Search results for ""prim ed""
Prim-Ed Publishing Fractions: Upper
This title features super three book photocopiable series. It takes pupils sequentially from fractions through to decimals and percentages. It offers a variety of written and practical activities. It provides answers for Middle and Upper levels.
Prim-Ed Publishing Maths Minutes: Book 2
How many minutes does it take to complete a Maths minute? That is the challenge offered in this exciting, six book series. Pupils will enjoy challenging themselves as they apply their mathematical knowledge and understanding to complete a Maths minute in the fastest possible time. With 100 day to day activities covering all mathematical strands, Maths Minutes can be easily integrated into any primary maths programme. These easy to follow activities promote the ongoing learning of essential maths concepts and skills through practice and reinforcement. Designed to be implemented in numerical order from 1100, the activities in Maths Minutes are developmental through each book and throughout the series. Features: available at six levels (1-6); and, 100 pupil pages each with 10 classroom tested problems. It covers number, measurement, space, chance and data concepts for each year level. It offers practice in speed of recall, basic computational skills and maths fluency. It encourages the use of mental maths strategies wherever possible. It is ideal as a starter activity in a timed speed test format to begin each maths lesson or, alternatively, can be given as a daily homework activity. It offers simple structure that allows pupils to be working on different levels within the one classroom. It provides the teacher with immediate feedback of pupils understanding for future planning. It provides comprehensive teachers notes, record pages and photocopiable pupil reference materials. It introduces scope and sequence table showing when each new concept and skill. It provides answers.
Prim-Ed Publishing Early Years - Fantasy
Early Years Themes (Ages 35) is a series of comprehensive teacher resource books designed to support teachers as they impart skills, concepts and knowledge about commonly taught themes in early childhood classrooms. The books in this series and the themes each contain are: Places (The ocean, The circus, The zoo, The rainforest, The farm); People (Me, Families, Friends, Community helpers, People from other countries); Animals (Pets, Bears, Frogs, Mini beasts, Dinosaurs); Science (The senses, The seasons, Space, Our bodies, Water); Fantasy (Dragons, Fairies, Giants/Ogres, Mermaids, Elves and Pixies); Fairytales (The three billy goats gruff, Jack and the beanstalk, The gingerbread man, The ugly duckling, Little red riding hood); and Special Days and Celebrations (Birthdays, Christmas, Easter, Mothers day, Fathers day, Valentines day, Eid al Fitr/Diwali/Chinese New Year/Hanukkah). Features: comprehensive teacher resource; icons to enable teachers to locate activities quickly; cross curricular learning activities; art and craft activities; teacher background information; resource sheets; early literacy and numeracy activities; age appropriate, useful artwork; display ideas; suggested books, songs, rhymes, poems; recipes; curriculum links; early literacy and numeracy activities; age appropriate, useful artwork; display ideas; suggested books, songs, rhymes, poems; recipes; and curriculum links.
Prim-Ed Publishing Bullying: Identify, Cope, Prevent: Upper level
This title offers three excellent photocopiable resources to aid teachers and pupils alike in identifying, coping with, and preventing bullying. Features: comprehensive teachers notes provide an excellent level of support; developmental programme aims to promote positive behaviours across primary school; information to support school policy development and promote school parent communication; and, superb SPHE material on this topical issue.
Prim-Ed Publishing New Wave Mental Maths Year 4/Primary 5
New Wave Mental Maths is a mental maths programme that aims to strengthen pupils’ mental maths abilities – the essential skills that underpin all aspects of the maths curriculum and problem-solving situations. Each book provides daily practice of these skills, with more than enough questions for the entire school year. One of the most useful features of the series is that it ensures pupils meet all areas of the curriculum on a regular basis. This constant contact with the areas of study ensures that pupils are continually revising and consolidating essential maths concepts. * 40-week programme divided into a convenient Monday to Friday daily format, which is ideal for class use or for assigning nightly homework. * Aims to develop fluency in the basics of maths: emphasis is placed on daily computation/table practice to enhance speed and accuracy. * Core maths concepts are developed in each book and precise maths language is used in the questions. * Problem-solving in both pictorial and word format encourages pupils to practise problem-solving strategies mentally. * Strong assessment component is built in – the weekly Friday Review can be used to communicate progress with parents. * Enables pupil to practise and perfect problem-solving strategies using mental problems. * Core mathematical language presented using clear and simple wording. * Sequential developmental and consolidation of core maths concepts. * Can be used in conjunction with the main class maths programme. * Provides lots of opportunities for informal teaching and on-the-spot direct explanations.
