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John Wiley & Sons Inc Design of Rotating Electrical Machines
In one complete volume, this essential reference presents an in-depth overview of the theoretical principles and techniques of electrical machine design. This timely new edition offers up-to-date theory and guidelines for the design of electrical machines, taking into account recent advances in permanent magnet machines as well as synchronous reluctance machines. New coverage includes: Brand new material on the ecological impact of the motors, covering the eco-design principles of rotating electrical machines An expanded section on the design of permanent magnet synchronous machines, now reporting on the design of tooth-coil, high-torque permanent magnet machines and their properties Large updates and new material on synchronous reluctance machines, air-gap inductance, losses in and resistivity of permanent magnets (PM), operating point of loaded PM circuit, PM machine design, and minimizing the losses in electrical machines> End-of-chapter exercises and new direct design examples with methods and solutions to real design problems> A supplementary website hosts two machine design examples created with MATHCAD: rotor surface magnet permanent magnet machine and squirrel cage induction machine calculations. Also a MATLAB code for optimizing the design of an induction motor is provided Outlining a step-by-step sequence of machine design, this book enables electrical machine designers to design rotating electrical machines. With a thorough treatment of all existing and emerging technologies in the field, it is a useful manual for professionals working in the diagnosis of electrical machines and drives. A rigorous introduction to the theoretical principles and techniques makes the book invaluable to senior electrical engineering students, postgraduates, researchers and university lecturers involved in electrical drives technology and electromechanical energy conversion.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Spin Waves: Problems and Solutions
This book presents a collection of problems in spin wave excitations with their detailed solutions. Each chapter briefly introduces the important concepts, encouraging the reader to further explore the physics of spin wave excitations and the engineering of spin wave devices by working through the accompanying problem sets. The initial chapters cover the fundamental aspects of magnetization, with its origins in quantum mechanics, followed by chapters on spin wave excitations, such as the magnetostatic approximation, Walker's equation, the spin wave manifold in the three different excitation geometries of forward volume, backward volume and surface waves, and the dispersion of spin waves. The latter chapters focus on the practical aspects of spin waves and spin wave optical devices and use the problem sets to introduce concepts such as variational analysis and coupled mode theory. Finally, for the more advanced reader, the book covers nonlinear interactions and topics such as spin wave quantization, spin torque excitations, and the inverse Doppler effect. The topics range in difficulty from elementary to advanced. All problems are solved in detail and the reader is encouraged to develop an understanding of spin wave excitations and spin wave devices while also strengthening their mathematical, analytical, and numerical programming skills.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe The Physics of Sports
There is a large and growing number of excellent books on physics and sports. While these books are well written, educational, and often entertaining, they are simply not textbooks. Physics concepts such as: force, velocity, and torque, come into the discussion. Interesting facts are given, and occasionally a formula is applied. However, the focus is typically on conveying interesting physics related facts about a particular sport, rather than developing a general appreciation and facility for scientific reasoning. The Physics of Sports is intended as a textbook for a 1 semester or a 1-2 quarter undergraduate course, for students - not necessarily intending to major in Physical Science, Engineering, or a related field. With this course, it is hoped that a student's natural interest in athletics and the direct relevance to concrete material will bridge the gap for students, turned off by the seemingly abstract stuff covered in many undergraduate physics courses. The discussion being completely centered around real life examples, allows students to understand sports by talking about Physics.McGraw-Hill's Connect, is also available as an optional, add on item. Connect is the only integrated learning system that empowers students by continuously adapting to deliver precisely what they need, when they need it, how they need it, so that class time is more effective. Connect allows the professor to assign homework, quizzes, and tests easily and automatically grades and records the scores of the student's work. Problems are randomized to prevent sharing of answers an may also have a "multi-step solution" which helps move the students' learning along if they experience difficulty.
