Search results for ""Tramuntana""
Tramuntana Editorial Perqu s
Editorial Tramuntana Aprendiendo a Leer
Tramuntana Editorial Rojo o Porqu el bullyng no es divertido
Todo empezó como una cosa sin importancia. Tomás se sonrojó, y era divertido. Pero cuando todo el mundo empezó a reirse de él, yano era tan divertido.
Tramuntana Editorial El regal de Mitjanit
Llum i Foscor van tenir cinc fills: Alba, Matí, Migdia, Vespre i Mitjanit. Quan els cinc dormien profundament, va venir Temps i els vaxiuxiuejar alguna cosa: Què et sembla que va passar quan van obrir els ulls?
Triangle Postals, S.L. Mallorca Essential
Mallorca, in the heart of the western Mediterranea, trasures a large diversity of landscapes. The rugged profile of the Serra de Tramuntana is lined with peaks that, in wintertime, emerge at dawn with a sprinkling of snow. The large inland plains are dotted with villages and tows, perched on hills and proudly watching over their traditions and gastronomy. Wetlands, seabeds and protected areas make up valuable ecosystems in many places around the territory. The island?s coastline is lined with heavenly beaches and coves hidden between cliffs, kissed by pristine-clear turquoise and emerald waters.
Volverás A Raix
Bet Russinyol acepta participar en un juego de final imprevisible. Invitada por una mujer desconocida, acude a una fiesta a un recóndito lugar de Tramuntana. Sin saberlo, Bet será una pieza fundamental en el puzle criminal que la inspectora Aina Cantallops deberá resolver. Una institución religiosa bien conocida en la isla será el telón de fondo de la desaparición de un niño, cuya investigación guiará a la inspectora hacia una red de corrupción de dimensiones incalculables. En esta novela conviven las dos caras de un paraíso llamado Isla de la Calma. Luces y sombras, en perfecta armonía con la lucha por el poder que no está dispuesto a renunciar a derechos adquiridos a lo largo de muchos siglos.
Autobiografia autoritzada
La narradora fa una immersió en la seva vida des del present, des del Cafè de l'Òpera de la Rambla barcelonina on veu cada dia una dona gran i solitària en qui potser projecta el seu futur. Aleshores la novella recupera la memòria de la seva infantesa feliç: els estius a la Serra de Tramuntana i els hiverns a Palma, jugant a aprendre i a descobrir el món amb la germana i les amigues, en una Mallorca que és un refugi agradable. S'hi intercalen breus episodis punyents d?una relació sentimental amb un músic casat, que deixen un dolor profund i secret a la jove enamorada, com una anticipació del període que succeirà la feliç infantesa. Neus Canyelles fa el relat lúcid d'unes expectatives truncades, amb calidesa i una ironia salvadora.
El judici de laigua
En una època fosca, marcada per la infàmia i la superstició, només els més valents clamaran justícia.Una magistral novella històrica ambientada a la Barcelona del segle XII en la qual Juan Francisco Ferrándiz, autor de La terra maleïda, ens brinda acció, aventures, traïcions, misteri i amor.Un gèlid matí de 1170, un judici cruel segella els destins de dues famílies enfrontades per l'avarícia i els usos feudals. Segons dicta la tradició, els primogènits de les dues cases, de pocs mesos d'edat, han de ser submergits en aigua gelada. El que s'enfonsi serà l'escollit de Déu, i això donarà la raó a la seva família.Arran del lamentable esdeveniment, la Blanca, la filla del noble Ramon de Corviu, és l'escollida, i Robert de Tramuntana, el condemnat, ha de veure durant anys com els vencedors s'apoderen de totes les seves possessions. Però en el moment en què tots dos van lluitar per sobreviure, va néixer també una unió especial i indestructible entre
Guías Azules de España, S.A. Mallorca
Mallorca no es como dijo la famosa escritora George Sand (1838) ?la verde Helvecia bajo el cielo de Calabria?. No necesita serlo, ni siquiera necesita comparación: fue, es y sigue siendo una de las islas más bellas del mundo. Está formada por una serie de paisajes que contratan por su horizonte distinto: la Mallorca profunda o interior no tienen nada que ver con de la Sierra de Tramuntana declarada Patrimonio de la Humanidad o con los humedales isleños, como la Albufera paraíso de ornitólogos. Alfombran el suelo mallorquín la trilogía de cultivos mediterráneos: almendros en flor, vid y olivos más los algarrobos, encinas y los pinos que escarpan en Mallorca hasta los acantilados. Las playas y calas mallorquinas figuran entre las mejores del Mediterráneo, haylas para todos los gustos, para los solitarios y para los que busquen el bullicio y la marcha. A lo anterior se une una docena de pueblos con encanto como Valldemossa o Deià y Palma, con uno de los cascos históricos más impresionante
Guías Azules de España, S.A. Mallorca gua azul
