Search results for ""pocket""
HarperCollins Publishers Teletubbies: Pocket Library
It’s time to say Eh-oh! Say Eh-oh to Tinky Winky, Dipsy, Laa-Laa, Po and their friends in this Teletubbies Pocket Library. With six durable board books in a smart slipcase, each containing colourful images of everyone's favourite Teletubbies characters. The world’s biggest pre-school show is back! Almost 20 years after its huge debut DHX Media are remaking this iconic TV show for a brand new generation, with its original cast of colourful characters.
Oxford University Press Pocket Oxford Thesaurus
A handy hardback volume for home, school, or work, the Pocket Oxford Thesaurus features synonyms and antonyms for everyday words, as well as language help. Updated with all the latest must-know vocabulary, and with a completely revised text, this second edition is an invaluable tool for anyone who writes for work, school, or pleasure, or anyone looking for the word on the tip of their tongue. The centre section of this thesaurus has been revised and now contains even more lists of nouns, such as insects, fruits, or drinks. This information can help you to broaden your knowledge, or to find the answer you are looking for in a quiz or a puzzle. The A-Z text of the thesaurus features usage notes to help you identify frequently confused words, such as affect and effect, or compliment and complement, so that you can avoid common pitfalls when you are writing. This thesaurus also contains Word Link features, helping you to find words that are closely associated with each other. For example, the Word Link at the entrylaw informs you that the words legal, judicial, and juridicial all relate to laws, and the Word Link at darkness reveals that the fear of darkness is called scotophobia. Packed with extra tips and help, and with a completely revised and up-to-date text, the Pocket Oxford Thesaurus is an ideal reference book for anyone who wants to improve their writing.
Penguin Books Ltd The Pocket Scavenger
Welcome to the highly inspirational world of Keri Smith. Within the pages of The Pocket Scavenger, readers will be instructed to collect a spectrum of quirky items: something that is miniature, a stain that is green, something from the year you were born, a used envelope, and more.Then, once their quarry is in hand, they'll apply an alteration dictated solely by chance: create a funny character, conceal it, add polkadots, remove a section, add stripes, scribble on top, duplicate it (make a copy), fold, cut into pieces & rearrange, turn into an article of clothing, trace it/use the shape as basis for a new drawing, make it 'pretty', and so on. It's funny, moving, silly and serious. The way you look at things will never be the same again.
JP Medical Ltd Pocket Tutor Orthopaedics
Titles in the Pocket Tutor series give practical guidance on subjects that medical students and foundation doctors need help with “on the go”, at a highly affordable price that puts them within reach of those rotating through modular courses or working on attachment. Common investigations (ECG, imaging, etc) Clinical skills (patient examination, etc.) Clinical specialties that students perceive as too small to merit a textbook (psychiatry, renal medicine) Key points Practical, accessible introduction to a subject that students find daunting, but which juniors will encounter as part of orthopaedic and emergency rotations Logical, sequential content: relevant basic science; then chapters devoted to the clinical essentials of orthopaedics and the disorders and injuries seen most commonly in practice Descriptions of common disorders are enhanced by Clinical Scenarios (Patient presents with...), which help students and trainees to recognise and manage common presenting problems
O'Reilly Media Git Pocket Guide
This pocket guide is the perfect on-the-job companion to Git, the distributed version control system. It provides a compact, readable introduction to Git for new users, as well as a reference to common commands and procedures for those of you with Git experience. Written for Git version 1.8.2, this handy task-oriented guide is organized around the basic version control functions you need, such as making commits, fixing mistakes, merging, and searching history. Examine the state of your project at earlier points in time Learn the basics of creating and making changes to a repository Create branches so many people can work on a project simultaneously Merge branches and reconcile the changes among them Clone an existing repository and share changes with push/pull commands Examine and change your repository's commit history Access remote repositories, using different network protocols Get recipes for accomplishing a variety of common tasks
O'Reilly Media Rails Pocket Reference
Rails 2.1 brings a new level of stability and power to this acclaimed web development framework, but keeping track of its numerous moving parts is still a chore. "Rails Pocket Reference" offers you a painless alternative to hunting for resources online, with brief yet thorough explanations of the most frequently used methods and structures supported by Rails 2.1, along with key concepts you need to work through the framework's most tangled corners.Organized to help you quickly find what you need, this book will not only get you up to speed on how Rails works, it also provides a handy reference you can use anywhere, anytime. Inside, you'll find essential information on how to: install Rails with RubyGems; build, compile, and process files with Rake; test Rails applications using assertions and fixtures; use Rails with Ajax; connect objects to a database using ActiveRecord; make web requests with the Action Controller framework; and, use REST web service APIs And much more. Save yourself hours of frustration: If you use Rails daily and just want the facts - fast - this is your book.
