Search results for ""author erik"
Five Continents Editions In the Atelier: Erik Desmazières Printmaker René Tazé Printer: An Artistic collaboration 1978-2018
Erik Desmazières's first love was drawing and he began engraving in the Ville de Paris studios from 1971. René Tazé joined the Leblanc studio, a famous and ancient Parisian intaglio printer's workshop in 1969. It was here, on Rue Saint-Jacques, the printers' quarter since the seventeenth century, where they met: in this corner of Paris imbued with history. In the spring of 1978, René Tazé opened his own studio at 11 Rue Hittorf, by the side of the town hall in the tenth arrondissement in Paris. The printer and the artist then established a professional bond that has lasted up to the present day. During the four decades of their work together, they have made over 200 prints and no fewer than 20,000 proofs in various formats; their preparation benefited greatly from the skill and noteworthy talent of René Tazé, who was awarded the title of Maître d'Art in 2006. While René Tazé made the prints, Erik Desmazières began to draw his surroundings, by which he was much inspired. The result was a set of seven large engravings made from 1979 onwards depicting the studio and its wonderful machines from different angles. In 2006, René Tazé was forced to leave his studio, which was to be demolished. He moved to a studio in Villa du Lavoir, near Porte Saint-Martin, not far from where he worked previously. The new studio was far more 'modern' and more maze-like, but just as inspiring and gave rise to an engraving of the studio just before its conversion: Atelier René Tazé VIII, 2018. The renovated studio offered the engraver the chance to make a new work of the space, which had a completely different layout: Atelier René Tazé IX. Text in English and French.
Emerald Publishing Limited Instructional Psychology: Past, Present, and Future Trends - Sixteen Essays in Honour of Erik De Corte
To celebrate Erik De Cortes scientific career in the international scientific field of instructional psychology, high profile researchers and scholars were invited by the editors to write an essay on the past, present, and future of the subdomain of instructional psychology of their personal interest and expertise. This book addresses the core topics of the learning sciences from a diversity of perspectives. The sixteen chapters are grouped into the following six sections: Learning and Development; Learning, Reasoning, and Problem Solving; Motivational and Emotional Aspects of Learning; Learning and Assessment; Learning and Technology, and Instructional and Organizational Designs for Learning. These chapters provide overviews of and commentaries on the past decades of research on learning and teaching. Furthermore, the authors look also at the future of research on learning and instruction and its changing role in our fast developing knowledge society. 16 chapters are written by high profile researchers and scholars. Content provides both a review of existing literature and a discussion of the future of the discipline
Desclée De Brouwer Conversando con Erik una mirada gestáltica y relacional en la terapia y educación con niños y adolescentes
Conversando con Erik es un libro fruto de la sinergia de dos almas sensibles; Loretta Cornejo y su sobrino Erik Baumann. De la participación activa y en conexión de dos psicólogos que interactúan y dialogan a lo largo de los capítulos sobre temas y cuestiones clave en la psicoterapia infanto juvenil, pero también en otros ámbitos relacionales? Es un magnífico ejemplo de cabeza, corazón y cuerpo?José Luis Gonzalo MarrodánLo novedoso de este libro, además de hablar de diversas técnicas y modos de vincularnos con los niños, los jóvenes y su mundo, es una serie de enlaces que ayudan a ampliar los aspectos y temas tratados, dando así mayor riqueza a lo expuesto y al mismo tiempo compartir con el lector videos, películas, cortos que los autores han visto y que consideran útiles para el trabajo terapéutico. Así mismo, al final de cada capítulo se incluye algo muy importante y necesario para la práctica profesional: ?Los permisos del terapeuta?, una idea fantástica que los autores aport
Piper Verlag GmbH Erik der Rote oder die Suche nach dem Glck Historischer Roman
Harvard University Press Bolor Erike: Mongolian Chronicle: Part I-V
Third in the Scripta Mongolica series, this book reproduces a rare printed text of the Bolor Erike or Chaplet of Crystals, written in the 18th century but preserving a number of recitals, some unknown elsewhere, relating to Chinggis Qaghan and his line and to the history of the Mongols under the Chinese Ming dynasty. The dean of the world’s Mongolists provides a thorough textual and historical analysis.
