Search results for ""author marina"
Ediciones Omega, S.A. Claves para la clasificacin de la fauna marina
Este práctico manual incluye alrededor de 3000 especies agrupadas en más de 1800 géneros que pertenecen a 35 tipos generales. Se trata de una herramienta indispensable tanto para el investigador como para el aficionado que desee conocer la denominación científica de cualquier habitante del mar.
DC Comics Tim Drake: Robin Vol. 1: Mystery at the Marina
Step aside, Damian the world s favorite Robin has got this! That s right, after years away, Tim Drake is taking center stage in a brand-spanking-new Robin series of his very own! A mystery over a year in the making takes shape, as a new villain who s been hounding Tim from afar decides to take things up close and personal, putting Bernard and everyone else Tim cares about in peril as things go from bad to worse for the world s oldest and canonically tallest Robin (no, I will not be fact-checking that). All that and Tim finally carves out a corner of Gotham City just for himself, and sets up shop in his very own murder shack boat? Fan-favorite writer Meghan Fitzmartin teams up with beloved Harley Quinn artist Riley Rossmo to define the next chapter in Tim s life. And as if that wasn t enough, break out your skateboards and motorcycles cuz we ve assembled a murderer s row of artists to draw the 1990s One True Robin in his various looks from over the years! Collects Tim Drake: Robin #1-6!
Estrellas en Nueva York Karina Marina 3 Spanish Edition
Vuelven las gemelas más opuestas del mundo!AVENTURA ÉPICA: Karina y Marina viajan a NUEVA YORK para dar un concierto!Es su gran oportunidad para convertirse en ESTRELLAS INTERNACIONALES: van a darlo todo encima del escenario!!!Sin embargo, aunque Nueva York es la ciudad de los sueños también puede convertirse en su peor pesadilla... Sobre todo si pierdes las maletas y el día del concierto no deja de llover!SERÁN CAPACES DE UNIR SUS FUERZAS LAS GEMELAS MÁS IDÉNTICAS Y OPUESTAS?
Syracuse University Press Modern Irish Drama: W. B. Yeats to Marina Carr, Second Edition
Modern Irish Drama: W. B. Yeats to Marina Carr presents a thorough the introduction to recent history of one of the greatest dramatic and theatrical traditions in Western culture. Originally published in 1988, this updated edition provides extensive new material, charting the path of modern and contemporary Irish drama from its roots in the Celtic Revival to its flowering in world theater. The lives and careers of more than fifty modern Irish playwrights are discussed along with summaries of their major plays and recommendations for further reading. Most significantly, Sternlicht treats the major themes of modern Irish drama: the struggle for independence; the suffering caused by extreme poverty and the resulting emigration; the decline of Anglo-Irish ascendency; the epic longing for and love of the land; the falling power of the clergy; generational conflicts; problems of the post-colonial transition; and the impact of feminism on a patriarchal society. Sternilicht brings well-deserved attention to such playwriters as Conor McPherson, Robert Massey, Ursala Rani Sarma, and Sean McLoughlin, among others. Including a selected bibliography and filmography, Modern Irish Drama is an indispensible resource for students of drama studies and production companies alike.
labutxaca Marina la histria inoblidable que va precedir Lombra del vent
A la Barcelona de 1980 l'Òscar Drai somia despert, fascinat pels palauets modernistes propers a l'internat on estudia. En una de les seves escapades coneix la Marina, una noia audaç que comparteix amb l'Òscar l'aventura d'endinsar-se en un enigma dolorós del passat de la ciutat. Un misteriós personatge de la postguerra es va proposar el més gran desafiament imaginable, però la seva ambició el va arrossegar per uns camins sinistres amb unes conseqüències que algú encara ha de pagar avui...
Phaidon Press Ltd Marina Abramovic Turned Herself Into Art and Wasnt Sorry.
Faber & Faber Marina Carr Plays 1: Low in the Dark; The Mai; Portia Coughlan; By the Bog of Cats...