Prim-Ed Publishing My Spelling Workbook Book E
Each workbook contains 18 spelling units. Each unit is made up of four pages, with each unit containing: a list of 22 words to be learned, focusing on one or more phonic word patterns and two commonly used words word building and word study activities revision words from the previous workbook. Each unit contains word building and word study activities. A bank of activities is used throughout the book, including: unjumbling words word worms finding small words crosswords word searches synonyms antonyms and many more. Interactive spelling activities to accompany My Spelling Workbook E are available to download.
Prim-Ed Publishing My Spelling Workbook Book F
Each workbook contains 18 spelling units. Each unit is made up of four pages, with each unit containing: a list of 22 words to be learned, focusing on one or more phonic word patterns and two commonly used words word building and word study activities revision words from the previous workbook. Each unit contains word building and word study activities. A bank of activities is used throughout the book, including: unjumbling words word worms finding small words crosswords word searches synonyms antonyms and many more. Interactive spelling activities to accompany My Spelling Workbook F are available to download.
Prim-Ed Publishing Problemsolving Strategies and Skills
The Problem-solving Strategies and Skills maths cards provide a wide variety of motivating and high-interest problem-solving activities. There are three boxes for each of the six year groups.
Prim-Ed Publishing Primary Writing
Features a photocopiable series providing opportunities for pupils to read, analyse, plan and write a range of text types. This title covers text types such as: narrative, recount, report, procedure, explanation and discussion.
Prim-Ed Publishing New Wave Mental Maths Book 6: Workbook 6
New Wave Mental Maths workbooks will sit comfortably with your mathematics programme. Day-to-day activities cover all mathematic strands and are developmental throughout each book and the series. It is written to provide comprehensive coverage of mental maths concepts in the Irish mathematics curriculum. It covers opportunities for consolidation of mathematical concepts to develop and maintain speed of recall. It offers opportunities for reinforcement of ongoing mathematical concepts. You can introduce, practise and understand a range of mathematical vocabulary. It includes sequential development of mathematical concepts and vocabulary. You can develop and reinforce problem-solving strategies. Features: a structured daily mental maths programme for the whole academic year; pictorial, graphic and written representation of problems; simple weekly pupil and teacher assessment (1st and 2nd Class books); an inbuilt review and assessment programme (3rd - 6th Class books); wide curriculum coverage that aids identification of 'problem' areas of maths, to help planning and assessment; clear two-colour presentation throughout. It provides record pages. It covers all mathematics strands and strand units applicable to mental activities. It includes pages of useful 'maths facts'. It offers weekly testing/review for books 3-6. It covers developmental books that provide ideal opportunity for differentiation, with pupils working on a level appropriate to their ability rather than age. It offers a comprehensive teachers guide.
Prim-Ed Publishing Teaching Writing Strategies
Teaching Writing Strategies is a series of six books using modelling, guided and independent practice to teach pupils strategies they can use to improve the clarity, correctness and richness of their writing. The focus is on sentences, their structure, punctuation and word choices and on developing editing and proofreading skills and their habitual use. Teaching Writing Strategies is a series of six books with the explicit, overarching aim of teaching the skills and strategies required to improve the clarity, correctness and richness of children’s writing. Within the series, children are taught to recognise, choose and use specific strategies. The focus is on the process, rather than on practising, in this instance, specific text types. To this end, priority is given to improving writing at the sentence level. There is a strong hands-on emphasis; that is, there is an expectation that the children will write to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding. Unlike many other writing activity books, the desired outcome is to have the children structuring correct, enriched sentences to more clearly convey ideas and information. The ultimate goal is for them to produce clear, precise writing for a specific purpose and to understand that proofreading and editing is an integral part of the writing process. Each of the 16 units has a page of assessment activities and an assessment writing topic. These should be worked on independently and will: (a) give the teacher a record of individual understanding and achievement; and (b) highlight common points of weakness, which may require further assistance. Teacher recording sheets, a pupil proofreading checklist and a pupil self-evaluation sheet are provided.
Prim-Ed Publishing Contemporary Cloze (Ages 5-7): Lower (Ages 5-7)
This title features: high-interest photocopiable cloze resources; contemporary topics, including mobile phones, bullying and the Harry Potter phenomenon; reading strategies that allow pupils to either: choose words from a list by using context clues, or provide own words; cloze passages written in a range of genres; great individual, group, whole-class, homework and special needs resources; literacy skills such as grammar and parts of speech featured; and, activities to help promote written expression and expand vocabulary.
Prim-Ed Publishing Reading Maps: Reading and Interpreting: Middle
This title develops skills of reading and interpreting a wide range of maps. Features: a variety of challenging and problem-solving activities; an excellent three-book photocopiable series; a geographical skills that are highlighted and introduced gradually; some activities that contain two maps to compare/contrast information; standardised symbols used; and answers.
Prim-Ed Publishing Listening Comprehension: Lower
This title is a super resource to develop important life and listening skills. Pupils follow challenging and sequential instructions read out by teacher. It develops ability to listen accurately and retain information in memory. It offers photocopiable exercises progress in difficulty. It is ideal for whole-class or small-group completion. It includes record sheet for pupil completion.