Mallorca no es como dijo la famosa escritora George Sand (1838) ?la verde Helvecia bajo el cielo de Calabria?. No necesita serlo, ni siquiera necesita comparación: fue, es y sigue siendo una de las islas más bellas del mundo. Está formada por una serie de paisajes que contratan por su horizonte distinto: la Mallorca profunda o interior no tienen nada que ver con de la Sierra de Tramuntana declarada Patrimonio de la Humanidad o con los humedales isleños, como la Albufera paraíso de ornitólogos. Alfombran el suelo mallorquín la trilogía de cultivos mediterráneos: almendros en flor, vid y olivos más los algarrobos, encinas y los pinos que escarpan en Mallorca hasta los acantilados. Las playas y calas mallorquinas figuran entre las mejores del Mediterráneo, haylas para todos los gustos, para los solitarios y para los que busquen el bullicio y la marcha. A lo anterior se une una docena de pueblos con encanto como Valldemossa o Deià y Palma, con uno de los cascos históricos más impresionante
labutxaca Un secret de lEmpord
Agost de 1935. Carretera d?Albons a Viladamat. Un Rolls-Royce avança a tota velocitat i s?estavella. Al seu interior hi viatgen el príncep Mdivani i la seva amant, la baronessa Thyssen.Juliol de 1992. Dos homes que s?acaben de conèixer rememoren l?accident i el secret que s?hi amaga. La conversa desplega la història dels ocupants del cotxe i les seves relacions amb personatges del moment, com Sert o Dalí, i també les dues guerres mundials, la Guerra Civil espanyola, l?auge del nazisme, les vils accions de la Gestapo, la vida desenfrenada dels aristòcrates decadents i la misèria dels refugiats catalans als camps francesos. I, enmig del caos, la dignitat d?un poblet que, desafiant l?enemic, preserva el seu gran secret. L?espiral de la novella, com la tramuntana que sovint bufa a Albons, s?emporta el lector a recórrer, en un relat vertiginós que el deixarà sense alè, els moments cabdals de l?Europa d?entreguerres.Només puc pensar en tu. Només vull pensar en tu. Sí,
Ebury Publishing A House in the High Hills: Dreams and Disasters of Life in a Spanish Farmhouse
'I was warned by all those who knew me that to take on a project like this was madness.'At the peak of her fast-paced career, presenter and interviewer Selina Scott bought a house in the Tramuntana hills of Mallorca. It was a dilapidated old farmhouse without even mains electricity or water, but she had fallen in love with the beauty and peace of the surroundings, and the promise of an escape from her high-pressured job and unwelcome tabloid attention.Selina begins to settle into Mediterranean life and spends time renovating the house. However, she soon realises that making the old house her home is going to be more difficult than she thought. From the unwelcome wildlife that insists on sharing her house, to dubious building work, locals both friendly and hostile, and a forest fire that threatens the whole valley, Selina's new life is full of unexpected challenges. In this funny, elegantly written account of her Spanish years Selina tells us about the house that captured her heart, the neighbours that became friends, and those that didn't, the hills and wildlife that enchanted her, the building work that nearly broke her and, crucially, the dog that found her, and changed every single one of her best laid plans!An uplifting story of escape, change and friendship.'A terrific read, beautifully written' Richard Madeley
Knife Edge Outdoor Limited Trekking the Mallorca GR221: 2022: Two-way guidebook with real 1:25k maps: 12 different itineraries
The definitive two-way guide to the Mallorca GR221 (the Drystone Way): both northbound and southbound routes are described in full. Real Maps: Full mapping inside (1:25,000) by Editorial Alpina. All accommodation is numbered and marked on the maps. 12 different itineraries: schedules of 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 days for hikers and runners. Includes both northbound and southbound itineraries. Difficult calculations of time, distance and altitude gain/loss are done for you. Also includes: - Detailed information on equipment and travelling light - Full accommodation listings: the best hotels and refugis - Everything the trekker needs to know: route, costs, difficulty, weather, travel, and more - Public Transport map and information - Essential info for both self-guided and guided trekkers - Information on the drystone structures along the route - Information on plants and wildlife - History of drystone structures along the route - Numbered waypoints linking the Real Maps to our clear descriptions The GR221 is one of Europe's most beautiful and aspirational treks in Europe. It travels the length of Mallorca's rugged mountain range, the Serra de Tramuntana. Along the way, you find a textbook Mediterranean landscape of azure waters, sandy beaches, rocky coves, all overlooked by rugged limestone peaks. As you pass the numerous drystone structures on the trail, you will learn plenty of the island's fascinating history and you will spend the night in some of its finest villages. This is Spain at its best and it will be an adventure that you will never forget.
