Search results for ""Teachers College Press""
Teachers' College Press Relationship-Based Care for Infants and Toddlers: Fostering Early Learning and Development Through Responsive Practice
Learn how to create and nurture communities of care for diverse children, families, and practitioners through responsive practice. In this text, the social and emotional worlds of babies and toddlers, their peers, and their caregivers come to life in the everyday moments of infant-toddler care and education. The authors show infants and toddlers as active, agentic, and intentional social partners from the start of life, highlighting their unique capacities for social engagement with both adults and peers. Interwoven within each chapter's narrative are insights culled from extensive observations, teacher interviews, and video analyses. Part I emphasizes play, peer friendships, and humor as essential elements of infant learning, illustrated throughout with anecdotes of praxis in early care and education settings. Building on these aspects of babies' ways of being in group care, Part II examines the complex roles of infant-toddler professionals and the critical importance of supportive and caring environments. Readers will explore the elements needed for in-depth and specialized professional preparation, including overarching principles of relationship-based practice.Book Features: Illuminates particular and understudied ways that infants and toddlers actively contribute to their own social learning and development. Shares how teachers learn to engage with and nurture infants' and toddlers' social capacities and experiences within child care settings. Uses anecdotes and vignettes from the authors' research and practice with infants, toddlers, and caregivers to bring their experiences to life. Discusses themes that are important and unique for infancy and toddlerhood, such as play, friendships, humor, and professional love. Presents a unique set of chapters that reveal infants' and toddlers' perspectives, while also considering the caregiver's actions within a responsive care framework.
Teachers' College Press Core Practices for Teaching Multilingual Students: Humanizing Pedagogies for Equity
Learn how to teach multilingual students effectively and equitably with this practical and accessible resource. The authors share real-world examples from the classrooms of ESOL teachers, unpack the teachers' thinking about their instruction, and identify six core practices that are foundational to teaching multilingual students: knowing your multilingual students, building a positive learning environment, integrating content and language instruction, supporting language and literacy development, using assessment, and developing positive relationships and engaging in advocacy. The book focuses on how K–12 teachers can use these core practices in ways that humanize their instruction—positioning students as whole human beings, valuing the assets and resources they bring to the classroom, actively involving them in rigorous instruction that draws on their experiences and knowledge, responding to each unique learning context, and disrupting traditional power dynamics in education. This text will help pre- and in-service teachers of multilingual students to center equity and justice in their practice and understand how to move humanizing mindsets into action.Book Features: Identifies and describes core practices for teaching multilingual students. Offers opportunities to analyze teachers' instruction using core practices. Includes templates and additional resources that help teachers extend the use of core practices to their own planning. Supports teacher educators in preparing teachers to move humanizing mindsets to humanizing practices. Provides access to supplementary video clips depicting teachers as they engage in these practices and discuss their use.
Teachers' College Press Doing Critical Research in Education: From Theory to Practice
This introductory text provides a clear, readable description of critical theory research and how to use it in educational settings. Critical theory has evolved since the early days of the Frankfurt School. It no longer addresses only issues of capitalism, culture, class, and ideology, but also challenges issues of race, sexual orientation, gender, ability, ethnicity, and more. In the zeitgeist of today, these issues are on the debate stage. This timely guide is divided into three main sections: Background of Critical Research in Education, Intersectional and Identity-Based Critical Research in Education, and Additional Types of Critical Research in Education. For each critical approach, the authors provide background, important terminology and concepts, notable researchers and theories, as well as how to design and conduct a study using examples of published articles. Doing Critical Research in Education is a must-have for anyone who wants to engage in critical research to assist them in understanding and addressing some of the most pressing issues in education today, as well as all areas in which there is oppression or marginalization of students and their communities.Book Features: Offers a thorough yet accessible overview on how to employ critical theory in research. Provides a rich explanation of difficult foundational knowledge with examples of how to apply the concepts in education settings. Includes a user-friendly format appropriate for students, professors, researchers, and practitioners.
Teachers' College Press Critical Race Theory and Its Critics: Implications for Research and Teaching
What and who is behind the attacks on Critical Race Theory (CRT)? Why are attacks on the teaching of racism happening now and what can be done about them? In this book, López and Sleeter answer these questions in an effort to intentionally and strategically provide readers with sustainable tools for teaching toward an equitable future. This comprehensive book includes an overview of today's controversy surrounding CRT; a historical account of efforts to thwart fair and unbiased education opportunities; research on why these efforts have been successful; and ways for teachers, school leaders, and researchers to address this pushback in their own work. Contrary to claims by critics of CRT, research supports that addressing racism in the classroom is an integral part of a broader effort in ensuring that all children thrive. Written in an accessible style for a broad audience, Critical Race Theory and Its Critics offers evidence-based recommendations on messaging (including social media), organizing, and sharing of research.Book Features: Draws from published research, as well as current news articles, reports, and events. Offers one cohesive resource on CRT, antiracist education, and the political landscape. Delves into the role of the media, social media, and think tanks in creating the controversies with guidance for combating their messaging. Contextualizes the immediate precursors to the attacks on CRT and other equity-focused approaches in schools.
Teachers' College Press Reclaiming Democratic Education: Student and Teacher Activism and the Future of Education Policy
Since the spring of 2018, hundreds of thousands of students, teachers, and their allies have protested at or against their schools. These students and teachers have been protesting on a wide range of issues from gun control and climate change to the underfunding of education and institutional responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. In Reclaiming Democratic Education, Chris Thomas examines how these activities exist at the intersection of two conflicting traditions. The book looks at a history of student and teacher activism that aligns with the democratic purposes of public education. This history is now colliding with current policies that privilege the economic aims of education and restrict civic agency. By situating contemporary activism within these conflicting traditions, Thomas demonstrates how these activities constitute a rejection of the currently dominant policy paradigm in U.S. education. Thomas concludes with a discussion of how activism provides a foundation from which concerned teachers, school leaders, and policymakers can develop a new model for American education, one that reclaims an education for citizenship.Book Features: Traces the interconnected histories of student and teacher activism, from the Revolutionary Period through the Common School Movement and the decade of protests in the 1960s to today. Demonstrates how education policy positions teachers as the passive recipients of policy, who are often expected to sacrifice their own wellbeing for that of their students. Provides a roadmap of policy shifts that would disrupt the currently dominant paradigm in American education and realize an Education for Citizenship paradigm.
