Search results for ""author ink"
Collective Ink High Heels & Beetle Crushers: The Life, Losses and Loves of an Officer and Lady
A compelling memoir of post-war Britain. Jackie Skingley grew up with limited career choices but joining the Women’s Royal Army Corps offered her a different life, living and working in a military world, against the backdrop of the Cold War. Packed full of stories reflecting the changing sexual attitudes prior to the arrival of the pill and the sexual revolution of the mid 60s, Skingley’s memoir denotes a shift in the political and social fabric of the era. Follow her relationships with the men in her life from finding her first true love, which through a cruel act of fate was denied her, to embarking on a path of recovery.
Collective Ink Stepp'd in Blood: Akazu and the architects of the Rwandan genocide against the Tutsi
The 1994 Rwandan genocide against the Tutsi was the signature moral horror of the late 20th century. Andrew Wallis reveals, for the first time, the personal lives and crimes of the family group (`Akazu’) that destroyed their country and left one million dead. Wallis’ meticulous research uncovers a broad landscape of terror, looking back to the `forgotten’ Rwandan genocide of the early 1960s and the failure by the international community, to learn lessons of prevention and punishment, a failure that would be repeated thirty years later. Taking the rise and fall of Akazu personalities and their mafia-like network as its central strand, Stepp'd in Blood reveals how they were aided and abetted by western governments and the churches for decades. And how post-1994, many successfully evaded international justice to enjoy comfortable retirements in the same countries that supported them when they were in power. Stepp'd in Blood publishes in the year of the 25th commemoration of the Rwandan Genocide.
Collective Ink Pagan Portals - Temple of the Bones: Rituals to the Goddess Hekate
The Temple of the Bones is a gathering of witches, priest/ess/xes, and pagans under the dark of the moon to honor Hekate through public ritual. This book contains information on witching herbs, daily practices, moon magic and how the Temple seeks to strengthen community through the honoring of the dead. As they are, soon we shall be and their message often is to not waste your precious time on the things that do not serve your highest purpose. The Temple of the Bones encourages you to look into your own power. What wants to be brought to the surface? Are you using your strengths, or are you feeding your weakness? How are you creating magic in your own life with the wisdom of your bones?
Collective Ink Against the Web: A Cosmopolitan Answer to the New Right
"A brilliant critique of the Right with very sharp insight on some of the shortcomings of the Left, this book is a must-read for anyone looking to understand how dishonest actors spread their propaganda." Ana Kasparian, Host and Executive Producer of The Young Turks Michael Brooks takes on the new "Intellectual Dark Web". As the host of The Michael Brooks Show and co-host of the Majority Report, he lets his understanding of the new media environment direct his analysis of the newly risen conservative rebels who have taken YouTube by storm. Brooks provides a theoretically rigorous but accessible critique of the most prominent "renegades"; including Sam Harris, Jordan Peterson, and Brett Weinstein while also examining the social, political and media environment that these rebels thrive in.
Collective Ink Hoodoo in the Psalms: God's Magick
You are holding in your hands one of the most powerful grimoires for practicing the magick found in the Psalms. It contains over 160 complete and ready to use magickal workings for both the novice and the more experienced magickal folks to add to their personal libraries. From ancient texts long covered in dust, to the 19th century Marie Laveau, and the modern-day Doc Buzzard, Hoodoo in the Psalms offers magickal workings developed and used over a millennium for the modern conjurer to use today.
Collective Ink Silence Diaries, The
Suzie and Orbs are in their thirties and have been together for a couple of years. Orbs reluctantly makes a living in the City and Suzie is a respected financial journalist, but each has another life hidden from the outside world... Their secret existence is threatened first when Suzie is offered a highly visible job, and then by an accident that turns their lives upside down. This is their struggle to survive as partners.
Collective Ink Grimworld: Tick, tock, tick, tock
Every day, thirteen year old Henry Bats has his usual bowl of Sugar Slugs, helps tend Cobalt Sidewinders at Frank’s Peculiar Pets, and keeps to himself with his comic book collection. Just your typical day in Grimworld, where the sky is always dark and shadows lurk in the streets. What’s not typical is a suspicious Nightspook luring Henry into a cemetery in the middle of the night with the promise of a prized comic book. The Nightspook steals part of Henry's lifespan with a pocket watch, which begins counting down to his death. Henry is running out of time, and the pocket watch won't stop ticking...
