Search results for ""author gilbert""
Reclam Philipp Jun. Der Begriff des Geistes
Rudolf Steiner Press Understand Your Temperament!: A Guide to the Four Temperaments - Choleric, Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Melancholic
Fantagraphics Hypnotwist
Fantagraphics Maria M.
Museum of Modern Art The Thoughts of Gilbert & George
Fantagraphics Ofelia: A Love & Rockets Book
Fantagraphics Julio's Day
Africa World Press People Theater And Grassroots Empowerment In Cameroon
Fantagraphics Love And Rockets: Human Diastrophism: The Second Volume of Palomar Stories from Love & Rockets
Knockabout Comics The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers Compendium
Johns Hopkins University Press The Lord's Oysters
Memories of the author's youth are incorporated in a novel about the boyhood escapades of Noah Marlin, the son of a Chesapeake Bay waterman.
Harvard University Press A Walk around the Pond: Insects in and over the Water
A water strider darts across a pond, its feet dimpling the surface tension; a giant water bug dives below, carrying his mate’s eggs on his back; hidden among plant roots on the silty bottom, a dragonfly larva stalks unwary minnows. Barely skimming the surface, in the air above the pond, swarm mayflies with diaphanous wings. Take this walk around the pond with Gilbert Waldbauer and discover the most amazingly diverse inhabitants of the freshwater world. In his hallmark companionable style, Waldbauer introduces us to the aquatic insects that have colonized ponds, lakes, streams, and rivers, especially those in North America. Along the way we learn about the diverse forms these arthropods take, as well as their remarkable modes of life—how they have radiated into every imaginable niche in the water environment, and how they cope with the challenges such an environment poses to respiration, vision, thermoregulation, and reproduction. We encounter the caddis fly larva building its protective case and camouflaging it with stream detritus; green darner dragonflies mating midair in an acrobatic wheel formation; ants that have adapted to the tiny water environment within a pitcher plant; and insects whose adaptations to the aquatic lifestyle are furnishing biomaterials engineers with ideas for future applications in industry and consumer goods. While learning about the evolution, natural history, and ecology of these insects, readers also discover more than a little about the scientists who study them.
The University of Chicago Press Sambia Sexual Culture: Essays from the Field
A collection of essays on the sexual culture of the Sambia of Papua New Guinea. Over the course of 20 years, Gilbert Herdt made 13 trips to live with the Sambia of Papua New Guinea in order to understand sexuality and ritual in the context of warfare and gender segregation. Herdt's essays examine Sambia fetish and fantasy, ritual nose-bleeding, the role of homoerotic insemination, the role of the father and mother in the process of identity formation, and the creation of a "third sex" in nature and culture. He also discusses the representation of homosexuality in cross-cultural literature on pre-modern societies, arguing that scholars have long viewed desires through the tropes of negative western models. Herdt asks the reader to reconsider the realities and subjective experiences of desires in their own context, and to rethink how the homoerotic is expressed in radically divergent sexual cultures.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America
Saqi Books Morbid Symptoms: Relapse in the Arab Uprising
Since the first wave of uprisings in 2011, the euphoria of the "Arab Spring" has given way to the gloom of backlash and a descent into mayhem and war. The revolution has been overwhelmed by clashes between rival counter-revolutionary forces: resilient old regimes on the one hand and Islamic fundamentalist contenders on the other.In this eagerly awaited book, foremost Middle East and international affairs specialist Gilbert Achcar analyzes the factors of the regional relapse. Focusing on Syria and Egypt, Achcar assesses the present stage of the uprising and the main obstacles, both regional and international, that prevent any resolution. In Syria, the regime's brutality has fostered the rise of jihadist forces, among which the so-called Islamic State emerged as the most ruthless and powerful. In Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood's year in power was ultimately terminated by the contradictory conjunction of a second revolutionary wave and a bloody reactionary coup. Events in Syria and Egypt offer salient examples of a pattern of events happening across the Middle East.Morbid Symptoms offers a timely analysis of the ongoing Arab uprising that will engage experts and general readers alike.Drawing on a unique combination of scholarly and political knowledge of the Arab region, Achcar argues that, short of radical social change, the region will not reach stability any time soon.