The first collection of plays by Marina Carr introduces the work of a major new voice in playwriting. Low in the Dark'One of the most exciting, new and absolutely original aspects of Carr's writing is the manner in which the sexism of the language and religious imagery is exposed... Marina Carr is a playwright to be watched.' Sunday TribuneThe Mai'The writing is at once gentle and raucous... capable of articulating deep-seated woes and resentments in a manner you rarely find outside Eugene O'Neill.' ObserverPortia Coughlan'A play of precocious maturity and accomplishment.' Irish Times'Portia Coughlan packs a hell of a punch. It hurts to look at it. But it has to be seen.' Irish IndependentBy the Bog of Cats...'A poetic realism steeped in the past... Carr has an extraordinary ability to move between the mythic and the real.' Guardian'A great play... a great work of poetry... the word should soon carry across both sides of the Atlantic.' Independent
Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Cádiz Flora marina del litoral gaditano biología ecología usos y guía de identificación
El objetivo principal de este libro es dar a conocer el maravilloso universo de la flora marina, especialmente la del litoral gaditano, al que la convergencia del mar Mediterráneo y el océano Atlántico convierten en un punto caliente de biodiversidad marina.
Brief Ediciones El da que Marina atraves el mapa Historias con Miga Spanish Edition
Marina vive con su tío Rodolfo, que nunca va a recogerla a la salida del colegio. Un día, al llegar a casa, se encuentra con que su tío ha desaparecido y descubre una habitación misteriosa que no había visto hasta ese momento.Será entonces cuando Marina entre en un mundo mágico en el que vivirá un sinfín de aventuras y donde conocerá hadas y duendes, un poeta maniático, una bruja que dice ser cruel y malvada y otros muchos personajes estrafalarios.El día que Marina atravesó el mapa es un historia llena de fantasía en la que se reflexiona sobre el poder de la imaginación, la amistad, el consumismo o la buena alimentación.
Algonquin Books The House on Sunrise Lagoon: Marina in the Middle: Volume 2
Aqua Marina 2 El misterio del eclipse Spanish Edition
Sumérgete en un mar de aventura y fantasía!Te imaginas que de repente descubres que tienes una hermana? Una hermana que, aunque vive muy lejos y parece de otro mundo, tiene más cosas en común contigo de las que creías? Pues eso es lo que me pasó a mí. Y no sabes qué bien me vino tenerla cerca cuando pasó aquello tan terrible y el secreto de las sirenas casi se esparce a los cuatro vientos y a los siete mares. Pero ya estoy hablando demasiado... Te apuntas a esta nueva aventura?Únete a Aqua y a sus amigos en esta aventura escrita por Susanna Isern e ilustrada por Ariadna Oliver.
Prh Grupo Editorial El misterio de los animales legendarios Marina and the Kraken
L'Erma Di Bretschneider Kale Akte: Scavi in Contrada Pantano Di Caronia Marina - Messina 2003-2005
Skyhorse Publishing Maneuver and Dock Your Sailboat Under Power: High Winds, Current, Tight Marina, Backing In? No Problems!
Let the experts at NauticEd teach you the smart way to handle your sailboat!If you skipper a sailboat, you know the inherent dangers of docking and maneuvering in a tight marina with high winds and current. Just one ding can cost hundreds of dollars and worse than that, major embarrassment.The experts at NauticEd offer a painless solution with this concise series of practice exercises using real maneuvering techniques—with clear explanations on how you can always be in full control or your boat in the marina. Once you master these exercises, you will confidently maneuver your sailboat in any marina in the world under whatever conditions are thrown at you.Grab this book, grab a friend, some (non-alcoholic) libations, and a sandwich and get out on the water for a fun enjoyable day of maneuvering practice.Here is what one of NauticEd’s students had to say:“I’ve sailed for the last thirty-plus years and have a fifty-ton master’s credential. I’m constantly learning something new or forgotten from NauticEd.”