Johns Hopkins University Press Calculus in Context: Background, Basics, and Applications
Breaking the mold of existing calculus textbooks, Calculus in Context draws students into the subject in two new ways. Part I develops the mathematical preliminaries (including geometry, trigonometry, algebra, and coordinate geometry) within the historical frame of the ancient Greeks and the heliocentric revolution in astronomy. Part II starts with comprehensive and modern treatments of the fundamentals of both differential and integral calculus, then turns to a wide-ranging discussion of applications. Students will learn that core ideas of calculus are central to concepts such as acceleration, force, momentum, torque, inertia, and the properties of lenses. Classroom-tested at Notre Dame University, this textbook is suitable for students of wide-ranging backgrounds because it engages its subject at several levels and offers ample and flexible problem set options for instructors. Parts I and II are both supplemented by expansive Problems and Projects segments. Topics covered in the book include: * the basics of geometry, trigonometry, algebra, and coordinate geometry and the historical, scientific agenda that drove their development* a brief, introductory calculus from the works of Newton and Leibniz* a modern development of the essentials of differential and integral calculus* the analysis of specific, relatable applications, such as the arc of the George Washington Bridge; the dome of the Pantheon; the optics of a telescope; the dynamics of a bullet; the geometry of the pseudosphere; the motion of a planet in orbit; and the momentum of an object in free fall. Calculus in Context is a compelling exploration-for students and instructors alike-of a discipline that is both rich in conceptual beauty and broad in its applied relevance.
University of Washington Press The Car That Brought You Here Still Runs
Richard Hugo visited places and wrote about them. He wrote about towns: White Center and La Push in Washington; Wallace and Cataldo in Idaho; Milltown, Philipsburg, and Butte in Montana. Often his visits lasted little more than an afternoon, and his knowledge of the towns was confined to what he heard in bars and diners. From these snippets, he crafted poems. His attention to the actual places could be scant, but Hugo’s poems resonate more deeply than travelogues or feature stories; they capture the torque between temperament and terrain that is so vital in any consideration of place. The poems bring alive some hidden aspect to each town and play off the traditional myths that an easterner might have of the West: that it is a place of restoration and healing, a spa where people from the East come to recover from ailments; that it is a place to reinvent oneself, a region of wide open, unpolluted country still to settle. Hugo steers us, as readers, to eye level. How we settle into and take on qualities of the tracts of earth that we occupy -- this is Hugo’s inquiry. Part travelogue, part memoir, part literary scholarship, The Car That Brought You Here Still Runs traces the journey of Frances McCue and photographer Mary Randlett to the towns that inspired many of Richard Hugo’s poems. Returning forty years after Hugo visited these places, and bringing with her a deep knowledge of Hugo and her own poetic sensibility, McCue maps Hugo’s poems back onto the places that triggered them. Together with twenty-three poems by Hugo, McCue’s essays and Randlett’s photographs offer a fresh view of Hugo’s Northwest. Watch the book trailer:
Wave Books One Morning—
"[Wolff's poems] are stylistic and tonal shapeshifters. Hip, contemplative, and dark and resistant to the hunky-dory, the New Agey, and the prescriptive, they're unnerving, funny, and occasionally subversive."-Bookforum Poet, novelist, and Fence Books founder Rebecca Wolff's internal monologue made external in poetry is uncanny. Her musical and darkly funny fourth collection, One Morning-, spans language, culture, art history, love, passion, grief, consumerism, environmental devastation, and the ekphrastic experience of pop and high culture. She experiments with torque, energy, narrative-two steps ahead of herself with the reader on her heels. From "Today Is a Good Day to Fly (Life Begins at)": I'm really digging this blue sky after so much rain with my regular menstrual cycle my Def Jam progesterone cream the blow-in (in my pocket) (ripped out) from in-flight music magazine "touching cloth" like the Romantics do. Insert jitney. Rebecca Wolff is the author of four collections of poetry, one novel, and numerous pieces of occasional prose. Her first book, Manderley, was selected for the National Poetry Series by Robert Pinsky. Her second, Figment, was selected for the Barnard Women Poets Prize by Claudia Rankine and Eavan Boland. Her third, The King, was published by W. W. Norton in 2009. Her novel The Beginners was published by Riverhead in 2011. She is a graduate of the Iowa Writers Workshop and has been a fellow at the MacDowell Colony and the Millay Colony for the Arts. In 1998, Wolff founded the influential literary journal Fence; in 2001 she founded Fence Books and launched The Constant Critic website. Wolff lives in Hudson, New York, and is currently a fellow at the New York State Writers Institute at the University at Albany.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Methods of Research and Optimization of the Mineral Raw Material Grinding Process
