Search results for ""author gerard""
Hermes Science Publishing Ltd À la découverte des odeurs
University Press of America Soundings in G.E. Lessing's Philosophy of Religion
Gérard Vallée has collected in this volume some "soundings" on the diverse, often paradoxical, philosophical writings of Gotthold Ephrain Lessing. Rather than pigeonhole Lessing into a single school of thought, Vallée has involved himself in a dialogue with his questionings. The six essays are focused on the philosophy of religion contained in his works, although the term "philosophy of religion" had not yet come into popular use while Lessing was writing. A fresh approach, accessible for readers new to Lessing as well as serious scholars, Soundings in G.E. Lessing's Philosophy of Religion will be of interest to philosophers and students of religion.
Pelagic Publishing The Green Woodpecker: The Natural and Cultural History of Picus viridis
This book describes the natural and cultural history of an iconic and unusual woodpecker – a species that nests in tree cavities but which forages mostly on the ground. The Green Woodpecker, known in folk English as the Yaffle, is afforded comprehensive coverage in this work, with information on its origins, taxonomy, anatomy, appearance, moult, calls, distribution, conservation status, habitats, movements, breeding, diet and relationships with other wildlife and humans all presented. The text is richly illustrated throughout with quality photographs as well as sound spectrograms. Many eye-opening observations of Green Woodpecker behaviour are detailed. This all-encompassing and engaging account has been written for a wide audience, whether professional ornithologist, citizen scientist, amateur birder, woodpecker aficionado or simply someone who wishes to learn more about this curious and remarkable bird.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC RSPB Spotlight Woodpeckers
Woodpeckers are fascinating birds, filling our forests with their unmistakable drumming, and capturing our imaginations with their incredible ability to drill holes in trees and their bright, colourful plumage. Three species of woodpecker are resident in the UK: the Green Woodpecker, often seen on lawns and in fields; the Great Spotted Woodpecker, a frequent visitor at garden bird-feeders; and the tiny Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, sadly now in decline. The Wryneck – which twists its neck ‘like a snake’ when threatened – also passes through the UK on its yearly migration and has captivated people throughout the ages. Gerard Gorman provides a close-up look at the lives of these birds, from their anatomy, diet and nesting habits to their iconic drumming behaviour. He also explores the relationship that humans have enjoyed with woodpeckers for centuries, in folklore, myth and conservation, and gives tips on how to observe these wonderful birds in the wild. The Spotlight series introduces readers to the lives and behaviour of our favourite animals with eye-catching colour photographs and informative expert text.
McGraw-Hill Education Current Diagnosis and Treatment Surgery
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.Evidence-based, point-of-care information on the full scope of surgical diseases CURRENT Diagnosis& Treatment Surgery delivers to-the-point information on more than 1,000 diseases anddisorders that surgeons are most often required to treat. Concise yet thorough,the book covers both general surgery and the surgical subspecialties, including neurosurgery, otolaryngology, plastic and reconstructive surgery, gynecology, orthopedic surgery, urology, and pediatric surgery. This Fifteenth Edition has been updated throughout to reflect the latest research and discoveries. The consistent presentation, headings, and accessible text makes it easy to find answers quickly. • An outstanding review for the USMLE and shelf examinations• The best introductory text to the field of surgery• More than 600 photographs and illustrations• Detailed treatment algorithms• Updated throughout with the latest research and discoveries• Intuitively organized to help you find answers quickly and easily• More than 200 chapter review multiple choice questions
Association for Scottish Literary Studies Robert Louis Stevenson's The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, The Master of Ballantrae and The Ebb-tide: (Scotnotes Study Guides)
O'Brien Press Ltd Rugby Rebel: Discovering History - Uncovering Mystery
Four Courts Press Ltd Workers, Politics and Labour Relations: in Independent Ireland, 1922-46
O'Brien Press Ltd The Guns of Easter
Wooden Books Evolution: A Little History of a Great Idea
Why did Darwin find tortoises so interesting? Are humans really descended from ancient apes? How did the peacock get its tail? What might life look like elsewhere in the universe? In this fascinating and highly-illustrated book, science writer Gerard Cheshire tells the story of evolution, and plots the various devices by which we have all become the organisms we are today. With sections on convergence, sexual selection, epigenetics, and full appendices showing the tree of life. WOODEN BOOKS are small but packed with information. "Fascinating" FINANCIAL TIMES. "Beautiful" LONDON REVIEW OF BOOKS. "Rich and Artful" THE LANCET. "Genuinely mind-expanding" FORTEAN TIMES. "Excellent" NEW SCIENTIST. "Stunning" NEW YORK TIMES. Small books, big ideas.
