Search results for ""Springer Verlag""
Springer Verlag, Singapore Intelligent Robotics and Applications: 16th International Conference, ICIRA 2023, Hangzhou, China, July 5–7, 2023, Proceedings, Part IX
The 9-volume set LNAI 14267-14275 constitutes the proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications, ICIRA 2023, which took place in Hangzhou, China, during July 5–7, 2023.The 413 papers included in these proceedings were carefully reviewed and selected from 630 submissions. They were organized in topical sections as follows:Part I: Human-Centric Technologies for Seamless Human-Robot Collaboration; Multimodal Collaborative Perception and Fusion; Intelligent Robot Perception in Unknown Environments; Vision-Based Human Robot Interaction and Application.Part II: Vision-Based Human Robot Interaction and Application; Reliable AI on Machine Human Reactions; Wearable Sensors and Robots; Wearable Robots for Assistance, Augmentation and Rehabilitation of Human Movements; Perception and Manipulation of Dexterous Hand for Humanoid Robot.Part III: Perception and Manipulation of Dexterous Hand for Humanoid Robot; Medical Imaging for Biomedical Robotics; Advanced Underwater Robot Technologies; Innovative Design and Performance Evaluation of Robot Mechanisms; Evaluation of Wearable Robots for Assistance and Rehabilitation; 3D Printing Soft Robots.Part IV: 3D Printing Soft Robots; Dielectric Elastomer Actuators for Soft Robotics; Human-like Locomotion and Manipulation; Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning for Smart Robots.Part V: Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning for Smart Robots; Robotic Tactile Sensation, Perception, and Applications; Advanced Sensing and Control Technology for Human-Robot Interaction; Knowledge-Based Robot Decision-Making and Manipulation; Design and Control of Legged Robots.Part VI: Design and Control of Legged Robots; Robots in Tunnelling and Underground Space; Robotic Machining of Complex Components; Clinically Oriented Design in Robotic Surgery and Rehabilitation; Visual and Visual-Tactile Perception for Robotics.Part VII: Visual and Visual-Tactile Perception for Robotics; Perception, Interaction, and Control of Wearable Robots; Marine Robotics and Applications; Multi-Robot Systems for Real World Applications; Physical and Neurological Human-Robot Interaction.Part VIII: Physical and Neurological Human-Robot Interaction; Advanced Motion Control Technologies for Mobile Robots; Intelligent Inspection Robotics; Robotics in Sustainable Manufacturing for Carbon Neutrality; Innovative Design and Performance Evaluation of Robot Mechanisms.Part IX: Innovative Design and Performance Evaluation of Robot Mechanisms; Cutting-Edge Research in Robotics.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Continuous Disclosure of Chinese Cross-Border Listed Companies in Australia: Challenges and Proposals
This book studies an overarching question of the challenges faced by Chinese lawmakers, Chinese listed companies, Chinese companies’ external advisers, and securities regulators in dealing with Chinese cross-border listed companies’ continuous disclosure in Australia, and how can these challenges be addressed. Chinese listed companies are struggling to meet the continuous disclosure requirements while listing in Australia and have even been depicted as having poor corporate governance and transparency. Many get delisted from the securities market in Australia subsequently due to non-compliance in continuous disclosure or are straight rejected from listing because of continuous disclosure compliance concerns. This book cuts in from this angle and delves deep into the overarching question through the following four sub-questions: What are the theories and policies behind the continuous disclosure regimes in Australia and China and how have they been differently implemented in the securities markets in these two countries? What are the deficiencies, at the intracompany level, contributing to Chinese cross-border listed companies’ non-compliant continuous disclosure in Australia? What are the limitations, from the perspective of external advisers’ efforts, contributing to Chinese cross-border listed companies’ non-compliant continuous disclosure in Australia? What are the difficulties, at the regulatory level, contributing to Chinese cross-border listed companies’ non-compliant continuous disclosure in Australia? In addressing these questions and putting forward corresponding reform proposals, this book takes not only legal but also historical, cultural, and political-economic factors into consideration.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Report on China Smart Education 2022: Digital Transformation of Chinese Education Towards Smart Education
This book aims to reflect the digital transformation of Chinese education toward smart education comprehensively and accurately. It is the first systematic summary of the progress of smart education in China. The book believes that smart education is a new education form in the digital era and is essentially distinct from education forms in the industrial era. This new education form is innovative in five dimensions. First is the new core concept. Smart education is not only a concrete action concerning people’s well-being, but also a vital strategy concerning national plans. Through technology empowerment and data drive, it empowers educational reform in all aspects, systematically constructs a new relationship between education and society, provides suitable education for each learner, and makes the aptitude-based teaching that we have been dreaming of for thousands of years a reality. For the first time in history, smart education helps to reach the full alignment between individual development and societal development. Second is the new system structure. Smart education will break through the boundaries of school education, drive the diversified combination of various education types, resources, and elements, promote the collaboration of school, family, and society in education, and build a high-quality, individualized lifelong learning system that is available for anyone anywhere anytime. Third is the new teaching paradigm. Smart education will integrate physical, social, and digital spaces to create new learning scenarios and promote human–technology integration, and cultivate cross-grade, cross-class, and cross-discipline learning communities across time and space to organically combine large-scale education with individualized cultivation. Fourth is the new educational content. Smart education will focus on developing all-round education, establishing digital knowledge graphs based on systematic logics of knowledge points, and innovating content presentation methods to make learning a wonderful experience and help learners develop higher-order thinking skills, comprehensive innovation capability, and lifelong learning ability. Fifth is the new education governance. With data governance at the core and digital intelligence technology as the driver, smart education will boost the holistic reengineering of education administration and business processes and enhance the modernization of the education governance system and governance capacity. This book is intended for teachers, education administrators, education policymakers, education researchers, and parents concerned about education innovation and development, as well as people from all walks of life who have aspirations for the education industry. It can also serve as a reference for international organizations and education research institutions of all countries to promote the joint exploration of the development path of smart education and create a better future for the world’s mutual development through educational reform.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Participatory Sound Art: Technologies, Aesthetics, Politics
