Search results for ""author paul f."
John Wiley and Sons Ltd An Illustrated Guide to Oral Histology
An Illustrated Guide to Oral Histology Learn more about the histological presentation of diseased and normal oral tissues with this high definition illustrated dental referenceAn Illustrated Guide to Oral Histology delivers a collection of high-definition histological and pathological images, presenting both diseased and normal oral tissues.The book provides over 200 high-magnification histomicrographs of oral tissues, as well as definitions and explanations of key identifying histological and pathological features of oral tissues. Readers will also benefit from explanations of the clinical significance of particular features, numerous images of ground sections, haemotoxylin- and eosin-stained sections, and electron images. It also includes core topics such as:An introduction to tooth development, including the bud, cap, early bell, and late bell stagesA thorough exploration of enamel, dentin, cementum and dental pulpA discussion of the periodontal ligament, including alveolar crest fibers, horizontal, oblique, apical, and inter-radicular fibers, transseptal fibers, and gingival fibersA guide to alveolar bone, oral mucosa, and salivary glandsPerfect for postgraduate dental students, An Illustrated Guide to Oral Histology will also be useful to undergraduate dental students, and those looking to improve their understanding of the microscopic structure of dental tissues and their pathologies.
Pluto Press Global Trends and Global Governance
Which global issues have the most impact on our lives at the beginning of the 21st century? What's the relationship between developments in politics, ecology, the economy, security, and systems of global government? How do we as individuals address the problems that they raise in an increasingly globalised world? Global Trends and Global Governance is a practical guide that explains the key political, economic, ecological and social factors that shape the process of globalisation. Drawing on information from UN reports, the book is packed with useful facts and figures that elucidate these complex ideas. It includes analysis of the US economy and US foreign policy as part of a wider critique of UN unilateralism, revealing the need to establish more co-operative and inclusive forms of global politics.
Penguin Random House Children's UK The Christmasaurus and the Winter Witch
The eagerly-anticipated sequel to Tom Fletcher's bestselling magical adventure, The Christmasaurus.'She is the best-kept Christmas secret of all,' whispered Santa Claus. 'Which is surprising, because she is so powerful that Christmas itself would not exist without her. She is older than time itself, yet still as young as tomorrow. She is known only as the Winter Witch.' A year has passed since a boy named William Trundle had an incredible adventure with the most extraordinary dinosaur: the Christmasaurus. Now, William is about to be swept back to the North Pole, and meet the icy, mysterious and magical Winter Witch, whose power to control time allows Santa to travel all around the world on Christmas Eve. And when William learns that the fate of Christmas hangs in the balance, he and the Christmasaurus must risk everything to save it . . .Full of magic, music, and a friendship like no other, The Christmasaurus and the Winter Witch is the most enchanting Christmas read for the whole family.
Scion Publishing Ltd Mastering Medical Exams: A systems-based approach
Systems-based practice exams based on past papers. Working through past papers is an essential part of exam preparation and practice questions such as the ones in this book are a vital resource for medical school success. The questions represent common, universal medical themes and practising them in a question and answer style will bolster your learning of key facts and help you to remember them for exams and ultimately clinical practice. The book takes a systems-based approach, with answers presented in a way that will consolidate your knowledge: they are succinct and to the point. The practice papers in this book have been written to help you ace your exams by testing your knowledge, improving your exam technique, and working on your time management!
Chaosium Inc Call of Cthulhu: Keeper Rulebook
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Pediatric Incontinence: Evaluation and Clinical Management
Pediatric incontinence: evaluation and clinical management offers urologists practical, 'how-to' clinical guidance to what is a very common problem affecting up to 15% of children aged 6 years old. Introductory chapters cover the neurophysiology, psychological and genetic aspects, as well as the urodynamics of incontinence, before it moves on to its core focus, namely the evaluation and management of the problem. All types of management methods will be covered, including behavioural, psychological, medical and surgical, thus providing the reader with a solution to every patient's specific problem. The outstanding editor team led by Professor Israel Franco, one of the world’s leading gurus of pediatric urology, have recruited a truly stellar team of contributors each of whom have provided first-rate, high-quality contributions on their specific areas of expertise. Clear management algorithms for each form of treatment support the text, topics of controversy are covered openly, and the latest guidelines from the ICCS, AUA and EAU are included throughout. Perfect to refer to prior to seeing patients on the wards and in the clinics, this is the ideal guide to the topic and an essential purchase for all urologists, pediatric urologists and paediatricians managing children suffering from incontinence.
