Search results for ""TAYLOR FRANCIS""
Taylor & Francis Inc Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds
This book discusses the structure, synthesis, and reactivity of heterocyclic compounds. It covers nomenclature, conformational aspects, aromatic stabilization and biological activity of heterocyclic compounds. The book also includes discussions of biochemical processes involving destruction of heterocyclic rings. It includes problem sets that help readers to understand and apply the principles of heterocyclic reactivity and synthesis. The inclusion of more advanced material and references make the book a valuable reference text for postgraduate taught courses, postgraduate researchers, and chemists at all levels working with heterocyclic compounds in industry, particularly in the pharmaceutical and agrochemical industries.
Taylor & Francis Inc Energy Intermittency
The first book to consider intermittency as a key point of an energy system, Energy Intermittency describes different levels of variability for traditional and renewable energy sources, presenting detailed solutions for handling energy intermittency through trade, collaboration, demand management, and active energy storage. Addressing energy supply intermittency systematically, this practical text: Analyzes typical time-distributions and intervals between episodes of demand-supply mismatch and explores their dependence on system layouts and energy source characteristics Simulates scenarios regarding resource time-flow, energy conversion devices, and demand structure to assist in evaluating the technical viability of the proposed solutions Discusses the conditions for establishing such systems in terms of economic requirements and regulatory measures In one concise and convenient volume, Energy Intermittency provides a comprehensive overview of all the causes and remedies of energy supply intermittency.
Taylor & Francis Inc The Chemical Components of Tobacco and Tobacco Smoke
Authored by two longtime researchers in tobacco science, The Chemical Components of Tobacco and Tobacco Smoke, Second Edition chronicles the progress made from late 2008 through 2011 by scientists in the field of tobacco science. The book examines the isolation and characterization of each component. It explores developments in pertinent analytical technology and results of experimental studies on biological activity, toxicity, and tumorigenicity, including the inhibition of adverse biological activity of one specific tobacco smoke component by another tobacco smoke component. Adding to the progress reported in the First Edition, the comprehensive Second Edition provides nearly 7,000 references on almost 9,600 components. The authors discuss the controversies over the extrapolation of the biological effect of a specific component administered individually by one route versus its biological effect when the component is in a highly complex mixture and is administered by a different route. They also cite studies in which cigarette design technologies were developed to control the per-cigarette mainstream smoke yield of Federal Trade Commission–defined tar and one or more specific tobacco smoke components of concern. New in the Second Edition: Approximately 1,000 newly reported components have been inserted and several dozen duplicates have been deleted from various tables and from the Alphabetical IndexImproved and sharper chemical structuresInsertion of new pertinent references for the components in each of the major chapter tables devoted to a particular functional componentUpdated Index organized by the CAS Registry Number listing of the componentsUpdated discussions in the Introduction and at the beginning of each chapterA searchable companion CD-ROM containing the 350-page alphabetical Component IndexAuthors Alan Rodgman and Thomas A. Perfetti were jointly awarded the 2010 CORESTA (Cooperative Centre for Scientific Research Relative to Tobacco) Prize for their extensive work on documenting the vast literature on the chemical composition of tobacco and tobacco smoke in their original edition.
Taylor & Francis Inc Living Legends and Full Agency: Implications of Repealing the Combat Exclusion Policy
WINNER OF THE 2017 ASPA SECTION ON PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION AND LABOR RELATIONS OUTSTANDING BOOK AWARD!This research and policy book examines the role of women in the military and the overwhelming evidence to date that warranted repealing the combat exclusion policy. It explores the following questions: How can the success of women in the military serve as justification for its repeal? What will be the potential impact of repealing the policy on the recruitment, promotion and retention of women in the military? How will repealing the combat exclusion policy change the ways in which military men relate to military women? How can repealing the policy set women on the course toward full agency and representation as full citizens in American society at large? Not only will this book help in filling the gaps of the existing literature of public administration and public policy about women in the military but it will provide the personal insights of women who have served under the combat exclusion policy.
Taylor & Francis Inc XML in Scientific Computing
While the extensible markup language (XML) has received a great deal of attention in web programming and software engineering, far less attention has been paid to XML in mainstream computational science and engineering. Correcting this imbalance, XML in Scientific Computing introduces XML to scientists and engineers in a way that illustrates the similarities and differences with traditional programming languages and suggests new ways of saving and sharing the results of scientific calculations. The author discusses XML in the context of scientific computing, demonstrates how the extensible stylesheet language (XSL) can be used to perform various calculations, and explains how to create and navigate through XML documents using traditional languages such as Fortran, C++, and MATLAB®. A suite of computer programs are available on the author’s website.
Taylor & Francis Inc Internet-Scale Pattern Recognition: New Techniques for Voluminous Data Sets and Data Clouds
For machine intelligence applications to work successfully, machines must perform reliably under variations of data and must be able to keep up with data streams. Internet-Scale Pattern Recognition: New Techniques for Voluminous Data Sets and Data Clouds unveils computational models that address performance and scalability to achieve higher levels of reliability. It explores different ways of implementing pattern recognition using machine intelligence.Based on the authors’ research from the past 10 years, the text draws on concepts from pattern recognition, parallel processing, distributed systems, and data networks. It describes fundamental research on the scalability and performance of pattern recognition, addressing issues with existing pattern recognition schemes for Internet-scale data deployment. The authors review numerous approaches and introduce possible solutions to the scalability problem.By presenting the concise body of knowledge required for reliable and scalable pattern recognition, this book shortens the learning curve and gives you valuable insight to make further innovations. It offers an extendable template for Internet-scale pattern recognition applications as well as guidance on the programming of large networks of devices.
Taylor & Francis Inc Encyclopedia of Aluminum and Its Alloys TwoVolume Set Print
This encyclopedia, written by authoritative experts under the guidance of an international panel of key researchers from academia, national laboratories, and industry, is a comprehensive reference covering all major aspects of metallurgical science and engineering of aluminum and its alloys. Topics covered include extractive metallurgy, powder metallurgy (including processing), physical metallurgy, production engineering, corrosion engineering, thermal processing (processes such as metalworking and welding, heat treatment, rolling, casting, hot and cold forming), surface engineering and structure such as crystallography and metallography.