Teachers' College Press Unsettling Settler-Colonial Education: The Transformational Indigenous Praxis Model
This book presents the Transformational Indigenous Praxis Model (TIPM), an innovative framework for promoting critical consciousness toward decolonization efforts among educators. The TIPM challenges readers to examine how even the most well intended educators are complicit in reproducing ethnic stereotypes, racist actions, deficit-based ideology, and recolonization. Drawing from decades of collaboration with teachers and school leaders serving Indigenous children and communities, this volume will help educators better support the development of their students' critical thinking skills. Representing a holistic balance, the text is organized in four sections: Birth–Grade 12 and Community Education, Teacher Education, Higher Education, and Educational Leadership. Unsettling Settler-Colonial Education centers the needs of teachers, children, families, and communities that are currently engaged in public education and who deserve an improved experience today, while also committing to more positive Indigenous futurities.Book Features: Introduces the TIPM as a structure that supports educators in decolonizing and indigenizing their practices. Provides examples of how pathway-making across a variety of settings takes shape on the TIPM continuum. Highlights a diverse group of authors who are making major contributions to the transformation agendas of Indigenous knowledge and ways of knowing. Includes a brief summary of the TIPM dimensions with examples of the challenges that educators face as they expand their critical consciousness toward decolonization. Follows Native oral traditions by sharing lessons, research, and personal lived experience. Identifies the deficit ideological underpinnings that frame Indigenous students' school experiences. Employs a metaphor of wave jumping to illustrate how educators working to decolonize their practice can gain forward momentum with time and energy even while facing resistance. Provides a methodology to promote healing and cultural restoration of Indigenous peoples.
Teachers' College Press Culturally and Socially Responsible Assessment: Theory, Research, and Practice
This book addresses a problem that affects the work of all educators: how traditional methods of assessment undermine the capacity of schools to serve students with diverse cultural and social backgrounds and identities. Anchored in a common-sense notion of validity, this book explains how current K–12 assessment practices are grounded in the language, experiences, and values of the dominant White culture. It presents a timely review of research on bias in classroom and large-scale assessments, as well as research on how students’ level of engagement influences their performances. The author recommends practices that can improve the validity of students’ assessment performances by minimizing sources of bias, using culturally responsive assessment tools, and adopting strategies likely to increase students’ engagement with assessment tasks. This practical resource provides subject-specific approaches for improving the cultural and social relevance of assessment tools and offers guidance for evaluating existing assessment instruments for bias, language complexity, and accessibility issues. Book Features: Research-based recommendations for improving assessment fairness, validity, and cultural/social relevance. Practices that have been shown to improve the effectiveness of classroom assessments in supporting student learning. Concrete examples of how to create culturally relevant assessment tasks that target valued learning goals in language arts, mathematics, social studies, and science classrooms. Appendixes that provide tools educators can use to improve grading practices.
Teachers' College Press Making Classroom Discussions Work: Methods for Quality Dialogue in the Social Studies
For the last 2 decades, the field of social studies education has seen an increase in research on the use of discussions as an essential instructional technique. This book examines the importance of using quality dialogue as a tool to help students understand complex issues in social studies classrooms. The author provides a collection of well-known, evidence-based discussion techniques as well as classroom examples showing the methods in use. While the benefits of using discussion as an instructional method is widely considered a best practice of civic learning, actual high-quality discussions are rare and notoriously difficult to facilitate. Making Classroom Discussions Work is designed to guide teacher educators and classroom teachers in facilitating equitable and productive discussions that will boost learning and democratic engagement.Book Features: Emphasizes the rationale for using discussion in social studies teaching. Collects strategies that have been proposed in disparate journal articles and books in one convenient volume. Presents research-based challenges and supports for conducting and assessing discussions in the social studies. Includes methods and tips to help teachers make discussions more equitable in their classrooms.
Teachers' College Press Racial Literacies and Social Studies: Curriculum, Instruction, and Learning
This volume collects the work of historians, researchers, and classroom teachers to define what it means to be a racially literate educator and citizen. History classes should be spaces in which all students learn about their predecessors' legacies as a context for understanding and decision-making in contemporary society. In reality, the historical experiences of people of color are additive at best or marginalized at worst. To address the complexities of teaching and learning about race in the history classroom, chapter authors answer a series of questions related to curriculum, instruction, student learning, and teacher education: (1) how U.S. history narratives and curricular frameworks can or do incorporate the histories of racial/immigrant groups, (2) how teachers in particular contexts enact instruction that promotes and/or impedes students' racial literacy, (3) what students learn or don't learn from race lessons in history, and (4) how teacher educators can educate the next generation of teachers to become racially literate. Readers can use this resource to enable all young people to acquire the knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary to critique the nation's legacy of racial inequality, as well as understand the historical movements to disrupt inequality. Book Features: Contributes new scholarship on teaching and learning about race, ethnicity, and immigration. Draws on empirical studies about the cognitive and affective complexities of teaching about race in ethnically homogenous or heterogeneous K–12 classrooms. Shows why the social studies classroom is the educative space to have deep and meaningful experiences in teaching about race and racism. Organized in four sections that focus on curriculum, social studies instruction, student learning, and teacher learning.
