Search results for ""author arne"
Scarecrow Press Buddy DeFranco: A Biographical Portrait and Discography
Clarinetist Buddy DeFranco has made concert and recording appearances with nearly every important jazz musician in the world, including such legendary figures as Charlie Parker, Dizzy Gillespie, Oscar Peterson, Tommy Dorsey. His playing career spans over half a century and encompasses performances all over the world. The authors chronicle the life of this singular musician, whose tremendous influence on the history and development of jazz has been acknowledged by fellow musicians and critics alike. Leonard Feather calls this a fascinating volume, recognizing DeFranco for the giant he has always been. Photographs from throughout his playing career bring the people and the times to life. Arne Astrup's detailed discography contains exhaustive data unavailable elsewhere.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Trust, Sociality, Selfhood
In what sense is trust basic for human (co-)existence, and in what sense can trust also show the limits of the social character of the self? How should the loss of trust figure in an account of trust? And how are freedom and transcendence implied in trust as relation, response, and openness? In addressing such questions, this book discusses how to understand trust, arguing for a multifaceted approach, which brings together perspectives from various philosophical traditions, from developmental psychology, sociology, ethics, and from theology. The authors of the essays collected here deal with the question of why and in what sense trust is basic for becoming oneself and for living together with others, with trust as a personal attitude, the connection between one's trust and the other's trustworthiness, and the relation between trust in the world and trust in persons. The authors investigate the distinction between trust and dis- or mistrust by describing the judgment inherent in these modes of orientation, and by comparing trust in humans with trust in God. Finally, the transformative potential inherent in trust is explored against the background of violations of trust. With contributions by:Gry Ardal, Ingolf U. Dalferth, Günter Figal, Arne Grøn, Lars Hertzberg, Karen Jones, Burkhard Liebsch, Anne Marie Pahuus, Philippe Rochat, Anthony J. Steinbock, Philipp Stoellger, Claudia Welz
ediciones Pàmies El caballero templario
Año de Gracia de 1177.Saladino, el hombre que ha jurado liberar Jerusalén de los invasores francos, está a punto de morir a manos de unos bandoleros cuando aparece inesperadamente Arn de Gothia, un caballero templario que mata a los agresores y salva la vida del caudillo musulmán. A sus veintisiete años, Arn es ya todo un aguerrido veterano entre los cruzados de Tierra Santa. Sin embargo, durante los diez años que han pasado desde que salió de tierras escandinavas camino de su penitencia en Palestina ha aprendido a entender y respetar a aquellos contra los que debe luchar.En su Suecia natal, Cecilia, su amor adolescente, ha sido recluida en un convento como castigo por su pasión carnal. Allí ha dado a luz a su hijo, que será criado en casa del tío de Arn, Birger Brosa. Extramuros, sigue la sangrienta lucha por el poder entre los linajes de Sverker y de Erik, en la que Birger Brosa maniobra con sagacidad, mientras Cecilia reza por el regreso de Arn a casa.
Edinburgh University Press Plastic Sovereignties: Agamben and the Politics of Aesthetics
Through a sustained engagement with the work of the Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben, and against the background of contemporary political phenomena, Arne De Boever explores what positive political possibilities the notion of sovereignty might still hold. Using the philosophy of Catherine Malabou, he argues that these possibilities reside in an aesthetic reconceptualisation of sovereignty as a plastic power that is able to give, receive and explode the forms of our political future.
Amazon Publishing Prophecy's End
A mage’s ungodly goal: rule among the dead. A noblewoman’s destiny: deliver the kingdom of Endar from evil. The final battle is at hand. Kragan, wielder of malignant magic, is nearing his ultimate goal. Lorness Carol Rafel is pursuing her millennia-old destiny as well. It has been prophesized that the noble sorceress will destroy Kragan before he lays waste to the kingdom of Endar and reigns as an unholy god. In Kragan’s favor is the mighty Dread Lord, bound to Kragan’s will, and an army of the resurrected dead that far outnumbers the Forsworn followers at Carol’s side. But Carol has the edge. She and her seer husband, Arn, possess the last remaining pieces of a magical puzzle. In the shards of a shattered trident lies the very key to Kragan’s dark dreams. If Carol and Arn can unleash its undiscovered powers in time to intercept Kragan’s horde. The end is at hand. The final battle on the besieged fortress is upon them. And Arn’s visions of its outcome are terrifying. As Carol draws on her own increasing forces of magic, more is at stake than she imagines in an endgame in the land of the dead that no one could have foreseen.
Penguin Books Ltd Uncle Oscar's Chairs: From A to Z
It's a rainy day in Uncle Oscar's house. What are Jack and Molly going to do? Explore the alphabet through the world of chairs, of course!A is for Ant ... designed by Arne Jacobsen in 1952B is for Ball ... designed by Eero Aarnio in 1963C is for Coconut ... designed by George Nelson in 1955And even more inside...
Thames & Hudson Ltd Dogs and Chairs: Designer Pairs
What does Alvar Aalto's 1 Paimio have in common with a Doberman Pinscher, Le Corbusier’s LC4 with a Spanish Greyhound, or Philippe Starck's Costes Chair with a Fox Terrier? Not a lot, you may think. But look again and you might notice shared traits in form, colour, personality, stature and style. Author and illustrator Cristina Amodeo draws parallels between nearly twenty-five dogs and designer chairs in this fun and stylish book that matches iconic chairs with their corresponding breed of dog. Who knows if Arne Jacobsen had a Welsh Corgi in mind when he designed his Grand Prix Chair? Or whether a Scottish Deerhound ever entered Ron Arad's head while designing his Victoria and Albert Sofa? Who cares, when dogs and chairs make such elegant designer pairs.
