Search results for ""sweet maxwell ltd""
Sweet & Maxwell Ltd Rook and Ward on Sexual Offences: Law & Practice: Mainwork
The leading work on sexual offences, Rook & Ward provides coverage of the most up to date legislation including key decisions relating to the Sexual Offences Act 2003 and mportant developments in respect of evidence, practice and procedure. It is an essential tool for all those involved in prosecuting, defending and trying sexual offence cases, including lawyers, police and medical practitioners.
Sweet & Maxwell Ltd Civil Fraud: 1st Supplement
Sweet & Maxwell Ltd Misrepresentation, Mistake and Non-Disclosure
This title explains in detail the doctrines of misrepresentation, mistake and non-disclosure as they affect the validity of contracts. It analyses the consequences of each, focusing in particular on the remedies available to parties in each case.
Sweet & Maxwell Ltd Medical Negligence
Medical Negligence provides a comprehensive and authoritative analysis of the potential legal liabilities of healthcare professionals and hospitals arising out of the provision of healthcare. The principal focus is on the law of negligence as it applies in the medical context, but the book also includes extensive coverage of consent to medical treatment, defective products, confidentiality, the liability of hospitals, defences and limitation, the principles applied to the assessment damages, and procedural issues.
Sweet & Maxwell Ltd EU State Aids
Sweet & Maxwell Ltd How to Study Law
Sweet & Maxwell Ltd Care Act Manual
Sweet & Maxwell Ltd Evidence LawBasics
Sweet & Maxwell Ltd Personal Injury Practice in the Sheriff Court
Sweet & Maxwell Ltd Public Law - The Fundamentals
The Fundamentals series introduces students to the principles of the law by way of clear text combined with visual aids, tools and diagrams to enable an easy understanding of the subject without sacrificing the detail that is required for proper comprehension. Each title assumes no level of prior knowledge, allowing the book to be used for those new to the subject and for distance learning. Public Law - The Fundamentals presents a clear and detailed explanation of the area, with features that aid comprehension and understanding, providing an excellent grounding in the subject and a solid basis for the study of law.
Sweet & Maxwell Ltd JCT: Design and Build Sub-Contract - Conditions 2016
Sweet & Maxwell Ltd JCT: Design and Build Contract Guide 2016 (DBG)
Sweet & Maxwell Ltd JCT: Design and Build Contract 2016 (DB)
Sweet & Maxwell Ltd JCT:Minor Works Building Contract 2016 (MW)
Sweet & Maxwell Ltd The Law of Public and Utilities Procurement Volume 2: Regulation in the EU and the UK: Volume 2
This new edition of a work regarded as #the bible# on procurement issues provides a detailed analysis of the legal and policy framework for procurement in the EU and UK. It includes detailed explanations and critique of the impact of the important new EU directives that will be adopted in 2014.
Sweet & Maxwell Ltd The Devil's Advocate
The Devil’s Advocate , a best-selling advocacy manual in both the UK and the Commonwealth, brings a fresh approach to the Do’s and Don’ts of good advocacy. Written with humour and style, the title explains clear techniques, taking the reader through the practical application of advocacy step-by-step. The Devil’s Advocate has quickly become the leading handbook and practical guide to advocacy in any adversarial courtroom, in any country, to be read and carried about by any advocate.
Sweet & Maxwell Ltd JCT Standard Building Contract With Approximate Quantities 2024 SBCAQ
Sweet & Maxwell Ltd Archbold Criminal Pleading Evidence and Practice 2024
Sweet & Maxwell Ltd JCT Intermediate Named SubContract Tender and Agreement 2024 ICSubNAM
Sweet & Maxwell Ltd JCT Intermediate Named SubContractorEmployer Agreement 2024 ICSubNAME
Sweet & Maxwell Ltd JCT Standard Building Contract Guide 2024 SBCG
Sweet & Maxwell Ltd JCT Standard Building Contract Without Quantities 2024 SBCXQ
Sweet & Maxwell Ltd JCT Standard Building SubContract with sub contractors design Agreement 2024
Sweet & Maxwell Ltd JCT Standard Building SubContract Conditions 2024 SBCSubC
Sweet & Maxwell Ltd JCT Standard Building SubContract Guide 2024 SBCSubG
Sweet & Maxwell Ltd JCT: Intermediate Building Contract 2016 (IC)
Sweet & Maxwell Ltd Muir Watt Moss Agricultural Holdings
Building on the success of the author's earlier work Debt Arrangement and Attachment, this new volume of annotated legislation has been expanded to include the amended text of the Debtors (Scotland) Act 1987.
Sweet & Maxwell Ltd Thomas Sentencing Referencer 2021
Sweet & Maxwell Ltd Chalmers and Guest on Bills of Exchange and Cheques
Chalmers & Guest provides the definitive guide to the Bills of Exchange Act 1882 and the Cheques Act 1957, and offers legal practitioners comprehensive guidance to the law and practice relating to bills of exchange, cheques and promissory notes. Fully updated, the 19th edition includes the Electronic Trade Documentation Act 2023.
Sweet & Maxwell Ltd Snells Equity
Snell's Equity provides in-depth commentary and analysis of the law of equity and offers interpretation of how the different rules can be applied to property (trusts, assets, securities). It is the most comprehensive book on this subject and is frequently cited in court.
