Search results for ""author j. michael""
Imperial College Press Advances In Astronomy: From The Big Bang To The Solar System
In this highly accessible book, leading scientists from around the world give a general overview of research advances in their subject areas within the field of Astronomy. They describe some of their own cutting-edge research and give their visions of the future. Re-written in a popular and well-illustrated style, the articles are mainly derived from scholarly and authoritative papers published in special issues of the Royal Society's Philosophical Transactions, the world's longest running scientific journal. Carefully selected by the journal's editor, topics include the Big Bang creation of the universe, the formation and evolution of the stars and galaxies, cold dark matter, explosive sun-spot events, and humankind's exploration of the solar system. The book conveys the excitement and enthusiasm of the authors for their work at the frontiers of astronomy. All are definitive reviews for people with a general interest in the future directions of science.
Artists Writers & Artisans The Resistance: Vol. 1
The Library of America Norman Mailer: Collected Essays Of The 1960s (loa #306)
Random House USA Inc On God: An Uncommon Conversation
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Concise Encyclopedia of Sociology
This concise encyclopedia is the most complete international survey of sociology ever created in one volume. Contains over 800 entries from the whole breadth of the discipline Distilled from the highly regarded Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, with entries completely revised and updated to provide succinct and up-to-date coverage of the fundamental topics Global in scope, both in terms of topics and contributors Each entry includes references and suggestions for further reading Cross-referencing allows easy movement around the volume
Marvel Comics Spider-man: One More Day Gallery Edition
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Becoming Superman: My Journey From Poverty to Hollywood
A Hugo Award Nominee!Featuring an introduction by Neil Gaiman!“J. Michael Straczynski is, without question, one of the greatest science fiction minds of our time.” -- Max Brooks (World War Z)For four decades, J. Michael Straczynski has been one of the most successful writers in Hollywood, one of the few to forge multiple careers in movies, television and comics. Yet there’s one story he’s never told before: his own.In this dazzling memoir, the acclaimed writer behind Babylon 5, Sense8, Clint Eastwood’s Changeling and Marvel’s Thor reveals how the power of creativity and imagination enabled him to overcome the horrors of his youth and a dysfunctional family haunted by madness, murder and a terrible secret.Joe's early life nearly defies belief. Raised by damaged adults—a con-man grandfather and a manipulative grandmother, a violent, drunken father and a mother who was repeatedly institutionalized—Joe grew up in abject poverty, living in slums and projects when not on the road, crisscrossing the country in his father’s desperate attempts to escape the consequences of his past. To survive his abusive environment Joe found refuge in his beloved comics and his dreams, immersing himself in imaginary worlds populated by superheroes whose amazing powers allowed them to overcome any adversity. The deeper he read, the more he came to realize that he, too, had a superpower: the ability to tell stories and make everything come out the way he wanted it. But even as he found success, he could not escape a dark and shocking secret that hung over his family’s past, a violent truth that he uncovered over the course of decades involving mass murder.Straczynski’s personal history has always been shrouded in mystery. Becoming Superman lays bare the facts of his life: a story of creation and darkness, hope and success, a larger-than-life villain and a little boy who became the hero of his own life. It is also a compelling behind-the-scenes look at some of the most successful TV series and movies recognized around the world.
Image Comics Midnight Nation (New Edition)
Writer J. Michael Straczynski's classic tale of loss and redemption is collected in its entirety with all 12 issues, Midnight Nation #1/2, and a cover gallery. Also includes a touching and insightful afterword from Straczynski.
