Search results for ""ibidem-verlag, jessica haunschild u christian schon""
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Three Revolutions: Mobilization and Change in Co – Theoretical Aspects and Analyses on Religion, Memory, and Identity
Volume One of Three Revolutions presents the overall research and discussions on topics related to the revolutionary events that have unfolded in Ukraine since 1990. The three revolutions referred to in this project include: the Revolution on Granite (1990); the Orange Revolution (20042005); and the Euromaidan Revolution (20132014). The projects overall goal was to determine the extent to which we have the right to use the term revolution in relation to these events. Moreover, the research also uncovered the methodological problems associated with this task. Lastly, the project investigated to what extent the three revolutions are connected to each other and to what extent they are detached. Hence, the research in this volume not only discusses the theoretical aspects but also provides new analyses on such issues as religion, memory, and identity in Ukraine.
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon International Law and the Post–Soviet Space I – Essays on Chechnya and the Baltic States
The region that once comprised the Soviet Union has been the scene of crises with serious implications for international law. Some of these, like the separatist conflict in Chechnya, date to the time of the dissolution of the USSR. Others, like Russias forcible annexation of Crimea and intervention in Ukraines Donbas, erupted years later. The seizure of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, which took place long before, would trouble Soviet-western relations for the Cold Wars duration and gained new relevance when the Baltic States re-emerged in the 1990s. The fate of Ukraine notwithstanding, the Budapest Memorandum of 1994 complicates future efforts at nuclear non-proliferation. Legal proceedings in connection with events in the post-Soviet space brought before the International Court of Justice and under investment treaties or the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea may be steps toward the resolution of recent crises -- or tests of the resiliency of modern international law.
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Ukraine′s Maidan, Russia`s War – A Chronicle and Analysis of the Revolution of Dignity
In early 2014, sparked by an assault by their government on peaceful students, Ukrainians rose up against a deeply corrupt, Moscow-backed regime. Initially demonstrating under the banner of EU integration, the Maidan protesters proclaimed their right to a dignified existence; they learned to organize, to act collectively, to become a civil society. Most prominently, they established a new Ukrainian identity: territorial, inclusive, and present-focused with powerful mobilising symbols. Driven by an urban bourgeoisie that rejected the hierarchies of industrial society in favor of a post-modern heterarchy, a previously passive post-Soviet country experienced a profound social revolution that generated new senses: Dignity and fairness became rallying cries for millions. Europe as the symbolic target of political aspiration gradually faded, but the impact (including on Europe) of Ukraines revolution remained. When Russia invaded -- illegally annexing Crimea and then feeding continuous military conflict in the Donbas -- Ukrainians responded with a massive volunteer effort and touching patriotism. In the process, they transformed their country, the region, and indeed the world. This book provides a chronicle of Ukraines Maidan and Russias ongoing war, and puts forth an analysis of the Revolution of Dignity from the perspective of a participant observer.
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Language Conflicts in Contemporary Estonia, Latv – A Comparative Exploration of Discourses in Post–Soviet Russian–Language Digital Media
Language policy and usage in the post-communist region have continually attracted wide political, media, and expert attention since the disintegration of the USSR in 1991. How are these issues politicised in contemporary Estonia, Latvia, and Ukraine? This study presents a cross-cultural qualitative and quantitative analysis of publications in leading Russian-language blogs and news websites of these three post-Soviet states in the period from 2004 to 2017. The most notable difference observed between Ukraine, on the one side, and the two Baltic countries, on the other, is that many Russian-writing users in Ukraines internet tend to support the position that the state language, i.e. Ukrainian, is discriminated against and needs special protection by the state, whereas the majority of Russian-speaking commentators on selected Estonian and Latvian news websites advocate the establishment of Russian as a second state language. Despite attempts of Ukraines government to ukrainianise the public space, the position of Ukrainian is still perceived, even by many Russian-writing commentators and bloggers, as being precarious and vulnerable. This became especially visible in debates after the 20132014 Revolution of Dignity, when the number of supporters of an introduction of Russian as a second state language significantly decreased. In the Russian-language segments of Estonian and Latvian news websites and blogs, in contrast, the majority of online users continue to reproduce the image of being victims of their countries nation-building. They often claim that their political, as well as economic rights are significantly limited in comparison to ethnic Estonians and Latvians. This book illustrates thatnotwithstanding variations between the Estonian as well as Latvian cases, on the one hand, and Ukraine, on the otherthere is an ongoing process of convergence within Ukrainian debates if compared to those held in the other two countries in terms of an increasing degree of discursive decommunisation and derussification.
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Romania′s Strategic Culture 1990–2014 – Continuity and Change in a Post–Communist Country′s Evolution of National Interests and Security Polic
Analysis of strategic culture facilitates a comprehensive understanding of a nations security identity and patterns of policy conduct. Though strategic culture changes over time, why and how these mutations take place has not been researched much so far. This book sheds light on the reasons why specific features of a countrys strategic thinking remain rigid while others transform. The national strategic cultures of post-communist Eastern Europe have been exposed to a panoply of shocks and shifts. Romanias communist regime cultivated a uniquely thorny relationship with the Soviet Union, which facilitated the development of a national security narrative legitimizing a highly isolationist foreign policy. These factors have heavily weighed on Romanian post-communist strategic thinking and complicated the transition process. At first glance, Romania went through an astonishing adaptation to novel security challenges. Ultimately, however, its traditional national strategic thinking remained in some ways constant. Core features of Romanias strategic culture -- such as the state-nation constellation -- were the most resilient to change. In contrast, the intermediary features -- such as the understanding of security and role conception -- as well as outer layers -- such as the foreign policy orientation and guidelines to using force -- of strategic culture were more prone to influence by shocks, shifts, and norm entrepreneurs.
