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Springer Gabler Marketing
Konzeptionelle Grundlagen des Marketing.- Käuferverhaltens- und Marketingforschung.- Informationsgrundlagen des Marketing.- Marketingziele.- Marketingstrategien.- Marketing-Mix.- Marketingorganisation und -implementierung.- Marketingcontrolling.
Springer Vieweg Stahlbau 1
Werkstoffe, Ausführung und Schutz der Stahlbauten.- Berechnung der Stahlbauten.- Verbindungstechnik.- Zugstäbe.- Hochfeste Zugglieder.- Druckstäbe, Knicken von Stäben und Stabwerken.- Stützen.- Trägerbau.- Literatur.- Anhang.- Formeln und Begriffe nach DIN 18800-1 bis -2.
Springer Spektrum Numerische lineare Algebra
Matrizen am Computer.- Matrixfaktorisierung.- Fehleranalyse.- Kleinste Quadrate.- Eigenwertprobleme.- Anhänge u.a. zu MATLAB und Julia.
Springer Spektrum Glück gehabt Zwölf Gründe warum es uns überhaupt gibt
Einmal Universum mit Menschheit zum Hierleben, bitte!.- 1 Die Welt fängt schon unfair an.- 2 Auf den Punkt menschenfreundlich.- 3 Ein Platz an der Sonne welche Sonne?.- 4 In gebührender Distanz.- 5 Mit Bodyguard und Türsteher.- 6 Der Stoff, aus dem das Leben ist.- 7 Ein Hauch von geordnetem Chaos.- 8 Giftgasanschlag auf das Leben.- 9 Achtung, fertig los!.- 10 Der König ist tot! Es lebe der König!.- 11 Kopf hoch!.- 12 Es kann nur einen geben!- Gestern, heute und morgen?.
Springer Publishing Medications Mothers Milk 2017
The worldwide bestselling drug reference on the use of medications in breastfeeding mothers, providing the most current, complete, and evidence-based information. This 17th Edition features a massive update with hundreds of new drugs, diseases, vaccines, and syndromes. It also provides numerous changes to hundreds of existing drugs.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Fortpflanzung und Geschlechtsunterschiede des Menschen: Eine Einführung in die Sexualbiologie
Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Lehrbuch der Botanik
Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Grundlagen der Tragwerksplanung: Von der Entwurfsidee über das Tragsystem zum Tragwerk
Dieses Lehrbuch der Tragwerksplanung vermittelt Studierenden der Architektur, der Innenarchitektur und des Produktdesigns das essentielle Wissen zu Statik, Tragsystemen und Tragkonstruktionen, das beim Entwurf und der Planung erforderlich ist um ein in sich stimmiges und funktionierendes Gebäude oder Produkt zu konzipieren.Theoretische Grundlagen werden mit zahlreichen praktischen Übungen und Aufgaben kombiniert und immer wieder Bezüge zur Praxis hergestellt. Wissenstests am Ende eines Kapitels vertiefen das Wisssen und regen zur Reflexion an.Das Lehrbuch erscheint in der Springer Vieweg Reihe "erfolgreich studieren".
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Praxis der Zerspantechnik: Verfahren, Prozesse, Werkzeuge
Dieses Lehrbuch behandelt in prägnanter und verständlicher Art relevante Verfahren moderner und traditioneller Zerspan- und Abtragtechnik. Wichtige Aspekte wie z. B. Kraft- und Leistungsberechnung, erreichbare Genauigkeiten, Auswahl von geeigneten Werkzeugen, Spannmitteln und Schneidstoffen, Fehlersuche (Troubleshooting) und Richtwerttabellen geben hilfreiche Informationen für den praktischen Einsatz. Ausführliche Berechnungsbeispiele und Verständnisfragen erlauben ein erfolgreiches Selbststudium. Für die 13. Auflage wurde mit den neuen Kapiteln 15. Produktionsdatenorganisation und 16. CAD/CAM der aktuelle Entwicklungsstand der modernen Produktion hin zur durchgehenden Digitalisierung (Industrie 4.0) in das bewährte Fachbuch aufgenommen. Das Kapitel 9. Sägen ist aus Platzgründen nicht mehr in der Printversion vorhanden, kann aber vom Leser auf dem Server des Springer Verlages gelesen werden.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Elektrotechnik: Ein Grundlagenlehrbuch
Dieses Grundlagenlehrbuch vermittelt die Grundzüge der Elektrotechnik auf einem mittleren mathematischen Niveau. Es fördert das Verständnis für elektrische Vorgänge und Schaltungen sowie der anzuwendenden rechnerischen und grafischen Analyseverfahren einschließlich der messtechnischen Erfassung der elektrischen Grundgrößen. Im Lösungsteil werden die überwiegend mathematisch dargestellten Lösungen der Übungsaufgaben auch durch ausführliche textliche Erläuterungen und alternative Lösungswege ergänzt. Die Aufgabensammlungen Elektrotechnik 1 und 2 von Vömel/Zastrow im Springer Vieweg Verlag bieten weitere und vertiefende Übungsaufgaben zum Lehrstoff an.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden HÜTTE Band 3: Elektro- und informationstechnische Grundlagen für Ingenieure
Das Standardwerk HÜTTE erscheint in der 35., aktualisierten Auflage in der Reihe Springer Reference Technik. Diese Reihe bietet allen Ingenieurinnen und Ingenieuren – ob im Studium oder in allen Formen des Berufslebens – zielführendes Fachwissen in aktueller, kompakter und verständlicher Form. Die HÜTTE enthält in drei Bänden die Grundlagen des Ingenieurwissens sowie ökonomisch-gesellschaftliche Kapitel, die das Ingenieurwissen ergänzen. Band 3 umfasst Elektro- und informationstechnische Grundlagen: Elektrotechnik Messtechnik Regelungs- und Steuerungstechnik Informatik Informationsmanagement Band 1 Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche und allgemeine GrundlagenBand 2 Grundlagen des Maschinenbaus und ergänzende Fächer