Marvel Comics Spider-man 2099: Exodus
Wolters Kluwer Health Musculoskeletal Imaging: A Core Review
Prepare for success on the musculoskeletal imaging component of the radiology Core Exam! Musculoskeletal Imaging: A Core Review, Second Edition, is an up-to-date, practical review tool written specifically for the Core Exam. This helpful resource contains 300 image-rich, multiple-choice questions with detailed explanations of right and wrong answers, fully revised content, high-yield tables for easy review, and additional eBook questions to ensure you’re ready for the Core Exam or recertification exam. Features questions in all exam areas, including imaging basics, normal anatomy, congenital and developmental spine/extremity anomalies and dysplasias, infection, tumors and tumor-like conditions, trauma, metabolic and hematologic disorders, arthropathy, and more. Accompanies each question with 1 or 2 high-quality radiographs, CT, MR, or ultrasound images. Provides concise answers with explanations of each choice followed by relevant, up-to-date references. Follows the structure and content of what you’ll encounter on the test, conveniently organized by topic. Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone. Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH Proceedings of the 5th Polish-German Teletraffic Symposium
North Carolina Office of Archives & History History of African Americans in North Carolina
Rebellion Publishing Ltd. Judge Dredd: Blaze of Glory
"I’d struggle to overstate how much I enjoy and admire Al Ewing’s work [...] A typical Ewing story is technically ambitious, ethically astute, and intellectually playful. In short; great fun." - Sequart Go on patrol and see Mega-City One - and beyond - through the eyes of Al Ewing (Immortal Hulk), one of the most original writers in comics, as Judge Dredd dispenses justice to mutants, laidback religious cults, the Sex Olympics and Santa Claus. But when polite ex-stripper Zombo appears in his dimension, has old Stoney Face finally met his match?Collecting many of Ewing’s outrageous Dredd stories for the first time and featuring an all-star cast of artists, including Liam Sharp (Green Lantern, Wonder Woman), John Higgins (Dreadnoughts: Breaking Ground, Judge Dredd, Watchmen), Simon Fraser (Judge Dredd, Nikolai Dante) and Ben Willsher (Roy of the Rovers, Judge Dredd), this is an essential collection for fans of the Law.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Die spirituelle Dimension in Coaching und Beratung
Coaching ist zurzeit eine der gefragtesten Beratungsleistungen in Organisationen fÃ"r die Lösung beruflicher Problemstellungen. Was jedoch zunehmend viele Coaches und Berater bewegt, sind Fragen nach dem grundlegenden Sinn ihrer Arbeit, nach der Passung des Berufs mit Ã"bergeordneten Lebenszielen und letztlich nach der eigenen Berufung in einem gröÃeren Zusammenhang. Gerade Menschen in den FÃ"hrungspositionen der Unternehmen haben zunehmend den Wunsch, mit ihrer Tätigkeit einen sinnstiftenden Beitrag zu leisten, gleichzeitig werden die Anforderungen im komplexen Organisationsalltag immer anspruchsvoller. Dort, wo die Sinndimension zu kurz kommt, werden Symptome wie Entfremdung und Burnout wahrscheinlicher, worunter schlieÃlich auch die reale Leistung der Menschen und Organisationen leidet.Die Auseinandersetzung mit dieser existenziellen Suche nach Sinn, persönlicher Weiterentwicklung und einem gröÃeren Eingebundensein ist seit jeher das Anliegen spiritueller Traditionen. Eine zeitgemäÃe Auseinandersetzung mit Spiritualität bietet daher fÃ"r die Profession des Coaching und der Beratung zukÃ"nftig eine wesentliche Ressource. Dazu stellt der Band konzeptuelle, methodische und theoretische Ansätze vor, die die Rolle spiritueller Haltung und Praxis im Setting von Einzel-Coaching, Beratung und Ausbildung beleuchten und Kompetenzen wie Achtsamkeit, Intuition und Inspiration im Kontext einer postmodernen Lebens- und Arbeitswelt fördern helfen.
Turtle Point Press Blue Label
“One part Scheherazade, two parts Boccaccio, a twist of Bolaño, and a dash of bitters. Blue Label is intoxicating, hilarious, and the best novel on the calamity that is today’s Venezuela.”—Carmen Boullosa "This deftly and idiomatically translated novel . . . a quest of sorts, as a high school student in Chávez's Venezuela tries to make sense of love and life . . . packs a punch on many levels: personal, political, and even mythic." —Kirkus Reviews (starred review) Eugenia Blanc, a young Caraqueñan and quintessential teenager at war with the world around her, has one aim: after graduating from high school, to abandon Venezuela definitively. She embarks on a spontaneous road trip in a banged-up Fiat with her rebellious classmate Luis Tévez, in search of her grandfather, the one person who can provide her with the documents that would allow her to leave the country. While Eugenia and Luis’s tentative, troubled romance unfolds during the Chávez era, the story also looks back at Venezuela’s “lost decade” of the 1990s, a time of intractable violence, inequality, corruption, and instability that led to Chávez’s election. With an unvarnished fluidity that brings to mind Jack Kerouac and a crazy-ass playlist that ranges from REM to Bob Dylan to El Canto del Loco to Shakira, Blue Label is an audacious, dark novel with a gut-punch of an ending; the prize-winning first book by a writer who has cemented his reputation as a major young Latin American voice.
