Search results for ""crown house publishing""
Crown House Publishing Imperfect Leadership: A book for leaders who know they don't know it all
In Imperfect Leadership: A book for leaders who know they don't know it all, Steve Munby eloquently reflects upon and describes a leadership approach that is strong on self-awareness and positive about the importance of asking for help. Foreword by Michael Fullan. When asked to describe his own leadership style, Steve uses the word 'imperfect'. This is not something he apologises for; he feels imperfect leadership should be celebrated. Too often we are given examples of leaders who are put on some kind of pedestal, lauded as superheroes who have it all worked out and are so good at what they do that nobody else can come close. This book is the antidote to that flawed perception. Imperfect Leadership is an honest reflection upon leadership. It is about Steve's journey, covering his highs and lows and, ultimately, how he learned to refine and improve his leadership. It is about messy, trial-and-error, butterflies-in-the-stomach leadership and about thoughtful and invitational leadership- and the positive impact it can have. At the heart of the book are edited highlights of the 12 keynote speeches delivered to increasingly large audiences of school leaders between 2005 and 2017. These speeches, delivered at the Seizing Success and Inspiring Leadership conferences, form the structure around which Steve's story and insights are wrapped. Steve's account covers some fundamental shifts in the English education system over this 12-year period and describes how school leaders altered their leadership as this context changed. Furthermore, it delves into how his own leadership developed as his personal context changed, and explores how the notion that a leader needs to be good at all aspects of leadership is not only unrealistic, but is also bad for the mental and physical health of leaders and will do nothing to attract new people into leadership positions. Ultimately, Steve hopes that as you read this book you will see the value of imperfect leadership and of the positive impact it can make. For those reading it who have yet to step up into leadership, his sincere wish is that it will encourage and empower aspirational leaders rather than discourage them. Suitable for all those in or aspiring to leadership positions in education.
Crown House Publishing Making Every Geography Lesson Count: Six principles to support great geography teaching
Making Every Geography Lesson Count maps out the key elements of effective geography teaching and shows teachers how to develop students’ grasp of the subject over time. Mark Enser’s all-encompassing yet concise addition to Shaun Allison and Andy Tharby’s award-winning Making Every Lesson Count series is underpinned by the six pedagogical principles which are common to all the books in the series – challenge, explanation, modelling, practice, feedback and questioning – and provides simple, realistic strategies that geography teachers can use to develop teaching and learning in their classroom. Written for new and experienced geography teachers alike, Making Every Geography Lesson Count provides effective strategies which will enable teachers to bring the six principles to life, with each chapter concluding with a series of questions that will inspire reflective thought and help teachers relate the content to their own classroom practice. Part of the Making Every Lesson Count series. The award-winning title Making Every Lesson Count has now inspired a whole series of books. Each of the books in the series are held together by six pedagogical principles – challenge, explanation, modelling, practice, feedback and questioning – and provide simple, realistic classroom strategies that teachers can use to develop the teaching and learning in their classroom.
Crown House Publishing Powering Up Students: The Learning Power Approach to high school teaching
Guy Claxton and Graham Powell's Powering Up Students details the small tweaks to daily practice that will help secondary school teachers attend more closely to the ways in which they can boost their students' learning dispositions and attitudes. The Learning Power Approach (LPA) is a pedagogical formula which aims to develop all students as confident and capable learners - ready, willing and able to choose, design, research, pursue, troubleshoot and evaluate learning for themselves, alone and with others, in school and out. This approach therefore empowers teachers to complement their delivery of content, knowledge and skills with the nurturing of positive habits of mind that will better prepare students to flourish in later life. Building upon the foundations carefully laid by Guy's first book in the Learning Power series, The Learning Power Approach, this new instalment embeds the ideas of his influential method in the context of the secondary school. Guy and Graham provide a thorough explanation of how the LPA's core components apply to this level of education and, by presenting a wide range of classroom examples, illustrate how they can be put into practice in different curricular areas - focusing especially on embedding the learning dispositions into learners' tackling of more demanding content, while emphasising the need to `get the grades' as well. Suitable for both newly qualified and experienced secondary school teachers.
Crown House Publishing Eduqas GCSE Revision Guide French
This revision guide has been designed by examiners and experienced teachers to serve as a preparatory resource for students studying Eduqas GCSE French and to provide them with useful insights into what to expect in their speaking, listening, reading and writing exams. The guide covers the reformed Eduqas GCSE French qualification for England – taught from 2016 and awarded for the first time in 2018 – and is suitable for both Foundation and Higher tier candidates. Containing sample exam-style questions throughout, it offers engaging content relevant to the Eduqas themes and sub-themes and will support all students in getting to grips with the material they need to know in order to pass their GCSE. Features include: detailed, step-by-step information on each exam’s format, with useful advice, tips and techniques to help students prepare for every aspect guidance on how to navigate the role play, photo card and conversation elements of the speaking exam examples of the kinds of rubrics, instructions, prompts and questions that students can expect in the exam – in a mix of English and French, as they will be on the day translations of keywords and useful phrases for each topic a variety of reading and writing tasks, with answers provided at the back of the book a review of the key grammar points, including practice exercises as well as a grammar glossary with verb tables
Crown House Publishing My Child's Different: How positive parenting can unlock potential in children with ADHD and dyslexia
Elaine Halligan's My Child's Different: The lessons learned from one family's struggle to unlock their son's potential explores the enabling role that parents can play in bringing the best out of children who are seen as `different' or `difficult'. Foreword by Dr Laura Markham. Society favours children, and adults, who conform. The notion that our children may be shunned for being `different' breaks our hearts, but there is plenty we can do to help such children develop into thriving, resilient adults. In My Child's Different Elaine shares the true story of her son Sam, who by the age of seven had been excluded from three schools and was later labelled with a whole host of conditions - ranging from autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) to pathological demand avoidance (PDA), before finally being diagnosed with dyslexia. He had become `the Alphabet Kid'. His family never gave up on him, however ... Drawing lessons from Sam's transformational journey from difficult child to budding entrepreneur, My Child's Different offers encouragement to parents who may be concerned about what the future might hold, and demonstrates how - with the right support and positive parenting skills - their children can grow up to surprise and delight them. The book chronicles Sam's journey from birth to adulthood, allowing readers to spot past and present patterns that may be comparable with their own children's experiences, and provides pragmatic parenting advice that will be of benefit to any parent whose children - who may or may not have a diagnosed learning difficulty - struggle with life educationally or socially. Elaine writes with warmth and compassion as she revisits the challenges faced, the obstacles overcome and the key interventions that helped instil in Sam a sense of self-belief, a drive to succeed and an emotional intelligence beyond his years. Interspersed throughout the narrative are the reflections and insights of parenting expert Melissa Hood, who illustrates the key concepts from Sam's story and shares practical positive parenting techniques to help parents better connect with their children. Also included are contributions from Sam himself - providing an additional, uniquely rich perspective that will help deepen parents' understanding of their children's feelings and emotions. Suitable for parents, educators and anyone who works with children, My Child's Different is a celebration of all the unique qualities that those who are different bring to society.