This book addresses a major gap in sound art scholarship: the role of audience participation. It offers a survey of participatory sound art from its origins in the historical avant-gardes to the non-institutionalized forms of sonic creativity in contemporary digital culture. In doing so, it proposes an innovative theoretical framework for analysing such phenomena, rooted in Pragmatist aesthetics, affordance theory and postcritique. Combining artwork analyses with qualitative studies, it focuses on three principal aspects of participatory sound art: the ways the materialities of the artworks facilitate and structure the participatory processes; the interplay of the creative agencies of the artists and the participants; and the postcritical approach to sound art’s politics, unfolding through the participants’ affective gestures. In considering these multiple dimensions, this book contributes to the growing fields of sound studies and participation studies, as well as to curatorial practice regarding sound art and participatory art.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Chinese Semiotic Thoughts in the Pre-imperial Age
This book examines practices on the relationship between sign and meaning in the Pre-Imperial period of China from the semiotics perspective. Although the Chinese civilization did not develop a comprehensive semiotics system in that period, they are highly semiotic in many ways. The thinking and application of signs of Chinese people can be found in many classics, such as The Book of Changes, The Analects of Confucius, Tao De Jing and Zhuangzi. This book begins its study by re-examining the semiotic thoughts contained in The Book of Changes and inquiries into the thoughts of the major philosophers of different schools. It provides insights into the findings of these philosophers concerning the relationship between sign and meaning. In particular, it concentrates on how the prosperity of the various contending semiotic thoughts complemented each other in forming a sign system. In addition, the book also emphasizes the wholeness and associativity of observing things and studying relevant signs of Chinese people. As the first monograph in any language to systematically summarize Chinese semiotic thought in the Pre-Imperial period, this book helps promote understanding of the traditional Chinese culture and mindset.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Applying the Science of Learning to Education: An Insight into the Mechanisms that Shape Learning
This book provides an overview of the various 'Science of Learning' (SoL) research projects led by researchers at the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, and international research collaborators. It presents the goals and rationale behind the Science of Learning in Education (SoLE) initiative and examines a spectrum of topics relevant to bolstering our understanding of the science underlying learning. The Science of Learning (SoL) is an advancing field, with proponents extolling its potential impact on educational practice. This book investigates the possible correlations or causal relationships between brain functioning and development, physiology, environment factors, and their impact on learning. It promotes an interdisciplinary approach to understanding biological to behavioural mechanisms of learning that are oriented toward optimizing and maximizing every learner’s potential.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Digitalization and Competition Policy in Japan
This book organizes the intent and purpose of the Japanese competition law (Antimonopoly Act) to address the digitalized socio-economy and provides a detailed explanation of its basic content as well as advanced issues. It includes an overview of Japanese law and its international position, a basic understanding of the big data and AI issues in today's competition law, and perspectives on high-tech regulation. In addition, it includes a variety of important topics, ranging from exploring principles to tackle digital regulatory realities, to understanding and analyzing the competitive realities of multisided markets. It also examines the relationship between information and competition law and that between consumer and competition law.Digitalization is a key concept in our economy and society today. Carbon neutrality initiatives, the need to improve productivity, globalization, and new ways of working are all seeking breakthroughs by way of digitalization. What’s more, digitalization requires free and fair competition in order to encourage technological innovation. The search for transparent and clear competition laws is essential to promote efficient and effective research and development and to promote public awareness through competition.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Novel Technologies in Biosystems, Biomedical & Drug Delivery
The book gives an insight into the theoretical background, conceptual understanding, latest developments, and applications in the field of pharmaceuticals in general and drug design, discovery, biosystems, and biomedical and drug delivery technologies in particular. Knowledge is drawn from various disciplines such as Chemistry, Biology, Material Science and Engineering, Statistics, Biomedicine, and Genetics . A host of applications like bio-imaging, novel biological agents, testing, characterization and validation of drugs, computer-based models in drug design, and application of statistical tools in data analysis, design, and development of drug delivery systems, and ecosystems are dealt with in detail. The said book undoubtedly confirms the requirements of the postgraduate students, research scholars, academicians, scientists, and researchers from the academia, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and chemical engineering domain. The book covers a conceptual understanding of the exploration of drugs in tandem with intended uses, sound ecosystem development, and carriers for drug and supplement delivery.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Advanced Intelligent Computing Technology and Applications: 19th International Conference, ICIC 2023, Zhengzhou, China, August 10–13, 2023, Proceedings, Part IV
This three-volume set of LNCS 14086, LNCS 14087 and LNCS 14088 constitutes - in conjunction with the double-volume set LNAI 14089-14090- the refereed proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Intelligent Computing, ICIC 2023, held in Zhengzhou, China, in August 2023.The 337 full papers of the three proceedings volumes were carefully reviewed and selected from 828 submissions. This year, the conference concentrated mainly on the theories and methodologies as well as the emerging applications of intelligent computing. Its aim was to unify the picture of contemporary intelligent computing techniques as an integral concept that highlights the trends in advanced computational intelligence and bridges theoretical research with applications. Therefore, the theme for this conference was "Advanced Intelligent Computing Technology and Applications". Papers that focused on this theme were solicited, addressing theories, methodologies, and applications in science and technology.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Agricultural Waste to Value-Added Products: Technical, Economic and Sustainable Aspects