SPCK - Monarch Church Actually Rediscovering The Brilliance In Gods Plan Rediscovering the brilliance of Gods plan
An exploration of the challenges of 'being church' in the 21st century.
John Wiley & Sons Making Sense of Myth
Peeters Publishers Per Visibilia Ad Invisibilia: Anthropological, Theological and Semiotic Studies on the Liturgy and the Sacraments
The author of this book, Gerard Lukken, has always believed that liturgy is not something which is unchangeable or sacrosanct, something to be imposed 'from above'; rather he believes that it must gain shape and content from the situation in which believers find themselves. This involvement is reflected in the hundreds of publications which have flowed from his pen. Lukken's extensive writings offer not only an exciting reflection on the challenges (such as secularization and the decrease in church-going) confronting church and believers, but also on the problems they have faced in celebrating their faith in recent decades. Moreover, his work represents a model for methodological renewal. The key concepts in his theological approach and his evaluation are 'anthropology' and 'semiotics'. These two aspects have left their marks on the organisation of this book which is a selective compilation drawn from his earlier publications. This collection consists of nineteen studies which have lost nothing of their topicality and most of which are now being translated into English, French or German for the first time. By crossing the frontier of language in such a way the editors wish not only to honour a leading specialist in liturgy but also to contribute to academic research into liturgy throughout the world. Gerard Lukken (1933) studied at the Diocesan Seminary in Haaren (Noord-Brabant), the Pontificia Universita in Rome, and the Institut Superieur de Liturgie in Paris. He was professor of liturgy and sacramental theology (from 1967) and director of the Liturgical Institute (from 1992) at the Theological Faculty of Tilburg until his retirement in 1994.
De Viva Riegoooo a Muera Riego antologa potica 18201823
En cuatro años, Rafael del Riego pasó del pináculo al cadalso. Esta antología de poemas que se le consagraron entonces permite seguir paso a paso la evolución de una opinión pública que, hasta los acontecimientos del 3 de septiembre de 1820 en Madrid, le aduló unánimemente antes de dividirse, dentro del bando liberal, entre entusiastas incondicionales (exaltados) y críticos por su excesivo protagonismo (moderados), mientras que cundía entre los absolutistas un deseo de venganza cuya manifestación no tuvo límites en cuanto las tropas del duque de Angulema ocuparon el territorio español. La antología se divide en tres partes: la apoteosis, el tiempo de las controversias, la persecución y la venganza, cada una precedida por una cronología de los principales acontecimientos y un estudio introductorio. En los poemas se indica la fecha y el lugar de producción así como, cuando se conoce, el nombre del autor, y se añade extensos comentarios sobre las condiciones de composición y difusión.
Buske Helmut Verlag GmbH Wrterbuch BretonischDeutsch DeutschBretonisch
DuMont Buchverlag GmbH Du wirst an dem Tag erwachsen an dem du deinen Eltern verzeihst Roman
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Duns Scot: La Metaphysique de la Singularite
Bradt Travel Guides Central and Eastern European Wildlife A Visitors Guide Bradt Travel Guides Wildlife Guides
(1) Introduction(2) Landscapes and Habitats(3) Mammals(4) Birds(5) Reptiles(6) Amphibians(7) Invertebrates(8) Looking for Wildlife(9) Where to Go?(10) Further Information(11) Index(10) Further Information(11) Index
American Medical Publishers Dental Materials: Theory, Practice and Cases
Rowman & Littlefield An Unlikely Trust: Theodore Roosevelt, J.P. Morgan, and the Improbable Partnership That Remade American Business
At the dawn of the twentieth century, Theodore Roosevelt and J. Pierpont Morgan were the two most powerful men in America, perhaps the world. As the nation’s preeminent financier, Morgan presided over an elemental shift in American business, away from family-owned companies and toward modern corporations of unparalleled size and influence. As president, Theodore Roosevelt expanded the power of that office to an unprecedented degree, seeking to rein in those corporations and to rebalance their interests with those of workers, consumers, and society at large. Overpowering figures and titanic personalities, Roosevelt and Morgan could easily have become sworn enemies. And when they have been considered together (never before at book length), they have generally been portrayed as battling colossi, the great trust builder versus the original trustbuster. But their long association was far more complex than that, and even mutually beneficial. Despite their many differences in temperament and philosophy, Roosevelt and Morgan had much in common—social class, an unstinting Victorian moralism, a drive for power, a need for order, and a genuine (though not purely altruistic) concern for the welfare of the nation. Working this common ground, the premier progressive and the quintessential capitalist were able to accomplish what neither could have achieved alone—including, more than once, averting national disaster. In the process they also changed forever the way that government and business worked together. An Unlikely Trust is the story of the uneasy but fruitful collaboration between Theodore Roosevelt and Pierpont Morgan. It is also the story of how government and business evolved from a relationship of laissez-faire to the active regulation that we know today. And it is an account of how, despite all that has changed in America over the past century, so much remains the same, including the growing divide between rich and poor; the tangled bonds uniting politicians and business leaders; and the pervasive feeling that government is working for the special interests rather than for the people. Not least of all, it is the story of how citizens with vastly disparate outlooks and interests managed to come together for the good of their common country.
