Search results for ""jason aronson inc. publishers""
Jason Aronson Inc. Publishers The Therapist Is the Therapy: Effective Psychotherapy II
Psychotherapy evolved as a way of liberating the human spirit from the constraints of neurosis - it was never meant to be a means of alleviating symptoms and improving social adjustment. This book presents an orientation and approach to resist the threat of it becoming "managed care".
Jason Aronson Inc. Publishers Becoming and Being a Woman
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Jason Aronson Inc. Publishers The Impact of Complex Trauma on Development
The Impact of Complex Trauma on Development describes what happens cognitively and emotionally, behaviorally and relationally, to people who are repeatedly traumatized in childhood. Part One brings together trauma theory with a number of theories of human development. It directly addresses and describes developmental pathology and its origins. Through powerful examples, it conveys to the reader the pain and destruction caused by ongoing trauma, abuse, and continuous stress. Part Two, written from the perspective of a clinician who has worked extensively with traumatized children and adults, is primarily directed to mental health professionals and graduate students. These chapters are devoted to describing how to recognize the pathological consequences of trauma and how to intervene and remediate these developmental deficits. The overarching theory is psychoanalytically-based and developmental, but other treatment approaches are integrated into the therapy when they are developmentally and therapeutically appropriate. The text raises important questions related to the development of the self, its relationship to therapy, and the diagnosis and treatment of complex trauma in children, adolescents, and adults.
Jason Aronson Inc. Publishers Ethical Practice in Child and Adolescent Analysis and Psychotherapy: Protecting Safety in a Therapeutic Environment
Ethical Practice in Child and Adolescent Analysis and Psychotherapy: Protecting Safety in a Therapeutic Environment by Anita G. Schmukler, Paula G. Atkeson, Helene Keable, and E. Kirsten Dahl provides a detailed study of ethical dilemmas of the child therapist and the child analyst, whose work with children and their parents presents unique and perplexing problems. The book examines both the unconscious motives for ethical lapses and addresses ways in which such behavior may be prevented. It addresses working with parents, while maintaining privacy for the child, pitfalls for the child therapist and analyst, and ways in which the process of supervision, a cornerstone of clinical training, may lead to departure from ethical principles. Ethical Practice in Child and Adolescent Analysis and Psychotherapy addresses the benefits and risks of presenting and writing about clinical cases, examining the field of working as consultant in custody cases and the role of ethical practice from a historical perspective. Pivotal is the role of the unconscious processes of transference and countertransference, processes that are acknowledged but often not fully comprehended. Contributions on ethics and forensic work by Moisy Shopper, MD, and contributions on ethical writing about psychodynamic work by Denia G. Barrett, MSW.
Jason Aronson Inc. Publishers An Elegant Composition Concerning Relief After Adversity: An Eleventh-Century Book of Comfort
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Jason Aronson Inc. Publishers Time for My Soul: A Treasury of Jewish Stories for Our Holy Days
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Jason Aronson Inc. Publishers The Child in Jewish History
Were Jewish children in the Middle Ages treated differently by their parents than their gentile counterparts? How have Jews traditionally viewed the death of a child? What effect did the Jewish education system have on the Jewish child? These issues and many others are explored in The Child in Jewish History by John Cooper — a panoramic survey of Jewish childhood from biblical times until the mid-twentieth century. Beginning with an account of the family structure in the biblical age, this intriguing social history examines such topics as circumcision, breast-feeding, the abolition of child sacrifice, debt-bondage, and the socialization and education of children. The impact of the clash with Greco-Roman civilization on Jewish childhood is discussed, including the adaptation of the primary school into the heder which became the main conduit for transmitting knowledge of the Torah from generation to generation, and the abolition of abortion and infanticide for the purpose of limiting family size. In the examination of Jewish childhood during the Middle Ages, the development of ceremonies surrounding childbirth, circumcision, and initiation into the heder are explored, as in the heartbreaking slaughter of children by their own parents to prevent them from enforced conversion during the Crusades. In the early modern period, the decline of the system of universal heder education which began in the eighteenth century, and the rise of leisure activities and youth-centered thought, are explained in relation to their impact on Jewish children. Moving toward the present day, the modernization of Jewish youth in Germany, Britain, and the United States is detailed. The reasons for low infant mortality rates among Jewish families — a unique feature of Jewish childhood, child-rearing practices, and the Jewish insistence on prolonged education — are also discussed.