This edited book provides a comprehensive review of the current agricultural waste disposal techniques focusing on the ongoing research in the production of various agro waste-derived value-added products. Further topic includes the techno-economic aspects in up-scaling the technology from lab scale to commercial/pilot scale. Sustainable waste management and alternative renewable energy sources are the most important requirements in this era of rapid industrialization and urbanization. Agricultural waste, which is one of the major contributors to overall waste production, has the ability to be an essential source of renewable energy and other valuable products. The ongoing research and technical advancements in agro-waste treatment lead to the efficient conversion of waste into different value-added products. This book is of primary interest to academicians, researchers, scientists and engineers working in the field of agro-residue management, and biomass to bio-energy conversion technologies. Also, the book serves as reading material for students of Environmental Engineering/Civil and Environmental Engineering and Agricultural Engineering. Rural Management authorities, Industrial and Government policy-making agencies may also find it useful read.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Kriminalpsychologie und das Strafrechtssystem in Indien und darüber hinaus
Dieses Buch bietet einen gezielten und umfassenden Überblick über die Kriminalpsychologie in verschiedenen sozioökonomischen und psychosozialen Kontexten. Es informiert die Leser über die Rolle der Psychologie in den verschiedenen Aspekten des Strafrechtsprozesses, angefangen von der Untersuchung einer Straftat bis hin zur Rehabilitation oder Wiedereingliederung des Straftäters. Aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse aus Kriminologie und Psychologie werden erörtert, um die Psyche verschiedener Straftäter zu verstehen, wie man mit ihnen während der Ermittlungen und der Verurteilung effektiv interagieren kann und wie man positive Veränderungen in den verschiedenen Phasen des Strafrechtsprozesses - Ermittlungen, Strafverfolgung, Inhaftierung, Rehabilitation - herbeiführen kann, um die Effizienz des Strafvollzugs zu erhöhen und das Vertrauen der Öffentlichkeit in das Justizsystem zu stärken. Das Buch befasst sich eingehend mit den größeren Problemen einer ganzheitlichen Reduzierung des Anstiegs der Kriminalitätsrate und der Anfälligkeit der Gesellschaft. Jedes Kapitel stützt sich auf führende wissenschaftliche Arbeiten westlicher Wissenschaftler auf diesem Gebiet und ergänzt diese Theorien mit Forschungsergebnissen aus südasiatischer Sicht, insbesondere aus dem indischen Strafrechtssystem. Dieses Buch fasst erfolgreich die Grundlagen der kriminalpsychologischen Literatur zusammen, während es gleichzeitig interdisziplinäre Studien über kriminelles Verhalten und Rechtspsychologie einbezieht und die Lücken des Justizsystems sowie Möglichkeiten für alternative Strafvollzugs- und Rehabilitationsprogramme in den provinziellen Diskurs einbringt.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Education and the UN Sustainable Development Goals: Praxis Within and Beyond the Classroom
This book focuses on the complex relationship between education and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and highlights how important context is for both critiquing and achieving the Goals though education, given the critical role teachers, schools and curriculum play in young people’s lives. Readers will find examples of thinking and practice across the spectrum of education and training sectors, both formal and informal. The book adds to the increasing body of literature that recognises that education is, and must be, in its praxis, at the heart of all the SDGs. As we enter the third decade of the 21st century, we have a clear understanding of the wicked and complex crises regarding the health of life on our planet, and we cannot ignore the high levels of anxiety our young people are experiencing about their future. Continuing in the direction of unsustainable exploitation of people and nature is no longer an option if life is to have a flourishing future. The book illustrates how SDGs are supported in and by education and training, showcasing the conditions necessary to ensure SDGs are fore fronted in policy reform. It includes real-world examples of SDGs in education and training contexts, as well as novel critiques of the SDGs in regard to their privileging of anthropocentrism and neoliberalism. This book is beneficial to academics, researchers, post graduate and tertiary students from all fields relating to education and training. It is also of interest to policy developers from across disciplines and government agencies who are interested in how the SDGs relate to education.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Tata Memorial Center Textbook of Oncology
Written by experts from the globally renowned Tata Memorial Centre (TMC) in Mumbai, this book provides a crisp and highly distilled review of clinical aspects of oncology, primarily for postgraduate students and fellows. TMC Textbook of Oncology covers the basic principles of oncology, solid tumors, hematologic cancers, and special topics such as oncological emergencies, pain management, intensive care, and the impact of comorbidities. Chapters have been structured uniformly covering epidemiology, clinical presentation and evaluation, principles of multidisciplinary management and stage-wise management and prognosis. Each chapter has been further extensively reviewed by an eminent national or international expert.This textbook is an extension of the annual Evidence Based Meetings that TMC has conducted since 2002, wherein experts have distilled the evidence for diagnostic and therapeutic strategies in oncology not only on strength of evidence but also on applicability in a variety of settings. The Textbook will provide the reader with a glimpse into the clinical decision-making process at TMC, which is an institution that provides cancer care to all sections of the society.An essential read for all students and practitioners in this field as a reference as well as practical aid in clinical decision making.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Friendship Across the Seas: The US Navy and the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force
This Open Access book describes the history of the relationship between the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF), the heir to the Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN), and the United States Navy (US Navy), with a focus on the individuals who helped build it. Former enemies who fought fiercely on the seas and in the air during the Pacific War, the two navies came to respect each other in action. Soon after the war, when the Cold War turned hot, they began to work together as allies, driven by their respective national interests. With the generous assistance of the US Navy, the JMSDF was established as its counterpart. Over the years, these two navies have gradually built strong ties. Individual officers and sailors on both sides overcame mixed feelings about their erstwhile foes to feel respect for and trust in each other. This was made possible by conducting countless joint exercises and operations at sea. US Navy leaders began to realize that this small maritime force, notwithstanding domestic political, constitutional, and legal limitations, does its job well, is reliable, and can be fully trusted. The JMSDF realized that, sharing common interests and values, there was no better navy in the Asia-Pacific region to ally with. Over seventy years of accumulated shared experiences have transformed this into perhaps the most successful navy-to-navy partnership in the world. The US-Japan maritime alliance today is anchored in this history. Numerous admirals, officers, and sailors of the two navies working together have greatly contributed to the stability and prosperity of the Asia-Pacific region for the past seven decades. This book is intended for readers interested in the history of US-Japan relations and for naval officers and sailors from the US and other countries. It is the author’s sincere desire that they read this book and appreciate the longstanding cooperation between the JMSDF and the US Navy.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Smart Education and e-Learning—Smart University: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Smart Education and e-Learning (KES SEEL-2023)
