Search results for ""Author Aaron""
Aftershock Comics SHOCK TREATMENT
Big Finish Productions Ltd Dark Shadows Bloodline Volume 2
Bloodline features the return of the cursed Collins family - those that survived the events of Bloodlust. As family and friends gather at the Collinwood estate for the wedding of David Collins and Amy Jennings, a new mystery starts to unfold. In the Great House of Collinwood Amy Jennings and David Collins are finally putting years of tragedy and loss behind them and committing to a life together. And, as the ceremony approaches, friends old and new are drawn to the town at the edge of the sea. Once again, the tortured vampire, Barnabas Collins, is amongst them. But this time he is not alone. After so many years away, Doctor Julia Hoffman has returned with him, finally convinced she has the means to cure his affliction. But joy and happiness never last long in Collinsport, for malevolent forces are never far away. Among those gathered for the celebration are some who would conspire to tear the family apart. In this town some wounds refuse to heal, some secrets demand to be heard, and some sins cry out to be punished. Welcome back to Collinsport. Until death do you part. This is the second volume of two, forming a new, long-awaited, 13-part series. CAST: Georgina Strawson (Vivian Bell), Stephanie Ellyne (Amy Jennings), Alec Newman (David Collins), Michael Shon (Tom Cunningham), Scott Haran (Harry Cunningham), Lachele Carl(Sheriff Rhonda Tate), Alexandra Donnachie (Jackie Tate), Walles Hamonde (Cody Hill and Richard Hill), Nancy Barrett(Carolyn Stoddard), David Selby (Quentin Collins), Susan Sullivan (Lela Collins), Christopher Pennock (Cyrus Longworth-Jennings), Lisa Richards (Sabrina Longworth-Jennings), Jake Wardle (ArnoldHaggerty) Nico Diodoro (Brian Monro) Adam HallAndrew McLellan/Conductor/Old-Timer),Jamison Selby (Ed Griffin), Marie Wallace (Jessica Griffin), Andrew Collins (Barnabas Collins), Jerry Lacy (Matthew Young),Sarah Pitard (Bonnie Sands,Tom Michael Blyth (Jamie Forbes), Sydney Aldridge (Waitress/Nurse), Wallace McBride (Edgar McBride), Kathryn Leigh Scott (Maggie Haskell), Kelly Burke (Fiona Tanner), Daniel Collard (Pastor Grayson), Roy Gill (Randy Young), Abi Harris (Nurse Grimes) and Julie Newmar (Dr Julia Hoffman). Other parts played by members of the cast.
Big Finish Productions Ltd Dark Shadows Bloodline Volume 1
Bloodline features the return of the cursed Collins family - those that survived the events of Bloodlust. the Great House of Collinwood Amy Jennings and David Collins are finally putting years of tragedy and loss behind them and committing to a life together. And, as the ceremony approaches, friends old and new are drawn to the town at the edge of the sea.Once again, the tortured vampire, Barnabas Collins, is amongst them. But this time he is not alone. After so many years away, Doctor Julia Hoffman has returned with him, finally convinced she has the means to cure his affliction.But joy and happiness never last long in Collinsport, for malevolent forces are never far away. Among those gathered for the celebration are some who would conspire to tear the family apart. In this town some wounds refuse to heal, some secrets demand to be heard, and some sins cry out to be punished.Welcome back to Collinsport.Until death do you part.This is the first volume of two, forming a new, long-awaited,13-part series. CAST: Georgina Strawson (Vivian Bell), Stephanie Ellyne (Amy Jennings), Alec Newman (David Collins), Michael Shon (Tom Cunningham), Scott Haran (Harry Cunningham), Lachele Carl (Sheriff Rhonda Tate), Alexandra Donnachie (Jackie Tate), Walles Hamonde (Cody Hill and Richard Hill), Nancy Barrett (Carolyn Stoddard), David Selby(Quentin Collins), Susan Sullivan (Lela Collins), Christopher Pennock (Cyrus Longworth-Jennings), Lisa Richards (Sabrina Longworth-Jennings), Jake Wardle (Arnold Haggerty), Nico Diodoro (Brian Monroe),Adam Hall (Andrew McLellan/Conductor/ Old-Timer),Jamison Selby (Ed Griffin), Marie Wallace (Jessica Griffin), Andrew Collins (Barnabas Collins), Jerry Lacy (Matthew Young),Sarah Pitard (Bonnie Sands), Tom Michael Blyth (Jamie Forbes), Sydney Aldridge (Waitress/Nurse), Wallace McBride (Edgar McBride), Kathryn Leigh Scott (Maggie Haskell), Kelly Burke (Fiona Tanner), Daniel Collard (Pastor Grayson), Roy Gill (Randy Young), Abi Harris (Nurse Grimes) and Julie Newmar (Dr Julia Hoffman). Other parts played by members of the cast.