Taylor & Francis Inc Improving Food Quality with Novel Food Processing Technologies
Consumers around the world have become better educated and more demanding in their identification and purchase of quality health-promoting foods; therefore the food industry requires innovative technologies to provide their clientele with safe and stable foods that meet safety regulations . Improving Food Quality with Novel Food Processing Technologies details novel processing technologies including high pressure processing (HPP) and pulsed electrical fields (PEFs) that can improve the quality of food from functionality, chemistry/microbiology, bioactive quantity, and shelf-life standpoints.The authors discuss how to improve food functionality with high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) and PEFs. They focus on improving the quality and retaining bioactive constituents of fruits and vegetables and improving the quality of dairy, egg, meat, and seafood products with HHP. Broad in scope, the book also reviews the modeling and simulations of HHP inactivation of microorganisms and the relative effects of HHP processing on food allergies and intolerances. It then discusses improving food functionality with PEF processes in dairy and egg products, fruit juices, and wine. A chapter attending to industrial applications of HHP and PEF systems and potential commercial quality and shelf life of food products concludes this discussion.During the past decade, novel processing technologies including HHP, ultrasound, PEF, and advanced heating technologies containing microwave, ohmic heating, and radio frequency have frequently been applied in the processing of foods and beverages. Successful research and identification of economic benefits, including energy and water conservation as well as demonstrated safety and fresh-like quality attributes will improve consumer perception of nonthermal technologies and result in further development by the food industry around the world. In an in-depth exploration of these novel technologies, the book gives you the skills for product development and improvement.
Taylor & Francis Inc Earth Observation of Ecosystem Services
A balanced review of differing approaches based on remote sensing tools and methods to assess and monitor biodiversity, carbon and water cycles, and the energy balance of terrestrial ecosystem. Earth Observation of Ecosystem Services highlights the advantages Earth observation technologies offer for quantifying and monitoring multiple ecosystem functions and services. It provides a multidisciplinary reference that expressly covers the use of remote sensing for quantifying and monitoring multiple ecosystem services. Rather than exhaustively cover all possible ecosystem services, this book takes a global look at the most relevant remote sensing approaches to estimate key ecosystem services from satellite data. Structured in four main sections, it covers carbon cycle, biodiversity, water cycle, and energy balance. Each section contains a review of conceptual and empirical methods, techniques, and case studies linking remotely sensed data to the biophysical variables and ecosystem functions associated with key ecosystem services. The book identifies relevant issues and challenges of assessment, presents cutting-edge sensing techniques, uses globally implemented tools to quantify ecosystem functions, and presents examples of successful monitoring programs. Covering recent developments undertaken on the global and national stage from Earth observation satellite data, it includes valuable lessons and recommendations and novel ways to improve current global monitoring systems. The book delineates the use of Earth observation data so that it can be used to quantify, map, value, and manage the valuable goods and services that ecosystems provide to societies around the world.
Taylor & Francis Inc Itch: Mechanisms and Treatment
Advances in itch research have elucidated differences between itch and pain but have also blurred the distinction between them. There is a long debate about how somatic sensations including touch, pain, itch, and temperature sensitivity are encoded by the nervous system. Research suggests that each sensory modality is processed along a fixed, direct-line communication system from the skin to the brain.Itch: Mechanisms and Treatment presents a timely update on all aspects of itch research and the clinical treatment of itch that accompanies many dermatological conditions including psoriasis, neuropathic itch, cutaneous t-cells lymphomas, and systemic diseases such as kidney and liver disease and cancer.Composed of contributions from distinguished researchers around the world, the book explores topics such as: Neuropathic itch Peripheral neuronal mechanism of itch The role of PAR-2 in neuroimmune communication and itch Mrgprs as itch receptors The role of interleukin-31 and oncostatin M in itch and neuroimmune communication Spinal coding of itch and pain Spinal microcircuits and the regulation of itch Examining new findings on cellular and molecular mechanisms, the book is a compendium of the most current research on itch, its prevalence in society, and the problems associated with treatment.
Taylor & Francis Inc Plant Propagation Concepts and Laboratory Exercises
Includes a DVD Containing All Figures and Supplemental Images in PowerPointThis new edition of Plant Propagation Concepts and Laboratory Exercises presents a robust view of modern plant propagation practices such as vegetable grafting and micropropagation. Along with foundation knowledge in anatomy and plant physiology, the book takes a look into the future and how cutting edge research may impact plant propagation practices. The book emphasizes the principles of plant propagation applied in both temperate and tropical environments. In addition to presenting the fundamentals, the book features protocols and practices that students can apply in both laboratory and field experiences. The book shows readers how to choose the best methods for plant propagation including proper media and containers as well as performing techniques such as budding, cutting, layering, grafting, and cloning. It also discusses how to recognize and cope with various propagation challenges. Also included are concept chapters highlighting key information, laboratory exercises, anticipated laboratory results, stimulating questions, and a DVD containing all the figures in the book as well as some supplemental images.
Taylor & Francis Inc Coordination Chemistry: Metal Complexes
This book has been written in a simple and lucid language to help students understand the intricate theories of co-ordination chemistry. Divided into two parts, the first part reviews all the recent developments in the fields of organometallics and co-ordination chemistry. The second part deals with transition and inner transition metals including the study of f-block elements. It was developed with a focus on the need to demystify coordination complexes and transition metals.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Get Through Trauma Examinations
Providing over 150 single best answer questions, this comprehensive question and answer guide provides candidates with the practice material necessary to successfully pass trauma examinations such as the ATLS or EMST. • The only SBA practice question title specifically for trauma examination revision• Detailed answer explanations ensure thorough understanding of trauma procedures• Written by a team of knowledgeable authors in trauma and surgery who all have first-hand experience of trauma examinationsGet Through Trauma Examinations is essential reading and revision material for postgraduate candidates preparing for these specialist courses and exams, as well as nurses, doctors, and other healthcare workers using these practices on a daily basis.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Psychiatry on the Move
The Medicine on the Move series provides fully flexible access to subjects across the curriculum in a unique combination of print and mobile formats ideal for the busy medical student and junior doctor. No matter what your learning style—whether you are studying a subject for the first time or revisiting it during exam preparation, Medicine on the Move gives you the right information whenever and wherever you need it.Medicine on the Move is:• Mobile – download the entire book for use on your smartphone or tablet for access anytime, anywhere• Accessible – bulleted text, flow charts, colourful diagrams and summary tables enable you to find information fast• Concise – gives you "must have" rather than ‘nice to have" knowledge, ensuring exam success and as a grounding for further study• Flexible – notes sections, ideal for rapid reference in the clinical setting, guide you quickly to key points while self-assessment material allows you to test and reinforce your understanding• Relevant – designed by medical students for medical studentsChoose from the book and the app to suit different situations and you really will learn medicine on the move!
Taylor & Francis Ltd Complete Self Assessment for Medical and Surgical Finals
You have read your textbook and your course notes, now you need to test your knowledge and practise your exam technique. Complete Self Assessment for Medical and Surgical Finals is the ideal tool, examining all the core information medical students must know by the end of their final year via the most popular question formats.This new edition has been expanded to include 650 single best answers, 180 extended matching questions and over 50 x-ray interpretation questions. The book is structured into two main parts covering both medicine and surgery and chapters are logically separated by all the main specialties, with new chapters on obstetrics and gynaecology, paediatrics and psychiatry. The answer explanations help you commit the key facts to memory while the attractive colour layout makes this book a refreshing change from other self-assessment titles.This book also complements Complete Revision Notes for Medical Finals, covering the same key facts so that the two books work together to ensure students are fully prepared.If you know what is in this book then you will know enough to pass your finals.
