Search results for ""author garrett""
OUP Oxford Oxford IB Diploma Programme Geography Print and Enhanced Online Course Book Pack
Prepare IB learners to achieve and progress. Developed directly with the IB for the revised syllabus first examined 2019, this Course Book fully supports all the SL and HL themes. Integrating concept-based learning and with even more support for EAL learners, this text helps you truly deliver the IB approach to learning Geography.
Success DNA Buying Selling a Business
Brisance Books LLC Toxic Client: Knowing and Avoiding Problem Customers
Pegasus Books A Decade of Disruption America in the New Millennium
Cornell University Press The Ways of the Word: Episodes in Verbal Attention
In The Ways of the Word, Garrett Stewart steps aside from theory to focus on the sheer pleasure of attentive reading and the excitement of recognizing the play of syllables and words upon which the best literary writing is founded. Emerging out of teaching creative writing and a broader effort to convene writers and critics, Stewart's "episodes in verbal attention" track the means to meaning through the byways of literary wording. Through close engagement with literary passages and poetic instances whose imaginative demands are their own reward, Stewart gathers exhibits from dozens of authors: from Dickinson, Dickens, and DeLillo to Whitman, Woolf, and Colson Whitehead. In the process, idiom, tense, etymology, and other elements of expressive language and its phonetic wordplay are estranged and heard anew. The Ways of the Word fluidly and intuitively reveals a verbal alchemy that is as riveting as it is elusive and mysterious.
Plexus Publishing Ltd Bonded By Blood: The Robert Pattinson & Taylor Lautner Biography
The University of Chicago Press Cinemachines: An Essay on Media and Method
The hero stands on stage in high-definition 3-D while doubled on a crude pixel screen in Billy Lynn’s Long Halftime Walk. Alien ships leave Earth by dissolving at the conclusion of Arrival. An illusory death spiral in Vertigo transitions abruptly to a studio set, jolting the spectator. These are a few of the startling visual moments that Garrett Stewart examines in Cinemachines, a compelling, powerful, and witty book about the cultural and mechanical apparatuses that underlie modern cinema. Engaging in fresh ways with revelatory special effects in the history of cinematic storytelling—from Buster Keaton’s breaching of the film screen in Sherlock Jr. to the pixel disintegration of a remotely projected hologram in Blade Runner 2049—Stewart’s book puts unprecedented emphasis on technique in moving image narrative. Complicating and revising the discourse on historical screen processes, Cinemachines will be crucial reading for anyone interested in the evolution of the movies from a celluloid to a digital medium.
De Gruyter Beyond Instrumentalised Politics
Political thinking tends to outline reforms to existing political institutions. In contrast, Beyond Instrumentalised Politics argues for the need for systemic transformation. It articulates the evaluative principles for good governance, and employs these principles to argue for a new political system. Because persons are non-instrumentally valuable, good governance requires that all people are respected equally, and this necessitates a participatory democracy. The book investigates how such a democracy might function through consensus-based decision-making and argues for a redefinition of consensus. It characterises the local and national institutions required for public governance thus conceived. This includes the creation of various types of spaces for deep dialogue and mutual inquiry. This book demonstrates how this innovative vision would transform our current conceptions of governance.