Crown House Publishing The GCSE Mindset Student Workbook: 40 activities for transforming commitment, motivation and productivity
A practical workbook of activities designed to supercharge GCSE students’ resilience, positivity, organisation and determination. Successful students approach their studies with the right behaviours, skills and attitudes: they understand how to learn and revise effectively, they’re determined and organised, they give more discretionary effort and they get top results. Success at GCSE is a result of character, not intelligence. The GCSE Mindset Student Workbook offers students a structured way to work through the 40 activities in Steve Oakes and Martin Griffin’s The GCSE Mindset (ISBN 978-178583184-3). It coaches students to develop the key characteristics which will help them be successful at GCSE: vision, effort, systems, practice and attitude (VESPA). Based on the authors’ collective 30-plus years of teaching and coaching, this practical workbook will enable students to break through barriers, build resilience, better manage their workload and release their potential. While categorised thematically under the VESPA umbrella, the activities have been sequenced chronologically by month in order to chart the student’s journey through the academic year and to help navigate the psychological terrain ahead. Each activity has been designed with a pupil audience in mind, takes 15 to 20 minutes to complete, and allows space for students to record and reflect on their answers and to organise their thinking. Sold in packs of 25, the workbook sets are ideally suited for GCSE teachers and tutors who want their classes to benefit from the GCSE mindset and are using The GCSE Mindset.
Crown House Publishing Making Every Primary Lesson Count: Six principles to support great teaching and learning
In Making Every Primary Lesson Count: Six Principles to Support Great Teaching and Learning, full-time primary teachers Jo Payne and Mel Scott share evidence-informed practice and gimmick-free advice for ensuring that every lesson makes a difference for young learners. Writing in the engaging style of Shaun Allison and Andy Tharby's award-winning Making Every Lesson Count, the book is underpinned by six pedagogical principles - challenge, explanation, modelling, practice, feedback and questioning - and provides simple, realistic strategies to develop a culture of growth and excellence with pupils. Jo and Mel advocate an approach designed to cultivate a growth mindset in the classroom and guide children towards independence: motivating both teachers and pupils to aim high and put in the effort required to be successful in all subject areas. The authors also offer tips from across the Early Years and Key Stages 1-2 phases on how to implement effective routines and procedures so that pupils are clear about what is expected from them in the classroom. Making Every Primary Lesson Count is for new and experienced teachers alike. It does not pretend to be a magic bullet. It does not claim to have all the answers. Rather the aim of the book is to provide effective strategies to bring the six principles to life, with each chapter introduced by two fictional scenarios rooted in situations primary teachers typically encounter and concluding in a series of questions to inspire reflective thought and help you relate the content to your own practice. In an age of educational quick fixes and ever-moving goalposts, this precise and insightful addition to the Making Every Lesson Count series will have a high impact on learning in the classroom: enabling pupils to leave primary school as confident, successful learners equipped with the skills and knowledge required of them. Suitable for all Early Years and primary teachers.
Crown House Publishing This Much I Know About Mind Over Matter ...: Improving Mental Health in Our Schools
Tomsett interweaves his formative and professional experience with strategies for addressing students' mental health issues and insights from his interviews with high profile thinkers on the subject including Professor Tanya Byron, Natasha Devon, Norman Lamb, Tom Bennett, Claire Fox and Dr Ken McLaughlin. The book is replete with truths about the state of children's mental well-being, about creating a school culture where everyone can thrive and about living in the shadow of his mother's manic depression. With his typical mixture of experience, wisdom and research-based evidence, Tomsett explains how he manages the pressure of modern day state school headship in a climate where you are only as good as your last set of examination results, a pressure which acutely affects staff and students too. He outlines his strategies for mitigating this pressure and turning the tide of students' mental health problems. The autobiographical narrative modulates between self-effacing humour and heart-wrenching stories of his mother's life, blighted by mental illness. His professional reflections are a wisdom-filled blend of evidence-based policy and decades of experience in teaching and school leadership. Tomsett writes with genuine humility. His prose is beautiful in its seeming simplicity. When you pick up one of his books you will find you have read the first fifty pages before you have even noticed: surely the hallmark of truly great writing. Topics covered include: the real state of the nation's mental health, the perfect storm that is precipitating a mental health crisis in schools, the problems of loose terminology what do we really mean when we talk about a mental health epidemic? and poor understanding of mental health problems and mental illness, the disparity between mental and physical health in public discourse, treatment and funding, beginning the conversation about mental health, the philosophical and psychological principles underpinning the debate, strategies to support students in managing their own mental health better, resilience, growth mindset, mindfulness, grit, failure and mistakes, coping with pressure, York's school well-being workers project, evidence-based strategies that have worked in Huntington School, metacognitive strategies for improving exam performance, interviews with professionals in the field, the reality of living with a parent with a serious mental illness, self-concept and achievement, perfectionism, the relationship between academic rigour and therapeutic education and, significantly, what the research says, what the experts say and what Tomsett's experience says about averting a mental health crisis in schools. Suitable for teachers, leaders and anyone with an interest in mental health in schools. Also by John Tomsett: This Much I Know about Love Over Fear ISBN 9781845909826.