Oxford University Press Oxford AQA GCSE History (9-1): British Depth Studies c1066-1685 Student Book Second Edition
This book has been selected for AQA's official approval process for this specification. This Second Edition of British Depth Studies c1066-1685 Student Book is part of the popular Oxford AQA GCSE History (9-1) series. Updated as part of our commitment to the inclusive presentation of diverse histories, this book covers exactly what your students require to succeed in their AQA Paper 2 exam. Developed by Aaron Wilkes and a team of teachers and historians with examining experience, this revised textbook provides expert guidance on all four of AQA's British Depth Study options, with detailed and specification-specific coverage of key developments and events of each period. Carefully selected interpretations and sources give students the opportunity to analyse and evaluate different perspectives on the past in context. Practice Questions, Study Tips and the How to... pages help students thoroughly prepare for the AQA exam questions; the differentiated Work questions build up essential skills, while Extension features challenge students to investigate the history more deeply. Also now available for the Norman England and Elizabethan England depth studies: a separate Norman England textbook (9781382045186) and a separate Elizabethan England textbook (9781382045155): the same high-quality content in a cost-effective format. This title is also available as eBook: 9781382045100.
Penguin Books Ltd Stung with Love: Poems and Fragments of Sappho
More or less 150 years after Homer's Iliad, Sappho lived on the island of Lesbos, west off the coast of what is present Turkey. Little remains today of her writings, which are said to have filled nine papyrus rolls in the great library at Alexandria some 500 years after her death. The surviving texts consist of a lamentably small and fragmented body of lyric poetry - among them poems of invocation, desire, spite, celebration, resignation and remembrance - that nevertheless enables us to hear the living voice of the poet Plato called the tenth Muse. This is a new translation of her surviving poetry.
WW Norton & Co Aristophanes: Four Plays: Clouds, Birds, Lysistrata, Women of the Assembly
Aristophanes’s satirical masterpieces, immensely popular with the Athenian public, were frequently crude, even obscene. His plays revealed to his contemporaries, and now teach us today, that when those in power act obscenely, patriotic obscenity is a fitting response. Until now English translations have failed to capture Aristophanes’s poetic genius. Aaron Poochigian, the first poet-classicist to tackle these plays in a generation, offers “effortlessly readable and genuinely theatrical” (Simon Armitage) versions of four of Aristophanes’s most entertaining, provocative and lyrically ingenious comedies, finally giving twenty-first-century readers a sense of the subversive pleasure audiences felt when these works were first performed on the Athenian stage.
WW Norton & Co Bacchae
?Poochigian's translation is a triumph?a remarkably lucid and vibrant rendition . . . The script's language is precise yet sonorous, expertly constructed in iambic pentameter to both moving and chilling effect.? --Aram Kouyoumdjian, Asbarez ?By far the most theatrically assured rendition of the play I've encountered. The fluid translation by Aaron Poochigian is as mercurial as the staging.? --Charles McNulty, The Los Angeles Times
MP-KAN Uni Press of Kansas Good Gossip
This work suggests that gossip has unexpected virtues. The contributors argue that gossip contributes to community cohesion and helps individuals better understand their own predicaments, problems and personal idiosyncrasies in the light of knowledge about the life experiences of others.
United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism The Way of the Rabbis: An Introduction to Rabbinics for Young People
Quarto Publishing PLC J. R. R. Tolkien
Bucknell University Press,U.S. British Literature and Technology, 1600-1830
Enlightenment-era writers had not yet come to take technology for granted, but nonetheless were—as we are today—both attracted to and repelled by its potential. This volume registers the deep history of such ambivalence, examining technology’s influence on Enlightenment British literature, as well as the impact of literature on conceptions of, attitudes toward, and implementations of technology. Offering a counterbalance to the abundance of studies on literature and science in seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Britain, this volume’s focus encompasses approaches to literary history that help us understand technologies like the steam engine and the telegraph along with representations of technology in literature such as the “political machine.” Contributors ultimately show how literature across genres provided important sites for Enlightenment readers to recognize themselves as “chimeras”—“hybrids of machine and organism”—and to explore the modern self as “a creature of social reality as well as a creature of fiction.”