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden HÜTTE Band 2: Grundlagen des Maschinenbaus und ergänzende Fächer für Ingenieure
Das Standardwerk HÜTTE erscheint in der 35., aktualisierten Auflage in der Reihe Springer Reference Technik. Diese Reihe bietet allen Ingenieurinnen und Ingenieuren – ob im Studium oder in allen Formen des Berufslebens – zielführendes Fachwissen in aktueller, kompakter und verständlicher Form. Die HÜTTE enthält in drei Bänden die Grundlagen des Ingenieurwissens sowie ökonomisch-gesellschaftliche Kapitel, die das Ingenieurwissen ergänzen. Band 2 umfasst Grundlagen des Maschinenbaus und ergänzende Fächer: Werkstoffe Technische Mechanik Technische Thermodynamik Entwicklung Konstruktion Produktion Logistik Betriebswirtschaft Management Normung Band 1 Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche und allgemeine GrundlagenBand 3 Elektro- und informationstechnische Grundlagen
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Handbuch Qualitative Videoanalyse
Das Handbuch bietet einen breiten und vollständigen Überblick über die derzeit wichtigsten qualitativen Methoden der Videoanalyse und Filmanalyse sowie deren Entwicklungen in den Sozialwissenschaften und schließt somit in einem Fachbereich, der durch hohe Diversität gekennzeichnet ist, eine noch immer bestehende Lücke. Zudem geht der Band forschungspraktisch auf die bestehenden methodischen und methodologischen Herausforderungen ein, differenziert und arbeitet auf diese Weise die bestehenden Anforderungen im Umgang mit dem besonderen Datentypus nachvollziehbar heraus.Videos per App: Laden Sie die Springer Multimedia App kostenlos herunter - Abbildungen im Buch per App mit Handy oder Tablet scannen, um Videos zu streamen.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Micro Electro Mechanical Systems
This handbook volume aims to provide a comprehensive, self-contained, and authoritative reference in MEMS. It covers the theoretical and practical aspects including but not limited to sensors, actuators, RF MEMS, micro fluids and bio MEMS systems. It is particularly recommended to undergraduates, postgraduates, researchers, scientists, and field experts. This comprehensive summary will provide a solid knowledge background and inspire innovations in this highly interdisciplinary field.The handbook series consists of 5 volumes: Micro/nano fabrication technology, MEMS, Nanomaterial, Nanomedicine and Applications of micro-/nanotechnologies in IT. Experienced researchers and experts are invited to contribute in each of these areas.The series is published under Springer Major Reference works, which allows continuous online update and publication. These features allow newcomers and other readers to keep in touch with the most up-to-date information in micro-/nanotechnologies.It presents an overview of the knowledge base, as well as selected topics and provides comprehensive and authoritative information on the field for researchers, engineers, scientists and graduate students who are involved in different aspects of micro-/nanotechnologies.This publication will provide inspiration for innovative research and application ideas for continued growth of the field.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Handbuch Industrie 4.0: Band 3: Logistik
Mit der Neuauflage des erfolgreichen Werkes wird die Geschichte der vierten industriellen Revolution fortgeschrieben und der Dynamik Rechnung getragen, mit der die Vision in den vergangenen zwei bis drei Jahren weiterentwickelt und verwirklicht wurde.Experten aus Wissenschaft und Technik beleuchten verschiedene Facetten der Industrie 4.0 und schaffen gleichermaßen einen Überblick über den Stand der Technik und die Vision selbst. Dies gelingt nicht zuletzt Dank einer ausgewogenen Mischung aus wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen, Praxisbeispielen und Übersichtsbeiträgen. Die Themen der Beiträge reichen von Basistechnologien über Integrations- und Migrationsansätze bis hin zu Geschäftsmodellen und Dienstleistungen für die Industrie 4.0. Zudem werden die Datensicherheit und auch rechtliche Aspekte mit Datenanalyse und maschinellem Lernen behandelt. In der dritten Auflage werden die Themenfelder um Künstliche Intelligenz, aktuelle Mobilfunkstandards und den daraus resultierenden Potentialen für eine zukünftige Plattformökonomie erweitert.Die dritte überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage erscheint wiederum in 3 Bänden. Der vorliegende dritte Band umfasst neue und bearbeitete Beiträge zur Logistik. Online ist dieses Nachschlagewerk auch über Springer Reference verfügbar.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Getting Started in Mathematical Life Sciences: From MATLAB Programming to Computer Simulations