Prometheus Books Human, All Too Human
Human, All Too Human (1878) is often considered the start of Friedrich Nietzsche's mature period. A complex work that explores many themes to which Nietzsche later returned, it marks a significant departure from his previous thinking. Here Nietzsche breaks with his early allegiance to Schopenhauer and Wagner, and establishes the overall framework of his later philosophy. In contrast to his previous disdain for science, now Nietzsche views science as key to undercutting traditional metaphysics. This he sees as a crucial step in the emergence of free spirits who will be the avant-garde of culture. In summing up the crucial change of perspective expressed in Human, All Too Human, Nietzsche used the following words in his later work Ecce Homo: "Human, All Too Human is a memorial of a crisis.... [W]ith this book I liberated myself from that in my nature which did not belong to me. Idealism does not belong to me...realities were altogether lacking in my knowledge, and the 'idealities' were worth damn all! A downright burning thirst seized hold of me: thenceforward I pursued in fact nothing other than physiology, medicine, and natural science." This is an essential work for anyone who wishes to understand Nietzsche's incisive critique of Western culture and values.
Crossway Books Art and Music: A Student's Guide
Created to help students better understand and evaluate art and music, this accessible guide introduces readers to the study of aesthetics in artistic expression.
Dr Ludwig Reichert Universitatsbibliothek Augsburg: Wertvolle Handschriften Und Einbande Aus Der Ehemaligen Oettingen-Wallersteinschen Bibliothek
Oxford University Press Oxford Guide to Low Intensity CBT Interventions
Mental disorders such as depression and anxiety are increasingly common. Yet there are too few specialists to offer help to everyone, and negative attitudes to psychological problems and their treatment discourage people from seeking it. As a result, many people never receive help for these problems. The Oxford Guide to Low Intensity CBT Interventions marks a turning point in the delivery of psychological treatments for people with depression and anxiety. Until recently, the only form of psychological intervention available for patients with depression and anxiety was traditional one-to-one 60 minute session therapy - usually with private practitioners for those patients who could afford it. Now Low Intensity CBT Interventions are starting to revolutionize mental health care by providing cost effective psychological therapies which can reach the vast numbers of people with depression and anxiety who did not previously have access to effective psychological treatment. The Oxford Guide to Low Intensity CBT Interventions is the first book to provide a comprehensive guide to Low Intensity CBT interventions. It brings together researchers and clinicians from around the world who have led the way in developing evidence-based low intensity CBT treatments. It charts the plethora of new ways that evidence-based low intensity CBT can be delivered: for instance, guided self-help, groups, advice clinics, brief GP interventions, internet-based or book-based treatment and prevention programs, with supported provided by phone, email, internet, sms or face-to-face. These new treatments require new forms of service delivery, new ways of communicating, new forms of training and supervision, and the development of new workforces. They involve changing systems and routine practice, and adapting interventions to particular community contexts. The Oxford Guide to Low Intensity CBT Interventions is a state-of-the-art handbook, providing low intensity practitioners, supervisors, managers commissioners of services and politicians with a practical, easy-to-read guide - indispensible reading for those who wish to understand and anticipate future directions in health service provision and to broaden access to cost-effective evidence-based psychological therapies.
Aschendorff Verlag Welt - Geist - Gott: Erkundungen Zu Panpsychismus Und Panentheismus
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Meshing, Geometric Modeling and Numerical Simulation 3: Storage, Visualization and In Memory Strategies
Triangulations, and more precisely meshes, are at the heart of many problems relating to a wide variety of scientific disciplines, and in particular numerical simulations of all kinds of physical phenomena. In Volume 1, the theoretical foundations relating to triangulations, finite element shape functions and their interpretations as geometric patches were explored. This has made it possible to build tools that make the geometric modeling of any object possible. These elements are used in Volume 2 to treat meshing problems in their different implementations. Meshing, Geometric Modeling and Numerical Simulation 3 offers technical additions to the methods seen in the first two volumes and a significant portion of this book is dedicated to mesh visualization problems and solutions, especially those with a high degree of complexity.
