Search results for ""author thomas""
Amicus Ink ¿Qué Pasaría Si Nunca Te Bañaras?
Amicus Ink ¿Qué Pasaría Si Solo Comieras Chocolate?
Amicus Ink ¿Qué Pasaría Si Nunca Durmieras?
Amicus Learning What Would Happen If You Only Ate Chocolate?
Quirk Books The Jersey Shore Cookbook: Fresh Summer Flavors from the Boardwalk and Beyond
Whether you're relaxing in your shore house or counting the days until your next beachside vacation, you can always eat your way down the shore when The Jersey Shore Cookbook is in reach. These timeless, delicious recipes represent the best edibles from the Garden State, drawn from 50 iconic and well-loved shore town restaurants, bakeries, and markets. Gorgeous full-colour photography spotlights fresh local ingredients-clams, corn, blueberries, tomatoes, and more-along with profiles of the eateries and farmstands they come from. Add some atmospheric shots of the Jersey Shore and you've got the perfect roadmap for the best beach trip ever, even if you travel no farther than your very own dinner table.
Jewish Lights Publishing Hopkins: The Mystic Poets
Discover How Hopkins's Spiritual Life and Vision Can Enlighten Your Own "Poetry and art and music seize upon the human experience in ways that reveal new possibilities of intimacy with the Divine. In the way they reach out and grab us by the heart at unexpected times, they reaffirm that the Holy will meet us when it chooses.…" —from the Preface by Rev. Thomas Ryan, CSP Gerard Manley Hopkins, Christian mystical poet, is beloved for his use of fresh language and startling metaphors to describe the world around him. Beneath the surface of this lovely verse lies a searching soul, wrestling with and yearning for God. Hopkins writes from a Christian background, and yet his themes speak to people of all faiths who seek a deeper understanding of the presence of God in all of life. This beautiful sampling of Hopkins's poetry offers a glimpse into his unique spiritual vision that continues to inspire readers throughout the world. The poems unite his two devotions, presenting mystical images of Christ in the natural world, which serve as a window through which you might also begin to see the Divine Presence in the world around you.
North Atlantic Books,U.S. Your Self-Motivated Baby: Enhance Your Baby's Social and Cognitive Development in the First Six Months through Movement
Rowman & Littlefield Endless Sea: Alone around Antarctica--As Far South as a Boat Can Sail
Amyr Klink, whose sailing exploits have made him a hero in Brazil, tells of his daring singlehanded circumnavigation below the Antarctic Convergence. Surfing the waves in his custom-built 50-foot "aluminum red truck," PARATII, Klink enjoys the quiet confidence that comes from proper planning, common-sense technology, and a lifelong fascination with the history of Southern Ocean sailing. A modern Moitessier, sailing before an Aerorig mast, Klink proves his seamanship handling tricky boat repairs while underway, navigating icebergs, negotiating gales and williwaws, and surfing gigantic waves.
Orbis Books (USA) Journeys on the Edges: The Celtic Tradition
Coffee House Press Jakarta
Fulcrum Publishing Hudson: The Story of a River
In a series of lyrical paintings, Thomas Locker captures the majesty of the Hudson for readers, both young and young at heart.
Broadview Press Ltd Confessions of an English Opium-Eater
Confessions of an English Opium-Eater remains its author’s most famous and frequently-read work and one of the period’s central statements about both the power and terror of imagination. De Quincey describes the intense “pleasures” and harrowing “pains” of his opium use in lyrical and dramatic prose. A notorious success since its 1821 publication, the work has been an important influence on philosophers, theorists, and psychologists, as well as literary writers, of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. But Confessions is only one part of a larger confessional project conceived by De Quincey over the course of his writing career. Gathered together in this edition, these texts provide a fascinating glimpse of early nineteenth-century British aesthetic, medical, psychological, political, philosophical, social, racial, national, and imperialist attitudes. This edition includes the 1821 text of Confessions, its important sequel Suspiria de Profundis (1845), and its sequel, The English Mail-Coach (1849), as well as extensive appendices.