This book helps the reader make use of the mathematical models of biological phenomena starting from the basics of programming and computer simulation. Computer simulations based on a mathematical model enable us to find a novel biological mechanism and predict an unknown biological phenomenon. Mathematical biology could further expand the progress of modern life sciences. Although many biologists are interested in mathematical biology, they do not have experience in mathematics and computer science. An educational course that combines biology, mathematics, and computer science is very rare to date. Published books for mathematical biology usually explain the theories of established mathematical models, but they do not provide a practical explanation for how to solve the differential equations included in the models, or to establish such a model that fits with a phenomenon of interest. MATLAB is an ideal programming platform for the beginners of computer science. This book starts from the very basics about how to write a programming code for MATLAB (or Octave), explains how to solve ordinary and partial differential equations, and how to apply mathematical models to various biological phenomena such as diabetes, infectious diseases, and heartbeats. Some of them are original models, newly developed for this book. Because MATLAB codes are embedded and explained throughout the book, it will be easy to catch up with the text. In the final chapter, the book focuses on the mathematical model of the proneural wave, a phenomenon that guarantees the sequential differentiation of neurons in the brain. This model was published as a paper from the author’s lab (Sato et al., PNAS 113, E5153, 2016), and was intensively explained in the book chapter “Notch Signaling in Embryology and Cancer”, published by Springer in 2020. This book provides the reader who has a biological background with invaluable opportunities to learn and practice mathematical biology.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Neural Systems to Data Science
This book provides an overview on the current progresses in artificial intelligence and neural nets in data science. The book is reporting on intelligent algorithms and applications modeling, prediction, and recognition tasks and many other application areas supporting complex multimodal systems to enhance and improve human–machine or human–human interactions. This field is broadly addressed by the scientific communities and has a strong commercial impact since investigates on the theoretical frameworks supporting the implementation of sophisticated computational intelligence tools. Such tools will support multidisciplinary aspects of data mining and data processing characterizing appropriate system reactions to human-machine interactional exchanges in interactive scenarios. The emotional issue has recently gained increasing attention for such complex systems due to its relevance in helping in the most common human tasks (like cognitive processes, perception, learning, communication, and even "rational" decision-making) and therefore improving the quality of life of the end users.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Practical Techniques of Carotid Endarterectomy
This book addresses multiple principles of carotid endarterectomy in terms of cervical anatomy, surgical techniques, practical cases and frequent questions stemming from clinical practice. Carotid endarterectomy (CEA) is an effective way to the treatment of carotid artery stenosis, which significantly reduce the risk of stroke. This book covers the key concepts and common question in CEA. It is a practical book focusing on basic surgical technical techniques, but not covers controversial issues.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Screening and Risk Reduction Strategies for Breast Cancer: Imaging Modality and Risk-Reduction Approaches
This book provides readers with the most up-to-date practical information on breast cancer screening. Since breast cancers are highly heterogeneous, time to clinical onset from the initial carcinogenesis differs diversely between cancers. Pathological germline variants and driver mutations cause a high lifetime risk of breast cancer. The lifetime risks are various according to what genes are pathologically dysfunctional. Integrated omics and imaging technologies have established varying tumour characteristics. Thus, this book suggests that a more individualised scheme is required to improve breast cancer screening. A key aim is to demonstrate how multiple diagnostic imaging modalities such as mammography, ultrasonography, MRI, PET and dbPET improve breast cancer screening accuracy. Mammography screening alone may have a limited impact on breast cancer risk prediction. These issues are crucial to discuss. Clinical experts recommend that new modalities be incorporated for women with dense breasts, like ultrasonography, dynamic mammography, MRI and maybe breast-dedicated PET. Topics on these modalities are going to be summarized in this book. An in-depth review of these modalities is summarised in this book. In addition, new diagnostic modalities, including risk assessment tools, multi-cancer early detection tests using liquid biopsy, the role of protein biomarkers in breast cancer risk screening, challenges, and hopes for future advances, are also covered in this book.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Chinese Handicrafts