In the monograph, a number of problems of scientific and technical importance are introduced and discussed, which are of great interest, and can find widespread application in the circles of engineers and researchers, as well as graduate and post-graduate students engaged in investigation, optimisation and management of electromechanical systems. The theoretical and practical results presented in the work have applied significance for investigating, optimising, revealing the regularities of changing the operation modes, establishing the technological factors and power dependencies, controlling the operating state of the elastic transmission links of the electromechanical system, and, based on them, developing a control system for the diagnosis tool of the system's operating state and increasing the power consumption efficiency. The methods introduced in the monograph differ from those developed by other well-known authors in that the author has succeeded in revealing the relationship of technological and energetic parameters. Taking into consideration the variety of the technological load, mechanisms and schemes, the author has proposed and implemented new complex approaches to making optimal decisions on the problem, considering them in the solution of diverse problems aimed at increasing the efficiency of the ore-grinding technological process. In Chapter 1 of the monograph, the principles of increasing the control efficiency of the ore-grinding technological process by assessing the power-saving possibilities for the consumed energy have been considered. In Chapter 2, the operation modes of the ore mill have been investigated, for which models for investigating the change in the moment of the active load and the mill -- motor electromechanical system have been developed. A system of criteria for studying the changes in the grinding degree, time, and the number of mills used has been obtained, and the condition for the stability of the gravity centre of the mill active load, as well as the frequency areas of interest for assessing the state of the system have been revealed. Chapter 3 is devoted to the development of the imitation model for investigating the dynamic processes of the electrical drive systems ensuring the ore mill operation, which reveals the regularities of changes in the electromagnetic torque and dynamic load at different characteristics of changes in the resistive torque created by the mill, and at different values of hardness of the drive unit. In Chapter 4, the possibilities of identifying and preventing abnormal operating modes of synchronous electrical drive of the ore-grinding mill are considered. In Chapter 5, the optimisation problem is formulated through the analysis of the grinding control strategy and energy-saving requirements. The necessity of forming a loss matrix to determine the optimisation criteria and controlled parameters is substantiated. In Chapter 6, the automated diagnosis and control systems are proposed that provide wide control possibilities, and, in the last chapter, method of rationing the specific consumption of electricity by the technological process of grinding is presented.
David & Charles Optimising Car Performance Modifications: - Simple methods of measuring engine, suspension, brakes and aerodynamic performance gains
This highly practical and useful book covers brilliant techniques that take the guesswork out of performance modification. Using just some low-cost tools, you can easily measure the flow restriction of your car's intake and exhaust. It's like having a huge flow-bench always available. By making some simple on-road measurements, you can plot the shape of the engine's power and torque curves - no dyno needed. This allows you to not only see if performance modifications to the engine are improving power, but also see where in the rev range those changes are occurring. Assess the worth of cams, a larger turbo, changed boost control or altered engine management mapping. But the book doesn't stop there - it also shows you how to measure your car's aerodynamics, seeing if at speed your car is developing lift or downforce. Want to make a rear wing work well? Test the angle at which downforce is greatest. You can also test the aerodynamic airflow through oil coolers, intercoolers and radiators. Interested in improving your suspension? By using a low-cost app and a smartphone, you can accurately measure suspension behaviour. If you want a practical, hands-on book that will immediately save you money, show where modifications are most needed, and can be used to assess performance outcomes, this is the book for you.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Making Things Move DIY Mechanisms for Inventors, Hobbyists, and Artists
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.Get Your Move On!In Making Things Move: DIY Mechanisms for Inventors, Hobbyists, and Artists, you'll learn how to successfully build moving mechanisms through non-technical explanations, examples, and do-it-yourself projects--from kinetic art installations to creative toys to energy-harvesting devices. Photographs, illustrations, screen shots, and images of 3D models are included for each project. This unique resource emphasizes using off-the-shelf components, readily available materials, and accessible fabrication techniques. Simple projects give you hands-on practice applying the skills covered in each chapter, and more complex projects at the end of the book incorporate topics from multiple chapters. Turn your imaginative ideas into reality with help from this practical, inventive guide. Discover how to: Find and select materials Fasten and join parts Measure force, friction, and torque Understand mechanical and electrical power, work, and energy Create and control motion Work with bearings, couplers, gears, screws, and springs Combine simple machines for work and fun Projects include: Rube Goldberg breakfast machine Mousetrap powered car DIY motor with magnet wire Motor direction and speed control Designing and fabricating spur gears Animated creations in paper An interactive rotating platform Small vertical axis wind turbine SADbot: the seasonally affected drawing robot Make Great Stuff!TAB, an imprint of McGraw-Hill Professional, is a leading publisher of DIY technology books for makers, hackers, and electronics hobbyists.