Teachers' College Press Next-Level Digital Tools and Teaching: Solving Six Major Instructional Challenges, K–12
What we have learned from the many challenges of online teaching and learning during the COVID-19 pandemic is the focus of this authoritative resource. Featuring teachers' experiences and classroom examples, the authors examine what's needed and what works in order to help educators improve current models of technology-integrated instruction in their schools and districts. With a focus on digital tools and planning for any setting, the text provides ready-to-use help for designing technology-integrated lessons, building and managing community, selecting the best digital tools for particular tasks, increasing student engagement, and differentiating instruction. The text also includes a final chapter that looks at how leaders can support schoolwide coordination and infrastructure. Action items at the end of each chapter address the specific needs of individuals, teams, and schools to help them shift from reflection to actual implementation, encouraging collaboration and accountability. Next-Level Digital Tools and Teaching is applicable to teaching and learning in face-to-face, online, or hybrid K–12 classroom settings. Book Features: Focuses on problems related to online teaching, specifically critical issues identified during the 2020–2021 school year. Models how to design instruction that leverages technology tools designed to engage students with content in multiple ways. Includes examples of lesson plans, digital tool applications, and ideas for assessing student knowledge in K–12 digital environments. Provides ready-to-download checklists and templates. Offers guidance that will continue to be valuable long after the world recovers from COVID-19 and students return to physical classrooms.
Teachers' College Press Everybody's Classroom: Differentiating for the Shared and Unique Needs of Diverse Students
Most people are keenly aware that every student is different and that today's classrooms challenge educators to build safe and successful learning communities comprising students whose races, languages, cultures, experiences, assets, and dreams vary greatly. This book offers K–12 teachers both the foundations for differentiating their instruction and the means to maximize learning opportunities by getting to know students beyond the labels and stereotypes that often accompany them into the classroom. Tomlinson shows how to use "Highways and Exit ramps" to reach the whole class, with "highway" content and "exit ramps" to specialize needs. Chapters offer numerous recommendations for modifying environments, activities, and assessments; for helping teachers move forward in their instructional planning; and for helping each learner grow academically. Everybody's Classroom extends Tomlinson's previous work by looking more deeply at specific student populations to help educators create classrooms that are more inclusive than ever before. Chapters cover successful differentiation for English learners; students experiencing poverty; students with different ethnic, cultural, religious, and gender orientations; and students with diverse identified special needs. Book Features: Provides a framework for understanding the scope of differentiation, as opposed to seeing it as a prescribed set of instructional strategies. Shows how to recognize common student needs that cut across student labels, from gifted to traumatized. Offers suggestions for teacher actions based on observation of students and student work. Classroom examples and helpful tables, charts, and graphics.
Teachers' College Press Culturally Relevant Pedagogy: Asking a Different Question
For the first time, this volume provides a definitive collection of Gloria Ladson-Billings' groundbreaking concept of Culturally Relevant Pedagogy (CRP). After repeatedly confronting deficit perspectives that asked, "What's wrong with 'those' kids?", Ladson-Billings decided to ask a different question, one that fundamentally shifted the way we think about teaching and learning. Noting that "those kids" usually meant Black students, she posed a new question: "What is right with Black students and what happens in classrooms where teachers, parents, and students get it right?" This compilation of Ladson-Billings' published work on Culturally Relevant Pedagogy examines the theory, how it works in specific subject areas, and its role in teacher education. The final section looks toward the future, including what it means to re-mix CRP with youth culture such as hip hop. This one-of-a-kind collection can be used as an introduction to CRP and as a summary of the idea as it evolved over time, helping a new generation to see the possibilities that exist in teaching and learning for all students.Featured Essays:1. Toward a Theory of Culturally Relevant Pedagogy2. But That's Just Good Teaching: The Case for Culturally Relevant Pedagogy3. Liberatory Consequences of Literacy4. It Doesn't Add Up: African American Students and Mathematics Achievement5. Crafting a Culturally Relevant Social Studies Approach6. Fighting for Our Lives: Preparing Teachers to Teach African American Students7. What's the Matter With the Team? Diversity in Teacher Education8. It's Not the Culture of Poverty, It's the Poverty of Culture: The Problem With Teacher Education9. Culturally Relevant Teaching 2.0, a.k.a. the Remix10. Beyond Beats, Rhymes, and Beyoncé: Hip-Hop Education and Culturally Relevant Pedagogy
Teachers' College Press Doing Case Study Research: A Practical Guide for Beginning Researchers
Now in a Fourth Edition, this how-to guide is an excellent starting point for anyone looking to begin case study research. The authors-all professors teaching graduate students in education and other professions-provide the structure, detail, and guidance needed for beginning researchers to complete a systematic case study. Improvements for this edition include more practical and detailed guidance for conducting a literature review, a more efficient and easy-to-understand reorganization of the case study examples, and updated citations throughout the text. As with previous editions, this succinct handbook emphasizes learning how to do case study research-from the first step of deciding whether a case study is the way to go to the last step of verifying and confirming findings before disseminating them. It shows students how to determine an appropriate research design, conduct informative interviews, record observations, document analyses, delineate ways to confirm case study findings, describe methods for deriving meaning from data, and communicate findings.Book Features: Straightforward introduction to the science of doing case study research. A step-by-step approach that speaks directly to the novice investigator. Many concrete examples to illustrate key concepts. Questions, illustrations, and activities to reinforce what has been learned.