This book contains the contributions presented at the 10th international KES conference on Smart Education and e-Learning (SEEL-2023) with the Smart University as the main conference theme. The conference is being held on June 14-16, 2023 in Rome, Italy in both in-person and online modes. The book contains high quality peer-reviewed papers that are grouped into several interconnected parts: Part 1 – Smart Education, Part 2 – Smart e-Learning, Part 3 – Smart University, Part 4 – Smart Education: Case Studies and Research, and Part 5 – Smart Company: Case Studies and Research. Smart education, smart e-learning, smart universities and smart companies are emerging and rapidly growing areas with the potential to transform the existing teaching strategies, learning environments, and educational/training activities and technology in academic institutions and training centers. Smart education/training and smart e-learning are focused on enabling instructors/trainers to develop innovative ways of achieving excellence in teaching in highly technological smart classrooms/labs, and providing students/learners with new opportunities to maximize their success and select the best options for their education/training, location and learning style, as well as the mode of content delivery. This book serves as a useful source of research data and valuable information on current research projects, best practices and case studies for faculty, scholars, Ph.D. students, administrators, and practitioners – all those who are interested in smart education, smart e-learning, smart university and smart business/company paradigms, concepts, systems and technology.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Practical Inverse Problems and Their Prospects: Proceedings of PIPTP
This book comprises select proceedings of the workshop “Practical inverse problems and their prospects” held online by zoom, from Mar 2nd to Mar. 4th, 2022, supported by Institute of Mathematics for Industry, Kyushu University focusing on cutting-edge research carried out in the areas of practical inverse problems based on industry-academia and interdisciplinary collaborations.Various themes on practical inverse problems covered in this book are medical imaging, non-destructive and non-invasive inspections, viscoelastic waves, remote sensing, infrared light tomography, maintenance of infrastructure, and so on, and mathematical theories in inverse problems are also handled in these proceedings.All papers in this book are written by qualified authors in the practical inverse problems area and also the papers are newly announced. Readers can get leading-edge information on practical inverse problems.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Flood Forecasting and Hydraulic Structures: Proceedings of 26th International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources and Coastal Engineering (HYDRO 2021)
This book comprises the proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Hydraulics, Water Resources and Coastal Engineering (HYDRO 2021) focusing on broad spectrum of emerging opportunities and challenges in the field of flood forecasting and hydraulic structures. It covers a range of topics, including, but not limited to, early warning system, urban flood modelling and management, dam hazard classification, river training and protection works, structural and non-structural measures for flood mitigation, assessment and development of flood vulnerability, hazard and risk maps rehabilitation of old dams, streamflow turbines, canal operation and related structure, operation and management of dams including their instrumentation etc.Presenting recent advances in the form of illustrations, tables, and text, it offers readers insights for their own research. In addition, the book addresses fundamental concepts and studies in the field of flood forecasting and hydraulic structures, making it a valuable resource for both beginners and researchers wanting to further their understanding of hydraulics, water resources and coastal engineering.
Springer Verlag, Singapore An Empirical Study of SOE Corporate Governance Attributes for Emerging Markets
This book investigates the institutional characteristics of state-linked firms in Vietnam to draw lessons for investors/MNCs targeting Vietnam and other emerging markets in the region. Vietnam and many other ASEAN countries have gone through a period of privatization and equitization of wholly controlled SOEs, with the State retaining partial ownership in many privatized businesses. This book explains the dynamic relationships between the State, BODs, shareholders, and regulators and their influence on corporate governance and SOE performance. This book differs from other publications in that it extrapolates the findings from our study to a broader context on how the defined internal mechanisms implicate the local economy and global supply chains/markets. This book investigates robust theoretical foundations, and rigorous applied empirical research underpin the role of the State in SOEs. It differs from other studies in terms of qualitative and empirical research to provide the contextual setting to elucidate how to successfully navigate emerging market business with the State as an "owner-participant." This book explains the theoretical constructs of corporate governance in SOEs, applies empirical research methodologies, and draws results to validate inferences to (1) investigate the link between the board of directors and ownership attributes and agency cost levels using Vietnamese listed firms for the period from 2006 to 2013, (2) evaluate the effectiveness of State's corporate initiatives and monitoring through its sovereign wealth fund known as the State Capital Investment Corporation (SCIC), and (3) infer and explain the motivation of the State as a shareholder. This book takes cognizance of Vietnam's idiosyncratic institutional (using its sovereign wealth fund as an investment vehicle and management proxy), economic, regulatory, and corporate environments and the realities for developing an effective and sustainable business model, vis-à-vis the ownership structure, board of directors' composition and corporate governance, for better business performance. While the focus is on Vietnam, the content is also relevant to the role of the State in other emerging markets as a player in shaping the business strategy, model, and direction of SOEs.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Big Data Analytics for Cyber-Physical System in Smart City - Volume 1: BDCPS 2022, December 16-17, Bangkok, Thailand
This book gathers a selection of peer-reviewed papers presented at the 4th Big Data Analytics for Cyber-Physical System in Smart City (BDCPS 2022) conference, held in Bangkok, Thailand, on December 16–17. The contributions, prepared by an international team of scientists and engineers, cover the latest advances and challenges made in the field of big data analytics methods and approaches for the data-driven co-design of communication, computing, and control for smart cities. Given its scope, it offers a valuable resource for all researchers and professionals interested in big data, smart cities, and cyber-physical systems.