Jason Aronson Inc. Publishers Easy Kosher Cooking
While observing the Jewish dietary laws may be difficult, kosher cooking does not have to be complicated. Easy Kosher Cooking includes more than 300 delicious, healthful recipes that can be prepared quickly and simply using readily available and inexpensive ingredients. Filled with mouthwatering dishes that won't require hours of effort, Easy Kosher Cooking makes eating a kosher diet simple and delicious.
Jason Aronson Inc. Publishers Helping Children Cope with Partin Parents
Citing material from children and their parents in psychotherapy or other consultations, this book considers how separation from a parent, through death or divorce, is experienced by the child. It looks at features within the child and its environment which can foster or impede attempts to cope.
Jason Aronson Inc. Publishers Kaleidoscope of Play Therapy Stories
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Jason Aronson Inc. Publishers How to Do Groups
Jason Aronson Inc. Publishers Training and Teaching the Mental Health Professional: An In-depth Approach
Examining the teaching and learning process from a psychoanalytic perspective, this study also considers the metamorphic implications of the educational setting as a holding environment for teacher, student and administrator. It also examines the intensity of the teacher-student relationship.
Jason Aronson Inc. Publishers Disturbed Children: Assessment Through Team Process (The Master Work Series)
This volume provides therapists with a guide to producing complete child evaluations. The role of the therapist in the collaborative effort of team-based diagnoses and how to work within this group approach is covered. Case studies are also provided which demonstrate this approach.
Jason Aronson Inc. Publishers Return from Madness: Psychotherapy with People Taking the New Antipsychotic Medications and Emerging from Severe, Lifelong, and Disabling Schizophrenia
By the mid-eighties, the provision of psychotherapy for people who could not get out of bed, bathe, get dressed, prepare meals, and manage their own money had diminished. Treatment centered on case management and rehabilitation. This virtual elimination of psychotherapy made sense economically as well as therapeutically: traditional psychotherapy had little success with people suffering from schizophrenia. However, the advent of novel antipsychotic medications has created a need for psychotherapy tailored to this population. Sudden reduction in pervasive, persistent delusions and hallucinations, and recovery of motivation, energy, volition, and the ability to experience pleasure from something other than cigarettes is a mixed blessing. Patients are relieved of terrible suffering but left with new problems. Shedding the lifelong identity of a mental patient, they no longer need case management but require help adjusting to major changes in their thinking and functioning. Kathleen Degen and Ellen Nasper describe group therapy that helps patients identify and cope with unexpected, intense feelings such as sadness or painful memories of childhood trauma, increase their interpersonal skills, and advance their sense of self beyond that of their label as mental patients. The authors show how to build on the phenomenal changes that the new medications provide.
Jason Aronson Inc. Publishers Integrative Psychotherapy for Children and Adolescents With ADHD
This text combines aspects of development theory with principles of psychodynamic psychotherapy to help children and adolescents with learning difficulties leading to serious adjustment problems. Alternatives to psychopharmacological treatment are accordingly represented.
Jason Aronson Inc. Publishers Kosher Cuisine: Gourmet Recipes for the Modern Home
Kosher Cuisine, the first cookbook of its kind, is a collection of today's finest gourmet recipes adapted to conform with Kosher practices. Here are 250 delicious, easy-to-follow recipes that will open new worlds of cooking to all interested in being innovative while observing the Jewish dietary laws.