This book systematically introduces readers to traditional Chinese handicrafts, which are original, distinct, and have had major impacts in China and around the globe. It explores 14 different types of handicraft, and provides a clear definition, detailed information on the techniques, and extensive discussion of each. Readers will not only learn the fascinating stories behind traditional Chinese handicrafts, but also be inspired by the great Chinese handicraftsmen’s inherent spirit of innovation and creativity.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Basiswissen Wirtschaftsinformatik
Das Buch ist als Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch konzipiert. Es ist modular aufgebaut und beinhaltet in 10 Kapiteln Einführungen in die elementaren Bereiche der Wirtschaftsinformatik. Die Kapitel umfassen neben inhaltlichen Exkursen am Ende jeweils auch Wiederholungsfragen und praktische Aufgaben, für die in einem gesonderten Kapitel Lösungen bereitgestellt werden. Den Abschluss bilden zwei Fallstudien zur Digitalen Transformation. Das Buch eignet sich als Begleitwerk für Vorlesungen an Universitäten und Fachhochschulen, aber auch als Vertiefungsquelle für Ausbildungsgänge mit IT-Bezug.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Elektronik: Lehr- und Übungsbuch für Grundschaltungen der Elektronik, Leistungselektronik, Digitaltechnik/Digitalisierung mit einem Repetitorium Elektrotechnik
Dieses Lehr- und Übungsbuch für Grundschaltungen der Elektronik und Leistungselektronik sowie der Digitaltechnik vermittelt die Grundzüge der Elektronik auf einem mittleren mathematischen Niveau. Es bietet eine kurz gefasste Einführung in die Elektronik auf aktuellem Stand der Bauelemente und Schaltungstechniken und stellt alle Elektronik-Grundlagen in lehrgangsmäßiger Form in einem Band übersichtlich zusammen. Die Darbietung des Lehrstoffs orientiert sich am Niveau von Technikerschulen und fördert das Verständnis für elektronische Schaltungen und Digitalisierung. Das enthaltene Repetitorium Elektrotechnik erleichtert den Einstieg in die Materie.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Haut und Psyche: Medizinisch-psychologische Problemfelder in der Dermatologie
Ausgehend von den psychosozialen Problemen hautkranker Personen werden medizinisch-psychologische Grundlagen in ihrer Wertigkeit für die Betreuung dieser Patienten zur Anwendung gebracht. Zunächst wird bei Patienten mit chronisch rezidivierender Urtikaria, Alopezie, Psoriasis und Neurodermitis gezeigt, daß kritische Lebensereignisse in engem, aber unterschiedlichem Zusammenhang mit diesen Erkrankungen stehen. Des weiteren werden die Krankheitsmodelle bei Psoriasis- und Neurodermitispatienten analysiert. Nach der Reflexion über psychodiagnostische Konsequenzen schließt die Arbeit mit Untersuchungen zur Effektivität psychotherapeutischer Interventionen bei Hautpatienten. Hypnose und Autogenes Training kamen bei Patienten mit progressiver Sklerodermie zur Anwendung, während die Thematische Gruppentherapie zur Verbesserung der Lebensqualität bei Neurodermitispatienten führte.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden 100 Rezepte für MS-DOS 6.0: Tips, Tricks und Anwendungsbeispiele für Einsteiger und Fortgeschrittene
Handlungsorientierte Darstellung Mit diesem Buch führen wir Sie in einer aufbauenden Folge von Rezepten in die Welt des Betriebssystems MS DOS in der Version 6 ein. An einfachen Beispielen erleben Sie Problemlösungen mit dieser Generation des weit verbreiteten Einplatz Betriebssystems. Hilfe Sie lernen die mitgelieferten Hilfeprogramme zu nutzen. Wenn Sie mehr Informa tionen wollen, lesen Sie, wie Sie die Microsoft Support CDs und den Zugang zu CompuServe bekommen und dort das Forum MSDOS nutzen. Für alle zusätzli chen Hilfen finden Sie Bezugsadressen. Brücken Wir zeigen Ihnen Aussichtspunkte, von denen Sie die Blicke in die Nachbarwelt von Windows 3.1 werfen können. Viele Tabellen veranschaulichen Handlungsal ternativen an der DOS-Eingabeaufforderung, der DOS-Shell und Windows. Alles automatisch? Mit Batch-Programmen und Makros gestalten Sie eigene Abläufe. Sie erhalten viele Tips und Anregungen für die Organisation und Planung Ihrer Arbeit mit DOS. Bilderbuch Die zahlreichen exakten Abbildungen von Bildschirmen und Ausdrucken vermit teln Ihnen auch ohne PC jederzeit eine genaue Vorstellung von den Beispielen und der Arbeit mit DOS. Beispiele Sie finden durchweg einfache und übersichtliche abgeschlossene Beispiele, die Sie auch noch am Feierabend bequem nachvollziehen können. Danke ... Wir danken CompuServe, Creative Daten Systeme, der GD Gesellschaft für Datenkommunikation, Microsoft und Andreas Müller Software für die vielfältige Unterstützung. Viel Erfolg! Wir wünschen Ihnen viel Freude und Erfolg beim Lesen und Arbeiten mit diesem Rezept-Buch und MS DOS 6.0. Über Ihre Anregungen freuen wir uns.
