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John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley Handbook of Educational Policy
Illuminates the multiple barriers that plague the education system and shows the way toward enlightened and inclusive educational policy and policymaking This book showcases new scholarship in the broad field of education policy and governance. Authored by some of the field’s foremost scholars, as well as new and up-and-coming academics, this definitive handbook offers a range of cultural, economic, and political perspectives on the state of education policy today. It addresses historic, current, and future education policy—incorporating changing social landscapes of education, economy, and policy. The Wiley Handbook of Educational Policy covers the role of politics in education governance; the politics of philanthropy and for-profits; the culture and economy of professional organizations; the governance of technology integration; and future political realities to global citizenry. Themes and topics range not only across early childhood, K-12, and tertiary forms of schooling, but also across the policy questions and concerns that transcend these distinctions. Each chapter features key words, key questions, conclusions, and thought-provoking ideas that provoke readers to think about ways to improve the current conditions under which educational policy-makers work. Provides a traditional understanding of educational policy Shows how educational policy has changed due to the boom of private funding Explores the changing demographics in education populations over the last 40 years Discusses policies and the ethics of using and overseeing technology in teaching and learning environments Looks at future trends from contemporary political origins The Wiley Handbook of Educational Policy is an important book that should be read by every administrator, policy maker, and educator working in the education system.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Wiley Blackwell Companion to Karl Barth
The most comprehensive scholarly survey of Karl Barth’s theology ever published Karl Barth, arguably the most influential theologian of the 20th century, is widely considered one of the greatest thinkers within the history of the Christian tradition. Readers of Karl Barth often find his work both familiar and strange: the questions he considers are the same as those Christian theologians have debated for centuries, but he often addresses these questions in new and surprising ways. The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Karl Barth helps readers understand Barth’s theology and his place in the Christian tradition through a new lens. Covering nearly every topic related to Barth’s life and thought, this work spans two volumes, comprising 66 in-depth chapters written by leading experts in the field. Volume One explores Barth’s dogmatic theology in relation to traditional Christian theology, provides historical timelines of Barth’s life and works, and discusses his significance and influence. Volume Two examines Barth’s relationship to various figures, movements, traditions, religions, and events, while placing his thought in its theological, ecumenical, and historical context. This groundbreaking work: Places Barth into context with major figures in the history of Christian thought, presenting a critical dialogue between them Features contributions from a diverse team of scholars, each of whom are experts in the subject Provides new readers of Barth with an introduction to the most important questions, themes, and ideas in Barth’s work Offers experienced readers fresh insights and interpretations that enrich their scholarship Edited by established scholars with expertise on Barth’s life, his theology, and his significance in Christian tradition An important contribution to the field of Barth scholarship, the Wiley Blackwell Companion to Karl Barth is an indispensable resource for scholars and students interested in the work of Karl Barth, modern theology, or systematic theology.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Diagnostic Imaging, Includes Wiley E-Text
Diagnostic Imaging will help medical students, junior doctors, residents and trainee radiologists understand the principles behind interpreting all forms of imaging. Providing a balanced account of all the imaging modalities available – including plain film, ultrasound, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, radionuclide imaging and interventional radiology – it explains the techniques used and the indications for their use. Organised by body system, it covers all anatomical regions. In each region the authors discuss the most suitable imaging technique and provide guidelines for interpretation, illustrating clinical problems with normal and abnormal images. Diagnostic Imaging is extensively illustrated throughout, featuring high quality full-colour images and more than 600 photographs. The images are downloadable in PowerPoint format from the brand new companion website at, which also has over 100 interactive MCQs, to aid learning and teaching. When you purchase the book you also receive access to the Wiley E-Text: Powered by VitalSource. This is an interactive digital version of the book, featuring downloadable text and images, highlighting and note-taking facilities, bookmarking, cross-referencing, in-text searching, and linking to references and abbreviations. Diagnostic Imaging is also available on CourseSmart, offering extra functionality as well as an immediate way to access the book. For more details, see or ‘The Anytime, Anywhere Textbook ’ section.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Wiley-Schnellkurs Kosten- und Leistungsrechnung
Die Kosten- und Leistungsrechnung lässt nicht jedes Herz höher schlagen, aber leider ist sie als zentraler Bestandteil des internen Rechnungswesens im Studium fast unumgänglich. Aber keine Sorge: Gerd Schulte führt Sie so schnell und verständlich wie möglich in dieses manchmal etwas sperrige Thema ein. Er erklärt Ihnen die Grundlagen des Internen Rechnungswesens und was Sie über die Ist-Vollkosten-, die Teilkosten-, Normal- und Plankostenrechnung wissen müssen. Mit vielen Übungsaufgaben mit Lösungen können Sie Ihr Wissen dann auch noch festigen und prüfen.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Wiley-Schnellkurs Investition und Finanzierung
Wie komme ich an Geld und wie verwende ich es am Besten? Mit diesen Fragen beschäftigen sich die Fächer Investition und Finanzierung. Jochen Beißer und Oliver Read erklären Ihnen die Aufgaben der Finanzwirtschaft, finanzwirtschaftliche Ziele und die Grundbegriffe des Finanzwesens. Sie führen Sie in die statische und dynamische Investitionsrechnung ein, in die Fremd-, Eigen- und Innenfinanzierung und vieles mehr. Abschließend widmen Sie sich noch der Finanzplanung. Mit Übungsaufgaben samt Lösungen können Sie Ihr frisch erworbenes Wissen testen und festigen.