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Extremism and Violent Extremism in Serbia – 21st Century Manifestations of an Historical Challenge
This volume explores the issues of extremism and violent extremism in Serbia through research from a multitude of different interdisciplinary perspectives. The topic of violent extremism and radicalization leading to terror (VERLT) has grown as a field of policy and donor aid support, globally and in the western Balkans. This new focus has been manifest through both increased counter-terrorism support as well as efforts to prevent and counter violent extremism (P-CVE) -- activities which are often peacebuilding as well as democratization initiatives. The main manifestation of extremism of interest to foreign donors (and often domestic authorities) is ISIS-inspired Salafi jihadism. However, in many of the countries in the region, and in the case of Serbia, there are other forms of extremism -- namely far-right nationalism, violent hooliganism, and neo-Nazi movements -- that are considered to be more of a threat, particularly as they are often viewed as examples of normalised political expression. In addition, these extremisms can magnify one another through a process of reciprocal radicalization and interconnected spirals of exclusion, marginalization, grievance, and perceived victimhood. This volume explores the issue as evident on the ground in Serbia in 2017 and 2018, using fresh and original research and perspectives that demonstrate that Serbia is at risk of many types of extremism, which are interconnected and can best be prevented by achieving the liberal, democratic, rights-based reforms that have remained elusive for over two decades.
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Patient Safety – The Relevance of Logic in Medical Care
In our time of well-publicized health care travails, in the USA and the UK and elsewhere, matters of financing too often subsume the dimension of patient care. In his latest book, Alexander L. Gungov studies a vital but neglected aspect of patient safety. Of the thousands of medical errors committed on a daily basis, in the bulk of unfortunate clinical decisions, a significant share pertains to various logical flows and epistemological fallacies. By focusing on the logical dimensions of clinical medicine, Gungov promotes awareness of the logical and epistemological traps that lie in the day-to-day care of patients. Such a focus not only allows us to avoid falling into them, but demonstrates the practical value of looking at medicine from a new philosophical perspective. That perspective involves a broad and unusual collection of philosophers. The discussion takes its starting point from J. S. Mills inductive methods and Giambattista Vicos verum-factum principle, but then sets out a unique combination of Charles Sanders Peirces abductive reasoning, Immanuel Kants reflective judgment, as well as G. W. F. Hegels and D. P. Verenes speculative thinking, all marshalled to present a novel philosophical account of clinical diagnostics. Interpretation of practical examples elucidate the logical aspect of medical errors and suggests strategies of overcoming them. The book as a whole demonstrates the value of Hans-Georg Gadamers hermeneutical insights into the enigmatic character of health. This much-needed book will be of interest to medical practitioners, health policy-makers, patients and their families, and to advanced students and scholars in medicine, the medical humanities, medical epistemology, and the philosophy of medicine in general.
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon How to Create an Idea If You Are Not Ogilvy – The Secret Weapons of Advertising
Why are recommendations like "Think outside the box!", "Go around", "Think Different!" the real killers of creative thought? What are the eight proven tools which lead to a winning idea, even for one who does not consider himself a creative person? What is the ideal product and how does it help to sell the real product? What is a powerful approach ad people can borrow from physicists and children? Why is the trial-and-error method a sure way to waste intellectual resources? How do you force competitors to advertise your services? What is functional blindness and how does it reduce human creativity? How can you compel a banker to pay you 10 times more for your job? Why does a true ad man constantly feel like a loser? How does a poetry reading improve response on copywriting? Which useful insights can an advertiser learn from a taxi driver? How has symmetry prevented seeing the obvious solution during seven decades? Which tool is the favorite among advertising men of all countries, times, and nationalities? Alexey Ivanov, one of the best 'advertising men' and copywriters in Russia, gives convincing answers and provides fresh new insights.
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon In Statu Nascendi – Journal of Political Philosophy and International Relations Vol. 1, No. 1 (2018)
In Statu Nascendi is a new peer-reviewed journal that aspires to be a world-class scholarly platform encompassing original academic research dedicated to the circle of Political Philosophy, Cultural Studies, Theory of International Relations, Foreign Policy, and the political Decision-making process. The journal investigates specific issues through a socio-cultural, philosophical, and anthropological approach to raise a new type of civic awareness about the complexity of contemporary crisis, instability, and warfare situations, where the stage-of-becoming plays a vital role. Issue 2018:1 comprises, amongst others, the following articles: · Corporate Instrumentalization of Deliberative Democracy in Global Governance · Being Transgender and Transgender Being · A Comparative Study between Levinas and Kierkegaard on Subjectivity and the Self · The Kremlins Reaction to the St. Petersburg Metro Attacks seen through the Prism of Russian Intervention in Syria · Donald Trump's visit to Saudi Arabia, Saudi-Iranian Relations, and the Future of the Iranian Nuclear Deal · The United Kingdom on the Verge of a Constitutional Crisis: Between the Possibility of a Second Referendum on the Membership in the European Union and a Potential Second Vote on Scottish Independence.
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Illuminations on Market Street – (a story about sex and estrangement, AIDS and loss, and other preoccupations in San Francisco)
San Francisco in the early 1990s. Cab is on the deep end of a losing streak. After having been dumped yet again, he moves to Haight-Ashbury fresh out of college. It is the middle of a recession, before the dot-com boom, and AIDS is an immediate and untreatable reality. He finds himself working in a housing program for people with HIV/AIDS. The entire city is reeling. His clients are dying. Cab records their every word. He starts drafting a narrative of every person with whom hes slept: those who dropped him, those he adored, and those he let go of without a second thought, to reassess what he has left behind from the South of his childhood of dyslexia and infatuations, football and ecstasy, divorce and sex panics. In between girlfriends, acting up, attempts at romance, and trying to find his place in the greater San Francisco narrative, Cab is looking for something, tracing the interconnecting stories of the people hes meeting, sleeping, and drinking with, as everyone tries to find a space in the city. As treatments emerge and the economy changes, a new story takes shape in Cabs life and the city.