Edinburgh University Press Plastic Sovereignties: Agamben and the Politics of Aesthetics
Does sovereignty have a future in the 21st century? Through a sustained engagement with the work of the Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben, and against the background of contemporary political phenomena, Arne De Boever explores what positive political possibilities the notion of sovereignty might still hold. Using the philosophy of Catherine Malabou, he argues that these possibilities reside in an aesthetic reconceptualisation of sovereignty as a plastic power that is able to give, receive and explode the forms of our political future.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Die Raumsemantik und Figurensemantik der Logienquelle
In dieser Studie zur Raumsemantik und Figurensemantik in der Logienquelle stellt Arne Bork die narrative Inszenierung der erzählten Realität von Q heraus. Welchen Stellenwert haben die erwähnten Orts- und Raumkonzepte für die Q-Narration? Wie sind die verschiedenen Figuren im Raum der Erzählwelt zu verorten? Und welche Rückschlüsse auf die Theologie der Q-Erzählung sowie auf die Soziologie einer Gemeinschaft von Q-Rezipienten lassen sich anhand der Raum- und Figurensemantik ziehen? Methodisch bedient sich Arne Bork eines intertextuellen Zugangs auf die Q-Narration, der den Sinn, nicht aber den exakten Wortlaut der bei Matthäus und Lukas parallel überlieferten Logien ermittelt. Durch die Anwendung von literaturwissenschaftlichen und historiographischen Theorien und Modellen bestätigt und erweitert diese interdisziplinär ausgerichtete Studie die bisherige Q-Forschung.
Cornell University Press The Case of Literature: Forensic Narratives from Goethe to Kafka
In The Case of Literature, Arne Höcker offers a radical reassessment of the modern European literary canon. His reinterpretations of Goethe, Schiller, Büchner, Döblin, Musil, and Kafka show how literary and scientific narratives have determined each other over the past three centuries, and he argues that modern literature not only contributed to the development of the human sciences but also established itself as the privileged medium for a modern style of case-based reasoning. The Case of Literature deftly traces the role of narrative fiction in relation to the scientific knowledge of the individual from eighteenth-century psychology and pedagogy to nineteenth-century sexology and criminology to twentieth-century psychoanalysis. Höcker demonstrates how modern authors consciously engaged casuistic forms of writing to arrive at new understandings of literary discourse that correspond to major historical transformations in the function of fiction. He argues for the centrality of literature to changes in the conceptions of psychological knowledge production around 1800; legal responsibility and institutionalized forms of decision-making throughout the nineteenth century; and literature's own realist demands in the early twentieth century.
Penguin Books Ltd The Penguin History of the World: 6th edition
The completely updated edition of J. M. Roberts and Odd Arne Westad's widely acclaimed, landmark bestseller The Penguin History of the WorldFor generations of readers The Penguin History of the World has been one of the great cultural experiences - the entire story of human endeavour laid out in all its grandeur and folly, drama and pain in a single authoritative book. Now, for the first time, it has been completely overhauled for its 6th edition - not just bringing it up to date, but revising it throughout in the light of new research and discoveries, such as the revolution in our understanding of many civilizations in the Ancient World. The closing sections of the book reflect what now seems to be the inexorable rise of Asia and the increasingly troubled situation in the West.About the authors:J.M. Roberts, CBE, published The Penguin History of the World in 1976 to immediate acclaim. His other major books include The Paris Commune from the Right, The Triumph of the West (which was also a successful television series), The Penguin History of Europe and The Penguin History of the Twentieth Century. He died in 2003.Odd Arne Westad, FBA, is Professor of International History at the London School of Economics. He has published fifteen books on modern and contemporary international history, among them The Global Cold War, which won the Bancroft Prize, and Decisive Encounters, a standard history of the Chinese civil war. He also served as general co-editor of the Cambridge History of the Cold War.Reviews:'A work of outstanding breadth of scholarship and penetrating judgements. There is nothing better of its kind' Lord Jonathan Sumption, Sunday Telegraph 'A stupendous achievement' A. J. P. Taylor'A brilliant book ... the most outstanding history of the world yet written' J. H. Plumb
Tor Publishing Group A Darker Shade of Magic
Addictive and immersive, this series is a must-read. -Entertainment WeeklyA Darker Shade of Magic gets an updated cover design in this repackaged hardcover edition with special extras including beautiful colored endpapers and a foil stamped design under the jacket. This edition also features a glossary of Antari spells and Arnesian words, and bonus short stories from within the Shades Universe.Enter #1 New York Times bestselling author V. E. Schwab's beloved Shades of Magic trilogy-a dazzling world of parallel Londons where magic thrives, starves, or lies forgotten, and where power can destroy just as quickly as it can create.Kell is one of the last Antari-magicians with a rare, coveted ability to travel between parallel Londons; Red, Grey, White, and, once upon a time, Black.Kell was raised in Arnes-Red London-and officially serves the Maresh Empire as an ambassador, traveling betw
ediciones Pàmies Regreso al Norte
En el Año de Gracia de 1192, después de veinte años de exilio como caballero templario en Tierra Santa, Arn de Gothia vuelve a Götaland, su tierra, con grandes proyectos y una enorme fortuna para realizarlos. En primer lugar, ansía reencontrarse con su amada Cecilia para formar una familia y, en segundo, tiene que pensar en una forma de buscar la paz entre los linajes enfrentados. Arn trae consigo un grupo muy variado de constructores, artesanos y médicos, tanto cristianos como sarracenos, que aportarán sus conocimientos para ayudarle en su tarea. Este será el punto de partida para una nueva época en toda Europa que pondrá los cimientos sobre los que se asentará un nuevo concepto de Estado.La épica batalla de Gestilren, en 1210, es el punto culminante de Regreso al Norte, la tercera y última parte del relato de Jan Guillou acerca de Arn Magnusson y Cecilia Algotsdotter y de la creación del reino de Suecia a finales del siglo XII.
University of Washington Press Church Resistance to Nazism in Norway, 1940-1945
Church Resistance to Nazism in Norway, 1940-1945 examines the evolution of the Lutheran state Church of Norway in response to the German occupation. While German Protestant churches generally accepted Nazism and state incorporation, Norway’s churches rejected both Nazism and ideological alignment. Arne Hassing moves through the history of the Church of Norway’s relationship to the Nazi state, from its initial confused complicities to its open resistance and separation. He writes engagingly of the people at the center of this struggle and reflects on how the resistance affected the postwar church and state.
