Search results for ""darton,longman todd ltd""
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd A Landscape of Grief: Forty reflections for the journey
‘Grief is a new landscape. The roads ahead are unfamiliar, and there are no signs to point the way. Those of us who have been there before cannot tell you the right way, but we can talk of how we found our own way, and how we kept breathing and moving in spite of ourselves in the hope it might bring you some peace. Step by step. Day by day.’ A Landscape of Grief presents, as daily readings, excerpts from a diary kept by inspirational artist and writer Jenny Hawke in the days, weeks and months following the death of her husband Peter. The written reflections are combined with a selection of Jenny’s beautiful paintings to help as you navigate your own journey through grief. This book will also help those who want to support others who are grieving.
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd The Philosophers' Daughters: Two young peoples’ big questions answered by leading philosophers, scientists, educators and religious thinkers from around the world
Why care for the weak and vulnerable if survival is all that matters? Why are people so concerned with fashions and the labels on clothes? Isn’t religion just a matter of being conditioned by your parents? How do we explain the Big Bang? What is love? Philosopher and theologian Dr Peter Vardy has collected 54 of the best questions about life asked by his young daughters Petra and Thora, attempted to answer them himself and gathered additional answers from leading figures in a variety of fields from across the world. The Philosophers’ Daughters is illustrated by Rabbi Dan Cohn-Sherbok.
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd A Pleasant Year with Father Brown: 365 daily readings in the company of G.K. Chesterton's priest detective
Father Brown, the fictional priest detective created by novelist G. K. Chesterton, is one of English literature’s most compelling characters. In 53 short stories, published between 1910 and 1936, Chesterton’s crime-solving cleric demonstrated a unique combination of humility and humour, razor-sharp sharp intellect, and devout Christian faith. This skilfully-curated devotional volume collects 365 episodes from the adventures of Father Brown, rich with the integrity, wit and deep spiritual wisdom of Chesterton’s cherished creation. Each extract is short enough to be read in a daily sitting, and is accompanied by an appropriate passage from the Bible and a prayer to aid personal reflection. The collection can be started at any point during the year, and will become a much-loved companion through your days, months and seasons.
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd A Place For Us: A Lent course based on West Side Story
A Place for Us is an original Lent course based on the recent film production of West Side Story directed by Steven Spielberg and featuring the songs of Stephen Sondheim and Leonard Bernstein. Through study and discussion of key scenes from the movie, related to Lent passages from scripture, Lavinia Byrne and Jane McBride help us to reflect on fear, love, betrayal, death, and reconciliation. The course is based on five weekly sessions exploring the following themes: Belonging Otherness and Difference The Gift of Love The Promise of a Place for Us The Tragedy of Betrayal For each session, preparatory material including a Gospel reading is provided for the reader to reflect on the themes before meeting with a study group. Resources are then offered for the group, including a suggested film clip, discussion points and questions, exercises, a Psalm, and a poem by Phil Lane.
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd 40 Days With Labyrinths: Spiritual reflections with labyrinths to 'walk', colour or decorate
Labyrinths have been a treasured part of Christian spirituality for centuries. The journey along a winding path, with twists and turns, unexpected obstacles, and the satisfaction of reaching journey's end, creates an ideal opportunity for mindful and prayerful reflection upon our lives and God's plan for us. In this book, Fay Rowland presents a brilliant modern take on Bible study and labyrinth-walking. She offers forty short, biblical meditations on the challenges and blessings of daily life, each accompanied by a labyrinth illustration which you can 'walk' - just with your finger, or perhaps with colouring pens or pencils - as you reflect on the reading. As in life, some of the labyrinth journeys are simple, while others present a more complicated path! 40 Days with Labyrinths is ideal for personal reflection during Lent or at any other time of year.
