Search results for ""author roy""
Titan Books Ltd The Michael Moorcock Library Vol.1: Elric of Melnibone
Collecting the first volume of the classic 1980's comic adaptation of the Elric of Melnibone novels by fantasy legend Michael Moorcock! Bear witness to the story of Elric, Lord of Melnibone; his dark cousin - the evil Yyrkoon; their dark magics; and their terrible struggle for rule of the fabled Emerald Isle! Based on Michael Moorcock's most popular work.
Titan Books Ltd The Michael Moorcock Library Vol. 2: Elric The Sailor on the Seas of Fate
Collecting the second volume of the classic 1980's comic adaptation of the Elric of Melniboné novels by Michael Moorcock! Forced to flee his city of Melniboné, Elric and his sorcerous blade, Stormbringer, journey to the edge of a black sea where he begins a voyage that will bring him face-to-face with all the champions time can summon--and more!
Brepols N.V. Transforming Landscapes of Belief in the Early Medieval Insular World and Beyond: Converting the Isles II
David Zwirner Roy DeCarava: the sound i saw
Roy DeCarava: the sound i saw is the pictorial equivalent of jazz. Here the visionary photographer turns his gaze on legendary jazz icons John Coltrane, Billie Holiday, Duke Ellington and Ornette Coleman, among many others. “This is a book about people, about jazz, and about things. The work between its covers tries to present images for the head and for the heart and, like its subject matter, is particular, subjective, and individual,” writes DeCarava. A master of poetic contemplation and of sensual tonalities in black and white, DeCarava is, above all, a photographer of people. A member of the post–World War II generation that sought a new modernist vocabulary, he was first recognized for his innovative images of life in Harlem (the subject of The Sweet Flypaper of Life, his 1955 collaboration with poet Langston Hughes) and extraordinary portraits of jazz musicians like John Coltrane, Duke Ellington, and Billie Holiday. It is these two themes—New York and jazz—interwoven and inseparable, that are the ostensible subject of the sound i saw. However, the seemingly casual yet deeply felt compositions and the rich, gradient tones of DeCarava’s photographs stir emotions that resonate far beyond one neighborhood and one era.Conceived, designed, written, and made as an artist maquette by DeCarava in the early 1960s, the sound i saw went unpublished for almost half a century until it was printed by Phaidon in 2001. At its core is a visual and philosophical journey to plumb the meaning of a creative life. The artist’s intention in proposing a complex relationship between vision and music moves his comprehensive, decade-long reflection to the status of a magnum opus. This new edition, co-published by First Print Press and David Zwirner Books, includes new scholarship by Radiclani Clytus, and reflections by Sherry Turner DeCarava.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Art of Comics: A Philosophical Approach
THE ART OF COMICS The Art of Comics: A Philosophical Introduction is the first-ever collection of essays published in English devoted to the philosophical questions raised by the art of comics. The volume, which includes a preface by the renowned comics author Warren Ellis, contains ten cutting-edge essays on a range of philosophical topics raised by comics and graphic novels. These include the definition of comics, the nature of comics genres, the relationship between comics and other arts such as film and literature, the way words and pictures combine in comics, comics authorship, the “language” of comics, and the metaphysics of comics. The book also contains an in-depth introduction by the co-editors which provides an overview of both the book and its subject, as well as a brief history of comics and an overview of extant work on the philosophy of comics. In an area of growing philosophical interest, this volume constitutes a great leap forward in the development of this fast expanding field, and makes a major contribution to the philosophy of art.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Integrating Biological Control into Conservation Practice
Invasive species have a critical and growing effect upon natural areas. They can modify, degrade, or destroy wildland ecosystem structure and function, and reduce native biodiversity. Landscape-level solutions are needed to address these problems. Conservation biologists seek to limit such damage and restore ecosystems using a variety of approaches. One such approach is biological control: the deliberate importation and establishment of specialized natural enemies, which can address invasive species problems and which should be considered as a possible component of restoration. Biological control can be an effective tool against many invasive insects and plants but it has rarely been successfully employed against other groups. Safety is of paramount concern and requires that the natural enemies used be specialized and that targeted pests be drivers of ecological degradation. While modern approaches allow species to be selected with a high level of security, some risks do remain. However, as in all species introductions, these should be viewed in the context of the risk of failing to reduce the impact of the invasive species. This unique book identifies the balance among these factors to show how biological control can be integrated into ecosystem restoration as practiced by conservation biologists. Jointly developed by conservation biologists and biological control scientists, it contains chapters on matching tools to management goals; tools in action; measuring and evaluating ecological outcomes of biological control introductions; managing conflict over biological control; and includes case studies as well as an ethical framework for integrating biological control and conservation practice. Integrating Biological Control into Conservation Practice is suitable for graduate courses in invasive species management and biological control, as well as for research scientists in government and non-profit conservation organizations.
Springer International Publishing AG AI in Learning: Designing the Future
AI (Artificial Intelligence) is predicted to radically change teaching and learning in both schools and industry causing radical disruption of work. AI can support well-being initiatives and lifelong learning but educational institutions and companies need to take the changing technology into account. Moving towards AI supported by digital tools requires a dramatic shift in the concept of learning, expertise and the businesses built off of it. Based on the latest research on AI and how it is changing learning and education, this book will focus on the enormous opportunities to expand educational settings with AI for learning in and beyond the traditional classroom. This open access book also introduces ethical challenges related to learning and education, while connecting human learning and machine learning. This book will be of use to a variety of readers, including researchers, AI users, companies and policy makers.