El plancton y las redes tróficas marinas
El plancton, a pesar de su diminuto tamaño, es crucial para el funcionamiento de las redes tróficas marinas, en las que no solo un organismo se come a otro, sino que, cuando lo hace, ayuda a que los nutrientes acumulados en la misma materia viva se liberen de nuevo y vuelvan a estar disponibles para las algas. El plancton está presente en aguas continentales y en todos los mares y océanos del planeta. Además, es el responsable de que haya vida en la Tierra y nos ha proporcionado (a escalas geológicas) una buena parte del oxígeno que respiramos. Solo en una pequeña cuchara de agua de mar ya podemos encontrar unos cincuenta millones de virus, cinco millones de bacterias, cientos de miles de pequeños flagelados unicelulares, miles de algas microscópicas, aproximadamente cinco ciliados o dinoflagelados heterótrofos y, con mucha suerte, algún pequeño crustáceo, como los copépodos. Este libro intenta dar una visión clara y amena sobre este conjunto de microorganismos y las diversas funciones
Archaeopress Greco-Roman Cities at the Crossroads of Cultures: The 20th Anniversary of Polish-Egyptian Conservation Mission Marina el-Alamein
The ancient town discovered at the site of today’s Marina el-Alamein (located on the northern coast of Egypt) developed from the 2nd century BC to the 6th century AD. It found itself at the crossroads of several civilisations: Hellenic, later replaced by Roman, and ultimately Christian, and was always strongly influenced by Egyptian tradition. A variety of cultures appeared and met here and grew in strength – then their significance weakened – but they always co-existed and influenced one another. The syncretism prevailing here is notable in the spheres of art, architecture, religion and worship. 2015 marked thirty years since the discovery of the remains of the ancient city, which, for many centuries, had been unknown to the world. The remains were found unexpectedly during the preparatory work for the construction of a modern tourist settlement on the Mediterranean coast, and the significance and extraordinary value of the discovery was immediately recognised. Now the ancient city, and the historic remains of its buildings, are gradually coming to light. The Jubilee was twofold, since 2015 marked also the 20th anniversary of the setting up of the Polish-Egyptian Conservation Mission, Marina el-Alamein. Throughout this time, both architectural and archaeological research have been carried out at the site, many discoveries have been made, numerous relics of historic building structures have been preserved, and conservation methods have been improved. In the jubilee year, researchers who work on archaeological sites and towns with a similar history and position in the ancient world in the realms of art and culture were invited to contribute to a scientific discussion and exchange of experiences. The contributors were representatives of different disciplines and research methodologies: archaeologists, architects, Egyptologists, specialists in religious studies, historians and conservators. The papers in the present volume encompass interdisciplinary reviews of both new and long-term studies carried out in various regions of the ancient world. The papers present research that was conducted in different regions ranging from ancient Mauritania, through Africa, Egypt, Cyprus, Palestine, Syria, as well as sites in Crimea and Georgia. The topography of cities, the architecture of public buildings, as well as houses and their décor — architectural, sculptural and painted — are presented. Religious syncretism and the importance of ancient texts are discussed. Studies on pottery are also presented. The volume includes studies on the conservation of architectural remains, sculpture and painting. Several articles are devoted to the study of Marina el-Alamein; others talk about ancient Alexandria, Deir el-Bahari, Hermopolis Magna, Bakchias, Pelusium, Kom Wasit, Berenike, Ptolemais, Apollonia, Palmyra, Nea Paphos, as well as Chersonesus Taurica and Apsarus.
Editora y Distribuidora Hispano Americana, S.A. (EDHASA) Triloga mediterrnea La celda de Prspero Reflexiones de una venus marina Limones amargos
A medio camino entre la autobiografía, el libro de viajes y el reportaje político, esta trilogía reúne en un volumen "La celda de Próspero", situada en el Corfú de los años cuarenta, amenazado por la Segunda Guerra Mundial; "Reflexiones sobre una Venus marina", acerca de Rodas en 1953, donde Durrell trabajó como diplomático tras la guerra, y "Limones amargos", centrada en el Chipre de 1953-1956, cuando los chipriotas griegos pretenden liberarse de la dominación británica recurriendo a la idea de unidad nacional griega, lo que les lleva a enfrentarse a los chipriotas turcos.Las observaciones sobre el cráácter de los habitantes de la isla van entrelazados con comentarios sobre la actualidad política y social, con descripciones de paisajes, con evocaciones históricas, con emotivas anécdotas y con recomendaciones gastronómicas que convierten estos tres libros en raros ejemplos de un tipo de libro muy propio de Durrell pero absolutamente inclasificables, tan originales como cualquiera d
Faber & Faber Marina Carr: Plays 3: Sixteen Possible Glimpses; Phaedra Backwards; The Map of Argentina; Hecuba; Indigo
This third richly varied collection of plays by Marina Carr was published to coincide with the Royal Shakespeare Company's premiere of Hecuba at the Swan Theatre, Stratford-upon-Avon, in September 2015.Sixteen Possible Glimpses imagines sixteen fleeting moments in Anton Chekhov's short life and work. Phaedra Backwards retells the Phaedra myth to discover what shaped her. The Map of Argentina offers a meditation on love and what happens when it is denied, or pursued and hunted down. Hecuba was written in reaction to the bad press this Trojan queen receives, and reimagines how she may have suffered and reacted. Indigo is a dark and passionate romance amongst fairies, demons, ghouls and every sort of fantastic creature out of folklore and myth.