Capstone Press Batman, Superman and other DC Super Heroes and Villains
John Wiley & Sons Inc Advances in Chemical Physics, Volume 162
The Advances in Chemical Physics series provides the chemical physics field with a forum for critical, authoritative evaluations of advances in every area of the discipline.• This is the only series of volumes available that presents the cutting edge of research in chemical physics.• Includes contributions from experts in this field of research.• Contains a representative cross-section of research that questions established thinking on chemical solutions• Structured with an editorial framework that makes the book an excellent supplement to an advanced graduate class in physical chemistry or chemical physics
John Wiley & Sons Inc Advances in Chemical Physics, Volume 156
Advances in Chemical Physics is the only series of volumes available that explores the cutting edge of research in chemical physics. This is the only series of volumes available that presents the cutting edge of research in chemical physics. Includes contributions from experts in this field of research. Contains a representative cross-section of research that questions established thinking on chemical solutions. Structured with an editorial framework that makes the book an excellent supplement to an advanced graduate class in physical chemistry or chemical physics.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Advances in Chemical Physics, Volume 155
The cutting edge of research in chemical physics Each volume of the Advances in Chemical Physics series discusses aspects of the state of diverse subjects in chemical physics and related fields, with chapters written by top researchers in the field. Reviews published in Advances in Chemical Physics are typically longer than those published in journals, providing the space needed for readers to fully grasp the topic, including fundamentals, latest discoveries, applications, and emerging avenues of research. Volume 155 explores: Modeling viral capsid assembly Charges at aqueous interfaces, including the development of computational approaches in direct contact with the experiment Theory and simulation advances in solute precipitate nucleation A computational viewpoint of water in the liquid state Construction of energy functions for lattice heteropolymer models, including efficient encodings for constraint satisfaction programming and quantum annealing Advances in Chemical Physics is ideal for introducing novices to topics in chemical physics and serves as the perfect supplement to any advanced graduate class devoted to its study. The series also provides the foundation needed for more experienced researchers to advance research studies.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Advances in Chemical Physics, Volume 147
The Advances in Chemical Physics series—the cutting edge of research in chemical physics The Advances in Chemical Physics series provides the chemical physics and physical chemistry fields with a forum for critical, authoritative evaluations of advances in every area of the discipline. Filled with cutting-edge research reported in a cohesive manner not found elsewhere in the literature, each volume of the Advances in Chemical Physics series offers contributions from internationally renowned chemists and serves as the perfect supplement to any advanced graduate class devoted to the study of chemical physics. This volume explores: Hydrogen Bond Topology and Proton Ordering in Ice and Water Clusters (Sherwin J. Singer and Chris Knight) Molecular Inner-Shell Spectroscopy, Arpis Technique and Its Applications (Eiji Shigemasa and Nobuhiro Kosugi) Geometric Optimal Control of Simple Quantum Systems: Geometric Optimal Control Theory (Dominique Sugny) Density Matrix Equation for a Bathed Small System and its Application to Molecular Magnets (D. A. Garanin) A Fractional Langevin Equation Approach to Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging (Jennie Cooke)
John Wiley and Sons Ltd An Introduction to Modern CBT: Psychological Solutions to Mental Health Problems
An Introduction to Modern CBT provides an easily accessible introduction to modern theoretical cognitive behavioral therapy models. The text outlines the different techniques, their success in improving specific psychiatric disorders, and important new developments in the field. • Provides an easy-to-read introduction into modern Cognitive Behavioral Therapy approaches with specific case examples and hands-on treatment techniques • Discusses the theoretical models of CBT, outlines the different techniques that have been shown to be successful in improving specific psychiatric disorders, and describes important new developments in the field • Offers useful guidance for therapists in training and is an invaluable reference tool for experienced clinicians
Indiana University Press Medieval Jewish Philosophy and Its Literary Forms
Too often the study of philosophical texts is carried out in ways that do not pay significant attention to how the ideas contained within them are presented, articulated, and developed. This was not always the case. The contributors to this collected work consider Jewish philosophy in the medieval period, when new genres and forms of written expression were flourishing in the wake of renewed interest in ancient philosophy. Many medieval Jewish philosophers were highly accomplished poets, for example, and made conscious efforts to write in a poetic style. This volume turns attention to the connections that medieval Jewish thinkers made between the literary, the exegetical, the philosophical, and the mystical to shed light on the creativity and diversity of medieval thought. As they broaden the scope of what counts as medieval Jewish philosophy, the essays collected here consider questions about how an argument is formed, how text is put into the service of philosophy, and the social and intellectual environment in which philosophical texts were produced.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Entrepreneurship: Theory, Role of Economic Development & Practices
Bucknell University Press,U.S. British Literature and Technology, 1600-1830
Enlightenment-era writers had not yet come to take technology for granted, but nonetheless were—as we are today—both attracted to and repelled by its potential. This volume registers the deep history of such ambivalence, examining technology’s influence on Enlightenment British literature, as well as the impact of literature on conceptions of, attitudes toward, and implementations of technology. Offering a counterbalance to the abundance of studies on literature and science in seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Britain, this volume’s focus encompasses approaches to literary history that help us understand technologies like the steam engine and the telegraph along with representations of technology in literature such as the “political machine.” Contributors ultimately show how literature across genres provided important sites for Enlightenment readers to recognize themselves as “chimeras”—“hybrids of machine and organism”—and to explore the modern self as “a creature of social reality as well as a creature of fiction.”