Springer Verlag, Singapore A Pioneer of Management Research and Education in Japan: Challenges from Kobe University Business School
The purpose of this book is to clarify the mission and history of Kobe University Business School (KUBS), not only for the development of management education but also for the familiarization of industry in Japan with the ideas of modern management. Kobe University was the first in Japan to establish a faculty of business administration and has continued to conduct research and education in the field to this day. Under the influence of Germany and the USA, the academic area of management in Japan has achieved unique development not witnessed in other countries. Since 1902, when its predecessor, Kobe Higher Commercial School, was established, KUBS has been a pioneer of research and education in management studies in Japan by overcoming many obstacles and difficulties.Even now in the age of globalization, the spirit of innovation and liberal academic style, from the time of its establishment, are inherent in KUBS, and the faculty members have made great efforts to be innovative in management studies. This book aims to explore the mission and history of KUBS and to elucidate the development process of Japanese-style management research and education by introducing the diverse areas of management studies and the profiles of researchers.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Stem cell and Non-stem Cell Components of Breast Milk
This book reviews the cellular and non-cellular components of human breast milk and their contribution to infant growth and development. It also discusses various cellular growth factors in breast milk, including stem cells and their significance in promoting optimal growth, immunity and regeneration in neonates and in mitigating several neonatal diseases. Further, the book examines variations in the macronutrient concentrations of human milk in different lactation stages and maternal factors. It also describes the potential of antimicrobial proteins/peptides in human milk to provide innate immunity to infants. Lastly, it explores the regenerative therapeutic applications of breast milk cells in feeding infants.
Springer Verlag, Singapore An Inquiry into Women Representation in Management
Recognizing that women managers are facing barriers in achieving top level of management positions in industries, it adopts unique methodology of involving men and women managers as respondents to understand the key issues of gender diversity, glass ceiling, glass walls, glass cliffs, and gender inequality in the Indian corporate scenario.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing
The 7-volume set LNCS 14487-14493 constitutes the proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing, ICA3PP 2023, which took place in Tianjin, China, during October, 2023. The 145 full papers included in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 439 submissions.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing
The 7-volume set LNCS 14487-14493 constitutes the proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing, ICA3PP 2023, which took place in Tianjin, China, during October, 2023. The 145 full papers included in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 439 submissions.
Springer Verlag, Singapore ICT Cyber Security and Applications
This book contains best selected research papers presented at ICTCS 2023: Eighth International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Medicinal Plants for Lung Diseases: A Pharmacological and Immunological Perspective
This book summarizes experimentally-supported research on the therapeutic efficacy of plant extracts and their constituents on a range of respiratory diseases including infections. It discusses the pharmacological, cellular and molecular factors involved in the pathogenies of respiratory diseases and their modulation by plant-derived compounds. Additionally, it underlines the growing relevance of medicinal plant-based advanced drug delivery systems for treating lung diseases providing maximal therapeutic efficacy with better patient compliance. Overall, this comprehensive book is a blend of translational, biological, chemical and drug delivery aspects of medicinal plants employed in targeting respiratory diseases and attracts a range of audiences including physiochemist, translational and clinical researchers working in the field of respiratory diseases.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Essentials of Rhinology
This book serves as a practical guide for the otorhinolaryngologists to better understand the diseases of the sinonasal region, diagnosis, and management. The detailed knowledge of the complex anatomy of the sinonasal region is the key to surgical success. The text aims to help budding and practicing rhinologists to get an essence abreast of the current scientific advancement by engaging rhinologists with excellent awareness and knowledge as contributors. The book expands its span afar the usual by including topics on complications of endoscopic surgeries, empty sinus syndrome, packing material, open transcranial approach, biofilm, instruments, cavity management, and improved quality of life, etc. The purpose of microbiology, interventional radiology, pathology and nuclear medicine in the diagnosis and management of sinonasal diseases is contributed by authors from allied specialties. This book will be a useful resource for medical students, postgraduates in ENT, practicing rhinologists and general physicians in treating sinonasal diseases.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Tropical Peatland Eco-management
In this "Tropical Peatland Eco-management" book, eco-management is new terminology as an abbreviation of "ecology-based management for natural capital enhancement". Key concept on this eco-management is derived from previous book: "Tropical Peatland Ecosystem"(Springer, 2015, eds. by M. Osaki and N. Tsuji). Based on this new concept, this book thoroughly examines tropical peatland eco-management for scientists, political decision makers, governmental officials, land managers, students, and NGO/NPOs who are interested in 1) what the impact of peatland on climate change and ecosystem function, 2) how the management of disturbed peatland, and 3) drawing global scale restoration mechanisms of peatland and wetland. In tropical peatland, a large amount of GHGs (carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide) is emitted due to the unappropriate development and inadequate management of peatland. The peatland ecosystems consist of the carbon–water complex, which is affected easily by the impact of human and climate change. Throughout much research of tropical peatland, the problems that result from development of tropical peatland are found to stem mainly from a lack of understanding of the complexities of this ecosystem and the fragility of the relationship between peat and forest and also between carbon and water. In past, almost all peatland development and management system have been generally designed on “water drainage system”. On the contrast of old system, an innovated eco- management is, here, proposed as “water irrigation system”, including water cycling and natural capital enhancement. Through this book readers will learn the advanced peatland eco-management, with more practical methods and procedure based on ecosystem knowledge.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Microfluidics for Assisted Reproduction in Animals