Jason Aronson Inc. Publishers Play Therapy with Sexually Abused Children: A Synergistic Clinical-Developmental Approach
Here is a disguised but tragically accurate account of a 7-year-old boy who was repeatedly victimized by two uncles who penetrated him, required him under threat of violence to act upon them, and forced him to have sexual contact with his sister for their entertainment. Before his ongoing abuse was discovered, the child made several serious suicide attempts. Verbatim accounts of the child's therapy are used to illustrate a new treatment approach for abused children, Synergistic Play Therapy, which follows the work of Haim Ginott and Heinz Werner. Much that is written about play therapy focuses on theoretical notions or intuitive, impressionistic judgment. Seldom does a work make clear the rationale by which play strategies and techniques are derived from underlying constructs. This book links theoretical reasoning with the specific dos and don'ts of clinical practice. The purpose, rationale, and impact for interventions are woven into session transcripts and related to the concepts upon which Synergistic Play Therapy is based. Topics covered include rapport building and the beginning of restoration of the child's trust in an adult male, therapeutic contact negotiation, the introduction of metaphor, indirect referencing of the trauma and the process building toward explicit emotional disclosure and metaphoric retribution, the restoration of self-esteem, 'emotional inoculation' against regression, and the emergence of a future-oriented perspective characterized by confidence and hopefulness. Therapists need a clearly defined and well-documented set of guidelines for the treatment of sexually abused children. Abused children become adult perpetrators in numbers disproportionate to the rest of the population, but this dire statistic holds true only for those victims who have not been effectively helped as children. This book offers a means to provide such treatment.
Jason Aronson Inc. Publishers Culture and Therapy: An Integrative Approach
Placing the therapeutic process in its socio-cultural context, this work offers encouragement to therapists in evolving their own personal understanding and direction. The text adopts a binocular vision of the therapist as subject and object in its analysis.
Jason Aronson Inc. Publishers What Is the Purpose of Creation?: A Jewish Anthology
Sages, philosophers, and writers have searched for centuries to understand the reason for human existence and the meaning of life. In What Is the Purpose of Creation?, Michael Alter has gathered a wealth of material addressing this question. Selections from the Tanakh (the Torah, the Prophets, and the Writings), the Oral Law (the Mishnah and the Talmud), the Apocryhpha, the Midrash, and the works of many prominent Jewish thinkers of the past 2,000 years reflect different perspectives on humanity's place within the universe and its relationship with God.
Jason Aronson Inc. Publishers Family Therapy
This text traces the growth of clinical insights and the development of principles and technical skills fundamental to family group therapy. It differentiates family therapy from other therapeutic approaches and shows how to apply family therapy to a patient's or family's needs.
Jason Aronson Inc. Publishers Brief Versus Long Psychotherapy: When, Why, and How
This work deals with the questions of which patients benefit most from long-term treatment, which do better in short-term treatment and which may even degenerate when seen in a long-term psychoanalytically-oriented therapy. Specific problems in working with couples and families are also discussed.
Jason Aronson Inc. Publishers Taryag: A Study of the Tradition That the Written Torah Contains 613 Mitzvot
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Jason Aronson Inc. Publishers Letters to My Daughter: A Father Writes About Torah and the Jewish Woman
Jason Aronson Inc. Publishers A Practical Guide to Torah Learning
In this volume, Dovid Landesman outlines the various styles and structures that make up the body of the Torah literature and clarifies the rhyme and reason behind the methods used by the rabbis of the Talmud and the Torah commentators.
Jason Aronson Inc. Publishers Psychotherapeutic Intervention (Master Work)
Introduces the therapist to what it is like to be schizophrenic and to what is involved in making oneself therapeutically useful to such a person. The author discusses the motives and attributes necessary to an individual who hopes to work successfully with schizophrenic patients.
Jason Aronson Inc. Publishers Practicing Family Therapy in Diverse Settings (Master Work)
Shows how and why the context in which therapy occurs affects the conduct of proceedings. The authors discuss therapy in various settings; obtaining the co-operation of colleagues; involving families in the treatment of psychiatric patients; and in-patient and out-patient programmes.
Jason Aronson Inc. Publishers The Psychotherapy Maze: A Consumer's Guide to Getting in and Out of Therapy (The Master Work Series)
An introduction to the practicalities, perils and rewards of psychotherapy. This revised edition offers straightforward, specific advice on matters such as choosing a therapist, therapy for different groups, the therapy agreement and how to make psychotherapy work.
Jason Aronson Inc. Publishers Countertransference Enactment: How Institutions and Therapists Actualize Primitive Internal Worlds
Describes how commonly accepted hospital procedures and structures support potentially injurious forms of countertransference enactment. Because they help to disguise, ward off, or discharge tensions, within the staff, countertransference structures play a crucial role in hospitals' equilibrium.