Oxford University Press Inc Pop Masculinities: The Politics of Gender in Twenty-First Century Popular Music
In Pop Masculinities, author Kai Arne Hansen investigates the performance and policing of masculinity in pop music as a starting point for grasping the broad complexity of gender and its politics in the early twenty-first century. Drawing together perspectives from critical musicology, gender studies, and adjacent scholarly fields, the book presents extended case studies of five well-known artists: Zayn, Lil Nas X, Justin Bieber, The Weeknd, and Take That. By directing particular attention to the ambiguities and contradictions that arise from these artists' representations of masculinity, Hansen argues that pop performances tend to operate in ways that simultaneously reinforce and challenge gender norms and social inequalities. Providing a rich exploration of these murky waters, Hansen merges the interpretation of recorded song and music video with discourse analysis and media ethnography in order to engage with the full range of pop artists' public identities as they emerge at the intersections between processes of performance, promotion, and reception. In so doing, he advances our understanding of the aesthetic and discursive underpinnings of gender politics in twenty-first century pop culture and encourages readers to contemplate the sociopolitical implications of their own musical engagements as audiences, critics, musicians, and scholars.
Rizzoli International Publications English Gardens: From the Archives of Country Life Magazine
An unprecedented in-depth look at the English garden by one of Britain s foremost garden writers and authorities, this book showcases the enduring appeal of the English garden whose verdant lawns and borders of colorful plants are the inspiration for garden lovers worldwide. Kathryn Bradley-Hole the longtime garden columnist for Country Life takes a fresh look at more than seventy gardens from across England and distills the essence of what makes the English garden style so sought after. Seasonal photographs capture the gardens some grand, some personal, some celebrated, some rarely photographed at their finest moments, accompanied by sparkling, insightful text. Featuring photographs from the unparalleled archives of Country Life, the full story of the English garden is here, from medieval monastery gardens to the Victorians and the Arts and Crafts movement to the twenty-first century. Designs by many of the horticultural world s greats are amply featured, including Gertrude Jekyll, Capability Brown, Piet Oudolf, and Arne Maynard, as well as gardens famous the world over Sissinghurst, Hidcote, and Great Dixter alongside new and less-well-known ones, many open to the public.
ediciones Pàmies Del Norte a Jerusalén
Mediados del siglo XII. Götaland occidental, norte de Europa.Arn Magnusson, hijo de una noble familia emparentada con los linajes reales noruegos y suecos, es enviado al monasterio de Varnhem, donde recibe la mejor educación espiritual y terrenal de su época por parte de los monjes cistercienses. Aprende también a manejar el arco y la espada, ya que los religiosos han comprendido que su destino probablemente no sea el de convertirse en hermano del monasterio, sino que será de mayor utilidad como soldado de Cristo y defensor de la fe en Tierra Santa.A los diecisiete años, Arn regresa a su hogar y se ve envuelto en las intrigas de los pretendientes al trono de una Suecia destrozada por las luchas por el poder. Y cuando Arn conoce a la dulce Cecilia, se da cuenta de que este nuevo y peligroso mundo esconde otras sorpresas. Antes incluso de que pueda pedir su mano, el joven comete un terrible error que separará a la pareja y que le llevará a una guerra extranjera, en Tierra Santa, pa
The University of Chicago Press The Philosophy of Grammar
This study grew out of a series of lectures Jespersen gave at Columbia University in 1909-10, called "An Introduction to English Grammar." It is the connected presentation of Jespersen's views of the general principles of grammar based on years of studying various languages through both direct observation of living speech and written and printed documents. "[The Philosophy of Grammar and Analytic Syntax] set forth the most extensive and original theory of universal grammar prior to the work of Chomsky and other generative grammarians of the last thirty years."--Arne Juul and Hans F. Nielsen, in Otto Jespersen: Facets of His Life and Work "Besides being one of the most perceptive observers and original thinkers that the field of linguistics has ever known, Jespersen was also one of its most entertaining writers, and reading The Philosophy of Grammar is fun. Read it, enjoy it."--James D. McCawley, from the Introduction Otto Jespersen (1860-1943), an authority on the growth and structure of language, was the Chair of the English Department at the University of Copenhagen. Among his many works are A Modern English Grammar and Analytic Syntax, the latter published by the University of Chicago Press.
University of Washington Press Nordic Exposures: Scandinavian Identities in Classical Hollywood Cinema
Nordic Exposures explores how Scandinavian whiteness and ethnicity functioned in classical Hollywood cinema between and during the two world wars. Scandinavian identities could seem mutable and constructed at moments, while at other times they were deployed as representatives of an essential, biological, and natural category. As Northern European Protestants, Scandinavian immigrants and emigres assimilated into the mainstream rights and benefits of white American identity with comparatively few barriers or obstacles. Yet Arne Lunde demonstrates that far from simply manifesting a normative unmarked whiteness, Scandinavianness in mass-immigration America and in Hollywood cinema of the twentieth century could be hyperwhite, provisionally off-white, or not even white at all. Lunde investigates key silent films, such as Technicolor's The Viking (1928), Victor Sjostrom's He Who Gets Slapped (1924), and Mauritz Stiller's Hotel Imperial (1927). The crises of Scandinavian foreign voice and the talkie revolution are explored in Greta Garbo's first sound film, Anna Christie (1930). The author also examines Warner Oland's long career of Asian racial masquerade (most famously as Chinese detective Charlie Chan), as well as Hollywood's and Third Reich Cinema's war over assimilating the Nordic female star in the personae of Garbo, Sonja Henie, Ingrid Bergman, Kristina Soderbaum, and Zarah Leander.
University of Notre Dame Press Church as Polis, The: From Political Theology to Theological Politics as Exemplified by Jürgen Moltmann and Stanley Hauerwas
Political theology is one of the most influential theological movements of the latter part of the twentieth century, and yet, as Arne Rasmusson argues here, the field suffers from deep inherent tensions in its attempt to mediate the Christian tradition and the modern emancipatory tradition. Rasmusson contributes to political theology through an innovative discussion of the relationship between church and society and an exposition of the thought and work of political theology's influential representative, Jürgen Moltmann. Rasmusson further refines his argument by filtering Moltmann's theology through an exploration of Stanley Hauerwas's theological positions.
