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Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Harry M. Markowitz, Merton H. Miller, William F. Sharpe, Robert C. Merton and Myron S. Scholes
This groundbreaking series brings together a critical selection of key papers by the Nobel Memorial Laureates in Economics that have helped shape the development and present state of economics. The editors have organised this comprehensive series by theme and each volume focuses on those Laureates working in the same broad area of study. The careful selection of papers within each volume is set in context by an insightful introduction to the Laureates' careers and main published works. This landmark series will be an essential reference for scholars throughout the world.
Arsenal Pulp Press Toronto - The Unknown City
University of Minnesota Press Dreaming our Futures: Ojibwe and Ochéthi Šakówi? Artists and Knowledge Keepers
A beautiful collection of the art and life stories of regional Native painters Dreaming Our Futures features twenty-eight Native painters, primarily Dakota and Ojibwe, who live in the Midwest or have family or tribal connections here. The artists represent a range of generations, professional experience, and genres—including traditional, historical, contemporary, and conceptual themes. The volume presents full-color reproductions of art by each painter, along with bilingual artist statements, biographies, and essays on the representation of Indigenous people in historical context; storytelling and the creative process; and scholarship on several specific artists. The renowned Grand Portage Ojibwe artist George Morrison declared, “I have never tried to prove that I was Indian through my art. Yet, there may remain deeply hidden some remote suggestion of the rock whence I was hewn, the preoccupation of the textural surface, the mystery of the structural and organic element, the enigma of the horizon, or the color of the wind.” The variety of images painted by this gathering of artists demonstrates that the strong heritage and powerful traditions of Indigenous painting remain vital and dynamic today. Dreaming Our Futures accompanies an exhibition at the Katherine E. Nash Gallery in 2024, produced in association with the George Morrison Center for Indigenous Arts at the University of Minnesota. Artists: Frank Big Bear, David Bradley, Awanigiizhik Bruce, Andrea Carlson, Avis Charley, Fern Cloud, Michelle DeFoe, Jim Denomie, Patrick DesJarlait, Sam English, Carl Gawboy, Joe Geshick, Sylvia Houle, Oscar Howe, George Morrison, Steven Premo, Rabbett Before Horses Strickland, Cole Redhorse Taylor, Roy Thomas, Jonathan Thunder, Thomasina Topbear, Moira Villiard, Kathleen Wall, Star WallowingBull, Dyani White Hawk, Bobby Dues Wilson, Wanbli Mayasleca/Francis J. Yellow, Leah H. Yellowbird, Holly Young. Contributors: Patricia Marroquin Norby, Metropolitan Museum of Art; Christopher Pexa, U of Minnesota; Mona Susan Power; Diane Wilson.
Little, Brown & Company Make Your Bed with Skipper the Seal
A seal becomes a Navy SEAL in this children's adaptation of the #1 New York Times bestselling Make Your Bed: Little Things That Can Change Your Life...And Maybe the World by Admiral William H. McRaven.As Skipper the seal embarks on Navy SEAL training, he and his hardworking friends learn much more than how to pass a swimming test or how to dive off a ship. To be a great SEAL, you also have to take risks, deal with failure, and persevere through tough times-just as you do in life. (And always remember to make your bed!)In this entertaining children's adaptation of his #1 New York Times bestseller Make Your Bed: Little Things That Can Change Your Life...And Maybe the World, Admiral William H. McRaven shares the life lessons that made him who he is today, and encourages young readers to become their best selves.