Teachers' College Press Integrating Primary and Secondary Sources Into Teaching: The SOURCES Framework for Authentic Investigation
Learn how to integrate and evaluate primary and secondary sources by using the SOURCES framework. SOURCES is an acronym for an approach that educators can use with students in all grades and content areas: Scrutinize the fundamental source, Organize thoughts, Understand the context, Read between the lines, Corroborate and refute, Establish a plausible narrative, and Summarize final thoughts. Waring outlines a clearly delineated, step-by-step process of how to progress through the seven stages of the framework, and provides suggestions for seamlessly integrating emerging technologies into instruction. The text provides classroom-ready examples and explicit scaffolding, such as sources analysis sheets for various types of primary and secondary sources. Readers can use this resource to give students the skills and knowledge necessary to think critically and create evidence-based narratives, in a manner similar to professionals in the field.Book Features: Offers a grounded means for conducting higher-order reasoning and inquiry. Demonstrates how to integrate this approach in various disciplinary areas, such as social studies, English/language arts, mathematics, and science. Provides user-friendly lessons and activities. Includes resources to assist students throughout the inquiry process.
Teachers' College Press The Power of Student Agency: Looking Beyond Grit to Close the Opportunity Gap
How can we promote the learning and well-being of all students, especially those who come from some of the most disadvantaged backgrounds? Anindya Kundu argues that we can fight against deeply rooted inequalities in the American educational system by harnessing student agency—each person's unique capacity for positive change. To make his case, Kundu draws powerful narratives from a population of individuals who beat the odds to become academically and professionally successful. These strivers have overcome challenges such as broken families, homelessness, unexpected pregnancies, forms of abuse, incarceration, and more, to make it in the world. But it wasn't simply individualism, tenacity, resilience, or grit that helped them. Rather, as Kundu illustrates, it was a combination of social and cultural supports that paved the path towards their dreams, harnessing the inherent power of their agency.Book Features: A counter-narrative to the popular misconception that all students need is "grit." A strengths-based approach to education that is sensitive to students' communities and cultures. Rich, first-person quotes from individuals who have overcome immense odds. Useful diagrams for educational stakeholders on the relationship between grit and agency. Descriptions of dense sociological concepts presented in plain terms. Inclusion of fundamental and new waves in psychology.
Teachers' College Press The Ethics of Special Education
Updated to include changes in the field, this new edition addresses ethical issues that are most pressing to special education teachers and administrators. Using a case-based approach, students are encouraged to reason and collaborate about due process, the distribution of educational resources, institutional unresponsiveness, professional relationships, conflicts among parents and teachers, and confidentiality.
Teachers' College Press The Indispensable Guide to Undergraduate Research: Success in and Beyond College
Despite all of the information that exists to encourage students to attend and do well in college, this is the first research-based guide that directly advises first- and second-year college students. With a focus on the needs and interests of students who are underrepresented in the academy (African American, Latinx, low-income, and first-generation students), this book will help all students take full advantage of the academic resources that the university setting has to offer. The authors introduce students to different types of research across the disciplines, showing them how to work with professors to build a course of study, how to integrate research work into coursework, and how to write and present research. This timely volume will also assist faculty, staff, and parents in providing the needed tools to promote student success. Visit the book website at
Teachers' College Press They're All Writers: Teaching Peer Tutoring in the Elementary Writing Center
“They're All Writers” will help teachers explore the power of writing centers. In elementary school classrooms across the country, writing instruction (not grammar worksheets or spelling drills) is still the neglected “R.” In this book, classroom teachers will find foundational information about the writing process with everything they need to begin and facilitate a peer tutoring writing center. Student-led writing centers harness the social and instructional power of students working and learning together, and this book includes specific lessons to teach students how to be effective peer tutors and how to be better writers.
Teachers' College Press Personal Narrative, Revised: Writing Love and Agency in the High School Classroom
In this inspirational book, LaMay shows readers how to transform classrooms and schools into places where youth can explore the intersection between literacy and their lives. This book is the culmination of a literacy curriculum that the author and her high school students wrote dialogically, beginning with their attempt to define love. Through real-life classroom examples, they demonstrate how an innovative curriculum that intertwines personal and academic engagement can create space for students to explore their identities, connect to literary texts, and develop agency as writers and thinkers. In this important contribution to literacy educators, the author shows how personal narratives can help students rebuild their fractured relationships with school and envision writing and academic achievement as playing a role in their futures.Book Features: Evidence of how students’ social-emotional and academic growth may intertwine in the interest of school engagement. A re-conceptualization of the complex layers of the personal narrative genre and its role in the pedagogy of academic writing. A reinterpretation of the transformational role of revision in students’ academic and life texts. Examples of writing and interview data that illustrate the diversity of student responses.
Teachers' College Press Facilitating for Learning: Tools for Teacher Group of All Kinds
One of the most important shifts in schools in the last two decades has been the growing emphasis on collaboration among teachers and other educators. Whether you are a teacher facilitating a group for the first time or an experienced facilitator seeking to further develop your skills, this book is for you. Organized to be used as both an exploration of the role of facilitating and as a handbook of strategies, this resource covers a range of contexts that include faculty meetings, department meetings, professional learning communities, grade-level teams, and inquiry groups. This book is a perfect companion to the authors' bestseller, , which focuses on the skills needed to facilitate protocols or structured conversations. Facilitating for Learning extends the scope of that work by also examining the facilitator's responsibilities for supporting a group's learning during all parts of a meeting, between meetings, and within the larger school context and culture. It is an essential resource for teachers, administrators, coaches, and teacher educators.
Teachers' College Press Assessing Students' Digital Writing: Protocols for Looking Closely
In this book, Troy Hicks – a leader in the teaching of digital writing – collaborates with seven National Writing Project teacher consultants to provide a protocol for assessing students’ digital writing. This collection highlights six case studies centered on evidence the authors have uncovered through teacher inquiry and structured conversations about students’ digital writing. Beginning with a digital writing sample, each teacher offers an analysis of a student’s work and a reflection on how collaborative assessment affected his or her teaching. Because the authors include teachers from kindergarten to college, this book provides opportunities for vertical discussions of digital writing development, as well as grade-level conversations about high-quality digital writing. The collection also includes an introduction and conclusion, written by Hicks, that provides context for the inquiry group’s work and recommendations for assessment of digital writing.