Amazon Publishing The Time Seer
Fulfilling a prophecy to save the world can drive a young woman mad as the enthralling epic fantasy series continues. Carol Rafel knows the lengths to which the sorcerer Kragan will go to impede the fulfillment of her prophecy: destroy the wielder of necrotic magic before she destroys him. Never far from Kragan’s evil grasp, she is struck down by his wicked spell. Carol’s assassin husband, Arn, has no choice but to cast aside his precious weapon to embrace a more powerful one: the clairvoyance he shares with Carol. With time-sights linked, they must now rely on the dreamscapes of their minds to track Kragan into the shadows as he nears his own invaluable weapon: the legendary shattered trident, which will ensure him godlike powers. But Carol and Arn’s visions come at a cost. Pursuit into such abominable darkness is leading to madness. As Kragan’s armies amass for a raging war between good and evil, Carol fears that the ancient prophecy she’s been chosen to bear out may be impossible to survive.
Penguin Books Ltd Priestdaddy: A Memoir
'Priestdaddy caused a sensation when it hit bookshelves in 2017' Vogue 'Glorious' Sunday Times'Laugh-out-loud funny' The Times'Extraordinary' Observer'Exceptional' Telegraph'Electric' New York Times'Snort-out-loud' Financial Times'Dazzling' Guardian'Do yourself a favour and read this memoir!' BookPageWINNER OF THE THURBER PRIZE FOR AMERICAN HUMOURThe childhood of Patricia Lockwood, the poet dubbed 'The Smutty-Metaphor Queen of Lawrence, Kansas' by The New York Times, was unusual in many respects. There was the location: an impoverished, nuclear waste-riddled area of the American Midwest. There was her mother, a woman who speaks almost entirely in strange riddles and arnings of impending danger. Above all, there was her gun-toting, guitar-riffing, frequently semi-naked father, who underwent a religious conversion on a submarine and found a loophole which saw him approved for the Catholic priesthood by the future Pope Benedict XVI, despite already having a wife and children.When an unexpected crisis forces Lockwood and her husband to move back into her parents' rectory, she must learn to live again with the family's simmering madness, and to reckon with the dark side of her religious upbringing. Pivoting from the raunchy to the sublime, from the comic to the serious, Priestdaddy is an unforgettable story of how we balance tradition against hard-won identity - and of how, having journeyed in the underworld, we can emerge with our levity and our sense of justice intact.'Destined to be a classic . . . this year's must-read memoir' Mary Karr, author of The Liars' Club'Irrepressible . . . joyous, funny and filthy . . . Lockwood blows the roof off every paragraph' Joe Dunthorne, author of Submarine'Beautiful, funny and poignant. I wish I'd written this book' Jenny Lawson, author of Furiously Happy'A revelatory debut . . . Lockwood's prose is nothing short of ecstatic . . . her portrait of her epically eccentric family is funny, warm, and stuffed to bursting with emotional insight' Joss Whedon'Praise God, this is why books were invented' Emily Berry, author of Dear Boy and Stranger, Baby
Boydell & Brewer Ltd German Literature of the Nineteenth Century, 1832-1899
New essays providing an overview of the major movements, genres, and authors of 19th-century German literature in social and political context. This volume provides an overview of the major movements, genres, and authors of 19th-century German literature in the period from the death of Goethe in 1832 to the publication of Freud's Interpretation of Dreams in 1899. Although the primary focus is on imaginative literature and its genres, there is also substantial discussion of related topics, including music-drama, philosophy, and the social sciences. Literature is considered in its cultural and socio-political context, and the German literary scene takes its place in a wider European perspective. Following the editors' introduction, essays consider the impact of Romanticism on subsequent literary movements, the effectsof major movements and writers of non-German-speaking Europe on the development of German literature, and the impact of politics on the changing cultural scene. The second section presents overviews of the principal movements ofthe time (Junges Deutschland, Vormärz, Biedermeier, Poetic Realism, Naturalism, Symbolism, and Impressionism), and the third section focuses on the major genres of lyric poetry, prose fiction, drama, and music-drama. The final section provides bibliographical resources in the form of a critical bibliography and a list of primary sources. Contributors to the volume are distinguished scholars of German literature, culture, and history from North America andEurope: Andrew Webber, Lilian Furst, Arne Koch, Robert Holub, Gail Finney, Ernst Grabovszki, Benjamin Bennett, Jeffrey Sammons, Thomas Pfau, Christopher Morris, John Pizer, Thomas Spencer. Clayton Koelb is Guy B. Johnson Distinguished Professor of German at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, and Eric Downing is Associate Professor of German at the same institution.
University of Minnesota Press Against Aesthetic Exceptionalism
Reconsiders exceptionalism between aesthetics and politics Here, Arne De Boever proposes the notion of aesthetic exceptionalism to describe the widespread belief that art and artists are exceptional. Against Aesthetic Exceptionalism challenges that belief by focusing on the sovereign artist as genius, as well as the original artwork as the foundation of the art market. Engaging with sculpture, conceptual artwork, and painting by emerging and established artists, De Boever proposes a worldly, democratic notion of unexceptional art as an antidote to the problems of aesthetic exceptionalism.Forerunners: Ideas First Short books of thought-in-process scholarship, where intense analysis, questioning, and speculation take the lead
Springer VS Die Praxis soziologischer Theoriebildung
Mit Beiträgen von Fabian Anicker.- André Armbruster.- Sebastian Buettner.- Mikael Carleheden.- Altberto Cevolini.- Arne Dreßler.- Felix Bathon.- Meta Cramer.- Anna Engstam.- Monika Krause.- Thomas Kron.- Christina Laut.- Gesa Lindemann.- Marietta Mayrhof-Deak.- Kurt Rachlitz/Benjamin Grossmann-Hensel/Jan Gehrmann.- Andreas Schmitz/ Christian Schmidt-Wellenburg.- Markus Schroer.- Helge Schwiertz.- Robert Seyfert.- Christian Strippel.- Richard Swedberg.