Collective Ink Farewell to Democracy?: Lessons Past and Present
If you think you are living in an era of post-truth, you likely are. If something sounds like magical thinking, it is. Nationalism makes no country great; it often leads to war, genocide, terror, destroyed economies and the turning of cities into rubble. Technology will not get us to paradise. It has made us more unequal than ever, polluted democracy, heightened job risk (displacement), created ever more billionaires, continued the rapid pace of the destruction of the planet, and transformed us from citizens into consumers, often with our active support. The free market is not free; too often it isn’t even a market (because we live in an age of monopoly). The road to serfdom is paved by demagogues, not the state; the state and its institutions are all we have. Trust expertise. Truth does not come from he who shouts the loudest. You are approaching a one-party-state when facts are relativized, science is denied, experts are mocked and threatened, alternative facts are embraced, minorities are criminalized, and lying is normalized. Farewell to Democracy? reminds us that we have been here before. It tells us that we can avoid a repetition of the past, but we must first know what that past was (and is). Farewell to Democracy? insists that nothing is inevitable. That we are not powerless. That we have institutions to help protect us, which we must protect in turn. It shows us what happens when we speak truth to power. It details the strength of mass protest. It pulls back the veil on Post-Truth. It urges all of us to bear witness and to "show up."
Collective Ink Speculative Annihilationism: The Intersection of Archaeology and Extinction
If Levinas and Negarestani raised a child enchanted by the dark, then this is his debut. In this book, Rosen argues that current archaeological theoretic approaches are not up to the task of adequately theorizing exhumation in our present age of extinctions. Speculative Annihilationism attempts to “think thought’s extinction,” suggesting a new ontological ground for archaeology. Combining contemporary work in speculative philosophy, saprophytic dialectics, and Levinasian ethics, Rosen’s “putrefied-thought” explores themes of the unthought and unthinkable, anonymity, otherness, and meaninglessness so that archaeology can be granted a new basis, a new avenue of inquiry at its intersection with extinction.
Collective Ink Pagan Portals - Western Animism: Zen & the Art of Positive Paganism
A Zen approach to the World, the Universe and Everything. Many of today’s disenfranchised pagans in the West appear to be seeking a spiritual connection to life without feeling the need to become a witch, a Wiccan, a shaman, Heathen, or a Druid. Here the Shinto approach fulfils the basic need for a belief system based on what we would define as simple animism and ancestor worship in accord with the world’s other, authentic, animistic traditions such as the Australian Aboriginal and Native American way of life; while Zen provides the intellectual stimulation rising from the simplicity of basic folk-belief to elevate the soul to a higher level of mysticism.
Collective Ink Night Waves: Something has been set free
Off the south of England, an old evil has been set free... While drilling out at sea, the ill-fated crew of a rig have released something old, something that’s been waiting to return to the surface – a hive of sea sirens; Creatures that need human hosts to survive and human faces to lure people to their demise. Kirsten Costello is a model from East London. Bored of her vacuous existence, she leaves her old life of excess behind and moves to Brighton with her cousin Simone. After a random attack one night under Brighton Pier, Kirsten becomes the object of one of the creature's obsession. Psychically linked by its scratch, she becomes a beacon for its desire to use her body as its own and be the face they need. Always knowing where she is, constantly stalking her by night, it seems there is no way to escape. With the help of Simone, her girlfriend Geena, and local Clairvoyant, Melissa Clarke, Kirsten must fight back against the creature, as it tries to drag her back down below into the depths, down into the Night Waves.
Collective Ink Pagan Portals - The Power of the Elements: The Magical Approach to Earth, Air, Fire, Water & Spirit
How to find deeper meaning in magical workings with Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit and connect with the Old Ways. Many contemporary pagan books rarely go further than describing the use of the elemental energies as markers in casting the Circle. In The Power of the Elements we consider drawing on the energy from the deepest levels of the ocean, the highest peaks of the mountains, the limits of outer space and the path of the hurricane. And why it is so important to return to the Classic Elements of the Greeks if we really want our magic to work.