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd Asceticism and the Eucharist: Exploring Orthodox Spirituality with Metropolitan John Zizioulas
Guided by the teachings of celebrated Orthodox theologian Metropolitan John Zizioulas, this outstanding volume by Maxym Lysack demonstrates the twin importance to Orthodox spiritual theology of asceticism (usually practised as a personal discipline) and the Eucharist (the corporate celebration that makes us one with God as Church), and also the essential complementarity of the two approaches.
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd My Theology: Walking with Jesus in Strange Places
John Swinton argues that theologians' own stories inevitably matter in relation to the study of the divine. It follows that Swinton describes his place of formation walking alongside people living with intellectual disabilities, mental health challenges and dementia, and how it has gifted him with the opportunity to ask different questions of the tradition; questions that emerge from the lives of people who see the world differently. That learning has shaped him as a theologian and raised some crucial questions around the nature of faithfulness, discipleship and the question of exactly what kind of community the church is and should be in both theory and in practice - one, Swinton hopes, that can encourage Christians to begin to appreciate even more deeply the goodness, kindness and love of God for all human beings.
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd My Theology: The Word within the words
My Theology: The world’s leading Christian thinkers explain some of the principal tenets of their theological beliefs. The Word within the words is a Poet’s Credo, in which Malcolm Guite describes how his Christian faith informs and underpins his poetry, and in turn how poetry itself, and more widely the poetic imagination, helps him to understand and interpret his faith. Illustrating his account with personal stories and poetry – both his own and classics from the canon – Guite explains a guiding theology of Christ as the Word, the essential logos that underlies all things, made flesh for us in Jesus. He then demonstrates how Scripture, Liturgy and Sacrament can each be understood as a poetry capable of transfiguring our vision and transforming our lives.
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd The Revised New Jerusalem Bible: Reader's Edition - DAY
A Reader's edition of the Revised New Jerusalem Bible (RNJB) - a Bible for study and proclamation.The text of the Revised New Jerusalem Bible and the accompanying footnotes have been granted the Nihil Obstat and Imprimatur of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales, declaring that they are considered to be free from doctrinal or moral error.This exciting text presents anew the scholarship, character and clarity of the 1966 Jerusalem Bible (the first modern English version) and the 1985 New Jerusalem Bible. The RNJB prioritises accuracy of translation and richness of tone, capturing the rigour and poetry of the original JB for new generations.This volume contains the entire biblical text with introductions by Revd Henry Wansbrough OSB to every book.Other features include: A clear, easy-to-read typeface and original setting. Two-column format for prose dominant books and single column format for poetry dominant books. Formal equivalence: accurate translation of the language, concepts and imagery of the original scriptures.A 'Clear read' style that uses linguistic style and speech patterns best suited for being read out loud. Gender inclusion: remains faithful to the meaning of the original scriptures while avoiding the traditional male bias of the English language.
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd The Revised New Jerusalem Bible: Reader's Edition
A Reader's edition of the Revised New Jerusalem Bible (RNJB) - a Bible for study and proclamation.The text of the Revised New Jerusalem Bible and the accompanying footnotes have been granted the Nihil Obstat and Imprimatur of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales, declaring that they are considered to be free from doctrinal or moral error.This exciting text presents anew the scholarship, character and clarity of the 1966 Jerusalem Bible (the first modern English version) and the 1985 New Jerusalem Bible. The RNJB prioritises accuracy of translation and richness of tone, capturing the rigour and poetry of the original JB for new generations.This volume contains the entire biblical text with introductions by Revd Henry Wansbrough OSB to every book.Other features include:A clear, easy-to-read typeface and original setting.Two-column format for prose dominant books and single column format for poetry dominant books.Formal equivalence: accurate translation of the language, concepts and imagery of the original scriptures.A 'Clear read' style that uses linguistic style and speech patterns best suited for being read out loud.Gender inclusion: remains faithful to the meaning of the original scriptures while avoiding the traditional male bias of the English language.