Capstone Press My First Day at School
Capstone Press Schools Have Rules
Picture Window Books Schools Have Rules
Picture Window Books What's That Sound, Cinderella?: The Fairy-Tale Physics of Sound
Picture Window Books Keep It Simple, Rapunzel!: The Fairy-Tale Physics of Simple Machines
Stone Arch Books Robot Ruckus
Stone Arch Books Phantom's Favorite
Stone Arch Books Ghostly Goalie
Stone Arch Books Lost: A Wild Tale of Survival
Sourcebooks, Inc 1-2-3 Magic Workbook: An Interactive Parenting Resource
An interactive supplement to the bestselling parenting book 1-2-3 Magic — now in its second edition!"1-2-3 Magic made parenting fun again.""I highly recommend this book to any parent who is spending more time yelling at or nagging their children than smiling at and laughing with them.""All I have to say is that the ideas in this book really WORK! It really is like magic!""It's such a relief to not feel like I'm constantly yelling at someone! If you want to see a fast improvement in your child's behavior, check out 1-2-3 Magic."1-2-3 Magic allows you to get back in charge of your home and enjoy your kids again by helping you set limits for your children, and by breaking down the complex task of parenting into three straightforward steps:1. Controlling Obnoxious Behavior: Learn an amazingly simple technique to get the kids to STOP doing what you don't want them to do (whining, arguing, tantrums, sibling rivalry, etc.) 2. Encouraging Good Behavior: Learn several effective methods to get your kids to START doing what you want them to do (picking up, eating, going to bed—and staying there!, chores, etc.)3. Strengthening Your Relationships: Learn powerful techniques that reinforce the bond between you and your children.In the 1-2-3 Magic Workbook, the program's simple steps are explained in greater detail, and each workbook chapter contains a summary, questions about the content, case studies, troubleshooting exercises, and wrap-up bullets. In addition to providing material for parents, this guide includes curricula and activities for group leaders and teachers, as well as tactics for addressing the challenges that commonly arise when trainers teach the method in group environments. Extensive reference and resources sections also suggest further research and follow-up study.For years, millions of parents from all over the world have used the award-winning 1-2-3 Magic program to help them raise happier, healthier families and put the fun back into parenting.
Capstone Press How Do You Measure Length and Distance? (Measure it!)
Picture Window Books The Legend of the Loch Ness Monster
Georgetown University Press Counter Display&12bks-Declara Pb
Urban Institute Press,U.S. Policy Into Action: Implementation Research and Welfare Reform
The sweeping changes of 1996's welfare reform legislation are more than just new policies. They represent a profound transformation of the character and structure of social policy institutions in the United States, a shift from a bureaucratic, centralized mode for income transfer, to a "professional" mode aimed at complex behavioral change. The evaluation community has responded with a shift from traditional impact analyses to implementation studies that get inside the skin of this new, more flexible structure. Implementation research explores the translation of concepts into working policies and programs, and evaluates how well the administrative and management dimensions of these policies work, and how the programs are experienced by all involved. Policy into Action offers state-of-the-art thinking on implementation research from leading policy researchers and evaluation practitioners.
Fordham University Press The Common Growl: Toward a Poetics of Precarious Community
No longer able to read community in terms colored by a romantic nostalgia for homogeneity, closeness and sameness, or the myth of rational choice, we nevertheless face an imperative to think the common. The prominent scholars assembled here come together to articulate community while thinking seriously about the tropes, myths, narratives, metaphors, conceits, and shared cultural texts on which any such articulation depends. The result is a major contribution to literary theory, postcolonialism, philosophy, political theory, and sociology.
University Press of America Proceedings of the Sixth International Kant Congress: Current Continental Research
This volume of invited papers includes contributions from Douglas P. Dryer, Gerhard Funke, Stephan Korner, Gerold Prauss, Nicholas Rescher, Manfred Riedel, Alberto Rosales, Nathan Rotenstreich, John R. Silber, Jules Vuillemin, and Josef Simon. There is also a selected Kant bibliography for 1981 to 1985 prepared by Rudolf Malter in cooperation with Achim Koddermann. Co-published with the Center for Advanced Research in Phenomenology.