Aarhus University Press Cultural Encounters -- China, Japan & the West: Essays Commemorating 25 Years of East Asian Studies at the University of Aarhus
University of Georgia Press Oglethorpe's Dream: A Picture of Georgia
A panoramic view of the state in words and images; Oglethorpe's Dream unites the award-winning photography of Diane Kirkland with the beautifully powerful writing of David Bottoms, Georgia's poet laureate. The result is a stunning portrait of the lands, waters, culture, and people of Georgia. From the sea islands to the cities, from the wiregrass to the mountain forests, Kirkland gives us a gallery of spectacular images showcasing the state in its breadth, beauty, and diversity. Marrying landscape to history, Bottoms gives voice to a people filled with courage, pain, conviction, and, above all, hope. Together they capture the natural beauty of the diverse landscape, the richness of the state's storied past, and the essence of its spirited people. ""Isn't that what you always hoped for,"" Bottoms writes, ""to find a place...and yourself in that place?"" Oglethorpe's Dream helps us all to see a place called Georgia, and there to find something of ourselves.
CoramBAAF Adoption Now: 2013
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A Companion to the Enlightenment
The Companion focusses on the international intellectual movement of the Enlightenment, and the individuals who shaped it. A number of substantial essays survey the main topics of dictionaries, encyclopedias, art, music and theatre, while central philosophical concepts such as human nature are also examined. Specialized topics receive short definitions and there are several hundred biographies. Chronology. 100 halftones. Bibliographies. Index.
Ovid Technologies Bioquímica. Detrás de los síntomas
Bioquímica. Detrás de los síntomas adopta un enfoque de aprendizaje basado en problemas (ABP) y se centra en la aplicación práctica de la bioquímica para lograr resultados clínicos óptimos. El contenido está estructurado en torno a síntomas comunes encontrados por profesionales de la salud, establece conexiones claras entre la ciencia fundamental y las manifestaciones clínicas, y guía al lector hacia diagnósticos seguros a lo largo de su trayectoria profesional. Cada capítulo explora los conceptos bioquímicos subyacentes a las causas y demuestra sus vínculos con los síntomas que se presentan a través de casos clínicos reales de pacientes. Las preguntas que lo acompañan fomentan el debate y orientan a los usuarios en la elaboración de diagnósticos diferenciales precisos. Este enfoque es ideal tanto para entornos de aprendizaje colaborativo entre alumnos como para estudio independiente, fortalece la aplicación de conocimientos fundamentales y asegura una retención a largo plazo, esencial para el éxito clínico.
Wolters Kluwer Health Biochemistry Behind the Symptoms
Biochemistry Behind the Symptoms takes a problem-based approach to understanding and applying biochemistry for superior clinical outcomes. Organized around the common symptoms encountered by clinicians, this engaging text clarifies the connections between foundational science and clinical manifestations to help users form confident diagnoses throughout their clerkship and beyond. Each chapter explores the biochemical concepts behind underlying causes and demonstrates their ties to presenting symptoms through 5 realistic patient cases. Accompanying questions encourage discussion and guide users in building accurate differential diagnoses. Ideal for peer-to-peer learning environments or independent study, this practical approach strengthens users’ application of fundamental knowledge and ensures the long-term retention essential to clinical success. 50 Patient Cases emphasize the biochemical concepts behind common patient symptoms through problem-based learning. Clinical Impression sections encourage critical thinking and train students step by step in building effective differential diagnoses. Basic Science Correlations in each Patient Case clarify the biochemical concepts underlying diagnosis with an engaging question-and-answer format. High-Yield Concepts summarized after each Patient Case reinforce students’ comprehension of essential chapter concepts. Digital Animations immerse students in biochemical processes to enrich their understanding and diagnostic confidence.
Mimesis International The Size Effect: A Journey into Design, Fashion and Media
Sage Publications Ltd Learning and Teaching in Higher Education: The Reflective Professional
′This book provides teachers in higher education with what they need - a compelling framework for improving student learning. It combines a comprehensive synthesis of the latest research on learning and teaching with practical strategies for implementing it in their classrooms′ - Professor Ken Bain, Author of What the Best College Teachers Do, Vice Provost for Instruction, Montclair State University Praise for the First Edition: `For too long we have waited for a book that brings together the best contemporary thinking about learning and teaching and that connects with academics′ everyday teaching practice in an engaging way. At last, in this book, we have it′ - Ronald Barnett, Institute of Education, University of London Worldwide, higher and professional education services are challenged by increased student numbers and diversity, tougher demands for professional accountability, increasing calls for educational relevance and thinning resources. This new edition addresses key issues in the practice and theory of teaching and learning in the sector and includes fully updated discussions of: - the professional in academic practice - mentoring - teaching with technology - the relationship between learning objectives, outcomes and assessment - the novice teacher The authors draw on theory, practice and current research to provide a new way of thinking about the many aspects of learning and teaching in higher education, enabling readers to reflect critically on their teaching. They also propose a model for continuous professional development appropriate to the higher education academic community. Learning & Teaching in Higher Education: The Reflective Professional is for lecturers, researchers, staff developers and others involved in teaching in higher and professional education. Greg Light is Director of the Searle Center for Teaching Excellence and an associate professor in the School of Education and Social Policy at Northwestern University, Chicago. Roy Cox was a visiting academic at the University of London where he helped establish one of the first centres for learning and teaching in higher education in the world. Susanna Calkins is Associate Director for Faculty development at the Searle Center for Teaching Excellence.