HarperCollins Publishers French Pocket Dictionary: The perfect portable dictionary (Collins Pocket)
The home of trusted French dictionaries for everyday language learning. Whether you’re on business, holiday or just learning French at your own pace, this Collins French to English and English to French Pocket Dictionary is designed to give you all the information you need in a handy, compact format. A modern French dictionary offering excellent coverage of today's French language, culture and usage, this dictionary has the most up-to-date words in both languages from a wide range of areas. An in-depth ‘French in Focus’ supplement contains information about French language and culture to enhance your learning, plus full GCSE coverage so students can use this French dictionary for GCSE exam success. A ‘French verb tables’ supplement features the most common irregular verbs and examples of verbs in use to help improve your fluency in different situations, such as sending an email or making a phone call. This pocket French dictionary includes 40,000 words and phrases, 60,000 translations and all the features you would expect from a Collins dictionary: an easy-to-read layout, special treatments of key words, notes about life in French-speaking countries and warnings on common errors and faux amis. For more on French language usage, the French Essential Dictionary (9780008270728) is also available.
F.A. Davis Company Pocket Anatomy & Physiology
Access all of the A&P information you need - whenever and wherever you need it!In class or in practice, all of the A & P information you need is at fingertips in this handy, easy-to-understand pocket guide. Crystal-clear, full-color illustrations with concise labels put all the need-to-know A&P information at your fingertips. Whether you’re looking for a cross section of the spinal cord or lateral view of the arteries of the head and neck, or any other perspective on the human body, you’ll find it here. A brief description introduces each body system. Crystal-clear presentation makes the illustrations pop from the pages. Precise labels accurately identify every structure. Unique anatomical views — like the cross section of the hand — highlight every detail in full color. Every page tells you the orientation of every figure — no more guessing at what you’re viewing. Easy-to-reference tables summarize all of the relevant physiology. New To This Edition: New, Revised & Updated! New illustrations and new topics in every tab to provide complete coverage that’s even more relevant to the study of A&P today Body Structure—anatomical position and regional terms Cells, Tissues, and the Integumentary System—the plasma membrane, rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, diffusion, and mitosis Human Microbiome—the human microbiome, the gut microbiome, bacteria, microbes, viruses, and diet-driven disease Skeletal System—the plasma membrane, rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, diffusion, mitosis, and common types of fracturesMuscular System—the neuromuscular junction Nervous System—simple reflex arcs, nerve impulse, and sensory and motor neurons of the spinal cord The Senses—cutaneous senses and referred painEndocrine System—endocrine gland stimuli Circulatory System—hematocrit, reticulocytes, and monocytes, and nervous regulation of the heart New table: Complete blood count
Random House USA Inc Fodors Pocket London
Herder & Herder Diccionario Pocket Ruso
Herder & Herder Diccionario Pocket Chino
Herder & Herder Diccionario Pocket Frances
Shambhala Publications Inc The Pocket Rumi
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Pocket Guide Anästhesie
Dieses handliche Kitteltaschenbuch vermittelt anhand von zahlreichen Übersichten, Tabellen und stichwortartigen Fakten absolutes Praxiswissen für den Berufsalltag von Anästhesisten. Gespickt mit vielen Hinweisen zum ganz konkreten Vorgehen sowie auf Fallstricke, Gefahrensituationen und Besonderheiten, bietet es vor allem dem Berufsanfänger in der Anästhesiologie das nötige Wissen, um sowohl bei Erwachsenen als auch bei Kindern eine sichere Anästhesie, Analgesie oder Sedierung durchzuführen.
The History Press Ltd Jesus: pocket GIANTS
Why is Jesus a giant? Because he was the founder of Christianity, the largest religion in the world with 2 billion adherents; because Christianity is one of the five great religions of the world, with followers in every country on the planet and a history stretching back two thousand years; because there remains great interest in the teaching of Jesus, his personality and his life. The origins of a great religion which has filled so immense a place in the history of the world must surely be of interest to everyone.
