Search results for ""Romana""
L'Erma Di Bretschneider I Laterizi Di Eta Romana Nella Area Nordadriatica
L'Erma Di Bretschneider Canosa Romana: In Appendice: La Tavola Di Trinitapoli
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Iberia Pontificia. Vol. VII: Hispania Romana et Visigothica
The Iberian Peninsula was and is traditionally considered to be a region in the Mediterranean that was completely Christianized very early on. This status as unicum stems from the proselytizing in the times of the apostles, the uniqueness of the Middle Ages in its succession of Conquista and Reconquista, the strong development of the Counter-Reformation and the hegemony of an extremely conservative form of Catholicism in the modern age. The correspondence between the bishops of Hispania and the bishop of Rome or the pope between the middle of the 3rd and the end of the 7th century provide insight into the Hispanic conditions, which indicate a rather low degree of Christianization, and into a Relationship to Rome, which was mainly characterized by ignorance. In addition to the evidence of the historiographical transmission, the volume offers bibliographical information and an introduction to the history of the Roman and Visigothic Church.
L'Erma Di Bretschneider Brindisi in Eta Messapica E Romana: Topografia Della Citta
Ediciones Ctedra La vida exagerada de Martin Romana The Exaggerated Life of Martin Romana Letras hispanicas Hispanic Writings
El concubinato y el contubernio en la sociedad romana
En una sociedad como la romana, con personas de diferente condición jurídica, era normal que coexistieran diversos tipos de relaciones de pareja. Esta obra analiza el concubinato y el contubernio, uniones de pareja alternativas para aquellos que no podían mantener un matrimonio reconocido por el Derecho romano. En el libro se estudia a toda una serie de personas a las que, por un motivo o por otro, se les impedía formar una relación legítima. Entre ellas podemos encontrar a las prostitutas, las condenadas por adulterio, las actrices o las esclavas, entre otras. Al mismo tiempo, también se aborda la situación de marginalidad que sufrían estas mujeres, ya que su estilo de vida no estaba en consonancia con el modelo ideal de matrona romana. Asimismo, las prohibiciones matrimoniales afectaron a los soldados durante sus años de servicio o a los gobernadores que no podían unirse con féminas de las provincias.
Princeton University Press Pox Romana: The Plague That Shook the Roman World
A wide-ranging and dramatic account of the Antonine plague, the mysterious disease that struck the Roman Empire at its pinnacleIn the middle of the second century AD, Rome was at its prosperous and powerful apex. The emperor Marcus Aurelius reigned over a vast territory that stretched from Britain to Egypt. The Roman-made peace, or Pax Romana, seemed to be permanent. Then, apparently out of nowhere, a sudden sickness struck the legions and laid waste to cities, including Rome itself. This fast-spreading disease, now known as the Antonine plague, may have been history’s first pandemic. Soon after its arrival, the Empire began its downward trajectory toward decline and fall. In Pox Romana, historian Colin Elliott offers a comprehensive, wide-ranging account of this pivotal moment in Roman history.Did a single disease—its origins and diagnosis still a mystery—bring Rome to its knees? Carefully examining all the available evidence, Elliott shows that Rome’s problems were more insidious. Years before the pandemic, the thin veneer of Roman peace and prosperity had begun to crack: the economy was sluggish, the military found itself bogged down in the Balkans and the Middle East, food insecurity led to riots and mass migration, and persecution of Christians intensified. The pandemic exposed the crumbling foundations of a doomed Empire. Arguing that the disease was both cause and effect of Rome’s fall, Elliott describes the plague’s “preexisting conditions” (Rome’s multiple economic, social, and environmental susceptibilities); recounts the history of the outbreak itself through the experiences of physician, victim, and political operator; and explores postpandemic crises. The pandemic’s most transformative power, Elliott suggests, may have been its lingering presence as a threat both real and perceived.