BenBella Books Whole: Rethinking the Science of Nutrition
New York Times Bestseller What happens when you eat an apple? The answer is vastly more complex than you imagine. Every apple contains thousands of antioxidants whose names, beyond a few like vitamin C, are unfamiliar to us, and each of these powerful chemicals has the potential to play an important role in supporting our health. They impact thousands upon thousands of metabolic reactions inside the human body. But calculating the specific influence of each of these chemicals isn't nearly sufficient to explain the effect of the apple as a whole. Because almost every chemical can affect every other chemical, there is an almost infinite number of possible biological consequences. And that's just from an apple. Nutritional science, long stuck in a reductionist mindset, is at the cusp of a revolution. The traditional "gold standard" of nutrition research has been to study one chemical at a time in an attempt to determine its particular impact on the human body. These sorts of studies are helpful to food companies trying to prove there is a chemical in milk or pre-packaged dinners that is "good" for us, but they provide little insight into the complexity of what actually happens in our bodies or how those chemicals contribute to our health. In The China Study, T. Colin Campbell (alongside his son, Thomas M. Campbell) revolutionized the way we think about our food with the evidence that a whole food, plant-based diet is the healthiest way to eat. Now, in Whole, he explains the science behind that evidence, the ways our current scientific paradigm ignores the fascinating complexity of the human body, and why, if we have such overwhelming evidence that everything we think we know about nutrition is wrong, our eating habits haven't changed. Whole is an eye-opening, paradigm-changing journey through cutting-edge thinking on nutrition, a scientific tour de force with powerful implications for our health and for our world.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Milton Friedman, Robert E. Lucas, Jr. and Edmund S. Phelps
This groundbreaking series brings together a critical selection of key papers by the Nobel Memorial Laureates in Economics that have helped shape the development and present state of economics. The editors have organised this comprehensive series by theme and each volume focuses on those Laureates working in the same broad area of study. The careful selection of papers within each volume is set in context by an insightful introduction to the Laureates' careers and main published works. This landmark series will be an essential reference for scholars throughout the world.
Harvard University Press Walter Benjamin: A Critical Life
Walter Benjamin is one of the twentieth century's most important intellectuals, and also one of its most elusive. His writings—mosaics incorporating philosophy, literary criticism, Marxist analysis, and a syncretistic theology—defy simple categorization. And his mobile, often improvised existence has proven irresistible to mythologizers. His writing career moved from the brilliant esotericism of his early writings through his emergence as a central voice in Weimar culture and on to the exile years, with its pioneering studies of modern media and the rise of urban commodity capitalism in Paris. That career was played out amid some of the most catastrophic decades of modern European history: the horror of the First World War, the turbulence of the Weimar Republic, and the lengthening shadow of fascism. Now, a major new biography from two of the world's foremost Benjamin scholars reaches beyond the mosaic and the mythical to present this intriguing figure in full.Howard Eiland and Michael Jennings make available for the first time a rich store of information which augments and corrects the record of an extraordinary life. They offer a comprehensive portrait of Benjamin and his times as well as extensive commentaries on his major works, including "The Work of Art in the Age of Its Technological Reproducibility," the essays on Baudelaire, and the great study of the German Trauerspiel. Sure to become the standard reference biography of this seminal thinker, Walter Benjamin: A Critical Life will prove a source of inexhaustible interest for Benjamin scholars and novices alike.
Little, Brown Book Group Seal Team Six: The incredible story of an elite sniper - and the special operations unit that killed Osama Bin Laden
When the US Navy send their elite, they send the SEALs. When the SEALs send their elite, they send SEAL Team Six. SEAL Team Six is a clandestine unit tasked with counterterrorism, hostage rescue and counterinsurgency. Until recently its existence was a closely-guarded secret. Then ST6 took down Osama bin Laden, and the operatives within it were thrust into the global spotlight. In this internationally bestselling chronicle, former ST6 shooter Howard Wasdin takes readers deep inside the world of Navy SEALs and Special Forces snipers. From the inside track on the operation that killed the world's most wanted man to his own experience of the gruelling ST6 selection processes to his terrifying ordeal at the 'Black Hawk Down' battle in Somalia, Wasdin's book is one of the most explosive military memoirs in years.