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd In Search of a Way: The Pocket Library of Spritual Wisdom
What is the meaning of Christian faith? What is the Church? What does it mean to be a Christian, a Jesuit? After living with these questions for seven years, Gerard W. Hughes was given a year off for study and began with two weeks on a desert island followed by a ten week walk to Rome. The author of God of Surprises writes with great candour about his own inner journey and his walk to Rome: the 'outer' journey which helped to focus and clarify many of his spiritual perceptions. This is the revised edition of a book which will make you reflect deeply and laugh aloud; a unique blend of spiritual perception and hard-headed worldly wisdom.
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd Living Prayer: The Pocket Library of Spiritual Wisdom
There are few writers on prayer who speak with more authority than Metropolitan Anthony. In this book we can share his spirituality and his deep understanding of the link between contemplation and action in Christian life. He explores the relationship between worship and prayer, and goes on to look at well-known prayers such as the Lord’s Prayer, revealing new depths in familiar phrases. He also reflects on less familiar petitions such as the Prayer of Bartimaeus, and many people will find his teaching on unanswered prayers particularly helpful.
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd Seven Last Words: The Pocket Library of Spiritual Wisdom
Seven Last Words presents former Archbishop of Westminster Cardinal Basil Hume’s moving reflections on the final utterances of Jesus on the Cross. It was collated and edited by Cardinal Hume’s friend and literary executor, Fr Liam Kelly. The Pocket Library of Spiritual Wisdom comprises some of the very best Christian writing published by Darton, Longman and Todd since its foundation in 1959.
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd Things That Make For Peace: A Christian peacemaker in a world of war
Drawing on the experiences and lessons of over forty years working on the frontline of reconciliation and peace building, in Northern Ireland, Latin America, Africa and the Middle East, Peter B. Price explores what it means to respond to the biblical call to `seek peace … and pursue it’ (Psalm 34:14). What is required of Christians today in the light of the increasing number of wars, insurgencies, holocausts and genocide, is a deeper understanding of what true peace making costs, and an answer to the question: `Can Christianity continue to sanction war?’
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd Why Study the Past? (new edition): The Quest for the Historical Church
The old saying about being condemned to repeat the history we don’t know applies to Church history as much as to anything else. But we are often at a loss to know how to approach it. Much of what passed once for Church history was propagandist; and much of the best now written is brilliantly done but apparently detached from the Church’s present needs. We need a theological approach to Church history but not one that is just partisan. In seeking to explore this need, Rowan Williams offers some reflection on how we think about the past in general – a complex issue in today’s culture. Emerging from this is a sense of the importance of Church history as something that deepens our present thinking and obliges us to think with more varied and resourceful analogies about our present problems.
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd Theologygrams: Theology Explained in Diagrams
Theologygrams is a brilliant introduction to theology presented in the form of easy-to-understand diagrams. Rich Wyld's runs the popular Theologygrams blog, and here presents 100 original diagrams - in full colour - for the non-specialist reader. Some diagrams come with a small piece of descriptive text to help explain the theological concept. Clever, cheeky and genuinely instructive, Theologygrams will be loved by non-academics, plus students and tutors in-the-know!
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd Ethnicity: The Inclusive Church Resource
Ethnicity: The Inclusive Church Resource is written to help your own church to be equipped to welcome all people regardless of their ethnicity. It contains stories of different people's experiences of issues related to ethnicity, a Theology of Ethnicity by Michael Jagessar and a resource section containing addresses, websites and practical advice. Other books in the Inclusive Church Resource series include Gender, Mental Health, Disability, Sexuality and Poverty.
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd The Things You Do That Mess You Up: And How to Stop Doing Them
These amazing little books are potential life-savers. Using simple text and bold design, each book meets the reader at a point of low mood or unhelpful thinking, and guides them through rational thought processes to a more positive mood and a healthier outlook on life. Based on CBT, which aims to change patterns of thinking or behaviour that are behind people’s difficulties and so change the way they feel (and currently the subject of major government investment), Pick Me Ups can enable readers to feel happier, to sleep better, to do more and to feel more confident. A royalty from each sale goes to Anxiety UK.