Springer Nature Switzerland And I Saw Sequences of Petals and Leaves
Springer Nature Singapore Joseph Butler
Springer Nature Singapore A History of Books in Ancient China
Springer Verlag, Singapore Fourth Congress on Intelligent Systems
This book is a collection of selected papers presented at the Fourth Congress on Intelligent Systems (CIS 2023), organized by CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bangalore, India, under the technical sponsorship of the Soft Computing Research Society, India, during September 45, 2023. It includes novel and innovative work from experts, practitioners, scientists, and decision-makers from academia and industry. It covers topics such as the Internet of Things, information security, embedded systems, real-time systems, cloud computing, big data analysis, quantum computing, automation systems, bio-inspired intelligence, cognitive systems, cyber-physical systems, data analytics, data/web mining, data science, intelligence for security, intelligent decision-making systems, intelligent information processing, intelligent transportation, artificial intelligence for machine vision, imaging sensors technology, image segmentation, convolutional neural network, image/video classification, soft comput
Springer Verlag, Singapore Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision: 6th Chinese Conference, PRCV 2023, Xiamen, China, October 13–15, 2023, Proceedings, Part IX
The 13-volume set LNCS 14425-14437 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 6th Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision, PRCV 2023, held in Xiamen, China, during October 13–15, 2023. The 532 full papers presented in these volumes were selected from 1420 submissions. The papers have been organized in the following topical sections: Action Recognition, Multi-Modal Information Processing, 3D Vision and Reconstruction, Character Recognition, Fundamental Theory of Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Vision Problems in Robotics, Autonomous Driving, Pattern Classification and Cluster Analysis, Performance Evaluation and Benchmarks, Remote Sensing Image Interpretation, Biometric Recognition, Face Recognition and Pose Recognition, Structural Pattern Recognition, Computational Photography, Sensing and Display Technology, Video Analysis and Understanding, Vision Applications and Systems, Document Analysis and Recognition, Feature Extraction and Feature Selection, Multimedia Analysis and Reasoning, Optimization and Learning methods, Neural Network and Deep Learning, Low-Level Vision and Image Processing, Object Detection, Tracking and Identification, Medical Image Processing and Analysis.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision: 6th Chinese Conference, PRCV 2023, Xiamen, China, October 13–15, 2023, Proceedings, Part VIII
The 13-volume set LNCS 14425-14437 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 6th Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision, PRCV 2023, held in Xiamen, China, during October 13–15, 2023. The 532 full papers presented in these volumes were selected from 1420 submissions. The papers have been organized in the following topical sections: Action Recognition, Multi-Modal Information Processing, 3D Vision and Reconstruction, Character Recognition, Fundamental Theory of Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Vision Problems in Robotics, Autonomous Driving, Pattern Classification and Cluster Analysis, Performance Evaluation and Benchmarks, Remote Sensing Image Interpretation, Biometric Recognition, Face Recognition and Pose Recognition, Structural Pattern Recognition, Computational Photography, Sensing and Display Technology, Video Analysis and Understanding, Vision Applications and Systems, Document Analysis and Recognition, Feature Extraction and Feature Selection, Multimedia Analysis and Reasoning, Optimization and Learning methods, Neural Network and Deep Learning, Low-Level Vision and Image Processing, Object Detection, Tracking and Identification, Medical Image Processing and Analysis.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Formal Methods and Software Engineering: 24th International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods, ICFEM 2023, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, November 21–24, 2023, Proceedings
This book constitutes the proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Formal Methods and Software Engineering, ICFEM 2023, held in Brisbane, QLD, Australia, during November 21–24, 2023.The 13 full papers presented together with 8 doctoral symposium papers in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 34 submissions, the volume also contains one invited paper. The conference focuses on applying formal methods to practical applications and presents papers for research in all areas related to formal engineering methods.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Asian and Pacific Coasts
This book presents peer reviewed articles from the 11th International Conference on Asian and Pacific Coasts (APAC 2023). APAC aims to promote academic and technological progress and activities, international technical transfer and cooperation, and opportunities for engineers and researchers to maintain and improve scientific and technical competence in the field of coastal engineering and related fields, among Asian and Pacific countries/regions. Besides coastal engineering, related fields include but not limited to coastal environment, marine ecology, coastal oceanography, and fishery science and engineering. APAC is jointly supported by the Chinese Ocean Engineering Society (COES), the Coastal Engineering Committee of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE), and the Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers (KSCOE). Chapters OILPARI - a real-time oil transport simulator for marine disaster response: Its functionary, update, and progresstoward the next generation, Applica
