Search results for ""author gabriele""
Graefe und Unzer Verlag Simply Raw Bakery Rohkstlich vegan backen
Reise Know-How Rump GmbH Reise KnowHow CityTrip Paris
Königshausen & Neumann Schrappel
Königshausen & Neumann Endzeitvorstellungen
Bassermann, Edition Geschenke aus dem Kräutergarten für Leib Seele
Hogrefe Verlag GmbH + Co. Pflegende Angehörige
Ulmer Eugen Verlag Exotisches Obst und Gemse fr die Kche
Ueberreuter, Carl Verlag Die spukenden Habsburger
Langen - Mueller Verlag Marlene Dietrich
Klinkhardt, Julius transfer Forschung Schule Heft 8
Juventa Verlag GmbH Frhkindliche Bildung zwischen Wunsch und Wirklichkeit Neues zur Kindheits und Familienpdagogik
Frech Verlag GmbH SustaiNÄHble Näh dich nachhaltig
Neue Stadt Verlag GmbH GlückWunsch zum 70.
Springer VS Die Logiken der Friedensstiftung verstehen
Einleitung.- Theoretische Grundlagen und Forschungsstand.- Empirische Untersuchung.- Einordnung der empirischen Befunde in den aktuellen Diskurs der Didaktik der Politischen Bildung.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Vom Exposé zum Bucherfolg: Schreib- und PR-Leitfaden für engagierte Autor*innen
Ein Buch zu schreiben stellt stets eine große Herausforderung dar. Denn immer gilt es, von der Initialidee über die Schreibphase bis zum Marketing mit Wissen und Weitsicht zu agieren. Gabriele Borgmann bietet in ihrem Buch eine umfassende Orientierung in der Welt der vielfältigen Publikationsmöglichkeiten und vermittelt Autor*innen mit ihrem Praxisleitfaden das erfolgsentscheidende Know-how. Den Schwerpunkt legt sie auf das Publizieren in einem Verlag, aber auch Selfpublisher*innen für Sach- und Unternehmensbücher erhalten Arbeitstechniken und ausgewählte Methoden für die Schreib- und PR-Phase. Sie macht Mut, das eigene Buchprojekt voranzutreiben, an den schriftstellerischen Erfolg zu glauben und überzeugt daran zu arbeiten. Sie bestärkt Autor*innen, das eigene Werk vor, bei und nach Erscheinen nachhaltig zu promoten. Für den Bucherfolg sind vier Größen entscheidend: Themenwissen, Schreibstimme, die persönliche Überzeugungskraft der Autor*innen sowie ihre Kontakte und Netzwerke. Die aktualisierte 2. Auflage wurde durchgesehen, verbessert und um das Thema "Lesungen" erweitert.Hinter jedem Erfolg steht Arbeit. Der Wille allein reicht nicht aus, besonders bei Autoren. Das ist das Credo von Gabriele Borgmann. Sie zeigt, wie Sachbücher strukturiert, geschrieben, vermarktet werden. Das macht ihr Buch zum einem Arbeitsbuch für jede Phase. Endlich ist es erschienen!Hermann Scherer
Motorbuch Verlag Kfz und Panzer der Achsenmchte 1939 1945
Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht Kompetenzorientiertes Lehren Und Lernen Im Religionsunterricht
Reinhardt Ernst Wie Psychotherapie bei körperlichen Erkrankungen wirkt
Rosenheimer Verlagshaus Ein unvergesslicher Almwinter
Katholisches Bibelwerk Das MarkusEvangelium Ein Kommentar fr die Praxis
Heyne Taschenbuch Über den Gipfeln wohnt das Glück
Verlagsgruppe Random House GmbH Vom Fruhling und von der Einsamkeit
Kailash Magische Kräuterküche
C.H. Beck Kants Philosophie
Persen Verlag i.d. AAP 66 Bastelaufgaben mit RecyclingMaterial Kreatives Gestalten mit alten Dosen PETVerpackungen Co 1 bis 4 Klasse
Persen Verlag i.d. AAP Schneiden Falten Kleben 66 Bastelaufgaben zur Frderung der Feinmotorik im Anfangsunterricht 1 und 2 Klasse
Persen Verlag i.d. AAP Einfach gärtnern in Topf und Beet Grundschule
Aufbau Verlage GmbH Unser Vater Ein Gesprch
Aufbau Verlage GmbH Das erzhlerische Werk 04 L Adultera
Max Hueber Verlag Dabei A22 Deutsch fr Jugendliche Deutsch als Fremdsprache Arbeitsbuch
Max Hueber Verlag Dabei A21 Deutsch fr JugendlicheDeutsch als Fremdsprache Arbeitsbuch
Max Hueber Verlag Dabei A21 Deutsch fr JugendlicheDeutsch als Fremdsprache Kursbuch
Max Hueber Verlag Planet Kursbuch 3
Max Hueber Verlag Pingpong Neu Lehrbuch 2
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Mathematik Sekundarstufe II Leistungskurs Qualifikationsphase Schlerbuch Berlin
University of Minnesota Press Radioactive Ghosts
A pioneering examination of nuclear trauma, the continuing and new nuclear peril, and the subjectivities they generate Amid resurgent calls for widespread nuclear energy and “limited nuclear war,” the populations that must live with the consequences of these decisions are increasingly insecure. The nuclear peril combined with the looming threat of climate change means that we are seeing the formation of a new kind of subjectivity: humans who are in a position of perpetual ontological insecurity. In Radioactive Ghosts, Gabriele Schwab articulates a vision of these “nuclear subjectivities” that we all live with. Focusing on the legacies of the Manhattan Project, Hiroshima, and nuclear energy politics, Radioactive Ghosts takes us on a tour of the little-seen sides of our nuclear world. Examining devastating uranium mining on Native lands, nuclear sacrifice zones, the catastrophic accidents at Chernobyl and Fukushima, and the formation of a new transspecies ethics, Schwab shows how individuals threatened with extinction are creating new adaptations, defenses, and communal spaces. Ranging from personal accounts of experiences with radiation to in-depth readings of literature, film, art, and scholarly works, Schwab gives us a complex, idiosyncratic, and personal analysis of one of the most overlooked issues of our time.