John Wiley & Sons Wiley CPAexcel Exam Review 2020 Focus Notes
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley International Handbook of Educational Foundations
Promotes a model of critique for teachers, scholars, and policy makers to challenge established educational practice in a global context. The Wiley International Handbook of Educational Foundations features international scholars uniquely qualified to examine issues specific to their regions of the world. The Handbook provides readers with an alternative to the traditional texts in the foundations of education by taking aim at the status quo, and by offering frameworks from which teachers and scholars of education can critically evaluate schools and schooling. Throughout, the essays are grounded in a broad historical context and the authors use an international lens to examine current controversies in order to provoke the kinds of discussion crucial for developing a critical stance. The Handbook is presented in six parts, each beginning with an Introduction to the subject. The sections featured are: Part I. Challenging Foundational Histories and Narratives of Achievement; Part II. Challenging Notions of Normalcy and Dominion; Part III. Challenging the Profession; Part IV. Challenging the Curriculum; Part V. Challenging the Idea of Schooling; and Part VI. Challenging Injustice, Inequity, and Enmity. The Wiley International Handbook of Educational Foundations offers unique insight into subjects such as: Educational reform in India, Pakistan, and China The global implications of equity-driven education Teacher education and inclusionary practices The Global Educational Reform Movement (G.E.R.M.) Education and the arts Maria Montessori and Loris Malaguzzi Legal education in authoritarian Syria The Wiley International Handbook of Educational Foundations is an important book for current and aspiring educators, scholars, and policy makers.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley Blackwell Reader in Practical Theology
Contains a general introduction to the discipline, featuring classic and pioneering essays that address the history, methods, issues, and exemplary illustrations of research, teaching, and practice Presenting a diverse collection of landmark essays, The Wiley-Blackwell Reader in Practical Theology explores the turn-of-the-century renaissance of practical theology as an academic discipline and shows how the discipline has advanced a steady epistemological insurgency in theology throughout the twentieth- and twenty-first century. The text provides scholars, students, and ministerial professionals with easy access to original seminal sources that represent major milestones, growing edges, and useful classificatory rubrics. A handy, one-volume primer to practical theology, the book: Offers an excellent bird’s-eye-view of the discipline’s essential foundational contributions Provides significant introductory overview material helpful in guiding both new and experienced readers to practical theology Includes brief overview introductions before each essay to situate the reading and highlight key contributions and occasional limitations Features essay selections that consider race, gender, sexuality, age, and other differences as a critical subtheme The Wiley-Blackwell Reader in Practical Theology is an indispensable resource for students, faculty, and professionals in practical theology and colleagues in related cognate disciplines in theological education and religious studies.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley International Handbook of Correctional Psychology
A two-volume handbook that explores the theories and practice of correctional psychology With contributions from an international panel of experts in the field, The Wiley International Handbook of Correctional Psychology offers a comprehensive and up-to-date review of the most relevant topics concerning the practice of psychology in correctional systems. The contributors explore the theoretical, professional and practical issues that are pertinent to correctional psychologists and other professionals in relevant fields. The Handbook explores the foundations of correctional psychology and contains information on the history of the profession, the roles of psychology in a correctional setting and examines the implementation and evaluation of various interventions. It also covers a range of topics including psychological assessment in prisons, specific treatments and modalities as well as community interventions. This important handbook: Offers the most comprehensive coverage on the topic of correctional psychology Contains contributions from leading experts from New Zealand, Australia, Europe, and North America Includes information on interventions and assessments in both community and imprisonment settings Presents chapters that explore contemporary issues and recent developments in the field Written for correctional psychologists, academics and students in correctional psychology and members of allied professional disciplines, The Wiley International Handbook of Correctional Psychology provides in-depth coverage of the most important elements of the field.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Social Movements
The most up-to-date and thorough compendium of scholarship on social movements This second edition of The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Social Movements features forty original essays from the field. With contributions from both established and ascendant scholars, the Companion seeks to present current research on social movements in all its diversity. It is the most up-to-date, comprehensive volume of social science research on social movements available today. The essays address: facilitative and constraining contexts and conditions; social movement organizations, fields, and dynamics; strategies and tactics; micro-structural and social psychological dimensions of participation; consequences and outcomes; and various thematic intersections, including the intersection of social movements and social class, gender, race and ethnicity, religion, human rights, globalization, political extremism and more. Offers an illuminating guide to understanding the dynamics and operation of social movements within the modern, global world Covers a diverse range of topics in the field of social movement studies Offers original, state-of-the-art essays by internationally recognized scholars The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Social Movements is recommended for graduate seminars on social movement and for scholars of social movements worldwide. It is also an excellent text for college and university libraries, especially with graduate programs in the social sciences.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Addiction Psychopharmacology