O'Reilly Media VBScript Pocket Reference
Microsoft's Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript), a subset of Visual Basic for Applications, is a powerful language for Internet application development, where it can serve as a scripting language for server-side, client-side, and system scripting. Based on the book "VBScript in a Nutshell", this text details every VBScript language element - every statement, function, and object - both in VBScript itself, and in the Microsoft Scripting Runtime Library. There's a special emphasis on the following details: the syntax, using standard code conventions; the arguments accepted by the function or procedure, if any exist; and the data returned by a function. Entries are arranged alphabetically by topic, so that you can, for instance, easily find details about that string-handling function that you can't quite remember. In addition, appendixes list VBScript operators and VBScript intrinsic constants.
Houghton Mifflin Katy No-pocket
Herder & Herder Diccionario Pocket Arabe
Shambhala Publications Inc The Pocket Samurai
HarperCollins Publishers German Pocket Dictionary: The perfect portable dictionary (Collins Pocket)
The home of trusted German dictionaries for everyday language learning. A modern German to English and English to German Dictionary offering excellent coverage of today's German language, culture and usage. The clear presentation makes it easy to use and its handy format and durability make it your ideal companion at home, school or on your travels. Features include: The most up-to-date words in both languages from a wide range of areas. Full GCSE coverage, to give students exam confidence An in-depth “German in Focus” supplement containing information about German language and culture to enhance your learning A "German verb tables" supplement which features the most common irregular verbs and examples of verbs in use Whether you're on business, holiday or just learning German at your own pace, this dictionary is designed to give you all the information you need in a handy yet robust format. It includes all the latest words as well as features you would expect from a Collins dictionary: an easy-to-read layout, special treatment of “key words”, notes about life in German-speaking countries, and warnings on common errors and false friends. The “German in Focus” supplement helps you to develop your knowledge and confidence in the language, with a section on common translation difficulties to be aware of. There is information on pronunciation and improving your fluency, as well as on how to use German in different situations, like sending an email or making a phone call. The supplement also gives you an insight into German life. 40,000 words and phrases, 60,000 translations
Hardie Grant Books (UK) Pocket Diana Wisdom
In Pocket Diana Wisdom, the Princess of Wales shares her pearls of wisdom on everything from love to culture and society, kindness, leadership and family. Full of inspirational quotes and wise words, this little book pays homage to the people's princess. On FamilyFamily is the most important thing in the world. On WorkI knew what my job was; it was to go out and meet the people and love them. On LoveIf you find someone you love in your life, then hang on to that love. Pocket Diana Wisdom is part of the Pocket Wisdom series - get more inspiration and wise words from Pocket Audrey Hepburn Wisdom, Pocket Coco Chanel Wisdom, Pocket Frida Kahlo Wisdom and many more.
Images Publishing Group Pty Ltd Pocket Park Design
Urban planners have paid more attention to the concept of the pocket park as modern cities become denser and buildings taller. As the pace of urbanisation accelerates and populations increase, particularly in larger cities, there becomes much less park space available for people to enjoy. With less investment and area required, 'Pocket Parks' could provide a solution. They fulfil the need for highly sought-after leisure spaces, which can operate in high-density city environments, bypassing the hurdle of space. These beautiful green areas increase the ecological benefits of the urban environment, helping to enrich and satisfy the local residents' lives. Pocket Park Design introduces the outstanding landscape architects and designers who create pocket parks. Pocket parks should be located where they are safe and convenient to access, as well as providing open spaces that are comfortable, functional, and pleasant for park visitors. While the areas of a pocket park will generally cater to a variety of demographics, specific spaces or activity areas may be provided for dominant user groups, such as children, workers, or the elderly. This book studies the pocket park's characteristics, as well as the relationship between humanity and the surrounding landscape. It will be a great source of inspiration to landscape designers.
Scholastic Inc. Pokemon Pocket Puzzles
A pocket-sized activity book—with stickers! Full of puzzles that will put your skills to the test, Pokemon: Pocket Puzzles is perfect for any aspiring Pokemon Master! Inside are over 150-pages of puzzles, mazes, quizzes and other activities that will keep Trainers on their toes. Comes with a cool neon vinyl cover and tons and tons of stickers!