Collective Ink Quaker Quicks - The Guided Life: Finding purpose in troubled times
Quakers have made the cultivation of the guided life the focus of their spirituality for over three centuries. Generations of Quakers have developed practices for nurturing their connection to an inward source of guidance, meaning and purpose. This Inward Guide is present in all people, cultures and traditions. It goes by many names and is understood in many ways, but it is equally available to everyone who is willing to listen and respond. The Guided Life shares some of the spiritual practices that the Quaker tradition has developed to discover purpose and direction in daily life. These practices may be of use to anyone who is wrestling with the complex challenges and dilemmas of the modern world.
Collective Ink Science Fiction - The Evolutionary Mythology of the Future: Volume One, Prometheus to the Martians
An evolutionary and transformative journey through the history of science fiction from the innermost passions and dreams of the human spirit to the farthest reaches of the universe, human imagination, and beyond. '...a grand vision of the role of science fiction in the progress of human consciousness.' Dr. Karlheinz Steinmuller, Winner of the Kurd Lasswitz Award
Collective Ink King Charles the Wise: The Triumph of Universal Peace
In King Charles the Wise, Nicholas Hagger celebrates the UK’s post-Brexit global destiny and foresees the birth of a united world. Following the tradition of Ben Jonson’s 17th-century celebratory court masques in verse and his own The Dream of Europa (which celebrated 70 years of peace in Europe), and incorporating the blend of mythology and history and five sections (prologue, antimasque, masque, revels and epilogue) found in all masques, he describes how Zeus sends Minerva, goddess of Wisdom, as an ambassador to Prince Charles in Buckingham Palace. Zeus wants a democratic World State to end all wars, as called for by Truman, Einstein, Churchill, Eisenhower, Gandhi, Russell, J.F. Kennedy and Gorbachev. He sees the innovative and influential UK as best placed to give this humanitarian vision global prominence, and seeks the support of its future King, Charles, deeming him more enduring and open-minded than its transient, partisan politicians. Minerva confronts Prince Charles with the conflicting perspectives of the goddesses Britannia, Europa and Columbia (who speak for the UK, EU and US), and foresees a World State that will abolish war. He accepts the humanitarian concerns behind this Universalist vision, and Minerva crowns him `King Charles the Wise’. Besides being King of the UK and all its faiths he will sympathise with the plight of all humankind and inspire a new world structure that can bring universal peace during the coming Carolingian Age.
Collective Ink Occupation of Joe, The
Tokyo, 1945. A Japanese boy too old for his years, a survivor of the American firebombing, dares to cross the wasteland where he saw thousands burn to death, and approach the occupying forces to get food for his family. A young Navy lieutenant, proud of the Allied victory but appalled by the devastation he sees across the city, cares enough to help. As post-war pressures mount between the two cultures, he becomes entangled in the lives of the boy, his infant sister and his beautiful mother. The Occupation of Joe is an emotionally powerful, gripping post-war tragedy from Top Hat Books, publisher of quality historical fiction.
Collective Ink Digital Consciousness: A Transformative Vision
What could be a more compelling read than a book that explains the greatest mysteries known to man in one fell swoop. Who is God? What happens after we die? What the heck is quantum entanglement? Why did Dolly's braces disappear in the movie "Moonraker?" Our reality is not what it appears to be. The latest physics experiments demonstrate that an objective reality doesn't exist. And no one truly knows what consciousness is or where the mind resides. Strange interconnectedness, anomalous events, and changing histories confound even the most open-minded of scientists. No single theory seems to be able to explain it all. Until now.
Collective Ink Melody's Unicorn: A Story of Here and There
Melody is on a quest to discover her real identity and purpose when she encounters a dryad on Ealing Common! After hearing the dryad's prophecy, Melody's day becomes even stranger when she spots a unicorn in Oxford Street, and follows it into the mysterious Otherworld. Returning to the human world, further adventures finally lead Melody to Tower Bridge and a confrontation with a dragon... Melody's Unicorn is the first volume in a new children's fantasy trilogy which continues with Melody’s Dragon and Melody’s World.