Prim-Ed Publishing New Wave Mental Maths Year 6/Primary 7 Extension
New Wave Mental Maths is a mental maths programme that aims to strengthen pupils’ mental maths abilities – the essential skills that underpin all aspects of the maths curriculum and problem-solving situations. Each book provides daily practice of these skills, with more than enough questions for the entire school year. One of the most useful features of the series is that it ensures pupils meet all areas of the curriculum on a regular basis. This constant contact with the areas of study ensures that pupils are continually revising and consolidating essential maths concepts. * 40-week programme divided into a convenient Monday to Friday daily format, which is ideal for class use or for assigning nightly homework. * Aims to develop fluency in the basics of maths: emphasis is placed on daily computation/table practice to enhance speed and accuracy. * Core maths concepts are developed in each book and precise maths language is used in the questions. * Problem-solving in both pictorial and word format encourages pupils to practise problem-solving strategies mentally. * Strong assessment component is built in – the weekly Friday Review can be used to communicate progress with parents. * Enables pupil to practise and perfect problem-solving strategies using mental problems. * Core mathematical language presented using clear and simple wording. * Sequential developmental and consolidation of core maths concepts. * Can be used in conjunction with the main class maths programme. * Provides lots of opportunities for informal teaching and on-the-spot direct explanations.
Prim-Ed Publishing Prime-Time Comprehension Middle: Reading and Comprehending Using Text Types
There are 20 age-appropriate texts from four different formats (fiction, comic strips, nonfiction and poetry) included in this book.The level of difficulty of the text among the formats differs. For example, the comic strips are generally much shorter and easier to read than the fiction and nonfiction texts and the poetry tends to be more challenging.The questions are organised into three categories-Levels A, B and C-which are outlined below.Four pages accompany each of the 20 texts. Each group of four pages consists of the following:Pupil page 1 The text, in the style of one of the four formats with appropriate illustrations included.Pupil page 2 Questions related to the text - Level A (i.e. literal) and Level B (i.e. interpretive). Pupil page 3 Questions related to the text - Level C (i.e. evaluative). Pupil page 4 An activity related to the text.The three levels of questioning are:Level A Literal - The answer is provided in the text.Level B Interpretive - The answer is inferred using information in the text.Level C Evaluative - The answer requires associations to be made between the text's content and personal experience and knowledge.Activity pages These may require pupils to apply knowledge gained from the text, from their personal experiences and, in some cases, to use their imagination. Answers Answers to all questions are provided. Levels B and C answers are provided as a guide only as answers to interpretive and evaluative questions will vary. Teachers may need to assess answers individually and judge whether they are acceptable.
Prim-Ed Publishing My Word Bank
My Word Bank is designed for primary pupils from ages 8-12. It is a pupil 'word book' and dictionary to help develop written and oral vocabulary. Including: spelling rules to help pupils use the correct spelling and choose the right word; e.g. 'Should I use current or currant?' Remember ants like currants!; words other help pupils write interesting sentences, and use words other than 'said'; e.g. 'But she only mumbled the answer', explained the girl.
Prim-Ed Publishing Handwriting Today Book A: Book A
Prim-Ed Publishing Loop Card Games - English Lower
Follow Me: Loop Card Games: English is a series of three books designed to reinforce basic literacy skills using auditory discrimination as the major focus. Using interactive game cards, pupils work in small groups or as a whole class to complete a chain of questions and answers. Each pupil maintains involvement in the game by using the supporting active listening enrichment copymaster, designed to track the progress of the game. Skills addressed by the games in these books include: Lower: rhyming words, word families, high frequency words, grammar, vocabulary development, synonyms and antonyms, analogies, contractions, compound words, singular and plural words, main idea, categorising, and cause and effect; Middle: synonyms and antonyms, homophones, homographs, compound words, grammar, prefixes and suffixes, Greek and Latin roots, base words, alphabetical order, rhyming words, analogies, sentences, context clues, main idea, categorization, fact or opinion and vocabulary; Upper: synonyms and antonyms, contractions, categorization, grammar, homophones, similes, idioms, Greek and Latin roots, prefixes and suffixes, proverbs, critical thinking and deduction, oxymorons, associative connections, and clichs. Each book contains simple to prepare activities, blank pro formas (to produce your own games) and clear and concise answer pages.