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Conservatism, the Right Wing, and the Far Right – A Guide to Archives
This truly unique collection is the essential guide to archival research on conservatism, the right wing, and the far right, offering a detailed overview of primary sources in all media (documents, film, video, sound recordings, microfilm and microfiche, cartoons, sheet music, newspaper art, etc.) housed in more than 4500 archives across 22 countries. Designed as an indispensable reference work for anyone researching in the field of right-wing politics, this astonishingly detailed account includes: collections of personal and institutional papers; archives of right-wing periodicals in the Japanese, Romanian, and Russian languages; collections of pamphlets, ephemera, vertical files, and press cuttings; oral histories; library-accessible commercial databases; digitised collections and exhibitions; archived web sites; microfilm and microfiche collections with right-wing material. The description of each archive contains its physical address and other identifying information, a summary of its contents and highlights, lists of publications and web pages citing the archive, and links to online finding aids. This book will be a crucial guide for anyone conducting primary research in the field.
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Rethinking Medical Ethics – Concepts and Principles
In this unique study, Jean-Pierre Clero examines medical ethics from a philosophical perspective. Based on the thoughts of great philosophers, he develops a theory of medical ethics that focuses on the values of intimacy.
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Pop Beckett – Intersections with Popular Culture
When Samuel Becketts work first appeared, it was routinely described, by Adorno amongst others, as a clear example of European high culture. However, this judgement ignored an aspect of Becketts work and its reception that is, arguably, not yet fully understood; the intimate relation between his work and popular culture. Beckett used popular cultural forms; but popular culture has also found a place both for the work and for the man. This collection of essays examines how popular cultural forms and media are woven into the fabric of Becketts works, and how Beckett continues to have far-reaching impact on popular culture today in a host of different forms, in film and on television, from comics to meme culture, tourism to marketing.
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Different Perspectives on the Syrian Reality – Research in the Diverse Fields of Syrian Culture
This unique collection from Syria presents research papers focusing on topics in cultural research that are relevant to the current Syrian situation, especially with regard to the fundamental changes in the relationship of Syrians to the society they live in and the dynamic transformations they are witnessing. Through its unique inside views, the volume offers a fascinating alternative narrative of the current societal context in Syria. Ettijahat Independent Culture is a Syrian cultural organization founded in 2011. Ettijahat seeks to involve independent culture and arts positively in the process of cultural and social change. Ettijahat supports artists and people engaged in cultural initiatives, works to build consensus and alliances between individuals and cultural institutions, promotes the arts and artists through regional and international platforms, helps Syrian communities in having access to culture and arts, and funds young researchers focusing on the current cultural and societal situation in Syria.
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon The Human Genome as Common Heritage of Mankind
"In this timely study, Jean Buttigieg demonstrates the necessity to make it a legal principle of international law that the human genome is a common heritage of mankind. In 1997, the UNESCO General Conference declared the human genome a common heritage of humankind. This declaration was followed by the Joint Statement of March 14, 2000, by US President Bill Clinton and British Prime Minister Tony Blair, in which they stated that the fundamental data on the human genome, including the human DNA sequence and its variations, should be made freely available to scientists everywhere. This announcement to allow unencumbered access to this fundamental data on the human genome, for the benefit of all humanity, appeared to endorse the UNESCO Declaration of 1997 on the human genome. But as it turns out, these statements were only political slogans since there is a complete lack of any genuine attempts to make the human genome a legal principle of international law so far. This study's foremost goal is to re-introduce the philosophical and political implications of the concept of common heritage of mankind into public discourse, as intended by Arvid Pardo when he addressed the UN General Assembly on November 1, 1967, and apply them to the human genome. As Buttigieg demonstrates, the biggest challenge here comes from the patent system in its present form, which encourages the commercialization of the human genome by explicitly denying scientists unencumbered access to the fundamental raw data. By putting individual rights before community rights, the patent system effectively hinders discoveries that prompt new and better medical treatments. Buttigieg also discusses issues of biotechnology. While the biotechnology debate is very often centred on which new applications of biotechnology should or should not be permitted, it so far lacks a critical philosophical analysis of biotechnology itself. The true essence of the human genome, Buttigieg argues, is to be found in metaphysics and not biology. This study fills a gap in the literature on the human genome and the common heritage of mankind by addressing the metaphysical nature of the human genome and discussing the philosophical concerns surrounding the field of biotechnology."
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon The New Authoritarianism – Vol. 1: A Risk Analysis of the US Alt–Right Phenomenon
This volume considers from a risk perspective the current phenomenon of the new Alt-Right authoritarianism and whether it represents real democracy or an unacceptable hegemony potentially resulting in elected dictatorships and abuses as well as dysfunctional government. Contributing authors represent an eclectic range of disciplines, including cognitive, organizational and political psychology, sociology, history, political science, international relations, linguistics and discourse analysis, and risk analysis. The Alt-Right threats and risk exposures, whether to democracy, human rights, law and order, social welfare, racial harmony, the economy, national security, the environment, and international relations, are identified and analyzed across a number of selected countries, including the US, UK, Austria, France, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, and Russia. Potential strategies to limit the Alt-Right threat are proposed.
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Integral Philosophy – The Common Logical Roots of Anthropology, Politics, Language, and Spirituality
This cumulative course on Johannes Heinrichs philosophical works presents the essence of his previous publications: A rich, consistent, and novel monolithic system defying temptations by the zeitgeist. Starting with an emphasis on reflection as the basis of epistemology, Heinrichs also covers the mind-body dualism in an anthropology chapter, moves on to presenting summaries of his Theory of Democracy as well as of his Philosophical Semiotics, followed by an outline of structural and integral ontology. An overview of ethical positions in the final chapter proves the fertility of Heinrichs theoretical-reflection methods.
