Search results for ""Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften""
Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften Studi Pergolesiani- Pergolesi Studies: a cura di / edited by Simone Caputo
Il settimo volume di Studi Pergolesiani/Pergolesi Studies raccoglie le relazioni presentate al convegno «Roma 1735: Pergolesi e l’Olimpiade» tenutosi presso l’Università «La Sapienza» di Roma il 9-10 settembre del 2010. Il convegno, ideato da Franco Piperno, si inserì nella serie di manifestazioni dedicate a Giovanni Battista Pergolesi nel terzo centenario della nascita. Roma venne individuata come la sede di un tentato lancio dell’astro nascente della musica di scuola napoletana da parte di committenti filo-asburgici. Olimpiade del Metastasio fu il testo drammatico che doveva assecondare questo lancio nei circuiti teatrali italiani ed europei di un musicista fin lì affermatosi solo sulla scena partenopea. Ma il progetto fallì, probabilmente per il sovrapporsi di contrasti di matrice politica alla capacità della musica pergolesiana di far presa sul gusto del pubblico romano. Questo libro è la felice testimonianza di due fertili giornate di studio in cui un concreto oggetto di teatro musicale è stato sottoposto a disamina da molteplici prospettive disciplinari, con significativi contributi di studiosi di letteratura italiana, storici della lingua, bibliografi e musicologi. Studi Pergolesiani/Pergolesi Studies 7 collects the papers presented at the conference «Roma 1735: Pergolesi e l’Olimpiade» held at «La Sapienza» University of Rome on September 9th-10th, 2010. The conference, conceived by Franco Piperno, was part of a series of events celebrating the third centenary of Giovanni Battista Pergolesi’s birth. Rome was identified by pro-Habsburg patrons as the starting point of an attempted promotion of the rising star of the Neapolitan school of music. Pergolesi’s music for Olimpiade by Metastasio was expected to launch the composer in the Italian and European theatrical circuits since until then he was renown only on the Neapolitan scene. The project failed, probably due to the overlapping of politically motivated conflicts to the ability of the Pergolesi’s music to reach Roman audience. This book is the outcome of two fertile days of study in which a concrete object of musical theater was examined from multiple disciplinary perspectives, with significant contributions from scholars of Italian studies, linguistic, bibliography and musicology.
Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften Kunst und Kulturtransfer zur Zeit Karls des Kuehnen
Die glanzvolle Herrschaft der Burgunderherzöge bedeutete einen Höhepunkt in der europäischen Kulturgeschichte. Ereignisse wie die Schlacht bei Murten und die Schlacht von Nancy beeinflussten das kulturelle Selbstverständnis insbesondere der Schweizer, Niederländer und Belgier. Zusätzlich wurde das burgundische Erbe durch die Heirat des späteren Kaisers Maximilian mit Maria von Burgund kulturell, materiell und politisch zu einem Grundpfeiler der Habsburger Monarchie. Bis heute wird das kulturelle Gedächtnis der Europäer davon geprägt. Dieser Band zeigt diese Zusammenhänge aus der Perspektive der Kunstwissenschaften und der Kulturtransferforschung auf. Die Autorinnen und Autoren präsentieren in ihren Beiträgen die regionalen und überregionalen Verflechtungen des gesamteuropäischen Kunstschaffens in den verschiedensten Gattungen im 15. Jahrhundert. Ausgewählte Fallstudien beschäftigen sich mit dem aussergewöhnlichen Reichtum der künstlerischen Produktion, aber auch mit den vielfältigen Dimensionen des kulturellen Austauschs am burgundischen Hof und in seinem weiteren Umfeld. Die Beiträge im vorliegenden Band basieren auf den Vorträgen der internationalen Tagung vom Juli 2008 in Bern und sind in deutscher, französischer oder englischer Sprache verfasst.
Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften A Legacy of Shame: French Narratives of War and Occupation
A Legacy of Shame is the first in-depth study of shame in French narratives of the Second World War and the Nazi Occupation of France. Wartime shame continues to be a recurrent theme in literature and film and is an ongoing topic of cultural and political debate and yet the problem of shame has only been mentioned incidentally by cultural critics. In the concluding lines of Le Syndrome de Vichy, Henry Rousso locates the ‘syndrome’, the continual return of wartime memories in the present, in the postwar desire to restore national unity and identity. This book proposes that beneath Rousso’s syndrome lies a disintegrated sense of shame. Although this shame is painfully exposed in narratives, it remains unacknowledged as a collective, national memory and has consequently continued to trouble postwar constructions of national identity and history. By investigating narrative expressions of shame and theories of shame produced by the events of this historical moment, the book examines the issues that this legacy presents for cultural history, collective memory and, implicitly, for postwar national identity. This book is the winner of the Peter Lang Young Scholars Competition in French Studies 2011.
Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften Technopathogenology: Technology and Non-Evident Risk – A Contribution to Prevention
This book deals with the prevention of potential non-evident risks on human health associated with technology which encloses the general knowledge of developing processes used to achieve either goods or services. The voids in technological knowledge used in the development of new technologies are responsible for hidden defects in the same. The authors suggest that hidden defects in technologies are accountable for hazards in generations of environmental factors that they call technopathogens. These factors can cause adverse effects to human health which are expressed not immediately but over years or even generations. This phenomenon is defined as technopathogeny. Since technopathogeny cannot be framed within existing disciplines related to the phenomenon such as risk assessment, risk management, technology assessment, technological genesis, environmental impact assessment, life cycle assessment or ecology, the authors coin a new term for this specific discipline called Technopathogenology.
Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften The Status and Development of N+N Sequences in Contemporary English Noun Phrases
This volume aims to carry out a comprehensive analysis of those nouns within the structure of the noun phrase which are referred to as N+N sequences (e.g. drug addiction, computer cluster). They are studied from three perspectives, namely their status as syntactic constructs, their evolution as becoming morphological items through a process of lexicalisation – whereby they gradually acquire properties of a semantic, morphological, orthographic and phonological nature –, and their use in which several variables such as speech community, mode and textual category are in operation. Additionally, this volume touches upon the problems in establishing clear-cut boundaries between morphology and syntax in order to define their status and evolution. A comprehensive corpus analysis rounds off the study.
Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften Morgen-Glantz 19/2009: Zeitschrift Der Christian Knorr Von Rosenroth-Gesellschaft
Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften Italian Yearbook of Human Rights 2014
The Italian Yearbook of Human Rights 2014, the fourth in the series, provides a dynamic and up-to-date overview of the measures Italy has taken to adapt its legislation and policies to international human rights law and to comply with commitments voluntarily assumed by the Italian Government at the international level. The 2014 Yearbook surveys the activities of the relevant national and local Italian actors, including governmental bodies, civil society organisations and universities. It also presents reports and recommendations that have been addressed to Italy by international monitoring bodies within the framework of the United Nations, the Council of Europe and the European Union. Finally, the Yearbook provides a selection of international and national case-law that casts light on Italy’s position vis-à-vis internationally recognised human rights. «Italy and human rights in 2013: the challenges of social justice and the right to peace» is the focus of the introductory section of the Yearbook. With a view on the second Universal Periodic Review of Italy before the Human Rights Council, the Italian Agenda of Human Rights 2014, intended to be an orientation tool with regards to immediate and longterm measures that should be taken to ensure human rights for all in the Country, is integrated by an analysis of the status of implementation of the recommendations made to Italy during the first Universal Periodic Review (2010).
Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften Linguistique Et Stylistique Des Figures
Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften Robert Schuman - Conseiller Général de la Moselle - 1937-1949
Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften Herbert Luethy - Die Bilderhandschrift Von Ennenda
Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften Schweizer Jahrbuch Fuer Musikwissenschaft- Annales Suisses de Musicologie- Annuario Svizzero Di Musicologia: Neue Folge / Nouvelle Série / Nuova Serie- 34/35 (2014/2015)- Redaktion / Rédaction / Redazione: Luca Zoppelli
Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften Simpliciana XXXVIII (2016)
Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften Mimos 2015: Rimini Protokoll
Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften Johann Melchior Gletle, 36 Solo-Motetten Op. 5
Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften Les Espaces du Livre / Spaces of the Book: Supports et acteurs de la création texte/image (XXe–XXIe siècles) / Materials and Agents of the Text/Image Creation (20th–21th Centuries)
L’étonnante diversité des possibilités esthétiques offertes par le livre comme support matériel de la fin du XIXe siècle aux expérimentations les plus contemporaines, est au cœur de la réflexion proposée dans ce livre. La page, le feuillet et le livre, l’écran aussi, débordent le cadre du codex et du livre relié (livre en éventail, leporello, recueil d’affiches, livre dressé, livre sculpté, livre éclaté, livre numérique, etc.), par l’hétérogénéité de leurs matières, de leurs formes et de leurs formats. Ils deviennent des supports actifs dans le processus de conception et de réception de l’œuvre. Observer les processus de composition et de diffusion des œuvres dans leurs singularités matérielles, tel est l’objet de ce livre. Cette recherche engage à prendre la mesure du rôle des différents acteurs dans la conception du livre, non plus seulement l’écrivain et l’artiste mais aussi le typographe, le relieur, l’éditeur ou le galeriste, chaque acteur pouvant lui-même être polyvalent. La porosité des frontières entre les activités, les métiers, engendre naturellement la porosité entre les genres littéraires et artistiques. The heart of the reflection in this book is the diversity of aesthetic possibilities of the book as material support, from the late nineteenth century to contemporary experiments. The page, the sheet and the book go well beyond the codex and the bound book, in the heterogeneity of their materials, forms and formats (fans, leporellos, poster collections, upright books, book sculptures, exploded books, electronic books, etc.): they are active supports in the design and reception process. This book observes the process of composition and distribution of works in their material singularities, including the role of the different stakeholders in the design of the book, not only the writer and the artist but also the typographer, bookbinder, publisher or gallery owner, each playing a multiplicity of roles. Such porous borders between roles and crafts generate porosity between the literary and artistic genres.
Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften Sémiotique du mouvement: Du geste à la parole
Le geste ne peut être considéré en lui-même et pour lui-même qu’en se plaçant dans une perspective restrictive. En effet, le mouvement volontaire s’inscrit dans une action, et dans tous les cas, il est tributaire d’un contexte. Le mouvement est bien ce qui permet d’accéder au monde : ne dit-on pas de certains malades, pourtant conscients, qu’ils « sont murés en eux-mêmes », signifiant ainsi que le rôle de passeur de sens du mouvement est à jamais perdu ? L’une des difficultés majeures dans les tentatives d’harmonisation entre domaines provient du fait qu’il est délicat de faire coïncider les données provenant des champs neurophysiologique et biologique avec celles issues de modèles linguistiques. C’est pourquoi nous avons demandé à des chercheurs appartenant à diverses disciplines (philosophie, psychologie expérimentale, sociologie, linguistique et phonétique) d’illustrer la notion de « sémiotique du mouvement ». Un premier volet s’attache à préciser les enjeux théoriques du mouvement, de sa conception à sa représentation et à sa réalisation, d’une manière générale et dans ses rapports à la vision et à la parole. La deuxième et la troisième section apportent des éclairages plus spécifiques en focalisant le propos sur les aspects linguistiques.
Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften Br(e)aking the News: Journalism, Politics and New Media
What is the breaking news in the world today? How did you find out this news? How do you know it is true? Was it reported ethically? What checks and balances are being put on the news media? The answers to these questions reflect the themes of this book. The chapters are by experienced journalists, academics and practitioners in the field. They unravel and clearly present the recent and on-going developments in journalism and the press around the globe, including the US, Europe, Asia and Africa. Chapters deal with the phone hacking and data thefts in the UK that provoked a major inquiry into press ethics and standards. Twitter is examined and found to be a valuable tool for reporters in the Arab world and research shows how, in Australia, readers use Twitter to pass along news topics. Chapters also explore the use of the mobile phone to access news in sub-Saharan Nigeria, the role of media magnates in presenting political views in Europe, and Wikipedia’s representation of conflict. This collection of fourteen chapters by leading authors examines journalism as practised today and what we might expect from it in the future.
Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften The Representation of Dance in Australian Novels: The Darkness Beyond the Stage-Lit Dream
This book is an analysis of the textual representation of dance in the Australian novel since the late 1890s. It examines how the act of dance is variously portrayed, how the word ‘dance’ is used metaphorically to convey actual or imagined movement, and how dance is written in a novelistic form. The author employs a wide range of theoretical approaches including postcolonial studies, theories concerned with class, gender, metaphor and dance and, in particular, Jung’s concept of the shadow and theories concerned with vision. Through these variegated approaches, the study critiques the common view that dance is an expression of joie de vivre, liberation, transcendence, order and beauty. This text also probes issues concerned with the enactment of dance in Australia and abroad, and contributes to an understanding of how dance is ‘translated’ into literature. It makes an important contribution because the study of dance in Australian literature has been minimal, and this despite the reality that dance is prolific in Australian novels.
Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften Media, Democracy and Freedom: The Post-Communist Experience
This book does what few other works have done: it examines the role media have played in the larger political, economic and social transformations in the post communist space. An international group of scholars from various disciplines explore the complex relations between media, society, and the state in this region over the past twenty years, and present theoretical arguments that challenge dominant views. They scrutinize changes in the public sphere as well as the media itself, its role, format, agenda and quality in the context of changing values and shifting power relationships.
Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften From Superwomen to Domestic Goddesses: The Rise and Fall of Feminism
The book was awarded the W. K. Hancock Prize of the Australian Historical Association in 2010. Why are women turning their back on feminism? This book examines the rise and fall of feminism in the public imagination in the last twenty years, and explains why ‘feminism failed me’ has become the catch-cry of a generation. Today many women feel betrayed by the promises of feminism and are looking for liberation through ‘raunch culture’ or as ‘yummy mummies’ and ‘domestic goddesses’. Yet during the 1980s the popular ideal of the ‘Superwoman’ offered a source of empowerment and pride for women and equality with men – even ‘having it all’ – seemed possible. Through a close reading of popular culture sources, this book shows how women’s engagement with feminism has shifted over time, and considers its future as a social movement.
Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften Forme(s) et modes d’être / Form(s) and Modes of Being: L’ontologie de Roman Ingarden / The Ontology of Roman Ingarden
Le présent ouvrage est un recueil d’articles de chercheurs internationaux sur l’apport à l’ontologie du phénoménologue polonais Roman Ingarden. Il contient des contributions sur des thèmes aussi divers que la dépendance existentielle, les catégories ontologiques, les modes d’être, la substance, la causalité, la forme, l’idéalisme ou encore l’ontologie des objets fictifs. Ce volume démontre que la pensée d’Ingarden ne se limite pas à la phénoménologie et à l’histoire de celle-ci, mais est susceptible d’apporter une contribution singulière à la recherche métaphysique contemporaine. This books is a collection of papers written by international researchers on the contribution to ontology of the Polish phenomenologist Roman Ingarden. It contains texts of such various themes as ontological dependency, ontological categories, modes of being, substance, causality, form, idealism and the ontology fictional objects. This book shows that Ingarden’s thought goes beyond phenomenology and its history, and could be of a valuable interest for contemporary metaphysical research.
Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften The Borders of Schengen
Currently, we are witnessing a «border game» with participants on a global scale. The massive movement of illegal immigrants and refugees who have arrived in Europe over the last few months has led political leaders, activists’ movements and anonymous citizens to rethink practices and discourses. The media have multiplied news stories about mobilization initiatives that go well beyond the sphere of the state and even operate on the fringes of the law. Nationalism and identity issues have found their way onto the EU and its member-states’ agenda while the international community argues about the urgency to collaborate to address one of the greatest problems seen in Europe since the Second World War. Schengen borders have been suffering reconfigurations on an almost daily basis and Schengen has even been temporarily suspended in some countries, with the ghost of the end of the Union hovering over Europe. The series of multidisciplinary texts collected in this book offer the reader a variety of perspectives on the understanding of the Schengen area. Broadly speaking, this volume includes reflections on subjects that embrace the debates on the concept and practices of the free movement of persons within Europe, the security dimension of the European Union, illegal immigration and migration management, human rights and the role of various players and interests. This is the book to read if you wish to understand the latest developments in the Schengen area on its 30th anniversary.
Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften L'Échec Culturel: Vie Et Mort d'Un Concept En Sciences Sociales
Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften Documents Diplomatiques Français: Vichy (1er Janvier - 31 Décembre 1941)
Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften Taboo in Discourse: Studies on Attenuation and Offence in Communication
Taboo in Discourse: Studies on Attenuation and Offence in Communication combines cognitive, multimodal, translation and (critical) discourse-related issues with the intent of widening the field of study of taboo in communication. This volume explores the complex interplay between taboo and language in a range of social contexts, cultural settings and real-world discourse types: from political speeches to television series through cartoons, novels, oral interviews or official advertisements. Through a selection of empirical studies anchored in analyses of authentic and contextualized language data, this book examines the communicative functions of the different categories of taboo naming, from euphemism (attenuation) to dysphemism (offence). By bringing together contrasting (yet complementary) examples of taboo-related research, this volume yields insights into the way taboo emerges in discourse and allows to have access to attitudes, stereotypes and value judgments regarding taboo which are more or less implicitly communicated in the public sphere.
Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften Trade Unions in the European Union
Trade unions have repeatedly been challenged by neoliberal programmes implemented within Member States of theEuropean Union (EU) and at the European level. The twentyseven country chapters at the core of this book chart the features of the neoliberal challenge in the EU Member States and the measures implemented by unions in their attempts to adapt to changed circumstances since 2000. It is clear that union activity, either independently or in conjunction with allies, will be at the centre of revitalization campaigns if the pieces left from the neoliberal challenges are to be picked up and wielded into a coherent response.This book offers a comprehensive comparative overview of the development, structure, and policies of national trade union movements in the EU. It presents an in-depth analysis of the challenges facing these organizations and their strategic and policy responses from 2000 to 2020.
Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften MIMOS 2017: Ursina Lardi
Ob auf der Theaterbühne oder der Kinoleinwand: Ursina Lardi vermag mit radikaler künstlerischer Aneignung das Wesen ihrer Figuren zu enthüllen. Mit Texten von namhaften Wegbegleitern und Einzelanalysen würdigt dieser Band eine eindrucksvolle Schauspielerinnenkarriere. Sur la scène comme sur l’écran, Ursina Lardi parvient, grâce à une approche artistique exigeante, à s’approprier l’essence des personnages qu’elle habite. Cet ouvrage réunit des interventions d’artistes exceptionnels, compagnons de route, et des analyses spécialisées pour célébrer cette carrière d’actrice impressionnante. In scena come sullo schermo: grazie a un approccio radicale, Ursina Lardi riesce a cogliere l’essenza dei personaggi che interpreta. Il presente volume illustra, tramite analisi particolareggiate e i contributi di compagni di viaggio d’eccezione, lo straordinario percorso artistico di quest’attrice. Whether on stage or on screen, Ursina Lardi manages to reveal the essence of her characters by means of a radical artistic approach. The present volume, with contributions from well-known associates as well as individual analyses, pays homage to the impressive career of this actress.
Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften Journeys in the Sun: Travel Literature and Desire in the Balearic Islands (1903–1939): Second edition
The Mediterranean and the Balearic Islands have always enticed the minds of British travellers. In the first years of the twentieth century, the tourist industry made the islands accessible for a wide number of visitors, who depicted them in pictures and words. In the following decades, however, the image of the islands shifted and developed considerably from a quiet and pastoral winter resort to a popular destination for pleasure-seeking tourists and "sea ‘n’ sun" tourism. Taking these last representations as a starting point, this book travels back in time to explain how, by whom and why these images were created/shifted/developed to articulate the ultimate place of leisure and pleasure signified in today’s Majorca and Ibiza. The depiction and the evolution of topics such as ‘travel’, ‘tourism’, ‘authenticity’, ‘landscape’, ‘South’, ‘North’, ‘margin’, ‘centre’, ‘exoticism’, ‘people’, ‘costumes’ and ‘customs’ are examined in order to establish their contribution to the formulation of the ‘Balearic paradise’ in the first third of the twentieth century. This book will help the reader to understand the imagery associated with the islands today.
Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften Mimos 2014: Omar Porras
Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften Kulturbegegnung und Kulturkonflikt im (post-)kolonialen Kriminalroman
Kriminalliteratur bietet seit längerem ein Forum für die Behandlung schon ‚klassischer‘ postkolonialer Themen. So lassen sich die ProtagonistInnen vielfach als hybride Subjekte beschreiben, und die Suche nach ‚historischer Wahrheit‘ bedarf einer anderen Substruktion als der einfachen Antithetik von Gut und Böse. Darüber hinaus sind die im Verschwinden begriffenen ehemals klar getrennten kolonialen Räume in postkolonialer Kriminalliteratur zwar solche des Kulturkonflikts; die ‚liminalen‘ Räume, die Kontaktzonen, mutieren aber keineswegs ersatzweise zu idyllischen Orten: Vielmehr sind sie gegen Konflikte ebenso wenig gefeit. Kriminalliteratur ist daher ein ideales Labor für postkoloniale Narrative, die Elemente postmoderner Ästhetik mit einem starken Interesse an sozialen Ungleichgewichten verbinden.Der Band versammelt zwölf auf Deutsch und Englisch verfasste wissenschaftliche Beiträge zum postkolonialen Kriminalroman sowie ein Interview mit dem südafrikanischen Krimiautor Deon Meyer.
Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften Naturally Hypernatural III: Hypernatural Landscapes in the Anthropocene
This third volume of Naturally Hypernatural explores contemporary concepts of landscape in the humanities and the arts in relation to the notion that our age is defined by a ‘geology of the human’ and that this reckoning constitutes a new epoch, aptly named the anthropocene. The thesis of this volume – that there is no homogeneous concept of landscape, just as there is no uniform definition of nature or culture – was developed concurrently at a conference at the University of Graz and at a series of exhibitions centered on film, painting and photography at the Kunsthaus Graz. This thesis has been fortified by registering the simultaneity of land art, the ecological movement and the view of the earth from space.Art since the modern period reveals how divergent ideas of landscape are intertwined with differently chanted conceptions of subjectivity, perception and space.
Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften Paths to Transnational Solidarity: Identity-Building Processes in European Works Councils
With national industrial relations systems struggling to keep apace with the global and mobile nature of capital, the emergence of the European works council has caught the imagination of both practitioners and scholars of this institution in the last two decades. European works councils find themselves at the centre of an ever emerging European industrial relations landscape, offering employees of multinationals within the European Economic Area the opportunity to work together in regulating employment conditions. An in-depth empirical study of five European works councils, this book offers a unique look into factors which promote and hinder the development of solidarity amongst employees. With a sociological bent, this volume is a must for EWC delegates struggling to deal with geographical, cultural and historical factors that undermine relations between them.
Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften Langage Et Dynamiques Du Sens: Études de Linguistique Ibéro-Romane
Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften La Correlation en Russe : Structures et Interpretations
Cette etude est consacree a un phenomene aussi bien syntaxique que semantique qui, a ce jour, n'a fait l'objet d'aucune analyse specifique en linguistique russe. En effet, bien que regulierement evoquee - mais souvent de maniere sporadique - dans les grammaires et diverses etudes sur la syntaxe de la subordination en russe, la correlation n'a jamais donne lieu a une analyse systematique. L'originalite de l'ouvrage reside egalement dans l'approche adoptee : au lieu de mettre l'accent, comme c'est souvent le cas dans la litterature linguistique sur la question, sur le mode de liaison des predications dans les structures correlatives, la definition de la correlation se fonde sur le fonctionnement specifique des marqueurs de liaison, les correlateurs. L'approche semasiologique proposee a surtout l'avantage d'unifier le traitement des correlateurs russes et d'eviter certaines contradictions manifestes de leurs descriptions actuelles, majoritairement onomasiologiques. Une part importante de l'ouvrage est consacree a la semantique des structures correlatives.
Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften Sex, Metaphysics, and Madness: Unveiling the Grail on Human Nature and Mental Disorder
With philosophy traditionally seen as the way to truth, wisdom and goodness, it is to metaphysics, logic and ethics that we have historically turned to solve personal, social, and existential dilemmas, and find peace and contentment. Rarely is it noted, however, that despite two millennia of debate, philosophers have yet to produce a coherent theory of human/worldly existence. At the same time, the global incidence of mental illness has risen to what many see as epidemic proportions. This book argues that this is no coincidence. Its analysis of key metaphysical texts suggests that the entire philosophical (and religious) canon has been founded upon and distorted by an Aristotelian misconception. Through its social/discursive inscription, this misconceived metaphysics is disrupting the development of fe/male selfhood to a degree that, under further conditions, is causing mental illness. Thus, our metaphysics is making us mad, and the more muddled it gets, the more disordered we become. The testing of this theory via eating disorder research supports a new ‘spirogenetic’ model of subjectivity that resolves not only mental illness, but also the ancient mysteries of the Holy Grail and Philosopher’s Stone.
Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften Evocations of Eloquence: Rhetoric, Literature and Religion in Early Modern France - Essays in Honour of Peter Bayley
This collection of essays by leading scholars from France, Great Britain and North America is published in honour of Peter Bayley, former Drapers Professor of French at the University of Cambridge and a leading scholar of early modern France. The volume reflects his scholarly interest in the interface between religion, rhetoric and literature in the period 1500–1800. The first three sections of the book are concerned with the early modern period. The contributors consider subjects including the eloquence of oration from the pulpit, the relationship between religion, culture and belief, and the role of theatre and ceremony during the seventeenth century. They engage with individuals such as the theologian Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet, the dramatists Molière, Racine and Corneille, and the philosophers Bayle and Pascal. The volume concludes with a section that is concerned with critical influences and contexts from the sixteenth, eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Throughout, the authors offer stimulating new perspectives on an age that never ceases to intrigue and fascinate.
Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften Political, Religious and Social Conflict in the States of Savoy, 1400–1700
Taking conflict as its collective theme, this book brings together the work of early modern specialists to offer a range of insights into the political, social and religious climate in Savoy between 1400 and 1700. The contributors focus on the broader context of early modern European history, making clear the sometimes overlooked political and historical significance of Savoy. The volume explores the diverse mechanisms whereby political, social and religious conflicts were articulated with reference to a wide range of primary sources, many of which are unpublished. The chapters offer important perspectives on subjects such as: the diplomatic relations between the court of Savoy and certain foreign powers during a time of European unrest; the role of propaganda; the construction of national and religious identities; and persecution and resistance, notably in relation to the Reformation and the Waldensians. The conclusions that are established advance a better understanding of the history of Savoy and of the broader conflicts shaping Europe in the early modern period.
Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften Thinking Between Islam and the West: The Thoughts of Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Bassam Tibi and Tariq Ramadan
In this book, the author assesses the social vision of three western Muslim intellectuals, Seyyed H. Nasr, Bassam Tibi and Tariq Ramadan. He finds that the thoughts of Nasr and his students promote a kind of tradition-based society, which is in harmony with the Divine Law in Islam and a hierarchical structure of society. The thoughts of Tibi advocate the concept of Euro-Islam, which tries to rationalize Islam and renders it a personal religion in the private domain. Finally, the thoughts of Ramadan emphasize a communicative society, in which dialogue between Muslims and non-Muslims on public affairs is crucial. The author tries to understand how these three social orders can complement each other. He compares and contrasts their ideas in order to show that modern Islamic thought is not monolithic but pluralistic, and that they present different social visions for Islam in the West. However, Muslims are often labelled as a minority group and so implicitly excluded from being part of the West: the thoughts of Muslim writers help reflect this problem. The author maintains that these Muslim intellectuals in the West should be fully recognized as western intellectuals.
Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften No Man’s Land: Irish Women and the Cultural Present
This book explores bilingualism and translation in contemporary women’s writing. The author argues that the ‘in-between’ or interstitial linguistic areas of bilingualism, translation and regionalism provide a language and imagery suitable for the expression of a specifically female consciousness. Throughout the book, she draws on the work of writers and critics in both Irish and English to construct a new method of reading Irish women’s writing in the latter half of the twentieth century and the early years of the twenty-first. These bold new readings demonstrate that the concept of interstitiality or the ‘in-between’ can enrich our understanding not only of Irish women’s literature in itself but also of the culture that produces this literature.
Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften Syndicats Et Dialogue Social: Les Modèles Occidentaux À l'Épreuve
Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften Discours Et Communication Didactiques En Fle
Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften Analyser Les Données En Sciences Sociales: de la Préparation Des Données À l'Analyse Multivariée