Springer Verlag, Singapore Proceedings of Data Analytics and Management: ICDAM 2023, Volume 1
This book includes original unpublished contributions presented at the International Conference on Data Analytics and Management (ICDAM 2023), held at London Metropolitan University, London, UK, during June 2023. The book covers the topics in data analytics, data management, big data, computational intelligence, and communication networks. The book presents innovative work by leading academics, researchers, and experts from industry which is useful for young researchers and students. The book is divided into four volumes.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Intelligent Robotics and Applications: 16th International Conference, ICIRA 2023, Hangzhou, China, July 5–7, 2023, Proceedings, Part I
The 9-volume set LNAI 14267-14275 constitutes the proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications, ICIRA 2023, which took place in Hangzhou, China, during July 5–7, 2023.The 413 papers included in these proceedings were carefully reviewed and selected from 630 submissions. They were organized in topical sections as follows:Part I: Human-Centric Technologies for Seamless Human-Robot Collaboration; Multimodal Collaborative Perception and Fusion; Intelligent Robot Perception in Unknown Environments; Vision-Based Human Robot Interaction and Application.Part II: Vision-Based Human Robot Interaction and Application; Reliable AI on Machine Human Reactions; Wearable Sensors and Robots; Wearable Robots for Assistance, Augmentation and Rehabilitation of Human Movements; Perception and Manipulation of Dexterous Hand for Humanoid Robot.Part III: Perception and Manipulation of Dexterous Hand for Humanoid Robot; Medical Imaging for Biomedical Robotics; Advanced Underwater Robot Technologies; Innovative Design and Performance Evaluation of Robot Mechanisms; Evaluation of Wearable Robots for Assistance and Rehabilitation; 3D Printing Soft Robots.Part IV: 3D Printing Soft Robots; Dielectric Elastomer Actuators for Soft Robotics; Human-like Locomotion and Manipulation; Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning for Smart Robots.Part V: Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning for Smart Robots; Robotic Tactile Sensation, Perception, and Applications; Advanced Sensing and Control Technology for Human-Robot Interaction; Knowledge-Based Robot Decision-Making and Manipulation; Design and Control of Legged Robots.Part VI: Design and Control of Legged Robots; Robots in Tunnelling and Underground Space; Robotic Machining of Complex Components; Clinically Oriented Design in Robotic Surgery and Rehabilitation; Visual and Visual-Tactile Perception for Robotics.Part VII: Visual and Visual-Tactile Perception for Robotics; Perception, Interaction, and Control of Wearable Robots; Marine Robotics and Applications; Multi-Robot Systems for Real World Applications; Physical and Neurological Human-Robot Interaction.Part VIII: Physical and Neurological Human-Robot Interaction; Advanced Motion Control Technologies for Mobile Robots; Intelligent Inspection Robotics; Robotics in Sustainable Manufacturing for Carbon Neutrality; Innovative Design and Performance Evaluation of Robot Mechanisms.Part IX: Innovative Design and Performance Evaluation of Robot Mechanisms; Cutting-Edge Research in Robotics.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Handbook of Teaching Competency Development in Higher Education
This is an open access book. It draws from relevant theories and approaches to teachers’ professional development (TPD) and innovative and inspiring TPD practices in higher education. It first lays a solid foundation for the rest of the book, through critiquing prevalent theories, approaches, and teaching competency frameworks guiding TPD in higher education, and defining the key concepts related to TPD. The book then develops a standard framework and assessment instrument of teaching competencies as well as ways of using this framework by institutions, departments at different levels, and individual teachers. It also proposes strategies for improving teachers’ teaching competencies by reviewing what has been achieved to date in TPD in terms of national-level policies and strategies, institutional-level interventions, and teachers’ self-directed professional development. Finally, it also presents case studies of typical practices in TPD in different countries.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Advanced Intelligent Computing Technology and Applications: 19th International Conference, ICIC 2023, Zhengzhou, China, August 10–13, 2023, Proceedings, Part II
This three-volume set of LNCS 14086, LNCS 14087 and LNCS 14088 constitutes - in conjunction with the double-volume set LNAI 14089-14090- the refereed proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Intelligent Computing, ICIC 2023, held in Zhengzhou, China, in August 2023. The 337 full papers of the three proceedings volumes were carefully reviewed and selected from 828 submissions. This year, the conference concentrated mainly on the theories and methodologies as well as the emerging applications of intelligent computing. Its aim was to unify the picture of contemporary intelligent computing techniques as an integral concept that highlights the trends in advanced computational intelligence and bridges theoretical research with applications. Therefore, the theme for this conference was "Advanced Intelligent Computing Technology and Applications". Papers that focused on this theme were solicited, addressing theories, methodologies, and applications in science and technology.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Statistics and Data Analysis for Engineers and Scientists