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd The Helmsley Chronicles: A diary celebrating rural and church life … a remedy for the uncertainties of the modern world
Before becoming the Assistant Bishop of Llandaff, David Wilbourne was vicar of Helmsley, a market town nestling on the southern slopes of the North York Moors. For twelve years he wrote a regular diary column in the Church Times, delighting its readers with his quirky tales of ministry in Helmsley. The Helmsley Chronicles collects the best of David s diaries, substantially edited and bolstered with new material. Gently celebrating rural and church life, it is a wonderful foil to all the uncertainties and insecurities of the modern world and church in a style both humorous and poignant that will delight readers of Yorkshire diarists such as James Herriot and Gervase Phinn.
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd 10 Second Sermons: ... and even quicker illustrations
‘Christianity is like a Cornish pastie. There’s something in it, but sometimes it’s difficult to find out what it is.’ Award-winning comedian Milton Jones dissects the great pastie of faith with some short, sharp one-liners about God, the Church and being a Christian – all designed to make us think about what we believe from a completely different perspective. Includes Milton’s own cartoons!
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd The New Atheists: The Twilight of Reason and the War on Religion
From its gradual decline during the latter part of the twentieth century, religion has been catapulted back into public consciousness, not least by acts of violence, extremism and various forms of fundamentalism.In this lively and surprising contribution to the debate the leading feminist theologian, Tina Beattie, argues that the threat of religious fanaticism is mirrored by a no less virulent and ignorant secular fanaticism which has taken hold of the intellectual classes. Its High Priest is Richard Dawkins, author of "The God Delusion", but its disciples and acolytes include significant opinion formers and commentators such as A C Grayling and Christopher Hitchens, the journalist Polly Toynbee and the novelists Martin Amis and Ian McEwan. "The New Atheists" calls for a more reasoned and creative dialogue between believers and non-believers about questions which impinge deeply on all our lives, and will intrigue every open-minded reader, believer or non-believer.
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd Community and Growth
Community and Growth is a series of starting points for reflection on the nature and meaning of community.
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd The Way of the Paradox: Spiritual Life As Taught By Meister Eckhart
Recognised as the most authoritative and easily accessible introduction to Meister Eckhart in the English language.
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd Catholic Prayer Book
A treasury of Catholic worship from ancient times to the present day.
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd To Live Again: An Advent Journey using the Christmas Classic, It’s a Wonderful Life
Just as Christmas can promise so much and often deliver so little, our own lives can seem bittersweet when we consider dreams we may have had that never came to pass. But, as George Bailey discovered in the classic Christmas movie It’s a Wonderful Life, it is never too late to re-evaluate our lives, to find so much to be thankful for, and to live again. This can also be a time to discover new hope in our relationship with God. To Live Again is an original Advent course based on, and inspired by, It’s a Wonderful Life. In four weekly study sessions, structured around key scenes from the film, it explores the following themes: • Hopes and Dreams • When Life Doesn’t Go Our Way • In the Dark Times • The Right Perspective Each section includes timing references for watching scenes from the movie on a DVD, questions for discussion in groups or for private reflection, activities and suggested prayers.
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd Paths in the Snow: A literary journey through The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
** This title will be released on Monday, October 30th but is available for pre-order now ** A superbly rich and engrossing exploration of C.S. Lewis’ The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Paths in the Snow traces the literary allusions and echoes to be found in this beloved novel, drawing the reader deeper into the magic and meaning of Narnia. From Dante to The Wind in the Willows, and from medieval dream poetry to Dorothy L. Sayers, Paths in the Snow uncovers the literary connections which criss-cross Narnia. Stories, myth and literature played a central role in Lewis’ personal life and religious imagination: he was a professor of literature who came back to faith by seeing the Christian story as a “true myth” created by God. Untangling the fascinating network of literary allusions and sources in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe helps to bring Lewis’ vision into focus. This study also examines the time in which the first Narnia book was written, shedding light on its historical and cultural context, and how these shaped its meaning for its first readers. Paths in the Snow reveals why the Pevensie children are always shaking hands with each other and what a wartime recipe for whalemeat fritters can tell us about Narnian food. The book proceeds chapter by chapter through The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, making it ideal for reading groups or study sessions. It also provides an opportunity for readers to branch off into their own journey through the literary and theological sources which stocked Lewis’ mind. The perfect gift for any Narnian, and a valuable resource for groups, Paths in the Snow will appeal to all fans of C.S. Lewis’ work, and enable anyone to stand at the wardrobe door, and go further in.