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Detecting and Modeling the Changes of Land Use and Land Cover for Land Use Planning in Da Nang City, Vietnam
"Da Nang City, located in the South Central Coast region of Vietnam, has developed in many aspects in the last two decades and has been known as one of the five independent municipalities of Vietnam. Today, it constitutes the Key Economic Zone in Central Vietnam. Rapid industrialization and urbanization have caused incessant change of land use and land cover (LULC) in Da Nang City. Linh Nguyen's study aims at detecting, quantifying, and characterizing the changes of LULC in the Da Nang City region by using multitemporal satellite images from 1979 to 2009; it further explores the effects of LULC changes on landscape structure through spatial landscape metrics. In a simulation it also shows the changes of LULC under different scenarios, utilizing the model of system dynamics and the model of dynamic conversion of land use and its effects. The results show that 37% of the total land has undergone change. Before being separated from Quang Nam Province (19791996), the LULC in Da Nang City changed gradually. However, after becoming an independent municipality, the LULC changed with accelerated speed, especially in the urban areas. Within 13 years (19962009), the urban area grew by 86.6%. The study suggests this is caused by a strong focus on economic development. Conversely, agriculture and forests had a high rate of change. The dynamic change of landscape indices reveal that agricultural areas were broken into smaller patches. However, except agriculture, patches of forestry and urban spaces tended to have a uniform landscape configuration. To simulate the future changes of LULC at Da Nang City from 2009 to 2030, three scenarios with different missions were developed, namely, Development as Usual, Aggressive Development, and Optimal Development. All scenarios result in a continuous increase in urban area and a gradual decrease in agriculture, barren, and shrub areas during the simulated period. The study provides new strategies for land use planning in comparable regions facing rapid urbanization."
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon A European Crisis: Perspectives on Refugees, Solidarity, and Europe
This is a book about the crisis of the European integration project as seen from the vantage point of people's movements across and to the European continent. But why should the issue of refugees or of migration have anything to do with the dynamics of the integration or disintegration of the European Union? If anything, the existing global refugee protection regime was conceived in Europe at about the time when Europe began to integrate: It was seen as a moral imperative in the context of European solidarity and in the face of crisis. How did refugee protection become so controversial as to usher in a crisis of its own? Why do European governments and their peoples see refugees and migrants as the cause of a crisis in and of Europe? Solidarity, legitimacy, democracy, welfare, rights: How has refugee migration undermined European positions on all that has defined EU integration so far? This collection engages with these questions by focusing on the construction of the crisis narrative, offering an insight into distinctly European perspectives on and analyses of political responses to refugees, migration, and economic challenges. The aim of the volume is to provide an empirical and thematic context for understanding the link between refugee migration and the overpowering perception of Europe in crisis.
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Borot′bism – A Chapter in the History of the Ukrainian Revolution
Much has been written on the 19171920 revolution in Ukraine, on the national movement, the Makhnovists and the Bolsheviks. Yet there were others with a mass following whose role has faded from history books. One such party was the Borotbisty, the heirs of the mass Ukrainian Party of Socialist-Revolutionaries, an independent party seeking to achieve national liberation and social emancipation. Though widely known in revolutionary Europe in their day, the Borotbisty were decimated during the Stalinist holocaust in Ukraine. Out of print for over half a century, this lost text by Ivan Maistrenko, the last survivor of the Borotbisty, provides a unique account on this party and its historical role. Part memoir and part history, this is a thought-provoking book which challenges previous approaches to the revolution and shows how events in Ukraine decided the fate not only of the Russian Revolution but the upheavals in Europe at the time.
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon The Auschwitz Concentration Camp – History, Biographies, Remembrance
"This book on the Auschwitz Concentration Camp provides a chronological account from the camp's beginning in 1940 right up to its liberation in January 1945, and beyond. Chris Webb manages to find a balance between detailing the sufferings of the victims and the actions, characters, and fates of the perpetrators. He gives, in a concise form, a thorough and deeply disturbing overview of all aspects of Auschwitz and its many satellite camps. In addition, the book contains a vast collection of photographs and documents, some of them never shown in public before. It ends with the 2017 recollections by students who visited Auschwitz from Teesside University."
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Gate of Mercy: Family Secrets and the History of Modern Israel
What would you do if your brother turned out to be your enemy? Gate of Mercy takes its readers into the heart of the Israeli-Arab conflict, taking the history of modern Israel to the very personal level of intertwined Israeli-Arab families.Told from the perspective of eight-year-old Avram, the compelling story unfolds over seven decades. Bit by bit, the long-held secrets of Avrams family are uncovered. A story of love and passion, of destiny and redemptionand of the bonds between different cultures that persist despite all conflicts.
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Ukraine after Maidan – Revisiting Domestic and Regional Security
When public protests first began in Ukraine at the end of 2013, the failed promise of the Orange Revolution was still fresh in the minds of many Ukrainians. However, unlike in the aftermath of 2004/2005, the political and military crises ignited by the Euromaidan brought profound changes not only for Ukraine, but also for neighboring states and Europe more generally. The annexation of Crimea by Russia in March 2014, along with the outbreak of fighting in the Donets Basin, has resulted in a profound shift in how domestic and regional security is perceived. More broadly, these events have also called into question the durability of the post-Cold War world order, which had been based upon peaceful coexistence between states, the integrity of sovereign borders, and an acceptance of the legitimacy of international law. While the effects of the Euromaidan have already been analyzed in terms of Ukrainian politics and relations between Ukraine, Russia, and the EU, what has not yet taken place is a sustained analysis of how its legacies have reverberated throughout the post-communist region and wider Europe (and how these altered international perceptions have, in turn, affected the subsequent course of Ukraines domestic politics). Writing from a variety of viewpoints and backgrounds, this volumes contributors seek to address these lacunae. Among other topics, they focus on Russias dissatisfaction with the post-Cold War international order, examine issues of ontological insecurity in an increasingly networked world, assess the limits of Western leverage, evaluate Ukrainian public opinion concerning NATO and the EU, consider the broader security implications of the Euromaidan for Eastern Europe, explore the role of migration and demographic factors for Ukrainian security, and assess how contentious pasts are being utilized as tools of statecraft by both Ukrainian actors and outside forces.