Taylor & Francis Inc Diffractive Nanophotonics
Diffractive Nanophotonics demonstrates the utility of the well-established methods of diffractive computer optics in solving nanophotonics tasks. It is concerned with peculiar properties of laser light diffraction by microoptics elements with nanoscale features and light confinement in subwavelength space regions. Written by recognized experts in this field, the book covers in detail a wide variety of advanced methods for the rigorous simulation of light diffraction. The authors apply their expertise to addressing cutting-edge problems in nanophotonics.Chapters consider the basic equations of diffractive nanophotonics and related transformations and numerical methods for solving diffraction problems under strict electromagnetic theory. They examine the diffraction of light on two-dimensional microscopic objects of arbitrary shape and present a numerical method for solving the problem of diffraction on periodic diffractive micro- and nanostructures. This method is used in modern trends in nanophotonics, such as plasmonics, metamaterials, and nanometrology. The book describes the simulation of electromagnetic waves in nanophotonic devices and discusses two methods of calculating the spatial modes of microstructured photonic crystal fibres—a relatively new class of optical fibres with the properties of photonic crystals.The book explains the theory of paraxial and non-paraxial laser beams with axial symmetry and an orbital angular momentum—called vortex beams—which are used for optical trapping and rotating micro- and nanoparticles in a ring in the cross-sectional plane of the beam. The final chapter discusses methods for calculating the force and torque exerted by the electromagnetic field focused onto the microparticle of arbitrary form, whose dimensions are comparable with the wavelength of light.
Wave Books One Morning—
"[Wolff's poems] are stylistic and tonal shapeshifters. Hip, contemplative, and dark and resistant to the hunky-dory, the New Agey, and the prescriptive, they're unnerving, funny, and occasionally subversive."-Bookforum Poet, novelist, and Fence Books founder Rebecca Wolff's internal monologue made external in poetry is uncanny. Her musical and darkly funny fourth collection, One Morning-, spans language, culture, art history, love, passion, grief, consumerism, environmental devastation, and the ekphrastic experience of pop and high culture. She experiments with torque, energy, narrative-two steps ahead of herself with the reader on her heels. From "Today Is a Good Day to Fly (Life Begins at)": I'm really digging this blue sky after so much rain with my regular menstrual cycle my Def Jam progesterone cream the blow-in (in my pocket) (ripped out) from in-flight music magazine "touching cloth" like the Romantics do. Insert jitney. Rebecca Wolff is the author of four collections of poetry, one novel, and numerous pieces of occasional prose. Her first book, Manderley, was selected for the National Poetry Series by Robert Pinsky. Her second, Figment, was selected for the Barnard Women Poets Prize by Claudia Rankine and Eavan Boland. Her third, The King, was published by W. W. Norton in 2009. Her novel The Beginners was published by Riverhead in 2011. She is a graduate of the Iowa Writers Workshop and has been a fellow at the MacDowell Colony and the Millay Colony for the Arts. In 1998, Wolff founded the influential literary journal Fence; in 2001 she founded Fence Books and launched The Constant Critic website. Wolff lives in Hudson, New York, and is currently a fellow at the New York State Writers Institute at the University at Albany.
