hatred in the traditional media. He places anti-Semitism in a broader tradition of political lies and political deceit. In the final chapter, Israeli considers the possibility of reversing anti-Jewish agitation in Muslim countries, which he finds unlikely because so many of the region's regimes are built on foundations of anti-Semitism.
Taylor & Francis Inc Robert F. Kennedy in the Stream of History
This assessment of the statesmanship, principles, and policies of Robert F. Kennedy places him "in the stream of history," to assess what came before his time in political life, what happened during that time, and what happened to his legacy after his assassination. Terrence Edward Paupp evaluates the themes and issues RFK confronted, responded to, and for which he provided visionary solutions.Paupp first chronicles the influence of Franklin D. Roosevelt's legacy as a prologue to the New Frontier and Great Society. During Robert F. Kennedy's time in power—both in his brother's administration and on his own in the US Senate—he struggled with striking a balance between power and purpose. In the years after John F. Kennedy's assassination, RFK emphasized the need to unite power and purpose, national and international concerns, ideals and practice. Much of this has been ignored, Paupp argues, by what C. Wright Mills called "the power elite."In assessing RFK's statesmanship, Paupp examines his commitments to human and civil rights, which linked themes and ideals within the US to those struggles taking place outside the country. Robert F. Kennedy brought zeal and passion to these problems by discussing the moral necessity of honouring human dignity while articulating practical solutions, policies, and programs to structural injustice. His legacy remains a beacon of light, intelligence, and hope in today's world.
Taylor & Francis Inc The Serpentine Wall: The Winding Boundary Between Church and State in the United States
The Serpentine Wall is chronologically structured, befitting a history of church-state separation in the United States. It begins with a history of ideas approach to the European backgrounds and colonial American experiments in theocracy and freedom of religion. It covers pre-modern American debates about religious freedom among the founding generation right up through the nineteenth century. The final section of the book focuses on the separation of church and state and how this has become a matter determined by the Supreme Court.The resolution of the proper interpretation of the religious clauses of the First Amendment and the course of the boundary between church and state has been slow. Many changes that took place throughout the nineteenth and the first half of the twentieth century have influenced the increasingly circuitous route taken by the Serpentine Wall between the two. The result has been an increased focus on social issues involving questions of interpretation of the establishment and free exercise clauses of the First Amendment.The founding of the United States was a unique event in human history and the result of factors that are unlikely to be repeated. To understand the founding of a democratic country with a unique arrangement between church and state, it is important to view that development as both a product of and a departure from what had come before. Harris' interesting, unique, philosophical viewpoint will be important to those interested in how the roles of church versus state have evolved in the United States.
Taylor & Francis Inc A General Drama of Pain: Character and Fate in Hardy's Major Novels
This motivational analysis of the protagonists in Thomas Hardy's three most widely read novels--Tess of the d'Urbervilles, The Mayor of Casterbridge, and Jude the Obscure--highlights an often-overlooked aspect of his art. Bernard J. Paris shows Hardy's genius in creating imagined human beings. He demonstrates that while Hardy tends to blame external conditions for his characters' painful fates, their downfalls are due to a very complex combination of cosmic, social, and psychological factors. Hardy's characters are usually discussed primarily in thematic terms. The characters are are so richly portrayed, Paris argues, that they can be better understood independent of Hardy's interpretations, in motivational terms and he utilizes the psychologist Karen Horney's theories to recover Hardy's intuitions. The characters are full of inner conflicts that make them difficult to fathom, but the approach Paris employs explains their contradictions and illuminates their troubled relationships--shedding light on these expertly crafted imagined human beings. This psychological approach to Hardy's characters enables us to understand his characters and gain insight into the implied authors of the works. In addition, the approach shows Hardy's authorial personality. We can see that Hardy treats some defensive strategies more sympathetically than others. Given his view of life as "a general drama of pain," resignation, like that of Hardy's character Elizabeth-Jane, is the strategy he prefers.