Yale University Press Roger Raveel: Retrospection
An extensive retrospective dedicated to Roger Raveel (1921‑2013), one of the most important Belgian painters of the second half of the 20th century Commemorating the centenary of the artist’s birth in 2021, the Centre for Fine Arts – BOZAR will present an extensive retrospective dedicated to Roger Raveel (1921‑2013), considered one of the most important Belgian painters of the second half of the twentieth century. While belonging to the generation of artists that emerged following the Second World War, flanked by Magritte and Panamarenko, Raveel radically defended his own independence from the values commonly associated with this generation, notably the supposed superiority of internationality over all forms of local anchorage. In today’s context of globalized art and its associated stereotypes, Raveel’s choice to draw inspiration from his immediate, intimate surroundings—while always being very well informed about trends in the international art scene—now seems revolutionary, even prophetic. Showcasing some 120 artworks from public and private collections, this catalogue seeks to demonstrate the singularity of Raveel’s pictorial language as it took form over time.Distributed for MercatorfondsExhibition Schedule:BOZAR Centre for Fine Arts, Brussels (February 10–July 04, 2021)
Shoestring Press Selected Poems
Hatherleigh Press,U.S. The Cardiac Recovery Handbook: The Complete Guide to Life After Heart Attack or Heart Surgery
The University of Chicago Press Speaking the Truth about Oneself: Lectures at Victoria University, Toronto, 1982
Now in paperback, this collection of Foucault’s lectures traces the historical formation and contemporary significance of the hermeneutics of the self. Just before the summer of 1982, French philosopher Michel Foucault gave a series of lectures at Victoria University in Toronto. In these lectures, which were part of his project of writing a genealogy of the modern subject, he is concerned with the care and cultivation of the self, a theme that becomes central to the second, third, and fourth volumes of his History of Sexuality. Foucault had always been interested in the question of how constellations of knowledge and power produce and shape subjects, and in the last phase of his life, he became especially interested not only in how subjects are formed by these forces but in how they ethically constitute themselves. In this lecture series and accompanying seminar, Foucault focuses on antiquity, starting with classical Greece, the early Roman empire, and concluding with Christian monasticism in the fourth and fifth centuries AD. Foucault traces the development of a new kind of verbal practice—“speaking the truth about oneself”—in which the subject increasingly comes to be defined by its inner thoughts and desires. He deemed this new form of “hermeneutical” subjectivity important not just for historical reasons, but also due to its enduring significance in modern society.
Afton Historical Society Press Latin Art in Minnesota: Conversations and What’s Next
University of Washington Press Nuclear Reactions: Documenting American Encounters with Nuclear Energy
Nuclear Reactions explores the nuclear consensus that emerged in post–World War II America, characterized by widespread support for a diplomatic and military strategy based on nuclear weapons and a vision of economic growth that welcomed nuclear energy both for the generation of electricity and for other peaceful and industrial uses. Unease about the environmental consequences of nuclear energy and weapons development became apparent by the early 1960s and led to the first challenges to that consensus. The documents in this collection address issues such as the arms race, “mutually assured destruction,” the emergence of ecosystems ecology and the environmental movement, nuclear protests, and climate change. They raise questions about how nuclear energy shaped—and continues to shape—the contours of postwar American life. These questions provide a useful lens through which to understand the social, economic, and environmental tradeoffs embedded within American choices about the use and management of nuclear energy.
University of Washington Press Defending Giants: The Redwood Wars and the Transformation of American Environmental Politics
Giant redwoods are American icons, paragons of grandeur, exceptionalism, and endurance. They are also symbols of conflict and negotiation, remnants of environmental battles over the limits of industrialization, profiteering, and globalization. Since the middle of the nineteenth century, logging operations have eaten away at the redwood forest, particularly areas covered by ancient giant redwoods. Today, such trees occupy a mere 120,000 acres. Their existence is testimony to the efforts of activists to rescue some of these giants from destruction. Very few conservation battles have endured longer or with more violence than on the North Coast of California, behind what locals call the Redwood Curtain. Defending Giants explores the long history of the Redwood Wars, focusing on the ways rural Americans fought for control over both North Coast society and its forests. Activists defended these trees not only because the redwood forest had dwindled in size, but also because, by the late twentieth century, the local economy was increasingly dominated by multinational corporations. The resulting conflict—the Redwood Wars—pitted workers and environmental activists against the rising tide of globalization and industrial logging in a complex war over endangered species, sustainable forestry, and, of course, the fate of the last ancient redwoods. Activists perched in trees and filed lawsuits, while the timber industry, led by Pacific Lumber, fought the lawsuits and used their power to halt reform efforts. Ultimately, the Clinton administration sidestepped Congress and the courts to negotiate an innovative compromise. In the process, the Redwood Wars transformed American environmental politics by shifting the balance of power away from Congress and into the hands of the executive branch.
University of Washington Press The City Is More Than Human: An Animal History of Seattle
Winner of the 2017 Virginia Marie Folkins Award, Association of King County Historical Organizations (AKCHO) Winner of the 2017 Hal K. Rothman Book Prize, Western History Association Seattle would not exist without animals. Animals have played a vital role in shaping the city from its founding amid existing indigenous towns in the mid-nineteenth century to the livestock-friendly town of the late nineteenth century to the pet-friendly, livestock-averse modern city. When newcomers first arrived in the 1850s, they hastened to assemble the familiar cohort of cattle, horses, pigs, chickens, and other animals that defined European agriculture. This, in turn, contributed to the dispossession of the Native residents of the area. However, just as various animals were used to create a Euro-American city, the elimination of these same animals from Seattle was key to the creation of the new middle-class neighborhoods of the twentieth century. As dogs and cats came to symbolize home and family, Seattleites’ relationship with livestock became distant and exploitative, demonstrating the deep social contradictions that characterize the modern American metropolis. Throughout Seattle’s history, people have sorted animals into categories and into places as a way of asserting power over animals, other people, and property. In The City Is More Than Human, Frederick Brown explores the dynamic, troubled relationship humans have with animals. In so doing he challenges us to acknowledge the role of animals of all sorts in the making and remaking of cities.