Monacelli Press This Land: An Epic Postcard Mural on the Future of a Country in Ecological Peril
David Opdyke's massive collage This Land (as elucidated in this book by award-winning author Lawrence Weschler) presents a slow-burning satire of the American Dream as it blunders into the reality of climate change. This Land is an epic mural fashioned by New York artist David Opdyke out of vintage American postcards which he then treated with disconcerting painted interventions. What at first reads as a panoramic bird's-eye view of an idyllic alpine valley reveals itself, upon closer examination, to be an array of connected scenes and vignettes. Across more than five hundred postcards, each one portraying a distinct slice of idealized Americana (town squares, mountain highways, main streets and county seats), Opdyke's acerbic, emotionally jarring alterations gradually become evident. In this prophetic refashioning, forests are aflame, tornadoes torque from one card into the next, a steamboat gets swallowed up whole by some sort of new megafauna, frogs fall like Biblical hail from the sky. The human responses form a cacophony of desires and demands, panic and denial. Biplanes trail banners urging Repent Now!, others insist Legislative Action Would Be Premature, while still others advertise seats on an actual Ark. The book This Land affords readers a closer and closer viewing of Opdyke’s devastatingly sardonic take on our impending ecological future, one in turn enlivened by Lawrence Weschler's vividly sly blend of artist profile and critical interpretation. Featuring introductory essays providing background on the artist and the project as a whole, This Land also divides the sprawling mural into eight sections to allow for a more intimate viewing. Interspersed among the detailed visual sections are insightful thematic essays by Lawrence Weschler and an afterword that serves as a stirring call to action by civil rights attorney Maya Wiley. Additionally, the book's jacket is printed on both sides, folding out to reveal the work in its full grandeur.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Direct Eigen Control for Induction Machines and Synchronous Motors
Clear presentation of a new control process applied to induction machine (IM), surface mounted permanent magnet synchronous motor (SMPM-SM) and interior permanent magnet synchronous motor (IPM-SM) Direct Eigen Control for Induction Machines and Synchronous Motors provides a clear and consise explanation of a new method in alternating current (AC) motor control. Unlike similar books on the market, it does not present various control algorithms for each type of AC motor but explains one method designed to control all AC motor types: Induction Machine (IM), Surface Mounted Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (SMPM-SM) (i.e. Brushless) and Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (IPM-SM). This totally new control method can be used not only for AC motor control but also to control input filter current and voltage of an inverter feeding an AC motor. Accessible and clear, describes a new fast type of motor control applied to induction machine (IM), surface mounted permanent magnet synchronous motor (SM-PMSM) and interior permanent magnet synchronous motor (I-PMSM) with various examples Summarizes a method that supersedes the two known direct control solutions – Direct Self Control and Direct Torque Control – to be used for AC motor control and to control input filter current and voltage of an inverter feeding an AC motor Presents comprehensive simulations that are easy for the reader to reproduce on a computer. A control program is hosted on a companion website This book is straight-forward with clear mathematical description. It presents simulations in a way that is easy to understand and to reproduce on a computer, whilst omitting details of practical hardware implementation of control, in order for the main theory to take focus. The book remains concise by leaving out description of sensorless controls for all motor types. The sections on “Control Process”, “Real Time Implementation” and “Kalman Filter Observer and Prediction” in the introductory chapters explain how to practically implement, in real time, the discretized control with all three types of AC motors. In order, this book describes induction machine, SMPM-SM, IPM-SM, and, application to LC filter limitations. The appendixes present: PWM vector calculations; transfer matrix calculation; transfer matrix inversion; Eigen state space vector calculation; and, transition and command matrix calculation. Essential reading for Researchers in the field of drive control; graduate and post-graduate students studying electric machines; electric engineers in the field of railways, electric cars, plane surface control, military applications. The approach is also valuable for Engineers in the field of machine tools, robots and rolling mills.