Hoover Institution Press,U.S. From Protest to Challenge, Vol. 1: A Documentary History of African Politics in South Africa, 1882-1964: Protest and Hope, 1882-1934
This remarkable collection of material is as relevant today as when it was first published; graphically demonstrating the native African's struggle for peace, freedom, and equality in his native land during the 19th and 20th centuries.
The Catholic University of America Press Exegetical Epistles
The Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers series of the 19th century rendered into English many of Jerome's treatises and letters while bypassing his biblical commentaries as well as some of his most important exegetical letters. This omission, which was not helpful to scholarship, was probably due to the great length of these works. Although the problem was partly remedied by some new English translations of the 20th century, the present volume fills a significant lacuna by translating into English the Scriptural exegesis that Jerome conveyed in his relatively unknown epistles, many of which were composed in response to queries he had received from various correspondents. Many of these letters are presented here for the first time in English.Based on the Hilberg edition, this volume contains new translations, introduced and annotated, of Jerome's Epistles 18-21, 25-30, 34-37, 42, 53, 55-56, 59, 64-65, 72-74, 78, 85, 106, 112, 119-121, 129, 130, and 140. Two newly translated letters from the famous exchange with Augustine over the meaning of Galatians 2:11-14 are included (Epp. 56 and 112), as well as a new rendering of Ep. 130 to Demetrias (which technically is not an ""exegetical"" letter but does present important information about the Pelagian controversy). Overall, this collection hopes to serve as a useful introduction to Jerome's approach to biblical interpretation, of both the Old and the New Testament. Some letters focus on the historical meaning of Pauline and Gospel texts, while others contain allegorical expositions of Old Testament passages. Jerome's competence as a Hebrew scholar will become evident to the reader of this volume as well as his thorough acquaintance with the antecedent Greek and Latin Christian exegetical traditions.
New Directions Publishing Corporation In the Dark Before Dawn: New Selected Poems
A new, broad, comprehensive view of the innovative poetry of the late, great Trappist monk and religious philosopher Thomas Merton. Poet, Trappist monk, religious philosopher, translator, social criticthe late Thomas Merton was all these things. Until now, no selection from his great body of poetry has afforded a comprehensive view of his varied and largely innovative work. In the Dark Before Dawn: New Selected Poems of Thomas Merton is not only double the size of Merton's earlier Selected Poems (1967), it also arranges his poetry thematically and chronologically, so that readers can follow the poet's multifarious interrelated lines of thought as well as his poetic development over the decades, from his college days in the 1930s to his untimely accidental death in Bangkok in 1968 during his personal Eastern pilgrimage. The selections are grouped under eight thematic headings"Geography's Landscapes," "Poems from the Monastery," "Poems of the Sacred," "Songs of Contemplation," "History's Voices: Past and Present," "Engaging the World," "On Being Human," "Merton and Other Languages."
Louisiana State University Press Deep Water: The Mississippi River in the Age of Mark Twain
Mark Twain's visions of the Mississippi River offer some of the most indelible images in American literature: Huck and Jim floating downstream on their raft, Tom Sawyer and friends becoming pirates on Jackson's Island, the young Sam Clemens himself at the wheel of a steamboat. Through Twain's iconic river books, the Mississippi has become an imagined river as much as a real one. Yet despite the central place that Twain's river occupies in the national imaginary, until now no work has explored the shifting meaning of this crucial connection in a single volume.Thomas Ruys Smith's Deep Water: The Mississippi River in the Age of Mark Twain is the first book to provide a comprehensive narrative account of Twain's intimate and long-lasting creative engagement with the Mississippi. This expansive study traces two separate but richly intertwined stories of the river as America moved from the aftermath of the Civil War toward modernity. It follows Twain's remarkable connection to the Mississippi, from his early years on the river as a steamboat pilot, through his most significant literary statements, to his final reflections on the crooked stream that wound its way through his life and imagination. Alongside Twain's evolving relationship to the river, Deep Water details the thriving cultural life of the Mississippi in this period, from roustabouts to canoeists, from books for boys to blues songs, and highlights a diverse collection of voices each telling their own story of the river. Smith weaves together these perspectives, putting Twain and his creations in conversation with a dynamic cast of river characters who helped transform the Mississippi into a vibrant American icon.By balancing evocative cultural history with thought-provoking discussions of some of Twain's most important and beloved works, Deep Water gives readers a new sense of both the Mississippi and the remarkable writer who made the river his own.