University of Minnesota Press Radioactive Ghosts
A pioneering examination of nuclear trauma, the continuing and new nuclear peril, and the subjectivities they generate Amid resurgent calls for widespread nuclear energy and “limited nuclear war,” the populations that must live with the consequences of these decisions are increasingly insecure. The nuclear peril combined with the looming threat of climate change means that we are seeing the formation of a new kind of subjectivity: humans who are in a position of perpetual ontological insecurity. In Radioactive Ghosts, Gabriele Schwab articulates a vision of these “nuclear subjectivities” that we all live with. Focusing on the legacies of the Manhattan Project, Hiroshima, and nuclear energy politics, Radioactive Ghosts takes us on a tour of the little-seen sides of our nuclear world. Examining devastating uranium mining on Native lands, nuclear sacrifice zones, the catastrophic accidents at Chernobyl and Fukushima, and the formation of a new transspecies ethics, Schwab shows how individuals threatened with extinction are creating new adaptations, defenses, and communal spaces. Ranging from personal accounts of experiences with radiation to in-depth readings of literature, film, art, and scholarly works, Schwab gives us a complex, idiosyncratic, and personal analysis of one of the most overlooked issues of our time.
Stanford University Press Healing Labor: Japanese Sex Work in the Gendered Economy
Contemporary Japan is home to one of the world's largest and most diversified markets for sex. Widely understood to be socially necessary, the sex industry operates and recruits openly, staffed by a diverse group of women who are attracted by its high pay and the promise of autonomy—but whose work remains stigmatized and unmentionable. Based on fieldwork with adult Japanese women in Tokyo's sex industry, Healing Labor explores the relationship between how sex workers think about what sex is and what it does and the political-economic roles and possibilities that they imagine for themselves. Gabriele Koch reveals how Japanese sex workers regard sex as a deeply feminized care—a healing labor—that is both necessary and significant for the well-being and productivity of men. In this nuanced ethnography that approaches sex as a social practice with political and economic effects, Koch compellingly illustrates the linkages between women's work, sex, and the gendered economy.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Volumetric Image Analysis
Volumetric, or three-dimensional, digital imaging now plays a vital role in many areas of research such as medicine and geology. Medical images acquired by tomographic scanners for instance are often given as a stack of cross-sectional image slices. Such images are called ?volumetric? because they depict objects in their entire three-dimensional extent rather than just as a projection onto a two-dimensional image plane. Since huge amounts of volumetric data are continually being produced in many places around the world, techniques for their automatic analysis become ever more important. Written by a computer vision specialist, this clear, detailed account of volumetric image analysis techniques provides a practical approach to the field including the following topics: preprocessing of volumetric images obtaining quantitative measurements in volumetric images detection and modelling of objects in volumetric images To students without prior knowledge of computer vision this book will serve as a self-contained comprehensive introduction. Experienced practitioners and researchers will find it a helpful reference and a source of high level case material.