Springer International Publishing AG Electrical Machines and Drives: Fundamentals and Advanced Modelling
This book aims to offer a thorough study and reference textbook on electrical machines and drives. The basic idea is to start from the pure electromagnetic principles to derive the equivalent circuits and steady-state equations of the most common electrical machines (in the first parts). Although the book mainly concentrates on rotating field machines, the first two chapters are devoted to transformers and DC commutator machines. The chapter on transformers is included as an introduction to induction and synchronous machines, their electromagnetics and equivalent circuits. Chapters three and four offer an in-depth study of induction and synchronous machines, respectively. Starting from their electromagnetics, steady-state equations and equivalent circuits are derived, from which their basic properties can be deduced. The second part discusses the main power-electronic supplies for electrical drives, for example rectifiers, choppers, cycloconverters and inverters. Much attention is paid to PWM techniques for inverters and the resulting harmonic content in the output waveform. In the third part, electrical drives are discussed, combining the traditional (rotating field and DC commutator) electrical machines treated in the first part and the power electronics of part two. Field orientation of induction and synchronous machines are discussed in detail, as well as direct torque control. In addition, also switched reluctance machines and stepping motors are discussed in the last chapters. Finally, part 4 is devoted to the dynamics of traditional electrical machines. Also for the dynamics of induction and synchronous machine drives, the electromagnetics are used as the starting point to derive the dynamic models. Throughout part 4, much attention is paid to the derivation of analytical models. But, of course, the basic dynamic properties and probable causes of instability of induction and synchronous machine drives are discussed in detail as well, with the derived models for stability in the small as starting point. In addition to the study of the stability in the small, a chapter is devoted to large-scale dynamics as well (e.g. sudden short-circuit of synchronous machines). The textbook is used as the course text for the Bachelor’s and Master’s programme in electrical and mechanical engineering at the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Ghent University. Parts 1 and 2 are taught in the basic course ’Fundamentals of Electric Drives’ in the third bachelor. Part 3 is used for the course ’Controlled Electrical Drives’ in the first master, while Part 4 is used in the specialised master on electrical energy.
APress Learn Engineering with LEGO: A Practical Introduction to Engineering Concepts
LEGO Mindstorms and SPIKE Prime are great products with vast capabilities, but are often so complex that many people don’t know how to use them. LEGO provides a walk-through of a few projects to build, which are cool, but after building these many people get stuck on “now what?” This book answers that question by showing the underlying principles required to build their own ideas.This book is a hands-on tour of how machines work with LEGO—there’s nothing like building a machine with your own two hands to understand how it works. It includes aspects of software engineering, mechanical engineering, and electrical engineering. As parts and associated engineering concepts are presented, they will be shown in their practical use with graphical step-by-step assembly instructions. The concepts conveyed are mostly learned through building examples, with text explanation to reinforce the ideas being learned. Every engineering concept has a building example to go with it, in a quick build of less than 15 assembly steps. At the end of each chapter there’s a project to tie the concepts of the chapter together of a little more complexity, involving 15 to 30 steps. These assembly steps are drawn with a computer aided design program that looks like the diagrams that LEGO produces for its products, so readers will be familiar with the look of the assembly directions. What You'll Learn Layout a Word Blocks or Python computer program from scratch See how LEGO building elements are meant to be assembled Manipulate the power source of a rotating shaft from an electric motor Use gears to alter the speed and torque of a power train Change the motion from a rotating shaft to a desired action Basic mechanisms (turntable, differential, cam, ratchet, etc.) to Use sensors (motion, distance, light, color) to make interactive inventions Integrate mechanical, software, and electrical subsystems in a project Who This Book Is ForThe knowledge presumed in this book is basic familiarity in building with LEGO, having past experience with building a set of moderate complexity of more than a 100 pieces. Basic familiarity with operating a personal computer is also assumed, such as to install an app. Likely interested readers are: LEGO fans looking for ways to build new and better inventions, middle-school and high-school age students who have an interest in science, math, and engineering, adults who like to learn how things work and tinker with inventions, and educators who use the SPIKE Prime set and are looking for new ideas for lesson plans.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Magnetic Memory Technology: Spin-transfer-Torque MRAM and Beyond