Discovery Walking Guides Ltd GR221 Mallorca's Long Distance Walking Route
Walk! GR221 Mallorca's Long Distance Trail - The Dry Stone Way. If you want to get away from it all , there is no surer way than strapping on your boots, shouldering your backpack, and embarking on a long distance path; and there are few long distance paths more beguiling and more crammed with adventure than Mallorca s GR221, La Ruta de Pedra en Sec or The Dry Stone Way. Anybody who has visited Mallorca will appreciate the justice of the GR221's title. Following ancient bridleways along the length of the Tramuntana range, from Port d'Andratx in the southwest to Pollenca in the northeast, the GR221 touches on dry stone in its every manifestation, from the raw rock of the peaks and sweeping fields of karst to the tailored stones that have always been the island's building material of choice. In some cases, we use immaculately paved trails, at other times we walk on bare rock below looming cliffs, and everywhere we cross the rocky passes that have always been the portals between the Mallorca's otherwise isolated communities. En route, we see dry-stone huts, dry-stone springs, dry-stone threshing circles, dry-stone snowpits, dry-stone walls, dry-stone limekilns, dry-stone byres, dry-stone stiles, dry-stone bread ovens, dry-stone wells ...basically, anything you can prefix with 'dry-stone', we get it. Moreover, there is enough variety packed into this trail to fill an itinerary twice as long, the dry stone being broken up by plains of citrus groves, terraces of olive trees, forests of Holm Oak, exquisite pastoral enclaves, and spectacular valleys laced with glittering threads of mountain torrents, all of it backed by the broad blue palette of the Mediterranean. In the course of its 115 kilometres, the Ruta de Pedra en Sec takes walkers into places most tourists never see and offers us a bird's eye view of this magnificent landscape, giving visitors a complete picture of the Tramuntana range in a single holiday, freeing one from constraints of time and transport, and lending a coherence to the experience that day walks can only achieve over the course of a far longer and more costly trip. Features of Walk! GR221: Full details concerning the state of the route and accommodation options. Specific advice and comprehensive practical information to help you plan your trip. Detailed walking descriptions for each stage of the itinerary, including frequent timings to aid navigation and check your progress. GPS waypoints for every key point on the route. Full colour 1:40,000 scale maps drawn from our own surveys. Coloured photos illustrating each stage and dedicated photo pages so you can see at a glance what to look forward to each day. Walking route summaries including ratings for Effort, Time, Distance, Ascents/Descents, Refreshments and Vertigo risk. Altitude profiles drawn from our own GPS records. Alternative itineraries. Links to other walks. Town sketches describing the settlements en route. Gobbets giving background information about the island's history and culture. Note that this book is matched with the Mallorca North & Mountains Tour & Trail Map (paper & Super-Durable editions).
APA Publications Insight Guides Pocket Mallorca (Travel Guide with Free eBook)
Insight Guides Pocket MallorcaTravel made easy. Ask local experts.The definitive pocket-sized travel guide, now with free eBook and handy pull-out map.Compact, concise and packed full of essential information about where to go and what to do, this is an ideal on-the-move guide for exploring Mallorca. From top tourist attractions like Valldemossa, the Coves del Drac and Monestir de Llluc, to cultural gems, including the gorgeous town of Deia, picturesque walks in the Serra de Tramuntana, and the marvelous gothic cathedral in Palma, plan your perfect trip with this practical, all-in-one travel guide.Features of this travel guide to Mallorca:- Inspirational itineraries: discover the best destinations, sights and excursions, highlighted with stunning photography- Historical and cultural insights: delve into the island's rich history and culture, and learn all about its people, art and traditions- Practical full-colour maps: with every major attraction highlighted, the pull-out map makes on-the-ground navigation easy- Key tips and essential information: from transport to tipping, we've got you covered- The ultimate travel tool: download the free app and eBook to access all this and more from your phone or tablet- Covers: Palma de Mallorca; The Western Corner; The West Coast; The North and Northeast; The Central Plain; The East and SoutheastLooking for a comprehensive guide to Spain? Check out Insight Guides Spain for a detailed and entertaining look at all the country has to offer.About Insight Guides: Insight Guides is a pioneer of full-colour guide books, with almost 50 years' experience of publishing high-quality, visual travel guides with user-friendly, modern design. We produce around 400 full-colour print guide books and maps, as well as phrase books, picture-packed eBooks and apps to meet different travellers' needs. Insight Guides' unique combination of beautiful travel photography and focus on history and culture create a unique visual reference and planning tool to inspire your next adventure.