Arcadia Publishing (SC) The Boston Marathon
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Philosophical and Theological Writings
This volume brings together Rosenzweig's central essays on theology and philosophy, including two works available for the first time in English: the conclusion to Rosenzweig's book Hegel and the State, and Rosenzweig's famous letter to Rudolph Ehrenberg known as the Urzelle of the Star of Redemption, an essential work for understanding Rosenzweig, Weimar theology and philosophy, and German idealism and the existential reaction of the period. Additional selections are presented in new or revised translations. Introduction and notes by Franks and Morgan set Rosenzweig's works in context and illuminate his role as one of the key thinkers of the period.
Carolina Academic Pr Partnership Taxation
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Smolensk 1943: The Red Army's Relentless Advance
With the German defeat at Kursk, the Soviet Stavka (high command) ordered the Western and Kalinin Fronts to launch Operation Suvorov in order to liberate the city of Smolensk. The Germans had held this city for two years and Heeresgruppe Mitte’s (Army Group Centre) 4. Armee had heavily fortified the region. The Soviet offensive began in August 1943 and they quickly realized that the German defences were exceedingly tough and that the Western Front had not prepared adequately for an extended offensive. Consequently, the Soviets were forced to pause their offensive after only two weeks, in order to replenish their combat forces and then begin again. The German 4. Armee was commanded by Generaloberst Gotthard Heinrici, one of the Wehrmacht’s top defensive experts. Although badly outnumbered, Heinrici’s army gamely held off two Soviet fronts for seven weeks. Eventually, the 4. Armee’s front was finally broken and Smolensk was liberated on 25 September 1943. However, the Western Front was too exhausted to pursue Heinrici’s defeated army, which retreated to the fortified cities of Vitebsk, Orsha and Mogilev; the 4. Armee would hold these cities until the destruction of Army Group Centre in June 1944. Operation Suvorov focuses on a major offensive that is virtually unknown in the West and which set the stage for the decisive defeat of Heeresgruppe Mitte in the next summer offensive.
University of Pennsylvania Press The Autobiography of Thomas Jefferson, 1743-1790
In 1821, at the age of seventy-seven, Thomas Jefferson decided to "state some recollections of dates and facts concerning myself." His ancestors, Jefferson writes, came to America from Wales in the early seventeenth century and settled in the Virginia colony. Jefferson's father, although uneducated, possessed a "strong mind and sound judgement" and raised his family in the far western frontier of the colony, an experience that contributed to his son's eventual staunch defense of individual and state rights. Jefferson attended the College of William and Mary, entered the law, and in 1775 was elected to represent Virginia at the Continental Congress in Philadelphia, an event that propelled him to all of his future political fortunes. Jefferson's autobiography continues through the entire Revolutionary War period, and his insights and information about persons, politics, and events—including the drafting of the Declaration of Independence, his service in France with Benjamin Franklin, and his observations on the French Revolution—are of immense value to both scholars and general readers. Jefferson ends this account of his life at the moment he returns to New York to become secretary of state in 1790. Complementing the other major autobiography of the period, Benjamin Franklin's, The Autobiography of Thomas Jefferson, reintroduced for this edition by historian Michael Zuckerman, gives us a glimpse into the private life and associations of one of America's most influential personalities. Alongside Jefferson's absorbing narrative of the way compromises were achieved at the Continental Congress are comments about his own health and day-to-day life that allow the reader to picture him more fully as a human being. Throughout, Jefferson states his opinions and ideas about many issues, including slavery, the death penalty, and taxation. Although Jefferson did not carry this autobiography further into his eventual presidency, the foundations for all of his thoughts are here, and it is in these pages that Jefferson lays out what to him was his most important contribution to his country, the creation of a democratic republic.
Stanford University Press Balance of Power: Theory and Practice in the 21st Century
Since the 16th century, balance of power politics have profoundly influenced international relations. But in recent years—with the sudden disappearance of the Soviet Union, growing power of the United States, and increasing prominence of international institutions—many scholars have argued that balance of power theory is losing its relevance. This book examines the current position and future of balance of power dynamics in international politics. In this book, prominent scholars pay special attention to the theoretical and historical criticisms of balance of power theory while empirically assessing its validity at both global and regional levels. The volume also looks at systemic factors favoring or hindering a return to balance of power politics. It evaluates the challenges posed by subnational actors, such as terrorist groups, and weapons of mass destruction to international order. Further, it examines the relevance of balance of power axioms in selected regions: Western Europe, Eastern Europe, East Asia, South Asia, and Latin America.