Cornell University Press The Deed of Reading: Literature * Writing * Language * Philosophy
Garrett Stewart begins The Deed of Reading with a memory of his first hesitant confrontation, as a teenager, with poetic density. In that early verbal challenge he finds one driving force of literature: to make language young again in its surprise, coming alive in each new event of reading. But what exactly happens in the textual encounter to make literary phrasing resonate so deeply with readers? To take the measure of literary writing, The Deed of Reading convenes diverse philosophic commentary on the linguistics of literature, with stress on the complementary work of Stanley Cavell and Giorgio Agamben. Sympathetic to recent ventures in form-attentive analysis but resisting an emphasis on so-called surface reading, Stewart explores not some new formalism but the internal pressures of language in formation, registering the verbal infrastructure of literary prose as well as verse. In this mode of "contextual" reading, the context is language itself. Literary phrasing, tapping the speech act’s own generative pulse, emerges as a latent philosophy of language in its own right, whereby human subjects, finding no secure place to situate themselves within language, settle for its taking place in, through, and between them. Stewart watches and hears this dynamics of wording played out in dozens of poems and novels over two centuries of English literary production—from Wordsworth and Shelley to Browning and Hopkins, from Poe and Dickens through George Eliot, Conrad, James, and on to Toni Morrison. The Deed of Reading offers a revisionary contribution to the ethic of verbal attention in the grip of "deep reading."
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Egypt as a Place of Refuge
The Old Testament often presents Egypt as a place of bondage, but the picture is not monolithic. Upon closer examination, one can argue that many biblical figures flee to Egypt as a place of refuge. Garrett Galvin examines biblical texts from a number of different time periods (1 Kgs 11:14-12:24; Jeremiah 46; Matt 2:13-15, 19-21) in order to highlight the importance of literary genre for understanding the phenomenon of Egypt as a place of refuge in the Old Testament. For his study of Egypt the author focuses on the broad sweep of ancient Near Eastern history through literary, historical, and textual criticism of selected texts. His aim in doing so is to draw the reader's attention to the complexity of Egypt in the Bible and to help understanding the situation of refugees in the Bible. He also highlights the evolving relationship between Israel and Egypt as well as the influence of the ancient Near East on Israel.
Wave Books Lovers of Today
In Lovers of Today, Garrett Caples is his most playful and heartfelt. Here are poems that generously place the reader in a particular poetic moment that is both elegiac and also wildly entertaining. Taken from a bar of the same name in New York City, Lovers of Today is a collection of poetry that pays tribute to friendships including Kevin Killian, John Ashbery, Joanne Kyger, and Bill Berkson, among others, wherein each poem is a celebration of life’s ephemerality.
Wave Books Power Ballads
A power ballad was a hair metal band's voyage into the softer side of rock, compromising to the integrity of the genre, but genuine and trailblazing. So too is Caples' Power Ballads. His poems and prose pieces are bizarre and hilarious, in which Dylan and Bowie sit alongside the French surrealists, with the occasional turn into heartfelt romanticism.
Hodder Education Cambridge International AS and A Level Geography second edition
Endorsed by Cambridge Assessment International Education for full syllabus coverage.Rely on a course with international focus and examples and case studies from around the world, which has been especially written to cover the Cambridge International AS & A Level Geography syllabus for examination from 2018 (9696).- Build geographical skills with clear guidance and practice, including advice on fieldwork- Ensure complete coverage with the core syllabus and all the human and physical geography options included- Provide an international focus with examples and case studies from around the world
Avid Reader Press / Simon & Schuster Only Plane in the Sky: An Oral History of 9/11
Octopus Publishing Group The Only Plane in the Sky: The Oral History of 9/11 on the 20th Anniversary
THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER "Incredibly evocative and compelling." - The Washington Post"The most moving and chilling oral history you will read." - The Times"Astonishing book about an astonishing, terrifying atrocity, relived in real time by those who were there. I read it in one sitting & was utterly gripped from start to finish." - Piers Morgan"The most vivid portrait of 9/11 I've ever read."- Mike Morell, former deputy director of the CIA** Updated 20th Anniversary edition with additional content **The Only Plane in the Sky is the first comprehensive oral history of 9/11, deftly woven and told in the voices of ordinary people grappling with extraordinary events.It begins predawn, where we meet airport staff who unknowingly usher terrorists onto their flights. From a secret bunker beneath the White House, Dick Cheney and Condoleezza Rice watch for incoming planes on radar. At the Pentagon, officials feel a violent tremor as they come under attack. We hear the stories of the father and son working on separate floors in the North Tower; the firefighter who rushes there to search for his wife; the phone operator who keeps her promise to share a passenger's last words with his family; the chaplain who stays on the scene to perform last rites, losing his own life when the Twin Towers collapse.In New York, first responders confront a scene of unimaginable chaos. At the Pentagon generals break down and weep when they are barred from rushing into the burning building to try and rescue their colleagues.Drawing on never-before-published transcripts, declassified documents and interviews from nearly five hundred people, award-winning historian Garrett Graff skilfully tells the story of the day that changed all of our lives - as it was lived.The Only Plane in the Sky is a unique, profound, and searing exploration of humanity on a day that changed the course of history, and all of our lives, 20 years ago.