O'Reilly Media grep Pocket Reference
"Grep Pocket Reference" is the first guide devoted to grep, the powerful utility program that helps you locate content in any file on a Unix or Linux system. Several applications use grep, from mail filtering and system log management to malware analysis and application development, and there are many other ways to use the utility. This pocket reference is ideal for system administrators, security professionals, developers, and others who want to learn more about grep and take new approaches with it.With "Grep Pocket Reference", you will: learn methods for filtering large files for specific content; acquire information not included in the current grep documentation; get several tricks for using variants such as egrep; keep key information about grep right at your fingertips; and, find the answers you need about grep quickly and easily. If you're familiar with this utility, "Grep Pocket Reference" will help you refresh your basic knowledge, understand rare situations, and find more efficient uses. If you're new to grep, this book is the best way to get started.
Wolters Kluwer Health Pocket Emergency Medicine
Selected as a Doody’s Core Title for 2023! Pocket-sized and easy to use, Pocket Emergency Medicine, Fifth Edition, provides accurate, actionable, and up-to-date information essential to caring for patients in life-threatening situations. Edited by Drs. Richard D. Zane and Joshua M. Kosowsky, this handy, loose-leaf resource is designed to be used at the bedside by clinicians on the front lines of emergency care. A volume in the popular Pocket Notebook series, it organizes chapters by presenting condition and supports the thought processes needed to hone everyday diagnostic decision making. Offers easily accessible information on the entire field of emergency medicine—from history and physical exam to differential diagnosis testing to therapeutics to disposition—all in one easy-to-navigate notebook Follows the popular Pocket Notebook format, featuring bulleted lists, tables, diagrams, and algorithms that make essential facts easy to find and retain Features fully updated content throughout, including the latest research and best practices, as well as a new subsection on COVID-19 Covers all major organ systems, plus emergencies related to the environment, pediatrics, the psychiatric patient, toxicology, airway management, trauma, and more Contains useful quick-reference appendices on abbreviations, PALS, ICU medications, equations, and more Written by emergency medicine residents from the University of Colorado and Harvard Medical School, and edited by senior faculty
Crossway Books ESV Pocket Bible
The ESV Pocket Bible is the smallest complete ESV Bible ever published, made with lasting materials and ready for quick reference, memorization, daily reading, or study on the go.
Crossway Books ESV Pocket Bible
The ESV Pocket Bible is the smallest complete ESV Bible ever published, made with lasting materials and ready for quick reference, memorization, daily reading, or study on the go.
DK Pocket Genius: Cats
Find out about more than 70 cat breeds, including their origins and characteristics, in this pocket-sized encyclopedia. This cat-alogue packs a whole lot of information into your pocket! Along with a photo of each breed, discover the facts and stats of each cat, including its size, where the breed originated, colors and markings, and unusual features or behaviors. You'll soon be able to tell apart a Burmese from a Siamese; a rex from a sphynx and a manx; and an American shorthair from a British shorthair.You will also discover a lot about colors and patterns. Did you know that tabby cats and tortoiseshells are not breeds, but colors within breeds? Plus there are pages introducing cat anatomy and behavior; and the book finishes with fun facts.The style of the Pocket Eyewitness series is perfect for all children, from reluctant readers who can easily digest the key points through to budding vets and cat-lovers who want to know more about the best pets on the planet.Cats with facts: what more could anyone want?
O'Reilly Media C++ Pocket Reference
C++ is a complex language with many subtle facets. This is especially true when it comes to object-oriented and template programming. The "C++ Pocket Reference" is a memory aid for C++ programmers, enabling them to quickly look up usage and syntax for unfamiliar and infrequently used aspects of the language. The book's small size makes it easy to carry about, ensuring that it will always be at-hand when needed. In the book, you will find: information on C++ types and type conversions; syntax for C++ statements and preprocessor directives; help declaring and defining classes, and managing inheritance; information on declarations, storage classes, arrays, pointers, strings, and expressions; and refreshers on key concepts of C++ such as namespaces and scope. It should be useful to Java and C programmers making the transition to C++, or who find themselves occasionally programming in C++. The three languages are often confusingly similar. This book enables programmers familiar with C or Java to quickly come up to speed on how a particular construct or concept is implemented in C++. Together with its companion "STL Pocket Reference, the C++ Pocket Reference" forms one of the most concise, easily-carried, quick-references to the C++ language available.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Architect's Pocket Book
This handy pocket book brings together a wealth of useful information that architects need on a daily basis – on-site or in the studio. It provides clear guidance and invaluable detail on a wide range of issues, from planning policy through environmental design to complying with Building Regulations, from structural and services matters to materials characteristics and detailing. This sixth edition includes the updating of regulations, standards and sources across a wide range of topics, with a particular focus on sustainability issues. Compact and easy to use, the Architect’s Pocket Book has sold well over 100,000 copies to the nation’s architects, architecture students, designers and construction professionals who do not have an architectural background but need to understand the basics, fast. This is the famous little blue book that you can’t afford to be without.