Vij Books India Infamous Day: Marines at Pearl Harbor 7 December 1941
John Wiley and Sons Ltd International Mediation
Conflicts in the international system, both among and within states, bring death, destruction, and human misery. Understanding how third parties use mediation to encourage settlements and establish a durable peace among belligerents is vital for managing these conflicts. Among many features, this book empirically examines the history of post-World War II mediation efforts to: Chart the historical changes in the types of conflicts that mediation addresses and the links between different mediation efforts across time. Explore the roles played by providers of mediation in the international system - namely, individuals, states, and organizations - in managing violent conflicts. Gauge the influence of self-interest and altruism as motivating forces that determine which conflicts are mediated and which are ignored. Evaluate what we know about the willingness of parties in conflict to accept mediation, when and why it is most effective, and discuss the future challenges facing mediators in the contemporary world. Drawing on a wide range of examples from the Oslo Accords and Good Friday Agreement to efforts to manage the civil wars in Burundi, Tajikistan, and Bosnia, this book is an indispensable guide to international mediation for students, practitioners, and general readers seeking to understand better how third parties can use mediation to deal with the globe’s trouble spots.
SAGE Publications Inc RealWorld Evaluation: Working Under Budget, Time, Data, and Political Constraints
RealWorld Evaluation: Working Under Budget, Time, Data, and Political Constraints addresses the challenges of conducting program evaluations in real-world contexts where evaluators and their clients face budget and time constraints. The book is organized around the authors’ seven-step model that has been tested in workshops and practice environments to help the evaluation implementers and managers make the best choices when faced with real world constraints. The Third Edition includes a new chapter on gender equality and women’s empowerment and discussion of digital technology and data science.
The Library of America Norman Mailer: Four Books Of The 1960s (loa #305): An American Dream / Why Are We in Vietnam? / The Armies of the Night / Miami and the Siege of Chicago
The Library of America Norman Mailer: The 1960s Collection: A Library of America Boxed Set
SPIE Press Handbook Of Medical Imaging, Volume 2: Medical Image Processing And Analysis
Volume 2 (consisting of Parts 1 and 2) addresses the methods in use or in development for enhancing the visual perception of digital medical images obtained by a wide variety of imaging modalities and for image analysis as an aid to detection and diagnosis.
Rowman & Littlefield Basic Essentials® Sea Kayaking
This exciting and demanding sport is much different than its flat-water sibling, with different equipment and techniques, all of which are covered in Basic Essentials: Sea Kayaking. Illustrations cover the many sea kayak models and accessories, as well as important information on tides and currents, packing and loading tips for comfort and safety, and a glossary chock-full of helpful terminology. With this revised third edition, you'll discover how to perfect your paddle stroke, perform self rescues and assisted rescues, paddle and navigate safely, pack your sea kayak for an expedition, and get your kayak on and off your vehicle.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Spine and Joint Articulation for Manual Therapists
Imperial College Press Advances In Earth Science: From Earthquakes To Global Warming
Advances in Earth Science outlines the latest developments and new research directions currently being made world-wide in the earth sciences. It contains invited and refereed articles by leading younger researchers on their cutting-edge research, but aimed at a general scientific audience.This exciting volume explains how powerful methodologies such as satellite remote sensing and supercomputing simulations are now profoundly changing research in the earth sciences; how the earth system is increasingly being viewed in a holistic way, linking the atmosphere, ocean and solid earth; and how the societal impact of the research in the earth sciences has never been more important.Published by Imperial College Press in collaboration with the Royal Society of London, the book features many articles originating from invited papers published in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. Eleven of the distinguished contributors hold prestigious Royal Society Research Fellowships.
Nick Hern Books Andromache
Drama Classics: The World's Great Plays at a Great Little Price The story of Andromache, widow of the Trojan hero Hector. Some years after the fall of Troy, Andromache is living as a slave to Neoptolemus, by whom she has a child. When Neoptolemus' fiercely jealous young wife, Hermione, finds she is unable to conceive, she threatens to murder Andromache, and the struggle between the two women turns quickly into a bitter feud. This edition of Euripides' Andromache, in the Drama Classics series, is translated and introduced by Marianne McDonald and J. Michael Walton.