McGraw-Hill Education Loose-Leaf for Essentials of Negotiation
John Wiley & Sons Inc Gaining Control of the Corporate Culture
Leading authorities share their approaches to understanding, managing and changing organizational cultures. Includes methods for identifying cultural norms, reinforcing the positive aspects of existing culture, and building new cultures that support organizational goals and strategies.
Carcanet Press Ltd The Sin of Father Amaro
Jacinto, an absentee noble from Portugal, revels in joyous extreme in the latest of French sophistications. Circumstances compel his return to his family estates where he rediscovers the values and pleasures of Portuguese traditional life, but there are doubts about this perfection he finds.
University of North Texas Press,U.S. A Wyatt Earp Anthology: Long May His Story Be Told
Wyatt Earp is one of the most legendary figures of the nineteenth-century American West, notable for his role in the gunfight at the O.K. Corral in Tombstone, Arizona. He was a product of his time, often walking both sides of the street, sometimes on the side of law and order and sometimes as the law-breaker. Some see him as the "Lion of Tombstone," a hero lawman of the Wild West, whereas others see him as yet another outlaw, a pimp, and failed lawman. Roy B. Young, Gary L. Roberts, and Casey Tefertiller, all notable experts on Earp and the Wild West, present in A Wyatt Earp Anthology an authoritative account of his life, successes, and failures. The editors have curated an anthology of the very best work on Earp-more than sixty articles and excerpts from books-from a wide array of authors, selecting only the best written and factually documented pieces and omitting those full of suppositions or false material. Nearly all of the selections come from the last twenty years, when a more critical eye was turned to sources of Earp history. Many articles derive from the five stellar western publications dedicated to preserving the history of the American West: True West, Wild West, WOLA Journal, NOLA Quarterly, and the Journal of the Wild West History Association. Earp's life is presented in chronological fashion, from his early years to Dodge City, Kansas; triumph and tragedy in Tombstone; and his later years throughout the West. Important figures in Earp's life, such as Bat Masterson, the Clantons, the McLaurys, Doc Holliday, and John Ringo, are also covered. Wyatt Earp's image in film and the myths surrounding his life, as well as controversies over interpretations and presentations of his life by various writers, also receive their due. Finally, an extensive epilogue by Gary L. Roberts explores Earp and frontier violence. Readers of the Old West will appreciate this well-balanced, comprehensive account of the life, legend, and legacy of the incomparable Wyatt Earp.
OM Book Service Loose Leaf for Negotiation
Zondervan Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy
An image rich, passage-by-passage commentary that integrates textual and artifactual context from the ancient Near East to inform our understanding and interpretation of the Hebrew Bible—while remaining respectful to the inerrancy of Scripture. Without a deep knowledge of the ancient cultures the Old Testament was born from, we can be tempted to impose our own culture on the text, potentially distorting it. This unique Bible backgrounds commentary examines: The history of the ancient Near East as a means of recovering knowledge of the events that shaped the lives of the people. The archaeology as a means of recovering the lifestyle reflected in the material cultures. The literature of the ancient Near East as a means of understanding the heart and soul of the people who inhabited the ancient world that Israel shared. Detailed exegetical notes are combined with comparative discussions of the cultural settings that help scholars interpret the Pentateuch.This volume of the celebrated Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary series brings the first five books of the Bible into sharper focus—enabling scholars, pastors, and laity to access rich data from over one hundred and seventy years of explorations and excavations in the Near East.THE ZONDERVAN ILLUSTRATED BIBLE BACKGROUNDS COMMENTARY SERIESInvites you to enter the world of the Old Testament with a company of seasoned guides, experts who will give new insights into these cherished writings. Features: Over 2000 photographs, drawings, maps, diagrams, and charts provide a visual feast that breathes fresh life into the text. Passage-by-passage commentary presents archaeological findings, historical explanations, geographic insights, notes on manners and customs, and more. Analysis into the literature of the ancient Near East will open your eyes to new depths of understanding both familiar and unfamiliar passages. Written by an international team of 30 specialists, all top scholars in background studies.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Building Procurement
As an industrial process, construction is unique. The procurement processes used to achieve the successful completion of built assets requires a different approach to that adopted in most other industries, due to the design of buildings being bespoke and the sites being geographically varied. The procurement process is central to the success of any construction project and many of the problems which impact construction projects can be traced back to the procurement phase, so a good understanding of the methods of procurement, the development of a procurement strategy and the influence it has on project success is essential for all those working in the industry. Much has changed in the global construction industry since publication of the second edition of Building Procurement, for example the increase in debt burden of many major economies, widespread adoption of Building Information Modelling (BIM) Technology in the industry and the United Kingdom's exit from the European Union. This new edition has been rewritten to take account of these significant developments, but at its core it continues to provide a critical examination and review of current procurement practices in the UK, continental Europe (including EU procurement procedures), China, Middle East and Sub-Saharan Africa and the USA. It retains its original strong emphasis on the need for clients to establish achievable objectives which reflect the project business case and focuses on development of suitable strategies and management structures to meet those objectives in the current construction climate. Building Procurement will be essential reading for senior undergraduate and postgraduate students of construction management and practitioners working in all areas of construction management.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Crime Scene Investigation
Crime Scene Investigation offers an innovative approach to learning about crime scene investigation, taking the reader from the first response on the crime scene to documenting crime scene evidence and preparing evidence for courtroom presentation. It includes topics not normally covered in other texts, such as forensic anthropology and pathology, entomology, arson and explosives, and the electronic crime scene. Numerous photographs and illustrations complement text material, and a chapter-by-chapter fictional narrative also provides the reader with a qualitative dimension of the crime scene experience.