JP Medical Ltd Pocket Tutor Obstetrics
Titles in the Pocket Tutor series give practical guidance on subjects that medical students and foundation doctors need help with ‘on the go’, at a highly-affordable price that puts them within reach of those rotating through modular courses or working on attachment. Topics reflect information needs stemming from today’s integrated undergraduate and foundation courses: Common presentations Investigation options (e.g. ECG, imaging) Clinical and patient-orientated skills (e.g. examinations, history-taking) The highly-structured, bite-size content helps novices combat the ‘fear factor’ associated with day-to-day clinical training and provides a detailed resource that students and junior doctors can carry in their pocket. Key points Logical, building-block approach to content: initial chapter on the anatomy and physiology of pregnancy, followed by focus on obstetric examination and managing normal pregnancy. Subsequent chapters describe specific disorders and complications Disorders are accompanied by medical images, examination photos and practical artworks Focuses on the conditions medical students and junior doctors are most likely to see
O'Reilly Media Python Pocket Reference
Updated for both Python 3.4 and 2.7, this convenient pocket guide is the perfect on-the-job quick reference. You'll find concise, need-to-know information on Python types and statements, special method names, built-in functions and exceptions, commonly used standard library modules, and other prominent Python tools. The handy index lets you pinpoint exactly what you need. Written by Mark Lutz - widely recognized as the world's leading Python trainer - Python Pocket Reference is an ideal companion to O'Reilly's classic Python tutorials, Learning Python and Programming Python, also written by Mark. This fifth edition covers: Built-in object types, including numbers, lists, dictionaries, and more Statements and syntax for creating and processing objects Functions and modules for structuring and reusing code Python's object-oriented programming tools Built-in functions, exceptions, and attributes Special operator overloading methods Widely used standard library modules and extensions Command-line options and development tools Python idioms and hints The Python SQL Database API
Wolters Kluwer Health Pocket Addiction Medicine
A new volume in the bestselling Pocket Notebook series, Pocket Addiction Medicine delivers highly relevant coverage of this widespread and increasing health care problem in an easily portable source. Edited by physician leaders in Addiction Medicine, Drs. Sarah E. Wakeman, Joshua D. Lee, and Anika Alvanzo and co-published with the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM), this handbook provides must-know information on everything from screening for and diagnosis of substance use disorder to managing intoxication and withdrawal, to ongoing treatment of substance use disorder, including caring for special populations—all designed for quick reference at the point of care. Using the popular, easy-access Pocket Notebook format, it puts key clinical information about a broad range of issues in addiction medicine at your fingertips in seconds. Contains up-to-date content in outline format, with bulleted lists, tables, and algorithms for quick reference. Covers the most essential topics in addiction medicine including screening, diagnosis, treatment, toxicology testing, harm reduction, and many more. Progresses logically from basic epidemiology, to assessment, diagnosis, and treatment. Consult this high-yield handbook by diagnosis, such as opioid use disorder, alcohol use disorder, or stimulant use disorder; or by special topic, such as preventing overdose and infectious complications associated with injection drug use, caring for pregnant people with substance use disorder, treatment of pain and opioid use disorder, or understanding recovery supports. A portable and authoritative resource for physicians and trainees in primary care and other specialty areas, as well as students and other healthcare professionals.
O'Reilly Media JavaScript Pocket Reference
Although JavaScript has become the programming language of the Web, it's a little different from the expectations of other languages. This convenient pocket reference gives you immediate answers to pressing questions as you encounter them. Based on content distilled from David Flanagan's bestselling JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, this quick guide to JavaScript's features and quirks is ideal for experienced programmers coming to JavaScript from another environment, as well as developers experienced with the language.