Teachers' College Press Becoming Young Thinkers: Deep Project Work in the Classroom
Continuing the exploration of project work in the author’s bestselling book, Young Investigators, Second Edition, this book is designed for preschool through primary grade teachers who know how to do project work but are ready to move to the next level. Focusing on how children become young thinkers, the book begins with mind, brain, and education science and instructional guidelines for all learning experiences, and then connects these to the rich foundation of the project approach. Helm provides specific strategies for deepening project work, including how to select meaningful topics, plan for projects, integrate standards (including the Common Core), support children's questioning, create provocations to promote engagement, and help children represent their ideas. This practical resource will extend practitioners’ knowledge about project-based learning so they can move beyond the basics to create project work that is more engaging, meaningful, and productive.
Teachers' College Press A Critical Inquiry Framework for K-12 Teachers: Lessons and Resources from the U.N. Rights of the Child
This dynamic book provides powerful ideas to guide pedagogy and a curriculum model for helping students connect with issues in their lives while meeting standards. Vivid portraits of K–12 classrooms illustrate how teachers used a human rights framework to engage students in critical inquiry of relevant social issues, such as immigration rights, religious tolerance, racial equality, countering the effects of poverty, and respect for people with disabilities. The book shows how a group of teachers worked together to develop a critical content frameworkusing the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Chapters highlight lively classroom and community action projects.
Teachers' College Press Black School White School: Racism and Educational (Mis) Leadership
How do race and race relations influence leadership practice and the education of students? In this timely and provocative book, the author identifies cultural and unstated norms and beliefs around race and race relations, and explores how these dynamics influence the kind of education students receive. Drawing on findings from extensive observations, interviews, and documents, the author reveals that many decisions that should have been based on pedagogy (or what is best for students) were instead inspired by conscious and unconscious racist assumptions, discrimination, and stereotypes. With applicable implications and lessons for all, this book will help schools and leadership programs to take the next step in addressing longstanding and deeply entrenched inequity and inequality in schools.
Teachers' College Press SAT Wars: The Case for Test-Optional College Admissions
What can a college admissions officer safely predict about the future of a 17-year-old? Are the best and the brightest students the ones who can check off the most correct boxes on a multiple-choice exam? Or are there better ways of measuring ability and promise? In this penetrating and revealing look at high-stakes standardised admissions tests, Joseph Soares demonstrates the far-reaching and mostly negative impact of the tests on American life and calls for nothing less than a national policy change. SAT Wars presents a roadmap for rethinking college admissions that moves us past the statistically weak and socially divisive SAT/ACT. The author advocates for evaluation tools with a greater focus on what youth actually accomplish in high school as a more reliable indicator of qualities that really matter in one's life and to one's ability to contribute to society. This up-to-date book features contributions by well-known experts, including a piece from Daniel Golden, who won a Pulitzer Prize for his reporting in the Wall Street Journal on admissions, and a chapter on alternative tests from Robert Sternberg, who is the world's most-cited living authority on educational research. As we continue to debate the use and misuse of standardised testing, SAT Wars will be important reading for a wide audience, including college administrators and faculty, high school guidance counsellors, education journalists, and parents.
Teachers' College Press Distance Learning in Higher Education: A Programmatic Approach to Planning, Design, Instruction, Evaluation, and Accreditation
This useful resource describes best practices for designing online programs and courses. Translating research on the learning characteristics of adult university students and their experiences with online learning into practical guidelines, the authors address topics such as: program and course planning, design and delivery; multicultural and gender issues; program evaluation; student evaluation of online teaching, and institutional and program accreditation.The text includes resources, such as online course materials and assessment tasks that are culturally responsive and implement the strategies presented in the book. Providing a roadmap for those wishing to design and implement a distance learning program, this up-to-date volume explains how to facilitate and moderate interactions using a constructivist approach, presents strategies that respond to race- and gender-related challenges, provides a model for evaluating distance education programs, identifies strategies that promote valid and reliable evaluations of online teaching, and addresses institution and distance education program accreditation issues.
Teachers' College Press Preparing America's Teachers: A History
The preparation of America's teachers is among the foremost issues facing education in the United States today. In this compelling account, James W. Fraser, an eminent historian of education, takes readers through two centuries of teacher preparation to uncover its development from colonial times to current standards-based models. Fraser examines a broad array of institutional arrangements, such as more familiar ""normal schools"" and less well-known arrangements, including teacher institutes and high school programs in rapidly expanding cities, segregated communities, rural areas, and Indian reservations. For any reader wishing to understand how to prepare teachers and reform schools, Fraser's incisive survey provides much-needed historical grounding.
Teachers' College Press Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale: Video Guide and Training Workbook
The activities in this 24-page workbook prepare participants to use the Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale®–Revised Edition (ECERS-R), including explanations for the scoring system, terms used throughout the Scale, protocols for observation, sample situations for scoring practice, and more.The Workbook is to be used in conjunction with the Video Observations for the ECERS-R video, as part of a training package. Each participant will require a personal copy of the Video Guide and Training Workbook, which can be reproduced for use in the classroom for educational purposes only.ERS® and Environment Rating Scale® are registered trademarks of Teachers College, Columbia University.