“Much of our scientific effort in tackling the multifactorial nature of addiction has taken place within individual disciplines. However, it has become increasingly clear that the complexity of addiction requires an integrated approach. This Handbook is timely and exceptional, intelligently combining the latest research approaches and applying them to understanding and tackling the prodigious public health burden of addiction. An authoritative resource, it establishes a comprehensive framework that will guide the field in the next era of addiction research.” John F. Kelly, PhD, President Elect, Society of Addiction Psychology, American Psychological Association; Associate Professor in Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School; Director, Addiction Recovery Management Service, Massachusetts General Hospital The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Addiction Psychopharmacology presents a comprehensive guide to contemporary research approaches to the study of drug addiction in adults. With a focus on empirically relevant research methods and nuanced methodologies, it provides practical tools to enable strong psychopharmacological practices. Contributions from experts in diverse domains offer reviews of the most current experimental methodologies, make recommendations for “best practices,” and identify future directions for the field. Topics covered include core methods for assessing drug effects, distal and proximal determinants of drug use, and insights from cognitive neuroscience. Compiled by a team of widely published researchers in substance addiction, The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Addiction Psychopharmacology is an authoritative, state-of-the-art collection of modern research approaches to the scientific study of drug addiction. Its multidisciplinary approach makes it a comprehensive and invaluable resource for all those in this field.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Political Sociology
The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Political Sociology is a complete reference guide, reflecting the scope and quality of the discipline, and highlighting emerging topics in the field. Global in focus, offering up-to-date topics from an interdisciplinary, international set of scholars addressing key issues concerning globalization, social movements, and citizenship The majority of chapters are new, including those on environmental politics, international terrorism, security, corruption, and human rights Revises and updates all previously published chapters to include new themes and topics in political sociology Provides an overview of scholarship in the field, with chapters working independently and collectively to examine the full range of contributions to political sociology Offers a challenging yet accessible and complete reference guide for students and scholars
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Latinoax Theology
The new edition of the standard resource for those teaching or learning Latinoax theology Now in its second edition, The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Latinoax Theology remains the most up-to-date, fully ecumenical collection of scholarship in the field. Bringing together contributions by a diverse panel of established scholars and newer voices within various theological disciplines, this comprehensive volume challenges Western readings of Christianity and offers fresh insights into theological truth from varied cultural and ethnic perspectives. The Companion addresses a wide range of Latinoax contexts while highlighting the thought of female, male, and LGBTQ+ Latinoax scholars in theology, introducing readers to this significant movement. Each chapter provides the historical background of a particular topic, explores its treatment by Latinoax theologians, discusses the current state of the topic, and offers the unique perspective of internationally recognized authors. The revised second edition incorporates recent developments within Latinoax studies, featuring new and expanded chapters that reflect numerous traditions of thought, up-to-date sources and methodologies, diverse intra-Latinoax communities, and contemporary Latinoax theologies and theologians. This invaluable and unique companion: Provides a systematic account of the past, present, and future of Latinoax theology Features new essays by the most influential voices in the field, incorporating recent research from Catholic, Protestant, and Evangelical scholars Addresses the Latinoax experience of alienation and marginalization Represents the wide range of ecclesial and theological traditions Discusses Latinoax in timely contexts such as politics, immigration, feminism, gender, queer theory, and social and economic justice Edited by one of the world’s leading Latino theologians, The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Latinoax Theology, Second Edition is an indispensable resource for academic scholars, undergraduate and graduate students, and instructors in universities and seminaries covering courses in theology, political thought, Latinoax studies, religion in the United States, and related topics.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Economic Geography
The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Economic Geography presents students and researchers with a comprehensive overview of the field, put together by a prestigious editorial team, with contributions from an international cast of prominent scholars. Offers a fully revised, expanded, and up-to-date overview, following the successful and highly regarded Companion to Economic Geography published by Blackwell a decade earlier, providing a comprehensive assessment of the field Takes a prospective as well as retrospective look at the field, reviewing recent developments, recurrent challenges, and emerging agendas Incorporates diverse perspectives (in terms of specialty, demography and geography) of up and coming scholars, going beyond a focus on Anglo-American research Encourages authors and researchers to engage with and contextualize their situated perspectives Explores areas of overlap, dialogues, and (potential) engagement between economic geography and cognate disciplines
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley Handbook of Christianity and Education
A comprehensive source that demonstrates how 21st century Christianity can interrelate with current educational trends and aspirations The Wiley Handbook of Christianity and Education provides a resource for students and scholars interested in the most important issues, trends, and developments in the relationship between Christianity and education. It offers a historical understanding of these two intertwined subjects with a view to creating a context for the myriad issues that characterize—and challenge—the relationship between Christianity and education today. Presented in three parts, the book starts with thought-provoking essays covering major issues in Christian education such as the movement away from God in American education; the Christian paradigm based on love and character vs. academic industrial models of American education; why religion is good for society, offenders, and prisons; the resurgence of vocational exploration and its integrative potential for higher education; and more. It then looks at Christianity and education around the globe—faith-based schooling in a pluralistic democracy; religious expectations in the Latino home; church-based and