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd At The Gates: Disability, Justice and the Churches
Based on extensive research, Naomi Lawson Jacobs and Emily Richardson have collected prophetic and transformative narratives of experience, shared directly by disabled people who have rarely been enabled to speak in Christian books about disability. By centering disabled Christians’ own stories, this book calls for churches to move from a care-based approach to disability, to one that is focused on justice, equality and access to churches for disabled Christians.
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd 50 Lessons in Ministry: Reflections after fifty years of ministry
Paul Beasley-Murray, one of the most respected Christian ministers of the last fifty years, offers fifty succinct reflections on all aspects of ministry, including pastoring, preaching, evangelism, prayer, growth, worship, family, personal care and relationships. This is essential, foundational reading for clergy of all denominations and of all levels of experience.
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd Encounters: Jesus, connection and story: past, present and future
Through reflections on encounters between Jesus and those he met, as described in the gospels, and significant encounters with people and places in her personal journey with God, Bishop Rachel Treweek encourages us to make new connections in our own story and to contemplate the God of encounter. Each chapter of this carefully-crafted book ends with a prayer and a space for you to journal your own reflections.
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd A Great Place to Grow Old: Reimagining Ministry Among Older People
We live in a time of increasing numbers of older people, and the Church is ageing even faster than the world around us. Yet few churches have a strategic plan for seniors’ ministry. Zechariah 8:4–5 tells us that the Church should be a great place to grow old, as well as a great place to grow up, and Tina English has written this book to show us how we can make it so. A Great Place to Grow Old offers advice and resources to help individuals and churches reach out effectively to the older people in their communities, to visit and support seniors in local care homes, and come alongside those living with dementia and their carers. It is full of inspiring stories of lives impacted by successful ministry among seniors, practical advice and guidance for churches both with and without premises for hosting work with seniors, and teaching with an underlying biblical foundation of what it means to be human, and God’s heart for people of all ages.
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd Waiting on the Word: Preaching sermons that connect people with God
Waiting on the Word is an exploration of the gift of preaching and of becoming an effective communicator – someone who is able to connect with people’s innate desire for God. In an age of soundbites and information overload, Lorraine Cavanagh believes that we can lose sight of God’s real work in the world. Through waiting on the Word that abides in the preacher’s own heart, and in the hearts of the people, the preacher can learn to speak the deep truth which comes with knowing God and which will teach and inspire. This unique book also gives practical advice for dealing with conflicting emotions, resistance and passive aggression, as well as for improving voice projection and the confident use of space.
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd Our Witness: The unheard stories of LGBT+ Christians
‘I have met thousands of LGBT+ Christians around the world, and have witnessed the work of the Holy Spirit moving through them in the most profound ways. I have been blown away by how many Christian leaders have reached out to tell me that they too have felt the Spirit of God nudging them to step forward and embrace LGBT+ people as faithful members of Christ’s Church. I have watched as societies around the world have stepped closer and closer to affirming and embracing LGBT+ people as equal and essential parts of their communities. And I have seen true revival breaking forth in the midst of LGBT+ Christian communities.’ In Our Witness, Brandan Robertson has collected the powerful testimonies and experiences of LGBT+ Christians living in active and influential faith today. Some have faced rejection and marginalisation from parts of the Church; some have found fulfilment and blessing through reconciliation of their faith and their sexuality within the Church; and some bear witness to the great and fruitful revival that the Holy Spirit is bringing about through the lives of the LGBT+ Christian community. These are stories of faith, hope, love and life, and testimony to a wonderful new work of God in our world today. This unique DLT edition includes a number of stories of LGBT+ Christians from the UK and Ireland.