Taylor & Francis Inc Concise Encyclopedia of Biomedical Polymers and Polymeric Biomaterials
The Concise Encyclopedia of Biomedical Polymers and Polymeric Biomaterials presents new and selected content from the 11-volume Biomedical Polymers and Polymeric Biomaterials Encyclopedia. The carefully culled content includes groundbreaking work from the earlier published work as well as exclusive online material added since its publication in print. A diverse and global team of renowned scientists provide cutting edge information concerning polymers and polymeric biomaterials. Acknowledging the evolving nature of the field, the encyclopedia also features newly added content in areas such as tissue engineering, tissue repair and reconstruction, and biomimetic materials.
Taylor & Francis Inc Utilizing the 3Ms of Process Improvement: A Step-by-Step Guide to Better Outcomes Leading to Performance Excellence
Why is it that some improvement efforts succeed while others fail despite robust change management programs and the often do-or-die pressure to improve? Quite simply, there are three elements that separate those that succeed from those that fail. They are the 3Ms—Measure, Manage to Measure, and Make-it-Easy.Complete with forms, templates, and case studies from the aviation and manufacturing industries, Utilizing the 3Ms of Process Improvement supplies step-by-step guidance on how to use the 3Ms to achieve performance excellence that lasts. Suitable for a wide audience—including suppliers, manufacturers, and those who work in service organizations, schools, healthcare, and government—it is as much about the science of process improvement as it is about how to lead process improvement utilizing the 3Ms.Illustrating applications of the 3Ms across a range of industries, the book weaves stories throughout about role models who have succeeded, as well as those who have failed. It identifies the specific elements that were missing or defective in the failed attempts to provide a clear understanding of how the three elements work together. Arming you with a culture change method based on changing behaviors, it provides a leadership and management guide to achieving your objectives. The 3Ms have worked for Ben Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, and the author’s teams across the globe. Now, with this book, you can put the power of the 3Ms to work for you in your quest towards improving processes and reducing costs.The author encourages reader interaction and feedback on his website: He also provides you with access to the forms and templates described in the book.
Taylor & Francis Inc Multi-Detector CT Imaging: Principles, Head, Neck, and Vascular Systems
Developments in CT technology during the last 20 years have impressively improved its diagnostic potentialities. Part of a two-volume set that covers all aspects of CT imaging, Multi-Detector CT Imaging: Principles, Head, Neck, and Vascular Systems contains easily searchable clinical specialty chapters that provide specific information without need of an index. The coverage goes far beyond just a "how-to" or an encyclopedia of findings, however. The authors have uniformly put techniques, clinical findings, pathologic disease presentations, and clinical implications of imaging findings in practical perspective. This Volume Features: Discusses technical principles, CT perfusion, contrast media, postprocessing and clinical applications, and radiation dose Covers imaging of the neck and brain, including paranasal sinuses and the ear, brain tumors, neurodegenerative diseases, CNS infection, and head trauma Examines how to use CT data for planning cardiovascular procedures Includes coverage of pathologies of the pericardium and CT venography Presents information on clinical applications in lung disease With the critical role CT plays and the rapid innovations in computer technology, it is no wonder that advances in the capabilities and complexity of CT imaging continue to evolve. While information about these developments may be scattered about in journals and other resources, this two-volume set provides an authoritative, up-to-date, and educational reference that covets the entire spectrum of CT.
Taylor & Francis Inc Rhodiola rosea
The genus Rhodiola (Family Crassulaceae) is indigenous to Northern Canada, Europe and Asia where its rhizomes and roots have been used for centuries for medicinal purposes. Recent interest in the species Rhodiola rosea (roseroot) in the West arose from the use of the rhizome as an adaptogen for the treatment of stress, but in the last few years, chemical and pharmacological studies have confirmed other valuable medicinal properties. Written by well-known researchers in this field of study, Rhodiola rosea examines important aspects of this increasingly important medicinal plant, including: Cultivation Taxonomy Ethnobotany Conservation Phytopathology Phytochemistry Pharmacology Biotechnology The book discusses in vitro culture of R. rosea and examines pests and diseases affecting the plant in Europe, Canada, and Alaska. It also examines pharmacological bioassays and toxicology. The contributors provide a meta-analysis of clinical trials and describe experimentation with R. rosea in clinical practice. They explore its use in a range of areas, including for depression and anxiety disorders, to improve sexual and immune functions, to augment cancer treatment, and in aerospace medicine for afflictions such as mountain sickness and jet lag. The final chapter uses a model to illustrate the cultivation of R. rosea as an industrial crop from field to medicine to cabinet. Synthesizing the most important literature in recent years, the book supplies a comprehensive peer-reviewed survey of the wide spectrum of possibilities for its use as a modern phytomedicinal agent.
Taylor & Francis Inc Indigenous Fermented Foods of South Asia
Indigenous Fermented Foods of South Asia covers the foods of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, Maldives, and Afghanistan. For each type of food, its microbiology, biochemistry, biotechnology, quality, and nutritional value is covered in depth.The book discusses numerous topics including various types of fermented foods, their origin, history and ethnicity, the role of fermented foods in health, and the microbiology and biochemistry of indigenous fermented foods. The composition and nutritive value of fermented foods are also addressed along with other aspects related to quality and safety, including the toxicity of indigenous fermented foods.Specific chapters are devoted to the preparation of indigenous fermented foods—including cereal-based fermented foods, vinegars, milk products, mushrooms, alcoholic fermented products, and fruit and vegetable products—as well as the indigenous technologies used to produce them.The biotechnological aspects of indigenous fermented products and molecular techniques employed are explained along with issues related to industrialization, socio-economic conditions, and the sustainability of indigenous fermented foods. Drawing upon the expertise from leaders in the field, the book consolidates a significant amount of new data on South Asian foods, making this a valuable resource for all those interested in fermented foods.
Taylor & Francis Inc Tool Steels: Properties and Performance
This handy book provides a single, up-to-date source of information for increasing the life of tool steels through optimized design and manufacturing. Supplying a solid understanding of the metallurgy involved, the text explains how material compositions, manufacturing processes, heat treatments, surface hardening techniques, and coatings affect tool steel properties, grades, and performance. It also explores real-life case studies and failure analyses, offering examples of die-life parameters and hints for modifying tool steels and heat treatments during cutting or forming processes. While the book offers deep coverage of properties, microstructure, and manufacturing, its focus is on describing the performance of each application of this special class of ferrous materials. Provides a single, up-to-date source of information for increasing the life of tool steels through optimized design and manufacturing. Explains how material compositions, manufacturing processes, heat treatments, surface hardening techniques, and coatings affect tool steel properties, grades, and performance. Supplies a solid understanding of the metallurgy involved in tool steel manufacturing, machining, hot and cold working, and molding. Offers examples of die-life parameters and hints for modifying tool steels and heat treatments during cutting or forming processes. Includes real-life case studies and failure analyses from the Villares Metals plant in Brazil.