Crown House Publishing The Wolf and the Shadow Monster
His friends laugh at him until they hear his story and see the Shadow Monster for themselves! Spider shows Wolfgang a special magic spell to make scary things go away. The magic spell is so good that all of his friends want to try it on the things that scare them too. Life can sometimes be scary but there are some great tricks out there to make scary things not so scary anymore. You can even have a little fun with it! Suitable for 4- to 7-year-olds. The Feel Brave series was a finalist in the 2017 Education Resources Awards in the Educational Book Award category.
Crown House Publishing Forty Pence Each or Two for a Pound: Making maths memorable, accessible and relevant
Shares a wealth of practical resources and ideas to help teachers develop a whole-school commitment to, and enthusiasm for, improving numeracy. In Forty Pence Each or Two for a Pound: Making Maths Memorable, Accessible and Relevant, Danielle Bartram shares a wealth of practical resources and ideas to help teachers develop a whole-school commitment to, and enthusiasm for, improving numeracy. How many times have you heard someone say they `can’t do maths’? This attitude and acceptance of it appears to be endemic, but being bad at maths – or excusing innumeracy as maths-phobia – can no longer be tolerated. Danielle Bartram, of Miss B’s Resources fame, has made it her mission to remedy this issue and believes that learners should have a basic concept of number and problem solving in order to stop them being ripped off by companies when purchasing items, insurance or moving energy suppliers later on in life. For this reason, she has specifically designed Forty Pence Each or Two for a Pound to give the teaching and learning of numeracy a firm foundation in everyday contextual settings so that students can transfer the logical and functioning skills inherent in mathematical understanding to real-world contexts. With the new Ofsted criteria focus on numeracy, all teachers will want to develop their maths teaching practice. Forty Pence Each or Two for a Pound contains plenty of ideas to help teachers of all subject specialisms to do just that, and tackles students’ maths-phobia head on by providing an invaluable collection of 31 ready-to-use activities and resources to improve their enthusiasm for, and confidence in, the applied use of maths. Danielle has achieved this by shifting away from a prescribed list of maths-teaching techniques and instead presents a treasure trove of exciting, lesson-ready ideas held together by six numeracy links – number, functional skills, graphs and statistics, problem solving, shapes and measures, and formulae and equations – that can be embedded across the full curriculum. The 31 resources are tagged with their relevant numeracy links to indicate the mathematical territory covered (e.g. graphs and statistics), and are also divided into six categories – literacy, exploration, engagement, classroom management, marking and reflection, and organisation and presentation – for ease of identification while flicking through the book. Danielle complements each activity with useful mathematical pointers, such as the language to be used and the numerical concepts that students often struggle with or have misconceptions about, and has made all of the resources available as PDF downloads from her Miss B’s Resources website via a specific link provided in the book. Beyond the more practical provision of strategies and resources, Forty Pence Each or Two for a Pound also offers expert guidance on the shaping of numeracy coordination across the school and presents example audit grids to serve as an outline of how students’ progress with each numeracy link can be monitored. Suitable for numeracy coordinators and teachers of all subjects, in both primary and secondary settings, who want to embed into their lessons the numeracy skills that their students will need in everyday life.
Crown House Publishing Test-Enhanced Learning: A practical guide to improving academic outcomes for all students
An informative guidebook that explores the wealth of evidence behind and the benefits of test-enhanced learning, spaced retrieval practice and personalisation.
Crown House Publishing 40 Ways to Diversify the History Curriculum: A practical handbook
A practical, wide-ranging compendium of enquiries and case studies that helps history teachers diversify, reimagine and decolonise the history curriculum.
Crown House Publishing The Art of Being a Brilliant NQT
This book will take the NQT through a journey which starts with interviews, leads them through the first visit before taking up the job and then into the first hectic weeks and months. Light in touch but rich in content, it can be read around the pool during the holidays before the start of term or kept by the bedside or in a desk drawer for an emergency flick through once teaching gets under way! It expands on the stuff that teacher training touches on, but importantly provides a refreshing look at the nitty-gritty stuff that most training doesn't! A brilliant book for NQTs. The Art of Being Brilliant series was a finalist in the 2017 Education Resources Awards in the Educational Book Award category.
Crown House Publishing WJEC GCSE Spanish
The textbooks offer engaging and relevant content and provide comprehensive coverage of the WJEC themes and sub-themes, incorporating all of the new exam components, including: Literary and authentic texts Listening and reading tasks that correspond to the DfE context and purpose and scope of study requirements (please note the required audio files are available with the relevant teacher guide)) Role plays, photo cards and conversation questions Translation (from and into each language) Increased focus on grammar including grammar in context sections Opportunities for stretch and challenge The textbook is most effective as a learning resource when used alongside the WJEC GCSE Spanish Teacher Guide (ISBN 9781785830938) and WJEC GCSE Spanish Audio Pack (ISBN 9781785831638). The answers to the exercises in the textbook are given in the teacher guide. WJEC GCSE Spanish Teacher Guide
Crown House Publishing Making Every Lesson Count: Six principles to support great teaching and learning
They distil teaching and learning down into six core principles challenge, explanation, modelling, practice, feedback and questioning and show how these can inspire an ethos of excellence and growth, not only in individual classrooms but across a whole school too. Combining robust evidence from a range of fields with the practical wisdom of experienced, effective classroom teachers, the book is a complete toolkit of strategies that teachers can use every lesson to make that lesson count. There are no gimmicky ideas here just high impact, focused teaching that results in great learning, every lesson, every day. To demonstrate how attainable this is, the book contains a number of case studies from a number of professionals who are successfully embedding a culture of excellence and growth in their schools. Making Every Lesson Count offers an evidence-informed alternative to restrictive Ofsted-driven definitions of great teaching, empowering teachers to deliver great lessons and celebrate high-quality practice. Suitable for all teachers including trainee teachers, NQTs, and experienced teachers who want quick and easy ways to enhance their practice and make every lesson count. Educational Book Award winner 2016 Judges' comments: "A highly practical and interesting resource with loads of information and uses to support and inspire teachers of all levels of experience. An essential staffroom book."