community-centered higher education; etc. The third part examines how humanity is determining the relationship between Christianity and education with chapters covering the use of Christian paradigm of living and learning; enrollment, student demographic, and capacity trends in Christian schools after the introduction of private schools; empirical studies on the perceptions of intellectual diversity at elite universities in the US; and more. Provides the breadth and depth of knowledge necessary to gain a sophisticated and nuanced understanding of the complex relationship between Christianity and education and its place in contemporary society A long overdue assessment of the subject, one that takes into account the enormous changes in Christian education Presents a global consideration of the subject Examines Christian education across elementary, secondary, and post-secondary levels The Wiley Handbook of Christianity and Education will be of great interest to Christian educators in the academic world, the teaching profession, the ministry, and the college and graduate level student body.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley Handbook of Teaching and Learning
Provides a comprehensive reference for scholars, educators, stakeholders, and the general public on matters influencing and directly affecting education in today’s schools across the globe This enlightening handbook offers current, international perspectives on the conditions in communities, contemporary practices in schooling, relevant research on teaching and learning, and implications for the future of education. It contains diverse conceptual frameworks for analyzing existing issues in education, including but not limited to characteristics of today’s students, assessment of student learning, evaluation of teachers, trends in teacher education programs, technological advances in content delivery, the important role for school leaders, and innovative instructional practices to increase student learning. The Wiley Handbook of Teaching and Learning promotes new, global approaches to studying the process of education, demonstrates the diversity among the constituents of schooling, recognizes the need for and presents a variety of approaches to teaching and learning, and details exemplary practices in education. Divided into four sections focused on general topics—context and schooling; learners and learning; teachers and teaching; and educators as learners and leaders—and with all-new essays that look at what has been, what is, and what could be, this book is destined to inspire thoughtful contemplation from readers about what it means to teach and learn. Examines teaching, learners, and learning from a contemporary, international perspective, presenting alternative views and approaches Provides a single reference source for teachers, education leaders, and agency administrators Summarizes recent research and theory Offers evidence-based recommendations for practice Includes essays from established and emerging U.S. and international scholars Each chapter includes a section encouraging readers to think ahead and imagine what education might be in the future Scholars from around the world provide a range of evidence-based ideas for improving and modifying current educational practices, making The Wiley Handbook of Teaching and Learning an important book for the global education community and those planning on entering into it.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley Handbook of Positive Clinical Psychology
Edited by the founder of the field, this is the first handbook on positive clinical psychology—a revolutionary approach that places equal importance on both the positive and negative aspects of mental health and well-being. The first handbook on positive clinical psychology, a revolutionary approach that places equal importance on the positive and negative aspects of mental health and well-being Brings together new work from authorities in positive psychology and clinical psychology to offer an integrated examination of well-being as it relates to personality, psychopathology, psychological treatments, and more Discusses theory, research, and practice across a broad range of topics such as optimism, positive affect, well-being therapy, childhood well-being, evolutionary perspectives, and clinical implementation Contains essential information for researchers, instructors and practitioners in clinical psychology, positive psychology, mental health, and well-being in general
John Wiley & Sons Inc Wiley Pathways Network Security Fundamentals Project Manual
You can get there The Network Security Fundamentals Project Manual offers a wealth of easy-to-read, practical, and up-to-date activities that reinforce fundamental network security concepts. You will develop the core competencies and skills you'll need in the real world, including how to: * Install Network Monitor and capture traffic * Encrypt files using folder properties and the cipher command * Install and use Certificate Services * Configure an IPsec policy that requires authentication and encryption * Use RSoP to view effective policy settings * Configure Automatic Updates using the System utility and Group Policy * Choose an IDS and position it on a network With five to seven projects per chapter ranging from easy to more advanced, the Network Security Fundamentals Project Manual is ideal for both traditional and online courses and is an excellent companion to Cole's Network Security Fundamentals ISBN: 978-0-470-10192-6. Wiley Pathways helps you achieve your goals The texts and project manuals in this series offer a coordinated curriculum for learning information technology. Learn more at
John Wiley & Sons Wiley CPAexcel Exam Review 2020 Focus Notes
John Wiley & Sons Wiley CIA Exam Review 2020 Part 2
John Wiley & Sons Wiley CPAexcel Exam Review July 2020 Study Guide
John Wiley & Sons Wiley CMAexcel Exam Review 2020 Flashcards
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley Blackwell Companion to the Qur'an
Fully revised and updated, the second edition of The Wiley Blackwell Companion to the Qur'ān offers an ideal resource for anyone who wishes to read and understand the Qur'ān as a text and as a vital component of Muslim life. While retaining the literary approach to the subject, this new edition extends both the theological and philosophical approaches to the Qur'ān. Edited by the noted authority on the Qur'ān, Andrew Rippin, and Islamic Studies scholar Jawid Mojaddedi, and with contributions from other internationally renowned scholars, the book is comprehensive in scope and written in clear and accessible language. New to this edition is material on modern exegesis, the study of the Qur'ān in the West, the relationship between the Qur'ān and religions prior to Islam, and much more. The Wiley Blackwell Companion to the Qur'ān is a rich and wide-ranging resource, exploring the Qur'ān as both a religious text and as a work of literature.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley Handbook of Personal Construct Psychology