Taylor & Francis Inc Atomic Nanoscale Technology in the Nuclear Industry
Developments at the nanoscale are leading to new possibilities and challenges for nuclear applications in areas ranging from medicine to international commerce to atomic power production/waste treatment. Progress in nanotech is helping the nuclear industry slash the cost of energy production. It also continues to improve application reliability and safety measures, which remain a critical concern, especially since the reactor disasters in Japan. Exploring the new wide-ranging landscape of nuclear function, Atomic Nanoscale Technology in the Nuclear Industry details the breakthroughs in nanoscale applications and methodologies that are revolutionizing power production, biotechnology, and material science. Developments in atomic nanoscale technology have given us the ability to: Use ion beams to Investigate and optimize radiation energy losses at the nanoscopic level Assess nanoscopic safety circumstances involved in a reactor failure Analyze characteristics of nuclear spacecraft operating in the nanogravity of deep space Evaluate light collection enhancement for digital X-ray detection Apply brachytherapy using radioisotopes for cancer therapy Treat nuclear waste at the nanoscopic level Use systems-thinking decision making to analyze financial progress of nanotech in the energy industry Assess safety (and safety management methods) for nuclear nanomaterials used in plant operations Representing a first step in multi-combinatorial research, this text incorporates advanced studies that use Monte Carlo and solid-state measurement (including radiation detection) methods. Researchers used these to demonstrate the potential to upgrade methods of radiation protection and nuclear reactor operation (safety, waste disposal, etc.). The author also addresses how we can use nanotechnology to address industrial concerns and enhance nuclear medicine techniques. He highlights several nanomaterial systems and devices to illustrate developments in this area.About the Author:Taeho Woo launched the specialized field of atomic multinology (interdisciplinary research of nuclear technology), which combines the application of information technology, biotechnology, and nanotechnology in the nuclear industry.
Taylor & Francis Inc Enterprise 2.0: Social Networking Tools to Transform Your Organization
Enterprise 2.0 (E 2.0) has caught the collective imagination of executives who are innovating to radically change the face of business. E 2.0 takes full benefit of social networking, including blogs, discussion boards, mashups, and all that is sharable and combinable.Examining organizations and their social activities, Enterprise 2.0: Social Networking Tools to Transform Your Organization considers the complete spectrum of social media and social activities available to your business. It not only offers a hands-on, practical assessment of "what to do," but also "how to do it." Demonstrating how to utilize social networking within diverse functional areas, the book: Describes the functions of social networking in the context of today's enterprise Details how to make the best use of blogs, discussion boards, and workspaces in an organizational setting Supplies a complete discussion on how to prepare staff for social enterprising Explains how to measure and manage social networking This book includes discussions of social networking in enterprise activities such as human resources, risk management, operations, and project management. It describes the utility and role of social networking on a department by department basis, explains how to integrate social enterprising with knowledge management, and supplies helpful insights into legal, performance, and measurement issues. Touching on key security and privacy issues, the book clearly illustrates how social networking and E 2.0 can help improve risk management in your organization.
Taylor & Francis Inc Managing Your Biological Data with Python
Take Control of Your Data and Use Python with ConfidenceRequiring no prior programming experience, Managing Your Biological Data with Python empowers biologists and other life scientists to work with biological data on their own using the Python language. The book teaches them not only how to program but also how to manage their data. It shows how to read data from files in different formats, analyze and manipulate the data, and write the results to a file or computer screen. The first part of the text introduces the Python language and teaches readers how to write their first programs. The second part presents the basic elements of the language, enabling readers to write small programs independently. The third part explains how to create bigger programs using techniques to write well-organized, efficient, and error-free code. The fourth part on data visualization shows how to plot data and draw a figure for an article or slide presentation. The fifth part covers the Biopython programming library for reading and writing several biological file formats, querying the NCBI online databases, and retrieving biological records from the web. The last part provides a cookbook of 20 specific programming "recipes," ranging from secondary structure prediction and multiple sequence alignment analyses to superimposing protein three-dimensional structures. Tailoring the programming topics to the everyday needs of biologists, the book helps them easily analyze data and ultimately make better discoveries. Every piece of code in the text is aimed at solving real biological problems.
Taylor & Francis Inc Forensic Engineering Fundamentals
Forensic engineers often specialize in a particular area such as structures, fires, or accident reconstruction. However, the nature of the work often requires broad knowledge in the interrelated areas of physics, chemistry, biomechanics, and engineering. Covering cases as varied as assessment of workplace accidents to the investigation of Halliburton in the BP oil spill, Forensic Engineering Fundamentals is a comprehensive introduction to the many diverse facets of the field that forensic engineers must be familiar with in their practice.Topics includeThe role of the forensic engineerStructures, structural distress, and the importance of standards and codesThe failure of appliances—the cause of many water- or fire-related lossesSlips, trips, and falls of pedestrians and the accessibility of walking surfacesIndustrial incidents involving loss of equipment, injury and loss of life, as well as OSHA and MSHA regulationsStandard accident reconstruction involving vehiclesElectrical incidents and lightning and the effect of electrical energy on the human bodyAnalysis of fires with an emphasis on thermodynamics, testing, and simulationCarbon monoxide incidents and common fire suppression and warning systems, as well as the various NFPA codesProbability and uncertainty, with some basic calculations available to the forensic engineerApplicable standards and protocols that have developed over the years to protect life and propertyOffering readers real-world experience drawn from the authors’ 25 years of experience, this volume assists newcomers to the field in understanding the engineering basics underlying the cases they will encounter in their practice. It also serves as a reliable reference for those confronted with issues outside their area of expertise.
Taylor & Francis Inc Carbohydrate Chemistry: Proven Synthetic Methods, Volume 2
The second volume in the series Carbohydrate Chemistry: Proven Synthetic Methods, Volume 2 offers a collection of synthetic procedures valuable to the practice of synthetic carbohydrate chemistry. The series takes an important and unique approach in that all described procedures have been independently verified as reliable and reproducible. With editors and contributors who are highly respected scientists in the field, this book provides a widely useful reference for both researchers and students, exploring carbohydrate chemistry from both academic and industrial points of view.The book begins with an introductory section that offers tricks and tips collected by the series editor from many years of experience working in carbohydrate laboratories. The subsequent chapters present detailed protocols on both specific synthetic transformations and the preparation of common synthetic intermediates, with figures to aid in comprehension. Procedures are described for regioselective benzylidene ring opening reactions, oxidation reactions to provide uronic acids, stereoselective alpha-glucosylation reactions, and more. Protocols for synthetic intermediates of general utility include 3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-d-galactal, phenyl 4,6-O-benzylidene-1-thio-α-d-mannopyranoside, 1,2-anhydro-3,4,6-tri-O-benzyl-β-d-mannopyranoside, and methyl N-acetylneuraminic acid, among many others.Each chapter presents in-depth experimental descriptions for the reported procedures, including reaction setup, reaction conditions, work-up procedures, and purification protocols. The chapters also provide detailed characterization of all products and intermediates as well as copies of the 1H NMR and 13C NMR of the described products and intermediates to indicate the purity of the obtained materials and to serve as a valuable reference for future practitioners.This book provides an important starting point to reliably access synthetic carbohydrate materials and as such offers a valuable resource for the synthetic organic chemistry community. Through the streamlined access of well-defined products it provides a thrust to the rapidly growing field of chemical glycobiology.