Alban Institute, Inc Gifts of an Uncommon Life: The Practice of Contemplative Activism
Johns Hopkins University Press The Athletic Trap: How College Sports Corrupted the Academy
The unrivaled amount of cash poured into the college athletic system has made sports programs breeding grounds for corruption while diverting crucial resources from the academic mission of universities. Like money in Washington politics, the influence bought by a complex set of self-interested actors seriously undermines movement toward reform while trapping universities in a cycle of escalating competition. Longtime sport sociologist Howard L. Nixon II approaches the issue from the perspective of college presidents - how they are seduced by prestige or pressured by economics into building programs that move schools toward a commercial model of athletics. Nixon situates his analysis in the context of what he calls "the intercollegiate golden triangle," a powerful social network of athletic, media, and private corporate commercial interests. This network lures presidents and other university leaders into an athletic arms race with promises of institutional enhancements, increased enrollments, better student morale, improved alumni loyalty, more financial contributions, and higher prestige. These promises can cloud the judgment of college presidents and governing boards, entangling them in an athletic trap that restricts their influence. Unable to control spending, inequalities, and deviance within commercialized athletic programs, universities are ensnared in financial, political, and social obligations that are difficult to sustain - or escape. Nixon clarifies the structure of this trap, describes how higher education institutions fall into it, and explores what it means for institutions and presidents caught in it. This timely analysis also has relevance to the debates about the role of the NCAA and ongoing reform efforts in college sports. The Athletic Trap will be of interest to university presidents, board members, and administrators, sport sociologists concerned with the balance of power between academics and athletics, and anyone else with a serious interest in college sports and its future.
Georgetown University Press Revisiting Waldo's Administrative State: Constancy and Change in Public Administration
The prevailing notion that the best government is achieved through principles of management and business practices is hardly new - it echoes the early twentieth-century "gospel of efficiency" challenged by Dwight Waldo in 1948 in his path-breaking book, "The Administrative State". Asking, "Efficiency for what?", Waldo warned that public administrative efficiency must be backed by a framework of consciously held democratic values. "Revisiting Waldo's Administrative State" brings together a group of distinguished authors who critically explore public administration's big ideas and issues and question whether contemporary efforts to "reinvent government", promote privatization, and develop new public management approaches constitute a coherent political theory capable of meeting the complex challenges of governing in a democracy. Taking Waldo's book as a starting point, the authors revisit and update his key concepts and consider their applicability for today. The book follows Waldo's conceptual structure, first probing the material and ideological background of modern public administration, problems of political philosophy, and finally particular challenges inherent in contemporary administrative reform. It concludes with a look ahead to "wicked" policy problems - such as terrorism, global warming, and ecological threats - whose scope is so global and complex that they will defy any existing administrative structures and values. Calling for a return to conscious consideration of democratic accountability, fairness, justice, and transparency in government, the book's conclusion assesses the future direction of public administrative thought. This book can stand alone as a commentary on reconciling democratic values and governance today or as a companion when reading Waldo's classic volume.
University of Guam Press The Secret Guam Study, Second Edition
University of Guam Press The Secret Guam Study, Second Edition
Inner Traditions Bear and Company The Accidental Shaman: Journeys with Plant Teachers and Other Spirit Allies
After surviving a serious elevator crash in London, Howard G. Charing found he had developed healing touch as well as the ability to hear voices and experience visions--just as a healer in Italy had predicted only a week before the accident. He began using his abilities to heal but felt he needed more guidance and training. He first connected with a national spiritual healing organization, only to be told he was doing everything wrong. Then, through a friend, he discovered shamanism. Sharing profound teachings and extraordinary experiences from his more than 30 years of shamanic healing work, Charing explains how he accidentally became a shaman and completely changed the course of his life. He describes his work with plant spirits, entheogens such as ayahuasca, and indigenous shamans during his 20 years of fieldwork in the Peruvian Amazon, including his studies with the late visionary artist Pablo Amaringo. Investigating altered states of perception, he provides visionary techniques for exploring non-ordinary reality, exercises for expanding sensory perception, and practices to open your creative artistic visionary potential. Detailing the practice of soul retrieval, the author discusses why it is one of the most effective and profound spiritual healing practices and shares emotionally charged stories of successful shamanic healings he has attended. He also includes shamanic wisdom on working with stones and sound and compares current research in physics with the vast body of experiential knowledge from indigenous spiritual traditions.