Crown House Publishing The Little Book of Thunks: 260 Questions to make your brain go ouch!
A Thunk is a beguiling question about everyday things that stops you in your tracks and helps you start to look at the world in a whole new light. The author guides you through the origins and uses of Thunks and demonstrates how this powerful little book can develop philosophical thinking for all ages. Remember there are no right or wrong answers to these questions. How liberating is that?
Crown House Publishing The GCSE Mindset: 40 activities for transforming commitment, motivation and productivity
The GCSE Mindset: 40 activities for transforming student commitment, motivation and productivity, written by Steve Oakes and Martin Griffin, offers a wealth of concrete, practical and applicable tools designed to supercharge GCSE students' resilience, positivity, organisation and determination. At a time when GCSE teaching can feel like a conveyor belt of micromanaged lessons and last-ditch interventions, Steve and Martin - acclaimed authors of The A Level Mindset - suggest a different approach, underpinned by their VESPA model of essential life skills: vision, effort, systems, practice and attitude. These five non-cognitive characteristics beat cognition hands down as predictors of academic success, and in The GCSE Mindset Steve and Martin take this simple model as their starting point and present a user-friendly month-by-month programme of activities, resources and strategies that will help students break through barriers, build resilience, better manage their workload and ultimately release their potential - both in the classroom and beyond. The book's forty activities, while categorised thematically under the VESPA umbrella, have been sequenced chronologically by month in order to better chart the student's journey through the academic year and to help them navigate the psychological terrain ahead. Each activity can be delivered one-to-one, to a tutor group or to a whole cohort, has been designed to take fifteen to twenty minutes to complete, and has been written with a pupil audience in mind. However, to complement the tasks' practical utility, the authors also explore the underpinning research and theory - including the pioneering work of Angela Duckworth, Dr Steve Bull and Carol Dweck - in more detail in the introduction to each section. Informed by the authors' collective thirty-plus years of teaching and coaching, this essential handbook for GCSE success also suggests key coaching questions and interventions for use with pupils and includes expert guidance on how schools can implement and audit the core components and outcomes of the VESPA approach in their own settings. Additionally - and indeed pertinently in the present educational environment where empirical data is valued so highly - the book features a chapter dedicated to the measurement of mindset, written by guest contributors Dr Neil Dagnall and Dr Andrew Denovan from Manchester Metropolitan University. They present the twenty-eight-item VESPA questionnaire, which they helped Steve and Martin to design, and take the reader through the research process behind its origins before going on to describe how it can be used to identify areas for development and to measure the impact of interventions. Suitable for teachers, tutors and parents who want to boost 14-16-year-olds' academic outcomes and equip them with powerful tools and techniques in preparation for further education and employment.
Crown House Publishing Making Every Science Lesson Count: Six principles to support great teaching and learning
Making Every Science Lesson Count: Six Principles to Support Great Science Teaching goes in search of answers to the fundamental question that all science teachers must ask: 'What can I do to help my students become the scientists of the future?' Writing in the practical, engaging style of the award-winning Making Every Lesson Count, Shaun Allison returns with an offering of gimmick-free advice that combines the time-honoured wisdom of excellent science teachers with the most useful evidence from cognitive science. The book is underpinned by six pedagogical principles - challenge, explanation, modelling, practice, feedback and questioning - and provides simple, realistic classroom strategies that will help teachers make abstract ideas more concrete and practical demonstrations more meaningful. It also points a sceptical finger at the fashions and myths that have pervaded science teaching over the past decade or so - such as the belief that students can make huge progress in a single lesson and the idea that learning is speedy, linear and logical.Instead, Shaun advocates an approach of artful repetition and consolidation and shows you how to help your students develop their conceptual understanding of science over time. Making Every Science Lesson Count is for new and experienced science teachers alike. It does not pretend to be a magic bullet. It does not claim to have all the answers. Rather the aim of the book is to provide effective strategies designed to help you to bring the six principles to life, with each chapter concluding in a series of questions to inspire reflective thought and help you relate the content to your classroom practice. In an age of educational quick fixes, GCSE reform and ever-moving goalposts, this precise and timely addition to the Making Every Lesson Count series provides practical solutions to perennial problems and inspires a rich, challenging and evidence-informed approach to science teaching. Suitable for science teachers of students aged 11-16 years.
Crown House Publishing Powering Up Children: The Learning Power Approach to primary teaching
In Powering Up Children Guy Claxton and Becky Carlzon harness the design principles of the Learning Power Approach to provide a rich resource of effective teaching strategies for use in the primary school classroom. The Learning Power Approach (LPA) is a pedagogical formula which aims to develop all pupils as confident and capable learners – ready, willing and able to choose, design, research, pursue, troubleshoot and evaluate learning for themselves, alone and with others, in school and out. This approach therefore empowers teachers to complement their delivery of content, knowledge and skills with the nurturing of positive habits of mind that will better prepare students to flourish in later life. Building upon the foundations carefully laid by Guy’s first book in the Learning Power series, The Learning Power Approach, this new instalment embeds the ideas of his influential method in the context of the primary school. Guy and Becky offer a thorough explanation of how the LPA’s core components apply to this level of education and, by presenting a wide range of classroom examples, illustrate how they can be put into practice with different age groups (from the early years through to age 11) and in different curricular areas – especially relating to literacy and numeracy, but also in specific subjects such as science, history, art and PE. Suitable for both newly qualified and experienced primary school teachers.