Vintage Publishing Civilisations: From the bestselling author of HHhH
It's world history. But not as we know it.c.1000AD: Erik the Red's daughter heads south from Greenland1492: Columbus does not discover America1531: the Incas invade EuropeFreydis is the leader of a band of Viking warriors who get as far as Panama. Nobody knows what became of them. Five hundred years later, Christopher Columbus is sailing for the Americas, dreaming of gold and conquest. Even when captured, his faith in his mission is unshaken. Thirty years after that, Atahualpa, the last Inca emperor, arrives in a Europe ready for revolution. Fortunately, he has a recent guidebook to acquiring power - Machiavelli's The Prince. So, the stage is set for a Europe ruled by Incas and, when the Aztecs arrive on the scene, for a great war that will change history forever.'Binet's best book yet: the work of a major writer just hitting his stride. A delightful counterfactual novel' ***** - Daily Telegraph
APE (Art Paper Editions) Spread Ruth van Beek Thomas Mailaender Anika Schwarzlose Erik van der Weijde Mariken Wessels
Hal Leonard Corporation The Best of Erik Satie Vol. 1: En Vingt-Cinq Morceaux Pour Piano
L'Erma Di Bretschneider Ancient History Matters: Studies Presented to Jens Erik Skydsgaard on His 70th Birthday
Brepols N.V. The Cult of St Erik in Medieval Sweden: Veneration of a Royal Saint, Twelfth-Sixteenth Centuries
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Forschungen zur systematischen und ökumenischen Theologie: Ãffentlichkeit der Kirche und Politische Theologie im Werk von Erik Peterson
Contemporarily Theology and Political Sciences are on the way of reinventing Erik Peterson (1890-1960) as a central figure in the discourses of 1920s to 1950s. The volumes of his "Ausgewählte Schriften" give us insight into a thinking of high inner tensions, which was developed in an intellectual exchange with many important dialogue partners. First of all, Peterson's concept of the Political is of a high interest. Peterson formed this concept in a constant discussion with the famous and notorious jurist Carl Schmitt. In the early 30s their friendship an intellectual partnership broke because of their different statements to the totalized Political and the national socialist ideology. Peterson confronted the political Totalitarianism with an apocalyptical concept and image of the church as an independent public sphere, which has its main publicity through the worship in front of God's throne in the community of the earthly church and the heavenly assembly of angels. From this specific concept of publicity Peterson got an eminently critical power of judgement against political totalitarianism, which he viewed as the consequent self fulfilment of modernity. On his way Peterson converted from Lutheran Protestantism to Roman Catholicism in 1930. Until today his strongly liturgical and dogmatical shaped theology is a challenge for the search for a forthcoming ecumenical church.This volume is the first monograph about Peterson from a protestant perspective. Roger Mielke focuses on the concepts of the public and the political in Peterson's work - especially in relationship to Schmitt's project of a "Political Theology" and the intellectual exchange between Peterson and Schmitt. The author views the different contemporary discourses where the motives of Peterson's work are influential and has a special interest in the "Radical Orthodoxy"-discourse which is not yet received broadly in German speaking theology.
University of Toronto Press Author, Reader, Book: Medieval Authorship in Theory and Practice
The current focus on the theme of authorship in Medieval and Early Modern studies reopens questions of poetic agency and intent. Bringing into conversation several kinds of scholarship on medieval authorship, the essays in Author, Reader, Book examine interrelated questions raised by the relationship between an author and a reader, the relationships between authors and their antecedents, and the ways in which authorship interacts with the physical presentation of texts in books. The broad chronological range within this volume reveals the persistence of literary concerns that remain consistent through different periods, languages, and cultural contexts. Theoretical reflections, case studies from a wide variety of languages, examinations of devotional literature from figures such as Bishop Reginald Pecock, and analyses of works that are more secular in focus, including some by Chaucer and Christine de Pizan, come together in this volume to transcend linguistic and disciplinary boundaries.
SelfMadeHero I Feel Machine: Stories by Shaun Tan, Tillie Walden, Box Brown, Krent Able, Erik Svetoft and Julian Hanshaw
Since the turn of the century, technology has transformed the way we communicate and consume, how we work and fall in love and navigate the world. We are increasingly reliant on it—but few of us know anything about the science that is driving this technological change. Kurt Vonnegut famously said that to leave technology out of fiction is to misrepresent life. Here, six acclaimed graphic novelists present reports from the digital frontier. Exploring everything from artificial intelligence to virtual reality, I Feel Machine is by turns cautionary and celebratory, touching and terrifying. It challenges and confronts the digital world using the most technologically efficient machine ever invented: the book.