Harvard University Press Empire and Righteous Nation: 600 Years of China-Korea Relations
“The relationship between China and Korea is one of the most important, and least understood, in Asia. With the wisdom and clarity we have come to expect from Westad, this book illuminates the long history of these two neighbors.”—Rana Mitter, author of China’s Good War“A timely must-read primer on the China–Korea relationship…and its impact on and implications for our world today.”—Carter J. Eckert, author of Park Chung Hee and Modern Korea“Valuable and wide-ranging…As two thousand years of history have shown, China’s role in Korea is a complex one. Westad’s short and stimulating study provides many clues to understanding that relationship.”—J. E. Hoare, Literary Review“An insightful and entertaining primer on Korean history over the last 600 years.”—Popular History BooksKoreans long saw China as a mentor and protector. Chinese culture heavily influenced Korea, whose first written language used Chinese characters, while Confucianism shaped the structure of Korean government. This deep, sometimes fraught, relationship has done more to shape the politics of the region than many realize.During the Ming Dynasty, Korea agreed to become a vassal of China, in hopes of escaping ruin at the hands of the Mongols. The connection frayed in the nineteenth century, when the Qing, beset by domestic problems, did little to protect Korea from encroaching Western powers or the imperial designs of Meiji Japan. The relationship shifted again in the twentieth century as nationalism, revolution, and war refashioned Asia. Odd Arne Westad lays bare the disastrous impact of the Korean War on the region and offers a keen assessment of Sino–Korean interactions today, including the thorny question of reunification.
University of Minnesota Press Wisdom In The Open Air: The Norwegian Roots of Deep Ecology
"Wisdom in the Open Air" traces the Norwegian roots of the strain of thinking called "deep ecology" - the search for the solutions to environmental problems by examining the fundamental tenets of our culture. Although Arne Naess coined the term in the 1970s, the insights of deep ecology actually reflect a whole tradition of thought that can be seen in the history of Norwegian culture, from ancient mountain myths to the radical ecoactivism of today. Beginning with an introduction to Norway's emphasis on nature and the wild, Reed and Rothenberg explore the birth of the environmental movement in the 1960s and 1970s. What follows is a collection of writings by prominent Norwegian thinkers on humanity and nature, most never before published in English. From Peter Wessel Zapffe, a twentieth-century Kierkegaardian figure, the list goes on to include Arne Naess, activist/critic/artist Sigmund Kvaloy, wilderness educator Nils Faarlund, novelist Finn Alnaes, sociologist Johan Galtung, and social reformer Erik Dammann. Their points of view offer thoughts on the significance of modern life and what it means to be human in the face of deteriorating environmental global trends of the 20th century. "Wisdom in the Open Air" asks and answers a fundamental question concerning the ecomovement: what is the role of deep, often abstract, thinking in the attempt to avert a very real ecological crisis?
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Subjectivity and Transcendence
Modern philosophy begins with Descartes' discovery of an apparently indubitable realm of subjectivity. The Cartesian approach confronts philosophy with the problem of transcendence: At the same time as we appear to have secured an immanent realm of subjectivity, it becomes a problem how we can establish the existence of something outside this realm. What could possibly force - or even motivate - a subject, in possession of itself, to recognize a God, a world, or a peer outside itself? Thus, Descartes' philosophical legacy is a problem rather than a solution: the problem of subjectivity and transcendence. How is it possible to combine a post-Cartesian emphasis on subjectivity with a strong conception of transcendence? What notions of subjectivity and transcendence will we have to commit ourselves to? Despite the fact that the problem is central to modern philosophy and theology, no single volume has so far been dedicated to the problem of subjectivity and transcendence. This volume thus fills an important gap. The 12 chapters address the problem of subjectivity and transcendence from a variety of different perspectives: historical, philosophical, theological, and psychopathological.Contents: Arne Grøn and Søren Overgaard: Introduction - Arne Grøn: Subjectivity and Transcendence: Problems and Perspectives - Ingolf U. Dalferth: Beyond Understanding? Transcending Our Limits and the Limits of Our Transcending - Josef Parnas: Subjectivity in Schizophrenia: The Minimal Self is too Small - Merold Westphal: Intentionality and Transcendence - Søren Overgaard: In Defense of Subjectivity: Husserl, Levinas, and the Problem of Solipsism - Henrik Vase Frandsen: Transcendence of the Appeal - Sovereignty of the Subject - Dan Zahavi: Subjectivity and Immanence in Michel Henry - Claudia Welz: The Presence of the Transcendent - Transcending the Present? Kierkegaard and Levinas on Subjectivity and the Ambiguity of God's Transcendence - Iben Damgaard: Passion for the Possible: A Kierkegaardian Approach to Subjectivity and Transcendence - George Pattison: Desire, Decreation and Unknowing in the God-Relationship: Mystical Theology and its Transformation in Kierkegaard, Simone Weil and Dostoevsky - Caspar Wenzel Tornøe: God and the Demiurge: Subjectivity and Transcendence from a Theological Perspective - Saskia Wendel: The Emergence of Transcendence in Self-Consciousness: Towards a Rehabilitation of a Transcendental Position of Philosophy of Religion
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Gastlichkeit und Gemeinschaft: Christliche Vergemeinschaftung im Zeichen des Fremden
Arne-Florian Bachmann untersucht in der vorliegenden Studie die Gastlichkeit als Leitmetapher des christlichen Glaubens und als Orientierungshilfe für eine christliche Lebens- und Sozialform in der Spätmoderne. Ausgehend von einer biblisch-theologischen Motivgeschichte der Gastlichkeit überprüft er einschlägige Theologien und setzt sie in Bezug zu aktuellen Herausforderungen im Bereich der religiösen Gemeinschaftsbildung. Diese werden ins Gespräch gebracht mit zentralen Stimmen kontinentaler Sozialphilosophie mit einem Schwerpunkt auf Phänomenologie und Dekonstruktion. Zuletzt wird ein eigener Beitrag zu einer theologischen Gemeinschaftstheorie entwickelt, die sich von der Gastlichkeit her versteht, sich aus kreuzestheologischen Motiven speist und zu einer außerordentlichen Gemeinschaft inmitten der Konflikte der sozialen Welt einlädt.