Princeton University Press The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Retirement Series, Volume 8: 1 October 1814 to 31 August 1815
Volume eight of the project documenting Thomas Jefferson's last years presents 591 documents dated from 1 October 1814 to 31 August 1815. Jefferson is overjoyed by American victories late in the War of 1812 and highly interested in the treaty negotiations that ultimately end the conflict. Following Congress' decision to purchase his library, he oversees the counting, packing, and transportation of his books to Washington. Jefferson uses most of the funds from the sale to pay old debts but spends some of the proceeds on new titles. He resigns from the presidency of the American Philosophical Society, revises draft chapters of Louis H. Girardin's history of Virginia, and advises William Wirt on revolutionary-era Stamp Act resolutions. Jefferson criticizes those who discuss politics from the pulpit, and he drafts a bill to transform the Albemarle Academy into Central College. Monticello visitors Francis W. Gilmer, Francis C. Gray, and George Ticknor describe the mountaintop and its inhabitants, and Gray's visit leads to an exchange with Jefferson about how many generations of white interbreeding it takes to clear Negro blood. Finally, although death takes his nephew Peter Carr and brother Randolph Jefferson, the marriage of his grandson Thomas Jefferson Randolph is a continuing source of great happiness.
Princeton University Press The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Volume 33: 17 February to 30 April 1801
Under normal circumstances, Thomas Jefferson would have had more than two months to prepare for his presidency. However, since the House of Representatives finally settled a tied electoral vote only on 17 February 1801, he had two weeks. This book, which covers the two-and-a-half-month period from that day through April 30, is the first of some twenty volumes that will document Jefferson's two terms as President of the United States. Here, Jefferson drafts his Inaugural Address, one of the landmark documents of American history. In this famous speech, delivered before a packed audience in the Senate Chamber on March 4, he condemns "political intolerance" and asserts that "we are all republicans: we are all federalists," while invoking a policy of "friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none." Jefferson appoints his Cabinet members and deals with the time-consuming process of sifting through the countless appeals and supporting letters of recommendation for government jobs as he seeks to reward loyal Republicans and maintain bipartisan harmony at the same time. Among these letters is one from Catharine Church, who remarks that only women, excluded as they are from political favor or government employment, can be free of "ignorant affectation" and address the president honestly. Jefferson also initiates preparations for a long cruise by a squadron of American warships, with an unstated expectation that their destination will probably be the Barbary Coast of the Mediterranean.
Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group Inc Tess of the d'Urbervilles
Little, Brown & Company The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson
This volume, containing all of Emily Dickinson's lyrics, presents biographical data about the poet and information about previous collections of her works.
Columbia University Press Enemies Near and Far: How Jihadist Groups Strategize, Plot, and Learn
Although the United States has prioritized its fight against militant groups for two decades, the transnational jihadist movement has proved surprisingly resilient and adaptable. Many analysts and practitioners have underestimated these militant organizations, viewing them as unsophisticated or unchanging despite the ongoing evolution of their tactics and strategies.In Enemies Near and Far, two internationally recognized experts use newly available documents from al-Qaeda and ISIS to explain how jihadist groups think, grow, and adapt. Daveed Gartenstein-Ross and Thomas Joscelyn recast militant groups as learning organizations, detailing their embrace of strategic, tactical, and technological innovation. Drawing on theories of organizational learning, they provide a sweeping account of these groups’ experimentation over time. Gartenstein-Ross and Joscelyn shed light on militant groups’ most effective strategic and tactical moves, including attacks targeting aircraft and the use of the internet to inspire and direct lone attackers, and they examine jihadists’ ability to shift their strategy based on political context. While militant groups’ initial efforts to upgrade their capabilities often fail, these attempts should generally be understood not as failures but as experiments in service of a learning process—a process that continues until these groups achieve a breakthrough.Providing unprecedented historical and strategic perspective on how jihadist groups learn and evolve, Enemies Near and Far also explores how to anticipate future threats, analyzing how militants are likely to deploy a range of emerging technologies.