Avid Reader Press / Simon & Schuster The Only Plane in the Sky: An Oral History of 9/11
Johns Hopkins University Press The Political Philosophy of James Madison
Among the founders, James Madison wielded the greatest influence in drafting the Constitution of 1789. In this book, Garrett Ward Sheldon offers a concise synthesis of Madison's political philosophy in the context of the social and political history of his day. Tracing the history of Madison's thought to his early education in Protestant theology, Sheldon argues that it was a fear of the potential "tyranny of the majority" over individual rights, along with a firmly Calvinist suspicion of the motives of sinful men, that led him to support a constitution creating a strong central government with power over state laws. In this way, Madison aimed to protect individual liberties and provide checks to "spiteful" human interests and selfish parochial prejudices. Among the topics Sheldon covers are Madison's Princeton education, his contributions to the Federalist Papers, his arguments in defense of states' rights on behalf of Virginia, his views on federal power during his terms as secretary of state and president, and, in his later years, his defense of the Union against those Southerners who advocated nullification.
Skyhorse Publishing The Unofficial Holy Bible for Minecrafters Box Set: Stories from the Bible Told Block by Block
An Exploration of the Old and New Testament for Young Readers Unlike Any You’ve Ever Seen Before Minecraft has swept the world by storm. More than one hundred million games have been sold. Parents of children who play Minecraft will love this fun, educational collection of Bible stories. With the world of Minecraft as a backdrop using vivid, full-color screenshots, children will experience the Bible as never before. Authors Garrett Romines and Christopher Miko are teachers who have used Minecraft to create imaginative worlds in their classrooms. Now, they have created Bible stories with virtual blocks to produce vibrant, 3-D worlds filled with adventure and astonishing imagination. With fascinating scripture and narrative simplified to teach young readers, this is the perfect gift. The images created are not only of magnificent, vast terrains often found in Minecraft but also feature artfully re-created Bible characters, such as Adam and Eve, and superb designs of the pyramids and Noah’s ark. A range of biblical characters such as Jesus and Pharaoh are offered in fun, colorful scenes kids will treasure. Engaging stories including the Tower of Babel and the story of Abram and Lot, to name a few, are here. With over 470 images, young readers will explore the story of creation, the journey of Abraham, David and Goliath, Moses’s great journey, the birth of Jesus, the Last Supper, and many more stories! The Unofficial Holy Bible for Minecrafters makes the Bible more entertaining, engaging, and accessible for children than ever! This adventure series is created especially for readers who love the fight of good vs. evil, magical academies like Hogwarts in the Harry Potter saga, and games like Minecraft, Terraria, and Pokemon GO.