Johns Hopkins University Press Robots in Space: Technology, Evolution, and Interplanetary Travel
Given the near incomprehensible enormity of the universe, it appears almost inevitable that humankind will one day find a planet that appears to be much like the Earth. This discovery will no doubt reignite the lure of interplanetary travel. Will we be up to the task? And, given our limited resources, biological constraints, and the general hostility of space, what shape should we expect such expeditions to take? In Robots in Space, Roger Launius and Howard McCurdy tackle these seemingly fanciful questions with rigorous scholarship and disciplined imagination, jumping comfortably among the worlds of rocketry, engineering, public policy, and science fantasy to expound upon the possibilities and improbabilities involved in trekking across the Milky Way and beyond. They survey the literature-fictional as well as academic studies; outline the progress of space programs in the United States and other nations; and assess the current state of affairs to offer a conclusion startling only to those who haven't spent time with Asimov, Heinlein, and Clarke: to traverse the cosmos, humans must embrace and entwine themselves with advanced robotic technologies. Their discussion is as entertaining as it is edifying and their assertions are as sound as they are fantastical. Rather than asking us to suspend disbelief, Robots in Space demands that we accept facts as they evolve.
Indiana University Press Derailed by Bankruptcy: Life after the Reading Railroad
What happened when the US government stopped investing in railroads and started investing in highways and air travel? By the late 1970s, six major eastern railroads had declared bankruptcy. Although he didn't like trains, Howard H. Lewis became the primary lawyer for the Reading Railroad during its legendary bankruptcy case. Here, Lewis provides a frank account of the high-intensity litigation and courtroom battles over the US government's proposal to form Conrail out of the six bankrupt railroads, which meant taking the Reading's property, leaving the railroad to prove its worth. After five grueling years, the case was ultimately settled for $186 million—three times the original offer from the US government—and Lewis became known as a champion defender of both the railroad industry and its assets.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Guide to the Dissection of the Dog
Get an up-close look at canine anatomy with the only complete guide to the dissection of the dog. Utilizing detailed descriptions and more than 300 high-quality color anatomic drawings, Guide to the Dissection of the Dog, 8th Edition walks you through how to perform precise canine dissections while developing your understanding of basic mammalian structure and specific canine features. Each chapter offers self-contained guidance on the dissection of a specific body part, allowing you to perform dissections in whatever sequence your choose. Other helpful features include: an emphasis on the anatomical knowledge and terminology from the Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria; a comprehensive list of all figures and tables; and an extensive list of references for further research. In all, this one-of-a-kind canine dissection manual is the resource you need to better understand and review what you are learning in your first-year dissection course. The only hands-on canine dissection guide available reinforces the information that you learn in your mandatory first-year dissection course. Body part organization follows the order of dissection commonly taught in veterinary schools and enables you to perform dissections in any sequence. More than 300 high-quality color anatomic drawings guide each step-by-step dissection procedure. Radiographs, CAT scans and MR images appear throughout the text where relevant to help you visualize internal anatomic features that can only be revealed through these diagnostic methods. Comprehensive list of tables and figures makes it easy to find key images and information at a glance. Detailed descriptions of anatomical structures ensure the most thorough, precise canine dissections. Clear and easy-to-follow instructions guide you in properly performing dissection techniques. Option of a digital book on Pageburst offers high-resolution illustrations that are directly linked to the text - letting you search for any text work or anatomic clue and discover any instance of what you want to read more about. NEW! High-resolution digital images have been added throughout the book to provide a clinical context for the drawings and to highlight internal anatomic structures with excellent contrast resolution. NEW! Additional transverse sections of the brain give you the anatomic knowledge you need to accurately interpret MR images. NEW! Updated figure labels and text adhere to the latest Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria.
Green Lion Press Faraday's Experimental Researches in Electricity: Guide to a First Reading
A guidebook to "Faraday's Experimental Researches in Electricity". It guides the reader through Faraday's work, displaying Faraday's experimental virtuosity and keen theoretical insight.