The University of Chicago Press The Structure of Scientific Revolutions: 50th Anniversary Edition
A good book may have the power to change the way we see the world, but a great book actually becomes part of our daily consciousness, pervading our thinking to the point that we take it for granted, and we forget how provocative and challenging its ideas once were-and still are. "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions" is that kind of book. When it was first published in 1962, it was a landmark event in the history and philosophy of science. And fifty years later, it still has many lessons to teach. With "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions", Kuhn challenged long-standing linear notions of scientific progress, arguing that transformative ideas don't arise from the day-to-day, gradual process of experimentation and data accumulation, but that revolutions in science, those breakthrough moments that disrupt accepted thinking and offer unanticipated ideas, occur outside of "normal science," as he called it. Though Kuhn was writing when physics ruled the sciences, his ideas on how scientific revolutions bring order to the anomalies that amass over time in research experiments are still instructive in our biotech age. This new edition of Kuhn's essential work in the history of science includes an insightful introductory essay by Ian Hacking that clarifies terms popularized by Kuhn, including paradigm and incommensurability, and applies Kuhn's ideas to the science of today. Usefully keyed to the separate sections of the book, Hacking's essay provides important background information as well as a contemporary context. Newly designed, with an expanded index, this edition will be eagerly welcomed by the next generation of readers seeking to understand the history of our perspectives on science.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Woo, Wow, and Win: Service Design, Strategy, and the Art of Customer Delight
In this pioneering guide, two business authorities introduce the new discipline of Service Design and reveal why trying new strategies for pleasing customers isn't enough to differentiate your business-it needs to be designed for service from the ground up. Woo, Wow, and Win reveals the importance of designing your company around service, and offers clear, practical strategies based on the idea that the design of services is markedly different than manufacturing. Bestselling authors and business experts Thomas A. Stewart and Patricia O'Connell contend that most companies, both digital and brick-and-mortar, B2B or B2C; are not designed for service-to provide an experience that matches a customer's expectations with every interaction and serves the company's needs. When customers have more choices than ever before, study after study reveals that it's the experience that makes the difference. To provide great experiences that keep customers coming back, businesses must design their services with as much care as their products. Service Design is proactive-it is about delivering on your promise to customers in accordance with your strategy, not about acceding to customer dictates. Woo, Wow, and Win teaches you how to create "Ahhh" moments when the customer makes a positive judgment, and to avoid Ow" moments-when you lose a sale or worse, customer trust. Whether you're giving a haircut, selling life insurance, or managing an office building, your customer is as much a part of your business as your employees are. Together, you and customers create a bank of trust; fueled by knowledge of each other's skills and preferences. This is Customer Capital, the authors explain, and it is jointly owned. But it's up to you to manage it profitably. Innovative yet grounded in real world examples, Woo, Wow, and Win is the key strategy for winning customers-and keeping them.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Applied Psychology Readings: Selected Papers from the Singapore Conference on Applied Psychology 2021