Oxford University Press Oxford Reading Tree inFact: Oxford Level 5: Erik's Viking Adventure
Join Erik and his father as they set out on a Viking adventure! Learn how the Vikings traded their goods, travelling across the sea and back to get silk, pottery and tin. What did they wear? What did they feast on? This wonderfully detailed book brings the Vikings to life! Oxford Reading Tree inFact is a compelling non-fiction series that aims to engage children in reading for pleasure as powerfully as fiction does. The series includes 36 titles which are all phonically decodable, with some high-interest topic words to develop vocabulary and impart knowledge. The imaginative approach and variety of intriguing topics mean there are books to interest every child. The books are carefully levelled, making it easy to match every reader to the right book.
Carl Hanser Verlag Erika
Moderne Kunst, Verlag Fur Erika Maack
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial La muerte de Erika Knapp / The Death of Erika Knapp
Dancing Foxes Press Erika Verzutti: New Moons
Leaving fingerprints and tool marks behind, a São Paulo artist evokes the cycles of the cosmos This volume takes an expansive view of the bold and influential practice of Brazilian artist Erika Verzutti (born 1971), surveying more than 60 pieces made over the past 15 years. In Verzutti’s art, moons recur as symbols of renewal and the multiple phases that a person or entity can pass through. Her work presents novel modes of perception by orbiting outside set systems of being—zooming out, in a telescopic sense, to the point where the relations we take so seriously here on Earth can be rethought. Vibrant illustrations of individual works and installation views of New Moons, the artist’s first US museum survey, highlight how her approaches to display and presentation reveal such relationships. Presenting original scholarship on the art historical and theoretical aspects of Verzutti’s practice as well as the artist’s own writing, this book offers insights on the inspiration and multifaceted ideas at play across her work.
Pan Macmillan Erika and the Angermare
From Tom Percival, the creator of Silas and the Marvellous Misfits – a Marcus Rashford Book Club Choice! – and Ruby's Worry, comes the first title in the action packed Dream Defenders series. Erika and the Angermare (previously published as Attack of the Heebie Jeebies) is an exciting adventure that will help children how to understand and deal with being cross!Erika Delgano can sometimes get a little angry . . .Her little brother manages to ruin everything, and her parents don’t have any time for her.And one night things go from bad to worse when she falls asleep upset – she finds herself stuck in a bad dream with no way to get home and being chased by a terrifying Angermare!Enter the Dream Defenders – a top-secret organisation that will banish your worries while you sleep! Can they help Erika stand up to the Angermare, or will she be trapped forever?Discover more incredible Dream Defenders adventures in Chanda and the Devious Doubt and Silas and the Marvellous Misfits.
Dr. Erik Wischnewski Ernährungsmedizinische EinzelfallLangzeitstudie
Film & Video Umbrella PIDGIN Interupted Transmission/Erika Tan
Ergon Verlag Hossohbet: Erika Glassen Zu Ehren
Rowohlt Taschenbuch Erika Mann Eine Lebensgeschichte
Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag GmbH Erika Mann; Eine Judische Tochter
Harrassowitz Homerica: Mit Kommentaren Von Erika Simon
Sloth Publishing Ltd Erika And The Princes In Distress
Hollitzer Wissenschaftsv. Erika Gangl und der Neue Tanz
Schwabe Verlagsgruppe AG Authority and Authoritative Texts in the Epicurean Tradition
Emerald Publishing Limited University Collegiality and the Erosion of Faculty Authority
The ebook edition of this title is Open Access and freely available to read online. The higher education and research system faces a constant dilemma. On the one hand, research and higher education are run by autonomous, interrelated academic communities, often described as collegial governance. On the other hand, they are an instrument for the fulfillment of goals that are often external to the academic community. What, then, is the role of academics and academic knowledge in governance of higher education and research, and how does this reflect on and impact their aims and overall place in society? Fostered through joint workshops and an open dialogue, this double volume of Research in the Sociology of Organizations develops a deeper understanding of collegiality, examining through a unique comparative perspective how it is translated and practiced in different settings across the world. Concentrating on challenges to collegiality and the erosion of faculty governance, this first installment analyzes global waves of reforms, ways in which various kinds of managerial modes of organization and control come to reshape universities, and how this intersects with the evolving missions of universities as institutions. Revealing the globalization, homogenization and variation that have come to characterize the collegiate system, University Collegiality and the Erosion of Faculty Authority critically considers the state of and future of the higher education system, and how we can consciously shape it moving forward.