Columbia University Press Moments for Nothing: Samuel Beckett and the End Times
Samuel Beckett’s work has entranced generations of readers with its portrayal of the end times. Beckett’s characters are preoccupied with death, and the specters of cataclysm and extinction overshadow their barren, bleak worlds. Yet somehow, they endure, experiencing surreal and often comic repetitions that seem at once to confront finitude and the infinite, up to the limits of existence.Gabriele Schwab draws on decades of close engagement with Beckett to explore how his work speaks to our current existential anxieties and fears. Interweaving critical analysis with personal reflections, she shows how Beckett’s writing provides unexpected resources for making sense of personal and planetary catastrophes. Moments for Nothing examines the ways Beckett’s works have taken on new meaning in an era of crises—climate change, environmental devastation, and the COVID-19 pandemic—that are defined by both paralyzing stasis and pervasive uncertainty. They also offer a bracing depiction of aging and the end of life, exploring loneliness, vulnerability, and decay. Beckett’s particular vision of the apocalypse and his sense of persistence, Schwab argues, help us understand our times and even, perhaps, provide sanctuary and solace.Moments for Nothing features insightful close readings of iconic works such as Endgame, Happy Days, and the trilogy, as well as lesser-known writings including the thirty-five-second play Breath, which Schwab reconsiders in light of the pandemic.
Columbia University Press On Niccolò Machiavelli: The Bonds of Politics
Five hundred years after his death, Niccolò Machiavelli still draws an astonishing range of contradictory characterizations. Was he a friend of tyrants? An ardent republican loyal to Florence’s free institutions? The father of political realism? A revolutionary populist? A calculating rationalist? A Renaissance humanist? A prophet of Italian unification? A theorist of mixed government? A forerunner to authoritarianism? The master of the dark arts of intrigue?This book provides a vivid and engaging introduction to Machiavelli’s life and works that sheds new light on his originality and relevance. Gabriele Pedullà—a leading Italian expert and acclaimed writer—offers fresh readings of the Florentine thinker’s most famous writings, The Prince and the Discourses on Livy, as well as lesser-known texts. A new and often surprising Machiavelli emerges: one closer to his time but also better suited to inform our own. Pedullà’s portrait of Machiavelli highlights his close attention to social and emotional bonds, staunch opposition to oligarchy, keen awareness of the economic side of power dynamics, and strong preference for history over philosophy as a guide for leaders.This book recovers the excitement Machiavelli roused in his first readers for a twenty-first-century audience, capturing his capacity to provoke, both then and now, with unconventional ideas and startling insights.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Visual Methods for Digital Research
Over the last decade, images have become a key feature of digital culture; at the same time, they have made a mark on a wide range of research practices. Visual Methods for Digital Researchis the first textbook to bring the fields of visual methods and digital research together. Presenting visual methods for digitaland participatoryresearch, the book covers both the application of existing digital methods for image research and new visual methodologies developed specifically for digital research. It encompassesvarious approachesto studying digital images,including the distant reading of image collections, the close reading of visual vernaculars of social media platforms, and participatory research with visual materials.Offering a theoretical framework illustrated with hands-on techniques, Sabine Niederer and Gabriele Colombo provide compelling examples for studying online images through visual and digital means, and discuss critical data practices such as data feminism and digital me
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Armies of Ancient Italy 753-218 BC: From the Foundation of Rome to the Start of the Second Punic War
Before becoming the masters of the Mediterranean world, the Romans had first to conquer the Italian peninsula in a series of harsh conflicts against its other varied and warlike residents. The outcome was no foregone conclusion and it took the Romans half a millennium to secure the whole of Italy. Gabriele Esposito presents the armies that fought these wars, in which the Roman military spirit and their famous legions were forged. He not only follows the evolution of the Roman forces from the Regal Period to the outbreak of the Second Punic War but also the forces of their neighbours, rivals and enemies. The most notable of these, the Etruscans, Samnites and the Italian Greeks are given particular attention but others, such as the Celts and Ligures of the North and the warriors of Sicily and Sardinia, are also considered. Details of the organization, weapons, equipment and tactics of each army are described, while dozens of beautiful colour photos of reenactors show how these warriors looked in the field.
Columbia University Press Haunting Legacies: Violent Histories and Transgenerational Trauma
From mass murder to genocide, slavery to colonial suppression, acts of atrocity have lives that extend far beyond the horrific moment. They engender trauma that echoes for generations, in the experiences of those on both sides of the act. Gabriele Schwab reads these legacies in a number of narratives, primarily through the writing of postwar Germans and the descendents of Holocaust survivors. She connects their work to earlier histories of slavery and colonialism and to more recent events, such as South African Apartheid, the practice of torture after 9/11, and the "disappearances" that occurred during South American dictatorships. Schwab's texts include memoirs, such as Ruth Kluger's Still Alive and Marguerite Duras's La Douleur; second-generation accounts by the children of Holocaust survivors, such as Georges Perec's W, Art Spiegelman's Maus, and Philippe Grimbert's Secret; and second-generation recollections by Germans, such as W. G. Sebald's Austerlitz, Sabine Reichel's What Did You Do in the War, Daddy?, and Ursula Duba's Tales from a Child of the Enemy. She also incorporates her own reminiscences of growing up in postwar Germany, mapping interlaced memories and histories as they interact in psychic life and cultural memory. Schwab concludes with a bracing look at issues of responsibility, reparation, and forgiveness across the victim/perpetrator divide.