This book is a compilation of the best papers presented at the 2021 edition of the Singapore Conference of Applied Psychology (SCAP) organised and facilitated by East Asia Research in Singapore. The selection of papers addresses the latest innovations, trends, concerns and practical challenges encountered in the field, and poses practical solutions within the field of applied psychology. The theme for 2021 is psychological well-being, and so the collection covers aspects of clinical and non-clinical psychological well-being in different arenas, from education to the workplace. Following a rigorous peer-review process led by the School of Psychology at the University of Derby, this collection is a valuable resource for academics, researchers and practitioners looking to keep themselves up-to-date with recent research in the field. The book is of interest to educators and practitioners in applied psychology focused on well-being.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Change-Strategien für die Medienbranche: Digitale Transformation und Investments als Zukunftsperspektive – Strategien, Konzepte und Umsetzung
Dieses Buch gibt einen fundierten Überblick über Change- und Corporate-Venture-Capital-Strategien im Mediensektor. Viele Medienunternehmen stehen vor der Herausforderung, das eigene (Kern-)Geschäft weiterzuentwickeln sowie eine deutlichere Orientierung am Kundennutzen zu verfolgen und dennoch die eigene kreative und publizistische Mission beizubehalten. Darüber hinaus gilt es, neue Geschäftsfelder aufzubauen und den Ankauf von Unternehmen oder die Beteiligung an Start-ups voranzutreiben. Der dabei erforderliche Spagat zwischen strategischen und finanziellen Zielen sowie die operative Umsetzung stellen eine beachtliche Herausforderung dar.Die Branchenexperten analysieren in ihren Beiträgen die vielfältigen Potenziale sowie konkrete Maßnahmen und Best Cases. Dabei kommen Medieninsider und medienunabhängige Experten zur Sprache, die die Change-Strategien, -Maßnahmen und -Fallstudien beleuchten und neue Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten aufzeigen.Beitragsautoren (in der Reihenfolge der Beiträge): Daniel Kempf, Dr. Ramona Lermer (Mediengruppe Pressedruck – pd digital) Dennis Ahrling (GMPVC German Media Pool) Carsten Schicker (Bauer Media Group) Manfred Neufang (BZ.medien) Julia Horneber (Die Unternehmenswandler) Prof. Dr. Matthias Sure (Hochschule Fresenius für Wirtschaft & Medien Köln) Isabel Nina Russ (profil), Daniel Keiper-Knorr (SpeedInvest) Nico Lumma, Christoph Hüning (NMA Venture Capital) Johannes Heinen (Heinen-Verlag) Prof. Dr. Friederike Bing (Hochschule für Medien, Wirtschaft und Kommunikation Köln) Johannes Hauner, Stefan Hilscher (Süddeutsche Zeitung Digitale Medien) Romy Schnelle, Kilian von Berlichingen (High-Tech Gründerfonds) Juliane Koch-Herlyn, Georgia Hädicke (i-potentials) Christian Knott (Capnamic Ventures)
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Allgemeine und Anorganische Chemie: Eine Einführung
Für viele Menschen ist die Chemie eine schwer verständliche Wissenschaft, und die Hemmschwelle, sich mit ihr auseinanderzusetzen, ist entsprechend groß. Insbesondere der Einstieg wird erschwert durch physikalische und mathematische Modelle und Grundlagen, die eher abschrecken als erklären. Wie gut wäre es, ein Buch zu haben, welches auf die detaillierte Beschreibung dieser komplexen Modelle zu Beginn verzichtet und diese erst ins Spiel bringt, wenn sie zum weiteren Verständnis notwendig werden? Das vorliegende Buch besticht nicht nur durch den klaren und leicht verständlichen Schreibstil der Autoren, der auch junge Menschen anspricht, sondern durch einen ganz neuen didaktischen Ansatz. Der Einstieg in die spannende Welt der Chemie erfolgt über die anorganische Stoffchemie, und die andernorts meist schwer verständlichen physikalischen und mathematischen Grundlagen werden erst behandelt, wo sie in direktem Zusammenhang zum Thema stehen. So kann der Leser nach und nach in die Materie "hineinwachsen" - Aha-Erlebnisse nicht ausgeschlossen! -, ohne gleich zu Beginn abgeschreckt oder gar frustriert zu werden. Dadurch wird dieses Buch der ideale Begleiter für Studierende der Chemie im Bachelor- und Lehramtsstudiengang, aber auch für Studierende mit Nebenfach Chemie und für all diejenigen, die sich gezwungenermaßen mit Chemie auseinandersetzen müssen. Lehrer der gymnasialen Oberstufe können Anregungen für ihre Unterrichtsgestaltung gewinnen, und Schülern kann das Werk eine Entscheidungshilfe bei der Suche nach dem richtigen Studienfach sein. Vielleicht ist es ja doch Chemie?