Collective Ink Is Intelligence an Algorithm?
How do we understand the world around us? How do we solve problems? Often the answer to these questions follows a certain pattern, an algorithm if you wish. This is the case when our analytical left-brain side is at work. However, there are also elements in our behaviour where intelligence appears to follow a more elusive path, which cannot easily be characterised as a specific sequence of steps. Is Intelligence an Algorithm? offers an insight into intelligence as it functions in nature, like human or animal intelligence, but also sheds light on modern developments in the field of artificial intelligence, proposing further architectural solutions for the creation of a so-called global Webmind.
Collective Ink Answers in the Dark - Grief, Sleep and How Dreams Can Help You Heal
The 4am Mystery: that's an actual thing by the way. Even before a global health crisis took the shape of COVID-19, people around the world were finding themselves sleep deprived, awake in the middle of the night. You might be someone who says, no matter what you do, you just can't sleep. Sometimes you know why: your thoughts are racing, or a nightmare has startled you into consciousness. Other nights, you might toss and turn and, just as you finally doze off, the alarm blares. This book was written for you. It explores why you're awake, how you can manage your mind at night, and what might help if it's your dream content wreaking havoc. Drawing on nearly two decades of therapeutic work, research, and an ancient wisdom proven to helpfully manage the mind, Delphi connects the dots between sleep, dreams and our mental health. She particularly highlights the impact of grief and loss on our well-being, which can ultimately affect the quality of our night-time rest - even if no one has died. Her book guides the reader on a journey to make friends with night-time, learning what the dark might have to offer, to achieve a calmer, healthier, happier life.
Collective Ink Where Airy Voices Lead: A Short History of Immortality
Many have pursued, and continue to pursue, real immortality by seeking to prolong their lives on this earth. Others pursue symbolic or proxy immortality, through children, fame or being part of something long-lasting. One can imagine these different forms of immortality as a menu of options of how to live forever: you click the one that appeals to you most and best fits your beliefs, hopes, values and worldview.
Collective Ink That They Might Lovely be
No-one thought Bertie Simmonds could speak. So, when he is heard singing an Easter hymn, this is not so much the miracle some think as a bolt drawn back, releasing long-repressed emotions with potentially devastating consequences...A decade later, Bertie marries Anstace, a woman old enough to be his mother, and another layer of mystery starts to peel away. Beginning in a village in Kent and set between the two World Wars, That They Might Lovely Be stretches from the hell of Flanders, to the liberating beauty of the Breton coast, recounting a love affair which embraces the living and the dead.
Collective Ink Pagan Portals – Pan – Dark Lord of the Forest and Horned God of the Witches
Those who have grown up with Pan as a playmate remember how, back in the day, it would be possible for a young child to disappear into the woods with only a dog for company for hours on end without there being a hue and cry raised in its absence; and it was on those woodland rides and pathways - summer or winter - that Melusine Draco often encountered Pan.
Collective Ink Strategies for Being Visible:14 Profile-Raising Ideas for Emerging Female Leaders
Strategies for Being Visible: 14 Profile-Raising Ideas for Emerging Female Leaders is a practical handbook providing inspiration for women in early and middle leadership positions, in order to motivate them and equip them with the confidence, skills and strategies they require to be more visible at work and raise their profile. This will then enable them to move into more senior positions and feed the pipeline that is needed for women to attain more board-level positions, taking their careers to whatever heights they choose. Self-promotion for women who don't want to feel they're showing off! 'Working in a tough and male dominated environment, I understand the difficulties women face to be heard and judged as equals. Strategies for Being Visible is a wonderful book for emerging female leaders, full of great information and skills to help everyone raise their profiles and achieve more at work.' Ann Daniels, Polar Explorer, part of the first all-female team to reach the North and South Poles
Collective Ink Witchcraft...into the wilds
Witchcraft...into the wilds leads us through the wilds of nature and back to the roots and bones of witchcraft, a natural witchcraft that works with the seasons and all the natural items that Mother Nature provides, drawing on magical folk lore and a little bit of gypsy magic too. No fancy tools or ceremonial rituals, this is about working with the source. Mother Earth provides us with the changing of the seasons and within that turning of the year she gives us everything we need to work magic with, from natural energy in the form of storms, rain and sunshine to tangible items packed full of magical energy such as seeds, leaves and stones.
