Search results for ""author falk""
John Wiley & Sons Inc Analysis of Biological Networks
An introduction to biological networks and methods for their analysis Analysis of Biological Networks is the first book of its kind to provide readers with a comprehensive introduction to the structural analysis of biological networks at the interface of biology and computer science. The book begins with a brief overview of biological networks and graph theory/graph algorithms and goes on to explore: global network properties, network centralities, network motifs, network clustering, Petri nets, signal transduction and gene regulation networks, protein interaction networks, metabolic networks, phylogenetic networks, ecological networks, and correlation networks. Analysis of Biological Networks is a self-contained introduction to this important research topic, assumes no expert knowledge in computer science or biology, and is accessible to professionals and students alike. Each chapter concludes with a summary of main points and with exercises for readers to test their understanding of the material presented. Additionally, an FTP site with links to author-provided data for the book is available for deeper study. This book is suitable as a resource for researchers in computer science, biology, bioinformatics, advanced biochemistry, and the life sciences, and also serves as an ideal reference text for graduate-level courses in bioinformatics and biological research.
JOVIS Verlag UNStudio
Bilingual edition (English/German) / Zweisprachige Ausgabe (deutsch/englisch) Architects Ben van Berkel and Caroline Bos from the Amsterdam office UNStudio are undeniable stars on the international architectural scene. In their interdisciplinary united net of experts they promote creative and integral design processes, aiming to further the progressive path of contemporary architecture. The outcome is dynamic buildings like the Magnet Resonance Institute at the University of Utrecht or the Mercedes-Benz Museum in Stuttgart; buildings of extreme conceptual and technical complexity and conviction that also offer a rare level of architectural experience. Surely one of the office’s most outstanding qualities is the fact that a sense of atmosphere and beauty is never neglected in these buildings and objects designed with such artistic fervour.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Design Thinking: The Handbook
'It both provides tools and techniques for design thinking and illustrates the principles of usability advocated within through its own layout and organization, and so serves as its own best recommendation.'Technical CommunicationDesign thinking is more than just a new, one-off method of innovation. Its focus is on establishing an innovation-friendly climate in companies and organizations for the long-term. To achieve this, an interdisciplinary team of authors has composed this 'recipe book' that can be practically applied to your everyday business life. This book is for all who intend to understand and practice the design thinking method in the most rapid and uncomplicated way.The first part describes in depth what this method is all about. The second part of this comprehensive book offers you a step-by-step guide to practically apply design thinking. The subsequent sample cases show how to put theory into practice.The authors have gained their expertise in design thinking from both academic and scientific theory, and from countless long-term implementations at companies in various industries.So, benefit from this rich knowledge and start becoming innovative today. This book will show you how it's done.
Hatje Cantz gmp × Architekten von Gerkan, Marg und Partner (bilingual edition): Architecture 2007–2011, Bd. 12
The first volume of the series chronicling the work of architects gmp · Von Gerkan, Marg and Partner was published in 1978, while 2008 saw the publication of the eleventh and most recent volume in the series. More than a decade later, the series is at last picking up where it left off: volume twelve of the monograph documents the projects built between 2007 and 2011, including numerous sports facilities around the world, from the three stadiums erected for the soccer world championships in 2010 in Cape Town, Port Elizabeth, and Durban, South Africa; to the buildings for the World University Games in 2011 in Shenzhen, China; to the Olympic stadium in Kiev. Those, however, are just a few of the sixty-five projects found in this richly illustrated volume: transportation facilities such as the Hamburg Airport and the West Train Station in Tianjin, China, as well as iconic cultural buildings such as the Chinese National Museum, the Hanoi Museum, the China Maritime Museum in Lingang, and the grand theatres in Chongqing and Qingdao are also detailed. Languages: German and English
Spector Books Irregulare Tage
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Basic Electrochemistry for Biotechnology
Basic Electrochemistry for Biotechnology Understand the basics of a thriving interdisciplinary research field Microbial electrochemistry is a subfield of bioelectrochemistry which concerns interactions between microbial organisms and electrically active surfaces such as electrodes. Its growth as a subject of research has been rapid in recent years, and its technological applications are many, particularly as the race to find sustainable organic energy sources accelerates. Basic Electrochemistry for Biotechnology offers an accessible overview of this interdisciplinary subject and its potential applications. Moving smoothly from the general to the specific, it offers both fundamental principles and some of the most relevant specific examples, such as biofilm electrodes, microbial fuel cells or microbial electrosynthesis cells, making it the ideal choice for building a working knowledge of this exciting new field. Its solid foundation of microbial electrochemical technologies also serves as a starting point for a wide range of applied research areas. Basic Electrochemistry for Biotechnology readers will also find: Carefully designed artistic illustrations Hands-on exercises throughout to facilitate entry into laboratory work Numerous illustrative examples and calculations designed to demonstrate and reinforce key principles Basic Electrochemistry for Biotechnology is the perfect point of entry into this growing field for both students and researchers.
Hatje Cantz anna kazianka / falk lennart kremzow (Bilingual edition): cekati / warten
This photo series captures moments of periphery in Croatian Istria with 26 bus stops. Documentary and conceptual, the photographic cartography approaches the different perceptions of the places. Ed Ruscha’s methodology, and in particular his photographic series Twentysix Gasoline Stations, serve as a method and inspiration to examine the stops and their identity in the urban fabric. With this photographic concept as well as the texts, the observations are presented analytically and at the same time unfold a greater poetic meaning. How does it feel to live in the environs of urban reality? The book transmits the fascination for simple building methods, locations as well as the aesthetics of decay.