L'Erma Di Bretschneider Vasche Di Eta Romana in Marmi Bianchi E Colorati
Focus Publishing/R Pullins & Co Lingua Latina - Latine Disco Manual de Instrucciones: Familia Romana
Oxbow Books Britannia Romana: Roman Inscriptions and Roman Britain
Britannia Romana: Roman Inscriptions and Roman Britain is based on the author’s 40 years’ experience of the epigraphy of Roman Britain. It collects 487 inscriptions (mostly on stone, but also on metal, wood, tile and ceramic), the majority from Britain but many from other Roman provinces and Italy, so as to illustrate the history and character of Roman Britain (AD 43–410). Each inscription is presented in the original (in Latin, except for eight in Greek), followed by a translation and informal commentary; they are linked by the narrative which they illustrate, and more than half (236) are accompanied by photographs. All Latin terms in the narrative and commentary are translated and explained. The author demonstrates his unrivalled ability to read and understand Roman inscriptions and their importance as a source of historical knowledge. They are treated by chronology or theme in 14 chapters. The first eight take the narrative from Claudius’ invasion (AD 43) to the death of the last emperor to attempt the conquest of Britain, Septimius Severus (AD 211). The next four cover the general themes of soldier and civilian, economy and society, government, religion. The last two continue the narrative to the death of the last emperor to rule Roman Britain, Constantine III (AD 411).
Akal Ediciones Historia agraria romana Roman Agrarian History Universitaria
L'Erma Di Bretschneider Per La Storia Romana Della Provincia Di Pesaro E Urbino
L'Erma Di Bretschneider Iconografia Romana Imperiale Da Carausio a Giuliano (287-363 DC)
Archaeopress ‘Poedicvlorvm oppida’: Spazi urbani della Puglia centrale in età romana
The indigenous persistence, texture, articulation, shape and functionality of the urban definition of the municipia in central Apulia demonstrate the nature of the complex history and settlement of this area in the long period between the age of Romanization and the third century AD. The comprehensive collection and examination of the material evidence make it possible to reconstruct – for the first time, in an organic manner and in a global framework – the profile of the urban space of ‘Poediculorum oppida’. This has been carried out according to a dynamic perspective that reveals signs of restructuring and approval, of novelty and vibrancy, of strength and interaction, to make possible the reconsideration of that stubborn idea, prevalent until recently, of an ineluctable ‘crisis’, and to draw a picture of urban geography calibrated according to an intense and morphogenetic tension in terms of the assimilation of Roman culture and adaptation to local conditions. Italian description: Persistenza indigena, consistenza, articolazione, forma e funzionalità urbanistiche dei municipia della Puglia centrale consentono di leggere la complessa vicenda storica e insediativa di questo comparto nel lungo periodo esteso fra l’età della romanizzazione e il III sec. d.C. La raccolta e disamina complessive del patrimonio documentario permettono così di ricostruire – per la prima volta, in maniera organica e in un disegno globale – il profilo dello spazio urbano dei ‘Poediculorum oppida’ secondo una prospettiva dinamica che lascia cogliere segni di ristrutturazione e di omologazione, di novità e di vivacità, di rottura e di interazione, per provare a riconsiderare quell’idea pervicace di ineluttabile ‘crisi’ tradita fino a tempi recenti e a tracciare un quadro poleografico calibrato su una intensa e morfogenetica tensione fra metabolismo e simbiosi.