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Patriotic Education in Contemporary Russia: Sociological Studies in the Making of the Post-Soviet Citizen
This book is a comprehensive study of the social roots of citizen raising in contemporary Russia. It traces the development of governmental patriotic programs in recent decades, discusses how the Soviet past and political traditions influence todays system of patriotism formation, and presents numerous examples illustrating real-life processes in current patriotic education. While the topics of patriotism and patriotic education are highly politicised, this study approaches them from a sociological perspective. It identifies the basic model of patriotic education as a fairly stable structure born of the values and attitudes of different agents: teachers, school administrators, and civil servants. Patriotic education in Russia is shown as a particular example of how a political idea can lead to the formation of social structures, and how, in time, those social structures can lead to the restoration of the original political idea.
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Religion & Magic in Socialist & Postsocialist Contexts: Part I -- Historic & Ethnographic Case Studies of Orthodoxy, Heterodoxy & Alternative Spirituality
Religion and magic have played important roles within Eastern European societies where social reality and socio-political balance may differ greatly from those in the West. Although often thought of as being two distinct, even antagonistic forces, religion and magic find ways to work together. By taking on various examples in the multicultural settings of post-Soviet and post-socialist spaces, this collection brings together diverse historical and ethnographic analyses of orthodoxy and heterodoxy from the pre- and post-1989 periods, studies on the relationship of religious and state institutions to individuals practicing alternative forms of spirituality, and examples of borderlands as spaces of ambiguity. This volume is at the crossroads of anthropology, history, as well as cultural memory studies. Its archival and field research results help us understand how repurposing religious and magic practices worked into the transition that countries in Eastern Europe and beyond have experienced after the end of the Cold War.
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Medical Philosophy: A Philosophical Analysis of Patient Self-Perception in Diagnostics & Therapy
This innovative book concentrates on the important distinction between philosophy of medicine and medical philosophy, by expanding the focus from knowing that of the first term to the knowing how of the latter. Thus, the idea of patient and provider self-discovery becomes integral part, method, and strategy at the basis of therapeutic treatment. Among the most important contributions of this volume, the definition of Central Medicine, overcoming the dichotomy Western-Eastern medicine and Traditional-Integrative approaches, is presented under the lenses of hermeneutics, with particular regards to neurosciences, psychiatry, and psychology. Evidence-Based and Patient-Centred Medicine are analysed within the debate on placebo and non-specific effects. Furthermore, the clinical research presented in the appendix investigates the patient-doctor relationship, and the interactive nature of human relationships in general, including environment, personal beliefs, and perspectives on lifes meaning and purpose. Tomasis research covers neuroscience, psychology, philosophy, and medicine. In this book, a wide array of questions and answers pertaining to these areas is presented in a clear, readable, and detailed way, satisfying the needs of professionals, students, and anyone who enjoys the exploration of the complexity of human mind, brain, and heart.
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Child Poverty, Youth (Un)Employment & Social Inclusion
Worldwide child and youth poverty and deprivation remain the biggest barrier to achieving a better life in adulthood. Progress in lifting children out of poverty in the last decades has been slow and limited in the developing world, while the recent global economic crisis has exacerbated child poverty, youth unemployment, and social exclusion in many developed countries. By critically unravelling the long-term consequences of growing up poor, the close linkages between multiple deprivations and violation of human rights in childhood and adolescence, and their effects on labour market entry and future career in a number of developing and developed countries, this book significantly enriches the existing literature. Drawing on multiple disciplinary perspectives, it makes a forceful case for the eradication of child poverty to take centre stage in the Sustainable Development Goals.
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon The Social Work of Narrative: Human Rights and the Cultural Imaginary
This book addresses the ways in which a range of representational forms have influenced and helped implement the project of human rights across the world, and seeks to show how public discourses on law and politics grow out of and are influenced by the imaginative representations of human rights. It draws on a multi-disciplinary approach, using historical, literary, anthropological, visual arts, and media studies methods and readings, and covers a wider range of geographic areas than has previously been attempted. A series of specifically-commissioned essays by leading scholars in the field and by emerging young academics show how a multidisciplinary approach can illuminate this central concern.
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Digital Orthodoxy in the Post-Soviet World: The Russian Orthodox Church & Web 2.0
This volume explores the relationship between new media and religion, focusing on the WWW's impact on the Russian Orthodox Church. Eastern Christianity has travelled a long way through the centuries, amassing the intellectual riches of many generations of theologians and shaping the cultures as well as histories of many countries, Russia included, before the arrival of the digital era. New media pose questions that, when answered, fundamentally change various aspects of religious practice and thinking as well as challenge numerous traditional dogmata of Orthodox theology. For example, an Orthodox believer may now enter a virtual chapel, light a candle by drag-and-drop operations, send an online prayer request, or worship virtual icons and relics. In recent years, however, Church leaders and public figures have become increasingly sceptical about new media. The internet, some of them argue, breaches Russia's "spiritual sovereignty" and implants values and ideas alien to the Russian culture. This collection addresses such questions as: How is the Orthodox ecclesiology influenced by its new digital environment? What is the role of clerics in the Russian WWW? How is the specifically Orthodox notion of sobornost' (catholicity) being transformed here? Can Orthodox activity in the internet be counted as authentic religious practice? How does the virtual religious life intersect with religious experience in the "real" church?