Crown House Publishing Artificial Intelligence in the Primary Classroom
Artificial intelligence (AI) has sparked a huge debate among teachers and school leaders. Many questions arise about the trajectory of this new technology and where it will take us. How will we differentiate between student-authored work and AI-generated content? Will it lead to a loss of creativity and critical thinking skills? What impact will it have on the dynamics of learning and teaching within schools? These are all crucial topics for discussion, yet AI has already become part of our reality, and Gemma Clark firmly believes that embracing its potential is in our best interests.In an era defined by technological advances, Artificial Intelligence in the Primary Classroom stands as an indispensable resource that holds the key to transforming teaching and learning. For educators burdened by bureaucratic tasks that divert precious time from actual teaching this book offers a lifeline. It demonstrates how AI-powered to
Crown House Publishing More Magic of Metaphor: Stories for Leaders, Influencers, Motivators and Spiral Dynamics Wizards
In business, if your team were to share the same vision, direction, and values that you do, how much easier would it be to drive your business forward, and create powerful and favourable impressions on your clients? You and your entire team would be operating as one, moving with confidence and commitment towards a set of common goals.In education, how much more satisfying would your teaching be both for you and your students - if you were able to: explain ideas more easily, more memorably, and more powerfully? create an environment to which all your students wanted to contribute and belong? motivate your students with a desire for life long learning? Our greatest teachers, artists, and leaders all use varieties of anecdote, story, parable, case history, and metaphor to put across their 'message' in powerful and highly memorable ways. This follow up to Nick's bestselling The Magic of Metaphor (click here to view title) explores the power of story to inspire, inform, and transform people's lives. With a particular emphasis on leadership in the very broadest sense of the word, the stories in this collection offer inspiration, inner knowledge, and wisdom. Stories and metaphors are incredibly powerful vehicles through which real change and compassion can be generated in the world, and can be used to influence, motivate, and lead others with elegance and integrity.
Crown House Publishing The Wisdom of Milton H Erickson: Complete Volume
Milton H. Erickson was one of the most creative, dynamic and effective hypnotherapists and psychotherapists of the twentieth century. He used unconventional techniques with remarkable success. This outstanding work of research extracts the core wisdom of Milton H. Erickson's life-long work. Gleaned from the records of over 140 publications and lectures given by Erickson during his career, this combined volume is an essential part of the available literature on Dr. Erickson. Part One on Human Behavior and Part Two on Psychotherapy, present his methods and lessons, including his feelings on the use of objective observation, the uniqueness of the conscious mind, the realities and abilities of the unconscious mind, the creation and use of a therapeutic environment, and many other aspects of the life and work of this remarkable thinker and teacher. Part Three, Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy, presents a clear account of how Dr. Erickson conceived of hypnosis, particularly its access to the unconscious and its role in the process of therapy.
Crown House Publishing The Sourcebook of Magic: A Comprehensive Guide to NLP Change Patterns
In the newly revised version of The Sourcebook of Magic you will discover afresh the basic 77 NLP patterns for transformational magic. What's new? A change from merely describing the patterns to presenting the key questions that allow you to guide a client. The newly revised version streamlines the patterns so that they are even more succinct and offers some new insights about how the patterns work, that is, the cognitive-behavioural mechanisms that make the neuro-linguistic and neuro-semantic approach so powerful. The Sourcebook of Magic arose in 1997 from a desire to collect in one place the basic or core NLP Patterns. Today it remains an excellent resource for coaches, therapists, psychologists, trainers, and managers. The book uniquely sorts and separates the patterns in key categories, those that deal with Self, Emotions, Languaging, Thinking Patterns, Meaning, and Strategies. This Sourcebook of Magic also provides guidelines for knowing what to do when and why. An excellent gift for those interested in the cognitive-behavioural model called NLP.
Crown House Publishing 58 Ways to Improvise in Training: Improvisation Games and Activities for Workshops, Courses and Team Meetings
Whether you are running a training session, workshop or a team meeting, Paul Jackson's varied collection of games and activities will help you create an environment of improvisation and experimentation, of imagination and energy, and of laughter and commitment. What better way to engage everyone in the process of learning? The games in this book can be used in a variety of ways. A physical activity warms up limbs and breaks down barriers between group members. A verbal activity is an exercise in creativity and intellectual dexterity. More than simply icebreakers, these activities are designed as vehicles for content. There are always links between the game and the subject of the workshop at metaphorical level.
Crown House Publishing Warriors, Settlers & Nomads: Discovering Who We Are And What We Can Be
Identifying your predominant personality-type changes the way you approach life. If you know yourself - and, equally important, if you understand other people - you can confidently tackle your career and your personal relationships knowing exactly where you are coming from - and what everyone else is seeking. What this book presents you with is a revolutionary framework with which to comprehend your own needs, and the needs of others. Based upon the concept of evolutionary psychology, it reveals the determinants at the core of our characters - those very skills and psychological attitudes that we have inherited from our ancestors.
Crown House Publishing Influencing With Integrity: Management Skills for Communication and Negotiation
This classic book on the psychology of communication has sold over 150,000 copies. Dr Laborde uses techniques derived primarily from NLP to create a set of state-of-the-art skills which the reader can use to improve any interaction. Extremely popular with management trainers and business and sales people for its methodological and straightforward approach to this complex subject.
Crown House Publishing The Art of Being a Brilliant Primary Teacher
Part of the Art of Being Brilliant Series of books The purpose of this book is to help you have more amazing days by inspiring and challenging you to be the best version of you because, at your best, you're flippin' awesome! Andy and Stuart use their experience, studies and 'what if?' moments combined with their 'don't judge us' attempt at humour to bring you a fun, slightly provocative, thoughtful and motivational read. This book isn't riddled with lectures and theories from old professors of centuries ago. It while it may be true that teaching was easier in the 'good old days' we reckon those days are long gone so our focus is on the here and now of teaching. These new days require some refined thinking and this book is simply designed to help you to be a brilliant primary school teacher whatever the weather (including wet playtime). Embrace the power of positive psychology, lift your happiness levels, discover tips and tricks to enhance your practice and get ready for some seriously brilliant primary teaching with this innovative, practical and positive guide. Andy and Stuart tell it like it is, without preaching. This is their light-hearted, thought-provoking take on modern primary teaching. For all primary teachers from newly qualified teachers to senior leadership team members who want to become, quite simply, brilliant. The Art of Being Brilliant series was a finalist in the 2017 Education Resources Awards in the Educational Book Award category.