Teachers' College Press Emotionally Responsive Teaching: Expanding Trauma-Informed Practice With Young Children
Learn how to navigate the challenging terrain of connecting with a child who is deeply afraid, angry, and/or sad. Framing this work as emotionally responsive teaching (ERT), this book expands current conceptualizations of trauma-informed practice to encompass more broadly the relational demands of supporting young children with challenging life circumstances. The author accomplishes this by (1) arguing that predominant discussions of trauma fail to consider the ways that traumatic responses may facilitate both risk and resilience in children's lives, (2) describing the impact of traumatic experiences and exposure to chronic stress on children's development, (3) articulating a framework for ERT, and (4) providing readers with applied strategies for practicing ERT in their classrooms. Throughout, readers are encouraged to transform the systems of oppression that are being manifested through children's struggles in the classroom. Book Features: Provides models that guide teachers through the nuanced and sometimes overwhelming interactions they may have with children experiencing trauma. Shares the author's own challenges and triumphs through case studies of pre-K–3rd grade classrooms to illustrate the process of emotionally responsive teaching. Builds on research from the fields of education, psychology, and counseling. Integrates current work on trauma-informed practice with the paradigm of culturally responsive pedagogy by framing trauma as often rooted in systems of inequity and oppression.
Teachers' College Press Education for Liberal Democracy: Using Classroom Discussion to Build Knowledge and Voice
Our democracy is in crisis. Both political trust and a shared standard of truth are broken. In this book, Walter Parker shows why and how a civic education can help. Offering a centrist approach suitable for a polarized society, Parker focuses on two linked curriculum objectives: disciplinary knowledge and voice. He illustrates how classroom discussion, alongside concept formation and deep reading, expand students' minds while developing their ability to speak with others and form opinions. When children come to school, they emerge from the private chrysalis of babyhood and kin to interact with a diverse student body along with teachers, curriculum, instruction, and the school's unique mission: education. Parker argues that these assets make school the ideal place to teach young people the liberal arts of studying and discussing public issues and academic controversies, both in and beyond school. The chapters in this collection, spanning 20 years and coming from one of civic education's most influential scholars, show that voice can be taught right alongside disciplinary knowledge. Drawing students into dialogue with one another on the curriculum's central questions is a teacher's most ambitious goal and, when it happens, teaching's greatest accomplishment.Book Features: Argues that the proper aim of civic education in schools is to shore up liberal democracy. Shows how discussion can be a main course, and not a side dish, of classroom instruction. Demonstrates how to use discussion to develop voice, defined as the freedom to make and express uncoerced decisions, and disciplinary knowledge, defined as the knowledge that results from a public process of error-seeking, contestation, and validation. Explains why students need to learn both disciplinary knowledge and voice if they are to take their place on the public stage and hold the "office of citizen" in a democracy. Treats subject-centered and student-centered instruction as partners, not opponents.
Teachers' College Press Cooperative Games in Education: Building Community Without Competition, Pre-K–12
Cooperative Games in Education is the first comprehensive guide to the world of cooperative play and games for pre-K–12 learning. It includes a thorough pedagogical rationale and guidelines for practice, a survey of related research and scholarship, engaging anecdotes, illustrations, historical background, and an array of sample games to try. In cooperative games, players win or lose together, sharing the experience of fun and challenge. No one can be eliminated in a cooperative game. What is eliminated is us-versus-them perception and zero-sum thinking. When students come to see each other as allies, rather than rivals, there are profound interpersonal effects that enhance community, inclusion, and a positive classroom climate where all can learn and thrive. This accessible, lively resource explains the value of cooperative games with guidance to help teachers use them for maximum social-emotional and academic benefit. Cooperative Games in Education will also interest the broader community of administrators, therapists, school psychologists, game designers, child-care providers, and others who care for children and need tools that foster healthy development, positive relationships, and joy. Book Features: Discussion of relevant research and theory. Best practices for choosing and facilitating cooperative games, including how to integrate them into any curriculum, guide post-game reflection, and convert traditional competitive games to cooperative ones. A full chapter of educational cooperative games correlated to their educational purpose. Discussion of some of the most salient applications of cooperative games, such as social-emotional learning, academic subject-area instruction, cooperative learning, trauma-sensitive practice, bullying prevention, early childhood education, and more. User-friendly features such as questions for reflection, end-of-chapter games, charming author-generated illustrations, and classroom vignettes. A synthesis of interdisciplinary scholarship that includes the work of Montessori, Piaget, Froebel, and Dewey, as well as perspectives from neuroscience and evolutionary biology. The fascinating history of cooperative games, from their origin as a tool for peace education to their current role as a pop-culture entertainment phenomenon.
Teachers' College Press City Schools and the American Dream 2: The Enduring Promise of Public Education
Over a decade ago, the first edition of City Schools and the American Dream debuted just as reformers were gearing up to make sweeping changes in urban education. Despite the rhetoric and many reform initiatives, urban schools continue to struggle under the weight of serious challenges. What went wrong and is there hope for future change? More than a new edition, this sequel to the original bestseller has been substantially revised to include insights from new research, recent demographic trends, and emerging political realities. In addition to surveying the various limitations that urban schools face, the book also highlights programs, communities, and schools that are making good on public education's promise of equity. With renewed commitment and sense of urgency, this new edition provides a clear-eyed vision of what it will take to ensure the success of city schools and their students.Book Features: Surveys persistent and emerging challenges in urban education. Synthesizing the latest education research in a way that is accessible to a wide audience, including teachers, students, administrators, parents, and community partners. Focuses on solutions, highlighting new developments and opportunities for achieving educational equity despite ongoing political challenges. Incorporates research from co-author Esa Syeed's extensive study of school reform and community engagement in Washington, DC.
Teachers' College Press Collaborative Lesson Study: ReVisioning Teacher Professional Development
Discover how Lesson Study benefits both students and teachers. Unlike scripted curricula that strip teachers of professional decision-making, Lesson Study values teachers by expecting them to be agents of improvement in their own classrooms. This resource empowers readers to oppose reform efforts that minimize teacher agency by offering an evidence-based approach to teacher-led instructional improvement. The text provides structures for attending to students' interests, knowledge, and values when planning, teaching, reflecting, and revising instruction. It also shows educators how to use Lesson Study to design culturally responsive, differentiated instruction for the K–12 classroom. Use this step-by-step guide to develop professional learning communities; increase teacher motivation, efficacy, and knowledge; and support improvement adapted to local contexts. Book Features: Guides readers through three cycles of Lesson Study, taking teacher learning deeper with each cycle. Focuses on developing student understanding that supports meaningful instruction across academic areas. Emphasizes the utility of Lesson Study for informing culturally responsive instruction. Includes examples from a variety of grade-levels and content areas, featuring both pre- and inservice teachers. Includes additional resources and prompts in each chapter to guide application.
