Search results for ""author bert""
MP-WIS Uni of Wisconsin Inside Rwandas Gacaca Courts Seeking Justice after Genocide
After the 1994 genocide in Rwanda, victims, perpetrators, and the country as a whole struggled to deal with the legacy of the mass violence. The government responded by creating a new version of a traditional grassroots justice system called gacaca. Bert Ingelaere offers a comprehensive assessment of what these courts set out to do, how they worked, what they achieved.
Belleville Sohrab Shahid Saless Film im Kopf
Birkhauser Basics Office Design
The dimensions of the core elements of office workplaces – desk and chair – together with the necessary circulation areas determine the design of office buildings. Starting with the module of the individual workplace, larger space configurations result from adding these workplaces in a variety of arrangements, resulting in different office layout typologies. In addition to the space required for desk and chair, it is necessary to provide the required distances as well as floor area for cupboards, movement, and circulation routes within the office rooms. Basics Office Design explains the parameters of this common design task in a clear and easy-to-understand way, placing as much emphasis on ergonomics, comfort, and orientation as on the space requirements, functional relationships, and the different types of offices.
Hal Leonard Europe Limited Bert Transcribed - The Bert Jansch Songbook
Alfred Music Call to Glory Score Parts Eighth Note Publications
Skyhorse Publishing The Photography Exercise Book: Training Your Eye to Shoot Like a Pro (250+ color photographs make it come to life)
Use simple exercises to learn to see and shoot like a pro rather than painfully following strict rules. This book covers a wide variety of genres (street documentary, photojournalism, nature, landscape, sports, and still-life photography). The Author has helped 1,000’s of photographers to date. In this revised edition, he includes over 250 beautiful color photographs to make his exercises come to life.
Candlewick Press,U.S. And So They Build
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. Listen Play Blues Book CD
Cengage Learning, Inc Marketing Channels
Marketing Channels: A Management View, a market leader, is known to provide a management focus and managerial framework to the field of marketing channels. Theory, research, and practice are covered thoroughly and blended into a discussion that stresses decision making implications. This new edition reflects global, socio-cultural, environmental, and technological changes that have taken place within the industry.
World Editions Ventoux
Klatschmohn Verlag Steile Hechte
Österr. Jagd-/Fischerei Ein Leben fr die Bergjagd Aufzeichnungen aus den Hohen Tauern
Ennsthaler GmbH + Co. Kg Gesund ohne Aluminium AluFallen erkennen Schwere Krankheiten vermeiden
Ennsthaler GmbH + Co. Kg Dirty little secret Die Akte Aluminium
Books on Demand Bluffs à la carte: Teil 1
Books on Demand Sein letzter Schrei: Taunus-Krimi: der dritte Fall
Books on Demand Dialog mit Isabel: Grundlagen zu Glauben und Christentum
Schmidt , Dr. Otto Unternehmenssteuerrecht
btb Taschenbuch Tanz um die Wahrheit Roman
Ariston Verlag Mein Leben. Mein Werk.
Birkhauser Basics ClimateSmart Design and Construction
The construction sector currently accounts for a high proportion of CO2 emissions and gray energy use. This will have to change fundamentally if we are to prevent catastrophic climate change and make urban planning and construction fit for the future. In addition to a paradigm shift in how architects work, we need to rethink how they are trained in higher education. Based on a lifecycle approach and an awareness of resource consumption, this volume in the Basics series explains a wide range of climate-friendly concepts in an easy-to-understand way, inspiring readers to take a closer look at solutions and new approaches in their daily practice. The key factors involved in the various planning stages of buildings are presented and placed in the context of the overall planning. Explains a range of current sustainability concepts Foundational knowledge for all students of architecture Interdisciplinary and networked consideration of chall
Emerald Publishing Limited Peace Movements in Western Europe and the United States
International Social Movement Research
Aspekt B.V., Uitgeverij World of Our Grandchildren
Faber Music Ltd Bert Weedons Play In A Day DVD
In this remarkable DVD the world-renowned master guitarist unlocks the secrets of the guitar. Highly regarded for his versatility, Bert's glittering career (including being voted Britain's top guitarist nine times!) has been a strong influence on virtually every famous name linked with the instrument. Play in a Day means just that. After just the first 25 minutes video tuition a complete beginner with nay six string guitar will be able to join in with Bert Weedon and his group and play their first tune. Each selection ends with you playing one of fifteen tunes of varying styles and rhythms, with Bert and his group. Previously only available in VHS format, the video has now been reworked into DVD format and is not restricted by territory allowing it to be viewed in any country. Bert Weedon's expert tuition and straightforward advice will not only help you learn basic skills but also give you the confidence and encouragement to go on to
Birkhauser Basics Architectural Design
The fundamental idea is the starting point of every design. The idea is formulated into the concept; the concept is expressed in the formal language; the form requires a particular material; the space is given shape. Architecture is created.Described in this manner, the design process seems simple and straightforward. But for students of architecture, it is in most cases a difficult learning process. But designing can be learned!What are the conceptual possibilities for finding the first step towards a design idea? What methods can be used to develop the idea and to arrive at an architectural concept? Furthermore, architecture is first and foremost the designing of (indoor) spaces. But how are rooms structured, rather than merely decorated? What role does the use of materials and materiality play?This compilation of the volumes Design Ideas, Design Methods, Materials and Spatial Design in the successful student series BASICS now gathers the fundamental topics of architectural design together in one book and thus in one context answers crucial questions concerning the hows and whys of the design process.