Crown House Publishing Young, Gifted and Bored
Many gifted and talented children are bored and frustrated in the classroom. Many are not achieving their potential and talents are going unrecognised. Written by an experienced and world renowned author with a wealth of experience, this practical guide will challenge, excite and inspire teachers and show them how they can identify and provide for the needs of these children.
Crown House Publishing The Art of Hypnotic Regression Therapy: A Clinical Guide
Hypnotic Regression Therapy, or HRT, is a type of hypnotherapy in which, following the induction of a good trance state, specialized suggestions are given to guide the client in reviewing and emotionally reframing earlier experiences that have either caused or contributed to the client's current symptoms. This book provides all the skills, advice and techniques needed to understand and carry out HRT. This book addresses the dangers of mishandled hypnotic regression by presenting an organised, clientcentred approach. You will learn when and how to use HRT effectively to help clients discover and release the causes of their problems and symptoms. The authors emphasize the importance of avoiding inappropriate leading and how to explain the risk of false memories to clients. They also clearly address the controversies about false memories and the handling of the emotional release that usually occurs during hypnotic regressions.
Crown House Publishing Outstanding Teaching: Engaging Learners
A class can be skilled and motivated to learn without a teacher always having to lead. Engaging learners in this way unpicks intrinsic motivation, the foundation that underpins a productive learning environment and helps to develop independent learning, creativity and improved behaviour management. Based on five years of intensive research through Osiris Educational's award-winning Outstanding Teaching Intervention programme, during which the authors have trained more than 500 teachers to teach over 1,300 lessons in schools nationwide, this book is packed with proven advice and innovative tools developed in these successful outstanding lessons. Written in the same humorous, thought-provoking style with which they both teach and train, Andy and Mark aim to challenge all who teach, from NQTs to seasoned professionals, to reflect on their day-to-day practice and set an agenda for sustainable teacher and leadership improvement. Shortlisted for the Education Resources Awards 2013, Educational Book Award category. Click here to view the related paperback title Outstanding Teaching: Teaching Backwards, 14.99.
Crown House Publishing How to be an Amazing Teacher
What made them that outstanding teacher and what are the tips, techniques and tactics that make some teachers really first class? How do I improve my skills? How can I get behaviour right? How can I motivate pupils who don't seem to want to learn? These are questions often asked by newly qualified as well as experienced teachers. Caroline Bentley-Davies' book How to be an Amazing Teacher explains: the secrets of body language, presence and classroom charisma how to unlock the hidden talents of pupils and develop their motivation and engagement through a wealth of innovative teaching techniques what tools amazing teachers have mastered to engage disaffected pupils, making the classroom a vibrant and engaging area Carefully blending practical advice, real life scenarios and expert opinion this book will make any teaching career more rewarding.
Crown House Publishing Mindworks: An Introduction to NLP
Using the amazingly effective tools of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Mindworks shows you how to unlock the resources, abilities and creativity that you already have in order to accomplish whatever you want to do and take control of your life. Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), a group of psychological techniques developed in the early 1970s, has been a huge influence on today's motivational writers. As its name suggests, NLP is based on the idea that the human mind is a sort of computer; our verbal and body languages are the programming that allows us to change our thoughts and to influence other people. Anne Linden, The First Lady of NLP, was a witness and participant in the creation of NLP. She was a member of the very first certification training group, the founders of NLP John Grinder and Richard Bandler offered. Previously available in hardback (ISBN 0836221680), Mindworks shows you how to change your mind, reprogram your thoughts, gain control of your fears and fulfil your desires and potential and is still one of the best introductions to NLP available.
Crown House Publishing A Curious Curriculum: Teaching foundation subjects well
Details the insightful and transformational steps that a school can take towards designing and delivering a rich, rigorous and wide-ranging curriculum.
Crown House Publishing Imperfect Leadership in Action: A practical book for school leaders who know they don't know it all
Written by Steve Munby and Marie-Claire Bretherton, Imperfect Leadership in Action: A practical book for school leaders who know they don't know it all is designed to help leaders pursue imperfect leadership as something to be celebrated and as a foundation for success
Crown House Publishing How to Move & Learn: An evidence-based guide to embedding physically active learning in your school
A practical guidebook that provides primary school teachers and leaders with the know-how and confidence to embed more movement-based approaches in their teaching and learning.
Crown House Publishing Bringing Forth the Bard: A guide to teaching Shakespeare in the English classroom
Written by Zoe Enser, Bringing Forth the Bard: A guide to teaching Shakespeare in the English classroom links together the golden threads which run through Shakespeare's work and highlights how teachers can best explore these with students.
Crown House Publishing Parklands: A school built on love
Written by Chris Dyson, Parklands: A school built on love is a heartwarming account of Parklands School's transformative journey towards becoming a safe, loving environment in which all of its learners can thrive.
Crown House Publishing Celebrating Teachers: Making a difference
Celebrating Teachers: Making a difference, written by Gary Toward and Chris Henley, is a feel-good celebration of all that is great about teachers and teaching - and an exploration of the difference teachers make and how they do it. Forewords by Ben Bailey Smith (aka Doc Brown) and Sir Anthony Seldon. Gary Toward and Chris Henley believe that teaching is the best and most important profession. Now, you might argue that it would be medicine that should take that accolade - as medics save lives and mend people. But teachers create lives and 'make' people. They, in fact, create medics! This book celebrates the superhero of the classroom: the teacher. Teachers make a difference, and often that difference is life-changing. In this book, Gary and Chris look at some of the many cases where such a difference has been made and examine exactly what it was that made such an impact on the life of the young person - and they also highlight the key approaches that teachers might want to try out in their own classroom, with their own pupils. The authors link the real-life case study stories to what educational research and cognitive science tell us, and point the way for all teachers to adopt, adapt and develop these effective strategies and approaches in their own practice. And, in sharing these inspiring stories, Gary and Chris hope to offer an antidote to the negativity that too often circulates in the media around education and the teaching profession. An uplifting and insightful read for all teachers and educators.