Faber & Faber The Dreamers
Paris in the spring of 1968. The city is beginning to emerge from hibernation and an obscure spirit of social and political renewal is in the air. Yet Théo, his twin sister Isabelle and Matthew, an American student they have befriended, think only of immersing themselves in another, addictive form of hibernation: moviegoing at the Cinémathèque Française. Night after night, they take their place beside their fellow cinephiles in the very front row of the stalls and feast insatiably off the images that flicker across the vast white screen.Denied their nightly 'fix' when the French government suddenly orders the Cinémathèque's closure, Théo, Isabelle and Matthew gradually withdraw into a hermetically sealed universe of their own creation, an airless universe of obsessive private games, ordeals, humiliations and sexual jousting which finds them shedding their clothes and their inhibitions with equal abandon. A vertiginous free fall interrupted only, and tragically, when the real world outside their shuttered apartment succeeds at last in encroaching on their delirium.The study of a triangular relationship whose perverse eroticism contrives nevertheless to conserve its own bruised purity, brilliant in its narrative invention and startling in its imagery, The Dreamers (now a major film by Bernardo Bertolucci) belongs to the romantic French tradition of Les Enfants Terribles and Le Grand Meaulnes and resembles no other work in recent British fiction.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Das C++ Kompendium: STL, Objektfabriken, Exceptions
Das Lehrbuch vermittelt die zentralen Konzepte der Programmierung in C++ im Detail. Anhand komplexer Problemstellungen wird gezeigt, wie korrekter und wiederverwendbarer Code entwickelt wird und wie sich mithilfe einer Programmiertechnik typische Fehler vermeiden lassen. Leser werden anhand von Aufgaben schrittweise an Problemstellungen herangeführt. Die mathematische und algorithmische Herangehensweise macht das Buch auch zu einem wertvollen Studienbegleiter für Veranstaltungen wie „Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen" oder „numerische Mathematik".
More Than Conquerors Media Be Wise, Evil Spirits are Real: A True Story
Alan Godfrey Maps Govan 1894: Lanarkshire Sheet 06.09a
Alan Godfrey Maps Glasgow (Hillhead) 1894: Lanarkshire Sheet 6.06a
Wellesley-Cambridge Press,U.S. Computational Science and Engineering
Peeters Publishers Gersonide En Son Temps: Science Et Philosophie Medievales
Peeters Publishers Etudes De Linguistique Generale II: La Linguistique Pure
Ce volume reunit une serie d'articles publies au cours des dernieres annees. Sous le nom de "linguistique pure", tous traitent d'une forme de structuralisme que se fonde sur la definition de la langue posee par Ferdinand de Saussure et sur l'interpretation lumineuse qu'en a donnee l'epistemologue Gilles Gaston Granger. Elle s'est nourrie, d'autre part, d'une certaine insatisfaction inspiree par l'etat actuel des etudes de linguistique generale. Vers le milieu du XXe siecle regnait le structuralisme. Il a un temps prete a la linguistique la figure d'un modele pour d'autres sciences humaines, puis il s'est trouve eclipse par les tentatives de formalisation de type logico-algebrique inaugurees par Chomsky. Celles-ci ont aujourd'hui perdu beaucoup de leur prestige. La typologie, en revanche, est en plein essor et ouvre des perspectives prometteuses. Son objectif, la decouverte des invariants de la structuration des langues, est proprement scientifique. Cependant, l'absence d'un soubassement theorique fragilise sa demarche. On soutient qu'un structuralisme renove d'inspiration saussurienne peut lui offrir la base theorique necessaire pour assurer son progres et la rapprocher du statut d'une science authentique. Cette ambition converge avec des tendances qui se font jour actuellement dans la recherche linguistique a l'echelle internationale.
Universite de la Sorbonne-Nouvelle Paris III, Institut d'etudesiraniennes La Formation de la Langue Persane
La formation d'une langue nationale est toujours un processus complexe. Celle de la langue persane est liee a l'histoire tourmentee de la civilisation iranienne, dont le centre n'a cesse de se deplacer entre le nord et le sud, l'est et l'ouest de son vaste domaine. Les problemes qu'elle pose a l'historien sont compliques par l'ambiguite des noms de langue comme pahlavi, parsi, dari, qui selon les epoques et les sources, designent des realites differentes. Les articles reunis dans ce volume, s'echelonnant sur une trentaine d'annees, jalonnent l'avancement d'une recherche attachee a les eclaircir progressivement. Des decouvertes recentes permettent enfin de comprendre comment s'est constitue, il y a plus d'un millenaire, l'idiome qui devait devenir l'organe d'une puissante litterature et l'instrument de communication non seulement dans l'ensemble du monde iranien, mais, pendant des siecles, dans une bonne moitie de l'Asie. Gilbert Lazard est professeur honoraire a la Sorbonne et membre de l'Institut. Ses travaux se partagent entre l'etude du persan et des autres langues iraniennes et la linguistique generale.