Taylor & Francis Inc Non-Clinical Vascular Infusion Technology, Volume I: The Science
Intravenous infusion is a necessary mode of delivery for many pharmaceuticals currently on the market or undergoing clinical trials. The technique of prolonged intravenous delivery in conscious, free-moving animal models has broadened the opportunity to study and evaluate the safety and efficacy of these therapeutic products. For the first time, the collective sciences involved in the understanding of this mode of drug delivery are brought together in one publication.Non-Clinical Vascular Infusion Technology, Volume I: The Science covers the scientific principles behind the delivery systems, from both physical and physiological standpoints. The book addresses body fluid dynamics, describes the scientific processes necessary to understand the various aspects of the physico-chemical issues relating to vascular infusion delivery, and discusses vascular infusion dynamics. It also considers all the essential elements of the preparation of a formulation intended for vascular delivery as well as assessment of compatibility of the formulation with the dosing apparatus. This volume, along with Volume II: The Techniques, provides a foundation of knowledge on infusion technology and its importance for safe clinical use of substances via this route of delivery.Features Identifies and shares best practices for non-clinical vascular infusion Presents modern practices and procedures in line with up-to-date equipment development Offers recommendations for in-life assessments in order to monitor the success or problems with the vascular infusion delivery Makes comparisons with human data in many areas
Taylor & Francis Inc Solar Fuels: Materials, Physics, and Applications
Written for use as a text and reference for those interested in how new materials may be used to capture, store, and use solar energy for alternative energy resources in everyday life, Solar Fuels: Materials, Physics, and Applications discusses the fundamentals of new materials and the physical processes involved in their mechanisms and design. This book offers clear examples of current state-of-the-art organic and inorganic solar cell materials and devices used in the field, and includes experiments testing solar capability along with standardized examples. Last, but not least, it also gives a clear outline of the challenges that need to be addressed moving forward.
Taylor & Francis Inc Human Work Productivity: A Global Perspective
The current global economic downturn and considerable shifting in industrial and manufacturing activities have disturbed the industrial order. However, human work productivity is still one of the most important components of the industrial economy and a determining factor in global competiveness and influence as well as the potential for technological innovation and advancement. Human Work Productivity: A Global Perspective covers how human productivity affects the industrial economy and competitiveness across the industrial and manufacturing sectors. Many approaches that have worked historically must now be reexamined and new approaches must be developed. Integrating recent concepts related to human work productivity for modern production systems/organizations, this book examines how ergonomic improvements for the human operator and/or redesign and rearrangement of the workplace can boost individual productivity. It also covers the impact of the aging workforce, reports on an investigation of total productive maintenance, and considers the efficacy of workplace design from a maintenance perspective. Discussions of work hours and their effect on productivity, the impact of technology, and productivity in a health care organization complete the coverage.In any organization, all components must be considered as an integrated whole for sustained productivity. This book explores these components as independent factors and examines their impact on productivity. It then discusses models integrating these factors, creating a clear understanding of the whole, and details schemes of optimization for putting that understanding into practice.
Taylor & Francis Inc Crime and Planning: Building Socially Sustainable Communities
The form and layout of a built environment has a significant influence on crime by creating opportunities for it and, in turn, shaping community crime patterns. Effective urban planners and designers will consider crime when making planning and design decisions. A co-publication with the American Planning Association, Crime and Planning: Building Socially Sustainable Communities presents a comprehensive discussion of the interconnections between urban planning, criminal victimization, and crime prevention.An introduction into the main concerns at the intersection of criminology and community planning, the book first provides an overview of crime patterns. It then explores major issues within planning and their impact on crime. Critical topics discussed include connectivity, mixed-use developments, land use and zoning, transit-oriented design, and pedestrian trails, greenways, and parks. The remaining chapters explore: Crime prevention theories Crime prevention as a central component of sustainability How to incorporate social sustainability and planning guidelines into local planning decisions Policy discussion of issues such as zoning How tools such as smart growth and form-based codes relate to crime and crime prevention Examples of how planning decisions can impact crime patterns in both a residential and retail setting, and what has already worked in real-world communities As communities continue to grapple with foreclosure, sprawl, and infill/redevelopment, a sound understanding of how the built environment impacts crime is of increasing importance. This book provides planners with the tools and knowledge necessary to minimize the impact of crime on communities with the goal of creating socially sustainable communities.
Taylor & Francis Inc Advances in the Human Side of Service Engineering
If there is any one element to the engineering of service systems that is unique, it is the extent to which the suitability of the system for human use, human service, and excellent human experience has been and must always be considered. An exploration of this emerging area of research and practice, Advances in the Human Side of Service Engineering covers a broad spectrum of ergonomics and human factors issues highlighting the design of contemporary manufacturing systems. Topics include: Adoption of health information technology (HIT) Aging society: the impact of age on traditional service system constructs Anthropology in service science Applying service design techniques to healthcare Co-creating value Cognitive systems modeling of service systems Context-related service: the human aspect of service systems Designing services for underserved populations Ethics dividend in services: how it may be cultivated, grown, and measured Governance of service systems Human aspects of change when applying Lean Six Sigma methods and tools Human side of service dominant logic in B2B settings Human-computer interaction and HF in software technologies Service network configuration impacts on customer experience Simulating employees and customers in service systems Systems design and the customer experience Usability and human side of electronic financial services The book also discusses issues that arise in shop floor and office environments in the quest for manufacturing agility, i.e. enhancement and integration of human skills with hardware performance for improved market competitiveness, management of change, product and process quality, and human-system reliability. It provides a foundation upon which researchers and practitioners can contri
Taylor & Francis Inc Synthetic Jets: Fundamentals and Applications
Compiles Information from a Multitude of SourcesSynthetic jets have been used in numerous applications, and are part of an emergent field. Accumulating information from hundreds of journal articles and conference papers, Synthetic Jets: Fundamentals and Applications brings together in one book the fundamentals and applications of fluidic actuators. Clearly and thoroughly explaining the mechanisms of underlying synthetic jet behavior—from aerospace to mechanical engineering—this book addresses a variety of aspects, and provides a holistic, systematic approach of the subject.Covers Fundamental Principles, Analysis Techniques, and ApplicationsDesigned as a starting point for newcomers, the book is divided into three parts: fundamentals, techniques, and applications, and focuses on a class of incompressible jet flows where the jet is made up of the surrounding fluid. It explores fluid dynamics, hydrodynamic modeling, acoustics, and fabrication. It covers key measurement techniques, computational modeling, and synthetic jet design. In addition to highlighting the concepts and applications of synthetic jets, (in particular their uses in flow control and thermal management in electronic devices), the book explores attempts to improve and accelerate the design and optimization processes (from flow control to electronic cooling and propulsion) involved in a wealth of applied knowledge. Features prominent experts in the field Surveys the state of the art Details a pathway to future advances in the industry Synthetic Jets: Fundamentals and Applications can be used as a guidebook for researchers, graduate students, and upper-level undergraduate students.