The New York Review of Books, Inc Moravagine
John Wiley & Sons Inc People Analytics in the Era of Big Data: Changing the Way You Attract, Acquire, Develop, and Retain Talent
Apply predictive analytics throughout all stages of workforce management People Analytics in the Era of Big Data provides a blueprint for leveraging your talent pool through the use of data analytics. Written by the Global Vice President of Business Intelligence and Predictive Analytics at Monster Worldwide, this book is packed full of actionable insights to help you source, recruit, acquire, engage, retain, promote, and manage the exceptional talent your organization needs. With a unique approach that applies analytics to every stage of the hiring process and the entire workforce planning and management cycle, this informative guide provides the key perspective that brings analytics into HR in a truly useful way. You're already inundated with disparate employee data, so why not mine that data for insights that add value to your organization and strengthen your workforce? This book presents a practical framework for real-world talent analytics, backed by groundbreaking examples of workforce analytics in action across the U.S., Canada, Europe, Asia, and Australia. Leverage predictive analytics throughout the hiring process Utilize analytics techniques for more effective workforce management Learn how people analytics benefits organizations of all sizes in various industries Integrate analytics into HR practices seamlessly and thoroughly Corporate executives need fact-based insights into what will happen with their talent. Who should you hire? Who should you promote? Who are the top or bottom performers, and why? Who is at risk to quit, and why? Analytics can provide these answers, and give you insights based on quantifiable data instead of gut feeling and subjective assessment. People Analytics in the Era of Big Data is the essential guide to optimizing your workforce with the tools already at your disposal.
Elsevier Health Sciences The Eye: Basic Sciences in Practice
The Eye: Basic Sciences in Practice provides highly accessible, one-stop coverage of all the essential basic science required by today's ophthalmologists and optometrists in training. It is also core reading for those embarking on a career in visual and ophthalmic science, as well as an invaluable, current refresher for the range of practitioners working in this area. Building on previous success, this fifth edition has been fully revised in line with current curricula, key research developments and clinical best practice. It succinctly incorporates critical developments in fast-moving fields related to the eye and vision, including genetics, pharmacology, microbiology, immunology, pathology, neurophysiology, neuroanatomy and imaging. Topical coverage includes: Major advances in the search for new genes underpinning disease in ophthalmology The emergence of new infections such as Ebola, Zika and COVID-19 The importance of the gastrointestinal tract as an immune organ and its functional dependence on the microbiome Key aspects of melanopsin, melatonin and new ways of light sensing Also, (print purchasers) benefit from access to the complete, fully searchable electronic text, with integrated video and other bonus materials to further explain and expand on key concepts. This combines to make The Eye a more flexible, comprehensive and engaging learning package than ever before. The only all-embracing textbook of the basic sciences suitable for trainee ophthalmologists, optometrists and vision scientists. Utilising an attractive page design with over 300 colour drawings and 200 photographs this is an attractive and accessible text to learn from. The text presents in a readable form an account of all the basic sciences necessary for an understanding of the eye - anatomy, embryology, genetics, biochemistry, physiology, pharmacology, immunology, microbiology and infection and pathology.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Complications in Orthopaedics: Adult Reconstruction
One of the hallmarks of a master surgeon is the ability to navigate a wide variety of inevitable difficult situations in surgery, whether errors in judgment, technical mistakes, or unavoidable outcomes. Under the leadership of series editor Dr. Stephen R. Thompson, the Complications in Orthopaedics series provides real-world guidance on recognizing and avoiding errors, as well as how to "course-correct during surgery. In this volume, Drs. P. Maxwell Courtney, Yale A. Fillingham, and a team of expert surgeons describe the most common errors and complications of adult reconstruction surgery, focusing on the knee and hip and demonstrating practical solutions that are integral to improving patient outcomes. Covers key topics such as Pain Management Following Total Hip Arthroplasty and Total Knee Arthroplasty, Achieving Balance and Stability During a Total Knee Arthroplasty, Unicompartmental Knee Arthoplasty, Neurovascular Injury in Total Hip Arthroplasty, Post-operative Periprosthetic Fractures in Total Hip Arthroplasty, Hip Preservation: Complications of PAO?, and many more. Describes and offers solutions to the most common or most devastating errors and complications in the practice of adult reconstruction surgery, combining the breadth of knowledge of academic surgeons with the in-the-trenches skills of community surgeons. Uses an easy-to-follow, standardized chapter format that covers preoperative errors, intraoperative issues, and postoperative complications. Includes procedural video clips to reinforce discussions in the text. Features a full-color design with numerous photographs, radiographs, and illustrations. Includes introductory material on relevant anatomy and necessary background information. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Univocal Publishing LLC Struggle and Utopia at the End Times of Philosophy
Very few thinkers have traveled the heretical path that François Laruelle walks between philosophy and non-philosophy. For Laruelle, the future of philosophy is problematic, but a mutation of its functions is possible. Up until now, philosophy has merely been a utopia concerned with the past and only provided the services of its conservation. We must introduce a rigorous and nonimaginary practice of a utopia in action, a philo-fiction—a close relative to science fiction. From here we can see the double meaning of the watchword, a tabula rasa of the future. This new destination is imposed by a specifically human messianism, an eschatology within the limits of the Man-in-person as antihumanist ultimatum addressed to the History of Philosophy. This book elucidates some of the fundamental problems of non-philosophy and takes on its detractors.