Crown House Publishing Outside Chance (Don't Doubt the Rainbow 2)
One evening Edie is babysitting for a neighbour, Donna, who has repeatedly caught sight of an estranged friend from overseas. What is troubling Donna, however, is that it seems she's been in the same place at the same time as this friend on a number of occasions over the past few days. At Donna's request, Edie looks into these apparent coincidences, using a combination of investigative work and conversations with her rabbi (who is tutoring Edie in preparation for her bat mitzvah) about the nature of fatalism and determinism. Meanwhile, Edie's school friend Harry Coranger is suspicious of his stepfather, who has become involved with ultra-radical anti-capitalists who, furious at the state of the planet and its greed-fuelled decline, are plotting an audacious double atrocity: a bombing and a hijacking. When Harry bizarrely disappears, Edie becomes embroiled in trying to find him and, ultimately, foil the terrorists' plans. Utilising her brave instincts and skills as a supersleuth for hire, Edie sets about resolving and averting the mysteries and crises that she is confronted with as she comes to realise that things often happen outside of chance, and outside of our understanding and control. Outside Chance is the second instalment in Anthony Kessel's four-book Don't Doubt the Rainbow series a new contemporary middle-grade detective series with a difference. To solve each mystery, 13-year-old Edie Marble must harness the Three Principles, a new approach to understanding how the mind works that is currently proving invaluable in improving mental health and well-being in children internationally. Reading age 11+.
Crown House Publishing Tails from the Classroom: Learning and teaching through animal-assisted interventions
Written by Helen Lewis and Russell Grigg, Tails from the Classroom: Learning and teaching through animal-assisted interventions (AAIs) is a fascinating exploration of the use of AAIs in educational settings and how they can inspire and support learners' all-round development. There is growing interest in the idea of bringing animals into the classroom, but it is only recently that researchers have gathered clear data to show the impact of AAIs on the behavioural, emotional, physical and cognitive development of children and young people. Tails from the Classroom brings together this research in a highly accessible way, illustrated with real-life case studies from a range of classroom contexts. It also includes lots of practical guidance on how to set up, manage and evaluate a project, ensuring that the welfare of all participants, including the animals, is a priority. Helen and Russell discuss how AAIs can contribute towards learning in different subject areas and across the curriculum, sharing a wide range of examples to illustrate possible starting points for teachers in a range of subject and thematic contexts - even in less obvious areas such as the arts, literature, and religious and moral codes. They also provide a historical overview of human-animal interactions, highlighting how animals have played a central part in humans' social, spiritual and cultural development. This then underpins the authors' exploration into animals' potential role in enhancing particular dimensions of children's social, emotional, intellectual and physical development and well-being. This groundbreaking book is not just for animal-loving educators, however. It is for anyone who is serious about inspiring learners of all ages and prepared to explore new ways of doing so. Suitable for educators working with learners of all ages.
Crown House Publishing Powerful Geography: A curriculum with purpose in practice
In recent years the emphasis has shifted away from a focus on pedagogy (the how of teaching) and towards curriculum (the what of teaching). Ofsted's revised inspection framework reflects this shift, and their plans to -deep dive- into subject areas - meaning that teachers and department heads now need a much greater understanding of curricular structures - leave many educators having to think about their subject in new ways. Luckily for geography teachers, however, bestselling author Mark Enser provides plenty of insightful, subject-specific guidance in this all-encompassing book. Mark explores both the purpose of the geography curriculum and its various applications in practice. He details how teachers can take their students' learning beyond the acquisition of knowledge to transform how they see the world. He also tackles the changing nature of school geography, shares a variety of case studies, and offers his take on how best to facilitate geographical enquiry and fieldwork. The first part of the book considers the issue of purpose by looking at the role of the school in society and then shows the place that geography occupies within it. It also considers the history of the subject so as to help geography teachers better understand where they stand today, and concludes by discussing how the concepts of powerful knowledge and GeoCapabilities can help them find their way again. The second part is a practical guide which illustrates how to put this theory of curriculum purpose into practice. It explores the steps which must be taken to create a powerful geography curriculum by deciding on content and places to be studied, putting the components into a sequence and then using all this to do geography. It will also discuss the extent to which teachers need to consider the future and respond to the concerns of the wider world when planning the curriculum. Suitable for department heads and classroom teachers of geography in secondary schools and subject leads in primary schools.
Crown House Publishing Chess Improvement: It's all in the mindset
Written by Barry Hymer and Peter Wells, Chess Improvement: It's all in the mindset is an engaging and instructive guide that sets out how the application of growth mindset principles can accelerate chess improvement. With Tim Kett and insights from Michael Adams, David Howell, Harriet Hunt, Gawain Jones, Luke McShane, Matthew Sadler and Nigel Short. Foreword by Henrik Carlsen, father of world champion Magnus Carlsen. Twenty-first-century knowledge about skills development and expertise requires us to keep such mystical notions as fixed 'talent' in perspective, and to emphasise instead the dynamic and malleable nature of these concepts. Nowhere is this more apparent than in chess, where many gifted players fall prey to plausible but self-defeating beliefs and practices - and thereby fail to achieve the levels their 'natural' abilities predicted. Happily, however, the reverse can be true too; through learned dispositions such as grit, risk-taking, strategic thinking and a capacity for sheer hard work, players of apparently modest abilities can achieve impressive results. Blending theory, practice and the distinct but complementary skills of two authors - one an academic (and amateur chess player) and the other a highly regarded England Chess Olympiad coach (and grandmaster) -Chess Improvement is an invaluable resource for any aspirational chess player or coach/parent of a chess player. Barry and Peter draw on interviews conducted with members of England's medal-winning elite squad of players and provide a template for chess improvement rooted in the practical wisdom of experienced chess players and coaches. They also include practical illustrative descriptions from the games and chess careers of both developing and leading players, and pull together themes and suggestions in a way which encourages readers to create their own trajectories for chess improvement.