Taylor & Francis Inc Strategic Contracting for Health Systems and Services
Until the start of the new century, efforts to strengthen health systems focused solely on the public sector and health programs overseen by public bodies. The private sector was sidelined in certain countries and even banned in others. At the same time, some private-sector stakeholders readily adapted themselves to this special situation so as to avoid becoming part of a structured health system.This volume notes profound changes in health care around the world in two areas. The stakeholders involved in the health sector are increasing in number and diversifying as a result of the development of the private sector. They are also responding to a process of democratization and decentralization. These developments have been paralleled by greater functional differentiation. Various stakeholders are increasingly specializing in particular areas of the health system: service delivery, procurement, management, financing, and regulation.The interdependence of health stakeholders becomes more evident along with the increased complexity of delivery systems as these respond to changing demand. There is a compelling need to forge relationships. Such relationships are in fact emerging in developed countries and, more recently, in developing countries. They may be informal, but are increasingly organized and structured.
Taylor & Francis Inc Mobile Communication: Dimensions of Social Policy
In the few short decades since their commercial deployment, 5 billion people—about three-quarters of all humanity, including children—have become mobile phone users. No technology has even approached the mobile phone's wildfire success. Effects of this success are apparent everywhere, ranging from accident scenes and earthquake rescue efforts to demeanor in the classroom and at dinner tables. No one interested in the next generation of issues provoked by the mobile communication revolution will want to miss this important new collection of essays.The mobile phone has given near-transcendent power to ordinary people. All aspects of social life have been touched by mobile technology. An ever-growing host of tracking, immersion, gaming, and commercial applications are becoming available. The community of mobile communication scholars has blossomed from a handful of pioneers a decade ago to a large and dynamic intellectual community that spans the globe. Area researchers have gained much insight into cultural, symbolic, and social interaction aspects of mobile communication as well as its relevance to commerce.To address the social policy dimension of the mobile communication revolution, this volume presents analyses by leading thinkers in the field. The volume offers novel and keen insights into the topic. Subjects include the role of mobiles in policy formation and evaluation in several areas including the mobile-digital divide and political campaigns. Also explored are processes and policy implications of mobiles in creating or alleviating social problems including social isolation and family dispersion. Other chapters analyze social policies for mobile devices, including attempts to regulate the use of the technology and to understand and moderate its potential harm to human health. The contributors' scope ranges across five continents and they address concerns at local, national, and international levels.
Taylor & Francis Inc Diseases and Diagnoses: The Second Age of Biology
Diseases and Diagnoses discusses why such social problems as addiction, sexually transmitted diseases, racial predisposition for illness, surgery and beauty, and electrotherapy, all of which concerned thinkers a hundred years ago, are reappearing at a staggering rate and in diverse national contexts. In the twentieth century such problems were viewed as only historical concerns. Yet in the twenty-first century, we once again find ourselves confronting their implications.In this fascinating volume, Gilman looks at historical and contemporary debates about the stigma associated with biologically transmitted diseases. He shows that there is no indisputable way to measure when a disease or therapy will reappear, or how it may be perceived at any given moment in time. Consequently, Gilman focuses on the socio-cultural and political implications that the reappearance of such diseases has had on contemporary society. His approach is to show how culture (embedded in cultural objects) both feeds and is fed by the claims of medical science-as for example, the reappearance of "race" as a cultural as well as a medical category.If the twentieth century was the "age of physics," in the latter part of the past century and certainly in the twenty-first century biological concerns are recapturing central stage. Achievements of the biological sciences are changing the public's sense of what constitutes cutting-edge science and medicine. None has captured the public imagination more effectively than the mapping of the human genome and the promise of genetic manipulation, which fuel what Gilman calls a "second age of biology." Although not without controversy, the role of genetics appears to be key. Gilman puts contemporary debates in historical context, showing how they feed social and cultural concerns as well as medical possibilities.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Grotius and Law
The essays collected for this volume represent the best scholarly literature on Hugo Grotius available in the English language. In the English speaking world Grotius is not as well known as his fellow 17th century political philosophers, Thomas Hobbes or John Locke, but in legal theory Grotius is at least as important. Even on central political concepts such as liberty and property, Grotius has important views that should be explored by anyone working in legal and political philosophy. And Grotius’s work, especially De Jure Belli ac Pacis, is much more important in international law and the laws of war than anyone else’s work in the 17th or 18th centuries. This volume is therefore useful not only to Grotius scholars, but also to anyone interested in historical and modern debates on key issues in political and legal philosophy more broadly, and international law in particular.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Crime, Law and Society: Selected Essays