John Wiley & Sons Inc Advances in Chemical Physics, Volume 160
The Advances in Chemical Physics series provides the chemical physics field with a forum for critical, authoritative evaluations of advances in every area of the discipline. This volume explores the following topics: Thermodynamic Perturbation Theory for Associating Molecules Path Integrals and Effective Potentials in the Study of Monatomic Fluids at Equilibrium Sponteneous Symmetry Breaking in Matter Induced by Degeneracies and Pseudogeneracies Mean-Field Electrostatics Beyond the Point-Charge Description First Passage Processes in Cellular Biology Theoretical Modeling of Vibrational Spectra and Proton Tunneling in Hydroen-Bonded Systems
Penguin Books Ltd Madness Explained: Psychosis and Human Nature
A revised edition of Madness Explained, Richard Bentall's groundbreaking classic on mental illness In Madness Explained, leading clinical psychologist Richard Bentall shatters the modern myths that surround psychosis. Is madness purely a medical condition that can be treated with drugs? Is there a clear dividing line between who is sane and who is insane? For this revised edition, he adds new material drawing on the recent advances in molecular genetics, new studies of the role of environment in psychosis, and important discoveries on early symptoms preceding illness, among other important developments in our understanding.'Madness Explained is a substantial, yet highly accessible work. Full of insight and humanity, it deserves a wide readership.' Sunday Times 'Will give readers a glimpse both of answers to their own problems, and to questions about how the mind works' Independent Magazine Richard P. Bentall holds a Chair in Experimental Clinical Psychology at the University of Manchester. In 1989 he received the British Psychological Society's May Davidson Award for his contribution to the field of Clinical Psychology.
Simon & Schuster Big Bub, Small Car: Ready-To-Read Ready-To-Go!
Red Wheel/Weiser Young Professional's Guide to the Working World: Savvy Strategies to Get in, Get Ahead, and Rise to the Top
International Society for Technology in Education Flipped Learning for Elementary Instruction
Building on their best-selling book Flip Your Classroom: Reach Every Student in Every Class Every Day, flipped education innovators Jonathan Bergmann and Aaron Sams return with a book series that supports flipped learning in the four topic areas of science, math, English and social studies as well as the elementary classroom. In this volume the authors address how flipping your classroom can support elementary instruction.
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc The Bedtime Book of Incredible Questions
Simon & Schuster Our Principal's Wacky Wishes!: A QUIX Book
A unique principal named Mr. Bundy runs PS 88 in this silly, fun-to-read Aladdin QUIX chapter book that’s perfect for emerging readers!Acclaimed author Stephanie Calmenson turns fairy tales on their ears with silly adventures featuring Principal Bundy. In this Mr. Bundy (mis)adventure, Mr. Bundy makes a wish that goes terribly awry! Will he be able to un-wish his wacky wish?
Aladdin Paperbacks Class Pest: A Quix Book
Simon & Schuster Class Pest: A Quix Book
Skyhorse Publishing The Argument Hangover: Empowering Couples to Fight Smarter and Overcome Communication Pitfalls
Learn how you and your partner can fight smarter, communicate like pros, and handle any challenge as a team! You know that feeling right after an argument you’ve had with your partner? You feel kind of sick to your stomach, your head is buzzing, and you're zoned out. You regret what you said or how you said it, and you're hurt by their actions as well. Almost like a food or alcohol hangover, right? Aaron and Jocelyn Freeman, your new favorite relationship mentors, call this "the argument hangover." In this relatable, no b.s. book for couples, the Freemans explain what an argument hangover is, what causes it, and how to clearly communicate your needs to feel understood, without having to change each other. This modern guide includes step-by-step tools and exercises you can implement right away, so you can handle the challenges that so many couples face today. Topics include: Why conflict doesn’t have to be something you avoid How to keep arguments from escalating How to resolve those nagging two or three disagreements that keep coming up Embrace conflict and grow from it with the right communication skills―and say goodbye to argument hangovers once and for all.