The Wiley Handbook of Personal Construct Psychology is the definitive new reference for the field, providing a state-of-the-art review of PCP which focuses on the theory and its philosophy, methodology, areas of application and future horizons A definitive new reference work for the field of personal construct psychology, featuring leading international figures in the field Each section begins with a concise chapter that reviews the literature in the area concerned and highlights new developments Covers theory, history, methodology and a wealth of new and established applications including education, grief and meaning reconstruction, sexuality, organizational consultancy and personal construct coaching Draws on published and previously unpublished work by pioneers including Fay Fransella and Miller Mair
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Medical Sociology
A comprehensive collection of original essays by leading medical sociologists from around the world, fully updated to reflect contemporary research and global health issues The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Medical Sociology is an authoritative overview of the most recent research, major theoretical approaches, and central issues and debates within the field. Bringing together contributions from an international team of leading scholars, this wide-ranging volume summarizes significant new developments and discusses a broad range of globally-relevant topics. The Companion's twenty-eight chapters contain timely, theoretically-informed coverage of the coronavirus pandemic and emerging diseases, bioethics, healthcare delivery systems, health disparities associated with migration, social class, gender, and race. It also explores mental health, the family, religion, and many other real-world health concerns. The most up-to-date and comprehensive single-volume reference on the key concepts and contemporary issues in medical sociology, this book: Presents thematically-organized essays by authors who are recognized experts in their fields Features new chapters reflecting state-of-the-art research and contemporary issues relevant to global health Covers vital topics such as current bioethical debates and the global effort to cope with the coronavirus pandemic Discusses the important relationship between culture and health in a global context Provide fresh perspectives on the sociology of the body, biomedicalization, health lifestyle theory, doctor-patient relations, and social capital and health The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Medical Sociology is essential reading for advanced undergraduate and graduate students in medical sociology, health studies, and health care, as well as for academics, researchers, and practitioners wanting to keep pace with new developments in the field.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley Handbook of Problem-Based Learning
The first book to offer an in-depth exploration of the topic of problem-based learning with contributions from international experts The Wiley Handbook of Problem-Based Learning is the first book of its kind to present a collection of original essays that integrate the research and practice of problem-based learning in one comprehensive volume. With contributions from an international panel of leading scholars, researchers, practitioners and educational and training communities, the handbook is an authoritative, definitive, and contemporary volume that clearly demonstrates the impact and scope of research-based practice in problem-based learning (PBL). After many years of its successful implementation in medical education curricula, problem-based learning is now being emphasized and practiced more widely in K-12, higher education, and other professional fields. The handbook provides timely and stimulating advice and reflection on the theory, research, and practice of PBL. Throughout the book the contributors address the skills needed to implement PBL in the classroom and the need for creating learning environments that are active, collaborative, experiential, motivating and engaging. This important resource: Addresses the need for a comprehensive resource to problem-based learning research and implementation Contains contributions from an international panel of experts on the topic Offers a rich collection of scholarly writings that challenge readers to refresh their knowledge and rethink their assumptions Takes an inclusive approach that addresses the theory, design, and practice of problem-based learning Includes guidelines for instructional designers, and implementation and assessment strategies for practitioners Written for academics, students, and practitioners in education, The Wiley Handbook of Problem-Based Learning offers a key resource to the most recent information on the research and practice of problem-based learning.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Islamic Spirituality
A ground-breaking and comprehensive collection on various facets of Islamic spirituality throughout history and in the modern world The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Islamic Spirituality is an authoritative reference work comprising twenty-eight scholarly essays that explore the expressive and performative dimensions of Islamic spirituality. Edited by two of its most prominent scholars, and bringing together a stellar cast of contributors, this wide-ranging volume covers religious practices, sacred texts, history and places, gender, music, poetry, the visual arts, and politics. Spirituality has had a long and important history in Islam, where a focus on spirituality is required of every believer. Each Muslim is asked to achieve a state of devotion through prayer, fasting, supplications, recitations, pilgrimage, and ascetic practices. The essays in this volume explain the role of spirituality in Islam—from its beginnings, through the development of its institutions, and into the present day. They also reflect important new research, and discuss contemporary debates and issues affecting Islamic spirituality such as the Internet, social justice, the role of women, ethics, and religious fundamentalism. Offering readers a thought-provoking way to engage with the topic, this comprehensive work includes: The spirituality of words and letters, including the Qur’an, prophetic traditions in Islam, and litanies, invocations, and devotional texts Devotional practices in Islam, including the spirituality of prayer, ascetic spirituality, Qur’an recitation, and spirituality of the Sufi path Spirituality in literature, including Arabic and Persian poetry, spirituality in the modern novel, and the art of translation Spirituality in the arts, including the visual arts, music, song, and film Islamic spirituality and post-modern practices, including the Internet, Islamic hip-hop, and Salafism From the personal to the political, The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Islamic Spirituality offers a fresh and revitalized view of all aspects of spirituality in Islam. It is a must-have scholarly resource for advanced undergraduates, graduate students, instructors and scholars studying Islam, spirituality, and Asian and Middle Eastern history as well as general readers with an interest in the subject.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley International Handbook of Educational Leadership