Collective Ink Crystal Prescriptions volume 5 – Space clearing, Feng Shui and Psychic Protection. An A–Z guide.
The next in the highly successful Crystal Prescriptions series, this volume covers crystals for space clearing, Feng Shui and psychic protection with extensive introductory material and practical exercises, plus the usual A-Z format directory. Whether you need to create a safe space for everyday living or meditation, or craft an oasis of calm in a buzzing work environment, or to protect your home in a crime-ridden area, crystals may assist you. You'll be able to work in harmony with the Feng Shui bagua to attract abundance and enhance all areas of your life. You'll find crystals to ghostbust, to clear curses no matter how far back in your ancestral line, to remove spirit attachments, and to retrieve the lost soul parts that could make you vulnerable to psychic attack. Crystals will help you to strengthen your aura, create a firewall between you and the outside world, and repel psychic invasion. You will also be able to craft practical amulets for everyday wear and learn how to make crystals work for you.
Collective Ink Secret People, The – Parish–pump witchcraft, Wise–women and Cunning Ways
Much of what passes for 'witchcraft' today was everyday knowledge to our forebears, especially those who lived and worked in the countryside. Here were to be found practical household hints, remedies and family recipes that had been handed down from generation to generation, some still existing in the form of treasured journals and notebooks. There is, however, nothing fanciful or far-fetched about this information - in fact, The Secret People is a remembrance of times past and a preservation of 'parish-pump witchcraft, wise-women and cunning ways' adapted for use in the 21st century. It may also go a long way in helping those present-generation pagans in search of an identity and answer the questions: Who ...what am I?
Collective Ink Neglected or Misunderstood: Introducing Theodor Adorno
While Theodor Adorno has continued to be influential since his death in 1969, his very centrality has led to the left simplifying his ideas while the right placed him at the center of a myriad of wild conspiracy theories, all of them filed under the category of Cultural Marxism. Adorno has wrongly been blamed for everything from the Beatles to postmodernism, but he has continued to be read, if read badly. Stuart Walton's introduction to Adorno attempts to explain how this idiosyncratic thinker reframed elements of the Hegelian-Marxist dialectical in the fields of philosophy, sociology, politics and aesthetics and to rectify some of the major misunderstandings about Adorno and the Frankfurt School. When Walton began studying Adorno at Oxford in 1983 he felt that Adorno was nowhere in the English-speaking world, but that he should be everywhere. Now Adorno is everywhere, but hardly anywhere sufficiently or deeply understood.
Collective Ink Thoughts on an Index Not Freely Given
In this ambitious theoretical encounter with five imaginary artists from the 1980s, John Roberts produces a set of richly constructed artistic thought experiments. But in creating the work on the page these thought experiments are not thereby novelistic fictions. On the contrary, the fictiveness of each artist's work and biography is formed from Roberts's critical engagement with the historical and theoretical determinates of the work he has created - artwork and its theoretical engagement forming an interdependent whole.
Collective Ink Pagan Portals – Herbs of the Sun, Moon and Planets
Pagan Portals - Herbs of the Sun, Moon and Planets combines herbalism with astrology and explains how the ancient herbalists like Culpeper assigned specific herbs to planetary rulers. Various characteristics were used to decide what planet ruled particular herbs. Mars is the God of War and herbs that have this planet as their ruler display aggressive properties and appearance, such as thorns or red berries or sap. Dragon trees have red resin known as Dragon's Blood. The book is divided into sections for each group of herbs. So there are seven divisions for herbs of the Sun, Moon, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn, each containing seven herbs. Herbs of the Sun, Moon and Planets will be essential reading for herbalists and gardeners, and will also appeal to those with a general interest in the occult and astrology.
