Search results for ""mp-cua catholic uni of amer""
MP-CUA Catholic Uni of Amer The Key to Unlocking the Door to the Truth Father Ignacio Gordon SJ and His Contribution to the Discipline of Canonical Procedural Law
Father Ignacio Gordon, SJ, taught canon law from 1960 until 1985 at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, with a concentration on procedural law. Father Gordon's contribution to the question of ecclesiastical administrative justice was among those leading the novel and dynamic discussion about it in the 1960s and 1970s.
MP-CUA Catholic Uni of Amer Commentary on the Twelve Prophets Volume 1
Cyril, Bishop of Alexandria (412-444), is best known as a protagonist in the christological controversy of the second quarter of the fifth century. Readers may be surprised therefore to find such polemic absent from this early work on the twelve minor prophets of the Old Testament. Cyril appears in this work as a balanced commentator, eclectic in his attitude and tolerant of alternative views.
MP-CUA Catholic Uni of Amer Philosophy and Art
The thirteen essays in this collection are marked by a diversity of philosophical styles and perspectives on art. While some authors focus on specific forms of art, others are more concerned with the interpretation given to art by past and contemporary philosophers and artists. Nothing less than the outline of a systematic account of the arts is ventured.
MP-CUA Catholic Uni of Amer The Early Heidegger and Medieval Philosophy Phenomenology for the Godforsaken
Provies a major interpretive study of Heidegger's complex relationship to medieval philosophy. S. J. McGrath's contribution is historical and biographical as well as philosophical, examining how the enthusiastic defender of the Aristotelian-Scholastic tradition became the great destroyer of metaphysical theology.
MP-CUA Catholic Uni of Amer Gratian the Theologian
MP-CUA Catholic Uni of Amer Pictures Quotations and Distinctions Fourteen Essays in Phenomenology
The essays in this book are an attempt to blend the philosophical approaches of Aristotle and Husserl, the classical and the modern, to help us appreciate what Aristotle called ‘being as the true’, and to show how the human person is involved in this enterprise.
MP-CUA Catholic Uni of Amer Summa Theologiae Prima Pars Volume 1 The One God QQ 126 With the Commentary of Cardinal Cajetan
Never until now has Cajetan's Commentary been put into English in its entirety. William Marshner's translation is consistent with fidelity to the technical force of the original. The translator's footnotes acknowledge what empirical science has made obsolete in the work of St. Thomas.
MP-CUA Catholic Uni of Amer On Liturgical Asceticism
Drawing on the Eastern Orthodox tradition of asceticism and integrating it with recent Western thought on liturgy, David W. Fagerberg examines the interaction between the two and presents a powerful argument that asceticism is necessary for understanding liturgy as the foundation of theology.
MP-CUA Catholic Uni of Amer Catholic Labor Movements in Europe Social Thought and Action 19141965
The stated goal of concerned Catholics in the 1920s and 1930s was to ‘rechristianize society’. This book narrates the history of industrial labour movements of Catholic inspiration in the period from the onset of World War I to the reconstruction after World War II.
MP-CUA Catholic Uni of Amer Gratians Tractatus de penitentia A New Latin Edition with English Translation
Although several other scholars have attempted editions of parts of the earlier recension of the Decretum, no edition has been produced that is as long, as complete, or as fully sourced as this one. It is a milestone of canonical scholarship and deserves to be pondered and celebrated.” - Ecclesiastical Law Journal
MP-CUA Catholic Uni of Amer Anthony of Padua Franciscan Preacher Teacher Saint
MP-CUA Catholic Uni of Amer John Henry Newman and the Development of Doctrin Encountering Change Looking for Continuity
Provides an analysis of the attempts by John Henry Newman to account for the historical reality of doctrinal change within Christianity in the light of his lasting conviction that the idea of Christianity is fixed by reference to the dogmatic content of the deposit of faith.
MP-CUA Catholic Uni of Amer Bound for Beatitude A Thomistic Study in Eschatology and Ethics
Focuses on St Thomas Aquinas’s theology of beatitude and the journey thereto. Consequently, the work’s topic is the meaning and purpose of human life embedded in that of the whole cosmos. This study is an exercise of ressourcement in the philosophical and theological wisdom of one of the most profound theologians of the Catholic Church.
MP-CUA Catholic Uni of Amer The Political Economy of Distributism Property Liberty and the Common Good
As many are reconsidering the relationship between markets and government, this timely book demonstrates the perennial relevance of the Catholic intellectual tradition to public affairs. Academics, public servants, policy experts, and concerned citizens can all benefit from this timely study of common-good capitalism's prospects.