Teachers' College Press Educating Emergent Bilinguals: Policies, Programs, and Practices for English Learners
Now available in a revised and expanded edition, this accessible guide introduces readers to the issues and controversies surrounding the education of language minority students in the United States. What makes this book a perennial favorite are the succinct descriptions of alternative practices for transforming our schools and students’ futures, such as building on students’ home languages and literacy practices, incorporating curricular and pedagogical innovations, using proven-effective approaches to parent engagement, and employing alternative assessment tools. The authors have updated their bestseller to reflect recent shifts in policies, programs, and practices due to globalization and the changing economy demographic trends and new research on EL pedagogy. A totally new chapter highlights multimedia and multimodal instructional possibilities for engaging EL students. This Second Edition is essential reading for all teachers of language-minority students, as well as principals, superintendents, and policymakers.
Teachers' College Press Artifactual Literacies: Every Object Tells a Story
To re-engage students with literacy, teachers need an entry point that recognizes and honors students' out-of-school identities. This book looks at how artifacts (everyday objects) access the daily, sensory world in which students live. Exploring how artifacts can generate literacy learning, the book shows teachers how to use a family photo, heirloom, or recipe to tell intergenerational tales; how to collaborate with local museums and cultural centers; how to create new material artifacts; and much more. Featuring vignettes, lesson examples, and photographs, the text includes chapters on community connections, critical literacy, adolescent writing, and digital storytelling. This book features a theoretical framework for teaching literacy that unites the domains of home and school and brings students' passions to the forefront; a fresh, integrated synthesis of the fields of New Literacy Studies, multimodality, material cultural studies, and literacy education; new field-tested ideas for creating lessons that improve literacy standards.
Teachers College Press Beyond Smarter Mediated Learning and the Brains Capacity for Change 0
A summary of the work of Reuven Feuerstein. Feuerstein and his co-authors define intelligence as a dynamic force that drives the human organism to change the structure of thinking in order to answer needs. They describe the specific skills of the three stages of thinking - the input and data-gathering stage; the processing stage; and the output stage - and show how student thinking can stall at any of these stages and how intentional mediation can help students restructure their thinking and improve their ability to learn.
Teachers' College Press Republic and the School: Horace Mann on the Education of Free Men
First in the Classics in Education Series, this volume offers excerpts from Horace Mann’s famous annual reports with an eye to their relevance to today’s educational problems.
Teachers' College Press Dismantling Disproportionality in Practice
Offers culturally responsive processes and concrete tools to address disproportionality and create more equitable schools. The authors draw on their work with school districts to demonstrate how using a theory of change can address disproportionate outcomes of special education placement and exclusionary discipline for students of colour.
Teachers' College Press Anti-Blackness at School: Creating Affirming Educational Spaces for African American Students
While schools often are framed as places of neutrality and fairness, many American schools have harmed Black children or been silent in the face of their struggles, under-education, and mistreatment. While there are undoubtedly adults in these spaces who support Black children, many others ignore Black families, minimize students' concerns, and believe that colorblindness will solve the problem of inequity in education. Embedded in everyday realities, the authors outline the many ways anti-Blackness shows up in schools. Drawing on more than 44 years of equity work, they provide concrete, doable, and meaningful ways in which teachers and administrators can create Black-affirming spaces. Written for pre- and in-service teachers and others working with Black children and youth, Anti-Blackness at School explores both the scope of anti-Blackness and how teachers can reject racism.Book Features: Provides interracial perspectives from authors Joi Spencer, a Black woman from California, and Kerri Ullucci, a White woman from Rhode Island. Uses case studies, activities, lessons, and techniques to talk about anti-Blackness, inventory its presence, and take steps to address the harm caused by it. Calls out how school policies, programs, belief systems, and customs are particularly hostile to Black youth. Explains why diversity work is not synonymous with antiracist work, offering a model focused on justice and equity. Directs practitioners to easily accessible resources that will allow them to challenge racism and uplift Black youth in their care.
Teachers' College Press Investigating STEM With Infants and Toddlers (Birth–3)
The premiere volume in the STEM for Our Youngest Learners Series introduces the Infant Toddler Inquiry Learning Model, a new way to think about how young children (birth–age 3) explore, think, and learn STEM. Accessible to educators from a wide range of educational backgrounds, it is designed specifically to help guide the implementation of STEM experiences into the early childhood curriculum. Readers will see how the model works in real life; how STEM topics can be naturally embedded in daily routines and activities; and how to observe, understand, and interact with children as they explore. This accessible guide presents content and pedagogy aligned with what is known about how children learn and also addresses the challenges educators encounter when implementing STEM with infants and toddlers. Each volume in this new series includes vignettes showing educators and children engaging in inquiry learning, guidance for selecting materials and arranging the learning environment, modifications and accommodations for diverse learners, establishing adult learning communities to support professional development, and more.