Penguin Books Ltd There is No Point of No Return
In twenty short books, Penguin brings you the classics of the environmental movement.Emphasizing joy in the world, human cooperation and the value of all living things, this selection of Arne Naess' philosophical writings is filled with wit, learning and an intense connection with nature.Over the past 75 years, a new canon has emerged. As life on Earth has become irrevocably altered by humans, visionary thinkers around the world have raised their voices to defend the planet, and affirm our place at the heart of its restoration. Their words have endured through the decades, becoming the classics of a movement. Together, these books show the richness of environmental thought, and point the way to a fairer, saner, greener world.
University of California Press Skepticism and Cognitivism: A Study in the Foundations of Knowledge
Skepticism and Cognitivism addresses the fundamental question of epistemology: Is knowledge possible? It approaches this query with an evaluation of the skeptical tradition in Western philosophy, analyzing thinkers who have claimed that we can know nothing. After an introductory chapter lays out the central issues, chapter 2 focuses on the classical skeptics of the Academic and Pyrrhonistic schools and then on the skepticism of David Hume. Chapters 3 through 5 are devoted to contemporary defenders of skepticism—Keith Lehrer, Arne Næss, and Peter Unger. In chapter 6, author Oliver A. Johnson dons the mantle of skeptic himself and develops and adds theories to the skeptical arsenal. He closes with an examination of the relationship between skepticism and cognitivism, reaching and defending conclusions on the nature and extent of possible human knowledge. This title is part of UC Press's Voices Revived program, which commemorates University of California Press’s mission to seek out and cultivate the brightest minds and give them voice, reach, and impact. Drawing on a backlist dating to 1893, Voices Revived makes high-quality, peer-reviewed scholarship accessible once again using print-on-demand technology. This title was originally published in 1978.
Phaidon Press Ltd Mass Production: Products from Phaidon Design Classics
A chronological portfolio of the 333 best designs that became available to homes across the globe thanks to the advent of mass production. This collection demonstrates how by the middle of the 20th century production had increased worldwide and manufacturers became conscious of the concept of good design for all. From Lego bricks and the Frisbee to door handles and sewing machines, chairs, tables, scooters and airplanes these classics have a timeless quality and have barely changed since their invention. Each object is accompanied by a detailed text with precise information about each product, each designer, each manufacturer and their history. It includes designs by Charles and Ray Eames, Jean Prouvé, Arne Jacobsen, Alvar Aalto and Achille Castiglioni among many others.
Faber Music Ltd Keynotes: Piano Grades 4-5
Keynotes is a new series of essential piano repertoire from across the ages which has been carefully selected and edited by John Lenehan, one of Britain's most experienced, versarile and sought-after pianists. Keynotes contains unusual and imaginative repertoire from over three centuries. Not only is there ample opportunity to improvise, but each book contains valuable practical footnotes. Book 4, grades 4-5, contains music by Albeniz, Arne, JS Bach, Beethoven, Chopin, Couperin, Debussy, Merikanto, Milne, Mozart, Ragnarsson, Satie, Schoenberg, Schubert, Schumann and Vine.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Das Römische Imperium im Lukanischen Doppelwerk: Darstellung und Ertragspotenzial für christliche Leser des späten ersten Jahrhunderts
Präsentiert Lukas seinen christlichen Rezipienten das Römische Imperium auf positive oder negative Weise? Diese Frage hat die Lukasforschung jahrzehntelang beschäftigt. Jens-Arne Edelmann zeigt, wie unterschiedlich Lukas vom Imperium erzählt. Dazu werden erstmals alle einschlägigen Aussagen des Doppelwerks systematisiert und zudem herausgearbeitet, welches Potenzial der Text aus einer Leserperspektive des späten ersten Jahrhunderts entfaltet. Es ist gerade die Vielfalt der lukanischen Erzählung, die den Christen das Potenzial bietet, im Glauben an Gottes Macht Orientierung im Umgang mit den Repräsentanten und Machtstrukturen des Römischen Imperiums zu finden.
Cicerone Press Mountain Walking in Southern Catalunya: Els Ports and the mountains of Tarragona
A guidebook to 30 graded walks in Spain’s Southern Catalunya. Exploring the beautiful scenery of els Ports and the Tarragona mountains, the walks are suitable for beginner and experienced walkers alike. Day walks range from 4 to 21km (2–13 miles) and can be enjoyed in 2–6 hours. A 2-day, circular trek encompassing Sant Roc and Arnes is also described in 2 stages covering 47km (29 miles). Sketch maps are included Detailed information on planning, accommodation and local history Highlights include the Cardó and Montsia massifs Easy access from Barcelona, Valencia and Reus
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Precarious Lives: Job Insecurity and Well-Being in Rich Democracies
Employment relations in advanced, post-industrial democracies have become increasingly insecure and uncertain as the risks associated with work are being shifted from employers and governments to workers. Arne L. Kalleberg examines the impact of the liberalization of labor markets and welfare systems on the growth of precarious work and job insecurity for indicators of well-being such as economic insecurity, the transition to adulthood, family formation, and happiness, in six advanced capitalist democracies: the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Japan, Spain, and Denmark. This insightful cross-national analysis demonstrates how active labor market policies and generous social welfare systems can help to protect workers and give employers latitude as they seek to adapt to the rise of national and global competition and the rapidity of sweeping technological changes. Such policies thereby form elements of a new social contract that offers the potential for addressing many of the major challenges resulting from the rise of precarious work.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Precarious Lives: Job Insecurity and Well-Being in Rich Democracies
Employment relations in advanced, post-industrial democracies have become increasingly insecure and uncertain as the risks associated with work are being shifted from employers and governments to workers. Arne L. Kalleberg examines the impact of the liberalization of labor markets and welfare systems on the growth of precarious work and job insecurity for indicators of well-being such as economic insecurity, the transition to adulthood, family formation, and happiness, in six advanced capitalist democracies: the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Japan, Spain, and Denmark. This insightful cross-national analysis demonstrates how active labor market policies and generous social welfare systems can help to protect workers and give employers latitude as they seek to adapt to the rise of national and global competition and the rapidity of sweeping technological changes. Such policies thereby form elements of a new social contract that offers the potential for addressing many of the major challenges resulting from the rise of precarious work.