Cambridge University Press 50 Big Debates in Reproductive Medicine
One of modern healthcare's most controversial areas, reproductive medicine is an emerging discipline that fosters hugely divergent opinions on topics such as laboratory techniques, clinical management and ethical considerations. Highlighting over 50 contentious topics in reproductive medicine, this book presents expertly argued opinions are presented for and against, often with diametrically opposing views about management. Debates such as these are being increasingly used as learning tools, helping participants develop their critical thinking skills and showing that context is vital when making decisions. Issues discussed include limits on IVF provision, ethical queries about sex selection, embryology, and ovarian stimulation. Authors are authorities in their field, combining years of experience with fresh and innovative ideas to structure their arguments. Readers will gain an insight into topical controversies, critically evaluating the different sides to enhance their own clinical practice.
Emerald Publishing Limited Understanding the Mexican Economy: A Social, Cultural, and Political Overview
The Mexican economy is a contemporary political flashpoint, and not just in Mexico, but in the United States, as well. Yet few people understand it in its full complexity, and fewer still understand the social, cultural, and historical factors that have helped to make it what it is today and that will continue to affect its future. In Understanding the Mexican Economy, Roy Boyd, Maria Eugenia Ibarrarán, and Roberto Vélez-Grajales offer a comprehensive overview of these factors. They provide a full, historical, economic, and political context through which to understand the actions of the people and government of Mexico, and they give insights into how those actions impinge -- and might continue to impinge -- on the United States. They conduct a wide-ranging examination of the Mexican economy and investigate the causes of persistent problems such as economic stagnation, high poverty levels, and emigration abroad. Stressing the critical role played by economic incentives as well as Mexico's geography and political institutions, they employ a number of modeling techniques, including a specially designed computer model, to discuss a variety of topics including international trade, regional inequality, the informal economy, natural resource extraction, Mexico's "war on drugs," and the economic impact of US trade and immigration policy on both Mexico and the US. For its comprehensive overview and the new insights it provides into these crucial and yet often tragically misunderstood issues, Understanding the Mexican Economy is essential reading not only for economists, but also for practitioners with a policy interest in Mexico, for students of Latin American studies, Development Studies, geography, and sociology, and for anyone with an interest in recent events and controversies around US-Mexican relations.
Lincoln Institute of Land Policy Financing Metropolitan Governments in Developing Countries
John Wiley & Sons Inc Think Before You Speak: A Complete Guide to Strategic Negotiation
Think Before You Speak Think Before You Speak takes you through the entire negotiationprocess in all its variations and contexts, both in business andeveryday life. By preparing you to think clearly and strategically,this invaluable guide gives you an edge that will help you toachieve success while maintaining the best possible relations withthose opposing you. Here's an outline of how Think Before You Speakleads you through the strategic negotiation process: CHAPTER & TOPIC * Overview/Plan * Assess Your Position * Assess Other Party * Analyze Context * Selecting a Strategy * Competition * Collaboration * Other Strategies * Building Collaboration * Resolving Conflict * Third Party Help * Communicating * Legal/Ethical Issues * Multiple Parties * Global Negotiation * Improving Negotiation STEP IN PROCESS * ANALYZE STRATEGIC ISSUES * SELECT A STRATEGY * INITIATE THE NEGOTIATION PROCESS * MANAGE THE NEGOTIATION PROCESS * OBTAIN OUTCOMES AND LEARN FROM THE EXPERIENCE Practical, authoritative, and comprehensive, Think Before You Speakgives you the tools to handle any negotiation with confidence.
Cornell University Press Handbook of Larval Amphibians of the United States and Canada
Generously illustrated, this essential handbook for herpetologists, ecologists, and naturalists features comprehensive keys to eggs, embryos, salamander larvae, and tadpoles; species accounts; a glossary of terms; and an extensive bibliography. The taxonomic accounts include a summarization of the morphology and basic natural history, as well as an introduction to published information for each species. Tadpole mouthparts exhibit major characteristics used in identifications, and the book includes illustrations for a number of species. Color photographs of larvae of many species are also presented. Handbook of Larval Amphibians of the United States and Canada, written by the foremost experts on larval amphibians, is the first guide of its kind and will transform the fieldwork of scientists and fish and wildlife professionals.