Austin Macauley Publishers The Boy, the Witch and the Cuckoo Cheat
Herder & Herder Tcnica de la pintura de Nueva Espaa
EUNSA. Ediciones Universidad de Navarra, S.A. Gramática semántica y pragmática de la evidencialidad
El presente volumen reúne ocho capítulos que analizan diversas cuestiones en torno a la evidencialidad en español desde una triple perspectiva: gramatical, semántica y pragmática. Así pues, se enmarca en la productiva corriente de estudios evidencialistas que en los últimos años viene desarrollándose con especial intensidad en la lingüística hispánica. Cada uno de los capítulos centra su atención en diferentes aspectos que reproducen a pequeña escala los principales intereses actuales de los especialistas en este ámbito. No solo se ofrecen reflexiones acerca de problemas teóricos clásicos o descripciones pormenorizadas de unidades lingüísticas de frecuente aparición en los estudios evidencialistas, sino que también se contemplan multitud de cuestiones teóricas innovadoras y se analizan piezas lingüísticas a las que apenas se había prestado atención hasta el momento en esta parcela de investigación.Bert Cornillie es profesor titular de lingüística española en la KU Leuven (Bélgica).
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. AlfredS Teach Yourself Improvise at the Keyboard Everything You Need to Know to Start Improvising Now
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. AlredS Teach Yourself to Play Blues Everything You Need to Know to Start Playing the Blues Now
Arcadia Publishing Pleasantville
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Scanning Probe Microscopy: Atomic Force Microscopy and Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
This book explains the operating principles of atomic force microscopy and scanning tunneling microscopy. The aim of this book is to enable the reader to operate a scanning probe microscope successfully and understand the data obtained with the microscope. The chapters on the scanning probe techniques are complemented by the chapters on fundamentals and important technical aspects. This textbook is primarily aimed at graduate students from physics, materials science, chemistry, nanoscience and engineering, as well as researchers new to the field.
Duncker & Humblot Das System Massentierhaltung Im Verfassungsrecht
Auer Verlag i.d.AAP LW 66 Spielideen Franzsisch einfach kreativ motivierend 5 bis 10 Klasse
Birkhauser Spaces in Architecture: Areas, Distances, Dimensions
The design of a building is a complex process in which the architect develops spaces which are defined by a number of different parameters. The most important of these are space requirements, distances, furniture and fittings, and movement zones. From the dimensions of the human body it is possible to derive guide values for these reference sizes that make spaces comfortable to be in and to use. Spaces in Architecture is a useful reference work for students and designers for quickly looking up detailed information on space scenarios that occur in many different types of buildings. For example, the book lists all important dimensions for entrance areas, doors, staircases, ramps, and elevators. On the basis of this fundamental information it is possible to design buildings in terms of function and type.
Birkhauser Basics Terminplanung
In a world of tight time frames and highly interdependent processes, scheduling is an indispensable prerequisite for successful project implementation. It is the duty of the architect to manage all the project participants in a goal-oriented manner and to call for their results when the time is right. For this reason, a systematic schedule of target dates, adapted to a project’s sequences and workflows, is a necessary tool for the day-to-day management and monitoring of complex construction projects.Topics: Organizing the planning and construction process The basics of scheduling Goal-oriented presentation formats and levels of detail Developing a schedule Using schedules in the real world
Birkhauser Basics Building Technology
As building construction is becoming increasingly complex, the field of building technology is becoming more and more important. As an intermediary between all parties involved in a construction project, the architect must be able to understand what is involved and to advise his clients. This volume covers the fields of water supply and disposal, electric installations and the energy-related subjects, i.e. heating, ventilation and lighting. The compendium combines the successful individual volumes Room Conditioning and Water Cycles and supplements these with the two hitherto unpublished volumes Electric Installation and Lighting design. The student and architect are introduced to the basic principles, terms and systems of building technology installations and equipment.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Strategic Planning for Public and Nonprofit Organizations
The authority on developing strategies and a strategic plan for any public and nonprofit organization Strategic Planning for Public and Nonprofit Organizations is the comprehensive, practical guide to building and sustaining a more effective organization, delivering a clear framework for designing and implementing a better strategic planning and management process. The field's leading authorities share insights, advice, helpful tools, and specific techniques, alongside a widely used and well-regarded approach to real-world planning. This revised and updated Sixth Edition contains new literature cited, new cases, more information on international public and nonprofit concerns, and a more extensive discussion of design and agile methods of strategy development and implementation. In this book, readers will learn how to: Establish an effective approach to the strategic planning process that helps clarify mission and mandates, identify issues, establish a vision, develop strategies, and im
Herder & Herder Ordenes del Amor
Artist Ahead Musikverlag Rock Guitar Heroes