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin La Science-Fiction
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Le Signe Et La Technique: La Philosophie a l'Epreuve de la Technique
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin La Science Entre Valeurs Modernes Et Postmodernite: Conference Au College de France
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Aux Fondements d'Une Ethique Contemporaine: H. Jonas Et H. T. Engelhardt
Hal Leonard Corporation The Best of Gilbert O'Sullivan
Dalkey Archive Press Aberration of Starlight
Set at a boardinghouse in rural New Jersey in the summer of 1939, this novel revolves around four people who experience the comedies, torments and rare pleasures of family, romance and sex while on vacation from Brooklyn and the Depression. Billy Recco, an eager ten-year-old in search of a father... Marie Recco, nee McGrath, an attractive divorcee caught between her son and father, without a life of her own... John McGrath, dignified in manner yet brutally soured by life, insanely fearful of his daughter's restlessness... Tom Thebus, a rakish salesman who precipitates the conflict between Marie's hopes and her father's wrath. What emerges is a sure understanding of four people who are occasionally ridiculous, but whose integrity and good intentions are consistently, and tragically, frustrated. Combining humor and feeling, balancing the details and the rhythms of experience, Aberration of Starlight re-creates a time and a place as it captures the sadness and value of four lives. First published by Random House in 1980, it is widely considered one of Sorrentino's finest novels.
Atheneum Books for Young Readers How the Cookie Crumbled: The True (and Not-So-True) Stories of the Invention of the Chocolate Chip Cookie /]Cgilbert Ford
Howard Books As the Sparks Fly Upward
The trilogy The Winslow Breed serves as a prequel to the author’s highly successful House of Winslow series. As the Sparks Fly Upward is the final book in the trilogy.Young Colin Winslow grows up feeling altogether different from the rest of his family. Not bold and rough like his charismatic brother, Adam, or headstrong and spoiled like his sister, Adara, he is a gentle soul with a special love for natural things. His interest in animals, medicine, and healing brings him in contact with a strange woman who lives in the woods, Meg Caradoc. She teaches him the fine art of using a variety of herbs to quell sickness and pain. When Colin studies at Oxford, an eccentric but brilliant professor, Dr. Phineas Teague, guides the young man to a career in medicine. The formal knowledge Professor Teague imparts, combined with knowledge of Meg's herbal remedies, make Colin an insightful and successful doctor—one with the approving eye of Queen Elizabeth on him. Colin’s skill quickly earns him many patients, some highly placed in the courts of both his queen and her sister Mary Queen of Scots. This once shy and uncertain young man finds himself in the midst of court intrigue and a key player in quelling assassination plots and passing vital information to the queen’s court. When Colin faces his most difficult case—curing the wounds his brave brother suffered in battle—he must confront his attraction to Adam’s wife, his unsteady faith in God, and his command of medicine: will he abandon his noble role and succumb to temptation, or will he take his place as the new hero of the Breed of Winslow?
Beaufort Books Reagan Remembered
For the first time in presidential history, the major appointees of a president have come together to share stories and memories of their president, Ronald Reagan. These are never-before-told personal anecdotes from 81 of President Reagan's appointees.Former President George H.W. Bush, Colin Powell, Elizabeth Dole, Steve Forbes, James Baker, and Edwin Meese discuss their relationship with the 40th President of the United States. Democrats and Republicans can agree that Ronald Reagan possessed remarkable humor, courtesy, and consideration for others, natural charm, and a great sense of humor while displaying the toughness that brought an end to the Cold War with the Soviet Union.