Harvard University Press Letters, Volume IV: Letters 249–368. On Greek Literature
Correspondence of a Cappadocian Father.Basil the Great was born ca. AD 330 at Caesarea in Cappadocia into a family noted for piety. He was at Constantinople and Athens for several years as a student with Gregory of Nazianzus and was much influenced by Origen. For a short time he held a chair of rhetoric at Caesarea, and was then baptized. He visited monasteries in Egypt and Palestine and sought out the most famous hermits in Syria and elsewhere to learn how to lead a pious and ascetic life; but he decided that communal monastic life and work were best. About 360 he founded in Pontus a convent to which his sister and widowed mother belonged. Ordained a presbyter in 365, in 370 he succeeded Eusebius in the archbishopric of Caesarea, which included authority over all Pontus. He died in 379. Even today his reform of monastic life in the east is the basis of modern Greek and Slavonic monasteries. The Loeb Classical Library edition of Basil’s Letters is in four volumes.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Field Guide to the 6Ds: How to Use the Six Disciplines to Transform Learning into Business Results
Practical guidelines for implementing the six disciplines of breakthrough learning The Six Disciplines of Breakthrough Learning has become a standard for companies serious about increasing the return on their investment in learning and development. Now the authors help workplace learning professionals apply the concepts of their bestselling book. With real-world applications, case studies, how-to guidelines, and practical advice and examples for implementing the 6Ds, The 6Ds Fieldbook: Beyond ADDIE will help organizations substantially increase the return on investment and decrease "learning scrap," the potential value that goes unrealized in many learning and development initiatives. Helps OD professionals apply the concepts of the bestselling Six Disciplines of Breakthrough Learning Includes all new case studies, examples, tools, and best practices in use by organizations that have successfully used the 6Ds Taps into the experience and expertise of 6Ds practitioners Linking to social media to enhance the lessons of the book, The 6Ds Fieldbook is an easy-to-use and widely-applicable guide to getting the most from learning and development.
Brill Empires of the Sea: Maritime Power Networks in World History
Empires of the Sea brings together studies of maritime empires from the Bronze Age to the Eighteenth Century. The volume aims to establish maritime empires as a category for the (comparative) study of premodern empires, and from a partly ‘non-western’ perspective. The book includes contributions on Mycenaean sea power, Classical Athens, the ancient Thebans, Ptolemaic Egypt, The Genoese Empire, power networks of the Vikings, the medieval Danish Empire, the Baltic empire of Ancien Régime Sweden, the early modern Indian Ocean, the Melaka Empire, the (non-European aspects of the) Portuguese Empire and Dutch East India Company, and the Pirates of Caribbean.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Perspectives on Africa: A Reader in Culture, History and Representation
The second edition of Perspectives on Africa: A Reader in Culture, History, and Representation is both an introduction to the cultures of Africa and a history of the interpretations of those cultures. Key essays explore the major issues and debates through a combination of classic articles and the newest research in the field. Explores the dynamic processes by and through which scholars have described and understood African history and culture Includes selections from anthropologists, historians, philosophers, and critics who collectively reveal the interpenetration of ideas and concepts within and across disciplines, regions, and historical periods Offers a combined focus on ethnography and theory, giving students the means to link theory with data and perspective with practice Newly revised and updated edition of this popular text with 14 brand new chapters and two new sections: Conflict and Violent Transformations; and Development, Governance and Globalization
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Muscle Disease: Pathology and Genetics
Written by more than 60 international experts in the field, Muscle Disease embodies the explosion of new concepts and information on the pathology and genetics of muscle disease that has occurred in recent years. In order to accommodate the new complex principles involved, the book is organized around the motor unit and the inherited disorders, in particular, are centered on the ultrastructure and organelles within the muscle fiber. In this way, the wide spectrum of muscle diseases, ranging from neurogenic and inflammatory disorders to those involving defects in a single gene, can be expressed in a logical sequence. For example, disorders that principally involve specific organelles or particular metabolic processes are grouped together, with sections on disorders of the sarcolemma, mitochondria, myofibrils, glycogen and lipid metabolism, etc. Firm reference to clinical aspects and classification of muscle diseases has been maintained throughout the book with an initial clinical overview and with specific clinical sections in each chapter. For ease of navigation through the complex variety of muscle diseases, each chapter has been organized in a standard pattern that allows the reader to easily locate information on individual disease entities in different chapters. This new edition of Muscle Disease: Pathology and Genetics will be a very valuable resource for clinicians, pathologists, geneticists and basic neuroscientists involved in diagnosis, research, treatment and management of patients with muscle disease.