This book describes the fundamentals of microfluidics and fabrication methods of microfluidic devices that can be adopted for animal-assisted reproduction. It presents microfluidic methods for sorting highly fertile spermatozoa. This book also describes the application of microfluidics in vitro fertilization and embryo culture. It discusses the use of microfluidics in sperm sexing and the cryopreservation of animal gametes and embryos. Lastly, the book examines the potential opportunities of microfluidics in infertility diagnosis, sperm selection and guidance, oocyte selection, insemination, and embryo monitoring.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Soft Computing: Theories and Applications: Proceedings of SoCTA 2022
This book focuses on soft computing and how it can be applied to solve real-world problems arising in various domains, ranging from medicine and health care, to supply chain management, image processing and cryptanalysis. It gathers high-quality papers presented at the International Conference on Soft Computing: Theories and Applications (SoCTA 2022), held at University Institute of Technology, Himachal Pradesh University Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, India. The book offers valuable insights into soft computing for teachers and researchers alike; the book inspires further research in this dynamic field.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Circularity Assessment: Macro to Nano: Accountability Towards Sustainability
This open access book attempts to provide a perspective on the circularity assessment at different levels of the systemic hierarchy and advocates better resource management for a sustainable future. It demonstrates how relevant circularity indicators are used for quantifying the extent of circularity of each level. Illustrative case studies that discuss the process of quantitatively interpreting progress towards circularity are provided. This work caters to a broad readership inclusive of governance, basic research, engineering, and business stakeholders. The conclusion signifies the role of consumer community in achieving circularity.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Immunity Boosting Medicinal Plants of the Western Himalayas
This book presents a comprehensive guide to traditional immunity-boosting medicinal plants of the Himalayas, their traditional uses, phytochemistry, pharmacology, diversity, conversation, biotechnology, toxicology, as well as future prospective. All the chapters cover the latest advances in ethnobotany, phytochemistry, biochemistry, and biotechnology. The book offers a valuable asset for researchers and graduate students of chemistry, botany, biotechnology, microbiology, and the pharmaceutical sciences. The main purpose of the present book is to draw on the rich culture, folklore, and biodiversity of immunity-boosting medicinal plants of the Western Himalayas, with particular emphasis on the Indian Trans-Himalayan and Western Himalayan region. All the plants included in the present book are extensively used by the local tribes and people for their health-promoting properties from ancient times. This book will be a substantial contribution to the knowledge of the region and the country. Also, the book will be very useful to scientists, graduates, and undergraduates, along with researchers in the fields of natural products, herbal medicines, ethnobotany, pharmacology, chemistry, and biology. Further, it is an equally significant resource for a person working in different traditional medicinal systems; doctors (especially those engaged in Ayurveda, Chinese traditional medicinal system, Amchi, and allopathy); the pharmaceutical industry (for drug design and synthesis); biochemistry and biotechnology sciences; and the agricultural sciences.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Temperate Nuts
This book focuses on the production technology of temperate nuts. It explores cultivar and plant improvement, development and selection of rootstocks, plant–water relations and irrigation, canopy architecture, and postharvest packaging of nut fruits. It also deals with organic approaches, biotechnological interventions, diseases, and pest management. Contributing authors address nut fruits such as walnut, pecan nut, chestnut, and hazel nut on different recent aspects. The development achieved in the fruit sector is indicative of the fact that there is growing demand of fruit produce. Temperate nuts with health benefits and market acceptability have best sources of fat, fiber, protein, and mineral. They provide dietary fiber, potassium, and a variety of health-protective bioactive compounds. Apart from the health benefits, production of temperate nuts improves the economy of the country as these are very good source of income and employment. In addition, there is wide diversification in the production pattern of nuts globally. Increased production technology such as hybrids, high-yielding selections/ varieties, improved propagation techniques, and increased use of fertilizers and manures have brought spectacular increase in the production of nut fruits. This book is of interest to teachers, scientists, researchers, and scholars. Also, the book serves as additional reading material for undergraduate and postgraduate students of agriculture and horticulture. Horticulture nurseries and orchard industries also find this to be a useful read.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Proceedings of the Green Materials and Electronic Packaging Interconnect Technology Symposium: EPITS 2022, 14-15 September, Langkawi, Malaysia
This book presents peer reviewed articles from the Green Materials and Electronic Packaging Interconnect Technology Symposium, (EPITS 2022), held in Langkawi, Malaysia on 14th and 15th of Sept, 2022. It brings together packaging experts to share and exchange ideas in electronics technology. Topics covered in this volume include, but are not limited to; (1) Green materials and technology, (2) Emerging interconnect materials and technologies,(3) Non-solder interconnect materials at chip and package levels, (4) Fundamental materials behavior for electronic packaging materials, (5) Advanced characterization methods as applied to electronic packaging technology, (6) Developments in high temperature Pb-free solders and associated interconnects for automotive and power electronics, (7) Surface coating materials & (8) Advanced materials.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Different Histories, Shared Futures: Dialogues on Australia-China
This book delves into the Australia-China relationship, which is currently at its worst since 1972, when the two countries first established a diplomatic relationship. Australia is seen by the US as its front-line ally in its fight in containing China. Derived from an international symposium organized by the editorial team and held in Adelaide, South Australia in September 2021, these essays are an attempt to offer some understanding and explanations for the deterioration of Sino-Australian ties. It is also an attempt to explore the ways by which the two countries can reach some common ground for the future. Despite our very different pasts, can we seek out a shared future together, a future that avoids a war, hot or cold, between a rising power of China and the incumbent US hegemon?