Equinox Publishing Ltd Ritual and Democracy: Protests, Publics and Performances
This transdisciplinary and theoretically innovative edited volume contains seven original, research-led chapters that explore complex intersections of ritual and democracy in a wide range of contemporary, cultural and geographic contexts. The volume emerged out of a workshop held at the Open University in London, organized as part of the international research project, 'Reassembling Democracy: Ritual as Cultural Resource' (REDO) funded by the Norwegian Research Council and led by Jone Salomonsen. The chapters document entanglements of the religious and the secular in political assembly and iconoclastic protest, of affect and belonging in pilgrimage and church ritual and politics and identity in performances of self and culture. Across the essays emerges a conception of ritual less as scripts for generating stability than as improvisational spaces and as catalysts for change.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Bloomsbury CPD Library: Middle Leadership
Designing a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) programme can be daunting. Whether you are looking to better your own practice or coach your colleagues, it can be hard to know where to start. But don’t worry, the Bloomsbury CPD Library is here to help! Divided into two unique sections, Teach Yourself and Train Others, these books are perfect for individual teachers, middle leaders, and those looking to introduce whole-school CPD training programmes. Striving to become a middle leader in your school? Already in a middle leadership role but looking to excel? Then this book is for you! Taking an easy-to-follow, chronological approach this book takes you through the five stages of your middle leadership career, from interview preparation to those first steps in role. With a focus on long-term development and progression of practice you are also provided with evaluation strategies and questionnaires, plus a full set of training plans to run your own CPD sessions and help train other aspiring middle leaders. The book is accompanied by PowerPoint slides available to download online for free and in total, it offers 11 hours, 30 minutes of CPD, equating to a cost of just £2.00 per hour of training!
Guilford Publications Mindfulness and Psychotherapy
This practical book has given tens of thousands of clinicians and students a comprehensive introduction to mindfulness and its clinical applications. The book describes the philosophical underpinnings of mindfulness and reviews the growing body of treatment studies and neuroscientific research. Leading practitioners and researchers present clear-cut procedures for implementing mindfulness techniques and teaching them to patients experiencing depression, anxiety, chronic pain, and other problems. Also addressed are ways that mindfulness practices can increase acceptance and empathy in the therapeutic relationship. User-friendly features include illustrative case examples and practice exercises. New to This Edition *Incorporates significant empirical advances--mindfulness has become one of the most-researched areas in psychotherapy. *Most chapters extensively revised or rewritten. *Chapters on practical ethics, trauma, and addictions. *Greater emphasis on the role of acceptance and compassion in mindfulness. See also Sitting Together: Essential Skills for Mindfulness-Based Psychotherapy, by Susan M. Pollak, Thomas Pedulla, and Ronald D. Siegel, a hands-on guide to incorporating mindfulness practices into psychotherapy.
Georgetown University Press Medicine and the Ethics of Care
In these essays, a diverse group of ethicists draw insights from both religious and feminist scholarship in order to propose creative new approaches to the ethics of medical care. While traditional ethics emphasizes rules, justice, and fairness, the contributors to this volume embrace an "ethics of care", which regards emotional engagement in the lives of others as basic to discerning what we ought to do on their behalf. The essays reflect on the three related themes: community, narrative, and emotion. They argue for the need to understand patients and caregivers alike as moral agents who are embedded in multiple communities, who seek to attain or promote healing partly through the medium of storytelling, and who do so by cultivating good emotional habits. A thought-provoking contribution to a field that has long been dominated by an ethics of principle, "Medicine and the Ethics of Care" will appeal to scholars and students who want to move beyond the constraints of that traditional approach.
Oxford University Press Econometric Methods with Applications in Business and Economics
Nowadays applied work in business and economics requires a solid understanding of econometric methods to support decision-making. Combining a solid exposition of econometric methods with an application-oriented approach, this rigorous textbook provides students with a working understanding and hands-on experience of current econometrics. Taking a 'learning by doing' approach, it covers basic econometric methods (statistics, simple and multiple regression, nonlinear regression, maximum likelihood, and generalized method of moments), and addresses the creative process of model building with due attention to diagnostic testing and model improvement. Its last part is devoted to two major application areas: the econometrics of choice data (logit and probit, multinomial and ordered choice, truncated and censored data, and duration data) and the econometrics of time series data (univariate time series, trends, volatility, vector autoregressions, and a brief discussion of SUR models, panel data, and simultaneous equations). · Real-world text examples and practical exercise questions stimulate active learning and show how econometrics can solve practical questions in modern business and economic management. · Focuses on the core of econometrics, regression, and covers two major advanced topics, choice data with applications in marketing and micro-economics, and time series data with applications in finance and macro-economics. · Learning-support features include concise, manageable sections of text, frequent cross-references to related and background material, summaries, computational schemes, keyword lists, suggested further reading, exercise sets, and online data sets and solutions. · Derivations and theory exercises are clearly marked for students in advanced courses. This textbook is perfect for advanced undergraduate students, new graduate students, and applied researchers in econometrics, business, and economics, and for researchers in other fields that draw on modern applied econometrics.