Collective Ink Too Fat to go to the Moon: Gay Sasquatch Saved My Life
In 2030 America is broke. When NASA is forced to raffle off a trip to outer space and the orbiting Houston Astrodome, Empire State Building and Statue of Liberty, the ticket is won by a guy from Cleveland who is so fat he can’t make it out of his own house, let alone get crammed in a rocket ship. Instead he auctions the ticket off, and the winning bid belongs to the patriarch of the Van Kruup family, an American dynasty founded on coal, railroads, and masturbation (not necessarily in that order). But when they lose their inter-generation fortune in the Great Funk Crash, Stanely Van Kruup, sole heir to the Van Kruup fortune, is evicted from the ten thousand acre estate in rural Pennsylvania he has left only once since birth and must search for his (presumed dead) older brother in an attempt to restore his inheritance. Too Fat to go to the Moon is Zero Books' latest foray into avant-garde fiction.
Collective Ink Algorithm of Creation, The: Universalism's Algorithm of the Infinite and Space-Time, the Oneness of the Universe and the Unitive Vision, and a Theory of Everything
The Algorithm of Creation is the last of Nicholas Hagger’s quartet on the unity of the universe and humankind, and follows The Universe and the Light (1993), The One and the Many (1999) and The New Philosophy of Universalism (2009). It offers an algebraic formula written out for him by Junzaburo Nishiwaki, Japan’s T.S. Eliot, in Tokyo in October 1965, that sums up the wisdom of the East: “+A + –A = 0.” Based on ancient Chinese thinking, yin (dark) + yang (light) = the Tao, it shows all opposites reconciled in the underlying unity of the One Void whose emptiness is also a fullness. During a dinner at a conference of leading scientists at Jesus College, Cambridge in September 1992, watched by Nobel physics prizewinner Roger Penrose, Hagger reversed the formula to 0 = +A + –A when he wrote down the maths for his view of the origin and creation of the universe and showed the first two particles emerging from the Void’s singularity, influenced by the 1992 discovery of ripples in the cosmic microwave background radiation and the Presocratic Anaximander of Miletus. In this work Hagger shows how this algebraic formula has worked as a universal algorithm, 0 = +A + –A = 0. Its many variations have acted as rules that have controlled the creation and development of the expanding universe, its evolution and the rise of human history, religion and science, and its ultimate fate. The formula is behind many of Hagger’s works, and his application of this algorithm to all human knowledge of the universe and all disciplines takes him to a first-ever Theory of Everything, which is set out at the end: the algorithm of Creation containing 100 mathematical symbols (reflecting all the variations) that can be summed up in the above algorithm. This startling achievement has been made possible by his Universalist cross-disciplinary approach which focuses on the fundamental oneness of the universe and humankind, and the unitive vision.
Collective Ink Against Capital – Experiences of Class Struggle and Rethinking Revolutionary Agency
'The problem is not how to manage the capital system, but to get rid of it'. And who will do the job? These are the questions posed at the start of Cliff Slaughter's latest book. Recognising the importance of Istvan Meszaros's analysis - in Beyond Capital (1995) and other books - of the historic, 'structural crisis' that has taken capital into its stage of 'destructive self-reproduction', Against Capital focuses on the crucial question of agency. Today, when there are fundamental disjunctures between the globalised economy, the means of social control and political and state structures, what are we to make of Marx's conclusion that the working class - capital's only structural antagonist - is 'the gravedigger' of capitalism? And what are the implications for this of the information revolution, the changing composition of the working class, and the emergence of new forms of oppositional organisation, with young people to the fore? Slaughter assembles contributions by participants in recent movements in South Africa, Britain, Spain, Mexico, countries in the former Soviet zone and - in a major contribution from Yassamine Mather - the Middle East. He offers an extended critique of 'vanguardist' conceptions such as Trotsky's 'the crisis of humanity is reduced to the crisis of working-class revolutionary leadership' and Kautsky's and the early Lenin's formulation that socialist consciousness must be brought to the working class 'from the outside'. Finally, Against Capital examines the necessary theoretical foundations of a rebuilt working-class movement, with special attention to the concepts of class-consciousness and the relation between theory and practice. This book is a compelling and distinctive contribution to recent debates encompassing works such as Thomas Piketty's Capital in the Twenty-First Century (2014) and Paul Mason's PostCapitalism (2015).