MP-CUA Catholic Uni of Amer Commentary on Genesis
Certain features of Didymus's Genesis commentary, unfortunately not preserved in its entirety, seem to indicate that it may have been his earliest work. This previously untranslated text is crucial for studies of the fourth century and of the monumental influence of Origen.
MP-CUA Catholic Uni of Amer Be Opened The Catholic Church and Deaf Culture
Offers readers a people's history of deafness and sign language in the Catholic Church. Paying attention to the vocation stories of deaf priests and pastoral workers, Portolano traces the transformation of the Deaf Catholic community from passive recipients of mercy to an active language minority in today's globally diverse church.
MP-CUA Catholic Uni of Amer Law and Religion in a Secular Age
Restores the connection between spirituality and justice, religion and law, theology and jurisprudence, and natural law and positive law by building a new bridge suitable for pluralistic societies in the secular age.
MP-CUA Catholic Uni of Amer The Uses of the Dead The Early Modern Development of CyPr232s Doctrine
MP-CUA Catholic Uni of Amer Gods Knowledge of the World Medieval Theories of Divine Ideas from Bonaventure to Ockham
Examines theories of divine ideas from approximately 1250-1325 AD (St Bonaventure through Ockham). This is the only work dedicated to categorizing and comparing the major theories of divine ideas in the Scholastic period.
MP-CUA Catholic Uni of Amer The Ultimate Why Question Why Is There Anything at All Rather than Nothing Whatsoever
MP-CUA Catholic Uni of Amer Shakespeare and the Idea of Western Civilization
Offers an unprecedented account of Shakespeare draws upon his civilization's unique culture and illuminates its basic features. Rather than a treatment of all the works, R.V. Young focuses on how some of Shakespeare's best and most well-known plays dramatize the West's conception of social institutions and historical developments.
MP-CUA Catholic Uni of Amer The Consensus of the Church and Papal Infallibil A Study in the Background of Vatican I
MP-CUA Catholic Uni of Amer A Byzantine Monastic Office 1105 A.D.
Focuses on a Greek text that was likely compiled in Constantinople, in 1105, for use in one of the monasteries located there. The book consists of a liturgical psalter, containing the fixed structure (the ordinary) in both the Greek original and in English translation, as well as a description of the hours themselves.
MP-CUA Catholic Uni of Amer Homilies on Judges
Pope Benedict XVI praised Origen for his ‘primordial role’ in the history of lectio divina, the prayerful reading of Scripture. He explained that Origen approaches Scripture reading not as ‘mere study’ but as the pathway to knowing Christ and “falling in love with him.” Origen's nine extant homilies on Judges exemplify this approach.
MP-CUA Catholic Uni of Amer Justice and Mercy Have Met Pope Francis and the Reform of the Marriage Nullity Process
MP-CUA Catholic Uni of Amer Blood in the Fields Oscar Romero Catholic Social Teaching and Land Reform
MP-CUA Catholic Uni of Amer Action and Character According to Aristotle The Logic of the Moral Life
Proposes comprehensive interpretations of some difficult passages in Aristotle's two major ethical works (Nicomachean Ethics and Eudemian Ethics). This book brings to bear upon the analysis of human behaviour passages in Aristotle's logical works. It also draws connections to action theory, the analysis of practical reason, and virtue ethics.
MP-CUA Catholic Uni of Amer Sin in the Sixties Catholics and Confession 19551975
MP-CUA Catholic Uni of Amer Thomistic Existentialism and Cosmological Reasoning
MP-CUA Catholic Uni of Amer Robert of Arbrissel Sex Sin and Salvation in the Middle Ages
Tells the story of Robert of Arbrissel (ca 1045-1116). Robert was a parish priest, longtime student, reformer, hermit, wandering preacher, and founder of the abbey of Fontevraud. This book narrates the course of Robert's life and his relationships with others along the way, and includes notes, a bibliography, and an introduction to the book.
MP-CUA Catholic Uni of Amer Iberian Fathers Volume 3
The Constantinian revolution of the early fourth century produced changes that would affect profoundly and permanently the fabric of traditional Greco-Roman society and early Christian spiritual life. This volume brings together writings from Pacian of Barcelona and Orosius of Braga, two notable Iberian authors and orthodox partisans of the turbulent late fourth and early fifth centuries.