Random House USA Inc Cook Real Hawai'i: A Cookbook
Dog Horn Publishing The Imperial Youth Review III: Giant-Sized Sex
Hodder Education Internal Assessment for Environmental Systems and Societies for the IB Diploma: Skills for Success
Support students through the Internal Assessment with advice and guidance including how to choose a topic, approach the investigation and analyse and evaluate results.- Build investigative and analytical skills through a range of strategies and detailed examiner advice and expert tips- Ensure understanding of all IB requirements with clear, concise explanations on the assessment objectives and rules on academic honesty, as well as explicit reference to the IB Learner Profile and ATLS throughout- Encourage students to achieve the best grade with advice and tips, including common mistakes to avoid, exemplars, worked answers and commentary, helping students to see the application of facts, principles and concepts- Reinforce comprehension of the skills with activity questions- Support visual learners with infographics at the start of every chapter
Cornell University Press Research in Outdoor Education: Volume 17
Research in Outdoor Education is a peer-reviewed, scholarly journal seeking to support and further outdoor education and its goals, including personal growth and moral development, team building and cooperation, outdoor knowledge and skill development, environmental awareness, education and enrichment, and research that directly supports systematic assessment and/ or evidence-based advances in outdoor education.Research in Outdoor Education is intended to appeal to researchers, practitioners, teachers and post-secondary students through the exploration and discussion of diverse perspectives on the theoretical, empirical, and practical aspects of outdoor education in its broadest sense.
Cornell University Press Research in Outdoor Education: Volume 14
Research in Outdoor Education is a peer-reviewed, scholarly journal seeking to support and further outdoor education and its goals, including personal growth and moral development, team building and cooperation, outdoor knowledge and skill development, environmental awareness, education and enrichment, and research that directly supports systematic assessment and/ or evidence-based advances in outdoor education. Research in Outdoor Education is intended to appeal to researchers, practitioners, teachers and post-secondary students through the exploration and discussion of diverse perspectives on the theoretical, empirical, and practical aspects of outdoor education in its broadest sense.
Hodder Education Safon Uwch Daearyddiaeth Meistroli'r Testun: Cylchredau Dwr a Charbon
Master the in-depth knowledge and higher-level skills that A-level Geography students need to succeed; this focused topic book extends learning far beyond your course textbooks.Blending detailed content and case studies with questions, exemplars and guidance, this book:- Significantly improves students' knowledge and understanding of A-level content and concepts, providing more coverage of The Water and Carbon Cycles than your existing resources- Strengthens students' analytical and interpretative skills through questions that involve a range of geographical data sources, with guidance on how to approach each task- Demonstrates how to evaluate issues, with a dedicated section in every chapter that shows how to think geographically, consider relevant evidence and structure a balanced essay- Equips students with everything they need to excel, from additional case studies and definitions of key terminology, to suggestions for further research and fieldwork ideas for the Independent Investigation- Helps students check, apply and consolidate their learning, using end-of-chapter refresher questions and discussion points- Offers trusted and reliable content, written by a team of highly experienced senior examiners and reviewed by academics with unparalleled knowledge of the latest geographical theories
SPCK Publishing The Unofficial Bible for Minecrafters: Life of Jesus: Stories from the Bible told block by block
God created a world. We built the story. Enter a world full of miracles - all created in Minecraft. Nine stories from the life of Jesus are brought together in this small graphic-novel style volume in the phenomenally popular Minecrafter Bible series. Since 2009, Minecraft has taken the gaming world by storm, and is now a massive hit with children. The Minecrafter Bible books add a new dimension to Bible story reading. Garrett Romines, and Christopher Miko; skilled in using games and toys to create fun learning environments and products for children, have re-created Bible stories with the famous virtual blocks to produce vibrant, and complex 3-D worlds filled with adventure and using astonishing imagination. The images have been captured and combined with text boxes and speech bubbles to explain the stories for 7-11 year olds. The text is light, but explains the events thoroughly for the age group, and the dialogue includes in-game humour.