Collective Ink Crystal Prescriptions volume 4 – The A–Z guide to chakra balancing crystals and kundalini activation stones
This directory provides all you need to know about crystals for the chakras, subtle energy bodies and raising kundalini. There are many more chakras than the conventional seven that have traditionally been in use. As the frequency of the human organism is raised, additional chakras are opening up to assimilate higher dimensional energy. This frequency uplift, and overall well-being, can be facilitated by stimulating the rise of kundalini energy, which in turn can be activated with appropriate crystals. However, spontaneous kundalini awakening can be overwhelming. Fortunately crystals have the answer. This new directory in the A-Z series assists you to identify exactly the right crystal to release any blockages and return the chakras to a state of equilibrium. This will enable the higher chakras to open and controlled kundalini rise to occur.
Collective Ink Passions of the Wolf
A young woman tries to commit suicide. She changes her mind at the last moment, and sends a plea out to the world, receiving a sign that things will improve. With the help of her psychiatrist, she begins to deal with her past and the reasons for her self-harming, but a romantic relationship with an abusive man could ruin everything.
Collective Ink Austerity Ecology & the Collapse–porn Addicts – A defence of growth, progress, industry and stuff
Economic growth, progress, industry and, erm, stuff have all come in for a sharp kicking from the green left and beyond in recent years. Everyone from black-hoodied Starbucks window-smashers to farmers' market heirloom-tomato-mongers to Prince Charles himself seem to be embracing 'degrowth' and anti-consumerism, which is nothing less than a form of ecological austerity. Meanwhile, the back-to-the-land ideology and aesthetic of locally-woven organic carrot-pants, pathogen-encrusted compost toilets and civilisational collapse is hegemonic. Yet modernity is not the cause of climate change and the wider biocrisis. It is indeed capitalism that is the source of our environmental woes, but capitalism as a mode of production, not the fuzzy understanding of capitalism of Naomi Klein, Bill McKibben, Derrick Jensen, Paul Kingsnorth and their anarcho-liberal epigones as a sort of globalist corporate malfeasance. In combative and puckish style, science journalist Leigh Phillips marshals evidence from climate science, ecology, paleoanthropology, agronomy, microbiology, psychology, history, the philosophy of mathematics, and heterodox economics to argue that progressives must rediscover their historic, Promethean ambitions and counter this reactionary neo-Malthusian ideology that not only retards human flourishing, but won't save the planet anyway. We want to take over the machine and run it rationally, not turn the machine off.
Collective Ink Tours and Cures of a Lightsoldier – Surviving the Path to Enlightenment
Tours and Cures of a Lightsoldier tells the true story of one person's incredible quest for self-discovery, and the answers to why we are here and what each of us could be doing with our lives. From an inquisitive childhood, full of promise and expectation we follow Alexander down a much murkier path to the all-consuming world of a modern-day cult, and the battle for identity and survival that ensues...What emerges is an honest look and guide to all things of the mind, body and spirit, and an exposition of the thought processes and exercises that have been successful healing tools and those that are less effective. What starts as a gripping personal story, finishes as a most unique and encompassing encyclopaedia of esoteric practices and teachings.
Collective Ink Good Pussy Bad Pussy in Captivity
Sex. Deceit. Lust. Captivity. And maybe...the love of a lifetime. Just when Rachel thought she could settle down with the man of her dreams, life takes a dramatic turn and she finds herself getting sucked into a web of dangerous deceit and sexual intrigue. From the House of Sin on Cap Ferrat to an isolated Buddhist monastery in the mountains of upstate New York, Rachel once again finds herself on the battle field of our times, both sexually and emotionally. Then, in a blinding flash of insight that lays bare the haunted alleyways of her soul, she realizes that things are not what they seem to be. Will she find her way out of captivity or will she remain in the shackles of the old world order?
Collective Ink Relax Kids: The Wishing Star
Using guided meditations based around traditional stories this is a gentle and fun way of introducing older children to the world of meditation and relaxation. It is designed to counteract some of the tensions with which we are all familiar at the end of a busy day, and offer parent and children together some quality time to relax and share. The meditations and visualisations aim to develop children's imagination and provide them with skills that will be invaluable for the rest of their life. For children aged 5 upwards. The Relax Kids series is currently available in Europe and will be available in US in 2015.