Prim-Ed Publishing Sequencing Visual Texts: Book 1
Sequencing visual texts is a series of books which provide resources to support the teaching and learning of sequencing in early years classes. The series supports pupils struggling with written texts and those who need to develop oral communication skills. The series provides background information, suggestions for additional activities, and pictorial and text resources.T_i_t_l_e_s_ _i_n_ _t_h_i_s_ _s_e_r_i_e_s_ _a_r_e_:_ _Sequencing visual texts-B_o_o_k_ _1_ _Sequencing visual texts-B_o_o_k_ _2_ _Sequencing visual texts-B_o_o_k_ _3_ _
Prim-Ed Publishing Early Finishers: Independent Activities to Reinforce Basic Skills: Bk. G
This is an excellent seven book photocopiable series for the entire primary age range. Features: high interest, creative, fun yet challenging activities to satisfy the demands of the early finisher; wide range of ready to use puzzles, brainteasers and creative activities to enable practice of important skills; activities that cover looking at words, working with numbers, critical thinking, following directions, looking at pictures and getting creative; independent activities that are also ideal for class and homework; and, activities can be completed individually or in pairs. It includes answers and record sheet.
Prim-Ed Publishing India - Lower: A Cross Curricular Theme: Lower
India: A Cross Curricular Theme is a series of three books that present opportunities for pupils to discover some natural, physical, cultural, economic and political aspects about this fascinating and extremely diverse Asian country and its people. The books in this series give selected information about both modern and ancient India and use a wide variety of activities across many learning areas. Features: nine sections; Geography; History; Symbols; Modern India; Religions, Customs and celebrations; Landmarks; Folk tales and legends; The arts, and Famous people; a wide range of pupil information and activity pages; comprehensive teachers notes pages; detailed background and teacher information; suggested additional activities; cross curricular pupil activity pages; activity objectives; answers where necessary; and, curriculum links.
Prim-Ed Publishing Teaching Values Toolkit: The Six Kinds of Best Values Education Programme: Bk. C
Teaching Values Toolkit is a series of five comprehensive books designed to provide a collection of practical resources to enable teachers to teach values education in the classroom. Based on 'The six kinds of best' concept by David Koutsoukis, the books contain a series of activities to make learning values education fun. They are suitable for a variety of pupil learning styles and intelligences. Features: comprehensive teachers notes about values in schools; an explanation of and suggestions for using the book; curriculum links; reward certificates relevant to each section; self reflection checklists; title pages for each of the six sections; detailed overview pages providing concept development and extension; comprehensive teachers notes (discussion points or worksheet information) compiled in a two page spread; graphic organiser suggestions; jokes; answers where appropriate; a wide selection of pupil pages; includes digital version on accompanying CD.
Prim-Ed Publishing Thinking Skills - Upper Primary: A Cross-curricular Approach
This title features a super three book photocopiable series to help pupils understand and practise the six thinking skills of Blooms revised taxonomy. It includes six interesting pupil activities per thinking skill covering the six main curriculum areas of English, maths, science, geography, health/values and the arts. Each pupil activity has accompanying teachers notes, including objective, background information, answers, additional activities and curriculum links. It offers comprehensive additional teacher information, including skill definitions, ideas for developing and assessing each skill, explanation of Blooms revised taxonomy, graphic organisers, references for further reading and suggestions for additional topic based thinking challenges.
Prim-Ed Publishing The Relief Teacher Toolkit: Cross-curricular Activities: Bk. 1
This is a great range of photocopiable classroom activities to equip substitute class teachers. It includes activities that cover a variety of curriculum areas - English, maths, science, history, geography, health, values, art and DT. Each pupil worksheet is accompanied by teachers notes, including objectives, resource list, lesson plan, additional activity suggestions, answers and curriculum links. Pupil worksheets can stand alone as a single lesson, or be extended using the additional activity suggestions in the teachers notes. Each book includes a section of themed activities, designed as a springboard for long-term relief assignments.
Prim-Ed Publishing The Complete Handbook of Maths Terms
This title features: comprehensive and authoritative 'must have' handbook for older primary pupils, secondary and college students, teachers and parents; first part of book that is a dictionary, giving brief and simple explanations of mathematical terms, often with examples and diagrams; second part of book that contains a detailed reference section, providing an overview of key ideas about a wide range of mathematical topics, including tables, number systems, charts, 2-D shapes, 3-D shapes, measures, conversion tables, equivalences, formulas, rules, explanations and symbols.
Prim-Ed Publishing Proofreading and Editing Skills: Practical Activities Using Text Types: Lower
This is a contemporary, photocopiable 4-book series to provide pupils with experience in proofreading and editing a variety of written texts. It features a selection of passages of text for correction by pupils - each with a punctuation, grammar, spelling and vocabulary focus. It provides a wide variety of fiction and non-fiction writing genres used, including legends, traditional poems, instructions, persuasive writing and reports. It is an ideal literacy resource for individual, group, class or homework use. It includes detailed teachers notes, answers and curriculum links.