Johns Hopkins University Press Jewish Baltimore: A Family Album
From East Baltimore to Forest Park to Park Heights, from Nates and Leon's deli to Hutzler's department store, Jewish Baltimore tells stories of neighborhoods, people, and landmarks that have been important to Baltimore's Jewish experience. Gilbert Sandler, whose popular columns have appeared in Baltimore's Jewish Times and the Baltimore Sun, offers a wide-ranging history of the region's Jewish community from the 1850s to the present, covering both German Jewish and Russian Jewish communities. Sandler's archival research uncovers new details about important people and events, but the heart of his book lies in its anecdotes and quotations-the reminiscences of those who recall the rich tapestry of days gone by. More than a hundred nostalgic photographs help to bring the memories to life. Many of Sandler's essays invoke famous names in Baltimore history-names like Jack Pollack, the ex-boxer turned politician; Joseph Meyerhoff, who gave his city a symphony hall; Samuel Hecht, founder of the last surviving local department store chain. But just as often, these essays remind us of unsung heros: rabbis, merchants, teachers, and camp counselors. Sandler tells many inspirational stories, including how one young woman, escaping from Germany in 1939 on a ship headed to Bolivia, seized an opportunity when she learned the ship would stop in Baltimore. She sent a cable to her boyfriend in Richmond, Virginia, telling him to meet her at the dock, and the two were married onboard-which eventually allowed her to enter the United States. Sandler always uncovers the "human interest" in his stories. His account of the S.S. President Warfield-refitted as the Exodus to carry food, supplies, and 4,500 European refugees to Palestine in 1947-contains personal recollections from one of the local businessmen who played a key role in the secret operation, and even a statement from someone who, as a young workman, helped to load the ship. Jewish Baltimore also highlights fondly remembered institutions. Hutzler's s department store, for example, was a common meeting place for weekend shoppers; a notebook in Hutzler's balcony allowed friends to trade messages and track each other down in the large store. Hutzler's celebrated return policy stated that "anything could be returned within a reasonable amount of time"-with the word reasonable conveniently left to the customer's discretion. There was also Hendler's ice cream, whose advertisements featured a kewpie doll, proclaiming "Take home a brick!" When a competing chain bragged about producing twenty-eight flavors, Albert Hendler counted fifty flavors in his father's stock-including licorice, eggnog, and tomato aspic (the last flavor produced as a speciality for the Southern Hotel). Focusing on religious education, Sandler tells of the Talmud Torahs, the area's first highly visible, community-wide system committed to providing a Jewish education-two hours of instruction daily, in addition to a Jewish student's other lessons. The Talmud Torahs, dating from 1889, laid the foundation for later Jewish schools, such as the Isaac Davidson Hebrew School. Sandler also visits P.S. 49, a public school remembered for its high concentration of Jewish students. For recreation, the Monument Street "Y" was a popular site, providing a health club, game rooms, six-lane swimming pool, soda fountain, and library. In his essays on summer vacations, Sandler discusses family visits to Eastern Shore beaches and describes the summer camps that were frequented by Jewish children. Sandler has a knack for getting the people he interviews to recall every detail, from the names of favorite teachers or rabbis down to the price of a movie at the Avalon theater and which streetcar line they used to get there. Baltimore has a strong and historically important Jewish presence, and this book engagingly tells the story of that community.
HJB Verlag & Shop KG Der Kontakt zur Dritten Macht
Kampa Verlag Oh dear Miss Mount und der Mord im Herrenhaus
Casterman Martine à Paris
Fantagraphics Love And Rockets: Heartbreak Soup: The First Volume of 'Palomar' Stories from Love & Rockets
Knockabout Comics Not Quite Dead: Last Gig In Shnagrlig
Princeton University Press The East Asian Region: Confucian Heritage and Its Modern Adaptation
The contributors to this volume range over 2,000 years of history as they show how Confucian values spread throughout the region in premodern times and how these values were transformed in an age of modernization. The introduction by Gilbert Rozman discusses the special character of East Asia. In Part I Patricia Ebrey analyzes the Confucianization of China; JaHyun Kim Haboush, that of Korea; and Martin Collcutt, the much later diffusion of Confucianism in Japan. In Part II Rozman compares types of Confucianism in nineteenth-century China and Japan and their adaptability in the twentieth century, while Michael Robinson adds an overview of modern Korean perceptions of Confucianism. Originally published in 1990. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.
Princeton University Press The Speeches in Vergil's Aeneid
In the Aeneid men, women, gods, and goddesses are characterized by the speeches assigned to them far more than by descriptions of their appearance or behavior. Most of the speeches are highly emotional and individualized, reminding us of the most powerful utterances of Greek tragedy. Gilbert Highet has analyzed all the speeches in the Aeneid, using statistical techniques as well as more traditional methods of scholarship. He has classified the speeches; identified their models in earlier Greek and Latin literature; analyzed their structure; and discussed their importance in the portrayal of character. He finds that Vergil used standard rhetorical devices with discretion, and that his models were poets rather than orators. Nevertheless, this study shows Vergil to have been a master dramatist as well as a great epic poet. Originally published in 1972. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.