University of California Press Hollywood: Mecca of the Movies
Blaise Cendrars, one of twentieth-century France's most gifted men of letters, came to Hollywood in 1936 for the newspaper "Paris-Soir". Already a well-known poet, Cendrars was a celebrity journalist whose perceptive dispatches from the American dream factory captivated millions. These articles were later published as "Hollywood: Mecca of the Movies", which has since appeared in many languages. Remarkably, this is its first translation into English. Hollywood in 1936 was crowded with stars, moguls, directors, scouts, and script girls. Though no stranger to filmmaking (he had worked with director Abel Gance), Cendrars was spurned by the industry greats with whom he sought to hobnob. His response was to invent a wildly funny Hollywood of his own, embellishing his adventures and mixing them with black humor, star anecdotes, and wry social commentary. Part diary, part tall tale, this book records Cendrars' experiences on Hollywood's streets and at its studios and hottest clubs. His impressions of the town's drifters, star-crazed sailors, and undiscovered talent are recounted in a personal, conversational style that anticipates the 'new journalism' of writers such as Tom Wolfe. Perfectly complemented by his friend Jean Guerin's witty drawings, and following the tradition of European travel writing, Cendrars' 'little book about Hollywood' offers an astute, entertaining look at 1930s America as reflected in its unique movie mecca.
Random House USA Inc Night + Market: Delicious Thai Food to Facilitate Drinking and Fun-Having Amongst Friends A Cookbook
Brisance Books LLC Finance Your Own Business: Get on the Financing Fast Track
Entrepreneur Press Ultimate Guide to Link Building: How to Build Website Authority, Increase Traffic and Search Ranking with Backlinks
Link. Rank. Profit.Web marketing pioneers Eric Ward and Garrett French explain the complicated world of link building and the art of backlinks in this second edition of their groundbreaking guide to the business of web links.The web has changed from a web of things to a web of people. And it's all about connections, about the way we're all linked together by one thing or another. From content development and integrated marketing techniques to purely tactical link bait, this is a comprehensive guide, with examples and templates, from the masters of link marketing.Link building expert Eric Ward and online marketer Garrett French teach you how to wisely: Execute a link audit and competitor analysis Develop a structured, long-term link-building strategy Identify and approach quality, top-ranking websites with a value proposition Differentiate links for traffic from links for ranking Keep on the right side of search engine guidelines
SPCK Publishing The Unofficial Bible for Minecrafters OT & NT
An amazing new edition - each Testament contains double the stories and both volumes are in a presentation box set. Enter a new world - full of exciting quests, danger, and miracles. Walk into the Garden of Eden and see tumbling waterfalls and lush landscapes; accompany Noah as he builds his ark; see the parting of the Red Sea; watch the blocks of the Jericho walls break apart; witness Jesus perform miracles - all created in Minecraft! Stories from the Bible are retold in block form, capturing the breathtaking adventure of these well-known tales. Since 2009, Minecraft has taken the gaming world by storm. Now hugely popular with children, those familiar with the phenomenon will love this new world and the adventures of God's people. Garrett Romines, and Christopher Miko; skilled in using games and toys to create fun learning environments and products for children, have re-created Bible stories with the famous virtual blocks to produce vibrant, and complex 3-D worlds filled with adventure and using astonishing imagination. The images have been captured and combined with text boxes and speech bubbles to explain the stories for 7-11 year olds. The text is light, but explains the events thoroughly for the age group, and the dialogue includes in-game humour.
SPCK Publishing The Unofficial Bible for Minecrafters: Life of Moses: Stories from the Bible told block by block
Enter a world - full of exciting quest, danger, and miracles. Follow Moses's life from his unique childhood to his incredible journey out of Egypt. Witness as God speaks to him through a burning bush and how, with God's help, he faces up to the evil Pharaoh - all created in Minecraft®! - Uses images taken from specially crafted scenes all made in the Minecraft world - Easy-to-read text panels and dialogue boxes - Humour of in-game jokes and visuals - Minecraft has won a BAFTA game award, and a Nickelodeon award
Medieval Institute Publications The Towneley Plays
The Towneley plays are a collection of biblical plays in the Huntington Library's MS HM 1, a manuscript once owned by the Towneley family of Towneley Hall, Lancashire. Once thought to constitute a cycle of plays from the town of Wakefield in Yorkshire's West Riding, the collection includes some of the best-known examples of medieval English drama, including the much-anthologized Second Shepherds Play.