This textbook summarizes the different statistical, scientific, and financial data analysis methods for users ranging from a high school level to a professional level. It aims to combine the data analysis methods using three different programs—Microsoft Excel, SPSS, and MATLAB. The book combining the different data analysis tools is a unique approach. The book presents a variety of real-life problems in data analysis and machine learning, delivering the best solution. Analysis methods presented in this book include but are not limited to, performing various algebraic and trigonometric operations, regression modeling, and correlation, as well as plotting graphs and charts to represent the results. Fundamental concepts of applied statistics are also explained here, with illustrative examples. Thus, this book presents a pioneering solution to help a wide range of students, researchers, and professionals learn data processing, interpret different findings derived from the analyses, and apply them to their research or professional fields. The book also includes worked examples of practical problems. The primary focus behind designing these examples is understanding the concepts of data analysis and how it can solve problems. The chapters include practice exercises to assist users in enhancing their skills to execute statistical analysis calculations using software instead of relying on tables for probabilities and percentiles in the present world.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Party Life: Chinese Governance and the World Beyond Liberalism
The emergence of China as a great power is perhaps the most consequential development for the world in the 21st century. Yet, what the Western world sees in this development is largely through the prism of misinterpreted ideological dichotomy and misguided geopolitical rivalry. This book offers a deep look at the Chinese Communist Party and the nation it leads at conceptual, historic, and operational levels. If Thomas Kuhn’s concept of paradigm shift can be used in the social sciences, then China would represent the most significant anomaly to the dominant liberal exemplar. For students of China and of politics in general, and for the Western political and commercial elites, if they were to read one book about China to grasp the nature and weight of the Chinese phenomenon, Party Life would be it.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Machine Learning Contests: A Guidebook
This book systematically introduces the competitions in the field of algorithm and machine learning. The first author of the book has won 5 championships and 5 runner-ups in domestic and international algorithm competitions.Firstly, it takes common competition scenarios as a guide by giving the main processes of using machine learning to solve real-world problems, namely problem modelling, data exploration, feature engineering, model training. And then lists the main points of difficulties, general ideas with solutions in the whole process. Moreover, this book comprehensively covers several common problems in the field of machine learning competitions such as recommendation, temporal prediction, advertising, text computing, etc. The authors, also knew as "competition professionals”, will explain the actual cases in detail and teach you various processes, routines, techniques and strategies, which is a rare treasure book for all competition enthusiasts. It is very suitable for readers who are interested in algorithm competitions and deep learning algorithms in practice, or computer-related majors.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Metallogenic Theory and Exploration Technology of Multi-Arc-Basin-Terrane Collision Orogeny in “Sanjiang” Region, Southwest China
This open access book presents a new structural model of “multi-arc-basin-terrane system” based on the in-depth research of the Nujiang-Lancangjiang-Jinshajiang region, especially several Paleo-Tethys ophiolitic mélange belts and sets of arc-basin systems, and a new orogenic model of “The Hengduan shan Mountains” based on penetrated research on spatial-temporal framework and orogenic models of different orogenic belts under large-scale strike-slip-shear-nappe structures evolution. The authors paid special attention on the coupling relation between orogeny and metallogenesis. The metallogenesis and dynamic process are probed under the crust–mantle interaction and material-energy exchange-transmission background and the tectonic units evolution. The ore genesis and distribution of deposits have been thoroughly analyzed, and the metallogenic theories of "multi-arc-basin-terrane" and "intracontinental tectonic transformation" in the Nujiang-Lancangjiang-Jinshajiang region have been carried out. This book also illustrates how to explore metallic deposits in the Nujiang-Lancangjiang-Jinshajiang region by using the metallogenic regulations. Meanwhile, this book has high reference value for researchers working in the fields of basic geology, environmental geology, and energy geology.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Using Technology to Design ESL/EFL Microlearning Activities