Prim-Ed Publishing Primary Comprehension: Fiction and Nonfiction Texts: Bk. C
This title features a comprehensive whole school photocopiable comprehension series. It is an excellent seven book photocopiable series for the entire primary age range. It offers comprehension activities that require children to read a variety of genres, including legends, fables, science fiction, adventure, poetry, biographies, journals and reports. It includes three levels of questions, literal, deductive and evaluative, provided for each comprehension text. It covers opportunities to practise a selection of comprehension strategies, including prediction, summarising, comparing and determining importance. Each comprehension activity has accompanying teachers notes which include answers and extension activities involving texts written in the same genre. It offers detailed introductory notes that include information on question types, comprehension strategies, shared and guided reading, genre definitions and curriculum links.
Prim-Ed Publishing Proofreading and Editing Skills: Practical Activities Using Text Types: Upper
This is a contemporary, photocopiable 4-book series to provide pupils with experience in proofreading and editing a variety of written texts. It features a selection of passages of text for correction by pupils - each with a punctuation, grammar, spelling and vocabulary focus. It provides a wide variety of fiction and non-fiction writing genres used, including legends, traditional poems, instructions, persuasive writing and reports. It is an ideal literacy resource for individual, group, class or homework use. It includes detailed teachers notes, answers and curriculum links.
Prim-Ed Publishing Phonological Awareness Skills Book 2: Segmentation and Syllabification, and Blending
Remove the confusion around phonological awareness and equip children with all the skills needed to conquer the world of words-spelling, reading and writing-with Prim-Ed's must-have new Phonological Awareness Skills series. This series of five comprehensive books covers all the basics for young children (from four years of age) but is also useful for older pupils who are struggling with phonics and spelling. It develops skills that fit into any phonics or spelling programme. This series is an excellent resource to help teachers address the 'Phonological and phonemic awareness' learning outcome of the new Language Curriculum, which for Stages 1 and 2 states that children should be able to 'play with and recognise sounds such as syllables, rhyme, onset-rime and phonemes in spoken words'. This series emphasises the oral element in phonological awareness. Twelve skills are presented in developmental order over the five books and include the following: * Book 1: Auditory Discrimination, Rhyming and Alliteration * Book 2: Segmentation and Syllabification, and Blending * Book 3: Phoneme Matching and Phoneme Isolation * Book 4: Phoneme Completion, and Phoneme Addition and Deletion * Book 5: Phoneme Segmentation, Phoneme Substitution and Phoneme Reversal The last 7 skills relate to phoneme manipulation. The skills are developed through fun, hands-on games and activities for whole-class, small group and pair work, with full instructions (including the actual words to say, if required). The games and activities are perfect for learning stations and station teaching. They can also be used for early finishers to consolidate skills or to motivate young pupils needing extension. All game/activity resources, supporting worksheets if applicable, differentiation ideas, formative and summative assessments and answers are provided. Literature links and suggested websites for games are also included where applicable.
Prim-Ed Publishing Learn from Home Workbook 5: English, Mathematics and Science Activities
Designed to be easily accessible and great to use both from home or in the classroom, these workbooks will help your child revise essential schoolwork and reinforce taught concepts. Great for independent learning, your pupil will be presented with English, mathematics and science activities that are curriculum aligned, ensuring a consistent practice across key learning areas. Each workbook contains enough work to cover a minimum of four weeks, with a subject area allocated for each week. Features: • Each workbook goes through all key English areas: reading comprehension, grammar, writing and editing to ensure that your pupil doesn’t experience any gaps in learning. • Mathematics section provides consistent practice that will reinforce and consolidate your child’s current mathematical knowledge. • Topics have been selected from different parts of the science curriculum, with some simple experiments included.
Prim-Ed Publishing Learn from Home Workbook 2: English, Mathematics and Science Activities
Designed to be easily accessible and great to use both from home or in the classroom, these workbooks will help your child revise essential schoolwork and reinforce taught concepts. Great for independent learning, your pupil will be presented with English, mathematics and science activities that are curriculum aligned, ensuring a consistent practice across key learning areas. Each workbook contains enough work to cover a minimum of four weeks, with a subject area allocated for each week. Features: • Each workbook goes through all key English areas: reading comprehension, grammar, writing and editing to ensure that your pupil doesn’t experience any gaps in learning. • Mathematics section provides consistent practice that will reinforce and consolidate your child’s current mathematical knowledge. • Topics have been selected from different parts of the science curriculum, with some simple experiments included.