JOVIS Verlag Kulturpalast Dresden
Bilingual edition (English/German) / Zweisprachige Ausgabe (deutsch/englisch) After refurbishment and restructuring as a house with an open concept, the Kulturpalast Dresden in the center of the city has been given a new lease of life. gmp devised a holistic architectural principle for the new fusion of culture, education, and entertainment, based on a confident redevelopment of a traditional civic meeting place. A respectful and exciting dialog unfolds between the façade, renovated in accordance with its listed status, and the new concert hall of international standing at the core of the building, with carefully designed spaces and transitions.In this volume, the responsible architects present the architecture of Kulturpalast Dresden in detail with plans, images, and texts. An essay by the architecture critic Falk Jaeger about the eventful history of the building and photographs by Christian Gahl complete the comprehensive presentation of the project.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Zur Revolutionierung des Gottesgedankens: Texte zu einer modernen philosophischen Theologie
Der Band präsentiert 21 bislang unpublizierte Texte aus dem Nachlass des Münchener und Wiener systematischen Theologen Falk Wagner (1939-1998). Diese Nachlassmaterialien, welche vorwiegend aus dessen Münchener Zeit stammen, sind Themen der philosophischen Theologie sowie der Sozialethik gewidmet. Facettenreich dokumentieren die vorgelegten Texte, wie der junge Wagner an der Ausarbeitung einer philosophisch-theologischen Konzeption vor dem Hintergrund der Problemanforderungen der Moderne arbeitet. Der Band bietet ein aufschlussreiches Seitenstück zu den publizierten Werken des Theologen.
Romisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum Die Hohensiedlungen Im Bergland Der Krim: Umwelt, Kulturaustausch Und Transformation Am Nordrand Des Byzantischen Reiches
Prestel Ai Weiwei
“Everything is art. Everything is politics,” says internationally renowned artist Ai Weiwei. His statement informs this comprehensive book that features sculptural installations, photographs, and videos from every aspect of the artist’s forty- year career and touches on many contemporary social issues. The works featured in the book include Straight, Ai’s gigantic installation made from 150 tons of rebar salvaged from the 2008 Sichuan earthquake, which comments on governmental corruption and negligence, and Sunflower Seeds for which the artist filled the enormous Turbine Hall of London's Tate Modern with 100,000,000 porcelain seeds, each made by Chinese craftspeople. Also highlighted are his most recent works addressing the refugee crisis, such as Laundromat and Life Cycle; his provocative ventures into social media; and several early works. Wide-ranging and penetrating, this collection of Ai’s most important work to date illustrates the depth of his conviction that art is most powerful when it raises awareness and incites change.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG S3-Leitlinie Screening, Diagnose und Behandlung alkoholbezogener Störungen
Das Buch liefert – unter Einbeziehung der Erkenntnisse aus der aktuellen Forschung – detaillierte Leitlinien zur Früherkennung von Alkoholproblemen und zur optimalen Behandlung von betroffenen Personen. Für die 2020 aktualisierte Auflage wurden alle Kapitel hinsichtlich neuer Forschungsergebnisse und aktueller Literatur überprüft und die Empfehlungen überarbeitet.Die Empfehlungen richten sich an ÄrztInnen und PsychologInnen in Klinik und Praxis, an Mitarbeitende in Reha-Einrichtungen und Beratungsstellen, sowie an Betroffene und deren Angehörige. Die Leitlinie bildet die Grundlage für eine evidenzbasierte Behandlung und soll einen leichteren Zugang zum umfangreichen Hilfesystem ermöglichen. Die wichtigsten Inhalte auf einen Blick: Empfehlungen zu Screening, Case Finding und Diagnostik von alkoholbezogenen Störungen Behandlungsempfehlungen für Personen mit alkoholbezogenen Störungen in im akuten und postakuten Setting Empfehlungen für verschiedene Gruppen der Gesellschaft Besonderer Fokus auf die deutsche Versorgungslandschaft
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Diskriminierung von Christen in der DDR: Band 1: Militarisierung und Widerstand in den 1960er Jahren
In den 1960er Jahren sicherte die DDR-Regierung ihre Macht einerseits durch die Militarisierung der Gesellschaft und andererseits durch die Einschüchterung Andersdenkender. Maßnahmen wie der Mauerbau 1961 und die Einführung der Wehrpflicht 1962 führten zum Widerstandsverhalten christlicher Individuen und Gruppen aufgrund ihrer friedensethischen Überzeugungen. Der vorliegende Band widmet sich der Frage, wie sich in den 1960er Jahren die Benachteiligung von Christen in der DDR gestaltete und welche Formen von Widerstand zu beobachten sind. Versammelt sind hier 17 Beiträge, die anlässlich der Jenaer Tagung "Diskriminierung von Christen in den 1960er Jahren der DDR" vom 27. bis 29. September 2021 von Expertinnen und Experten verschiedener Disziplinen verfasst wurden. Der Fokus richtet sich zunächst auf die Militarisierung der Gesellschaft aus religionssoziologischer, militärtheoretischer, kirchenpolitischer und bildungspraktischer Perspektive. Danach werden Formen des christlichen Widerstandes untersucht, die das DDR-Regime zu staatlichen Gegenmaßnahmen provozierten. Anschließend werden spezifische Arten von Diskriminierung christlicher Individuen und Gruppen analysiert und kategorisiert. Schließlich erfolgt eine konfessionelle Ausdifferenzierung der Thematik, in der Diskriminierungen speziell von Zeugen Jehovas, Mennoniten, Katholiken und Protestanten in den Blick genommen werden. Abgerundet wird der Sammelband durch ein Interview mit Rainer Eppelmann, der als Pfarrer, Bürgerrechtler, Politiker und ehemaliger Minister für Abrüstung und Verteidigung der letzten DDR-Regierung wirkte.