Cornell University Press Women of the Catacombs: Memoirs of the Underground Orthodox Church in Stalin's Russia
The memoirs presented in Women of the Catacombs offer a rare close-up account of the underground Orthodox community and its priests during some of the most difficult years in Russian history. The catacomb church in the Soviet Union came into existence in the 1920s and played a significant part in Russian national life for nearly fifty years. Adherents to the Orthodox faith often referred to the catacomb church as the "light shining in the dark." Women of the Catacombs provides a first-hand portrait of lived religion in its social, familial, and cultural setting during this tragic period. Until now, scholars have had only brief, scattered fragments of information about Russia's illegal church organization that claimed to protect the purity of the Orthodox tradition. Vera Iakovlevna Vasilevskaia and Elena Semenovna Men, who joined the church as young women, offer evidence on how Russian Orthodoxy remained a viable, alternative presence in Soviet society, when all political, educational, and cultural institutions attempted to indoctrinate Soviet citizens with an atheistic perspective. Wallace L. Daniel's translation not only sheds light on Russia's religious and political history, but also shows how two educated women maintained their personal integrity in times when prevailing political and social headwinds moved in an opposite direction.
Oxford University Press Inc Homo Prospectus
Our species is misnamed. Though sapiens defines human beings as "wise" what humans do especially well is to prospect the future. We are homo prospectus. In this book, Martin E. P. Seligman, Peter Railton, Roy F. Baumeister, and Chandra Sripada argue it is anticipating and evaluating future possibilities for the guidance of thought and action that is the cornerstone of human success. Much of the history of psychology has been dominated by a framework in which people's behavior is driven by past history (memory) and present circumstances (perception and motivation). Homo Prospectus reassesses this idea, pushing focus to the future front and center and opening discussion of a new field of Psychology and Neuroscience. The authors delve into four modes in which prospection operates: the implicit mind, deliberate thought, mind-wandering, and collective (social) imagination. They then explore prospection's role in some of life's most enduring questions: Why do people think about the future? Do we have free will? What is the nature of intuition, and how might it function in ethics? How does emotion function in human psychology? Is there a common causal process in different psychopathologies? Does our creativity change with age? In this remarkable convergence of research in philosophy, statistics, decision theory, psychology, and neuroscience, Homo Prospectus shows how human prospection fundamentally reshapes our understanding of key cognitive processes, thereby improving individual and social functioning. It aims to galvanize interest in this new science from scholars in psychology, neuroscience, and philosophy, as well as an educated public curious about what makes humanity what it is.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The 6Ds Workshop Live Workshop Participant Workbook
The purpose of the workbook is to provide participants with a place to record their notes and the results of exercises as the workshop progresses. It is also intended to serve as a useful reference following the workshop, something people will keep on their bookshelves and use. The workbook is organized by the six disciplines. Each section contains introductory material and exercises that utilize tools or checklists. Introduction to the workshop D1: Define Business Outcomes D2: Design the Complete Experience D3: Deliver for Application
Skyhorse Publishing The Court-Martial of Corporal Nutting: A Memoir of the Vietnam War
John Nutting is nineteen years old in 1966. Raised in small-town Idaho, to a family that could trace its military roots back to the Revolutionary War, Nutting knows he’s going to fight the war as a Marine. On the day of his high school graduation, he swears into the US Marine Corps and boards the plane to boot camp.All too soon he’s in the jungle, a greenhorn member of F” Company, 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marine Division. Firing on an unseen enemy, burying friends killed by booby traps, and struggling with the notion that many people back home were totally opposed to the war, Nutting begins to wonder what are his odds of coming home? During a rescue mission gone wrong, a mortar round explodes beside his team, digging shrapnel deep into his leg. Aboard the surgical hospital ship, where he is sent to recover, he sees the indescribable injuries of Marines who had been captured and tortured by the North Vietnamese Army, and makes the decision to join the 3rd Marine Regimental Scout/Snipers at Camp Carroll.After the locals betray the scout/snipers assigned to help their village, resulting in the death of two of Nutting’s buddies, Nutting finds an escape to sanity in marijuana. This begins his continuous recourse to the drug that lasts throughout his tour, done only in the bunker or when away on R&Rnever in the field and never on duty. Despite his proven record, when he is caught in possession of marijuana, his arrest and the ensuing court martial changed his life and his reputation forever.