Hardie Grant Books (UK) Pocket RBG Wisdom
Pocket Ruth Bader Ginsburg Wisdom is an inspired collection of some of the most empowering and impactful quotes from the powerhouse associate justice of the US Supreme Court. After a quarter century serving on the highest court in America and fighting tirelessly for gender equality and civil rights, RBG has become one of the most influential legal figures in the history of the country. From her landmark cases working with the ACLU to her brilliantly meme-worthy moments of dissent, RBG is a true American trailblazer.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Pocket Consultant: Gastroenterology
There have been significant developments in the fields of gastroenterology and hepatology since the previous edition and this new edition has been entirely revised, updated and considerably expanded. The format and layout have also been updated to include key points at the start of each chapter, bulleted lists and text boxes for tips and warnings. A new author team - which, for the first time, is international - has brought a new global perspective to this book. This is still the leading book for trainees/fellows in gastroenterology and hepatology, as well as junior doctors and general medicine interns. The series title is 'Pocket Consultant' - and that's exactly what the reader gets - the advice and guidance of a consultant on hand when and where they need it.
O'Reilly Media STL Pocket Reference
This reference describes the functions, classes, and templates in that part of the C++ standard library of ten referred to as the Standard Template Library (STL). The STL encompasses containers, iterators, algorithms, and function objects, which collectively represent one of the most important and widely used subsets of standard library functionality. The C++ standard library, even the subset known as the STL, is vast. It's next to impossible to work with the STL without some sort of reference at your side to remind you of template parameters, function invocations, return types - indeed, the entire myriad of details you need to know in order to use the STL effectively and get work done. You need a memory-aid. Programmers familiar with the STL need a small, lightweight memory-aid. That's what the STL Pocket Reference is. It's small, lightweight, and chock-full of information that you can take in at a glance, so you can get on with your work.
HarperCollins Publishers Italian Pocket Dictionary: The perfect portable dictionary (Collins Pocket)
The home of trusted Italian dictionaries for everyday language learning. Designed for all those studying Italian who need maximum information in an accessible format, the Collins Pocket Italian to English and English to Italian Dictionary offers excellent, up-to-date coverage of today’s Italian language, culture and usage right in your own pocket. This handy, durable format makes the Collins Pocket Dictionary ideal for use on the go, at home, at work, in the classroom or while travelling. With the most up-to-date words in both Italian and English, this is the perfect bilingual dictionary for GCSE exams, boosting students’ test-taking ability and confidence. It also includes all the features you would expect from a Collins dictionary: an easy-to-read layout, special treatment of key words and an ‘Italian in Focus’ supplement that helps you develop your fluency skills. This practical guide gives you information on pronunciation and how to use Italian in different situations, like sending an email or making a phone call, while also giving you insight into Italian life. With 40,000 words and phrases and 60,000 translations, this Italian to English Pocket Dictionary is the perfect companion for all language learners. For more on Italian language usage, the Collins Italian Essential Dictionary (9780008270759) and Italian Gem Dictionary (9780008141851) are also available for purchase.
Herder & Herder Diccionario Pocket Neerlandes
Herder & Herder Diccionario Pocket Italiano
Yeehoo Press My Pocket Bathroom
A sweet story about the importance of self-care and having a place of one’s own. Po is a small girl living in a BIG, loud city who has always had to share her favorite relaxing retreat—her bathroom—with her busy family. But when a mysterious visitor arrives one night, everything changes. Po’s bathroom is a place where she can be herself, enjoy quiet time, and do anything she dreams of: put on shows, dance and sing, and create whatever she imagines. But her mom, dad, and brother always barge in and interrupt her alone time. She wishes for a sanctuary all her own. Then one night, Lady Violet, a beautiful toilet guardian, appears with a magical gift. Things for Po will never be the same. But maybe she isn’t the only one who needs her very own private bathroom. Author Yan Du and illustrator Erin Vanessa bring to life a sweet story about the importance of self-care and having a place of one’s own.
Christian Art Books KJV Bible Pocket
Boerm Bruckmeier Neuro Imaging pocket
Really Decent Books Pocket Stickers Learn
Shambhala Publications Inc Pocket Meister Eckhart