Aladdin Paperbacks Fishin': Impossible, 8
Little Simon Turkeys Strike Out: And Other Fun Facts
Simon & Schuster Squid-Napped!
Aladdin Paperbacks Deep-Sea Disaster, 1
Aladdin Paperbacks Deep-Sea Disaster
Amazon Publishing The Art Whisperer
When art conservator Alix London spots a forgery, she knows trouble will follow. So she’s understandably apprehensive when her connoisseur’s eye spots something off about a multimillion-dollar Jackson Pollock painting at Palm Springs’s Brethwaite Museum—her current employer. Alix is already under fire, the object of a vicious online smear campaign. Now the Brethwaite’s despicable senior curator, obsessed with the “maximization of monetized eyeballs,” angrily refuses to decommission the celebrated Pollock piece. But it’s only when a hooded intruder attacks Alix in her hotel room that the real trouble begins. And when FBI Special Agent Ted Ellesworth—with whom Alix had inadvertently, but thoroughly, botched a budding relationship just a year prior—turns up to investigate the Pollock, Alix knows she’s about to have her hands full. In her third mystery, Alix London must see through mirages in the desert to uncover the knotted history of the painting—and save herself in the process.
Tilbury House,U.S. Luigi and the Barefoot Races
They say Luigi always ran barefoot. And they speak of his greatest challenge-the race nobody thought he could win, not even Luigi himself. Maybe it's urban legend, or maybe the true events have acquired added luster in Dan Paley's memory. After all, a story this amazing couldn't possibly be true, could it? Suffused with nostalgia for soft summer evenings in a city neighborhood, with kids playing in the street, neighbors visiting, twilight seeming like it would never end . A tall tale that kids will never tire of. Aaron Boyd's colorful illustrations vividly recreate an urban Philadelphia street and its houses, shops, and memorable people. Fountas & Pinnell Level M
University Press of Florida A Punkhouse in the Deep South: The Oral History of 309
Told in personal interviews, this is the collective story of a punk community in an unlikely town and region, a hub of radical counterculture that drew artists and musicians from throughout the conservative South and earned national renown.The house at 309 6th Avenue has long been a crossroads for punk rock, activism, veganism, and queer culture in Pensacola, a quiet Gulf Coast city at the border of Florida and Alabama. In this book, residents of 309 narrate the colorful and often comical details of communal life in the crowded and dilapidated house over its 30-year existence. Terry Johnson, Ryan “Rymodee” Modee, Gloria Diaz, Skott Cowgill, and others tell of playing in bands including This Bike Is a Pipe Bomb, operating local businesses such as End of the Line Cafe, forming feminist support groups, and creating zines and art. Each voice adds to the picture of a lively community that worked together to provide for their own needs while making a positive, lasting impact on their surrounding area. Together, these participants show that punk is more than music and teenage rebellion. It is about alternatives to standard narratives of living, acceptance for the marginalized in a rapidly changing world, and building a sense of family from the ground up.Including photos by Cynthia Connolly and Mike Brodie, A Punkhouse in the Deep South illuminates many individual lives and creative endeavors that found a home and thrived in one of the oldest continuously inhabited punkhouses in the United States.
Random House USA Inc If the World Were 100 People: A Visual Guide to Our Global Village
Houghton Mifflin Adventures of Sir Lancelot the Great Book 1
Many years ago, the storytellers say, the great King Arthur brought justice to England with the help of his gallant Knights of the Round Table. Of these worthy knights, there was never one so fearless, so chivalrous, so honourable, so...shiny as the dashing Sir Lancelot, who was quite good at defending the helpless and protecting the weak, just as long as he'd had his afternoon nap. Behold the very exciting and very funny adventures of Lancelot the Great, as only acclaimed Arthurian author Gerald Morris can tell them.
Penguin Putnam Inc Revenge of the Killer Worms #16
Penguin Putnam Inc A Royal Pain in the Burp #15
Penguin Putnam Inc Hey! Who Stole the Toilet? #8
Zondervan Howie Wants to Play: My First
Valley Press Cooking with Alcohol