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon European Shopping Centre Architecture in France and Italy
Within the past 40 years, shopping centres have increasingly formed the European cityscape and gained in importance, not only from an architectural and urban planning perspective, but also from an economic and social point of view. Owing to its rising significance, the European shopping centre necessitates an analytic statement on the part of architectural research. By comparing the shopping centre sector of a selection of countries, this pilot project offers a holistic approach to a better understanding of the shopping centre's role in the architecture of our cities and the urban structure of our countries. The project is organised in a top-down structure and subdivided in three research levels. Beginning with the survey of two European countries and their 1,616 shopping centres on the first level, the focus shifts towards a selection of 40 sector-relevant cities with 645 shopping centres on a second level, before focusing on eight cities with 124 shopping centres on the third and final level. The deductive analysis of a rising number of basic key features on every research level aims to evidence the constants and variables of the building type. The constants outline the essential basic properties that are considered indispensable for the efficiency of a shopping centre. Again, the variables show the adaptation of these basic key features to the various local conditions and particularities, allowing conclusions in terms of their adaptation, improvement, difficulties, and opportunities. Together, the outcomes of the three research levels assemble a detailed overall picture of the shopping centre sector from the perspective of architecture and urban development, leading to a general characterisation of the building type in the selected countries. From a scientific perspective, the study offers a methodology and basis of comparison for the evaluation of other European countries while, from a practical perspective, the findings can be used as recommendations for future shopping centre projects.
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Limits of a Post-Soviet State: How Informality Replaces, Renegotiates & Reshapes Governance in Contemporary Ukraine
This book illustrates why and how informality in governance is not necessarily transitory or temporary, but a constant in most systems of the world. The difference between various administrative structures is not whether informality is present or not, but where, in which areas, it is located. The essays gathered in this volume demonstrate that, in some cases, informal mechanisms are self-protective, while, in others, they are perceived as normal responses and a set of tactics for individuals, classes, and communities to respond to unusual demands. Where expectations of the state, a company, or some commission are too far from citizens' existing models of normative behaviour, informal behaviour continues to thrive. Indeed, new tactics are adopted in order to cope with disjunctions between theory and reality as well as to serve as contrasts to values imposed by a centre of power, such as a central state, a city administration, or the management board of a large company. The focus of the papers contained in this book is two-fold and rests on an analysis of phenomena manifesting themselves "beyond" and "in spite of" the state. The first part deals with areas where the state is not always, or only marginally, active whilst the second analyses activities performed in conflict with state regulations (ie: behaviour often studied from a criminal and legal standpoint).
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Beckett, Lacan and the Voice
The voice traverses Beckett's work in its entirety, defining its space and its structure. Emanating from an indeterminate source situated outside the narrators and characters, while permeating the very words they utter, it proves to be incessant. It can alternatively be violently intrusive, or embody a calming presence. Literary creation will be charged with transforming the mortification it inflicts into a vivifying relationship to language. In the exploration undertaken here, Lacanian psychoanalysis offers the means to approach the voice's multiple and fundamentally paradoxical facets with regards to language that founds the subject's vital relation to existence. Far from seeking to impose a rigid and purely abstract framework, this study aims to highlight the singularity and complexity of Beckett's work, and to outline a potentially vast field of investigation.
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Contract Children – Questioning Surrogacy
Surrogate motherhood is expanding all over the world. Debates rage over how public policy should consider the signing away of the parental rights of birth mothers in favor of a 'commissioning' couple or an individual. In this book, Daniela Danna describes the situation in English-speaking countries and worldwide, from California to Greece, presenting the legal alternatives regulating (or not) these peculiar exchanges. Should surrogacy remain a private agreement? Should it be treated as an enforceable contract? Are surrogate mothers workers? What happens inside the countries that have chosen different ways of handling this new and controversial matter? And, the most important question of all: How can we live in this era of new techno-medical possibilities and try to stay human? Can we resist commodification in the field of human relations concerning procreation? Contract Children discusses the different ways available to obtain a child through surrogate motherhood. It is fundamental reading for anyone wanting to be involved in the surrogacy process. It gives prospective surrogate mothers and infertile couples the background information necessary for their own informed decision. It is also an essential instrument for policy makers and activists in the field of women's rights, social justice, and children's rights. The question of how to publicly deal with surrogate motherhood touches upon our social vision of motherhood, ultimately marking the position of women in contemporary society.
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Journal of Soviet and Post–Soviet Politics and S – Double Special Issue: Back from Afghanistan: The Experiences of Soviet Afghan War Veterans, Vol. 1,
This double special issue investigates the experiences of Soviet Afghan veterans and the ongoing impact of the Soviet-Afghan war (1979-89); and the new and reconstituted narratives of martyrdom that have been emerging in connection with 20th-century history and memory in the post-socialist world. The JOURNAL OF SOVIET AND POST-SOVIET POLITICS AND SOCIETY (JSPPS) is a new bi-annual companion journal to the Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society (SPPS) book series (founded 2004 and edited by Andreas Umland, Dr. phil., PhD). Guest editors: Felix Ackermann (European Humanities University); Michael Galbas (Konstanz University); Uilleam Blacker (UCL)
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Das sowjetische Fieber: Fußballfans im poststalinistischen Vielvölkerreich
What did the citizens of the Soviet Union identify with? Where did the societal faultlines lie? Did mass demonstrations effectively de-stabilize Soviet order? How did informal groups come into being within a society based on uniformity? What impact did new media and new forms of interconnectivity have on the development of a multinational Soviet society? What remained after the end of the Soviet Union? Using Soviet soccer teams from Moscow (Spartak, Dynamo, ZSKA) and Kiev (Dynamo) as examples, Manfred Zeller tells a story of community and enmity in the post-Stalinist multinational empire. This brilliant monograph exposes the complex loyalties that governed group identities and explains phenomena like the love-hate relationship between Kiev and Moscow. 'Moscow against Kiev' in Soviet times wasn't a question of war and peace, but in soccer it was already a feeling of 'us against them' and a question of victory or defeat in the complex multinational setting of the region. Zeller's book is an important contribution to the research of Soviet pop culture after Stalin as well as to contemporary debates on antagonism in the post-Soviet world.