Prim-Ed Publishing Primary PSHE Book D: Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education for a Happy and Healthy Life
Primary PSHE Book D/Year 3 is the first book in a seven-book series written to support teachers with their planning and designing of a PSHE programme of education for their pupils and locality. Primary PSHE has a variety of photocopiable activities, covering a wide range of PSHE topics. Each unit of work contains a teachers page, in lesson plan format, and a variety of supporting activity pages. The aim of the activities is to help and encourage pupils to lead happy and healthy lives. This comprehensive teacher resource is divided into 20 units which provide a variety of activities for a PSHE programme of education. Each unit contains a teachers page and three supporting pages. Three supporting pages follow each teachers page. The supporting pages vary in content and purpose. Some may be pupil worksheets; others may be teacher resources such as stories, games, cards, scenarios or templates that teachers can use to implement the lesson, complete other lessons or provide differentiation within the lesson.
Prim-Ed Publishing New Wave Mental Maths Teacher's Guide: Teacher Answer Book
New Wave Mental Maths Teachers Manual is provided to assist teachers with the use and implementation of the programme in the classroom. Contents include: background to the developmental of New Wave Mental Maths; assessment guidelines and recording formats; week-by-week concept development overview for all levels; and answers for all levels.
Prim-Ed Publishing Teaching Writing Strategies
Teaching Writing Strategies uses modelling, guided and independent practice to teach pupils strategies they can use to improve the clarity, correctness and richness of their writing. The focus is on sentences, their structure, punctuation and word choices and on developing editing and proofreading skills and their habitual use. Teaching Writing Strategies is a series of six books with the explicit, overarching aim of teaching the skills and strategies required to improve the clarity, correctness and richness of children’s writing. Within the series, children are taught to recognise, choose and use specific strategies. The focus is on the process, rather than on practising, in this instance, specific text types. To this end, priority is given to improving writing at the sentence level. There is a strong hands-on emphasis; that is, there is an expectation that the children will write to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding. Unlike many other writing activity books, the desired outcome is to have the children structuring correct, enriched sentences to more clearly convey ideas and information. The ultimate goal is for them to produce clear, precise writing for a specific purpose and to understand that proofreading and editing is an integral part of the writing process. Each of the 16 units has a page of assessment activities and an assessment writing topic. These should be worked on independently and will: (a) give the teacher a record of individual understanding and achievement; and (b) highlight common points of weakness, which may require further assistance. Teacher recording sheets, a pupil proofreading checklist and a pupil self-evaluation sheet are provided.
Prim-Ed Publishing Teaching Writing Strategies
Teaching Writing Strategies is a series of six books using modelling, guided and independent practice to teach pupils strategies they can use to improve the clarity, correctness and richness of their writing. The focus is on sentences, their structure, punctuation and word choices and on developing editing and proofreading skills and their habitual use.Teaching Writing Strategies is a series of six books with the explicit, overarching aim of teaching the skills and strategies required to improve the clarity, correctness and richness of children’s writing. Within the series, children are taught to recognise, choose and use specific strategies. The focus is on the process, rather than on practising, in this instance, specific text types. To this end, priority is given to improving writing at the sentence level. There is a strong hands-on emphasis; that is, there is an expectation that the children will write to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding. Unlike many other writing activity books, the desired outcome is to have the children structuring correct, enriched sentences to more clearly convey ideas and information. The ultimate goal is for them to produce clear, precise writing for a specific purpose and to understand that proofreading and editing is an integral part of the writing process. Each of the 16 units has a page of assessment activities and an assessment writing topic. These should be worked on independently and will: (a) give the teacher a record of individual understanding and achievement; and (b) highlight common points of weakness, which may require further assistance. Teacher recording sheets, a pupil proofreading checklist and a pupil self-evaluation sheet are provided.
Prim-Ed Publishing Reading Comprehension: Lower
This title features original and entertaining fiction stories that pupils will love. It includes excellent photocopiable resource to support the English language curriculum. It provides comprehension questions that require pupils to answer literally as well as with inference and deduction. It offers many questions that provide opportunities for written, discussion or drawing activities. It also provides curriculum links and answers.
Prim-Ed Publishing Nations in Focus
This title features superb photocopiable resource containing 10 sets of research and activity pages. You can focus on the geography, culture, history and customs of 10 nations or continents. It develops geographical knowledge of the world. It is an excellent catalyst to stimulate the start of a project; stimulus for multi-cultural activities. It encourages research from a variety of sources; and ideal homework assignments.
Prim-Ed Publishing Reading Comprehension: Upper
This title offers original and entertaining fiction stories that pupils will love. It features an excellent photocopiable resource to support the English language curriculum. It provides comprehension questions that require pupils to answer as well as with inference and deduction. It includes questions that provide opportunities for written, discussion or drawing activities. It provides curriculum links and answers.