Taylor & Francis Inc Desktop Grid Computing
Desktop Grid Computing presents common techniques used in numerous models, algorithms, and tools developed during the last decade to implement desktop grid computing. These techniques enable the solution of many important sub-problems for middleware design, including scheduling, data management, security, load balancing, result certification, and fault tolerance.The book’s first part covers the initial ideas and basic concepts of desktop grid computing. The second part explores challenging current and future problems. Each chapter presents the sub-problems, discusses theoretical and practical issues, offers details about implementation and experiments, and includes references to further reading and notes.One of the first books to give a thorough and up-to-date presentation of this topic, this resource describes various approaches and models as well as recent trends that underline the evolution of desktop grids. It balances the theory of designing desktop grid middleware and architecture with applications and real-world deployment on large-scale platforms.
Taylor & Francis Inc Integrated Air Quality Management: Asian Case Studies
The steady growth in the number of vehicles on the road, heavy reliance on coal, use of dirty fuels for residential combustion, and extensive open burning are some of the major factors leading to the progressive deterioration of air quality in developing countries in Asia. And despite efforts to establish and implement air quality measurement systems, the development of infrastructure, environmental technology, and management practices continues to lag behind the rate of emission increase. Based on ten years of coordinated research, Integrated Air Quality Management: Asian Case Studies discusses technical and policy tools for the integrated air quality management of developing countries in Asia.The book begins with an overview of major issues of air quality management practices in developing Asia and potential approaches to reduce pollution, including opportunities for integration of air quality improvement and climate migration strategies. It covers the methodology and results of fine particulate matter monitoring using traditional filter-based and satellite monitoring techniques. It examines the applications of a 3D dispersion modeling tool for urban and regional air quality management focusing on surface ozone, fine particulate matter, and acid deposition. The final chapters discuss innovative control technologies for gaseous air pollutants and illustrate the integrated air quality management in developing Asia through case studies for target source categories including agricultural residue field burning, vehicle emissions, brick kilns, and industrial VOC emission.Illustrated with case studies, this book presents an integrated air quality management methodology that employs technical and policy tools to achieve air quality goals. It includes technical information and policy recommendations based on the outcomes of several multi-year air quality research programs coordinated by the Asian Institute of Technology. The text combines fundamental information and advanced knowledge useful to large audiences dealing with subjects of integrated air quality management.
Taylor & Francis Inc Reconfigurable Computing Systems Engineering: Virtualization of Computing Architecture
Reconfigurable Computing Systems Engineering: Virtualization of Computing Architecture describes the organization of reconfigurable computing system (RCS) architecture and discusses the pros and cons of different RCS architecture implementations. Providing a solid understanding of RCS technology and where it’s most effective, this book: Details the architecture organization of RCS platforms for application-specific workloads Covers the process of the architectural synthesis of hardware components for system-on-chip (SoC) for the RCS Explores the virtualization of RCS architecture from the system and on-chip levels Presents methodologies for RCS architecture run-time integration according to mode of operation and rapid adaptation to changes of multi-parametric constraints Includes illustrative examples, case studies, homework problems, and references to important literature A solutions manual is available with qualifying course adoption.Reconfigurable Computing Systems Engineering: Virtualization of Computing Architecture offers a complete road map to the synthesis of RCS architecture, exposing hardware design engineers, system architects, and students specializing in designing FPGA-based embedded systems to novel concepts in RCS architecture organization and virtualization.
Taylor & Francis Inc Aquatic Chemistry Concepts, Second Edition
Aquatic Chemistry Concepts, Second Edition, is a fully revised and updated textbook that fills the need for a comprehensive treatment of aquatic chemistry and covers the many complicated equations and principles of aquatic chemistry. It presents the established science of equilibrium water chemistry using the uniquely recognizable, step-by-step Pankow format, which allows a broad and deep understanding of aquatic chemistry. The text is appropriate for a wide audience, including undergraduate and graduate students, industry professionals, consultants, and regulators. Every professional using water chemistry will want this text within close reach, and students and professionals alike will expect to find at least one copy on their library shelves.Key FeaturesExtremely thorough, one-of-a-kind treatment of aquatic chemistry which considers: a) chemical thermodynamics fundamentals; b) acid/base, titration, and buffer calculations; c) CO2 chemistry and alkalinity; d) complexation of metal ions by ligands and chelates; e) mineral solubility processes; f) redox chemistry, including the chemistry of chlorine (as in disinfection), oxygen, CO2 and methane, nitrogen, sulfur, iron, and lead, including the story of lead in the drinking water of Flint, Michigan; and g) electrical effects in aqueous solutions including the Debye-Hückel Law (and related equations for activity corrections), double layers, and colloid stabilityDiscussions of how to carry out complex calculations regarding the chemistry of lakes, rivers, groundwater, and seawaterNumerous example problems worked in complete detailSpecial foreword by Jerry L. Schnoor'There’s a lot to like about a book on water chemistry that lays it out simply. Einstein said that everything should be as simple as it can be, but not simpler. Wise advice. And that is what James F. Pankow has accomplished in the second edition of his textbook, Aquatic Chemistry Concepts. It covers the “waterfront” of essential inorganic chemistry topics, and it supplies enough examples to lead the student toward problem solving.'-From the Foreword, Jerry L. Schnoor
Taylor & Francis Inc Strength of Materials in SI Units, Third Edition
Developed from the author’s lectures and years of teaching experience, this book presents the principles behind the methods of solving problems on material behavior when subjected to different types of loads. It elucidates the subject in simple language, lucidly and clearly, to enable students to comprehend the principles involved. Each chapter deals with definitions, analysis of problems involved, derivations and applications. It contains more than 380 worked examples and exercises have also been added at the end of each chapter for practice. S.I units have been adopted throughout.