LA ESFERA DE LOS LIBROS, S.L. Tercios del mar historia de la primera infantería de Marina española
Simon & Schuster Marina's Turf
Penguin Books Ltd The Siege: From the bestselling author of A Spell of Winter
**FROM THE AUTHOR OF INSIDE THE WAVE, THE COSTA BOOK OF THE YEAR 2017** Leningrad, September 1941. Hitler orders the German forces to surround the city at the start of the most dangerous, desperate winter in its history. For two pairs of lovers - Anna and Andrei, Anna's novelist father and banned actress Marina - the siege becomes a battle for survival. They will soon discover what it is like to be so hungry you boil shoe leather to make soup, so cold you burn furniture and books. But this is not just a struggle to exist, it is also a fight to keep the spark of hope alive...A brilliantly imagined novel of war and the wounds it inflicts on ordinary people's lives, and a profoundly moving celebration of love, life and survival. 'Remarkable, affecting...there are few more interesting stories than this; and few writers who could have told it better' Rachel Cusk, Daily Telegraph 'Literary writing of the highest order set against a background if suffering so intimately reconstructed it is hard to believe that Dunmore was not there' Richard Overy, Sunday Telegraph 'Utterly convincing. A deeply moving account of two love stories in terrible circumstances. The story of their struggle to survive appears simple, as all great literature should. . . a world-class novel' Antony Beevor, The Times Novelist and poet Helen Dunmore has achieved great critical acclaim since publishing her first adult novel, the McKitterick Prize winning, Zennor in Darkness. Her novels, Counting the Stars, Your Blue-Eyed Boy, With Your Crooked Heart, Burning Bright, House of Orphans, Mourning Ruby, A Spell of Winter, and Talking to the Dead, and her collection of short stories Love of Fat Men are all published by Penguin. This edition includes the first chapter of Betrayal, the sequel to The Siege.
Arcadia Publishing Michigan City Marinas Postcards of America Looseleaf
Penguin Books Ltd Grown Ups: An absorbing page-turner from Sunday Times bestselling author Marian Keyes
Fed up of being a grown up? Get away from it all with the No. 1 bestseller from Marian Keyes 'Magnificently messy lives, brilliantly untangled. Funny, tender and completely absorbing!' GRAHAM NORTON 'SUCH a treat. Like reading the cleverest cream cake of words' CAITLIN MORAN______ MEET JESSIE, CARA AND NELL.Married to brothers Johnny, Ed and Liam Casey.Three very different women tied to three very different men.Every family occasion is a party - until the day the secrets spill out.PLAYTIME IS OVER.BUT WHERE ARE THE GROWN-UPS?This book has been printed with four different colour designs: blue, green, pink and orange. Covers are assigned to orders at random so we are unable to accept specific requests.______ 'Comic, convincing and true. Grown Ups has an almost Austenesque insight into character. Keyes knows how to make serious issues relatable - and get a few grownup laughs, too' GUARDIAN 'Hilarious, alternately heartwarming and heartbreaking. I loved everything about it' DAILY MAIL 'You may have written the best book of your career' CHRIS EVANS, VIRGIN RADIO 'Superb. Warm-hearted, wise and highly entertaining' OBSERVER 'Keyes at her best: capturing everyday voices with humour and empathy with writing that you'll devour in a weekend. Just pure and simple joy' STYLIST 'I loved every word. I will be missing those gorgeous vibrant characters for many weeks to come' LIANE MORIARTY, bestselling author of Big Little Lies 'Messy, tangled complex humans who reminded me that few of us ever really sort our lives out at all' JOJO MOYES, bestselling author of Me Before You 'Her best yet. Charming, funny and poignant, but also profound, heartbreaking' NINA STIBBE, bestselling author of Reasons to be CheerfulSunday Times bestseller April 2023
Simon & Schuster Marina's Turf
National Geographic Kids National Geographic Readers: Las Tortugas Marinas (L2)
Follas novas Edicin de Marina Mayoral e Blanca Ana Roig EDICIN LITERARIA BIBLIOTECA DAS LETRAS GALEGAS
Rosalía de Castro (1837-1885) publicou Follas novas en 1880, comprometida como estaba na recuperación e dignificación da nosa lingua, despois da edición de Cantares gallegos en 1863.Posiblemente aquí están as páxinas e os versos máis intensos da nosa autora, os sentimentos máis desacougantes, as grandes preguntas universais, a sociedade, a morte, a inxustiza, o baleiro... Tamén as súas primeiras contribucións formais e as combinacións rítmicas que tanto influíron non só na poesía galega senón en toda a lírica peninsular.Velaquí un dos grandes libros da nosa literatura. Un dos seus momentos de auténtica plenitude.