STAY UP TO DATE ON THE STATE OF MRAM TECHNOLOGY AND ITS APPLICATIONS WITH THIS COMPREHENSIVE RESOURCE Magnetic Memory Technology: Spin-Transfer-Torque MRAM and Beyond delivers a combination of foundational and advanced treatments of the subjects necessary for students and professionals to fully understand MRAM and other non-volatile memories, like PCM, and ReRAM. The authors offer readers a thorough introduction to the fundamentals of magnetism and electron spin, as well as a comprehensive analysis of the physics of magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ) devices as it relates to memory applications. This book explores MRAM's unique ability to provide memory without requiring the atoms inside the device to move when switching states. The resulting power savings and reliability are what give MRAM its extraordinary potential. The authors describe the current state of academic research in MRAM technology, which focuses on the reduction of the amount of energy needed to reorient magnetization. Among other topics, readers will benefit from the book's discussions of: An introduction to basic electromagnetism, including the fundamentals of magnetic force and other concepts An thorough description of magnetism and magnetic materials, including the classification and properties of magnetic thin film properties and their material preparation and characterization A comprehensive description of Giant magnetoresistance (GMR) and tunneling magnetoresistance (TMR) devices and their equivalent electrical model Spin current and spin dynamics, including the properties of spin current, the Ordinary Hall Effect, the Anomalous Hall Effect, and the spin Hall effect Different categories of magnetic random-access memory, including field-write mode MRAM, Spin-Torque-Transfer (STT) MRAM, Spin-Orbit Torque (SOT) MRAM, and others Perfect for senior undergraduate and graduate students studying electrical engineering, similar programs, or courses on topics like spintronics, Magnetic Memory Technology: Spin-Transfer-Torque MRAM and Beyond also belongs on the bookshelves of engineers and other professionals involved in the design, development, and manufacture of MRAM technologies.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Introduction to Magnetic Random-Access Memory
Magnetic random-access memory (MRAM) is poised to replace traditional computer memory based on complementary metal-oxide semiconductors (CMOS). MRAM will surpass all other types of memory devices in terms of nonvolatility, low energy dissipation, fast switching speed, radiation hardness, and durability. Although toggle-MRAM is currently a commercial product, it is clear that future developments in MRAM will be based on spin-transfer torque, which makes use of electrons’ spin angular momentum instead of their charge. MRAM will require an amalgamation of magnetics and microelectronics technologies. However, researchers and developers in magnetics and in microelectronics attend different technical conferences, publish in different journals, use different tools, and have different backgrounds in condensed-matter physics, electrical engineering, and materials science. This book is an introduction to MRAM for microelectronics engineers written by specialists in magnetic materials and devices. It presents the basic phenomena involved in MRAM, the materials and film stacks being used, the basic principles of the various types of MRAM (toggle and spin-transfer torque; magnetized in-plane or perpendicular-to-plane), the back-end magnetic technology, and recent developments toward logic-in-memory architectures. It helps bridge the cultural gap between the microelectronics and magnetics communities.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Introduction to Modern Analysis of Electric Machines and Drives
Introduction to Modern Analysis of Electric Machines and Drives Comprehensive resource introducing magnetic circuits and rotating electric machinery, including models and discussions of control techniques Introduction to Modern Analysis of Electric Machines and Drives is written for the junior or senior student in Electrical Engineering and covers the essential topic of machine analysis for those interested in power systems or drives engineering. The analysis contained in the text is based on Tesla’s rotating magnetic field and reference frame theory, which comes from Tesla’s work and is presented for the first time in an easy to understand format for the typical student. Since the stators of synchronous and induction machines are the same for analysis purposes, they are analyzed just once. Only the rotors are different and therefore analyzed separately. This approach makes it possible to cover the analysis efficiently and concisely without repeating derivations. In fact, the synchronous generator equations are obtained from the equivalent circuit, which is obtained from work in other chapters without any derivation of equations, which differentiates Introduction to Modern Analysis of Electric Machines and Drives from all other textbooks in this area. Topics explored by the two highly qualified authors in Introduction to Modern Analysis of Electric Machines and Drives include: Common analysis tools, covering steady-state phasor calculations, stationary magnetically linear systems, winding configurations, and two- and three-phase stators Analysis of the symmetrical stator, covering the change of variables in two- and three-phase transformations and more Symmetrical induction machines, covering symmetrical two-pole two-phase rotor windings, electromagnetic force and torque, and p-pole machines Direct current machines and drives, covering commutation, voltage and torque equations, permanent-magnet DC machines, and DC drives Introduction to Modern Analysis of Electric Machines and Drives is appropriate as either a first or second course in the power and drives area. Once the reader has covered the material in this book, they will have a sufficient background to start advanced study in the power systems or drives areas.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Modeling and High Performance Control of Electric Machines