A provocative and authoritative compendium of writings on leadership in education from distinguished scholar-educators worldwide. What is educational leadership? What are some of the trends, questions, and social forces most relevant to the current state of education? What are the possible futures of education, and what can educational leadership contribute to these futures? To address these questions, and more, editors Duncan Waite and Ira Bogotch asked distinguished international thought leaders on education to share their insights, observations, and research findings on the nature of education and educational leadership in the global village. The Wiley International Handbook of Educational Leadership brings together contributions from authors in twenty-one countries, spanning six continents. Topics examined include leadership and aesthetics, creativity, eco‐justice, advocacy, Big Data and technology, neoliberalism, emerging philosophies and theories, critical democracy, gender and radical feminism, political economies, emotions, postcolonialism, and new directions in higher education. A must-read for teachers, researchers, scholars, and policy makers, this Handbook: Champions radical pluralism over consensus and pseudoscientific or political solutions to problems in education Embraces social, economic, and political relevance alongside the traditions of careful and systematic rigor Challenges traditional epistemological, cultural, and methodological concepts of education and educational leadership Explores the field’s historical antecedents and ways in which leadership can transcend the narrow disciplinary and bureaucratic constraints imposed by current research designs and methods Advances radically new possibilities for remaking educational leadership research and educational institutions
National Gallery Company Ltd Kehinde Wiley at the National Gallery
Presenting new work by American artist Kehinde Wiley, as he explores the European landscape tradition through film and painting The American artist Kehinde Wiley (b. 1977) is best known for his spectacular portraits of African Americans with knowing references to the grand European tradition of painting. He was commissioned in 2017 to paint Barack Obama, becoming the first Black artist to paint an official portrait of a president of the United States. His work makes reference to old master paintings by positioning contemporary Black sitters in the pose of the original historical figures, raising issues of power and identity, and the absence or relegation of Black and minority-ethnic figures within European art. For his first collaboration with a major UK gallery, Wiley will depart from portraiture to explore the European landscape tradition through the medium of film and painting, casting Black Londoners from the streets of Soho. His new works will explore European Romanticism and its focus on epic scenes of oceans and mountains, drawing inspiration from the National Gallery’s masterpieces in landscape and seascape.Published by National Gallery Company/Distributed by Yale University PressExhibition Schedule:The National Gallery, London (December 10, 2021–April 18, 2022)
John Wiley & Sons Inc Wiley GAAP: Practical Implementation Guide and Workbook
Wiley GAAP Workbook provides easy-to-understand guidance and clarity to practical applications of GAAP. Enhancing your comprehension of GAAP to enable practical application of a variety of situations that you may encounter in practice, this workbook and guide simplifies application of GAAP standards and interpretations to specific real-world situations. Provides easy-to-understand clarity and guidance on interpretation and application of the overwhelming and voluminous GAAP standards Offers explanations supplemented with examples, case studies, solutions, and illustrations for enhanced understanding of GAAP Includes newly issued accounting pronouncements and information on the GAAP codification Wiley GAAP: Practical Implementation Guide and Workbook is a quick reference guide on Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and their application with easy to understand outlines of FASB standards, practical insights, case studies with solutions, illustrations, and multiple choice questions with solutions. It greatly facilitates understanding of the practical implementation issues involved in applying these complex rules-based standards.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Wiley Encyclopedia of Telecommunications, 5 Volume Set
Engineers have long required a comprehensive yet concise resource to turn to for reliable, up-to-date information on the continually evolving field of telecommunications. In five easily searched volumes, the Wiley Encyclopedia of Telecommunications provides a broad, clear overview of both the fundamentals of and recent advances in telecommunications. This essential reference-the only one dedicated to telecommunications for electrical engineers-is available in print and online formats. Topics Include: Optical communications Modulation and demodulation Coding and decoding Communication networks Antennas John G. Proakis is the Series Editor for the Wiley Series in Telecommunications and Signal Processing. In preparing this Encyclopedia, Dr. Proakis been assisted by an editorial board of five leading telecommunications engineers from academia and industry to bring you: Approximately 300 articles on various topics in telecommunications Articles are written by experts in their fields A broad, clear overview of both the fundamentals and recent advances in telecommunications Cutting edge topics covering the entire field of telecommunications and signal processing For more information regarding the online edition of this major reference work, please visit:
John Wiley & Sons Inc Wiley Encyclopedia of Composites, 5 Volume Set
Written by prominent international experts from industry and academia, the Wiley Encyclopedia of Composites, Second Edition presents over 260 new and revised articles addressing the new technological advances in properties, processing, formulation, design, analysis, evaluation, manufacture, testing, and reliability of composites. The entire range of industrial applications of composites is covered. The Encyclopedia is an invaluable resource for researchers in both library and professional settings and provides information about composite materials and related processing technologies.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Wiley Pathways Introduction to Database Management