Prim-Ed Publishing Reading for Success: Book 3
Reading for success is a series of four books designed to support teacher-directed lessons and independent pupil activities in the five key elements of reading instruction: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension. Titles in this series are: Reading for success (Book 1) Reading for success (Book 2) Reading for success (Book 3) Reading for success (Book 4)Reading and the teaching of reading have always been at the forefront of discussions in education and recent discussions are no different. Some, such as the media, criticise schools for not knowing how to effectively teach reading, and yet we know more today than ever about effective reading instruction. Research has identified five key elements of reading instruction: Sound and letter knowledge Phonemic awareness (sounds of language) Sounds and alphabet knowledge Interpreting, analysing and evaluating Fluency Vocabulary Comprehension strategies The terminology below is commonly used when discussing reading instruction and will be helpful in understanding and discussing the five elements of reading. Phonemic awareness phonemic awareness-an individual's ability to attend to the sounds of spoken words phonological awareness-ability to recognise phonemes, graphemes, rhymes, syllables etc. phonemes-sounds in spoken language graphemes-the smallest parts of written language phonics-relationship between the sounds and symbols of spoken and written language syllable-part of a word that contains a vowel or vowel sound onset-the initial consonant in a syllable rime-the syllable part that contains a vowel (Example: In dog, the onset is d and the rime is og.) Phonics synthetic phonics-the ability to convert letters into sounds and blend them together analytic phonics-the ability to analyse the letters and sounds in words analogy-based phonics-using knowledge of word families to read unfamiliar words phonics through spelling-the ability to break words into sounds for writing embedded phonics-the instruction of letters and sounds within text onset-rime phonics-instruction that involves the identification of the initial sound in a word part (onset) and the remaining part of the word (rime) Fluency fluency-reading quickly and accurately automaticity-the quick recognition of words Vocabulary specific word instruction-the teaching of individual words word-learning strategies-the instruction of strategies that help pupils determine word meaning word parts-using parts of words (prefixes, suffixes, base words) to determine meanings of words context clues-surrounding phrases, sentences and words that provide hints that lead to a word's meaning Comprehension metacognition-thinking about one's thinking or the ability to identify what is known and not known when reading semantic organisers-maps or webs used to illustrate the connection between concepts or ideas direct explanation-a teacher's explanation of the use of comprehension strategies modelling-teacher demonstration of the use of strategies guided practice-guidance by the teacher as a pupil applies strategies application-reading strategies used by pupils General terminology explicit instruction-direct instruction of strategies by the teacher implicit instruction-indirect instruction, often embedded in context Book format This book is divided into five sections featuring each of the elements of reading. Within each section there are activities for teacher-directed instruction, as well as small-group and individual practice of reading skills. Many of the activities include follow-up games and copymasters intended to provide additional practice of skills. The use of these activities, games and practice sheets, in addition to a comprehensive reading programme, will give pupils the skills necessary for reading success.
Prim-Ed Publishing Comprehension for Independent Readers Upper: Literal - Inferential - Evaluative
Comprehension for independent readers (Upper) offers a range of writing genres and activities to develop the skills required for comprehension.The aim is to provide pupils with the opportunity to work independently to extract information from different texts and to demonstrate the different levels of comprehension: literal, inferential and evaluative.
Prim-Ed Publishing Everyday Mathematics: Mathematical Reasoning - Strategies for Investigation - Solving Problems: Book 2
Everyday Mathematics (Book 2) is one in a series of books that provides you with a challenging, high-interest resource for use in your maths lessons. Presented with a wide variety of activities, Everyday Mathematics explores mathematics through posing questions in an everyday environment, using content that is familiar to pupils.Everyday Mathematics presents mathematical problems using content that focuses on major areas of the mathematics curriculum. The problems are presented in situations that challenge, yet are relevant to the pupils solving them. The purpose of the activities is to provide challenges that require considered thought and the application of a variety of problem-solving strategies. The activities have a varied format; a structure which requires different methods and approaches to complete the problems. 1. Use of a calculator: The activities in this book seek to develop thought and problem-solving processes and therefore pupils use calculators where appropriate. This will allow them to focus on the problem, rather than the separate calculations that may be necessary to solve the problem. You may wish to identify the activities that allow calculator usage. 2. Back of the page: In many cases the pupil will be asked to show the appropriate working or diagrams on the back of the sheet. This is requested so that the processes used to solve a given problem can be identified and pupils can retrace their steps to either check their workings or identify the source of an incorrect answer. 3. Written answers: on some occasions pupils are requested to provide written explanations. This is done so that the level of understanding of a concept or problem can be indicated. Pupils should be encouraged to provide sufficient detail as is defined by the space provided. 4. Answers: are provided at the back of this book. Due to the problem-solving nature of Everyday Mathematics, there are opportunities for more than one correct answer as well as for pupils to provide their opinions. These answers will need to be assessed by the teacher as to their validity