Ediciones Omega, S.A. Gua de las macroalgas y fanergamas marinas del Mediterraneo occidental
La vida marina del Mediterráneo occidental es de una riqueza privilegiada. Este libros nos introduce en el fascinante grupo de las macroalgas y fanerógamas marinas, los macroorganismos fotosintéticos que proliferan en las aguas necesariamente someras de este mar. Sus autores son destacados biólogos marinos, buenos conocedores de la biología y ecología de estos organismos. La obra ha sido elaborada con rigor científico y la información que transmite es de plena actualidad.
Faber & Faber Marina Carr: Plays 2: On Raftery’s Hill; Ariel; Woman and Scarecrow; The Cordelia Dream; Marble
On Raftery's Hill'This is a play that howls to be seen; its courage is matched only by its dramatic power.' Sunday IndependentAriel'An astonishing piece of theatre. Interweaving themes drawn from Irish, Greek and biblical myth, she spins a tale of power that is honest, emotional, dark and true . . . Die to see it.' Irish ExaminerWoman and Scarecrow'Drama doesn't come much richer or stranger than this death-bed lament. Ravishing in its dense, literary language, it is as visceral as it is intellectual. It lingers not only in the ear and brain, but in the imagination and the gut. An extraordinary brew, bittersweet and totally intoxicating.' The TimesThe Cordelia Dream'A brave piece and clearly charged with deep feeling. . . This is certainly unsettling territory and Carr boldly goes for it.' Financial TimesMarble'An extraordinary play that lures us in with a promise of the recognisable only to drag us screaming into the soaring, magnificent possibilities of love and the destruction that it wreaks.' Irish Independent
National Geographic Kids National Geographic Readers: Las Tortugas Marinas (L2)
Pan Macmillan Almost English: the heart-breaking Man Booker-longlisted novel from the author of The Exhibitionist
‘The multi award-winning Charlotte Mendelson is famous for whipping up the hottest, messiest family dramas a writer of literary fiction can . . . This is late Shakespeare meets Modern Family and it’s irresistible’ – The TimesIn a tiny flat in West London, sixteen-year-old Marina lives with her emotionally delicate mother and three ancient Hungarian relatives. Imprisoned by her family’s crushing expectations and their traditions, she knows she must escape.At Combe Abbey, a traditional English private boarding school in the Dorset countryside, Marina realizes she’s made a terrible mistake. Here, among the boathouses, chapel services and unspoken social hierarchy, she is the awkward half-foreign girl who doesn’t know how to fit in, flirt, or even exist.Meanwhile, her mother has her own painful secrets to deal with – especially the surprising return of the very last man she’d expect to see. And Marina’s disastrous spiral at Combe Abbey is going unnoticed . . .‘A deliciously funny tale of dysfunctional families. . . Reading Mendelson’s easy, assured prose is like sinking into something soft and velvety’ – Telegraph‘I read and adored Almost English . . . and now I will read everything she’s ever written. Charlotte Mendelson is a fiendishly gifted writer’ – Marian Keyes
Extramuros Edición, S.L. Cuestin vital de marina historia de la matrcula de mar y exmen de varios sistemas de reclutamiento martimo
Simon & Schuster Ltd The Only Suspect: A 'twisting, seductive, ingenious' thriller from the bestselling author of The Other Passenger