MP-CUA Catholic Uni of Amer Dark Passages of the Bible Engaging Scripture with Benedict XVI and St. Thomas Aquinas
MP-CUA Catholic Uni of Amer Thomas Aquinas A Historical and Philosophical Profile
Reflecting the highest standards of philological and textual scholarship accompanied by judicious philosophic analysis, Pasquale Porro explores the philosophical issues in each of Thomas Aquinas' writings, which he interprets within the parameters of the temporal circumstances and institutional imperatives of their composition and in respect of the authoritative texts that Thomas encountered.
MP-CUA Catholic Uni of Amer The Indissolubility of Marriage and the Council of Trent
Brugger's remarkable book is a singular service to the Church and essential reading for anyone, whether suspicious of or sympathetic to the thesis, and who is seriously interested in learning what Trent actually teaches about the indissolubility of marriage.” - The Thomist
MP-CUA Catholic Uni of Amer Called to Holiness On Love Vocation and Formation
Gathers in one volume the most relevant addresses, speeches, and homilies of His Holiness, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI to seminarians and consecrated men and women into a single volume for the English-speaking world. Pope Benedict XVI's words remind us of the fundamental meaning of a life of total consecration to God in a time of history where God is very much rejected.
MP-CUA Catholic Uni of Amer Aquinas the Augustinian
While discussing the influence of such figures as Aristotle and Pseudo-Dionysius, this book explores the impact of Augustine's thought on Acquinas' theology, philosophy, and biblical exegesis. It enriches our understanding of Aquinas' contributions and provides awareness to his extraordinary indebtedness to his fifth-century teacher.
MP-CUA Catholic Uni of Amer Principles of Catholic Theology Book 3 On God Trinity Creation and Christ
MP-CUA Catholic Uni of Amer Three Poems Vol. 75
MP-CUA Catholic Uni of Amer The Catholic Church in Spain 18751998
Examines the reasons behind the Church's failure to recreate the Catholic Spain of a vanished golden age and the consequences of that failure, particularly during the Second Republic, the Civil War of the 1930s and the regime of Francisco Franco.
MP-CUA Catholic Uni of Amer Language and Human Understanding The Roots of Creativity in Speech and Thought
In rewriting the philosophy of grammar, Braine restores the dynamic conception of language, reuniting structure and communicative function. Grammar, typically through the verb, gives the sentence its ‘saying’ function, the verb being what brings the sentence to life, giving the sentence’s other elements their role and force.
MP-CUA Catholic Uni of Amer The Administration of Temporal Goods in Religious Institutes
MP-CUA Catholic Uni of Amer Commentary on Matthew
St. Jerome (347-420) has been considered the pre-eminent scriptural commentator among the Latin Church Fathers. His Commentary on Matthew, written in 398 and profoundly influential in the West, appears here for the first time in English translation. Jerome covers the entire text of Matthew's gospel by means of brief explanatory comments that clarify the text literally and historically.
MP-CUA Catholic Uni of Amer Summa Theologiae Prima Pars Volume 2 On the Holy Trinity and Creation in General QQ 2774 With the Commentary of Cardinal Cajetan
Never until now has Cajetan's Commentary been put into English in its entirety. William Marshner's translation is consistent with fidelity to the technical force of the original. The translator's footnotes acknowledge what empirical science has made obsolete in the work of St. Thomas.
MP-CUA Catholic Uni of Amer Commentary on the Gospel of John Bks. 15
Originally published nearly two decades ago and long out of print, this first English translation of Aquinas's Commentary on the Gospel of John by Fabian Larcher and James Weisheipl is once again available to scholars and students. Published in three volu
MP-CUA Catholic Uni of Amer Papal Letters in the Early Middle Ages
This volume discusses the earliest papal decretals, covering the period from the end of the 4th century to the end of the 9th century. It begins with the first papal letters and describes their transmission and reception into the canonical tradition up to Gratian's ""Decretum"" (1140).
MP-CUA Catholic Uni of Amer Living the Good Life A Beginners Thomistic Ethics
MP-CUA Catholic Uni of Amer Into God An Annotated Translation of Saint Bonaventures Itinerarium Mentis in Deum
An annotated translation of Bonaventure's Itinerarium mentis in Deum, presenting both the Latin text side-by-side with a new English translation, which attempts to avoid the use of Latin cognates while remaining critically faithful to Bonaventure's text.
MP-CUA Catholic Uni of Amer Hispanic Philosophy in the Age of Discovery
Presents 15 studies occasioned by the 500th anniversary of the European discovery of America. It covers both the initial encounters between the Europeans and native Americans and the golden age of Hispanic philosophy that followed the discovery - specifically between 1500 and 1650.