OM Book Service Loose Leaf for Theatrical Design and Production: An Introduction to Scene Design and Construction, Lighting, Sound, Costume, and Makeup
Artists Writers & Artisans The Resistance Universe: The Origins
Artists Writers & Artisans The Resistance: Uprising
Artists Writers & Artisans Moths
The Library of America Norman Mailer 1945-1946 (loa #364): The Naked and the Dead & Selected Letters
Panini Publishing Ltd Marvel Select - The Amazing Spider-man: The Book Of Ezekiel
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Network Security, Firewalls And Vpns
PART OF THE NEW JONES & BARTLETT LEARNING INFORMATION SYSTEMS SECURITY & ASSURANCE SERIES Fully revised and updated with the latest data from the field, Network Security, Firewalls, and VPNs, third Edition provides a unique, in-depth look at the major business challenges and threats that are introduced when an organization’s network is connected to the public Internet. Written by an industry expert, this book provides a comprehensive explanation of network security basics, including how hackers access online networks and the use of Firewalls and VPNs to provide security countermeasures. Using examples and exercises, this book incorporates hands-on activities to prepare the reader to disarm threats and prepare for emerging technologies and future attacks. Key Features: -Introduces the basics of network security—exploring the details of firewall security and how VPNs operate -Illustrates how to plan proper network security to combat hackers and outside threats -Discusses firewall configuration and deployment and managing firewall security -Identifies how to secure local and internet communications with a VPN Instructor Materials for Network Security, Firewalls, VPNs include: PowerPoint Lecture Slides Exam Questions Case Scenarios/Handouts About the Series This book is part of the Information Systems Security and Assurance Series from Jones and Bartlett Learning. Designed for courses and curriculums in IT Security, Cybersecurity, Information Assurance, and Information Systems Security, this series features a comprehensive, consistent treatment of the most current thinking and trends in this critical subject area. These titles deliver fundamental information-security principles packed with real-world applications and examples. Authored by Certified Information Systems Security Professionals (CISSPs), they deliver comprehensive information on all aspects of information security. Reviewed word for word by leading technical experts in the field, these books are not just current, but forward-thinking—putting you in the position to solve the cybersecurity challenges not just of today, but of tomorrow, as well.
Nick Hern Books The Oresteia
Drama Classics: The World's Great Plays at a Great Little Price Aeschylus' great trilogy of Greek tragedies about the end of the curse on the House of Atreus, The Oresteia comprises Agamemnon, Choephori (Libation-Bearers) and Eumenides (The Furies). A fourth play, Proteus, originally formed part of a tetralogy, but has not survived. The trilogy was first performed at the Dionysia festival in Athens in 458 BC, where it won first prize. This English version of The Oresteia, in the Nick Hern Books Drama Classics series, is translated and introduced by Marianne McDonald and J. Michael Walton.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Medea
A student edition of this challenging and popular tragedy with notes and commentary. The most controversial of the Greek tragedians, Euripedes is also the most modern in his sympathies, a dramatist who handles the complex emotions of his characters with extraordinary depth and insight. Wronged and discarded by her husband, Medea gradually reveals her revenge in its increasing horror, while the audience is led to understand the incomprehensible; a woman who murders her own children. Since its first production (431 BC), the play has exerted an irresistible attraction for actors and directors alike. Translated by J.Michael Walton.
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Administrative Ethics in the Twenty-first Century
After years of languishing in the long shadow of «values», its 1960s-era substitute, public discussion and debate about virtues, vices, character, and ethics are occupying center stage once again. This book joins that debate in a way that is both practical and useful to undergraduate and graduate students who are being introduced to the full breadth of public administration in introductory courses, or specialized ones in administrative ethics. Intended as a supplement to major ethics texts, this book will help readers develop a thorough understanding of the principles of ethics so they will come away with a deeper appreciation of the challenges and complexities involved in negotiating the ethical dilemmas facing administrators in a twenty-first century democratic republic.