Teachers' College Press Think Higher Feel Deeper: Holocaust Education in the Secondary Classroom
Approaching the Holocaust in your classroom can be a difficult, often daunting task. This practical guide for English and social studies teachers features lessons learned from the author's 17 years of experience teaching the subject in public schools, as well as his work with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Using anecdotes and empirical data, Gudgel offers advice for teaching the Holocaust in a way that is nuanced, socially responsible, and historically accurate. He provides guidance on common challenges and questions teachers will encounter, such as correcting misconceptions, using films, and discussing genocide with secondary students. While World War II grows ever more distant in the past, the lessons of the Holocaust are perhaps more relevant today than ever before. It may never be easy to teach about the Holocaust, but it can be done in ways that make it edifying and empowering, rather than causing despair. This approach is as important for educators as it is for their students.Book Features: Uses a conversational tone with classroom examples and actionable teaching advice. Designed to make a difficult topic more accessible for teachers at all levels of experience. Helps teachers think about best practices through a lens of inquiry, pedagogy, and personal experience. Focuses on what the author believes would have been most helpful when he began teaching about the Holocaust.
Teachers' College Press Using Data to Improve Teacher Education: Moving Evidence Into Action
This book offers concrete examples of how data can be used by faculty, staff, and program leaders to improve their collective work as teacher educators. Strong external accountability mandates often lead to tensions that undermine local morale and motivation. This volume focuses on the practical work of navigating these tensions so that valuable programmatic change can happen. It describes policies and practices drawn from a study of "high data use" teacher education programs from around the country that have strategically engaged the challenges of learning to use data for program improvement. Readers will see how the data-use work carried out in these programs strengthened local program identity and coherence. Representing a collaborative effort between researchers and practitioners, this volume presents lessons learned to assist teacher educators who are engaged daily with the challenges of making data useful and used in their programs. Book Features: Examples of how tensions between external mandates for accountability and program improvement can be navigated in ways that are grounded in local program values. Detailed case study portraits of individual programs that offer a full and action-oriented sense of data use work. Strategies for ensuring that data systems are responsive to multiple stakeholders, such as faculty, administrators, students, and policymakers. A diversity of perspectives and experiences from small liberal arts colleges, large teacher preparation institutions, and research-intensive universities.
Teachers' College Press Imagination and the Engaged Learner: Cognitive Tools for the Classroom
Students’ imaginations are often considered as something that might be engaged after the hard work of learning has been done. Countering such beliefs, Egan and Judson show that the imagination—one of the great workhorses of learning—can be used to make all learning and all teaching more effective.Through techniques that any teacher can learn and easily apply in any classroom, they demonstrate how and why imagination can be used across the curriculum and grade levels to make teaching and learning more interesting, engaging, and pleasurable for all. Teachers who use these techniques will discover the emotions, images, stories, metaphors, sense of wonder, heroic narratives, and other cognitive tools that can bring life and energy to their classroom. This practical handbook will help teachers learn how to use these enlivening techniques in their daily practice to stimulate students’ intellectual activity and growth.
Teachers' College Press Health is Academic: Guide to Coordinated School Health Programs
There is a lot of concern these days about absenteeism, dropout rates, and discipline problems in our schools. But, did you know that a lot of problems are health related? A coordinated approach to school health is about more than keeping kids healthy. It’s about improving schools by supporting students’ capacity to learn. With expert contributions from over 70 leading professional associations, Health Is Academic covers the “eight components” designed to give students the knowledge and skills they need to deal with the problems they face in and out of school. The text authoritatively discusses: Health Education; Physical Education; Health Services; Nutrition Services; Counseling, Psychological, and Social Services; Healthy School Environment; Health Promotion for Staff; and Parent/Community Involvement.
Teachers' College Press The Power of Protocols: An Educator's Guide to Better Practice
The use of protocols has quickly spread from conferences and workshops to everyday school and university settings. Now in its third edition, this perennial bestseller features substantial updates that take into account recent developments in the field of facilitative leadership. The authors have also added eleven totally new protocols, including the “Peer Review Protocol” and “Looking at Student Work with Equity in Mind.”This essential teaching and professional development tool includes: step-by-step descriptions of how educators can use protocols to study together, work on problems of practice, teach well, and explore students' work, explanations of the particular purpose of each protocol, discussions of the value that educators have found in using them, and helpful tips for facilitators, a free supplement on the Teachers College Press website with ""Abbreviated Protocols"" that can be downloaded and customised to suit each facilitator's needs.
Teachers' College Press Facilitating Transformational Dialogues
A much-needed guide providing the specific skills and materials necessary to facilitate effective dialogues across identity differences. By capturing conversations among leaders in the field and emergent practitioners, this book emanates optimistic energy and time-tested wisdom from the fields of Intergroup Relations and Intergroup Dialogue.
Teachers' College Press Making Algebra Meaningful
An essential understanding of the uses and practices of algebra remain out of reach for many students. In this book, Dr. Nicole Fonger addresses the issue of how to support all learners to experience algebra as meaningful. In a highly visual approach, the book details four research-based lenses with examples from 9th-grade algebra classrooms.
Teachers' College Press Place-Based Social Studies Education: Learning From Flint, Michigan
This book uses the water crisis in Flint, Michigan, as a touchstone for the importance and value of including place-based education in the social studies curriculum. Whitlock scrutinizes this local environmental issue to not only drive critical inquiry in the classroom, but also to show how the curriculum can propel valuable social change in the community. Each part of this book highlights critical place inquiry and place-based education with an overall inquiry question: How can schools respond to a community's needs? How can schooling be reimagined to center "place?" How can teacher preparation be place-based? What did we learn from the Flint crisis and where do we go from here? Individual chapters investigate the inquiry question by examining Flint and the Flint water crisis more specifically, as well as the lessons we can learn from Flint educators. Social studies teachers (Pre-K-16) can use these experiences to inform their own approach to understanding their own places.Book Features: Employs narrative inquiry, including interviews with school officials, teachers, parents, and teacher educators. Offers key "takeaways" in every chapter to assist educators in applying place-based education principles to their classrooms. Written in an accessible journalistic style that is both scholarly and personal. Includes photographs taken by the author of real people and places in Flint that illustrate the story.