THE NEW CAUTIONARY TALE OF OBSESSION, LOVE, JEALOUSY AND DECEPTION FROM THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF OUR HOUSE AND THE OTHER PASSENGER Wrong time. Wrong place. Wrong man. Alex lives a comfortable life with his wife Beth in the leafy suburb of Silver Vale. Fine, so he’s not the most sociable guy on the street, he prefers to keep himself to himself, but he’s a good husband and an easy-going neighbour. That’s until Beth announces the creation of a nature trail on a local site that’s been disused for decades and suddenly Alex is a changed man. Now he’s always watching. Questioning. Struggling to hide his dread . . . As the landscapers get to work, a secret threatens to surface from years ago, back in Alex’s twenties when he got entangled with a seductive young woman called Marina, who threw both their lives into turmoil. And who sparked a police hunt for a murder suspect that was never quite what it seemed. It still isn’t. No one else could have done it. Could they? ‘The best Louise Candlish novel yet’ Lisa Jewell 'I'm blown away by how good it is. A gripping tale of love, secrets and deception - it's the best psychological thriller I've read in a long time.' Mark Edwards
Simon & Schuster Ltd The Only Suspect: A 'twisting, seductive, ingenious' thriller from the bestselling author of The Other Passenger
THE NEW CAUTIONARY TALE OF OBSESSION, LOVE, JEALOUSY AND DECEPTION FROM THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF OUR HOUSE AND THE OTHER PASSENGER Wrong time. Wrong place. Wrong man. Alex lives a comfortable life with his wife Beth in the leafy suburb of Silver Vale. Fine, so he’s not the most sociable guy on the street, he prefers to keep himself to himself, but he’s a good husband and an easy-going neighbour. That’s until Beth announces the creation of a nature trail on a local site that’s been disused for decades and suddenly Alex is a changed man. Now he’s always watching. Questioning. Struggling to hide his dread . . . As the landscapers get to work, a secret threatens to surface from years ago, back in Alex’s twenties when he got entangled with a seductive young woman called Marina, who threw both their lives into turmoil. And who sparked a police hunt for a murder suspect that was never quite what it seemed. It still isn’t. No one else could have done it. Could they? ‘The best Louise Candlish novel yet’ Lisa Jewell 'I'm blown away by how good it is. A gripping tale of love, secrets and deception - it's the best psychological thriller I've read in a long time' Mark Edwards 'A compelling, nerve-tingling treat' Nicci French
Simon & Schuster Ltd The Only Suspect: A 'twisting, seductive, ingenious' thriller from the bestselling author of The Other Passenger
THE NEW CAUTIONARY TALE OF OBSESSION, LOVE, JEALOUSY AND DECEPTION FROM THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF OUR HOUSE AND THE OTHER PASSENGER Wrong time. Wrong place. Wrong man. Alex lives a comfortable life with his wife Beth in the leafy suburb of Silver Vale. Fine, so he’s not the most sociable guy on the street, he prefers to keep himself to himself, but he’s a good husband and an easy-going neighbour. That’s until Beth announces the creation of a nature trail on a local site that’s been disused for decades and suddenly Alex is a changed man. Now he’s always watching. Questioning. Struggling to hide his dread . . . As the landscapers get to work, a secret threatens to surface from years ago, back in Alex’s twenties when he got entangled with a seductive young woman called Marina, who threw both their lives into turmoil. And who sparked a police hunt for a murder suspect that was never quite what it seemed. It still isn’t. No one else could have done it. Could they? ‘The best Louise Candlish novel yet’ Lisa Jewell 'I'm blown away by how good it is. A gripping tale of love, secrets and deception - it's the best psychological thriller I've read in a long time' Mark Edwards
Classiques Garnier European Drama and Performance Studies: A Classic 'Modern' Author: Marivaux on Stage (France, Europe and Other Continents)
J.M. Bosch Editor Las energas renovables marinas y la riqueza potencial de los ocanos un mar de dudas o un mar de oportunidades