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon The Dark Side of European Integration: Social Foundations and Cultural Determinants of the Rise of Radical Right Movements in Contemporary Europe
Across Europe, radical right-wing parties are winning increasing electoral support. The Dark Side of European Integration argues that this rising nationalism and the mobilization of the radical right are the consequences of European economic integration. The European economic project has produced a cultural backlash in the form of nationalist radical right ideologies. This assessment relies on a detailed analysis of the electoral rise of radical right parties in Western and Eastern Europe. Contrary to popular belief, economic performance and immigration rates are not the only factors that determine the far right's success. There are other political and social factors that explain why in post-socialist Eastern European countries such parties had historically been weaker than their potential, which they have now started to fulfill increasingly. Using in-depth interviews with radical right activists in Ukraine, Alina Polyakova also explores how radical right mobilization works on the ground through social networks, allowing new insights into how social movements and political parties interact.
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Interest Representation & Europeanization of Trade Unions from EU Member States of the Eastern Enlargement
This book examines the integration of major trade unions from the six biggest countries of EU's Eastern enlargement into EU governance structures. Based on extensive empirical research, including more than 150 in-depth interviews, statistical data collection, document research, and eight detailed case studies, the contributions describe the activities and perceptions of the trade unions under investigation and the different levels of engagement, including European umbrella organizations, interregional cooperation, and European Works Councils. The book thus contributes to political science research on interest representation and Europeanization as well as sociological research on labor relations.
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Contemporary Practice and Theory of Organizations: Part 1 -- Understanding the Organization
Organizations are the central entities of the business world, comprising multiple people pursuing a collective goal while being linked to an external environment. Both academics and practitioners have kept up a continuing interest in advancing their understanding of organizations. This is the first of two volumes dedicated to the state of the art of theories and practices of organizations. It is the outcome of contributions by alumni and alumnae of the ESB Business School at Reutlingen University. This first volume provides a discussion of contemporary organizational forms and properties, as well as on team aspects.
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Memory Is Our Home – Loss and Remembering: Three Generations in Poland and Russia, 1917–1960s
This is a powerful biographical memoir based on the diaries of Roma Talasiewicz-Eibuszyc, who was born in Warsaw before the end of World War I, grew up during the interwar period and who, after escaping the atrocities of World War II, was able to survive in the vast territories of Soviet Russia and Uzbekistan. Translated by her own daughter, interweaving her own recollections as her family made a new life in the shadows of the Holocaust in Communist Poland after the war and into the late 1960s, this book is a rich, living document, a riveting account of a vibrant young woman's courage and endurance. A forty-year recollection of love and loss, of hopes and dreams for a better world, it provides richly-textured accounts of the physical and emotional lives of Jews in Warsaw and of survival during World War II throughout Russia. This book, narrated in a compelling, unique voice through two generations, is the proverbial candle needed to keep memory alive.
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Heat, Dust & Taxes: A Story of Tax Schemes in Australia's Outback
Lex Fullarton's book "Heat, Dust and Taxes: A story of tax schemes in Australia's outback" set in the picturesque but treacherous landscape in the Outback of North-western Australia, tells the story of one of the greatest series of tax avoidance schemes in history. This book is not only an interesting read, it makes a significant contribution to our understanding of taxpayer compliance behaviour development in the highly problematic area of mass marketed tax schemes. Dr Paul Kenny, Associate Professor in Taxation Law, Flinders University, Flinders Business School
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Stalins Kommandotruppen 1941-1944
There are certain parallels between the operations Vladimir Putin initiated in the wake of the Ukraine crisis of 2014 and the approach Stalin took in the region during the Second World War. Stalin's ruthless use of scorched earth tactics, the deliberate provocation of reprisals of the occupiers against the civilian population, the destruction of their own villages, the chaotic collection of taxes in kind from the population, accompanied by everyday looting, benders, fornication and violence, fratricidal internal conflicts, the use of doping, the operational use of bacteriological weapons, and even cannibalismall this was not a random price for the massive bloodshed and no spontaneous response of the population to the brutality of the German occupation in the 1940s. These were, as Alexander Gogun shows in his historiographical investigation, planned or consciously accepted phenomena and peculiarities of Stalin's warfare tactics. A book that makes an important contribution to the historical context of the current crisis in Ukraine. Alexander Gogun has published numerous scientific works on partisan warfare, on Ukrainian nationalism, the communist secret services, as well as the foreign policy of the USSR during the Second World War. He is currently working at the Free University of Berlin. Gogun also lectured at the University of Potsdam on the history of Stalinism, the Soviet Union in World War II, and the post-Stalinist USSR. This volume was previously published by two leading publishing houses in Russia (2008, 2012) as well as in Polish (2011) and Ukrainian (2014).