Skyhorse Publishing Alaskan Travels: Far-Flung Tales of Love and Adventure
Thirty years ago, celebrated American writer Edward Hoagland, in his early fifties and already with a dozen acclaimed books under his belt, had a choice: a midlife crisis or a midlife adventure. He chose the adventure. Pencil and notebook at the ready, Hoagland set out to explore and write about one of the last truly wild territories remaining on the face of the earth: Alaska. From the Arctic Ocean to the Kenai Peninsula, the backstreet bars of Anchorage to the Yukon River, Hoagland traveled the “real” Alaska from top to bottom. Here he documents not only the flora and fauna of America’s last frontier, but also the extraordinary people living on the fringe. On his journey, he chronicles the lives of an astonishing and unforgettable array of prospectors, trappers, millionaire freebooters, drifters, oilmen, Eskimos, Indians, and a remarkably kind and capable frontier nurse named Linda. In his foreword, novelist Howard Frank Mosher describes Edward Hoagland’s memoir as “the best book ever written about America’s last best place.” In the tradition of Twain’s Life on the Mississippi and Jonathan Rabin’s Old Glory, with a beautiful love story at its heart, this is an American masterpiece from a writer hailed by the Washington Post as “the Thoreau of our times.”
Berrett-Koehler Publishers Our Search for Belonging: How Our Need to Connect Is Tearing Us Apart
National Geographic Kids Ultimate Explorer Field Guide: Night Sky: Find Adventure! Go Outside! Have Fun! Be a Backyard Stargazer! (Ultimate Explorer Field Guide )
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Herbert A. Simon, George J. Stigler and Ronald H. Coase
This groundbreaking title brings together a critical selection of key papers by the Nobel Memorial Laureates in Economics that have helped shape the development and present state of economics. The editors have organised this comprehensive series by theme and focuses on those Laureates working in the same broad area of study. The careful selection of papers is set in context by an insightful introduction to the Laureates' careers and main published works. This landmark title will be an essential reference for scholars throughout the world.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Bertil G. Ohlin, James E. Meade and Robert A. Mundell
This groundbreaking series brings together a critical selection of key papers by the Nobel Memorial Laureates in Economics that have helped shape the development and present state of economics. The editors have organised this comprehensive series by theme and each volume focuses on those Laureates working in the same broad area of study. The careful selection of papers within each volume is set in context by an insightful introduction to the Laureates? careers and main published works. This landmark series will be an essential reference for scholars throughout the world.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Simon S. Kuznets, Theodore W. Schultz, W. Arthur Lewis and Robert M. Solow
This groundbreaking series brings together a critical selection of key papers by the Nobel Memorial Laureates in Economics that have helped shape the development and present state of economics. The editors have organised this comprehensive series by theme and each volume focuses on those Laureates working in the same broad area of study. The careful selection of papers within each volume is set in context by an insightful introduction to the Laureates? careers and main published works. This landmark series will be an essential reference for scholars throughout the world.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Euro: Its Origins, Development and Prospects
This important new book provides a non-technical, comprehensive overview of the central issues surrounding the euro. Following an introduction to the origins of European integration, the authors proceed to examine the first concrete steps in the process that led to the creation of the euro area. The book then explores the economics and architecture of the euro, highlights the issues surrounding enlargement, and reflects on the future of European monetary union. To help bring the subject matter alive, the book also contains interviews with leading academics in the field including Willem Buiter, Nick Crafts, Paul De Grauwe, Patrick Minford, Niels Thygesen, Andrzej Wojtyna and Charles Wyplosz. Primarily aimed at intermediate undergraduates taking courses not just in economics, but also in business studies, modern economic history, politics and international relations, this book will also prove useful to postgraduate students in these disciplines in their preliminary year of study.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Who’s Who in Economics, Fourth Edition
This major reference work, now in its fourth edition, is an extensive and authoritative guide to the most frequently cited academic economists throughout the world.As with the previous editions, each of the entries is written by the entrants themselves and gives pertinent biographical data, principal fields of interest, chief publications and a statement of their principal contributions to economics as they - and not the editors - perceive them. This edition includes only living economists whose articles, published in the period 1990-2000, have been most frequently cited and as such it is the most up-to-date biographical dictionary of the leading players in the economics profession. a thoroughly revised, updated and extended fourth edition containing the most cited economists from 1990-2000 the only biographical dictionary of major economists to appear in any language provides critical information on over 700 living economists five appendices, including indices of principal fields of interest, country of residence, year of birth, current affiliation, and first degree and doctorate.