APA Publications The Mini Rough Guide to Mallorca (Travel Guide with Free eBook)
This pocket-sized travel guide to Mallorca is a convenient, quick-reference companion to discovering what to do, what to see and how to get around the destination. It covers top attractions like Palma Cathedral, Cala Deià, Platja de Formentor and Coves del Drac, as well as hidden gems, including Estellencs and Colònia de Sant Jordi. Our Mallorca guide book will save you time and enhance your exploration of this fascinating region. This Mallorca travel guide has been fully updated post-COVID-19. This Mini Rough Guide to MALLORCA covers: Palma, Sineu, Petra, Serra de Tramuntana, Sóller, Estellencs, Banyalbufar, Deià, Fornalutx, Valldemossa, Lluc, Pollença, Port de Pollença, Port d'Alcúdia, Península de Formentor, Serres de Llevant, Cala Ratjada, Porto Petro, Artà.In this guide book to Mallorca you will find: RECOMMENDATIONS FOR EVERY TYPE OF TRAVELLER Experiences selected for every kind of trip to Mallorca, from cultural explorations in Sineu to family activities in child-friendly places, like Castell d'Alaró or or chilled-out breaks in popular tourist areas, like Palma.TOP TEN ATTRACTIONSThis Mallorca travel guide covers the destination's top ten attractions not to miss, including Valldemossa monastery, Monestir de Lluc, Cabrera, Jardins and a Perfect Day itinerary suggestions.COMPACT FORMATCompact, concise, and packed with essential information, with a sharp design and colour-coded sections, this guide book to Mallorca is the perfect on-the-move companion when you're exploring Valldemossa.HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL INSIGHTSIncludes an insightful overview of landscape, history and culture of Mallorca.WHAT TO DODetailed description of entertainment, shopping, nightlife, festivals and events, and children's activities.PRACTICAL MAPSHandy colour maps on the inside cover flaps of this travel guide to Mallorca will help you find your way around.PRACTICAL TRAVEL INFORMATIONPractical information on eating out, including a handy glossary and detailed restaurant listings, as well as a comprehensive A-Z of travel tips on everything from getting around to health and tourist information.STRIKING PICTURESInspirational colour photography throughout.FREE EBOOK Free eBook download with every purchase of this Mallorca guide book to access all content from your phone or tablet for on-the-road exploration.
Lonely Planet Global Limited Lonely Planet Epic Road Trips of Europe
Buckle up for the next installment in our Epic series and the follow-up to Epic Drives of the World. Showcasing 50 of Europe’s greatest road trips, from classic drives such as Route Napoleon through the south of France to longer trips including Ireland's Wild Atlantic Way or taking a campervan through Finnish Lapland in the Arctic summer. We cover a huge variety of themes and experiences across drives that range from a few hours to a week or more.Each of the featured drives include: First-person accounts from writers who have completed the drive Challenge level grading: easy / harder / epic Inspirational photography, maps and practical information to follow the writer’s journey Driving factbox: when is the best time to drive, vehicle hire information, how to get there, what to take Expert travel advice: where to stay, recommended detours, the best places to eat Suggestions for similar drives 50 epic drives across Europe, including: Coast to the Edge of Alps (Albania) Grossglockner Hachalpenstrasse (Austria) Bulgaria's fortress highway: Plovdiv to Veliko Tarnovo (Bulgaria) The Adriatic Highway (Croatia) Central and Southern Bohemia Loop (Czech Republic) West Coast of Jutland (Denmark) The Cotswolds (England) Chateaux of the Loire Valley (France) To the Nurburgring (Germany) Iceland's Ring Road (Iceland) Wild Atlantic Way (Ireland) Dolomites Passes & Villages Loop (Italy) The Belfast Loop (Northern Ireland) West Coast - Bergen to Kristiansund (Norway) Portugal's National Route 2 (Portugal) EV Campervan Around Orkney (Scotland) Mallorca - Serra de Tramuntana (Spain) Furka Pass (Switzerland) The Coastal Way (Wales) With a vibrant cover illustrated by Ross Murray, this beautiful hardback continues this collectible series. Whether you’re a regular road tripper or just want to explore your destination in a new way, Epic Road Trips of Europe will inspire a lifetime of adventures out on the open road.About Lonely Planet: Lonely Planet is a leading travel media company, providing both inspiring and trustworthy information for every kind of traveller since 1973. Over the past four decades, we've printed over 145 million guidebooks and phrasebooks for 120 languages, and grown a dedicated, passionate global community of travellers. You'll also find our content online, and in mobile apps, videos, 14 languages, armchair and lifestyle books, ebooks, and more, enabling you to explore every day. 