Modeling and High Performance Control of Electric Machines introduces you to both the modeling and control of electric machines. The direct current (DC) machine and the alternating current (AC) machines (induction, PM synchronous, and BLDC) are all covered in detail. The author emphasizes control techniques used for high-performance applications, specifically ones that require both rapid and precise control of position, speed, or torque. You'll discover how to derive mathematical models of the machines, and how the resulting models can be used to design control algorithms that achieve high performance. Graduate students studying power and control as well as practicing engineers in industry will find this a highly readable text on the operation, modeling, and control of electric machines. An Instructor's Manual presenting detailed solutions to all the problems in the book is available from the Wiley editorial department. Instructor Support materials are also available. Email
John Wiley & Sons Inc Power Magnetic Devices: A Multi-Objective Design Approach
Power Magnetic Devices Discover a cutting-edge discussion of the design process for power magnetic devices In the newly revised second edition of Power Magnetic Devices: A Multi-Objective Design Approach, accomplished engineer and author Dr. Scott D. Sudhoff delivers a thorough exploration of the design principles of power magnetic devices such as inductors, transformers, and rotating electric machinery using a systematic and consistent framework. The book includes new chapters on converter and inverter magnetic components (including three-phase and common-mode inductors) and elaborates on characteristics of power electronics that are required knowledge in magnetics. New chapters on parasitic capacitance and finite element analysis have also been incorporated into the new edition. The work further includes: A thorough introduction to evolutionary computing-based optimization and magnetic analysis techniques Discussions of force and torque production, electromagnet design, and rotating electric machine design Full chapters on high-frequency effects such as skin- and proximity-effect losses, core losses and their characterization, thermal analysis, and parasitic capacitance Treatments of dc-dc converter design, as well as three-phase and common-mode inductor design for inverters An extensive open-source MATLAB code base, PowerPoint slides, and a solutions manual Perfect for practicing power engineers and designers, Power Magnetic Devices will serve as an excellent textbook for advanced undergraduate and graduate courses in electromechanical and electromagnetic design.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Analysis of Electric Machinery and Drive Systems
Introducing a new edition of the popular reference on machine analysis Now in a fully revised and expanded edition, this widely used reference on machine analysis boasts many changes designed to address the varied needs of engineers in the electric machinery, electric drives, and electric power industries. The authors draw on their own extensive research efforts, bringing all topics up to date and outlining a variety of new approaches they have developed over the past decade. Focusing on reference frame theory that has been at the core of this work since the first edition, this volume goes a step further, introducing new material relevant to machine design along with numerous techniques for making the derivation of equations more direct and easy to use. Coverage includes: Completely new chapters on winding functions and machine design that add a significant dimension not found in any other text A new formulation of machine equations for improving analysis and modeling of machines coupled to power electronic circuits Simplified techniques throughout, from the derivation of torque equations and synchronous machine analysis to the analysis of unbalanced operation A unique generalized approach to machine parameters identification A first-rate resource for engineers wishing to master cutting-edge techniques for machine analysis, Analysis of Electric Machinery and Drive Systems is also a highly useful guide for students in the field.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Introduction to the Analysis of Electromechanical Systems
Discover the analytical foundations of electric machine, power electronics, electric drives, and electric power systems In Introduction to the Analysis of Electromechanical Systems, an accomplished team of engineers delivers an accessible and robust analysis of fundamental topics in electrical systems and electrical machine modeling oriented to their control with power converters. The book begins with an introduction to the electromagnetic variables in rotatory and stationary reference frames before moving onto descriptions of electric machines. The authors discuss direct current, round-rotor permanent-magnet alternating current, and induction machines, as well as brushless direct current and induction motor drives. Synchronous generators and various other aspects of electric power system engineering are covered as well, showing readers how to describe the behavior of electromagnetic variables and how to approach their control with modern power converters. Introduction to the Analysis of Electromechanical Systems presents analysis techniques at an introductory level and at sufficient detail to be useful as a prerequisite for higher level courses. It also offers supplementary materials in the form of online animations and videos to illustrate the concepts contained within. Readers will also enjoy: A thorough introduction to basic system analysis, including phasor analysis, power calculations, elementary magnetic circuits, stationary coupled circuits, and two- and three-phase systems Comprehensive explorations of the basics of electric machine analysis and power electronics, including switching-circuit fundamentals, conversion, and electromagnetic force and torque Practical discussions of power systems, including three-phase transformer connections, synchronous generators, reactive power and power factor correction, and discussions of transient stability Perfect for researchers and industry professionals in the area of power and electric drives, Introduction to the Analysis of Electromechanical Systems will also earn its place in the libraries of senior undergraduate and graduate students and professors in these fields.