Springer Verlag, Singapore Oxygen-Carrier-Aided Combustion Technology for Solid-Fuel Conversion in Fluidized Bed
This open access book surveys the development of OCAC technology in the last decade for solid fuel conversion in fluidized beds. The scientific concerns, including combustion and emission characteristics, ash-related problems, OC aging, and so on, are summarized and analyzed. Beyond this, new concepts like OCAC with Oxy-PFBC, OCAC coupled with staged fuel conversion, OCAC in rotatory kilns and multi-functional OCAC are proposed, so as to promote the applications of OCAC to various fields in the future. Moreover, this book also outlines the perspectives for future research and development of OCAC. As an emerging technology, extensive studies and investigations are still necessary to fill in the gap from the fundamental understanding of the technology to its industrial demonstrations. Nevertheless, we believe that this book provides novel insights for the readership of energy and combustion and stimulate meaningful follow-on research on OCAC technology.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Uyat und die Kultur der Scham in Zentralasien
Dieses Buch wirft einen interdisziplinären Blick auf die Kultur der Scham in Zentralasien und bewertet ihre Rolle bei der Regulierung der sozialen und politischen Interaktionen in der Region. Die Beiträge zeigen, wie "uyat" auf patriarchalen und hierarchischen Geschlechternormen beruht, die sich negativ auf Frauen und queere Körper auswirken. Die Beiträge befassen sich insbesondere mit dem Tabu der Sexualerziehung in kasachischen Schulen, der bevorzugten Heteronormativität und ihren Folgen für queere Körper sowie mit der Verpflichtung der Eltern, ihr Erstgeborenes zur Adoption an die Eltern des Ehemanns in Kirgisistan zu geben. Das Buch geht auch darauf ein, wie diese Normen von der jungen Generation in Frage gestellt werden. Schließlich bietet das Buch auch eine neue Sichtweise auf die lokale politische Dynamik, indem es die Rolle der Scham in der kasachischen Politik als eine Form der Rechenschaftspflicht in Abwesenheit von echtem politischen Wettbewerb untersucht. Dieses Buch ist für Zentralasienwissenschaftler, Gender-Theoretiker und Wissenschaftler post-sozialistischer Gesellschaften von Interesse.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Therapeutic potential of Cell Cycle Kinases in Breast Cancer
This book highlights the interrelation between cell cycle regulators and breast cancer phenotypes. It reviews the roles of Cyclin-Dependent Kinases (CDK) in driving cell cycle progression, cell cycle checkpoints and dysregulation in breast cancer. It also examines the prognostic significance of CDKs in breast cancer. and CDK inhibitors for the treatment of metastatic breast cancer. Further, the book discusses the role of different G1 cyclins in differentiation, chromosome stability, and transcriptional regulation in breast cancer. Additionally, it examines the role of immunogenic effects of CDK inhibitors, the mechanism of resistance and the current clinical trials in breast cancer treatment. Towards the end, the book explores cell cycle regulation as an attractive target for targeted drug therapy in breast cancer. This book is a comprehensive yet concise resource for oncologists and researchers interested in exploring the therapeutic potential of Cyclin-Dependent Kinases in breast cancer.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Principles of Subjective Anthropology: Concepts and the Knowledge System
This book puts forward the concept of “subjective anthropology” and outlines a theoretical system that will allow subjective anthropology to qualify as a new academic discipline in its own right. In an effort to respond to the field’s proper role as the science of humanity, subjective analysis has been introduced into the study of anthropology. The book fills two distinct gaps in our knowledge and understanding of modern man, offering detailed descriptions of personality and of groups, while also advancing the theory of “structure and choice.” The book formulates seven basic principles of subjective anthropology and divides anthropology into three major branches: subjective anthropology, cultural anthropology, and biological (or physical) anthropology, which can be further divided into sub-branches. The book pursues three key goals: advancing and developing the theoretical system of subjective anthropology, reconstructing the discipline of anthropology, and establishing a Chinese anthropology with Chinese characteristics, Chinese visions, and Chinese styles.
Springer Verlag, Singapore History Continues: Three Models of the Continuation of History
Decades after Francis Fukuyama's 'end of history' thesis became famous, the conflicts and turmoil of history have returned; Dr. Kicmari, having seen his own native land erupt in a European civil war in the 1990s, has been thinking about these issues for many years. This book highlights the return of ideology to international relations, presenting harsh ideological models which challenge liberal democracy. This becomes even more relevant in light of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The publication of this book aims to draw attention to the danger posed to world peace by ideological models alongside the need for commitment to strengthen democracy in the world, and should interest diplomats, journalists, and scholars.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Fisheries and Aquaculture of the Temperate Himalayas
This book covers all aspects of fisheries and aquaculture of the temperate Himalayas, including fisheries resources, fish biodiversity, aquaculture status, prospects, and potential. It also includes mapping of resources, health and disease management of cultured species, feed and nutritional aspects of the cultured fish species, ornamental fisheries aspects, etc. In addition, it elucidates the recent advances in biotechnological interventions for enhancing fisheries and aquaculture productivity in the region. Essential information on the application of Geo Information System (GIS) for resource mapping, the scope of adopting re-circulatory aquaculture system for productivity enhancement, and trout culture in the Himalayan waters are provided in the book. A detailed account of recreational fisheries and fish-based ecotourism in the temperate Himalayas for generating livelihood has been provided. The impact of climate change on the fisheries of the Himalayas has been dealt with separately. The book also covers the conservation and rehabilitation aspects of endangered species of the region. This book will become a ready reference for the scientists, teachers, researchers, students, policymakers, and other stakeholders for managing fishery resources in the temperate Himalayas.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Populism, Authoritarianism and Necropolitics: Instrumentalization of Martyrdom Narratives in AKP’s Turkey
This book examines how Turkey’s ruling party, the Justice and Development Party (AKP), under the leadership of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan produces and employs necropolitical narratives in order to perpetuate its authoritarian rule.In doing so, the book argues that as the party transitioned from socially conservative Muslim democratic values to authoritarian Islamism, it embraced a necropolitical narrative based on the promotion of martyrdom, and of killing and dying for the Turkish nation and Islam, as part of their authoritarian legitimation. This narrative, the book shows, is used by the party to legitimise its actions and deflect its failures through the framing of the deaths of Turkish soldiers and civilians, which have occurred due to the AKP’s political errors, as martyrdom events in which loyal servants of the Turkish Republic and God gave their lives in order to protect the nation in a time of great crisis. This book also describes how, throughout its second decade in power, the AKP has used Turkey’s education system, its Directorate of Religious Affairs, and television programs in order to propagate its necropolitical martyrdom narrative.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Applications of Operational Research in Business and Industries: Proceedings of 54th Annual Conference of ORSI