The Catholic University of America Press St. Augustine’s Interpretation of the Psalms of Ascent
The Psalms were a very popular and biblical book with both lay and monastic audiences in the early church. The Psalms or songs of ascent, 119–133, may have been sung in ancient Israel as pilgrims ascended to Jerusalem, and perhaps by priests as they ascended the steps to the Temple. For instance, “Thy word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. I have sworn an oath and confirmed it, to observe thy righteous ordinances.” (119:105–106)Recent research has explored how past interpretation can help contextualize current interpretation as well as provide a more colorful and theologically meaningful understanding of scripture. In St. Augustine’s Interpretation of the Psalms of Ascent, Gerald McLarney examines Augustineof Hippo’s (d. 430) interpretation of the ascent motif in sermons on Psalms 119–133. He looks at the delivery, transmission, and broader context of the sermons, as well as examining the sermons as they stand.McLarney considers the reception of the Psalter in the early church, and examines patristic hermeneutical principles and Psalter commentaries in conjunction with Augustine’s distinctive approaches to scripture and the Psalms. He studies the delivery and transmission of Augustine’s Expositions (Ennarationes), as well as the mechanics of their composition, recording, and circulation, and the manuscript tradition. He looks at the possible times and places of their delivery.McLarney then examines the social, cultural, and liturgical contextof these Expositions. Topics include African Christianity in Augustine’s time, the composition of a typical audience, and the structure of the liturgy with specific reference to the role of the Psalter. He sets in sharper relief features such as the prominence of martyrs, the influence of Neoplatonism, emphasis on spiritual combat, and the importance of singing - all within the context of the physical and liturgical context of delivery.Augustine does not read out (exegete) the Psalter simply for his own benefit, but pursues a hermeneutic of alignment, bringing the Psalmist, the Psalm, and the lives of his North African readers into a common context - and draws them into the dynamism of the Psalms. His readers continue an ascent of salvation, in the communion of believers, that began in ancient times.
Rowman & Littlefield Theodore Roosevelt and the Assassin: Madness, Vengeance, And The Campaign Of 1912
A New York Times Bestseller, rich with local color, period detail, and a fully realized historical and political backdrop, that tells the forgotten story of the lone, fanatical assailant who stalked Theodore Roosevelt on the 1912 presidential campaign trail until the evening of October 14 in Milwaukee, when he shot the Bull Moose in the chest from ten feet away
Irish Academic Press Ltd Great Irish Voices: Over 400 Years of Irish Oratory
Cross Cult The Umbrella Academy 3 Hotel Oblivion
btb Taschenbuch In die Arme der Flut
Helvetiq Verlag Lagerfeuerleben Ein Handbuch
Dedalus Press Hombre: New and Selected Poems
Dedalus Press The Mirror Tent
General Equilibrium Theory has been one of the major intellectual developments in economics during the past half-century. The theory of general equilibrium is centred on an inquiry about human societies which has several of the characteristics of a fundamental scientific question. In an economy, a multitude of agents produce, exchange, and consume a large number of commodities. Their decisions are independent of each other and dictated by self-interest. Attempting to answer the question 'Why is social chaos not the result?' has required an intensive research effort by several generations of leading economists.This important three volume set gathers together many of the articles that have played an influential role in the history of ideas in the general equilibrium area in the contemporary period.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Secured Credit and the Harmonisation of Law: The UNCITRAL Experience