You can get there Where do you want to go? You might already be working in the information technology field and may be looking to expand your skills. You might be setting out on a new career path. Or, you might want to learn more about exciting opportunities in database management. Wherever you want to go, Introduction to Databases will help you get there. Easy-to-read, practical, and up-to-date, this text not only helps you learn fundamental database design and management concepts, it also helps you master the core competencies and skills you need to succeed in the classroom and in the real world. The book's brief, modular format and variety of built-in learning resources enable you to learn at your own pace and focus your studies. With this book, you will be able to: * Appreciate the key role of data in daily business operations and strategic decisions. * Understand databases, database management systems, and SQL, the software on which they are based, from the ground up. * Know how to gather and organize critical business information, design a database based on this information, and retrieve and modify that information in a useful manner. * Use accepted data modeling procedures to design a relational database. * Master the concept of data normalization and the use of standard normalization rules. * Explore critical real-world issues including application integration and securing data against disclosure and loss. Wiley Pathways helps you achieve your goals Not every student is on the same path, but every student wants to succeed. The Information Technology series in the new Wiley Pathways imprint helps you achieve your goals. The books in this series--Introduction to Databases, Introduction to Programming Using Visual Basic, Introduction to Operating Systems, Networking Basics, Windows Network Administration, Network Security Fundamentals, and PC Hardware Essentials--offer a coordinated information technology curriculum. Learn more at
John Wiley & Sons Wiley CMAexcel Exam Review 2020 Flashcards
John Wiley & Sons Wiley 2022 Interpretation and Application of IFRS Standards
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley World Handbook of Existential Therapy
An existential therapy handbook from those in the field, with its broad scope covering key texts, theories, practice, and researchThe Wiley World Handbook of Existential Therapy is a work representing the collaboration of existential psychotherapists, teachers, and researchers. It's a book to guide readers in understanding human life better through the exploration of aspects and applications of existential therapy. The book presents the therapy as a way for clients to explore their experiences and make the most of their lives. Its contributors offer an accurate and in-depth view of the field. An introduction of existential therapy is provided, along with a summary of its historical foundations. Chapters are organized into sections that cover: daseinsanalysis; existential-phenomenonological, -humanistic, and -integrative therapies; and existential group therapy. International developments in theory, practice and research are also examined.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Group Psychotherapy
Group Psychotheraphy “Finally, we have a book about group therapy that answers the question, ‘Is there one book that covers the waterfront but is deep enough to provide more than just an overview of models, and can actually help me become a better group therapist?’ This is such a book.” International Journal of Group Psychotherapy “This volume reflects the expansion in the field of psychodynamic group psychotherapy that today incorporates a variety of theoretical perspectives. Leading experts from various countries provide the reader with a clear overview of the different approaches. In addition, there are chapters in this volume that deal with special populations and conditions of treatment. While providing a straightforward introduction to the plethora of material in the field, the volume will also serve as a comprehensive resource for any seasoned group psychotherapist.” Howard D. Kibel, Professor of Psychiatry, New York Medical College and past President of the American Group Psychotherapy Association, USA The Handbook of Group Psychotherapy is a user-friendly guide to conducting group psychotherapy in various settings and with different populations. It has been designed as a resource for new professionals, including graduate students in mental health, as well as more seasoned clinicians planning to integrate group psychotherapy into their work. Bringing together pre-eminent group psychotherapists from different theoretical perspectives and countries, the articles in this volume present their approaches to conducting groups with diverse populations in different settings. Written in straight-forward, jargon-free language, the articles directly speak to the needs of the mental health professional planning to begin a group or to strengthen an existing group. Whether combined with a formal class in group techniques, human relations, or group dynamics, or in an institute training group practitioners, or read as part of one’s own professional development, this work is likely to advance the reader’s clinical competency and strengthen their self-confidence as a leader. Using a personal style and speaking from years of experience, the contributors provide hands-on suggestions as to how a group leader really works. From determining patient or client needs, developing treatment goals, and constructing a group, to handling emergencies, the contributors address the needs of the new group leader. The articles also address issues of diversity and globalism, as well as trauma and resiliency, making this a truly post-9/11 contribution.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Human Geography
This volume provides an up-to-date, authoritative synthesis of the discipline of human geography. Unparalleled in scope, the companion offers an indispensable overview to the field, representing both historical and contemporary perspectives. Edited and written by the world's leading authorities in the discipline Divided into three major sections: Foundations (the history of human geography from Ancient Greece to the late nineteenth century); The Classics (the roots of modern human geography); Contemporary Approaches (current issues and themes in human geography) Each contemporary issue is examined by two contributors offering distinctive perspectives on the same theme
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Patristics
This comprehensive volume brings together a team of distinguished scholars to create a wide-ranging introduction to patristic authors and their contributions to not only theology and spirituality, but to philosophy, ecclesiology, linguistics, hagiography, liturgics, homiletics, iconology, and other fields. Challenges accepted definitions of patristics and the patristic period – in particular questioning the Western framework in which the field has traditionally been constructed Includes the work of authors who wrote in languages other than Latin and Greek, including those within the Coptic, Armenian, Syriac, and Arabic Christian traditions Examines the reception history of prominent as well as lesser-known figures, debating the role of each, and exploring why many have undergone periods of revived interest Offers synthetic accounts of a number of topics central to patristic studies, including scripture, scholasticism, and the Reformation Demonstrates the continuing role of these writings in enriching and inspiring our understanding of Christianity
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley Handbook of Cognitive Control