Collective Ink Alkoryn Chronicles Part I, The – Scripture from the Past
When he finds a hidden map and a scripture washed up with an unusual body at the Galunda Bay, Daimeh's idyllic life changes forever. After an autopsy has been conducted, he decides to follow the map and go on a journey with his aunt to the impassable lands to the north, where it is rumoured a great civilisation lives. In their path are giant worms, mysterious technology and a gargantuan. When they reach their destination, at first the Amunisari appear very welcoming...But after facing deception, mystery and brutality, Daimeh has to face his final fear...Being alone...
Collective Ink Strangled – Identity, Status, Structure and The Stranglers
The Stranglers occupy a paradoxical position within the history of popular music. Although major artists within the punk and new-wave movements, their contribution to those genres has been effectively quarantined by subsequent critical and historical analyses. They are somehow "outside" the realm of what responsible accounts of the period consider to be worthy of chronicling. Why is this so? Certainly The Stranglers' seedy and intimidating demeanor, and well-deserved reputation for misogyny and violence, offer a superficial explanation for their cultural excommunication. However, this landmark work suggests that the unsettling aura that permeated the group and their music had much more profound origins; ones that continue to have disturbing implications even today. The Stranglers, it argues, continue to be marginalised because, whether by accident or design, they brought to the fore the underlying issues of identity, status and structure that must by necessity be hidden from society's conscious awareness. For this, they would not be forgiven.
Collective Ink In Confidence: Talking Frankly about Fame
A study of celebrity based on the seventy odd interviews featured in the Sky Arts television series, In Confidence. Informants include David Schwimmer, Stephen Fry, Harry Belafonte, Alan Ayckbourn, Kathie Burke, Michael Frayn, Christopher Hitchens, Damien Hirst, Tracey Emin, Sheila Hancock, Richard Dawkins, Miriam Margolys, Tracey Emin, and Nigel Kennedy. Here you will find everyone from politicians to artists, film-makers to novelists, talking frankly about fame and reputation.
Collective Ink Twerking to Turking – Everyday Analysis – Volume 2
In this follow-up to the first volume of Everyday Analysis articles, Why are Animals Funny?, the EDA Collective tracks through an ABC of modern phenomena ordered by analytic theme, widely ranging from Advertising to Language, Sport to Education, Film and TV to Work and Play, and Politics to Comic Universes. Punctuating these phenomenal pieces are illustrations from a range of artists and cartoonists, including Martin Rowson of the London Guardian.
Collective Ink Reason for all Existence, The – How existence at its fundamental level works.
The Reason for all Existence endeavours to explain why there is existence, rather than nothingness, by dissecting the fundamental principles/concepts of all existence, such as infinity, absolute zero and the ideas of good and evil. Familiar, earthly examples of these concepts are used along with their basic descriptions, so that the reader can better see how these concepts work and relate to the entirety of existence. The Reason for all Existence should give individuals a clear idea of the reason why they exist at all, while aiding them to direct their life in a positive way.
Collective Ink Psychology and Capitalism – The Manipulation of Mind
Psychology and Capitalism is a critical and accessible account of the ideological and material role of psychology in supporting capitalist enterprise and holding individuals entirely responsible for their fate through the promotion of individualism.
Collective Ink That Option No Longer Exists – Britain 1974–76
It is time to look afresh at the 1970s. It was not a grey decade of decline, defeat and power blackouts. Bursting with cultural experimentation, sexual liberation and industrial militancy, the 1970s saw the ruling elites of Britain challenged at every level, most especially by a Labour left led by Tony Benn which aimed to effect a "fundamental and irreversible shift in the balance of wealth and power in favour of working people". That Option No Longer Exists reveals a hidden history - how Benn and the left tried to reform British industry, to introduce democracy in the workplace and overturn the power of Finance; and how Whitehall, the security services and the City fought back, paving the way for Thatcher to re-establish the rule of money and the markets. Britain almost took a different path in 1974-76 to that of massive wealth inequality, the dominance of the City, and the slow death of the welfare state. This is the story of a struggle within government almost forgotten, and of a tragic turning point in British history.
Collective Ink Crystal Prescriptions volume 2 – The A–Z guide to over 1,250 conditions and their new generation healing crystals