Malcolm Feeley’s work is well-known to scholars around the world and has influenced two generations of criminologists and legal scholars. He has written extensively on crime and the legal process and has published numerous articles in law, history, social science and philosophy journals; two of his books, The Process is the Punishment and Court Reform on Trials, have won awards. This volume brings together many of his better-known articles and essays, as well as some of his lesser-known but nevertheless important contributions, all of which share the common theme of the value of the rule of law, albeit a more sophisticated concept than is commonly embraced. The selections also reveal the full range of his interests and the way in which his research interests have developed.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Right to Bodily Integrity
The right to bodily integrity has become a notable controversial issue within moral, political and legal discourse and this right is regarded as one of the most precious rights that persons have, alongside the right to life. Recent scholarly debate has focused attention on the content, scope and force of this right and has lead to the recognition that a better understanding of the nature of this right will contribute to determining whether and why a multitude of clinical and research activities in medical practice should be seen as permissible or impermissible. The essays selected for this volume examine topics such as pregnancy and reproduction, altering children’s bodies, transplantation, controversial modifications and surgeries, and experimentation and dead bodies. This is the first collection of scholarly research articles to provide a comprehensive overview of the ethical and legal aspects of the right to bodily integrity and its implications in theory and practice.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Thomas Salmon Writings on Music
Taylor & Francis Ltd Latin Expansion in the Medieval Western Mediterranean
While Latin expansion stalled in the Eastern Mediterranean in the late Middle Ages, Islam lost ground to Christendom in the west - in the Spanish Levant, the islands of the Western Mediterranean, and even on the Maghribi coast, where conquerors and colonists from the northern shore of the sea established footholds. Edited by Eleanor Congdon, with an introduction by Felipe Fernández-Armesto and James Muldoon, this collection of classic studies illuminates the problems of how the expansion occurred and why it was slow and limited. The volume broaches fundamental questions of Mediterranean history formulated by Henri Pirenne and Fernand Braudel. The place of the late medieval Western Mediterranean in the history of the sea as a whole and of European overseas expansion generally emerges with new clarity, as the reader re-traces the process of formation of one of the world’s great frontiers between civilizations. Important work by Maria Teresa Ferrer i Mallol appears in translation for the first time, alongside pieces by such leading authorities as David Abulafia, Robert I. Burns, S.J., Miguel Angel Ladero Quesada, and Hilmar C. Krueger.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Practices of Crusading: Image and Action from the Eleventh to the Sixteenth Centuries
The crusades influenced western European society in the middle ages far beyond the military campaigns themselves. Reactions and involvement did not always follow the assumptions of ideology or supporters, medieval or modern. In this wide ranging collection of articles spanning thirty years, Christopher Tyerman explores the relationships between action and perception, ambition and practice, propaganda and support. One section concentrates on the role the crusade played in the politics and elite culture of the early fourteenth century, particularly in France. A further series of essays examines the nature of crusading as a phenomenon from the twelfth to the sixteenth centuries, notably the contrasts between official, literary and popular reception, and how it was variously understood by contemporaries and promoted by apologists in England, continental Europe and the Baltic. Finally, the structure of crusading armies is explored in a sequence that analyses the organisation of expeditions, including communal decision-making on the First Crusade, the sociology of recruitment and, in a previously unpublished major study, the importance of pay to crusaders from 1096 onwards.The crusades influenced western European society in the middle ages far beyond the military campaigns themselves. Reactions and involvement did not always follow the assumptions of ideology or supporters, medieval or modern. In this wide ranging collection of articles spanning thirty years, Christopher Tyerman explores the relationships between action and perception, ambition and practice, propaganda and support. One section concentrates on the role the crusade played in the politics and elite culture of the early fourteenth century, particularly in France. A further series of essays examines the nature of crusading as a phenomenon from the twelfth to the sixteenth centuries, notably the contrasts between official, literary and popular reception, and how it was variously understood by contemporaries and promoted by apologists in England, continental Europe and the Baltic. Finally, the structure of crusading armies is explored in a sequence that analyses the organisation of expeditions, including communal decision-making on the First Crusade, the sociology of recruitment and, in a previously unpublished major study, the importance of pay to crusaders from 1096 onwards.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Legal Theory and Legal History: Volume IV