Crown House Publishing Making Every History Lesson Count: Six principles to support great history teaching
Chris Runeckles' Making Every History Lesson Count: Six principles to support great history teaching offers lasting solutions to age-old problems and empowers history teachers with the confidence to bring their subject to life. Making Every History Lesson Count goes in search of answers to the crucial question that all history teachers must ask: "What can I do to help my students retain and interrogate the rich detail of the content that I deliver?" Writing in the practical, engaging style of the award-winning Making Every Lesson Count, Chris Runeckles articulates the fundamentals of great history teaching and shares simple, realistic strategies designed to deliver memorable lessons. The book is underpinned by six pedagogical principles - challenge, explanation, modelling, practice, feedback and questioning - and equips history teachers with the tools and techniques to help students better engage with the subject matter and develop more sophisticated historical analysis and arguments. In an age of educational quick fixes and ever-moving goalposts, this carefully crafted addition to the Making Every Lesson Count series expertly bridges the gap between the realms of academic research and the humble classroom. It therefore marries evidence-based practice with collective experience - and, in doing so, inspires a challenging approach to secondary school history teaching. Making Every History Lesson Count has been written for new and experienced practitioners alike, offering gimmick-free advice that will energise them to more effectively carve out those unique moments of resonance with young people. Each chapter also concludes with a series of questions that will prompt reflective thought and enable educators to relate the content to their own classroom practice. Suitable for history teachers of students aged 11-16 years.
Crown House Publishing Release Your Inner Drive: Everything you need to know about how to get good at stuff
The graphics distil the latest research into psychology and neuroscience, alongside explanations of what exactly this means for teenagers and what they can do with these insights in practice. We know more than ever about the science of learning, and now everyone can quickly tap into the success strategies that have been proven to help people thrive and flourish. Have you ever wondered how people get really good at stuff? It turns out that there are a collection of habits that help people to get good at whatever it is they do. Researchers and academics in the fields of psychology and neuroscience have spent years trying to understand why some people flourish and others never truly fulfill their potential. Bradley and Edward have condensed that wisdom into this no-nonsense, visual guide which also provides clear explanations of the concepts, along with links to the latest research, for those who want to delve deeper into these fascinating insights. Each infographic distils everything you need to know to cultivate these habits and give yourself the best possible chance of success. Discover how to: take control, concentrate better, find your motivation, fail better, make revision stick, perform under pressure, ace those exams, put down that phone when you're meant to be revising, get over FOMO, stop procrastinating, get a good night's sleep, take care of yourself and your mental health, learn from sporting champions and grow your mindset to get ahead. The book is also ideal for anyone who has children and wants to nurture their talents, or for teachers who want to ensure that their students develop the attitudes, beliefs and habits that maximise learning and performance. Suitable for young people and anyone who wants to help them achieve their potential, including parents and teachers. Release Your Inner Drive has been named the 'Gold Winner' in the IBPA Benjamin Franklin Awards 2018 in the Teen: Nonfiction (13-18 years) category. 2017 Foreword INDIES Finalist: Young Adult Non Fiction: Release Your Inner Drive receiving an Honorable Mention. Click here to view a feature of 'Release Your Inner Drive' in The Daily Mail. Click here to view 'Release Your Inner Drive' featured on Raring2go! Click here to read the feature of 'Release Your Inner Drive' in Your Coffee Break. Click here to view the interview Bradley participated in with The School Run. Click here to read the feature of 'Release Your Inner Drive' in Little London magazine. Click here to read the showcase of 'Release Your Inner Drive' in Plenty magazine. Click here to listen to Bradley Busch on the BBC Radio 2 Chris Evans show.
Crown House Publishing Presenting Magically: Transforming Your Stage Presence with NLP
Whether you are a newcomer or a seasoned professional, Presenting Magically will provide you with masterful tips and techniques to transform your presenting skills. Uncovering the secrets, beliefs and attitudes of the world's top presenters, this book will teach you to: Connect with your audience Structure your language Handle hecklers Use metaphor Own the stage Structured presentations to fit everyone's learning style. This book will teach you how to grab the audience's attention - and keep it. The hardback edition, ISBN 9781899836529.
Crown House Publishing The Wolf is Not Invited
There are some situations and feelings that we cannot change and there are some that we can. Knowing the difference between the two (and some ways to make ourselves feel happy) is a great trick to have up our sleeves! Suitable for 4- to 7-year-olds. 'The Wolf is Not Invited' was announced WINNER of The People's Book Prize Awards 2017 children's category. Click here to view a video of the ceremony, tune in at 50:23 to view the interview with Avril. The Feel Brave series was a finalist the 2017 Education Resources Awards in the Educational Book Award category. 'The Wolf is Not Invited' was a finalist in the children's picture books/early reader category in the 2016 Foreword Indies Awards.
Crown House Publishing The Grand Wolf
Spider shows Wolfgang that by just seeing things a little differently he can feel happy again, knowing that true love never ends. Our lives are in a constant state of change and only we can ever know how big each change feels to us. The more we can talk about and embrace change, the better we get at it (whatever shape or size it comes in). Suitable for 4- to 7-year-olds. The Feel Brave series was a finalist in the 2017 Education Resources Awards in the Educational Book Award category.
Crown House Publishing Be the Life and Soul of the Party: Socialising for Success
Have you ever wanted to 'be yourself' with other people, but felt held back? Would you like to learn and practise all the tools that will help you communicate confidently and easily with others, on your own terms, and in your own style? Do you wish you could just turn up to social events and feel fantastic? Perhaps your professional life relies on skilful networking and you'd like to find it effortless? Imagine for a moment what it would be like to look forward to social or business events of all kinds - even if you don't know a soul there. You would arrive feeling confident that you could approach anyone and say anything that you need or want to say. If this sounds impossible, please take a deep breath, and just allow yourself to be aware instead that achieving this is not just probable, but virtually inevitable, once you know how it's done, and believe that you can do it too. That's the purpose of this wonderful book.