Cornell University Press Women of the Catacombs: Memoirs of the Underground Orthodox Church in Stalin's Russia
The memoirs presented in Women of the Catacombs offer a rare close-up account of the underground Orthodox community and its priests during some of the most difficult years in Russian history. The catacomb church in the Soviet Union came into existence in the 1920s and played a significant part in Russian national life for nearly fifty years. Adherents to the Orthodox faith often referred to the catacomb church as the "light shining in the dark." Women of the Catacombs provides a first-hand portrait of lived religion in its social, familial, and cultural setting during this tragic period. Until now, scholars have had only brief, scattered fragments of information about Russia's illegal church organization that claimed to protect the purity of the Orthodox tradition. Vera Iakovlevna Vasilevskaia and Elena Semenovna Men, who joined the church as young women, offer evidence on how Russian Orthodoxy remained a viable, alternative presence in Soviet society, when all political, educational, and cultural institutions attempted to indoctrinate Soviet citizens with an atheistic perspective. Wallace L. Daniel's translation not only sheds light on Russia's religious and political history, but also shows how two educated women maintained their personal integrity in times when prevailing political and social headwinds moved in an opposite direction.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Assured Cloud Computing
Explores key challenges and solutions to assured cloud computing today and provides a provocative look at the face of cloud computing tomorrow This book offers readers a comprehensive suite of solutions for resolving many of the key challenges to achieving high levels of assurance in cloud computing. The distillation of critical research findings generated by the Assured Cloud Computing Center of Excellence (ACC-UCoE) of the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, it provides unique insights into the current and future shape of robust, dependable, and secure cloud-based computing and data cyberinfrastructures. A survivable and distributed cloud-computing-based infrastructure can enable the configuration of any dynamic systems-of-systems that contain both trusted and partially trusted resources and services sourced from multiple organizations. To assure mission-critical computations and workflows that rely on such systems-of-systems it is necessary to ensure that a given configuration does not violate any security or reliability requirements. Furthermore, it is necessary to model the trustworthiness of a workflow or computation fulfillment to a high level of assurance. In presenting the substance of the work done by the ACC-UCoE, this book provides a vision for assured cloud computing illustrating how individual research contributions relate to each other and to the big picture of assured cloud computing. In addition, the book: Explores dominant themes in cloud-based systems, including design correctness, support for big data and analytics, monitoring and detection, network considerations, and performance Synthesizes heavily cited earlier work on topics such as DARE, trust mechanisms, and elastic graphs, as well as newer research findings on topics, including R-Storm, and RAMP transactions Addresses assured cloud computing concerns such as game theory, stream processing, storage, algorithms, workflow, scheduling, access control, formal analysis of safety, and streaming Bringing together the freshest thinking and applications in one of today’s most important topics, Assured Cloud Computing is a must-read for researchers and professionals in the fields of computer science and engineering, especially those working within industrial, military, and governmental contexts. It is also a valuable reference for advanced students of computer science.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A Companion to the Anthropology of Africa
An essential collection of scholarly essays on the anthropology of Africa, offering a thorough introduction to the most important topics in this evolving and diverse field of study The study of the cultures of Africa has been central to the methodological and theoretical development of anthropology as a discipline since the late 19th-century. As the anthropology of Africa has emerged as a distinct field of study, anthropologists working in this tradition have strived to build a disciplinary conversation that recognizes the diversity and complexity of modern and ancient African cultures while acknowledging the effects of historical anthropology on the present and future of the field of study. A Companion to the Anthropology of Africa is a collection of insightful essays covering the key questions and subjects in the contemporary anthropology of Africa with a key focus on addressing the topics that define the contemporary discipline. Written and edited by a team of leading cultural anthropologists, it is an ideal introduction to the most important topics in the field, both those that have consistently been a part of the critical dialogue and those that have emerged as the central questions of the discipline’s future. Beginning with essays on the enduring topics in the study of African cultures, A Companion to the Anthropology of Africa provides a foundation in the contemporary critical approach to subjects of longstanding interest. With these subjects as a groundwork, later essays address decolonization, the postcolonial experience, and questions of modern identity and definition, providing representation of the diverse thinking and scholarship in the modern anthropology of Africa.
Emerald Publishing Limited Research on Negotiation in Organizations
As we head into the new millennium, we are witnessing a growing and heightened interest among organizational scholars on the topics of conflict and negotiation. New research questions are being identified, while new theory is being applied to "old" questions. The result is exciting research that has organizational and social relevance. The papers in this volume, which grew out of the eighth biannual Conference on Negotiation in Organizations, are representative of the provocative and "cutting edge" theory and research emerging in the area of conflict and negotiation.
Cambridge University Press Wilhelm II: Into the Abyss of War and Exile, 1900–1941
This final volume of John Röhl's acclaimed biography of Kaiser Wilhelm II reveals the Kaiser's central role in the origins of the First World War. The book examines the Kaiser's part in the Boer War, the Russo-Japanese War, the naval arms race with Britain and Germany's rivalry with the United States as well as in the crises over Morocco, Bosnia and Agadir. It also sheds new light on the public scandals which accompanied his reign from the allegations of homosexuality made against his intimate friends to the Daily Telegraph Affair. Above all, John Röhl scrutinises the mounting tension between Germany and Britain and the increasing pressure the Kaiser exerted on his Austro-Hungarian ally from 1912 onwards to resolve the Serbian problem. Following Germany's defeat and Wilhelm's enforced abdication, he charts the Kaiser's bitter experience of exile in Holland and his frustrated hopes that Hitler would restore him to the throne.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Making of a Good Doctor
Oxford University Press Oxford Handbook of Oncology