Fantagraphics Zero Hour And Other Stories
Arcadia Publishing (SC) Los Angeles Underworld
Panini Publishing Ltd Marvel Platinum: The Definitive Spider-man Rebooted
Panini Publishing Ltd Marvel Villains: Loki
American Society for Microbiology A Guide to Specimen Management in Clinical Microbiology
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Consumption and Consumer Studies
With entries detailing key concepts, persons, and approaches, The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Consumption and Consumer Studies provides definitive coverage of a field that has grown dramatically in scope and popularity around the world over the last two decades. Includes over 200 A-Z entries varying in length from 500 to 5,000 words, with a list of suggested readings for each entry and cross-references, as well as a lexicon by category, and a timeline Brings together the latest research and theories in the field from international contributors across a range of disciplines, from sociology, cultural studies, and advertising to anthropology, business, and consumer behavior Available online with interactive cross-referencing links and powerful searching capabilities within the work and across Wiley’s comprehensive online reference collection or as a single volume in print
Imperial College Press Advances In Nanoengineering: Electronics, Materials And Assembly
This book outlines a selection of exciting advances currently being made worldwide in the field of modern engineering at the nanometer scale. Leading scientists and engineers give a general overview of research advances in their specialized subject areas. They also describe some of their own cutting-edge research and give their visions of the future.Written in a popular and well-illustrated style, the articles are written by young scientists many of whom hold, or have held, prestigious Royal Society or EPSRC Fellowships. Carefully selected by Professor A G Davies and Professor J M T Thompson FRS, topics include: the fabrication and measurement of nanoelectronic devices, organic conductors, and bioelectronic materials; the assembly of such structures into appropriate configurations, including the use of biological processes to drive the assembly; the development of new materials including both organic and inorganic wires, carbon nanotubes, and magnetic materials; and finally, the analysis and characterization of these structures.The book conveys the excitement and enthusiasm of the authors for their work at the frontiers of modern engineering nanotechnology. All are definitive reviews for readers with a general interest in the future directions of science and engineering at the nanometer scale.
Nick Hern Books Electra
Drama Classics: The World's Great Plays at a Great Little Price A tragic tale of duty, retribution and fate. King Agamemnon, on returning from the Trojan Wars, is murdered by his wife, Clytemnestra, and her lover. Now, to avenge the crime, their daughter Electra must commit one even worse and face the inevitable consequences. This edition of Sophocles' play Electra, in the Nick Hern Books Drama Classics series, is translated and introduced by Marianne McDonald and J. Michael Walton.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Handbook of Rhetoric and Public Address
The Handbook of Rhetoric and Public Address is a state-of-the-art companion to the field that showcases both the historical traditions and the future possibilities for public address scholarship in the twenty-first century. Focuses on public address as both a subject matter and a critical perspective Mindful of the connections between the study of public address and the history of ideas Provides an historical overview of public address research and pedagogy, as well as a reassessment of contemporary public address scholarship by those most engaged in its practice Includes in-depth discussions of basic issues and controversies public address scholarship Explores the relationship between the study of public address and contemporary issues of civic engagement and democratic citizenship Reflects the diversity of views among public address scholars, advancing on-going discussions and debates over the goals and character of rhetorical scholarship
Arcadia Publishing World War I on the Virginia Peninsula
Taylor & Francis Inc Innovations in Instructional Technology: Essays in Honor of M. David Merrill
M. David Merrill has been active in the field of instructional technology for almost 40 years. His contributions range from basic instructional principles and instructional design theory to development and implementation of learning environments. Innovations in Instructional Technology is a collection of original essays written by leading scholars and practitioners who have worked with and been inspired by Professor Merrill. The chapters in this book represent a sampling of key innovations in the instructional technology field and include knowledge of how people learn, how people solve problems, how designers conceptualize learning spaces, how teachers implement learning activities, and how evaluators assess outcomes.This volume is divided into five basic areas of research in instructional technology, mirroring the diverse contributions of Dr. Merrill's work:*four chapters on learning objects and the notion of reusable components;*three chapters that discuss fundamental aspects of learning and the design of instruction;*three chapters that address innovations in the area of assessment, evaluation, and model validation;*three chapters that concern theories of learning and instruction; and*three chapters on instructional design practice.The book concludes with a chapter outlining Dr. Merrill's responses to challenges, comments, and questions on the future of the field--ranging from the notion of initial passions with regard to instructional technology to connections between theory and practice to questions of conscience--from an expert panel comprised of many of the contributors to the book.As Dave Merrill's work will continue to be required reading for students of instructional technology, Innovations in Instructional Technology is a book that will appeal to students, researchers, and practitioners in the field.