Jason Aronson Inc. Publishers Countertransference: The Therapist's Contribution to the Therapeutic Situation
The contributors to this volume share a common perception that countertransference can serve as a powerful tool within psychoanalytic treatment. However, this shared conviction does not provide a solution, and reflections on the difficult questions that are generated are provided here.
Jason Aronson Inc. Publishers Helping Men: A Psychoanalytic Approach
The authors do not specialize in, nor seek, patients with sexually deviant behavior. Occasionally, however, such patients have sought and received psychoanalytic treatment from them. . . . As the authors worked with them on their current thought processes and their transference responses to them, the authors were able to help each patient become aware of, understand, and resolve their underlying unconscious sexual conflicts. During each treatment, the authors carefully avoided being influenced and biased by the psychiatric or psychoanalytic literature. Instead, they investigated psychoanalytically each of their patients’ unconscious minds to discover and help the patients to understand their individual and distinct psychodynamics. Through this approach, they corroborated many of Freud’s and his follower’s findings, and discovered new facets of their patients’ respective illnesses.
Jason Aronson Inc. Publishers Psychoanalysis: Listening to Understand: Selected Papers of Arlene Kramer Richards
Psychoanalysis: Listening to Understand contains so much wisdom and demonstrates a way of thinking that allows for growth, expansion of mind, and deep contact with psychic life. Having these articles together in one volume makes each of the ideas more vibrant as it intersects with others. Together they make the songs of inner life into an unforgettable chorus. Arlene Kramer Richards is always listening for pain, affect, experience, and unconscious fantasies and imagery with the courage it takes to believe there is more to learn. Any struggle with trying to define what psychoanalysis is could be resolved by traveling with Arlene as she thinks, explores the psyche, practices in her consulting room, teaches, supervises, and writes. The papers in this volume contain breakthrough ideas in areas of female development, perverseness of mind, creativity and poetry, and the experience of extreme loneliness. She draws us into the world of film and the layers of unconscious depicted in the dramas. She brings insight to areas of study with an eye to what others have been afraid to see. One comes away from the pages of this book knowing a lot more than they had imagined. And, even more impressively, readers will realize they now feel more able to delve further and continue learning as Arlene’s voice demonstrates.
Jason Aronson Inc. Publishers Cultivating Freud's Garden in France
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Jason Aronson Inc. Publishers The Developing Ego and the Emerging Self in Group Therapy
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Jason Aronson Inc. Publishers Women in Therapy: Devaluation, Anger, Aggression, Depression, Self-Sacrifice, Mothering, Mother Blaming, Self-Betrayal, Sex-Role Stereotypes, Dependence
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Jason Aronson Inc. Publishers The Torah for Family Reading: The Five Books of Moses, the Prophets, the Writings
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Jason Aronson Inc. Publishers A Treasury of Jewish Anecdotes
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Jason Aronson Inc. Publishers Developmental Pathogenesis and Treatment of Borderline and Narcissistic Personalities
This carfully crafted work on the development and treatment of borderline and narcissistic disorders reflects the sweeping changes that have taken place in psychoanalytic theory and practice. Written by Dr. Donald Rinsley, considered among the foremost of psychoanalytic teachers, clinicians, and writers, it is succinct yet comprehensive, integrating classical and object relations concepts with Mahler's developmental phase theory and the contributions of Klein, Kernberg, Kohut, and others. Excertps from actual therapy sessions demonstrate Rinsley's disciplend and compaassionate expertise as an analytic therapist.
Jason Aronson Inc. Publishers Where Heaven and Earth Touch: An Anthology of Midrash and Halachah
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Jason Aronson Inc. Publishers This I Believe: Documents of American Jewish Life
Ninety-one letters, ethical wills, bar mitzvah speeches, and other personal records are presented in chronological order following an interpretive essay on the ethical aspirations of American Jewry.