Simon & Schuster The Right Kind of White
A revelatory memoir that earnestly reckons with whiteness.As the product of progressive parents and a liberal upbringing, Garrett Bucks prided himself on the pursuit of being a “good white person.” The kind of white person who treats their privilege as a responsibility and not a burden; the kind of white person who people of color see as the peak example of racial allyship; the kind of white person who other white people might model their own aspirations of being “better” after. But it’s Bucks obsession with “goodness” that prevents him from building meaningful relationships, particularly those who look like him. The Right Kind of White charts Garrett’s intellectual and emotional odyssey in his pursuit of this ideal whiteness, the price of its admission, and the work he’s doing to bridge the divide from those he once sought distance from.
University of California Press More Than Just Food: Food Justice and Community Change
The industrial food system has created a crisis in the United States that is characterized by abundant food for privileged citizens and "food deserts" for the historically marginalized. In response, food justice activists based in low-income communities of color have developed community-based solutions, arguing that activities like urban agriculture, nutrition education, and food-related social enterprises can drive systemic social change. Focusing on the work of several food justice groups - including Community Services Unlimited, a South Los Angeles organization founded as the non-profit arm of the Southern California Black Panther Party - More Than Just Food explores the possibilities and limitations of the community-based approach, offering a networked examination of the food justice movement in the age of the non-profit industrial complex.
The University of Chicago Press Between Film and Screen: Modernism's Photo Synthesis
Photography might be called the lost cause of cinema, gone in projection and too soon forgotten. But what is the mysterious region between photography and narrative cinema, between the photogram - a single film frame - and the illusion of motion one recognizes as the movies? In this study, Garrett Stewart discusses the photogram not only as the undertext of screen images but also in its unexpected links to the early modernist writings of James, Conrad, Forster, Joyce and others. Engaging the work of such media theorists as Eisenstein, Benjamin, Kracauer, Bazin, Baudry, Cavell, Deleuze and Jameson, this study pursues the suppressed photogram as it ripples the narrative surface of several dozen films from Lang and Chaplin through Bergman, Coppola and beyond. To locate the exact repercussions of such effects, Stewart includes over 300 frame enlargements drawn from genres as different as science fiction, film noir and recent Victorian costume drama.
The University of Chicago Press Bookwork: Medium to Object to Concept to Art
Bookwork takes our passion for books to its logical extreme - by studying artists who employ found or simulated books as a sculptural medium and investigating the conceptual labor behind this proliferating international art practice. Garrett Stewart looks at hundreds of book-like objects, alone or as part of gallery installations, in this original account of works that force attention upon a book's material identity and cultural resonance. Less an inquiry into the artist's book than an exploration of the book's contemporary objecthood, Stewart's stimulating blend of visual theory and bibliophilia traces the lineage of these aggressive artifacts from the 1919 Unhappy Readymade of Marcel Duchamp down to the current crisis of paper-based media in the digital era. Ranging from appropriated to fabricated book forms, from hacksawed discards to the giant lead folios of Anselm Kiefer, the unreadable books illustrated and discussed in Bookwork offer timely lessons in the history of reading, writing, and art making.
The University of Chicago Press Transmedium: Conceptualism 2.0 and the New Object Art
If you attend a contemporary art exhibition lately, you're unlikely to see much traditional painting or sculpture. Indeed, artists today are preoccupied with what happens when you leave behind assumptions about particular media such as painting, or woodcuts and instead focus on collisions between them, and the new forms and ideas that those collisions generate. Garrett Stewart in Transmedium dubs this new approach Conceptualism 2.0, an allusion in part to the computer images that are so often addressed by these works. A successor to 1960s Conceptualism, which posited that a material medium was unnecessary to the making of art, Conceptualism 2.0 features artworks that are transmedial, that place the aesthetic experience itself deliberately at the boundary between often incommensurable media. The result, Stewart shows, is art whose forced convergences break open new possibilities that are wholly surprising, intellectually enlightening, and often uncanny.