This is a discerning analysis of international harmonization efforts for secured credit law and examines the role of globalization and finance capital in shaping such efforts.Gerard McCormack reveals how an 'efficient' law is often seen to increase the availability, and lower the cost, of credit, thereby contributing to international development. He considers whether the most comprehensive international standard the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) Legislative Guide (2008) is actually suitable for adoption at the national level. In particular, he examines the hypothesis that American law and lawyers have shaped the content of the guide to the extent that it is not suitable for translation into other laws.This book will be of great interest to practitioners, policy makers and academics, as well as students, particularly postgraduate students, of law and business throughout the world.Contents: Preface 1. Introduction 2. The Case for Harmonising and Modernising the Law of International Trade 3. Harmonising and Modernising Secured Transactions Law 4. National Models and Replication Across International Frontiers Article 9 of the American Uniform Commercial Law and the English Common Law 5. International Harmonisation Efforts Before the UNCITRAL Legislative Guide 6. The UNCITRAL Secured Transactions Guide 7. The Insolvency Legislative Guide 8. Conclusion Index
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd EU Insolvency Law: Cross Border Insolvency Law in Comparative Focus
This comprehensive book provides a clear analysis of the main features of the European Insolvency Regulation 2015/848, within the context of previous EU initiatives, as well as addressing the contrasting objectives of universalism and territorialism which underpin cross border insolvency law. It measures the EU regulations against the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross Border Insolvency and compares this with how the Model Law has been implemented elsewhere, such as in the US and the UK.Taking an accessible approach, Gerard McCormack examines key aspects of the regulations such as the opening of main and secondary insolvency proceedings, as well as applicable law and special rules in respect of security rights, rights in rem, transactional avoidance and set-off rights. Chapters also cover recognition of the opening of insolvency proceedings and of insolvency and related judgements, interactions between mean and secondary proceedings, the role of insolvency practitioners and courts, and the treatment of creditors.EU Insolvency Law will be critical reading for lawyers working in insolvency law, as well as other insolvency practitioners such as accountants. It will also be of interest to academics and students in the field, as well as policy makers in the EU and elsewhere, including national officials.
Dark Horse Comics,U.S. The Umbrella Academy Volume 2: Dallas
Dark Horse Comics,U.S. The Umbrella Academy Volume 2: Dallas (deluxe Edition)
SPCK Publishing The Prodigal Evangelical: Why, despite everything, I still belong to the tribe
The Christian faith is about grace, not law, yet the Evangelical Church often fails to communicate it. Gerard Kelly uses the story of the Prodigal Son to unpack the idea, explaining as he does so why he is still willing to describe himself as part of the tribe. This book explores in depth the story of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15, suggesting that this one story carries in concentrated form the DNA of the message of Jesus. Exploring this parable and the wider biblical story arc in which it is set, The Prodigal Evangelical suggests a reframing of the gospel narrative in four key words: beauty, brokenness, forgiveness and invitation. These four words describe the human condition - we are beautiful, broken, forgiven and invited - and create a telling of the Christian story that centres on the breadth and depth of the love of God. This is the narrative at the heart of evangelical faith. The Prodigal Evangelical embraces the death of Christ as essentially about forgiveness. The cross is where it becomes possible both to be forgiven and to forgive: this is the game-changing force that creates the Christian movement. In both dimensions the forgiveness offered is unilateral. The Prodigal Evangelical leads directly to Gerard's personal experience of the cross as a life-changing encounter.