L'Erma Di Bretschneider Potaissa: L'Arte Romana in Una Citta Della Dacia
Focus Publishing/R Pullins & Co Lingua Latina - Latine Disco, Student's Manual: Familia Romana
L'Erma Di Bretschneider Alessandro E La Germania: Riflessioni Sulla Geografia Romana Di Conquista
L'Erma Di Bretschneider Pinna Vestinorum E La Citta Romana Volume II
L'Erma Di Bretschneider L'Antichita Marginale: Continuita Dell'arte Provinciale Romana Nel Rinascimento
Arco Libros - La Muralla, S.L. Leyes coloniales y municipales de la Hispania romana Cuadernos de historia
La Península Ibérica es la parte del Imperio romano, incluida de propia Italia, que más documentos ha proporcionado sobre las leyes de las ciudades romanizadas, las colonias y los municipios. Afortunadamente, se siguen recuperando algunos otros nuevos fragmentos de planchas de leyes, a pesar del lamentable y enorme expolio arqueológico a que está siendo sometida España. Esta obra pretende presentar, para un público culto y más numeroso que el reducido de los especialistas, una síntesis actualizada de muchos estudios monográficos de epigrafistas, romanistas e historiadores que han abordado las investigaciones sobre las leyes coloniales y municipales de Hispania. En ella se pueden encontrar cuestiones relacionadas con la forma y el soporte material de las leyes, la aventura de los hallazgos e investigaciones, el número y partes de leyes conservadas así como los contenidos fundamentales de tales leyes. Una bibliografía selecta permite al lector orientarse para una posible y deseable ampli
Archaeopress De luxuria propagata romana aetate. Roman luxury in its many forms
De luxuria propagata romana aetate. Roman luxury in its many forms focuses on luxonomics, or the economy of luxury in Roman times, and how its study is an element that is essential to understanding the history of the period. This volume brings together the contributions of leading experts in the study of luxury to present the full range of perspectives on the production and consumption of luxury items and, moreover, from the variety of approaches offered by Ancient History. The book is organised in chronological order, and the evolution of the luxury economy is divided into areas of consumption, production, and criticism. The analytical focus on the interaction between the notions of need and desire suggests that the historical development of luxury and business in Rome can be divided into five categories: houses, clothing, jewellery, food, and leisure.
Ediciones Istmo, S.A. Aportaciones al estudio de la Espaa Romana en el Bajo Imperio
Archaeopress Porti e approdi fluviali in Italia peninsulare: dall’età romana all’anno mille
In the Imperial Age, many ports in Italy had been built in opus coementicium. The most important ones were in Latium (eg. Portus Romae, Antium and Centumcellae), in the Phlegrean Fields (portus Iulius, Misenum, Puteoli and Baiae) and along the northern-Adriatic coast (Classis-Ravenna, Aquileia and Altino). The military fleets of Augustus, in particular, were quartered in the ports of Classis and Misenum. Most Roman ports were located at river mouths and/or in lagoon areas and were connected with inland areas by rivers or artificial canals. For this reason, port structures (piers and warehouses) were set at some distance from the sea, as in Rome (Emporium of Testaccio along the Tiber), in Pisa-San Rossore and in the Po valley. In Late Antiquity many of the Roman ports gradually fell into disuse while others continued until the 7th century. In Ravenna, however, a new port settlement, known as Civitas Classis, came into being in the 5th century, after the creation of the suburb of Portus Romae. In the Early Middle Ages, the northern-Adriatic coast became very important in connection with trade with Constantinople. New settlements equipped with timber port structures were created at Comacchio, Cittanova and in the Venetian lagoon. If maritime trade in the Tyrrhenian Sea decreased (although to a lesser extent in Byzantine towns like Naples), river-borne traade was still dynamic and often managed by abbeys and other ecclesiastical institutions. According to historical sources, many river wharves were located along the Po while San Vincenzo abbey managed the Volturno river. The Carolingian river wharves of San Vincenzo were composed of timber, stone and, according to the Roman tradition, concrete structures. A slow recovery of maritime trades is already evident in the Carolingian Age. This book analyses the Roman and early medieval ports of Italy and the building techniques used in their structures; it displays the elements of continuity and discontinuity revealed during these centuries.