Taylor & Francis Inc Oceanography and Marine Biology: An annual review. Volume 49
Increasing interest in oceanography and marine biology and its relevance to global environmental issues continues to create a demand for authoritative reviews summarizing recent research. Now in its 49th volume, Oceanography and Marine Biology has addressed this demand for almost 50 years. This annual review considers the basics of marine research, special topics, and emerging new areas. Regarding the marine sciences as a unified field, the text features contributors who are actively engaged in biological, chemical, geological, and physical aspects of marine science. This year’s chapters include, "The marine invasive alien species in European Seas that have the most impact," "Threats to the diversity of coral-dwelling invertebrates due to climate change and induced coral bleaching," and "Burrowing shrimps as ecosystem engineers," among others. Including color inserts and extensive reference lists, this series is essential for researchers and students in all fields of marine science.
Taylor & Francis Inc Foundations of Fuzzy Logic and Semantic Web Languages
Managing vagueness/fuzziness is starting to play an important role in Semantic Web research, with a large number of research efforts underway. Foundations of Fuzzy Logic and Semantic Web Languages provides a rigorous and succinct account of the mathematical methods and tools used for representing and reasoning with fuzzy information within Semantic Web languages. The book focuses on the three main streams of Semantic Web languages: Triple languages RDF and RDFS Conceptual languages OWL and OWL 2, and their profiles OWL EL, OWL QL, and OWL RL Rule-based languages, such as SWRL and RIF Written by a prominent researcher in this area, the book is the first to combine coverage of fuzzy logic and Semantic Web languages. The first part of the book covers all the theoretical and logical aspects of classical (two-valued) Semantic Web languages. The second part explains how to generalize these languages to cope with fuzzy set theory and fuzzy logic.With an extensive bibliography, this book provides in-depth insight into fuzzy Semantic Web languages for non-fuzzy set theory and fuzzy logic experts. It also helps researchers of non-Semantic Web languages get a better understanding of the theoretical fundamentals of Semantic Web languages.
Taylor & Francis Inc Risk Assessment for Water Infrastructure Safety and Security
One of the seventeen critical infrastructures vital to the security of the United States, the water supply system remains largely unprotected from the threat of terrorism, including possible revenge by Al Qaeda over the killing of Osama Bin Laden. Recognizing and identifying prospective events of terrorism against the water infrastructure is critical to the protection of the nation, as the consequences triggered by a terrorist attack on the water supply would be devastating. Risk Assessment for Water Infrastructure: Safety and Security provides a unique quantitative risk assessment methodology for protection and security against terrorist contamination, vandalism, attacks against dams, and other threats to water supply systems.Focusing on the human safety, environmental, and economic consequences triggered by potential terrorist attacks and other threats, the book presents: The development of an integrated approach of risk assessment based upon the cumulative prospect theory The qualitative/quantitative processes and models for security and safe facility operations as required by EPA, DHS, and other governmental and regulatory agencies The application of an integrated model to the risk assessment of surface water, dams, wells, wastewater treatment facilities, reservoirs, and aqueducts of large urban regions The development of intelligence analysis incorporating risk assessment for terrorism prevention Finally, the book presents the legal and regulatory requirements and policy related to the protection and security of water infrastructure from terrorism and natural hazards to both human health and the environment. By analyzing potential terrorist risks against the water supply, strategic improvements in U.S. water infrastructure security may be achieved, including changes in policy, incorporation of intrusion detection technology, increased surveillance, and increased intelligence.More information can be found on the author's website.
Taylor & Francis Inc Obstructive Airway Diseases: Role of Lipid Mediators
Incidences of inflammatory airway diseases are on the rise across the world. Existing therapeutic options are ineffective, unsafe, and expensive, and severe cases are nonresponsive to conventional therapy. Therefore, it is imperative that research be undertaken to discover new treatment options. Obstructive Airway Diseases: Role of Lipid Mediators discusses clinically successful and potential lipid targets that can make a difference in treating some of the most intractable disease states.Topics discussed include: Obstructive airway diseases, etiology, pathophysiology, and existing therapeutic options What constitutes a lipid and how it is broken down to generate biologically active mediators The role of enzymes in the process of lipid mediator synthesis The biology of arachidonic acid, platelet-activating factor, and lysophosphatidic acid and the role they play in airway inflammation Products of arachidonic acid metabolism such as leukotrienes, prostaglandins, epieicosatrienoic acid, and oxoeicosatetraenoic acid Proresolution lipid mediators in inflammatory airway disease conditions The role of sphingosine and ceramide in inflammatory airway disease Protein kinases activated by lipid mediators and those that trigger the generation of lipid messengers The combined input of a panel of international authorities on lipid mediators makes this volume a valuable resource for all those involved in researching, teaching, and studying airway inflammation as well as those involved in drug discovery research.Punit Srivastava maintains a blog with additional information about the book and his work.
Taylor & Francis Inc The Future of Lean Sigma Thinking in a Changing Business Environment
Of the 100 companies named to Fortune magazine’s list of the world’s largest companies in 1956, only 29 of those companies remain on that list. Many lost their way because they failed to recognize the changes taking place, or were too big to react quickly enough to shifting market conditions. Supplying Lean practitioners with a formal process for keeping up with technological advancements and shifting business requirements, The Future of Lean Sigma Thinking in a Changing Business Environment provides the tools to survive and prosper through the current business environment. It introduces cutting-edge business solutions from the fields of chemical engineering, aircraft production, and business psychology, and explains how to integrate these concepts with proven Lean principles. The book begins by providing a foundation in essential Lean concepts, including Deming and Juran, Six Sigma, Total Quality Management, the Toyota Production System, and New Six Sigma. Next, it reports on the latest advances in process understanding. By analyzing changing attitudes within the system, it illustrates how new products are being developed using updated Lean thinking. In addition, it provides examples that demonstrate the impact of e-commerce on Lean production systems. Incorporating the green agenda to Lean thinking, the text supplies the insight to safely navigate your company through a shifting business landscape while reducing your impact on raw materials and the environment. By following the principles discussed in this book, you will not only increase your company’s chances of achieving long-term survival but will position your organization to capitalize on the economic upturn on the horizon.
Taylor & Francis Inc Diet, Exercise, and Chronic Disease: The Biological Basis of Prevention
Exercise and diet are key factors in the etiology and prevention of chronic disease. While most books on chronic disease have a decided clinical approach, Diet, Exercise, and Chronic Disease: The Biological Basis of Prevention brings together the latest cellular- and molecular-based research on the etiology of chronic diseases and the impact of various aspects of diet and exercise on the causal mechanisms. By focusing on cellular biology, details of the integrative nature of the many different underlying factors are revealed—details that are not evident with the prevailing clinical approach to chronic disease.This book highlights chronic diseases that are major causes of mortality, and which have sufficient molecular evidence for dietary and activity-related components to their etiology. Individual chapters examine the role of diet and exercise in diabetes, atherosclerosis, osteoporosis, cancer, and neurodegenerative disease. They cover aspects such as disease etiology, effects of diet and exercise, and the cellular and molecular mechanisms of how various dietary components and repeated exercise alter disease etiology to contribute to disease prevention.Since inflammatory signaling is a fundamental component of the chronic diseases discussed, the book includes a separate chapter on inflammation and innate immune responses. Obesity as a contributing factor is addressed within the specific disease chapters. The book also reviews what is known about the factors that influence food intake in humans. This reference translates molecular-based data on etiology and prevention into a clinical prescription for the prevention of chronic disease.