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Memory is Our Home: Loss and Remembering: Three Generations in Poland and Russia 1917-1960s
"Memory is Our Home" is a powerful biographical memoir based on the diaries of Roma Talasiewicz-Eibuszyc, who was born in Warsaw before the end of World War I, grew up during the interwar period and who, after escaping the atrocities of World War II, was able to survive in the vast territories of Soviet Russia and Uzbekistan. Translated by her own daughter, interweaving her own recollections as her family made a new life in the shadows of the Holocaust in Communist Poland after the war and into the late 1960s, this book is a rich, living document, a riveting account of a vibrant young woman's courage and endurance. A forty-year recollection of love and loss, of hopes and dreams for a better world, it provides richly-textured accounts of the physical and emotional lives of Jews in Warsaw and of survival during World War II throughout Russia. This book, narrated in a compelling, unique voice through two generations, is the proverbial candle needed to keep memory alive.
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Setting Signs for Europe: Why Diacritics Matter for European Integration
More than 20 years have passed since the introduction of the Universal Character Set. However, legacy applications still cannot even render German umlauts correctly. Part of this problem is a hidden political agenda: Consciously or unconsciously, patterns of the Cold War are continued in the interaction between Western and Eastern European languages. This book examines the current use of diacritical marks in Western Europe, such as the use of names from Slavic languages in electronic data processing systems. The role of the media as multiplier receives particular attention, with most error examples taken from actual media coverage. Considering international, EU, and national law and referring to landmark court decisions, Kappenberg answers the question: 'Is there a right to diacritical marks in people's names?' This is followed by a description of current practice in several European countries. Finally, Setting Signs for Europe answers the question how in the framework of the EU's multilingualism policy, effective approaches can be created to raise awareness among software vendors, the media, government agencies, and individuals regarding the correct handling of diacritics. Kappenberg also assesses the use of diacritics as a style element and offers an improved input method for diacritics.
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Divided We Stand: Discourses on Identity in 'First' and 'Other' Serbia: Social Construction of the Self and the Other
Serbia is still widely thought of as an unfinished state, whose people struggle to establish a compelling identity narrative in answer to the question 'who are we?'. While existing literature has over-analyzed Serbian nationalism, the Serbian public sphere remains largely ignored. This engaging and timely book fills this gap by giving context to the persistent and overwhelming dialogue between opposing factions on the identity spectrum in Serbia. Russell-Omaljev's focus on elite discourses provides a fresh perspective on this contentious subject. It offers an original understanding of the competing arguments surrounding 'First' and 'Other' Serbia and of the contested visions of Serbian national identity and broader European identity. By closely examining the identity vocabulary of Serbian elites and the opposing ways in which these elites view the use of labels such as 'anti-Serbian', 'patriot', and 'traitor', this book provides a vital lesson in post-conflict nation-building and raises important questions about the symbolic representations of political and cultural identities. A much-needed and compelling intervention in the Serbian identity discourse, Russell-Omaljev's work is a must-read for any researcher on the Western Balkans.
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Beckett/Philosophy: A Collection
"This collection of essays, most of which return to or renew something of an empirical or archival approach to the issues, represents the most comprehensive analysis of Beckett's relationship to philosophy in print, how philosophical issues, conundrums, and themes play out amid narrative intricacies. The volume is thus both an astonishingly comprehensive overview and a series of detailed readings of the intersection between philosophical texts and Samuel Beckett's oeuvre, offered by a plurality of voices and bookended by an historical introduction and a thematic conclusion." - S.E.Gontarski, Journal of Beckett Studies. "This is an important contribution to ongoing attempts to understand the relationship of Beckett's work to philosophy. It breaks some new ground, and helps us to consider not only how Beckett made use of philosophy but how his own thought might be understood philosophical." - Anthony Uhlmann, University of Western Sydney.
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Falsifying Beckett: Essays on Archives, Philosophy & Methodology in Beckett Studies
The dozen essays brought together here, alongside a newly-written introduction, contextualise and exemplify the recent "empirical turn" in Beckett studies. Characterised, above all, by recourse to manuscript materials in constructing revisionist interpretations, this approach has helped to transform the study of Samuel Beckett over the past generation. In addition to focusing upon Beckett's early immersion in philosophy and psychology, other chapters similarly analyse his later collaboration with the BBC through the lens of literary history. The book thus offers new readings of Beckett by returning to his archive of notebooks, letters, and drafts. In reassessing key aspects of his development as one of the 20th century's leading artists, this collection is of interest to all students of Beckett's writing as well as "historicist" scholars and critics of modernism more generally.
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Alexander Solzhenitsyn: Cold War Icon, Gulag Author, Russian Nationalist?
Alexander Solzhenitsyn was one of the Cold War's most iconic writers. This book offers an in-depth analysis of his reception in the US, UK, and Germany before and after 1991. Elisa Kriza skilfully explores how Solzhenitsyn's work can be understood with the paradigm of witness literature and uncovers the dynamics behind the politicised reception of his writing. From the mid-1980s onwards, Solzhenitsyn's popularity dwindled -- was this for ideological reasons? What about the rumours linking him with Russian nationalism? This study does not shy away from stretching beyond anti-communism and touching more contentious subjects -- such as anti-feminism, anti-Semitism, and revisionism -- in Solzhenitsyn's work and reception. Bringing Solzhenitsyn back from his 'critical exile' and redefining his work as memory culture, Kriza's book is a crucial scholarly intervention, unveiling the mechanism that can transform a controversial figure into a moral icon.
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon The Elephant in the Room: Corruption & Cheating in Russian Universities
This book offers a long overdue account of the wide range of corruption and cheating practices in Russian higher education, including bribery, financial fraud, clientelism, plagiarism, exam cheating, and much more. Serghei Golunov ruthlessly uncovers the recent social trends that have created a favourable ground for such malpractices and evaluates the efficiency of measures taken against corruption and fraud by various actors. Although corruption and cheating are so wide-spread in most Russian universities that the real value of their diplomas is very questionable, these problems are prioritised neither by higher education managers nor by foreign actors such as partner universities, participants of the Bologna process, or the authors of global university rankings.