Sweet & Maxwell Ltd Jackson and Powell on Professional Liability
Sweet & Maxwell Ltd Sealy Milman
Sweet & Maxwell Ltd European Union Law
The new edition of this acclaimed text provides a rigorous, high-level analysis of the constitutional law of the European Union. Its broad scope includes the institutional structure of the EU, its legal instruments, the main substantive principles underlying EU Law and the role of EU law in the domestic law of Member states. Incorporating detailed references and analysis of case law and literature, it combines useful content for students with detailed treatment of more complex legal issues arising in practice and in academic debate. * New edition of a high level academic text renowned for itsauthority and clear discussion of complex principles * Revised and updated to incorporate all recent developments in EU law, including the EU Constitution * Easy to consult on complex issues - includes wide cross-referencing, new tables and diagrams, and a detailed index.
Sweet & Maxwell Ltd Estoppel by Conduct and Election
The book examines estoppel in the context of commercial transactions and property dealings. It examines election in relation to commercial dealings. It provides a comprehensive but accessible exposition of general principles including a discussion of the particular relationships in which these principles have been applied and developed by the courts
Sweet & Maxwell Ltd Illegality and Public Policy
Professor Buckley’s work, Illegality and Public Policy, sets out fully and clearly the law relating to illegality, public policy and restraint of trade in the context of contracts. Offering practical examples of situations in which illegality issues may arise and outlining possible solutions, the book also explores possible reforms of the law in the UK and Commonwealth jurisdictions aimed at overcoming its perceived uncertainly and rigidity.
Sweet & Maxwell Ltd Gloag and Henderson: The Law of Scotland
Sweet & Maxwell Ltd Hayton, McFarlane and Mitchell: Text, Cases and Materials on Equity and Trusts
Sweet & Maxwell Ltd Central Issues in Jurisprudence: Justice, Law and Rights
Central Issues in Jurisprudence is a clear introduction to the major theories and arguments which currently dominate discussion in jurisprudence. The work enables students to read the original writers with a real understanding of how the theories relate to each other, and how these theories cluster around certain fundamental issues. Combining lucid exposition with commentary, the author provides a penetrating analysis of each theory examined, and a deep understanding of the problems addressed.
Sweet & Maxwell Ltd The Law of Private Equity Funds: A Global Perspective
The Law of Private Equity Funds: A Global Perspective is a comprehensive guide to the law concerning the structure, management and operation of private equity funds on a global basis. This title is concise, highly readable and practical in approach, and the first of its kind to be published. This title addresses important topics such as the typical structure of United Kingdom and United States private equity funds, the principal terms of a private equity fund, the legal regimes which govern private equity funds in most of the main offshore and onshore fund domiciles in Asia, Europe and the United States, and an overview of the principal UK and United States regulatory considerations for private equity funds.
Sweet & Maxwell Ltd Craig: Administrative Law
Sweet & Maxwell Ltd Criminal Law
Sweet & Maxwell Ltd JCT:Standard Building Contract Without Quantities 2016
Sweet & Maxwell Ltd JCT: Intermediate Building Contract with Contractor's Design 2016 (ICD)
Sweet & Maxwell Ltd Financial Provision on Divorce and Dissolution of Civil Partnerships
Sweet & Maxwell Ltd Parry and Kerridge: The Law of Succession
The leading textbook on the law of succession for over 70 years, Parry & Kerridge on the Law of Succession provides the detail required for a full understanding of the subject. This work covers not only wills and intestacy, but also probate and administration of estates, and has been thoroughly updated for the 13th edition to incorporate all key case and legislative developments. NEW TO THIS EDITION #The Inheritance and Trustees# Powers Act 2014, amending both the law of intestacy and family provision #New case law including Marley v Rawlings, rectification of a switched will; Thornerv Major, Henry v Henry, Bradbury v Taylor and Suggitt v Suggitt, proprietary estoppel; Barrett v Bem, attestation; Baynes v Hedger, family provision, living together as civil partners; Ilott v Mitson, family provision for an estranged adult daughter; Re Key and Simon v Byford, capacity; Re P, statutory wills and #best interests# under the Mental Capacity Act 2005; Perrins v Holland, the rulein Parker v Felgate; Gill v Woodall, knowledge and approval; Re Servoz-Gavin, a sailor#s oral will; Court v Despallieres, revocation of a will by formation of a civil partnership; Rawstron v Freud, secret trusts; Fry v Densham-Smith, mutual wills; King v Chiltern Dog Rescue, donationes mortis causa; Day v Royal College of Music, the rule in Strong v Bird; Re Erskine, the effect of the Human Rights Act 1998 on construction #More discussion of #suspicious wills# (wills in the making of which beneficiaries have been involved); expanded chapter on Duty of Care and the risk of negligenceactions against will draftsmen
Sweet & Maxwell Ltd Delict: Law and Policy
Sweet & Maxwell Ltd Osborn's Concise Law Dictionary
For over 80 years, Osborn's has been the dictionary of choice for law students. With over 4,700 references from the obscure to the everyday it contains everything needed for the study of law. No matter what the subject, Osborn will cover it with references on Criminal Law, Company Law, International Law through to EU and Constitutional Law. Osborn's also includes an extensive citations list, a useful tool for finding and understanding journal and law report abbreviations.
Sweet & Maxwell Ltd JCT Intermediate SubContract Conditions 2024 ICSubC