What can legal theorists learn from legal historians? What guidance can historians take from theorists? What theoretical questions underlie legal historical investigations? These are the questions explored and answered by the articles selected in this volume. Taken together, these papers show that the future of historical jurisprudence is a bright one. This is a jurisprudence that can yield insights about how to conceptualise legal change, how to give voice to those operating outside of legal officialdom, and how to understand the relationship between law and politics. The papers selected range from the challenge to legal positivism from the perspective of the history of the common law, to the latest methodological debates in socio-historical jurisprudence. The volume contains a substantive introduction and a detailed bibliography.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Islamic Villa in Early Medieval Iberia: Architecture and Court Culture in Umayyad Córdoba
Exploring the aristocratic villas and court culture of Córdoba, during its 'golden age' under the reign of the Umayyad dynasty (r. 756-1031 AD), this study illuminates a key facet of the secular architecture of the court and its relationship to the well-known Umayyad luxury arts. Based on textual and archaeological evidence, it offers a detailed analysis of the estates' architecture and gardens within a synthetic socio-historical framework. Author Glaire Anderson focuses closely on the Córdoban case study, synthesizing the archaeological evidence for the villas that has been unearthed from the 1980s up to 2009, with extant works of Andalusi art and architecture, as well as evidence from the Arabic texts. While the author brings her expertise on medieval Islamic architecture, art, and urbanism to the topic, the book contributes to wider art historical discourse as well: it is also a synthetic project that incorporates material and insights from experts in other fields (agricultural, economic, and social and political history). In this way, it offers a fuller picture of the topic and its relevance to Andalusi architecture and art, and to broader issues of architecture and social history in the caliphal lands and the Mediterranean. An important contribution of the book is that it illuminates the social history of the Córdoban villas, drawing on the medieval Arabic texts to explain patterns of patronage among the court elite. An overarching theme of the book is that the Córdoban estates fit within the larger historical constellation of Mediterranean villas and villa cultures, in contrast to long-standing art historical discourse that holds villas did not exist in the medieval period.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Psychology of Employee Empowerment: Concepts, Critical Themes and a Framework for Implementation
The complexities of employee empowerment have been largely underestimated and it is clear that organisations struggle with putting the concept into practice. Rozana Ahmad Huq recognises that effective utilisation of human resources is a strategic issue for organisations. Hierarchical organisations struggle to survive. The growing trend for downsizing and merging of organisations means that they can no longer maintain the 'command and control' approach and employees are given more responsibility and expected to take decisions. However, simply burdening employees with extra responsibility without empowering them does not deliver results. Drawing on her own research in organisations, Dr Huq investigates the concept of empowerment in a new way that combines themes from the disciplines of management and social work, the latter being a domain where empowerment is an important construct. This helps to bridge the gaps in knowledge in the management domain and draws attention to the positive and negative psychological implications for employees of the practice of empowerment that are often ignored by leaders and managers. Ultimately, the author offers a 'practice model' to help people in management and non-management understand the new roles and behaviours that they need to adopt if empowerment is to become a reality. This book is a resource for any business or other organisation genuinely interested in employee empowerment and for those with a responsibility for teaching about it.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Design Methods and Practices for Research of Project Management
Design Methods and Practices for Research of Project Management is the most comprehensive guide on how to do research of and in project management. Project management as a discipline has experienced near-exponential growth in its application across the business and not-for-profit sectors. This second edition of the authoritative reference book offers a substantial update on the first edition with over 60% new content and so provides both practitioner and student researchers with a fully up-to-date and complete guide to research practice on project management.In Design Methods and Practices for Research of Project Management, Beverly Pasian and Rodney Turner have brought together 27 original chapters from many of the leading international thinkers in project management research. The collection looks at each step in the research stages, including research strategy, management, methodology (quantitative and qualitative), techniques as well as how to share and publish research findings. The chapters offer an international perspective with examples from a wide range of project management applications; engineering, construction, mega-projects, high-risk environments and social transformation. Each chapter includes tips and exercises for the research student, as well as a complete set of further references.The book is the go-to text for practitioners undertaking research in companies, and also doctoral and masters students and their supervisors who are involved in research projects in and for universities.