Taylor & Francis Inc Tellurite Glasses Handbook: Physical Properties and Data, Second Edition
Tellurite Glasses Handbook: Physical Properties and Data, Second Edition covers the current dominant physical properties of this prototype glass system. Focusing on thermal, elastic, acoustic, electrical, and optical properties, this second edition incorporates the latest scientific data and up-to-date applications of tellurite glass. New Topics in the Second Edition Nanocomposites Three-dimensional structural models Novel glass-forming systems Innovative ways to combine all physical properties simultaneously, creating new points for research Addressing the knowledge gap among physicists, chemists, and material scientists in their understanding of tellurite glasses’ properties, this edition gathers essential thermal, mechanical, electrical, and optical data in one source. It emphasizes the physics and technology of twenty-first century processing, fabrication, and behavior of tellurite glass and glass-ceramic materials. It is the first and only comprehensive source of physical constants and properties of these unique noncrystalline solids.After an introductory chapter on the composition of tellurite glasses, the book explores elastic, acoustic, thermal, electrical, and optical properties. Each chapter includes basic theories on a particular physical property, related experimental techniques, and representative data. The book uniquely presents a compilation of scientific data from the last 60 years as well as practical and strategic applications based on the properties of tellurite glasses.
Taylor & Francis Inc Statistical Computing in Nuclear Imaging
Statistical Computing in Nuclear Imaging introduces aspects of Bayesian computing in nuclear imaging. The book provides an introduction to Bayesian statistics and concepts and is highly focused on the computational aspects of Bayesian data analysis of photon-limited data acquired in tomographic measurements. Basic statistical concepts, elements of decision theory, and counting statistics, including models of photon-limited data and Poisson approximations, are discussed in the first chapters. Monte Carlo methods and Markov chains in posterior analysis are discussed next along with an introduction to nuclear imaging and applications such as PET and SPECT. The final chapter includes illustrative examples of statistical computing, based on Poisson-multinomial statistics. Examples include calculation of Bayes factors and risks as well as Bayesian decision making and hypothesis testing. Appendices cover probability distributions, elements of set theory, multinomial distribution of single-voxel imaging, and derivations of sampling distribution ratios. C++ code used in the final chapter is also provided. The text can be used as a textbook that provides an introduction to Bayesian statistics and advanced computing in medical imaging for physicists, mathematicians, engineers, and computer scientists. It is also a valuable resource for a wide spectrum of practitioners of nuclear imaging data analysis, including seasoned scientists and researchers who have not been exposed to Bayesian paradigms.
Taylor & Francis Inc Valorization of Food Processing By-Products
Biotechnology has immense potential for resolving environmental problems and augmenting food production. Particularly, it offers solutions for converting solid wastes into value-added items. In food processing industries that generate voluminous by-products and wastes, valorization can help offset growing environmental problems and facilitate the sustainable use of available natural resources. Valorization of Food Processing By-Products describes the potential of this relatively new concept in the field of industrial residues management. The debut book in CRC Press’s new Fermented Foods and Beverages Series, this volume explores the current state of the art in food processing by-products with respect to their generation, methods of disposal, and problems faced in terms of waste and regulation. It reviews the basic fundamental principles of waste recycling, including process engineering economics and the microbiology and biochemical and nutritional aspects of food processing. It discusses fermentation techniques available for valorization of food processing by-products, enzyme technologies, and analytical techniques and instrumentation. Individual chapters examine the by-products of plant-based and animal-based food industries. The book also delves into socioeconomic considerations and environmental concerns related to food processing by-products. It surveys research gaps and areas ripe for further inquiry as well as future trends in the field.An essential reference for researchers and practitioners in the food science and food technology industry, this volume is also poised to inspire those who wish to take on valorization of food by-products as a professional endeavor. A contribution toward sustainability, valorization makes maximum use of agricultural produce while employing low-energy and cost-effective processes.
Taylor & Francis Inc Healthcare Biotechnology: A Practical Guide
Foreseeing and planning for all of the possibilities and pitfalls involved in bringing a biotechnology innovation from inception to widespread therapeutic use takes strong managerial skills and a solid grounding in biopharmaceutical research and development procedures. Unfortunately there has been a dearth of resources for this aspect of the field. Until now. Focusing on the management of healthcare-related biotech, from conception through the product’s regulatory approval and entire life cycle, Healthcare Biotechnology: A Practical Guide provides a practical, applicable resource to assist all health-care related biotech professionals in their day-to-day activities from the lab to the boardroom.Divided into six sections, the book begins with current systems and recent progress and controversy, major players and products, and a comparison with the pharmaceutical industry. It covers intellectual property protection and management, the innovation cycle, patent application, commercialization, and competition.Coverage includes funding, partnering, cash-intensive activities, financing alternatives, and the complexities of alliance implementation and management. It highlights research, development, and biomanufacturing; and examines clinical trial design and regulations; "fast-track" approvals; and patient recruitment as well as production platforms and processes, costs, strategies, and timelines.It investigates marketing including planning, promotion, pricing, supply chain management, and bio-brand lifecycle management. It concludes with tips on running the business, offering diverse biobusiness models and reasonable expectations from inception through maturity and decline.An indispensible guide, this book offers more than 40 figures, 220 tables, and 180 references as well as a list of abbreviations and a business plan outline. Each chapter contains 10 questions to reinforce the material covered and 10 exercises
Taylor & Francis Inc Industrial Galactomannan Polysaccharides
Quite possibly the first comprehensive text on galactomannans, Industrial Galactomannan Polysaccharides compiles information on their industrial uses in the form of gums including locust bean, guar, tara, fenugreek, cassia-tara, and Sesbania-bisipinasa varieties. The book describes how galactomannans are currently produced commercially and how they have become industrial commodities. It provides a simple and clear introduction to these vital substances, it compares their various sources.Highlights General chapters on carbohydrates, hydrocolloids and associated rheology, interactions of galactomannans, and derivatization of polysaccharides A brief history of each product gum, cultivation of the plant sources, seed, habitat, chemical structure, functional properties, manufacturing processes, and applications Special focus on the most representative galactomannans: guar and locust bean gums An in-depth compilation of industrial galactomannans information, this book is designed for the manufacturers, traders, and end users of galactomannans, as well as technologists in polysaccharides-related industries and scientists and academics interested in carbohydrates.