Temple University Press,U.S. Campaign Advertising and American Democracy
Campaign Advertising and American Democracy explores the relationship between exposure to political advertisements and voter behavior. Contrary to widely held beliefs, political ads do not turn people off to politics.
Guilford Publications Mindfulness and Psychotherapy
This practical book has given tens of thousands of clinicians and students a comprehensive introduction to mindfulness and its clinical applications. The book describes the philosophical underpinnings of mindfulness and reviews the growing body of treatment studies and neuroscientific research. Leading practitioners and researchers present clear-cut procedures for implementing mindfulness techniques and teaching them to patients experiencing depression, anxiety, chronic pain, and other problems. Also addressed are ways that mindfulness practices can increase acceptance and empathy in the therapeutic relationship. User-friendly features include illustrative case examples and practice exercises. New to This Edition *Incorporates significant empirical advances--mindfulness has become one of the most-researched areas in psychotherapy. *Most chapters extensively revised or rewritten. *Chapters on practical ethics, trauma, and addictions. *Greater emphasis on the role of acceptance and compassion in mindfulness. See also Sitting Together: Essential Skills for Mindfulness-Based Psychotherapy, by Susan M. Pollak, Thomas Pedulla, and Ronald D. Siegel, a hands-on guide to incorporating mindfulness practices into psychotherapy.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Handbook of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders, Volume 1: Diagnosis, Development, and Brain Mechanisms
The newest edition of the most comprehensive handbook on autism and related disorders Since the original edition was first published more than a quarter of a century ago, The Handbook of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders, Volume 1: Diagnosis, Development, and Brain Mechanisms, has been the most influential reference work in the field of autism and related conditions. The new, updated Fourth Edition takes into account the changes in the disorders' definitions in the DSM-V and ICD-10 that may have profound implications for diagnosis and, by extension, access to services. Along with providing practical clinical advice--including the role of psychopharmacology in treatment—the handbook codifies the ever-expanding current body of research throughout both volumes , offering a wealth of information on the epidemiology of autism and the genetic, environmental, biochemical, social, and neuropathological aspects of the disorder. Volume 1 includes: Information on outcomes in adults with autism spectrum disorders A range of issues and interventions important from infancy, though adolescence and beyond for individuals with autism spectrum disorders Current information about play development, including skills, object play, and interventions Coverage of the state of genetic, biochemical, and neuropathological autism research Chapters on psychopharmacology and medical care in autism and related conditions The new edition includes the relevant updates to help readers stay abreast of the state of this rapidly evolving field and gives them a guide to separate the wheat from the chaff as information about autism proliferates.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Handbook of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders, Volume 2: Assessment, Interventions, and Policy
The latest and most comprehensive resource on autism and related disorders Since the original edition was first published more than a quarter-century ago, The Handbook of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders has been the most influential reference work in the field. Volume 2 of this comprehensive work includes a wealth of information from the experts in their respective specialities within the larger field of autism studies: Assessment, Interventions, and Social Policy Perspectives. Within the three sections found in Volume 2, readers will find in-depth treatment of: Screening for autism in young children; diagnostic instruments in autism spectrum disorders (ASD); clinical evaluation in multidisciplinary settings; assessing communications in ASD; and behavioral assessment of individuals with autism, including current practice and future directions Interventions for infants and toddlers at risk; comprehensive treatment models for children and youth with ASD; targeted interventions for social communication symptoms in preschoolers with ASD; augmentative and alternative communication; interventions for challenging behaviors; supporting mainstream educational success; supporting inclusion education; promoting recreational engagement in children with ASD; social skills interventions; and employment and related services for adults with ASD Supporting adult independence in the community for individuals with high functioning ASD; supporting parents, siblings, and grandparents of people with ASD; and evidence-based psychosocial interventions for individuals with ASD Special topic coverage such as autism across cultures; autism in the courtroom; alternative treatments; teacher and professional training guidelines; economic aspects of autism; and consideration of alternative treatments The new edition includes the relevant updates to help readers stay abreast of the state of this rapidly evolving field and gives them a guide to separate the wheat from the chaff as information about autism proliferates.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Imaging of Soft Tissue Tumors
This richly illustrated book provides a comprehensive survey of the growing role of medical imaging studies in the detection, staging, grading, tissue characterization, and post-treatment follow-up of soft tissue tumors. For each tumor group, imaging findings are correlated with clinical, epidemiologic, and histologic data. The relative merits and indications of various imaging modalities are discussed and compared. Particular emphasis is placed on MRI because of its unique contrast resolution and multiplanar imaging capabilities. This third, revised and updated edition includes new chapters on genetics and molecular biology and on pathology of soft tissue tumors, with respect to the new World Health Organization (WHO) classification of soft tissue tumors. It aims to serve both as a systematic, descriptive textbook and as a rich pictorial database of soft tissue masses. The addition of numerous new illustrations of common and rare soft tissue tumors will further increase the scientific and educational value of this third edition.