L'Erma Di Bretschneider Paisajes Epigraficos de la Hispania Romana: Monumentos, Contextos, Topografias
L'Erma Di Bretschneider Andalucia Romana Y Visigoda Ordenacion Y Vertebracion del Territorio
Editorial Universidad de Sevilla-Secretariado de Publicaciones De la herencia romana a la procesal castellana diez siglos de cursividad
Este libro reúne problemáticas de diversas cronologías y regiones, observando el funcionamiento de las escrituras cursivas desde el siglo VI hasta la Edad Moderna en distintos ámbitos o contextos de uso, desde las oficinas de producción documental, donde gozan de un indiscutible protagonismo, hasta su adaptación y adopción para la copia de códices.
L'Erma Di Bretschneider Cirene Greca E Romana II: Cirene Atene d'Africa IX
L'Erma Di Bretschneider Labra Di Eta Romana in Marmi Bianchi E Colorati
L'Erma Di Bretschneider Via Per Montes Excisa: Strade in Galleria E Passaggi Sotterranei Nell'italia Romana
L'Erma Di Bretschneider La Familia Romana: Aspetti Giuridici Ed Antiquari. Parte III. Concubinato. Divorzio. Adulterio
Orion Publishing Co Pax Romana: War, Peace and Conquest in the Roman World
The Pax Romana is famous for having provided a remarkable period of peace and stability, rarely seen before or since. Yet the Romans were first and foremost conquerors, imperialists who took by force a vast empire stretching from the Euphrates in the east to the Atlantic coast in the west. Their peace meant Roman victory and was brought about by strength and dominance rather than co-existence with neighbours. The Romans were aggressive and ruthless, and during the creation of their empire millions died or were enslaved.But the Pax Romana was real, not merely the boast of emperors, and some of the regions in the Empire have never again lived for so many generations free from major wars. So what exactly was the Pax Romana and what did it mean for the people who found themselves brought under Roman rule?Acclaimed historian Adrian Goldsworthy tells the story of the creation of the Empire, revealing how and why the Romans came to control so much of the world and asking whether the favourable image of the Roman peace is a true one. He chronicles the many rebellions by the conquered, and describes why these broke out and why most failed. At the same time, he explains that hostility was only one reaction to the arrival of Rome, and from the start there was alliance, collaboration and even enthusiasm for joining the invaders, all of which increased as resistance movements faded away.A ground-breaking and comprehensive history of the Roman Peace, Pax Romana takes the reader on a journey from the bloody conquests of an aggressive Republic through the age of Caesar and Augustus to the golden age of peace and prosperity under diligent emperors like Marcus Aurelius, offering a balanced and nuanced reappraisal of life in the Roman Empire.
L'Erma Di Bretschneider L'Imperatore Predestinato: I Presagi Di Potere in Epoca Imperiale Romana
Archaeopress Estudios sobre el África romana: Culturas e Imaginarios en transformación
This collective work, carried out by both senior and beginning researchers, is for those scholars who have their gaze fixed on the fascinating mosaic of cultures that was the North-African world from the moment Rome appeared in the region. Even before this date, the arrival of Phoenicians on the continent and their subsequent spread throughout the north of it, initiated a rich process of contacts, interchanges and relations with the Libyan-Berber populations that inhabited the zone from time immemorial. To this scene of ancient cultural diversity –which also included an Egyptian component– Rome brought its own riches, generating in the region new episodes of cultural and religious syncretism. All these subjects are treated in the present book through some specific scientific contributions whose geopolitical frame is the whole Proconsular Africa. Most of the articles in this volume are dedicated to the world of images, but others also treat many other issues as Historiography, Archaeology of Architecture, Libyan-Berber ethnicities and even cultural parallels between North Africa and the Iberian Peninsula.