Harvard University Press Millions of Monarchs, Bunches of Beetles: How Bugs Find Strength in Numbers
Insects that are the least bit social may gather in modest groups, like the dozen or so sawfly larvae feeding on a pine needle, or they may form huge masses, like a swarm of migratory locusts in Africa or a cloud of mayflies at the edge of a midwestern lake or river. Why these insects get together and what they get out of their associations are questions finely and fully considered in this learned and entertaining look at the group behavior and social lives of a wide array of bugs.The groups that Gilbert Waldbauer discusses here are not as complex or tightly organized as the better-known societies of termites, wasps, ants, and bees. Some, like the mayflies, come together merely because they emerge from the water in the same place at the same time. But others, like swarms of locusts, are loosely organized, the individual insects congregating to migrate together for distances of hundreds of miles. And yet others form a simple cooperative society, such as the colony of tent caterpillars that weaves a silken tent to house the whole group.Waldbauer tells us how individuals in these and other insect aggregations communicate (or don't), how they coordinate their efforts, how some congregate the better to mate, how some groups improve the temperature and humidity of their microenvironment, and how others safeguard themselves (or the future of their kind) by amassing in such vast numbers as to confound predators.As engaging and authoritative as Waldbauer's previous books, Millions of Monarchs, Bunches of Beetles will enlighten and delight those who know their insects well and those who wish to know them better.
Faber & Faber Marble Season
In his first book with Faber, Hernandez tells the untold stories of these American comics legends' youth, and portrays the reality of life in a large family in suburban 1960s California. Told largely from the point of view of middle child Huey - who stages Captain America plays and treasures his older brother's comic book collection almost as much as his approval - Marble Season deftly follows these boys as they navigate their cultural and neighborhood norms. Set against the golden age of the American dream and the silver age of comics, and awash with pop-culture references - TV shows, comic books, super-heroes and music -Marble Season subtly details how their innocent, joyfully creative play changes as they grow older and encounter name-calling, abusive bullies, and the value judgments of others. A coming-of-age story both comic and moving, it will have timeless resonance for children and adults alike.
Faber & Faber Buenas Noches, Buenos Aires
Gideon is a lonely, horny young Englishman who arrives in Paris to take up a teaching post in the local Berlitz, and becomes increasingly fascinated by the intoxicating atmosphere of erotic banter and bragging in the school's all-male and virtually all-gay common room. The moment has surely arrived for him, too, to overcome his own chronic timidity and actually do what he has only ever dared fantasize about. Yet Gideon has a secret - one he is prepared to share with nobody but the reader, a secret he is finally obliged to confront, with surprising results.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Bulletproofing TCP/IP-Based Windows NT/2000 Networks
Find out about TCP/IP-based network attack methods and threats to Windows NT/2000 computers and the preventive measures you can use to protect your infrastructure. Bulletproofing TCP/IP-based Windows NT/2000 Networks details the use of router access lists, firewalls, virus scanners and encryption. It includes examples of the configuration of hardware and software to prevent or minimize the effect of a wide range of communications-based attacks against TCP/IP networks and Windows NT/2000 hosts connected to such networks. - Covers how TCP/IP operates and how TCP/IP attacks occur. - Detailed coverage on how to secure both TCP/IP networks and the Windows NT/2000- host on such networks against different attack methods. - Describes a new attack method, 'script-form attack', which could cause a company financial problems, and its prevention. - Uses practical real-world examples of methods used to block potential attacks. Aimed at TCP/IP network managers, LAN admiistrators, Windows NT/2000 administrators and network professionals. It can also be used for high level undergraduate and graduate electrical engineering and computer science courses covering network security.
The University of Chicago Press Guardians of the Flutes, Volume 1: Idioms of Masculinity
In this systematic documentation of New Guinea rituals of manhood, Gilbert Herdt places the homosexual customs of the Sambia in their ecological and ideological contexts while exploring what they mean to the individuals who practise them. Raising a host of issues concerning gender identity, hostility between the sexes, and the relationships between myth, culture, and personal experience, Herdt provides a vivid and convincing portrait of how Sambia men experience their sexual development.
Pegasus Elliot Mackenzie Publishers Dillards Promise