Jason Aronson Inc. Publishers Family Processes and Schizophrenia
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Jason Aronson Inc. Publishers Conversations in Psychotherapy: Ways of Working With Individuals, Couples, and Families
This introduction to psychotherapy covers all phases of the therapeutic process for individuals, couples and families. Readers are taken through the process of: conducting a thorough assessment; devising a treatment plan; formulating a dynamic diagnosis using psychoanalytic, general systems theories and concepts from all the major schools of therapy; planning overall treatment strategies; and carrying out the treatment.
Jason Aronson Inc. Publishers What Is Effective in Psychoanalytic Therapy: The Move from Interpretation to Relation
This book begins with Strachey's statement of the therapeutic action of psychoanalysis representing the classical psychoanalytical technique that prevailed in the 1930s. Then Meissner takes up the shifts in thinking that have subsequently evolved. Today we hold a more relational concept of the therapeutic action based on a developmentally rooted, parent-child model. This places greater emphasis on the vicissitudes of relational involvements than on specific interpretive techniques. Emphasis is given to collaborative efforts between patient and analyist as central to the working of the analytic process. Factors such as empathy, interpretation and positive and negative transference to the therapeutic alliance are explored.
Jason Aronson Inc. Publishers Habad: The Hasidism of R. Shneur Zalman of Lyady
This text employs object relations theory with a focus upon three main goals. The first is to present the theories and techniques of object relations family therapy, a form of family therapy that incorporates systematic and psychodynamic features and that facilitates a high degree of autonomy and intimacy. The second goal is to provide a Rosetta stone for understanding how other existing approaches in family therapy work to bring about change. Finally, the book offers a theory that bridges the chasm that has developed between family therapy and individual psychodynamic therapy.
Jason Aronson Inc. Publishers From Inner Sources: New Directions in Object Relations Psychotherapy
"This volume is a collection of 14 previously published papers, chronicling a modern position on object relations theory in its clinical rather than theoretical aspects. The editor, along with a number of contributors, including Glen O. Gabbard and Thomas Ogden, are members of a group of brilliant young American psychoanalysts who are forging aggressively into fields initially explored by the British psychoanalytic adherents. Hamilton, formerly a Menninger Foundation staff member, has moved to Oregon, where he is taking a vigorous role in the education of psychoanalysts. The papers in the volume are in the main well known and written by authoritative clinicians. Hamilton's editing is excellent; he provides a useful brief rationale for each paper. After a brilliant dissertation on the whole field of object relations theory, the book's three sections cover the differences among theories and therapists and their techniques; the relationship between therapist and patient; and clinical accounts of work with severely disturbed patients. Hamilton clearly is committed to the object relations approach and takes pains to delineate how it varies from traditional ego-psychological, drive-defense approaches. He has published on this subject in the past and uses literary metaphors and intense and passionate language to convey how important he considers this particular branch of psychoanalysis to be and how different it is from the American and Freudian schools. He points out that the parallel development between object relations theory and ego psychology in the British Psycho-Analytical Institute came from the treatment of patients more disturbed than those their American counterparts were seeing, people whose primary issues had to do with difficulties in establishing, internalizing and externalizing relationships, who had problems with reciprocity and mutuality. This book will have wide usefulness both to busy clinicians and to academically oriented psychotherapists who want a collection of papers for teaching purpo
Jason Aronson Inc. Publishers The One-Eyed Doctor, Sigismund Freud: Psychological Origins of Freud's Works (One Eyed Doctor)
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Jason Aronson Inc. Publishers Practical Medical Halachah
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Jason Aronson Inc. Publishers The Encyclopedia of Russian Jewry: Biographies A-I
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Jason Aronson Inc. Publishers Storytelling and Spirituality in Judaism
"The purpose of this book is to elevate stories and storytelling in people's esteem, so they will understand their holiness and appreciate them at their full worth. There are those who enjoy stories and storytelling but in the back of their minds think, 'After all, they're only stories.' But in the same way that the Western Wall of the Temple is not just a wall, a mere pile of stones, neither are the stories of the Torah or of the tzaddikim 'just stories.' Holy stories are the light of the world. When we understand that, when both tellers and listeners know they are engaged in sacred activity, we will hold stories and storytelling more dear. The teller will tell with the tongue of faith, the listeners will hear with ears of faith, and the circle of holiness will be closed." -from the Introduction