ECCO Press The Brewmasters Table
Brisance Books Group LLC Loopholes of Real Estate
University of Regina Press Frontier Farewell
'Gracefully written, fully and meticulously researched.' -- Sharon Butala, author of The Perfection of the Morning ' Frontier Farewell offers new perspectives on everything from the transfer of Rupert's Land to Canada, the Manitoba Resistance of 1869-70, and the Numbered Treaties of the 1870s, to the surveys of the Canadian Prairies, the coming of the North-West Mounted Police, and the fallout from the Battle of the Little Big Horn.' -- Ted Binnema, Department of History, University of Northern British Columbia 'Frontier Farewell has energy and glory.' -- The StarPhoenix 'Wilson...writes with great elegance and clarity.' -- James A. Hanson, Museum of the Fur Trade Quarterly Frontier Farewell 'ends with the disastrous bloodletting--the gruesome unwinding of a two-hundred-year experiment.' -- Lionel Hughes, Prairies North
University of Regina Press In the Temple of the Rain God
Charles Wilson did it all. He arrived in the West in 1905, the year of Saskatchewan's birth, and experienced all the hardship, success, and suffering that the province enjoyed and endured on its path to becoming one of the most favoured places in Canada today. In the Temple of the Rain God explores how governments and individuals struggled to save western agriculture from the crushing mountain of farm debt and--through Charles Wilson's eyes--tells the dramatic story of the first fifty years of Saskatchewan history.
MIT Press Ltd On Being Quietly
Oxford University Press Oxford Literature Companions: The Kite Runner
Easy to use in the classroom or as a tool for revision, Oxford Literature Companions provide student-friendly analysis of a range of popular A Level set texts. Each book offers a lively, engaging approach to the text, covering characterisation and role, genre, context, language, themes, structure and critical views, whilst also providing a range of varied and in-depth activities to deepen understanding and encourage close work with the text. Each book also includes a comprehensive Skills and Practice section, which provides detailed advice on assessment and a bank of exam-style questions and annotated sample student answers. This guide covers The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini and is suitable for the most recent AS/A level specifications.
Apogee Books Science Fiction Columbus of Space
Medieval Institute Publications The Towneley Plays
The Towneley plays are a collection of biblical plays in the Huntington Library's MS HM 1, a manuscript once owned by the Towneley family of Towneley Hall, Lancashire. Once thought to constitute a cycle of plays from the town of Wakefield in Yorkshire's West Riding, the collection includes some of the best-known examples of medieval English drama, including the much-anthologized Second Shepherds Play.
Library of American Landscape History Landscape for Living
John Murray Press 5 Day Weekend: Freedom to Make Your Life and Work Rich with Purpose: A how-to guide to building multiple streams of passive income
CREATE PASSIVE INCOME, GET FINANCIALLY SET FOR LIFE, AND ADD 3 MORE DAYS TO YOUR WEEKEND - EVERY WEEKENDYOU WANT MOREYou know there's a better way to live your life. You have hopes and dreams. You want to stop living by other people's rules. Now there's a way. 5 DAY WEEKEND® shows you how to build multiple streams of passive, independent income, opening up your world to more and better choices.Covering money and personal freedom, you will focus on ways to tighten your finances, increase your income, and develop passive investment strategies. Discover how to build regular, independent cash flow until it matches your standard of living, freeing you to live your life to the fullest.You will find tools to support and realise your new goals, and read real life stories and cases giving examples and guidance. THIS IS YOUR CHANCE TO LEAVE YOUR 9-5 JOB BEHIND, CHANGE YOUR LIFE, AND ACHIEVE YOUR GRANDEST GOALS.
Source Point Press Cold Dead Hands