Effective decision-making while trading off the constraints and conflicting multiple objectives under rapid technological developments, massive generation of data, and extreme volatility is of paramount importance to organizations to win over the time-based competition today. While agility is a crucial issue, the firms have been increasingly relying on evidence-based decision-making through intelligent decision support systems driven by computational intelligence and automation to achieve a competitive advantage. The decisions are no longer confined to a specific functional area. Instead, business organizations today find actionable insight for formulating future courses of action by integrating multiple objectives and perspectives. Therefore, multi-objective decision-making plays a critical role in businesses and industries. In this regard, the importance of Operations Research (OR) models and their applications enables the firms to derive optimum solutions subject to various constraints and/or objectives while considering multiple functional areas of the organizations together. Hence, researchers and practitioners have extensively applied OR models to solve various organizational issues related to manufacturing, service, supply chain and logistics management, human resource management, finance, and market analysis, among others. Further, OR models driven by AI have been enabled to provide intelligent decision-support frameworks for achieving sustainable development goals.The present issue provides a unique platform to showcase the contributions of the leading international experts on production systems and business from academia, industry, and government to discuss the issues in intelligent manufacturing, operations management, financial management, supply chain management, and Industry 4.0 in the Artificial Intelligence era. Some of the general (but not specific) scopes of this proceeding entail OR models such as Optimization and Control, Combinatorial Optimization, Queuing Theory, Resource Allocation Models, Linear and Nonlinear Programming Models, Multi-objective and multi-attribute Decision Models, Statistical Quality Control along with AI, Bayesian Data Analysis, Machine Learning and Econometrics and their applications vis-à-vis AI & Data-driven Production Management, Marketing and Retail Management, Financial Management, Human Resource Management, Operations Management, Smart Manufacturing & Industry 4.0, Supply Chain and Logistics Management, Digital Supply Network, Healthcare Administration, Inventory Management, consumer behavior, security analysis, and portfolio management and sustainability. The present issue shall be of interest to the faculty members, students, and scholars of various engineering and social science institutions and universities, along with the practitioners and policymakers of different industries and organizations.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Triangle Mesh Watermarking and Steganography
This book provides a systematic overview of watermarking and steganography methods for triangle meshes related to computer graphics and security. The significance of this research has been well recognized by the growing body of work on watermarking, steganography and steganalysis of 3D meshes. With the evolution of the CAD industry and real-world end-user applications such as virtual reality (VR) and 3D printing, 3D meshes have attracted world-wide attention. Besides, the flexible data structure of 3D geometry provides enough space to embed secret information, making it ideal for applications such as copyright protection and covert communication. Our goal of the book is to allow readers to systematically understand 3D mesh information hiding technology and its applications as a whole. The book outlines comprehensive techniques, including handcrafted and deep learning-based techniques, digital and physical techniques in the literature and provides standard evaluation metrics for triangle meshes. The up-to-date geometrical deep learning and 3D printing-related algorithms are also covered. Offering a rich blend of ideas and algorithms, the book is up-to-date and self-contained. It is an excellent reference resource for users who are seeking 3D mesh watermarking and steganography algorithms, as well as for graduate students and researchers wanting to grasp the frontiers of triangular mesh processing on data hiding.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Intelligent Sustainable Systems: Selected Papers of WorldS4 2022, Volume 2
This book provides insights of World Conference on Smart Trends in Systems, Security and Sustainability (WS4 2022) which is divided into different sections such as Smart IT Infrastructure for Sustainable Society; Smart Management Prospective for Sustainable Society; Smart Secure Systems for Next Generation Technologies; Smart Trends for Computational Graphics and Image Modeling; and Smart Trends for Biomedical and Health Informatics. The proceedings is presented in two volumes. The book is helpful for active researchers and practitioners in the field.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Evolution in Computational Intelligence: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Frontiers in Intelligent Computing: Theory and Applications (FICTA 2022)
The book presents the proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Frontiers of Intelligent Computing: Theory and Applications (FICTA 2022), held at NIT Mizoram, Aizawl, Mizoram, India during 18 – 19 June 2022. Researchers, scientists, engineers, and practitioners exchange new ideas and experiences in the domain of intelligent computing theories with prospective applications in various engineering disciplines in the book. These proceedings are divided into two volumes. It covers broad areas of information and decision sciences, with papers exploring both the theoretical and practical aspects of data-intensive computing, data mining, evolutionary computation, knowledge management and networks, sensor networks, signal processing, wireless networks, protocols and architectures. This volume is a valuable resource for postgraduate students in various engineering disciplines.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Advances in Waste Management: Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances and Innovations in Recycling Engineering (AIR-2021)
This book comprises papers from the International Conference on Advances and Innovations in Recycling Engineering (AIR-2021). It highlights indispensable issues, challenges, and recommended solutions related to solid waste management and sustainability. The contents deal with recommended solutions and the gap between environmental laws related to recycling of waste and environment threat. Weighing the global economy loss via compromises on industrial growth versus environment provides another dimension to the study and press on the need for alternative practices. The impact on biodiversity conservation and natural resources pollutants is also highlighted. This book will be a useful guide for academics, researchers, and policymakers working in the fields of waste management.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Intelligent Data Engineering and Analytics: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Frontiers in Intelligent Computing: Theory and Applications (FICTA 2022)
The book presents the proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Frontiers of Intelligent Computing: Theory and Applications (FICTA 2022), held at NIT Mizoram, Aizawl, Mizoram, India during 18 – 19 June 2022. Researchers, scientists, engineers, and practitioners exchange new ideas and experiences in the domain of intelligent computing theories with prospective applications in various engineering disciplines in the book. These proceedings are divided into two volumes. It covers broad areas of information and decision sciences, with papers exploring both the theoretical and practical aspects of data-intensive computing, data mining, evolutionary computation, knowledge management and networks, sensor networks, signal processing, wireless networks, protocols and architectures. This volume is a valuable resource for postgraduate students in various engineering disciplines.