Desde una perspectiva universal, las energías renovables marinas se hallan todavía en un estadio muy embrionario. Aun así, se puede prever que, si se desarrollasen, podrían conseguirse múltiples beneficios en el ámbito internacional. Las ventajas se conectan con la conocida triple dimensión del desarrollo sostenible, y, por tanto, pueden materializarse en el plano medioambiental, social y económico. Pero también político. Cabe entresacar, ante todo, su papel potencial en relación con la mitigación del cambio climático. No obstante, también son perceptibles ciertos aspectos problemáticos, en lo que atañe igualmente a las facetas medioambiental, social y económica. Teniendo esto en cuenta, en este libro se examinan los principales aspectos jurídicos implicados. Dado que el Derecho internacional es un ordenamiento jurídico de referencia en este ámbito, el principal objetivo es examinar su contenido y alcance, así como detectar posibles lagunas que pudieran existir para el aprovechamiento
Vintage Publishing India Express: easy & delicious one-tin and one-pan vegan, vegetarian & pescatarian recipes – by the bestselling ‘Roasting Tin’ series author
A GUARDIAN BOOK OF THE YEAR | 'A JOY OF A BOOK' (SUNDAY TIMES) | A BBC GOOD FOOD 'BEST INDIAN COOKBOOK'FROM THE 1.5 MILLION-COPY BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF 'THE ROASTING TIN SERIES': 75 SIMPLE, FRESH AND DELICIOUS RECIPES. INCLUDES: OVER 20 ONE-TIN/ONE-PAN RECIPES AND OVER 20 *30 MINS MAX* RECIPES. 'A must-have' Rachel Roddy | 'A practical and inspiring delight' Niki Segnit | 'An instant classic' Felicity Cloake | 'Clever, speedy, manageable' India Knight | 'Rukmini's best book yet' Stuart HeritageDiscover simple and speedy recipes that work for every day such as:Crisp-Topped Marinated Sea Bass With Green Chilli, Lime & Coriander - Roasted Cauliflower with yoghurt and mustard - All-in-one Aubergine, Tomato & Nigella Seed Curry - Chilli, Coconut & Lime Salmon with Roasted Cherry Tomatoes - Green Pea, Onion & Cauliflower Pulao Rice - Bengali Popcorn Shrimp - Mini-Naan Pizzas with Lime & Coriander Paneer - Cheddar, Cumin & Nigella Seed Cheese StrawsFrom quick snacks and weeknight dinners to simple desserts, Rukmini Iyer has created a collection of South Indian and Bengali-inspired recipes with a modern twist. Keeping with her ethos of 'minimum effort, maximum flavour', these dishes are vibrant, achievable and moreish. 'Effortless innovative cooking and banging flavours' Alice Slater | 'Everything is full of flavour and easy' Angela Hui | 'Full of realistic, delicious recipes' Bethany Rutter
Pan Macmillan The Creative Writing Coursebook: Forty-Four Authors Share Advice and Exercises for Fiction and Poetry
A fully updated comprehensive guide for improving and practicing your creative writing, including contributions from Ali Smith and Kit de Waal The Creative Writing Coursebook, edited by Julia Bell and Paul Magrs, takes aspiring writers through three stages of essential practice: Gathering – getting started, learning how to keep notes, making observations and using memory; Shaping – looking at structure, point of view, character and setting; and Finishing – being your own critic, joining workshops and finding publishers.Fully updated and including a foreword by Marina Warner and contributions from forty-four authors such as Kit de Waal and Amy Liptrot, this is the perfect book for people who are just starting to write as well as for those who want some help honing work already completed. Filled with a wealth of exercises and activities, it will inspire budding writers to develop and hone their skills. Whether writing for publication, in a group or just for pleasure this comprehensive guide is for anyone who is ready to put pen to paper.
Silvana Marino Marini: Horses, Horsemen and Female Nudes
Marino Marini (1901-1980) was among the most famous and successful of all post-war Italian sculptors. This book celebrates the themes for which he was best known: equestrian statuary and female nudes. Flavio Fergonzi explores the meanings of Marini's Horses and Riders, and traces their evolution from his first Rider, which scandalised critics at the 1936 Venice Biennale, to the enigmatic, expressionist Miracles and Warriors of the late 1950s, which were highpoints of modern Italian sculpture. Marino Marini. Horses, Horsemen and Female Nudes is the catalogue of an exhibition organised by Robilant+Voena, London (February-June 2018).