Prim-Ed Publishing Prime-Time Comprehension Lower: Reading and Comprehending Using Text Types
There are 20 age-appropriate texts from four different formats (fiction, comic strips, nonfiction and poetry) included in this book. The level of difficulty of the text among the formats differs. For example, the comic strips are generally much shorter and easier to read than the fiction and nonfiction texts and the poetry tends to be more challenging. The questions are organised into three categories-Levels A, B and C-which are outlined below. Four pages accompany each of the 20 texts. Each group of four pages consists of the following: Pupil page 1 The text, in the style of one of the four formats, with appropriate illustrations included. Pupil page 2 Questions related to the text - Level A (i.e. literal) and Level B (i.e. interpretive). Pupil page 3 Questions related to the text - Level C (i.e. evaluative). Pupil page 4 An activity related to the text. The three levels of questioning are: Level A Literal - the answer is provided in the text. Level B Interpretive - The answer is inferred using information in the text. Level C Evaluative - The answer requires associations to be made between the text's content and personal experience and knowledge
Prim-Ed Publishing Grammar Minutes Book 2: Book 2
Grammar Minutes is an exciting six book series that will help your pupils apply and extend their grammar skills, step by step, over one hundred minutes. Whats more, as they challenge themselves, as they apply their knowledge and understanding of the features of the English language, they will have fun Grammar minutes provides the opportunity to let pupils practise their grammar skills and enhance their overall grammar proficiency across a variety of areas. These include sentence structure, use of capital letters and punctuation, and understanding of common nouns, proper nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, synonyms, antonyms and many more elements of language. It features 100 pupils pages, each with 10 classroom tested problems. It covers all elements of grammar, including punctuation, parts of speech, sentence structure, compound words and contractions. It offers practice in speed of recall of knowledge and understanding of the features of the English language. It is ideal as a starter activity in a timed speed test format to begin each English lesson; or, alternatively, can be used as a revision or daily homework activity. It provides the teacher with immediate feedback of pupils understanding of grammar. It provides answers.
Prim-Ed Publishing Handwriting Today: Book C: Book C
Handwriting Today is a comprehensive cursive handwriting programme. It removes the need for teaching a pre cursive letter formation, as it introduces individual letters at Book A level, that have the identical shape and form of those used at later stages when joining letters and creating words. It starts with a cursive font and builds to joins and words quickly. It uses a flowing cursive font that combines the best of traditional and contemporary fonts to create an easy to write and easy on the eye writing style. Pupils find this an easy beginning. It focuses on the flow of letters and text, and avoids a start-stop writing style, which in turn leads to illegible writing in later years a smooth flowing style is the result of using Handwriting Today. It makes it easy for young children to build their skills, as in the early stages all lower case letters share the same starting point. Handwriting Today is available from Book A to Book D: Book A: letters are introduced in Book A, where young writers practice word shapes and formations before moving to joins in the following year; Book B: looks at creating joins and practicing various letter combinations leading to the writing of words; Book C: builds on joins, combining multiple joins into words, groups of words and sentences; and, Book D: provides opportunities for children to practice their writing in the context of every day usage and cross-curricular themes, providing for letter and join revision as appropriate. What will the teacher get with Handwriting Today? It contains over 72 activity pages in each level. It provides regular revision and consolidation. It offers teacher assessment framework. It features programme that provide a developmental approach to handwriting. It includes diversity of resources that allow for individual attention to pupil progress and a comprehensive approach to differentiation of the class handwriting programme. It is a comprehensive, photocopiable teacher's guide. It also offers a demonstration that can be download. It also provides handwriting software resource for teachers.
Prim-Ed Publishing India - Middle: A Cross Curricular Theme: Middle
India: A Cross Curricular Theme is a series of three books that present opportunities for pupils to discover some natural, physical, cultural, economic and political aspects about this fascinating and extremely diverse Asian country and its people. The books in this series give selected information about both modern and ancient India and use a wide variety of activities across many learning areas. Features: nine sections; Geography; History; Symbols; Modern India; Religions, Customs and celebrations; Landmarks; Folk tales and legends; The arts, and Famous people; a wide range of pupil information and activity pages; comprehensive teachers notes pages; detailed background and teacher information; suggested additional activities; cross curricular pupil activity pages; activity objectives; answers where necessary; and, curriculum links.
Prim-Ed Publishing Early Finishers: Independent Activities to Reinforce Basic Skills: Bk. D
This is an excellent seven book photocopiable series for the entire primary age range. Features: high interest, creative, fun yet challenging activities to satisfy the demands of the early finisher; wide range of ready to use puzzles, brainteasers and creative activities to enable practice of important skills; activities that cover looking at words, working with numbers, critical thinking, following directions, looking at pictures and getting creative; independent activities that are also ideal for class and homework; and, activities can be completed individually or in pairs. It includes answers and record sheet.
Prim-Ed Publishing Primary Health and Values: Bk. C: Ages 7-8 Years
A seven-book photocopiable series that introduces and develops the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values needed to help lead a healthy life.