University of California Press Creativity and Copyright: Legal Essentials for Screenwriters and Creative Artists
What they won't teach you in film school: This expertly written reference guide breaks down copyright laws for screenwriters. Inspired by Strunk & White's The Elements of Style, this elegant, short reference is the perfect guide for screenwriters and creative artists looking to succeed as industry professionals. Readers will quickly understand the laws that govern creativity, idea-making, and selling, and learn how to protect themselves and their works from the legal quagmires they may encounter. Written by an unrivaled pair of experts, John L. Geiger and Howard Suber, who use real-life case studies to cover topics such as clearance, contracts, collaboration, and infringement, Creativity and Copyright is poised to become an indispensable resource for beginners and experts alike.
Columbia University Press On Becoming a Rock Musician
In the 1960s and 1970s, becoming a rock musician was fundamentally different than playing other kinds of music. It was a learned rather than a taught skill. In On Becoming a Rock Musician, sociologist H. Stith Bennett observes what makes someone a rock musician and what persuades others to take him seriously in this role. The book explores how bands form; the backstage and onstage reality of playing in a band; how bands promote themselves and interact with audiences and music professionals like DJs; and the role of performance.
Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies Ukrainian-Jewish Relations in Historical Perspective
Royal Society of Chemistry Fluid-Structure Interactions in Low-Reynolds-Number Flows
Fluid-structure interactions have been well studied over the years but most of the focus has been on high Reynolds number flows, inertially dominated flows where the drag force from the fluid typically varies as the square of the local fluid speed. There are though a large number of fluid-structure interaction problems at low values of the Reynolds number, where the fluid effects are dominated by viscosity and the drag force from the fluid typically varies linearly with the local fluid speed, which are applicable to many current research areas including hydrodynamics, microfluidics and hemodynamics. Edited by experts in complex fluids, Fluid-Structure Interactions in Low-Reynolds-Number Flows is the first book to bring together topics on this subject including elasticity of beams, flow in tubes, mechanical instabilities induced by complex liquids drying, blood flow, theoretical models for low-Reynolds number locomotion and capsules in flow. The book includes introductory chapters highlighting important background ideas about low Reynolds number flows and elasticity to make the subject matter more approachable to those new to the area across engineering, physics, chemistry and biology.
Gallic Books Baker's Blood: Nicolas Le Floch Investigation #6: Nicolas Le Floch Investigation, Book 6
1775. Commissioner Nicolas Le Floch is on a diplomatic mission to Vienna, ostensibly to deliver a bust of Marie Antoinette to her mother, the Empress Maria Theresa. His real task, however, is to investigate the breakdown of French secret intelligence in Austria. The city is a hotbed of plotting - and Nicolas only just survives an attempt on his life. On his return to France, Paris is in turmoil. The soaring price of grain and bread is causing widespread social unrest, and Nicolas' first police case is the unexplained death of a baker. Could it be that events in the French capital are somehow connected to his experiences in Vienna...?
Beacon Press Jesus and the Disinherited
Europa Editions Solea
History Press A History Lover's Guide to Bergen County
St Martin's Press Seal Team Six: Memoirs of an Elite Navy Seal Sniper
Rowman & Littlefield Prologue to Manifest Destiny: Anglo-American Relations in the 1840's
During the 1840s the United States and England were in conflict over two unsettled territories along the undefined Canadian-American border. This riveting account of the Maine and Oregon boundary treaties is brought to life masterfully by Professors Howard Jones and Donald Rakestraw. The events in this story paved the way for one of the most far-reaching developments in American history: the age of expansion. The United States gradually came to believe in manifest destiny, the irreversible expansion of the States across the continent. The country?s success with England in resolving the two territorial disputes marked the dawn of this new era. Complicating the U.S.-English situation in the 1840s was a border conflict brewing with Mexico. Failure to resolve the disputes with England might have led the United States to war with two nations at once. Careful negotiations led to settlements with England instead of war. But the United States went to war with Mexico from 1846 to 1848. Prologue to Manifest Destiny offers a rare, detailed look at the tense Anglo-American relationship during the 1840s and the two agreements reached regarding the land in the Northeast and the Northwest. Presidents John Tyler and James Polk and the robust master of diplomacy, Daniel Webster, were among the American actors who played center stage in the drama, as well as Britain?s Lord Ashburton, who worked closely with Webster to keep the turbulent conflict over the Northeast territory from escalating into war. This gripping frontier story will fascinate as it educates. Prologue to Manifest Destiny is perfect for courses in American history, international relations, and diplomatic history.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Brigade: An Epic Story of Vengeance, Salvation, and WWII