University of Guam Press History of the Mariana Islands
Histoire des isles Marianes (History of the Mariana Islands), was published in Paris in 1700 with authorship attributed to French Jesuit priest Charles Le Gobien, S.J. It provides a detailed glimpse into a tumultuous and critically significant period in the history of the Mariana Islands and the CHamoru peoplethe period commonly referred to as the CHamoru-Spanish Wars. It includes detailed accounts of the first 30 years of the Jesuit mission in the Marinas. It also features speeches by CHamoru chiefs, including the famous speech by Maga'låhi Hurao that is etched onto the wall at the entrance of the Guam Museum.Using research conducted in several national and international archives in Madrid, Barcelona, Rome, and at the Richard F. Taitano Micronesian Area Research Center in Guam, Alexandre Coello de la Rosa produced this English translation of the first Spanish edition of Le Gobien's text. This present edition also stems from a manuscript preserved in the Arxiu de
Lynx Edicions La Mariona Perqus
Mariona Perquès siempre quiere saber el porqué de las cosas. Por eso todo el mundo la llama Marina Porqués. Un día, su madre le dice que tiene que aprender a leer. Y claro, ella quiere saber por qué. No es fácil de explicar, pero, al final de esta historia, Marina aprenderá por qué tiene que aprender a leer, y por qué eso la hará tan especial.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Marine Biology: Volume 4
The opening chapter describes the characteristics, challenges and opportunities pertaining to the Strait of Hormuz and reviews the present and future conditions of the marine environment in the region. Next, the authors analyze phytoplankton chlorophyll-a data obtained on 27 oceanographic cruises in the southern Gulf of Mexico between 1979 and 2000. Four cruises were selected to report variations of chlorophyll-a associated with hydrographic conditions (temperature and salinity) in surface waters, one in April 1983 and three in different seasons in 1987. Data on the abundances of >105 cells/L of the non-toxic benthic-planktonic widely distributed ubiquitous pennate diatom Cylindrotheca closterium as a causative agent of harmful algal blooms in the coastal waters of the northern Yucatan Peninsula, with an emphasis on four marinas, are presented in the following chapter. Following this, studies are presented wherein it is shown that substrate type, species diversity, stem and root density, predator, seasons, and mate display activity affect the zonal and spatial distribution as well as the diameter of a burrow in semi-terrestrial crabs. The authors go on to highlight the applications of the most active compounds present in marine macroalgae known as polyphenols, as well as their isolation using green extraction methods. Their bioactive properties are reviewed and their potential for health improvement is evaluated. The penultimate chapter focuses on tributyltin, a toxic compound with broad-spectrum activity toward diverse marine species, and how it affects marine environments. The closing chapter examines the several molecular methods which have been evaluated for species identification, phylogenetic analyses, and determining the population structure of Thunnus.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Mariana and Her Familia
A heartwarming picture book about a young girl on her first trip to visit family in Mexico, who learns there is no language barrier when it comes to love—from debut author Mónica Mancillas and rising star illustrator Erika Meza. Perfect for fans of Where Are You From? and Mango, Abuela, and Me.Mariana is visiting her abuelita and extended family in Mexico for the first time. Her tummy does a flip as she and Mami cross the frontera.There are all new sights, smells, and sounds. And at Abuelita’s house, Mariana is overwhelmed by new faces and Spanish phrases she doesn’t understand.But with a story, some kindness, and a few new words from Abuelita, Mariana discovers that the love of family knows no cultural divide.
The Egyptian Expedition Ancient Mediterranean Interconnections: Papers in Honor of Nanno Marinatos
It is with the greatest pleasure that the editors of the Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections dedicate this fascicle as a Festschrift for Professor Nanno Marinatos (University of Illinois at Chicago). Professor Marinatos stands as a leading figure in the area of interconnections between the ancient Aegean and the wider world of the Eastern Mediterranean, the Near East and Egypt, so the editors, along with some of her many friends, feel it particularly fitting to offer this tribute to her and her work. Ten manuscripts authored by some of the most prominent members of their fields are well illustrated (full color) in more than 100 pages.
Persephone Books Ltd Mariana
Persephone Books Ltd Mariana
McGraw-Hill Education Marine Biology ISE
Marine Biology covers the basics of marine biology with a global approach, using examples from numerous regions and ecosystems worldwide. This introductory, one-semester text is designed for non-majors. Authors Castro and Huber have made a special effort to include solid basic science content needed in a general education course, including the fundamental principles of biology, the physical sciences, and the scientific method. This science coverage is integrated with a stimulating, up-to-date overview of marine biology.