'Lonely Planet guides are, quite simply, like no other.' – New York Times'Lonely Planet. It's on everyone's bookshelves; it's in every traveller's hands. It's on mobile phones. It's on the Internet. It's everywhere, and it's telling entire generations of people how to travel the world.' – Fairfax Media (Australia)
APA Publications The Rough Guide to Mallorca & Menorca (Travel Guide with Free eBook)
Practical travel guide to Mallorca & Menorca with a free eBook featuring points-of-interest structured lists of all sights and off-the-beaten-track treasures, with detailed colour-coded maps, practical details about what to see and to do in Mallorca & Menorca. The Rough Guide to Mallorca & Menorca also includes details on how to get there and around, pre-departure information, as well as top time-saving tips, like a visual list of things not to miss in Mallorca & Menorca, expert author picks and itineraries to help you plan your trip. This guide book has been fully updated post-COVID-19 and it comes with a free eBook.The Rough Guide to Mallorca & Menorca covers: Palma and around; Western Mallorca; Northern Mallorca; Southern Mallorca; Menorca.Inside this travel guide you'll find:RECOMMENDATIONS FOR EVERY TYPE OF TRAVELLERExperiences for every kind of trip to Mallorca & Menorca, from off-the-beaten-track adventures in the Serra de Tramuntana to family activities in child-friendly places, like Jardines d'Alfábia or chilled-out breaks in popular tourist areas, like The Palma Cathedral.PRACTICAL TRAVEL TIPSEssential pre-departure information including Mallorca & Menorca entry requirements, getting around, health information, travelling with children, sports and outdoor activities, food and drink, festivals, culture and etiquette, shopping, tips for travellers with disabilities and more.TIME-SAVING ITINERARIESCarefully planned routes covering the best of Mallorca & Menorca give a taste of the richness and diversity of the destination, and have been created for different time frames or types of trip.DETAILED REGIONAL COVERAGEClear structure within each sightseeing chapter includes regional highlights, brief history, detailed sights and places ordered geographically, recommended restaurants, hotels, bars, clubs and major shops or entertainment options.INSIGHTS INTO GETTING AROUND LIKE A LOCALTips on how to beat the crowds, save time and money and find the best local spots for hiking, exploring sandy beaches, quiet villages or prehistoric remains.HIGHLIGHTS OF THINGS NOT TO MISSRough Guides' rundown of Palma, Valldemossa, Soller and Ciutadella's best sights and top experiences helps to make the most of each trip to Mallorca & Menorca, even in a short time.HONEST AND INDEPENDENT REVIEWSWritten by Rough Guides' expert authors with a trademark blend of humour, honesty and expertise, to help to find the best places in Mallorca & Menorca, matching different needs.BACKGROUND INFORMATIONComprehensive 'Contexts' chapter features fascinating insights into Mallorca & Menorca, with coverage of history, religion, ethnic groups, environment, wildlife and books, plus a handy language section and glossary.FABULOUS FULL COLOUR PHOTOGRAPHYFeatures inspirational colour photography, including the stunning Port d'Alcúdia and the spectacular Monestir de Lluc.COLOUR-CODED MAPPINGPractical full-colour maps, with clearly numbered, colour-coded keys for quick orientation in Petra, Maó and many more locations in Mallorca & Menorca, reduce the need to go online.USER-FRIENDLY LAYOUTWith helpful icons, and organised by neighbourhood to help you pick the best spots to spend your time.FREE EBOOKFree eBook download with every purchase of a printed book allows you to access all of the content from your phone or tablet, for on-the-road exploration.