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd Reclaiming the Common Good: How Christians can help re-build our broken world
After decades of political consensus, we are entering a time in which everything about the way we live today, and about how our society and communities are structured, is up for discussion. Many people are feeling empowered to ask: What kind of world do we want to live in? One that works for a few, or one that works for the common good? What part can Christians play in building a future of hope, peace, equality and justice? Reclaiming the Common Good is a collection of essays which consider these themes. Beginning with an explanation of the history and meaning of the term ‘common good’, it explores how the sense of working for this ideal has been lost. Focussing, biblically, on issues such as welfare, austerity, migration, environment, peace and justice, it provides a compellingly fresh and insightful analysis on the state of the world today, and offers a realistic vision of how it could be better. This vision is rooted in the idea of a new heaven, a new earth, and a new Jerusalem, as suggested in the book of Revelation. This collection has been compiled and edited by Virginia Moffatt, a writer, community activist and former Chief Operating Officer of the belief and values think-tank, Ekklesia. Its other contributors are: Dr Patrick Riordan SJ, John Moffatt SJ, Simon Barrow, Bernadette Meaden, Dr Simon Duffy, Rev. Vaughan Jones, Savitri Hensman , Ellen Teague, Edward P. Echlin, Henrietta Cullinan, Susan Clarkson and Rev. Dr Simon Woodman.
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd Basil in Blunderland
Arising out of a game of 'hide and seek' played with two young children, Cardinal Basil Hume made each hiding place a setting for a discovery of something new about the spiritual life. He chose the title because, as he put it, 'my spiritual life is more a wandering in Blunderland than resting and relaxing in Wonderland. I would guess that most of us would say the same. What matters, however, is that minds and hearts should be involved in the search for God, where the seeking and the finding go hand in hand.' This is one of the best loved religious books, enchanting young and old, believer and sceptic.
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd Lord, Have Mercy: The Healing Power of Confession
Brings a deep understanding of the scriptural roots of the Church's teaching and a new verve and freshness of language to the subject of confession.
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd Forgetful Heart: Remembering God in a Distracted World
We live in a world full of distractions, where lack of time and the pressures of daily living contribute to our spiritual lives becoming sometimes treated with less priority, sometimes forgotten altogether. This is a book for the forgetful-hearted; those who frequently forget God in their lives, even when they desperately want to remember him. Lucy Mills asks what it means to remember God? Here she suggests that it is about more than simply ‘knowing’ things – it is about how we live. Forgetful Heart is a beautifully-written book, full of personal testimony, biblical reflection and practical challenges and advice.