Rowohlt Taschenbuch Erika oder Der verborgene Sinn des Lebens
Sloth Comics Erika and the Princes in Distress 2
Schüren Verlag Erika und Ulrich Gregor in Gesprächen und Zeitzeugnissen
ebersbach & simon Solange es eine Heimat gibt. Erika Mann
Zeitgut Verlag GmbH Schfers Tochter Die Geschichte der Frontschwester Erika Summ 19211945
Aufbau Taschenbuch Verlag Die Tochter des Zauberers Erika Mann und ihre Flucht ins Leben Roman
Emerald Publishing Limited Revitalizing Collegiality: Restoring Faculty Authority in Universities
The ebook edition of this title is Open Access and freely available to read online. The higher education and research system faces a constant dilemma. On the one hand, research and higher education are run by autonomous, interrelated academic communities, often described as collegial governance. On the other hand, they are an instrument for the fulfillment of goals that are often external to the academic community. What, then, is the role of academics and academic knowledge in governance of higher education and research, and how does this reflect on and impact their aims and overall place in society? Fostered through joint workshops and an open dialogue, this double volume of Research in the Sociology of Organizations develops a deeper understanding of collegiality, examining through a unique comparative perspective how it is translated and practiced in different settings across the world. Considering ways in which collegiality can be revitalized, this second installment argues for reintroducing collegiality both in analyzing the development of higher education systems and research and in the actual governing of universities. Revealing the globalization, homogenization and variation that have come to characterize the collegiate system, Revitalizing Collegiality critically considers the state of and future of the higher education system, and how we can consciously shape it moving forward.
Penguin Putnam Inc Who Was Leif Erikson?
Leif Erikson was born to be an explorer. His father, Erik the Red, had established the first European settlement in present-day Greenland, and although he didn’t yet know it, Leif was destined to embark on an adventure of his own. The wise and striking Viking landed in the area known as Vinland almost five centuries before Christopher Columbus even set sail! “Leif the Lucky” and the other fierce, sea-fearing pirates were accomplished navigators who raided foreign lands for resources, hunted for their food, and passed down Old Norse myths from one generation to the next. This book gives readers a detailed account of what life was like during the time of the Vikings.
Piper Verlag GmbH Dichterkinder Liebe Verrat und Drama der Kreis um Klaus und Erika Mann
Theologischer Verlag Im Gegenzauber: Spiritualitat Und Dichtung Im Werk Erika Burkarts (1922-2010)
Redleaf Press Theories of Childhood: An Introduction to Dewey, Montessori, Erikson, Piaget & Vygotsky, Second Edition
This best-selling resource provides clear, straightforward introductions to the foundational theories of John Dewey, Maria Montessori, Erik Erikson, Jean Piaget, and Lev Vygotsky. Each chapter highlights a theorist's work and includes insight on how the theory impacts teaching young children today. Discussion questions and suggested readings are included to help you gain an understanding of what it means to apply each theory to your work with children.This book builds the bridge between theory and best practices in early childhood education, supports your genuine enjoyment with children by helping you understand more about the ways they grow and learn, includes new understandings of Vygotsky's work and applies the five theories to the realities of the twenty-first century.
Rowohlt Taschenbuch Erika Mann und ihr politisches Kabarett Die Pfeffermhle 1933 1937 Texte Bilder Hintergrnde
Taylor & Francis Ltd Midlife Transformation in Literature and Film: Jungian and Eriksonian Perspectives
In this book, Steven F. Walker considers the midlife transition from a Jungian and Eriksonian perspective, by providing vivid and powerful literary and cinematic examples that illustrate the psychological theories in a clear and entertaining way.For C.G. Jung, midlife is a time for personal transformation, when the values of youth are replaced by a different set of values, and when the need to succeed in the world gives place to the desire to participate more in the culture of one’s age and to further its development in all kinds of different ways. Erik Erikson saw "generativity," an expanded concern for others beyond one's immediate circle of family and friends, as the hallmark of this stage of life. Both psychologists saw it as a time for growth and renewal. Literary texts such Virginia Woolf's Mrs Dalloway, Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra, or Sophocles' Oedipus the King, and films such as Fellini's 8 ½ and Campion's The Piano, have the capacity to represent, sometimes more vividly and with greater dramatic concentration than actual life histories or case studies, the archetypal nature of the drama and in-depth transformation associated with the midlife transition. Midlife Transformation in Literature and Film focuses on the specific male and female archetypal paradigms and presents them within the general context of midlife transformation. For men, the theme of death of the young hero presides over the crisis and the transformative ordeal, whereas for women the theme of tragic abandonment acts as the prelude to further growth and independence. This book is essential reading for anyone studying Jung, Erikson, or the midlife transition. It will interest those who have already been through a midlife transition, those who are in the midst of one, as well as those who are yet to experience this challenging period.
Creative Paperbacks Erika's Story
Dr. Cantz'sche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG Andreas Eriksson