Covering basic theory, new research, and intersections with adjacent fields, this is the first comprehensive reference work on cognitive control – our ability to use internal goals to guide thought and behavior. Draws together expert perspectives from a range of disciplines, including cognitive psychology, neuropsychology, neuroscience, cognitive science, and neurology Covers behavioral phenomena of cognitive control, neuroanatomical and computational models of frontal lobe function, and the interface between cognitive control and other mental processes Explores the ways in which cognitive control research can inform and enhance our understanding of brain development and neurological and psychiatric conditions
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley Guide to Writing Essays About Literature
This outstanding practical guide to writing analytical essays on literature develops interpretive skills through focused exercises and modeled examples. The program is tailored to meet the specific needs of beginning undergraduates. Features unique, detailed guidance on paragraph structure Includes sample essays throughout to model each stage of the essay-writing process Focused exercises develop the techniques outlined in each chapter Dedicated checklists enable quick, accurate assessment by teachers and students Enhanced glossary with advice on usage added to core definitions
John Wiley & Sons Wiley CPAexcel Exam Review July 2020 Study Guide
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley Handbook of Developmental Psychopathology
The Wiley Handbook of Developmental Psychopathology offers a concise, up-to-date, and international overview of the study of developmental psychopathology. Examines the cognitive, neurobiological, genetic, and environmental influences on normal and abnormal development across the lifespan Incorporates methodology, theory, and the latest empirical research in a discussion of modern techniques for studying developmental psychopathology Considers the legal, societal, and policy impacts of changes to diagnostic categories in the light of the transition to DSM-5 Moves beyond a disorder-based discussion to address issues that cut across diagnostic categories
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley Handbook of Anxiety Disorders
This state-of-the-art Handbook on the research and treatment of anxiety and related disorders is the most internationally and clinically oriented Handbook currently available, encompassing a broad network of researchers, from leading experts in the field to rising stars. The very first handbook to cover anxiety disorders according to the new DSM-5 criteria Published in two volumes, the International Handbook provides the most wide-ranging treatment of the state-of-the-art research in the anxiety disorders Offers a truly international aspect, including authors from different continents and covering issues of relevance to non-Western countries Includes discussion of the latest treatments, including work on persistence of compulsions, virtual reality exposure therapy, cognitive bias modification, cognitive enhancers, and imagery rescripting Covers treatment failures, transdiagnostic approaches, and includes treatment issues for children as well as the older population Edited by leaders in the field, responsible for some of the most important advances in our understanding and treatment of anxiety disorders 2 Volumes
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Human Evolution
This reprint of Bernard Wood's best-selling 2-volume encyclopedia is now available as a single-volume paperback. It is ideal for grad students and individual researchers wanting to purchase their own desk copy of this comprehensive work. This comprehensive A to Z encyclopedia provides extensive coverage of important scientific terms related to improving our understanding of how we evolved. Specifically, the 5,000 entries cover evidence and methods used to investigate the relationships among the living great apes, evidence about what makes the behavior of modern humans distinctive, and evidence about the evolutionary history of that distinctiveness, as well as information about modern methods used to trace the recent evolutionary history of modern human populations. This text provides a resource for everyone studying the emergence of Homo sapiens. Visit the companion site to browse additional references and updates from this comprehensive encyclopedia.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley Handbook of Diversity in Special Education
The Wiley Handbook of Diversity in Special Education is a state-of-the-art reference showcasing cutting-edge special education research with a focus on children and youth with disabilities from diverse cultural, ethnic, linguistic, and economic backgrounds. Cutting-edge special education research focusing on children and youth with disabilities from diverse cultural, ethnic, linguistic, and economic backgrounds An authoritative contribution to the field, this work charts a new path to effective interventions and sets an agenda for future research Addresses disabilities from an international perspective
Distributed Art Publishers Kehinde Wiley: An Archaeology of Silence
“That is the archaeology I am unearthing: the specter of police violence and state control over the bodies of young Black and brown people all over the world.” –Kehinde Wiley Kehinde Wiley: An Archaeology of Silence features a new body of paintings and sculptures by American artist Kehinde Wiley confronting the legacies of colonialism through the visual language of the fallen figure. It expands on a subject the artist first explored in his 2008 series Down—a group of large-scale portraits of young Black men inspired by Wiley’s encounter with Hans Holbein the Younger’s The Dead Christ in the Tomb (1521–22) at the Kunstmuseum Basel. Holbein’s painting triggered an ongoing investigation into the iconography of death and sacrifice in Western art that Wiley traced across religious, mythological and historical subjects. An Archaeology of Silence extends these considerations to include men and women around the world whose senseless deaths, often unacknowledged or silenced, are transformed into a powerful elegy of global resistance against state-sanctioned violence. The resulting paintings of Black bodies struck down, wounded or dead, all referencing iconic historical paintings of slain heroes, martyrs or saints, offer a haunting meditation on the violence against Black and brown bodies through the lens of European art history. Kehinde Wiley (born 1977) is a world-renowned visual artist. Working in the mediums of painting, sculpture and video, Wiley is best known for his vibrant portrayals of contemporary African American and African-diasporic individuals that subvert the hierarchies and conventions of European and American portraiture. Wiley became the first African American artist to paint an official US Presidential portrait for former US President Barack Obama. Wiley has held solo exhibitions throughout the United States and internationally, and his works are included in the collections of over 40 public institutions worldwide. He lives and works in Beijing, Dakar and New York.