L'Erma Di Bretschneider Marco Livio Druso Claudiano: Per La Storia Di Pesaro Romana
L'Erma Di Bretschneider Tecniche Costruttive Murarie Medievali: Murature a Tufelli in Area Romana
L'Erma Di Bretschneider La Politica Sociale Per lInfazia Romana Fra Augusto E Costantino Dallestemporaneita Alla Normazione
L'Erma Di Bretschneider Carta Archeologica E Ricerche in Campania. Fasciscolo 12: Cales. Urbanistica Della Citta Romana
Archaeopress La raccolta e la distribuzione dell’acqua a Ventotene in età romana
La raccolta e la distribuzione dell’acqua a Ventotene in età romana is presented in two parts. The first examines the topographical and technical problem of the water supply on the island of Ventotene, where there is an absence of natural springs. The second, consisting of separate entries, analyses the individual components of the water supply system built by the Romans on the island. The Roman installation developed in two phases alongside changes in life at the villa located at Ventotene: the first connected to a residence used for otium, the second to an official site of relegatio ad insulam. The Roman architect exploited the island’s natural slope to collect rainwater in a large initial reservoir, later known as the ‘Cistern of the Prisoners’, surmounted by a vast catchment basin: from here a conduit departed which, through various branches, reached the ‘heart’ of the villa extending over the promontory of Punta Eolo and the port facilities. The water was channelled from the cistern by an extensive network of tunnels, dug, depending on the height, either wholly or partially into the tufa or built on the surface. Even during the second phase, when the villa was turned into a large and elaborate residential complex used throughout the year, it could rely only on rainwater as a resource. The Roman architect was thus forced to increase the collection areas, attempting to capture as much water as possible. This was achieved by increasing the number of large initial collection tanks, dislocating them strategically around the island to ensure that each of the sectors with the highest residential density and main infrastructure installations had its own independent resource alongside the standard existing resources. The number of catchment basins also multiplied considerably along the route of the main conduit and its branches.
Editorial Ariel Hacia la tormenta el comienzo del fin de la República romana
Poder, mecenazgo, propaganda y política. Estos son temas cotidianos de nuestra sociedad, que inundan las redes sociales y las secciones de noticias. Sin embargo, por mucho que pensemos que nuestra política es a menudo indecorosa e impulsada por la codicia y la corrupción, seguimos siendo ingenuos amateurs en comparación con nuestros antepasados romanos.Mike Duncan, creador de uno de los podcasts de la historia de Roma más descargados en internet, ha escrito un libro oportuno sobre las últimas décadas de la República romana, que describe con acierto la confusión política, social y económica que finalmente condujo al surgimiento de la dictadura del imperio. Con un estilo muy legible, adecuado para todo tipo de lectores, presenta una visión fascinante de los problemas a los que se enfrentaba Roma al convertirse en el poder hegemónico del mundo mediterráneo.En el camino hacia la tormenta se unieron la desigualdad económica, la polarización política, la corrupción y la ambición despia
L'Erma Di Bretschneider Fonti Letterarie Ed Epigrafiche Per La Storia Romana Della Provincia Di Pesaro E Urbino
Gestión y usos del agua en época romana reflexiones desde la arqueología y el derecho
Gestión y usos del agua en época romana. Reflexiones desde la arqueología y el derecho, recoge los resultados de dos reuniones científicas celebradas en el seno del proyecto AQUAROLE, Agua para la producción: gestión del agua en los contextos productivos urbanos y periurbanos en época romana (PID2019.106686GA.I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033), financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, y dirigido desde la Universidad de Granada entre 2020 y 2023. Como el propio nombre del proyecto indica, el objeto de análisis buscaba acercarse a cuestiones poco tratadas tanto por los estudios sobre hidráulica antigua, como por aquellos más centrados en la arqueología de la economía y de la producción. Tratando de arrojar luz sobre la gestión del agua en los espacios artesanales de época romana.El resultado es un volumen dividido en quince textos, distribuidos en dos partes. La primera mitad contiene las contribuciones de carácter más arqueológico, cubriendo desde la gestión
L'Erma Di Bretschneider La Familia Romana: Aspetti Giuridici Ed Antiquari. Parte II. Sponsalia. Matrimonio. Dote
L'Erma Di Bretschneider Tradizione E Innovazione: L'Elaborazione del Linguaggio Ellenistico Nell'architettura Romana E Italica Di Eta Tardo Repubblicana