Edinburgh University Press The Edinburgh Companion to Robert Burns
The Edinburgh Companion to Robert Burns provides both a comprehensive introduction to and the most contemporary critical contexts for the study of Robert Burns. Detailed commentary on the artistry of Burns is complemented by material on the cultural reception and afterlife of this most iconic of world writers. The biographical construction of Burns is examined as are his relations to Scottish, Romantic and International cultures. Burns is also approached in terms of his engagements with Ecology, Gender, Pastoral, Politics, Pornography, Slavery, and Song-culture, and there is extensive coverage of publishing history including Burns's place in popular, bourgeois and Enlightenment cultures during the late eighteenth century. This is the most modern collection of critical responses to Burns from scholars from the United Kingdom and North America, which, more than ever before, seeks to place Burns as a 'mainstream' man of Enlightenment and Romantic impetus and to explain the enduring and sometimes controversial fascination for both the man and his work over more than two hundred years. Key Features *Modern critical approaches to Burns: including readings of biographical construction, gender and publishing and reception history *Detailed discussion of the cultural afterlife of Burns *Location of Burns in the Enlightenment and Romantic periods *Entirely new readings of Burns's major poems
De Gruyter Pandemics, Politics, and Society: Critical Perspectives on the Covid-19 Crisis
This volume is an important contribution to our understanding of global pandemics in general and Covid-19 in particular. It brings together the reflections of leading social and political scientists who are interested in the implications and significance of the current crisis for politics and society. The chapters provide both analysis of the social and political dimensions of the Coronavirus pandemic and historical contextualization as well as perspectives beyond the crisis. The volume seeks to focus on Covid-19 not simply as the terrain of epidemiology or public health, but as raising fundamental questions about the nature of social, economic and political processes. The problems of contemporary societies have become intensified as a result of the pandemic. Understanding the pandemic is as much a sociological question as it is a biological one, since viral infections are transmitted through social interaction. In many ways, the pandemic poses fundamental existential as well as political questions about social life as well as exposing many of the inequalities in contemporary societies. As the chapters in this volume show, epidemiological issues and sociological problems are elucidated in many ways around the themes of power, politics, security, suffering, equality and justice. This is a cutting edge and accessible volume on the Covid-19 pandemic with chapters on topics such as the nature and limits of expertise, democratization, emergency government, digitalization, social justice, globalization, capitalist crisis, and the ecological crisis. Contents Notes on Contributors Preface Gerard Delanty1. Introduction: The Pandemic in Historical and Global Context Part 1 Politics, Experts and the State Claus Offe2. Corona Pandemic Policy: Exploratory Notes on its ‘Epistemic Regime’ Stephen Turner3. The Naked State: What the Breakdown of Normality Reveals Jan Zielonka4. Who Should be in Charge of Pandemics? Scientists or Politicians? Jonathan White5. Emergency Europe after Covid-19 Daniel Innerarity6. Political Decision-Making in a Pandemic Part 2 Globalization, History and the Future Helga Nowotny7. In AI We Trust: How the COVID-19 Pandemic Pushes us Deeper into Digitalization Eva Horn8. Tipping Points: The Anthropocene and COVID-19 Bryan S. Turner9. The Political Theology of Covid-19: a Comparative History of Human Responses to Catastrophes Daniel Chernilo10. Another Globalisation: Covid-19 and the Cosmopolitan Imagination Frédéric Vandenberghe & Jean-Francois Véran11. The Pandemic as a Global Total Social Fact Part 3 The Social and Alternatives Sylvia Walby12. Social Theory and COVID: Including Social Democracy Donatella della Porta13. Progressive Social Movements, Democracy and the Pandemic Sonja Avlijaš14. Security for Whom? Inequality and Human Dignity in Times of the Pandemic Albena Azmanova15. Battlegrounds of Justice: The Pandemic and What Really Grieves the 99% Index
Pegasus Elliot Mackenzie Publishers Blood on the Axe
ACC Art Books Nature at Heart: For a better world
"Huge champion of organic and biodynamic wine making." —Simon Mayo Radio Show Gérard Bertrand decided he wished to relate his life journey and share his commitment to nature. Drawing on his experience as both a wine grower and a business leader, he demonstrates how the harmony of ecosystems, respect for nature and the preservation of living soils can be the pillars of a new paradigm, creating the conditions for a more balanced life and bringing hope for future generations. In this book, he also analyses how society is changing, and invites the reader to put fear aside and “dare” – in spite of the prevailing climate – to practice altruism, brotherhood, and an opening of the heart.
Dark Horse Comics,U.S. The Umbrella Academy Volume 1: Apocalypse Suite
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Queer Theology: Rethinking the Western Body
Queer Theology makes an important contribution to public debate about Christianity and sex. A remarkable collection of specially commissioned essays by some of the brightest and best of Anglo-American scholars Edited by one of the leading theologians working at the interface between religion and contemporary culture Reconceptualizes the body and its desires Enlarges the meaningfulness of Christian sexuality for the good of the Church Proposes that bodies are the mobile products of changing discourses and regimes of power.
Wordwell Ireland's Special Branch
O'Brien Press Ltd Rugby Spirit: A new school, a new sport, an old mystery...
O'Brien Press Ltd Rugby Rookie: Stepping up a level, Stepping back in time
O'Brien Press Ltd Football Spirit: United they Stand, United they Soar
O'Brien Press Ltd Gaelic Spirit: Field of Dreams ... Home of History
O'Brien Press Ltd Rugby Redzone: Sports Academy Book 2