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Conversations with Leading Economists: Interpreting Modern Macroeconomics
This important book provides fascinating insights into the origins, development and current state of modern macroeconomics. The reader's imagination is instantly captured, and the subject matter brought alive, through conversations with fourteen leading economists including five Nobel Laureates. These interviews shed new light on the controversies witnessed in the field of macroeconomic theory and policy, the way macroeconomics is taught and the history and methodology of macroeconomic research. Their illuminating and contrasting discussions provide students and scholars alike with a unique, highly accessible and enjoyable way to explore the ever-changing landscape of modern macroeconomics.The major economists featured in this book are:Alberto Alesina Olivier Blanchard Mark Blaug Robert W. Clower David C. Colander Milton Friedman Robert E. Lucas, Jr. Gregory Mankiw Franco Modigliani Edward N. Prescott Paul C. Romer Robert M. Solow John B. Taylor James Tobin
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Ragnar A.K. Frisch, Jan Tinbergen and Lawrence R. Klein
This groundbreaking title brings together a critical selection of key papers by the Nobel Memorial Laureates in Economics that have helped shape the development and present state of economics. The editors have organised this comprehensive series by theme and focuses on those Laureates working in the same broad area of study. The careful selection of papers is set in context by an insightful introduction to the Laureates' careers and main published works. This landmark title will be an essential reference for scholars throughout the world.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd James A. Mirrlees, William S. Vickrey, George A. Akerlof, A. Michael Spence and Joseph E. Stiglitz
This groundbreaking series brings together a critical selection of key papers by the Nobel Memorial Laureates in Economics that have helped shape the development and present state of economics. The editors have organised this comprehensive series by theme and each volume focuses on those Laureates working in the same broad area of study. The careful selection of papers within each volume is set in context by an insightful introduction to the Laureates? careers and main published works. This landmark series will be an essential reference for scholars throughout the world.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd An Encyclopedia of Macroeconomics
The Encyclopedia of Macroeconomics is an authoritative and invaluable reference source on macroeconomics, which embraces definitions of terms and concepts, conflicting ideological approaches and the contributions of major thinkers. Comprehensive in scope, it contains over 300 short entries and more than 100 specially commissioned main entries from an internationally renowned group of scholars.The alphabetically ordered entries will be useful both as a basic reference source and a provocative stimulus for further reading. The Encyclopedia will soon be established as a leading reference source on macroeconomics that will both enlighten students and be highly valued by scholars and teachers of economics.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Advanced Introduction to Youth Studies
Elgar Advanced Introductions are stimulating and thoughtful introductions to major fields in the social sciences, business and law, expertly written by the world’s leading scholars. Designed to be accessible yet rigorous, they offer concise and lucid surveys of the substantive and policy issues associated with discrete subject areas. This Advanced Introduction to Youth Studies analyses the historical development of the sociology of youth in the context of changing population demographics. Howard Williamson and James Côté explore competing paradigms underlying current understandings of youth with reference to key philosophical, theoretical and methodological debates.Young people’s transitions to adulthood and youth cultural behaviour are then explored. The authors conclude with a consideration of youth policies and how, in the future, these may be better informed by sociological research. Key Features: Fact-based analysis of key debates Sociological perspectives informed by multidisciplinary analyses Concise coverage of complex topics Policy recommendations informed by years of experience in the field This Advanced Introduction will provide essential reading for scholars and researchers of sociology and sociological theory, as well as youth workers and students looking for an excellent introduction to youth studies.