Transcript Verlag Equality Governance via Policy Analysis? – The Implementation of Gender Impact Assessment in the European Union and Gender–Based Analysis in Canada
Gender impact assessment has been both celebrated as a beacon of hope for the cause of gender equality and criticised as being ineffectual. More than 20 years of gender mainstreaming have demonstrated that equality governance with and through impact assessment is an intersectional and still evolving process. Arn T. Sauer's study examines the instruments of gendered policy analysis and the conditions under which they are being used by the Canadian federal government and the European Commission. Interviews with experts from public administration and instrument designers as well as document analyses reveal benefits and challenges and show that the success of equality governance depends upon whether knowledge about gendered policy and appropriate administrative practices are embedded, embodied and entrenched in public administration.
Union Square & Co. A Journey to the Center of the Earth (Barnes & Noble Children's Leatherbound Classics)
Accompanied by his nephew Harry and his guide Hans, Professor Von Hardwigg follows directions in a coded message left by sixteenth-century alchemist Arne Saknussemm to the crater of the volcano Sneffels. There they descend into a subterranean world that is home to marvels from the prehistoric past that could never exist in the world above ground. One of his styled "extraordinary voyages," Jules Verne's Journey to the Center of the Earth is a masterpiece of adventure that has never been out of print since it was first published in French in 1864. This edition of Verne's novel features more than 50 full-page illustrations by the distinguished artist Edouard Rio.
Oro Editions An Architect's Address Book: The Places That Shaped a Career
An Architect’s Address Book is memoir in 18 chapters of the places Robert Lemon has lived, studied, and worked over the past six decades. Some are of places that he has visited many times and are important to his career. Studying architecture and conservation, Lemon has lived in Ottawa, Paris, London, Rome, and York. His work has involved projects in Vancouver, Los Angeles, Dorset, the High Arctic, and Xi’an. Other stories are about visiting the buildings of Andrea Palladio and Carlo Scarpa in the Veneto, Arne Jacobsen and Kay Fisker in Denmark, and five iconic 20th-century houses in France, in company of colleagues. Most of the chapters focus on someone influential to Lemon’s career; and his vast interest in food is a thread through most stories.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Innovation and Liberalization in the European Defence Sector: A Small Country Perspective
The defence sector is a critical industry that is currently undergoing a phase of momentous transformation. Over the last twenty years, market liberalization, the growing instability of geo-political scenarios and rapid technological change have completely reshaped the structural features of this industry. Taking as a starting point the Norwegian case, Fulvio Castellacci and Arne Fevolden provide a very acute analysis of the main trends of evolution of the European defence industry. Their study makes good use of the latest insights emerging from the economics of innovation, international trade and industrial dynamics literature. One of the most innovative features of Castellacci and Fevolden's approach is the construction of an industry-tailored agent based simulation model that permits the systematic exploration of different policy scenarios. Because of its broad scope and its original approach, this book is going to represent fundamental reading for all economists and political scientists interested in the defence industry for a long time to come.'- Alessandro Nuvolari, Sant Anna School of Advanced Studies, ItalyTraditionally, the EU defence sector has been fragmented into several weakly integrated and highly protected domestic markets which often leads to the duplication of innovative efforts, rising production costs and an overall lack of competitiveness. This book investigates the ongoing liberalization of the European defence market and explores how companies can respond to these changes by adjusting their innovation and internationalization strategies.Using a variety of methods including case studies, econometric analyses and agent-based modelling, the authors reveal that liberalization will provide new and relevant opportunities for European defence companies. However, any potential benefits will only be realized if private firms perceive that a full and well-coordinated implementation process is in place. As a whole, the book provides an original assessment of innovation policy in the context of EU defence and security market liberalization.In addition to those studying innovation, European and security studies, this unique book is an indispensible reference for practitioners and policy makers dealing with EU defence and security market liberalization.
Amsterdam University Press Silicon Valley: Planet Startup: Disruptive Innovation, Passionate Entrepreneurship & High-tech Startups
For decades now, Silicon Valley has been the home of the future. It's the birthplace of the world's most successful high-tech companies-including Apple, Yahoo, Google, Facebook, Twitter, and many more. So what's the secret? What is it about Silicon Valley that fosters entrepreneurship and innovation? With Silicon Valley, Planet Startup, Peter Ester and Arne Maas argue that the answer lies in Silicon Valley's culture-a corporate culture that values risk-taking, creativity, invention, and sharing. Through extensive interviews with Dutch entrepreneurs working in the area, Ester and Maas show that Silicon Valley is above all a mind-set: a belief in thinking, with passion and ambition, far beyond the here and now. Scholars and business people and budding entrepreneurs alike are sure to find both inspiration and illumination in the stories and analyses Ester and Maas have assembled here.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Modern Design: The Fabulous 50s
A creative explosion in design made the 1950s one of the most exciting periods of the twentieth century. New materials and manufacturing methods meant that form, color, and function were all reconsidered, innovations that shook the traditional ways of thinking and awoke the imagination of the public. Here is a look at the fabulous 50s designs, from furniture and lighting to glass and pottery. The work of major designers, both international and American, are represented, including Franco Albini, Charles Eames, Paul Frankl, Alexander Girard, Arne Jacobsen, Carlo Mollino, George Nelson, Gió Ponti, Jean Prouvé, Eero Saarinen, and Ettore Sottsass. The historical information along will informative captions and rich color photographs make this a valuable resource for those who appreciate 50s design.