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen für Dummies
Dieses Buch führt Sie sachte in die Denkweisen des Fachs "Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen" ein. Es erklärt Informatik-Anfängern Terminologie, Notation und zentrale Inhalte des Fachgebiets auf anschauliche und sehr unterhaltsame Weise. Ein Fokus sind die Techniken und Tricks, die Sie brauchen, um effiziente Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen zu bauen. Sie werden auch in die Lage versetzt, Pseudocode in der typischen akademischen Darstellung zu verstehen und in unterschiedlichen Programmiersprachen zu realisieren oder umgekehrt grundlegende algorithmische Ideen als Pseudocode zu dokumentieren.
Thieme Publishing Group Complications in Vascular Interventional Therapy: Case-Based Solutions
Learn to avoid and manage complications from actual endovascular cases Complications in Vascular Interventional Therapy: Case-Based Solutions provides a systematic review of potential complications that may occur during endovascular procedures. This compendium features 106 cases from daily interventional practice that highlight the most common and important complications that can arise. Each case presents a concise account of patient history, initial treatment, problems encountered, and resulting complication; potential solutions for managing the complication; discussion and analysis of the final course of action; and valuable tips and take-home messages for complication prevention. Key Features: Covers thrombosis, arterial hemorrhage, vessel perforation, distal embolization, device malfunction, access-related complications, and much more A total of 106 real-life cases with 540 images to engage the reader and enhance problem-solving skills A wealth of information and advice for optimizing patient safety before, during, and after interventional therapy Take-home messages at the end of each case provide vital prevention strategies Further Reading and References for exploring topics of interest Complications in Vascular Interventional Therapy: Case-Based Solutions is an invaluable sourcebook for novice and experienced interventional radiologists, vascular surgeons, angiologists, and cardiologists. The clinical cases and practical details found in this book will help all physicians who perform peripheral vascular interventions prepare for the myriad complications they may encounter during endovascular procedures.
Thieme Publishing Group Management of Smell and Taste Disorders: A Practical Guide for Clinicians
A modern, practical handbook on smell and taste disorders written by clinicians for clinicians Recent breakthroughs in the diagnosis and treatment of smell and taste disorders have dramatically altered clinical outcomes for these patients. In this important book, readers will get a full overview of the topic today, including functional anatomy, pathophysiology, diagnostic and clinical work-up, assessment techniques, medical and surgical options, and more. Focused and to-the-point, the book is especially designed for physicians treating patients in the everyday practice setting. Special Features: Covers the most important advances in diagnostic and treatment techniques Provides a clear methodology for examining, testing, classifying, diagnosing, and treating a wide range of idiopathic, congenital, and acquired smell and taste disorders Explores the use of MRI for improved visualization of central olfactory areas, including the lesions and other disturbances that cause olfactory disorders Offers new information on the interaction between the chemical senses, especially important in medicolegal cases Includes more than 130 full-color diagrams, clinical pathways, tables, photographs, and anatomic illustrations that clarify all concepts Complete with expert foundational chapters on the anatomy and structure of the olfactory and gustatory systems, as well as compelling information on quality-of-life issues, this book makes a major contribution to the field. It is essential for otolaryngologists, neurologists, internists, residents, and other specialists treating patients with smell and taste disorders in a modern clinical setting.
Waldorf Publications Earth Science for Waldorf Schools
Hans-Ulrich Schmutz has developed a comprehensive curriculum for teaching earth science in Steiner-Waldorf High Schools (Years 9 to 12, age 15 to 18) which is consistent with the developmental stages of high school students.His consistent and carefully developed curriculum guides the student from geology through the dynamics of ocean currents and global climatology, crystallography, technology, and economic geography to astronomy and paleontology.All these subjects are provided with new and interesting point of views, which gradually contribute to a discovery of the living and the connection between earth and the human being.