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd Beyond the Face
Brilliantly explores how portraits can help us relate to other people in an intentional and expectant way* Written in an accessible manner, this is a book that will deepen our empathy for friends and strangers* Uses a three-step method of noticing, responding, and reflecting to help us recognise ourselves and others in portraits* I found the approach of this book to be transformational in my own spiritual journey'' ~ Dr Anne Moseley, Faculty member, Oxford Centre for Mission StudiesOur lives are made up of a complex web of relationships with those we initially get to know through their face. The quality of these relationships influences what we believe and value, and how we think and behave. Focussing on the human face, Stephen Girling explores how portraits can help us relate to other people in a new way. Outlining a three-step method of noticing, responding, and reflecting, he gives the reader a tool with which we can go beyond the face in a portrait to see something of the eternal'
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd Being a Preacher
An essential guide book for preachers, focusing not on why we preach, nor what we preach, but on how to live and serve as a preacher* For preachers and those wanting to become preachers alike* Full of practical advice and spiritual inspirationMaybe you're considering becoming a preacher? You have things you want to say, and ways you want to serve. But could you do it? Should' you do it?How can you tell if it's a Call? Maybe you want to preach and dread it. Or perhaps you're someone who has preached for decades. You want to break free from tired, tiring thought patterns? You have joy inside, which doesn't show up in your preaching? Or are you're bored by already knowing what you're going to say next week? Perhaps you want to find the Bible new' again. Being a preacher is not merely the task of developing and delivering a message. It is about who you are how you live and serve, your presence among those to whom you preach. This book is about the mindful things and the practical things
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd The Soul's Pilgrimage - Volume 1: From Advent to Pentecost: The Theology of the Christian Year: The Sermons of Robert Crouse
This rich volume collects 47 sermons by the late priest and theologian Father Robert D. Crouse – one of the finest contemplative theological minds of our age. They are arranged to follow the principal celebrations of the ancient Christian Year – from Advent to Pentecost, while a second, companion volume (The Soul’s Pilgrimage Volume II: The Descent of the Dove and the Spiritual Life) completes the year – so they can be read in step with the liturgical seasons. A Preface by former Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams highlights some of the connecting threads of the sermons – in particular the theme of Divine Friendship offered by the Gospel. The inspired clarity of these sermons brings to life the perennial truth of the Church year as a path of holiness for all believers. This is a volume for those who want to enter into the pattern of spiritual growth and nourishment that the Christian year has always made available but is here renewed for our time.
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd Christ and the Chocolaterie: A Lent Course (New Edition for 2024)
Christ and the Chocolaterie is an original, innovative Lent course written by Hilary Brand for small groups or individuals, inspired by the film Chocolat starring Juliette Binoche. It suggests clips from the film, group discussion questions, exercises and meditations, and relevant Bible passages for a powerful aid to Lenten reflection. It also includes appendices on the curious history of chocolate, the unfair economics of chocolate and ideas for a chocolate feast. Twenty-one years since it was first published, Hilary has updated the course for this new edition, which still has so much to inspire those who read and discuss it, on what it means to be human and the power of change.
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd God Save The King: The Sacred Nature of the Monarchy
As Charles III is crowned King of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth, and Defender of the Faith, this timely book explains the Christian symbolism of the coronation, and the unique significance of Christian monarchy in the history of the British Isles. God Save the King explores the theme of sacred kingship, its origins in primal religion, its central role in both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible and its representation in modern popular culture. The book also analyses the particular relationship in the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth between sovereign and church, the monarch’s traditional roles as protector of Protestantism and Defender of the Faith, and how these are being reinterpreted in the context of a multi-faith and multi-cultural Britain. With the inclusion of fascinating details of sacred engagements in the annual royal calendar and little-known rituals, this book represents a celebration and an exploration of sacred monarchy as it has been understood and practised over the centuries and of its continuing relevance today. This is an indispensable and essential guide to the history, structure and symbolism of the coronation service, including lively anecdotes about things that have gone wrong in past ceremonies. It will provide the perfect companion for all who wish to understand the significance and symbolism of what will happen on 6 May.
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd Beauty and Meaning: The T. S. Eliot Lectures of the Most Reverend Anthony Bloom
Beauty and Meaning publishes, for the first time, the sixteenth T. S. Eliot Memorial Lectures, written and delivered by The Most Reverend Metropolitan Anthony Bloom at the University of Kent, Canterbury, United Kingdom, on consecutive evenings from the 1st to the 4th of November 1982. The first lecture addresses Meaning, and the ways we relate to things only insofar as they mean something to us. In the second and third lectures, Metropolitan Anthony discusses Beauty and its moral characteristics. The fourth lecture considers Ugliness, its significance and creative potential. These remarkable texts recall the profound spiritual wisdom, the wit and the compassion, of one of the twentieth century’s greatest writers and broadcasters on the Christian life. The book is enhanced with a Foreword by former Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, and helpful footnotes by the collection’s editor, James Heywood.