John Wiley & Sons Inc New Strategies for Public Pay: Rethinking Government Compensation Programs
The survival and success of public organizations depends on employee satisfaction and motivation to improve performance. New Strategies for Public Pay addresses one of the strongest motivators?compensation. The book outlines proven strategies, many of which are successfully used in private industry, that are also well-suited for government organizations. Specific programs are described and analyzed by experts from government, academia, think tanks, labor unions, and private business, running the gamut from merit pay to competency-based pay to gainsharing. New Strategies for Public Pay introduces a range of alternative pay systems that show public sector managers how they can: ? Set standards that match the unique needs of individual organizations ? Stimulate desired new behaviors necessary to overcome the fear of change and business as usual mentality ? Energize employees and provide a fresh incentive for continuing improved performance The decision whether or not to revolutionize pay systems is fundamental. The way compensation is addressed and managed can either hinder or help accomplish an organization's mission. New Strategies for Public Pay offers a useful framework for planning compensation programs that are in line with the times and that will help create more efficient, flexible, and responsive public organizations.
Princeton University Press Banking on the Future: The Fall and Rise of Central Banking
The crash of 2008 revealed that the world's central banks had failed to offset the financial imbalances that led to the crisis, and lacked the tools to respond effectively. What lessons should central banks learn from the experience, and how, in a global financial system, should cooperation between them be enhanced? Banking on the Future provides a fascinating insider's look into how central banks have evolved and why they are critical to the functioning of market economies. The book asks whether, in light of the recent economic fallout, the central banking model needs radical reform. Supported by interviews with leading central bankers from around the world, and informed by the latest academic research, Banking on the Future considers such current issues as the place of asset prices and credit growth in anti-inflation policy, the appropriate role for central banks in banking supervision, the ways in which central banks provide liquidity to markets, the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of central banks, the culture and individuals working in these institutions, as well as the particular issues facing emerging markets and Islamic finance. Howard Davies and David Green set out detailed policy recommendations, including a reformulation of monetary policy, better metrics for financial stability, closer links with regulators, and a stronger emphasis on international cooperation. Exploring a crucial sector of the global economic system, Banking on the Future offers new ideas for restoring financial strength to the foundations of central banking.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Contemporary Linear Algebra
From one of the premier authors in higher education comes a new linear algebra textbook that fosters mathematical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and exposure to real-world applications. Without sacrificing mathematical precision, Anton and Busby focus on the aspects of linear algebra that are most likely to have practical value to the student while not compromising the intrinsic mathematical form of the subject. Throughout Contemporary Linear Algebra, students are encouraged to look at ideas and problems from multiple points of view.
Columbia University Press Winning with Data Science: A Handbook for Business Leaders
Whether you are a newly minted MBA or a project manager at a Fortune 500 company, data science will play a major role in your career. Knowing how to communicate effectively with data scientists in order to obtain maximum value from their expertise is essential. This book is a compelling and comprehensive guide to data science, emphasizing its real-world business applications and focusing on how to collaborate productively with data science teams.Taking an engaging narrative approach, Winning with Data Science covers the fundamental concepts without getting bogged down in complex equations or programming languages. It provides clear explanations of key terms, tools, and techniques, illustrated through practical examples. The book follows the stories of Kamala and Steve, two professionals who need to collaborate with data science teams to achieve their business goals. Howard Steven Friedman and Akshay Swaminathan walk readers through each step of managing a data science project, from understanding the different roles on a data science team to identifying the right software. They equip readers with critical questions to ask data analysts, statisticians, data scientists, and other technical experts to avoid wasting time and money. Winning with Data Science is a must-read for anyone who works with data science teams or is interested in the practical side of the subject.
Europa Editions (UK) Ltd Total Chaos: Book One in the Marseilles Trilogy
Fabio Montale is the perfect protagonist in this city of melancholy beauty. A disenchanted cop with an inimitable talent for living who turns his back on a police force marred by corruption and racism and, in the name of friendship, takes the fight against the mafia into his own hands. “Just as Raymond Chandler and James Ellroy made Los Angeles their very own, so Mr. Izzo has made Marseilles so much more than just another geographical setting.”—The Economist “Izzo’s ability to describe Marseilles and to make his readers feel the multiracial reality of that city so directly and authentically is fascinating.”—Andrea Camilleri “One of the masterpieces of modern noir.”—The Washington Post