Nick Hern Books Electra
Drama Classics: The World's Great Plays at a Great Little Price Euripides' version of the Ancient Greek myth of revenge on a murdering parent. Electra's brother Orestes returns to avenge the murder of his father, Agamemnon, by his mother Clytemnestra. This edition of Electra, in the Nick Hern Books Drama Classics series, is translated and introduced by Marianne McDonald and J. Michael Walton.
Imperial College Press Advances In Earth Science: From Earthquakes To Global Warming
Advances in Earth Science outlines the latest developments and new research directions currently being made world-wide in the earth sciences. It contains invited and refereed articles by leading younger researchers on their cutting-edge research, but aimed at a general scientific audience.This exciting volume explains how powerful methodologies such as satellite remote sensing and supercomputing simulations are now profoundly changing research in the earth sciences; how the earth system is increasingly being viewed in a holistic way, linking the atmosphere, ocean and solid earth; and how the societal impact of the research in the earth sciences has never been more important.Published by Imperial College Press in collaboration with the Royal Society of London, the book features many articles originating from invited papers published in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. Eleven of the distinguished contributors hold prestigious Royal Society Research Fellowships.
Marvel Comics Marvel Visionaries: John Romita Jr.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd International Conflict Management
International conflict has long plagued the world, and it continues to do so. With many interstate and civil disputes experiencing no third-party attempts at conflict management, how can the international community mitigate the effects of and ultimately end such violence? Why, in so many cases, are early, “golden opportunities” for conflict management missed? In this book, J. Michael Greig, Andrew P. Owsiak, and Paul F. Diehl introduce the varied approaches and factors that promote the de-escalation and the peaceful management of conflict across the globe—from negotiation, mediation, arbitration, and adjudication to peace operations, sanctions, and military or humanitarian intervention. The history, characteristics and agents of each approach are examined in depth, using a wide range of case studies to illustrate successes and failures on the ground. Finally, the book investigates how the various tools interact—both logically and sequentially—to produce beneficial or deleterious effects.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Soil Strength and Slope Stability
The definitive guide to the critical issue of slope stability and safety Soil Strength and Slope Stability, Second Edition presents the latest thinking and techniques in the assessment of natural and man-made slopes, and the factors that cause them to survive or crumble. Using clear, concise language and practical examples, the book explains the practical aspects of geotechnical engineering as applied to slopes and embankments. The new second edition includes a thorough discussion on the use of analysis software, providing the background to understand what the software is doing, along with several methods of manual analysis that allow readers to verify software results. The book also includes a new case study about Hurricane Katrina failures at 17th Street and London Avenue Canal, plus additional case studies that frame the principles and techniques described. Slope stability is a critical element of geotechnical engineering, involved in virtually every civil engineering project, especially highway development. Soil Strength and Slope Stability fills the gap in industry literature by providing practical information on the subject without including extraneous theory that may distract from the application. This balanced approach provides clear guidance for professionals in the field, while remaining comprehensive enough for use as a graduate-level text. Topics include: Mechanics of soil and limit equilibrium procedures Analyzing slope stability, rapid drawdown, and partial consolidation Safety, reliability, and stability analyses Reinforced slopes, stabilization, and repair The book also describes examples and causes of slope failure and stability conditions for analysis, and includes an appendix of slope stability charts. Given how vital slope stability is to public safety, a comprehensive resource for analysis and practical action is a valuable tool. Soil Strength and Slope Stability is the definitive guide to the subject, proving useful both in the classroom and in the field.