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd Crossroad: A Pilgrimage of Unknowing
‘We are all on a journey. None of us knows where ours will take us, and when we do, and it is over, we will not be able to tell anyone what it all meant, or where it took us. This is the goal of our pilgrimage, a journey of unknowing, where what we thought we knew turns out to have been a shadow of a something leading us ever forward, ever deeper. ‘Crossroad is a story that cannot be finished yet; a story of journeys, mostly on foot, through places that in this present resonate with the lives lived in them in their long past: a shingle beach in Norfolk, a river in Cambridgeshire, a hill in what was Westmorland and an island in present Cumbria, a cave on an island in ancient Dalriata, in Iona, and Lindisfarne.’ ~ In this beautifully-written book, Charles Moseley invites you to share with him many journeys, each in their way a kind of pilgrim quest. You can read them as a guide for you to follow, literally, in his footsteps – to Iona, Lindisfarne, Walsingham, Aran. Or you can walk alongside him in the spirit of faltering honesty, wry humour, spiritual questing, and the ever-present appreciation of landscape, ancient resonances, a tasty sandwich, a pair of good boots and a trusty stick.
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd Sheltering Saints: Living with the homeless
God give me a beautiful home. That is what a child wrote, having just learned about the work of St George’s Crypt, which looks after the people of Leeds who don’t have any home, let alone a beautiful one. They come to the Crypt when there is nowhere left to go, no one else to turn to. Like more than a third of his colleagues, Roger Quick first came to the Crypt in need of help himself. Decades later he came back as its chaplain, and every day since then he has been moved by the courage and insight, borne of great suffering, shown by those who still pass through its doors. In Sheltering Saints he tells their stories, full of tears and laughter, pain and compassion.
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd My Theology: An Evolving God, An Evolving Purpose, An Evolving World
The God that we were brought up on is not big enough to be God. To be both religious and spiritual, modernity must be able to absorb the notion of a cosmic and evolving God. This notion redefines the place and purpose of humanity itself. The old notions of who is in charge, who is superior and whose theology is paramount is in a state of flux. Unless, or until, this new vision comes into play, directs our hearts, guides our business, underlies our technology, the world itself is not ready to understand or survive the horizon of Newness on which it stands.
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd My Theology: Duppy Conqueror
My Theology: The world’s leading Christian thinkers explain some of the principal tenets of their theological beliefs. ‘How can people racialised as black conceive God, Jesus, and the Spirit within contemporary concrete social and political worlds?’ asks pioneering black theologian and broadcaster Robert Beckford. ‘What would facilitate a radical theology committed to confronting racialised injustice, social inequality and environmental degradation?’ In Duppy Conqueror Beckford explains how he has recontextualised African-American black and womanist theologies of liberation to answer these questions for second and third-generation black British. His methodologies have included a correlation of linguistic concepts from black cultural history and urban life with theological concepts, and the inscription of black theology onto documentary filmmaking and contemporary gospel music.
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd My Theology: The Primacy of Love
My Theology: The world’s leading Christian thinkers explain some of the principal tenets of their theological beliefs. ‘What do we live for? This is the question many of us ask at the end of a very long day, especially in the conflicted moments of life,’ writes Ilia Delio. ‘My answer is simple: we live to love. If we doubt love, we doubt our own existence.’ In this compelling book Delio explores the metaphysics of love at the centre of her theological thinking. From the cosmological to the theological dimensions of existence, she shows love to be the irresistible force of attraction that leads straight into the heart of God.
Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd Edgewise?: Experiences of some Anglican lay women
Three decades after the decision to allow the ordination of women to the priesthood, nine lay women in the Church of England have written their thoughts on what it means to be committed to being 'lay' in the contemporary church and world. For more than twenty years the writers have been part of an Anglican lay women's group, meeting, sharing and reflecting together. Edgewise? collects their individual perspectives on being a lay woman in the church since the opportunity for ordination became a reality, with some threads and themes in common and others unique. The result is a fascinating, thoughtful snapshot of several lives and diverse experiences which presents rich material for reflection by all in the twenty-first-century Church of England and beyond.