Harvard University Press Haunted by Chaos: China’s Grand Strategy from Mao Zedong to Xi Jinping, With a New Afterword
An American Interest Book of the Year“Readers will not find a shrewder analysis as to why the Chinese act as they do.”—Robert D. Kaplan“An outstanding contribution to our understanding of that most urgent of contemporary geopolitical questions: what does China want?”—Rana MitterBefore the Chinese Communist Party came to power, China lay broken and fragmented. Today it dominates the global stage, and yet its leaders have continued to be haunted by the past. Analyzing the calculus behind decision making at the highest levels, Sulmaan Wasif Khan explores how China’s leaders have harnessed diplomatic, military, and economic power to keep a fragile country safe in a hostile world. At once shrewd and dangerous, Mao Zedong made China whole and succeeded in keeping it so while the caustic Deng Xiaoping dragged China into the modern world. Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao were cautious custodians of Deng’s legacy, but Xi Jinping has shown a mounting assertiveness that has raised concern across the globe.China’s grand strategies, while costly, have been largely successful. But will this time-tested approach be enough to tackle the looming threats of our age?“Written with verve and insight, this will become the go-to book for anyone interested in the foundations of China’s grand strategy under Communist rule.”—Odd Arne Westad, author of The Cold War“Khan’s brilliant analysis will help policymakers understand the critical rise of China…Crucial if we are to avoid conflict with this emerging superpower.”—Admiral James Stavridis, former Supreme Allied Commander of NATO“Khan argues that since before the People’s Republic of China’s founding, Chinese rulers have held remarkably consistent objectives, even as their definition of security has expanded.”—Mira Rapp-Hooper, War on the Rocks
Skira The Erling Neby Collection
An overview and insight into the unique collection of the Norwegian art collector Erling Neby. Erling Neby is the owner of one of the most important and precious private collections of constructivist and concrete art in Europe, and even worldwide. Over a period of thirty years, Neby has been building up a collection which is today unequalled in the Nordic countries and is of international standards and fame. Thanks to more than 200 color plates by such artists as Josef Albers, Olle Baertling, Jean Dewasne, Emilio Gilioli, Jan Groth, Arne Malmedal, Aurelie Nemours, Lars G. Nordström, Jesus Rafael Soto, Victor Vasarely, Thornton Willis, the book gives an inspiring insight into the international constructivist art from the 1940s till today.
Beta-Plus Mid-Century Modern: High-End Furniture in Collectors' Interiors
In recent years, there has been a real revival and appraisal of the works of the mid-century modern movement among architects and interior designers: the furniture, lighting and objects designed by Alvar Aalto, Charles & Ray Eames, Eileen Gray, Poul Henningsen, Arne Jacobsen, Pierre Jeanneret, Finn Juhl, Vladimir Kagan, Poul Kjaerholm, Florence Knoll, Le Corbusier, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Børge Mogensen, Serge Mouille, George Nakashima, George Nelson, Verner Panton, Ico Parisi, Charlotte Perriand, Gio Ponti, Jean Prouvé, Sergio Rodrigues, Jean Royère, Eero Saarinen, Arne Vodder, Jules Wabbes, Ole Wanscher, Hans J. Wegner, Jorge Zalszupin and many others is integrated in their most exclusive projects and their best pieces are sold at record prices at Christies, Philipps, Sotheby's... In the U.S., the mid-century modern movement in interiors, product and graphic design and architecture was a reflection of the International and Bauhaus movements including the works of Gropius, Florence Knoll, Le Corbusier and Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. Brazilian and Scandinavian architects were very influential, with a style characterised by clean simplicity and integration with nature. In Europe, the influence of Le Corbusier and the CIAM resulted in an architectural orthodoxy manifest across most parts of post-war Europe that was ultimately challenged by the radical agendas of the architectural wings of the avant-garde. A critical but sympathetic reappraisal of the internationalist oeuvre, inspired by the Scandinavian Moderns and the late work of Le Corbusier himself, was reinterpreted by groups such as Team X, including structuralist architects and the movement known as New Brutalism. This chic, over-sized coffee table book is an essential object for all mid-century design aficionados, interior designers with a passion for the modernist 1950s and for refined readers seeking inspiration for their own interiors. In 20 reports, interior designers and passionate collectors of mid-century furniture, lighting, objects and artworks show how carefully selected touches of high-end mid-century modernism can contribute to a unique living environment.
University of Oklahoma Press Bruce Goff: Architecture of Discipline in Freedom
Renowned today as one of the most important architects of the twentieth century, Bruce Goff (1904-1982) was only twelve years old when a Tulsa architectural firm took him on as an apprentice. Throughout his career he defied expectations, not only as a designer of innovative buildings but also as a gifted educator and painter. This beautifully illustrated volume, featuring more than 150 photographs, architectural drawings, and color plates, explores the vast multitude of ideas and themes that influenced Goff's work. Tracing what he calls Goff's ""path of originality,"" Arn Henderson begins by describing two of Goff's earliest and most significant influences: the architect Frank Lloyd Wright and the French composer Claude Debussy. As Henderson explains, Goff embraced from a young age Wright's ideal of organic expression, where all elements of a building's design are integrated into a unified whole. Although Goff's stylistic dependence on Wright eventually waned, the music of Debussy, with its qualities of mystery and ""discipline in freedom,"" was a perpetual source of inspiration. Henderson also emphasizes Goff's identification with the American West, particularly Oklahoma, where he developed most of his ideas and created many of his masterful buildings. Goff served as a professor at the University of Oklahoma between 1947 and 1955, becoming the first chair of its School of Architecture. The new studio course he introduced was a pivotal development, ensuring that his ideas were imparted to the next generation of architects. Part biography of a well-known architect, part analysis of Goff's work, this book is also a finely woven tapestry of information and interpretation that encompasses the ideas and experiences that shaped Goff's artistic vision over his lifetime. Based on scores of interviews with Goff's associates and former students, as well as the author's firsthand study of Goff's extant buildings, this volume deepens our appreciation of the great architect's lasting legacy.
PublicAffairs,U.S. Boom: Mad Money, Mega Dealers, and the Rise of Contemporary Art
Before Damien Hirst stuffed a shark, before Basquiat picked up a spray can, before Andy Warhol started The Factory, a pile of unwanted Jackson Pollocks changed everything. From them emerged the first major modern art dealer. It was 1947, and the art world would never be the same. From the early days on 57th Street, to the rise of SoHo in the 60s, to the emergence of Chelsea as the hotbed of art galleries, we see the meteoric rise and the devastating falls of the most renowned dealers: Larry Gagosian, David Zwirner, Arne Glimcher, and Iwan Wirth. With unparalleled access, the longtime Vanity Fairreporter tells us the story of contemporary art through the people who coddled, supported, and funded the likes of Jeff Koons, and Cy Twombly.It's a story of backstabbing, betrayals, fruitful partnerships, genius, and ever larger sums of money. The world of contemporary art is inextricable from the wild wealth and naked financial opportunism that surrounds it.