Now fully revised and in its fourth edition, the Oxford Handbook of Oncology has been the essential go-to guide for students and practitioners in oncology for over a decade. The scientific basis and diagnosis of cancers is covered, as well as drugs, biomarkers, and the presentation and psychosocial aspects of oncology. Concise, practical, and comprehensive, there is no better companion for both common conditions and challenging emergencies. The field of oncology has surged forward since the last edition was published and the Oxford Handbook of Oncology has been fully revised and updated to reflect these recent advances so you can be sure that the vital information you need is in your hands. This handbook incorporates changes such as the understanding of the science of cancer, novel therapies in breast, lung, renal, and melanoma, molecular sub-classification of common solid cancers, personalized therapy approaches, new agents in hard to treat cancers, the benefits of new technologies in radiotherapy, and the emerging data on the importance of the immune response. Written by experts in the field to ensure that it is grounded in real life clinical practice, this handbook provides a concise guide to all aspects of oncology for all students, nurses, and junior faculty responsible for the care of cancer patients, while also providing further reading and highlighting areas of controversy for those who need a more detailed understanding.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Managing Wetlands: An Ecological Economics Approach
The extensive destruction of wetlands across Europe represents a significant loss of biodiversity along with its related economic, cultural, ethical and scientific benefits. This volume addresses the critical issues surrounding this environmental change process, employing a range of analytical methods drawn from a variety of disciplines which bridge the social and natural science divide. The authors begin by exploring the various methodological approaches to the analysis of the causes and consequences of wetland loss in Europe. The findings reveal that a formal decision-support process can be defined which can assist in the search for a more sustainable approach to wetland management. The methods and tools advocated are interdisciplinary and require co-ordinated action by experts from a variety of different fields. The authors move on to present a series of case studies from which a number of general conclusions can be drawn. In particular, they identify conflicts concerning use, value and interest groups to be the most common in the context of wetland management versus development. Consequently, they argue that scientific analysis requires support from the social sciences in order to better understand and implement more participatory approaches to environmental management.Given the ongoing depletion of wetland ecosystems throughout the world, this novel interdisciplinary approach to their sustainable management is a timely and valuable exercise. Students, researchers and scholars of environmental economics, environmental science, ecology, geography and environmental politics will find this book to be a useful addition to the literature. It will also help policymakers, international agencies and NGOs to preserve these valuable environmental resources.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Managing Wetlands: An Ecological Economics Approach
The extensive destruction of wetlands across Europe represents a significant loss of biodiversity along with its related economic, cultural, ethical and scientific benefits. This volume addresses the critical issues surrounding this environmental change process, employing a range of analytical methods drawn from a variety of disciplines which bridge the social and natural science divide. The authors begin by exploring the various methodological approaches to the analysis of the causes and consequences of wetland loss in Europe. The findings reveal that a formal decision-support process can be defined which can assist in the search for a more sustainable approach to wetland management. The methods and tools advocated are interdisciplinary and require co-ordinated action by experts from a variety of different fields. The authors move on to present a series of case studies from which a number of general conclusions can be drawn. In particular, they identify conflicts concerning use, value and interest groups to be the most common in the context of wetland management versus development. Consequently, they argue that scientific analysis requires support from the social sciences in order to better understand and implement more participatory approaches to environmental management.Given the ongoing depletion of wetland ecosystems throughout the world, this novel interdisciplinary approach to their sustainable management is a timely and valuable exercise. Students, researchers and scholars of environmental economics, environmental science, ecology, geography and environmental politics will find this book to be a useful addition to the literature. It will also help policymakers, international agencies and NGOs to preserve these valuable environmental resources.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Seafood Industry: Species, Products, Processing, and Safety
The Seafood Industry: Species, Products, Processing, and Safety, Second Edition is a completely updated and contemporary revision of Flick and Martin’s classic publication, The Seafood Industry. Covering all aspects of the commercial fish and shellfish industries – from harvest through consumption – the book thoroughly describes the commercial fishery of the western hemisphere. The international audience will also find the coverage accessible because, although species and regulations may differ, the techniques described are similar worldwide,. The second edition contains a significant expansion of the material included in the first edition. Examples include: high pressure processing; inclusion of additional major crustacean species of commerce; fishery centers and development programs; handling methods on fishing vessels; and new chapters on Toxins, Allergies, and Sensitivities; Composition and Quality; and Risk Management and HACCP; and Processing Fin Fish. The Seafood Industry: Species, Products, Processing, and Safety, comprehensive in scope and current with today’s issues, will prove to be a great asset to any industry professional or seafood technologist working in the field.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Gastrointestinal Emergencies
Gastrointestinal Emergencies 3E provides practical, up-to-date guidance for gastroenterologists, endoscopists, surgeons, emergency and acute physicians, medical students and trainees managing patients presenting with GI complications and/or emergencies. Combining a symptom section, a specific conditions section and a section that examines complications (and solutions) of GI procedures, focus throughout is on clear, specific how-to guidance, for use before a procedure or immediately after emergency stabilization. An evidence-based approach to presentation, diagnosis and investigation is utilized throughout. New to this third edition are several brand new chapters covering various complications of procedures and specific conditions not previously featured, as well as a thorough look at the many diagnostic and therapeutic advances in recent years. In addition, every chapter from the current edition has undergone wholesale revision to ensure it is updated with the very latest in management guidelines and clinical practice. Once again, full range of emergencies encountered in daily clinical practice will be examined, such as acute pancreatitis, esophageal perforation, capsule endoscopy complications, acute appendicitis, and the difficulties after gastrointestinal procedures. International guidelines from the world’s key gastroenterology societies will be included in relevant chapters. Gastrointestinal Emergencies 3E is the definitive reference guide for the management of gastrointestinal emergencies and endoscopic complications, and the perfect accompaniment for the modern-day gastroenterologist, surgeon, emergency and acute physicians. Every Emergency Department, GI/endoscopy unit, medical/surgical admission unit should keep a copy close at hand for quick reference.