This book provides strategies, tools, and best practices for incorporating microlearning in English language teaching. It aims to help teachers create and deliver microlearning mechanisms that are optimized for mobile learning. This book also draws on relevant literature and the author’s first-hand experience designing microlearning activities for English learners. It covers important aspects of microlearning, including artificial intelligence, virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed modalities. It is an important starting point for teachers, academics, and researchers interested in the principles and practice of microlearning in English language teaching. English language teachers in formal and informal education environments find this work thought-provoking, instructive, and informative and benefit from exploring the possibilities of microlearning to motivate and engage learners and maximize the number and quality of their learning experiences.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Advances in Clean Energy and Sustainability: Proceedings of ICAER 2022
This book presents selected papers from the 8th International Conference on Advances in Energy Research (ICAER 2022), providing coverage encompassing advanced conventional energy technology, renewable and non-conventional energy technology, electric mobility, energy storage, energy, environment and society, industry innovations in energy, sector-coupled energy system, and energy education. The contents of this book are of use to researchers from not only scientific background, but also economics and anthropology. It encourages researchers to conduct research on the ways to assess and analyse the acceptance of the novel energy forms among the mass population from a financial and social perspective.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Disaster Resilience and Human Settlements: Emerging Perspectives in the Anthropocene
This book presents emerging perspectives on disaster resilience and human settlements in the larger context of the Anthropocene. The chapters explore urban and rural perspectives focusing on the current and emerging perspectives on disaster resilience through a holistic approach, involving scientists, humanists, planners, policymakers, and professionals in the global debate.
Springer Nature Singapore Introduction to Intelligent Robot System Design
Springer Verlag, Singapore Emerging Technologies for Future Sustainability: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Biomass Utilization and Sustainable Energy; ICoBiomasSE 2022; 20–21 Sept., Malaysia
This book presents high-quality peer-reviewed articles from the 2nd International Conference on Biomass Utilization and Sustainable Energy 2022 (ICoBiomasSE 2022) organized by the Centre of Excellence for Biomass Utilization (COEBU), Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), Malaysia. The theme of the conference “Emerging Technology for Future Sustainability” is chosen in view of the current revolution and rapid developments in the field of biomass innovation towards sustainable development. The contents are broadly divided into five parts: (1) sustainable biomass resources for decarbonizing the economy, (2) biomass conversion technologies for bioenergy and biofuels, (3) biomass conversion to intermediates and products, (4) bioeconomy sustainability, impacts and policies and (5) bioenergy integration. It provides a platform for students, professionals, researchers, academicians, policymakers and industries working in the areas of biomass utilization and sustainable energy to solve long-standing environmental issues for a healthier planet.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Cross-Technology Coexistence Design for Wireless Networks
This book introduces readers to the fundamentals of the cross-technology coexistence problem in heterogeneous wireless networks. It also highlights a range of mechanisms designed to combat this problem and improve network performance, including protocol design, theoretical analysis, and experimental evaluation.In turn, the book proposes three mechanisms that can be combined to combat the cross-technology coexistence problem and improve network performance. First, the authors present a fast signal identification method. It provides the basis for the subsequent protocol design and allows heterogeneous devices to adopt proper transmission strategies. Second, the authors present two cross-technology interference management mechanisms in both the time domain and the frequency domain, which can mitigate interference and increase transmission opportunities for heterogeneous devices, thus improving network performance. Third, they present a cross-technology communication mechanism based on symbol-level energy modulation, which allows heterogeneous devices to transmit information directly without a gateway, improving transmission efficiency and paving the way for new applications in IoT scenarios. Lastly, they outline several potential research directions to further improve the efficiency of cross-technology coexistence. This book is intended for researchers, computer scientists, and engineers who are interested in the research areas of wireless networking, wireless communication, mobile computing, and Internet of Things. Advanced-level students studying these topics will benefit from the book as well.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Data Management, Analytics and Innovation: Proceedings of ICDMAI 2023
This book presents the latest findings in the areas of data management and smart computing, big data management, artificial intelligence and data analytics, along with advances in network technologies. The volume is a collection of peer reviewed research papers presented at Seventh International Conference on Data Management, Analytics and Innovation (ICDMAI 2023), held during 20 – 22 January, 2023 in Pune, India. It addresses state-of-the-art topics and discusses challenges and solutions for future development. Gathering original, unpublished contributions by scientists from around the globe, the book is mainly intended for a professional audience of researchers and practitioners in academia and industry.