Search results for ""Paulist Press""
Paulist Press International,U.S. LGBTQ Catholics: A Guide to Inclusive Ministry
Yunuen Trujillo addresses the need for ministry for LGBTQ Catholics and the need for support ministry for parents of LGBTQ Catholics. The book gives a full-picture template to serve as a model that can be replicated in any parish community around the world. It is as well for LGBTQ people and their families, not only for those who feel marginalized, but also for the parishioners themselves who are called to live out the social doctrine of the Church. †
Paulist Press International,U.S. Women and the Church: From Devil's Gateway to Discipleship
Women and the Church examines the history of Christian feminism as a response to patriarchy, the ways in which women have been portrayed in scripture and women's hermeneutical strategies, and the seminal contributions of women to the subfields of systematic theology. Unlike many books in this genre, which are collections of essays by diverse authors, Women and the Church is written from one author's perspective as an attempt to systematize the historic presence and absence of women in Roman Catholicism. Endorsements "Natalia Imperatori-Lee's new book, Women and the Church: From Devil's Gateway to Discipleship, is sure to become an instant classic in the field. It is theologically rigorous, with detailed analysis of women's roles and voices in the church throughout the centuries, and pastorally sensitive, with attention to issues of intersectionality. It also provides thoughtful study questions and valuable resources for further research. This book will enliven one to teach and study feminist theology again." —Michelle Saracino, Manhattan College Natalia Imperatori-Lee is professor of religious studies at Manhattan College in Riverdale, Bronx, New York. She teaches in the areas of Catholic ecclesiology, gender studies, and Latinx theologies. Imperatori-Lee holds degrees from Fordham University, the University of Chicago, and the University of Notre Dame. †
Paulist Press International,U.S. Theological Highlights of Vatican II
Here is a significant book comprising Joseph Ratzinger's report on the debates and struggles that made up each of the four sessions of Vatican II (1962-65), along with theological commentary by a noted scholar and professor. At the council Ratzinger worked on the Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation (Dei verbum), the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church (Lumen gentium), and the Decree on the Missionary Activity of the Church (Ad gentes). Topics he treats in detail in the book include the debate on the liturgy schema, the early debate on divine revelation, the questions of Mariology and ecumenism, the decree on the bishops’ office in the Church, religious liberty, the Church and the Jews, and the schemas on the missions and on priestly ministry and life. He gives special attention to the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church and to the Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World. †
Paulist Press International,U.S. Prayers of the Faithful: For Sundays, Feasts, and Seasons
The Prayers of the Faithful conclude the Liturgy of the Word. They have a variety of functions, including the opportunity to revisit the principal themes of the readings and the preaching. These particular Prayers of the Faithful provide an opportunity to summarise those themes in a prayer format that alerts the people to what they have heard, reinforcing the teaching, and connecting its message with their lives as disciples of Jesus. The format of the prayers is simple. The first and second prayers relate to the first and second readings of the mass and the third and fourth prayers reflect some teaching from the gospel of the day. The author includes "sense lines" indicating a slight pause at the end of each line, helping the congregation understand the meaning of the prayer. Highlights: —entirely based on the Bible readings —consistency of style and format —ecumenical in tone and emphasis —inclusive language sensitive —Complements the liturgical seasons †
Paulist Press International,U.S. Spiritual Direction and the Encounter with God (Revised Edition): A Theological Inquiry
Is what we call "the encounter with God" merely a depth experience of the psyche or does it have a specific theological character? In this revised edition of his best selling book, William Barry shows how it it possible to understand an encounter with the Triune God in this world, and how that process can be interpreted and aided by a spiritual director. Using the insights of John Macmurray and John Smith, Barry describes how a relationship with God develops and how one can discern whether a particular experience is from God or not. This understanding of religious experience comes from a theology of community, communal discernment and ministry in the church. This book will be helpful to spiritual directors, educators and theologians, as well as all educated seekers desiring a deeper relationship with God. In this revised edition, the author has added reflections on God's presence to suffering and evil and to evildoers, updated the bibliography, and freshened his examples for the 21st-century reader. †
Paulist Press International,U.S. Spiritual Director, Spiritual Companion: Guide to Tending the Soul
Updates his classic, Spiritual Friend Spiritual direction pioneer Tilden Edwards here shares the wealth of twenty years of experience he's gained since his classic book, Spiritual Friend. The fresh and insightful result covers both spiritual and practical sides of the art, from the nature of the soul to recommendations on payment rates. Both directors and directees benefit from this wholistic look that considers all of the person and not just his or her prayer life. At the book's heart, though, is spiritual direction at its best. Edwards examines new methods to nurture the soul, ways to recognize a true spiritual experience, and suggestions for being truly present during the process. Practical guidelines are also given for getting started with new directees, running group spiritual direction, evaluating sessions, and setting up a spiritual director peer group. In addition, Edwards gives a brief history of this special ministry and a view of its future. He also considers spiritual companionship in other religious traditions and their relation to a Christian framework. This new title offers enormous insight and support for both spiritual directors and directees, anyone considering entering spiritual direction, and all those ministers—from pastors to Christian counselors—who so often unexpectedly find themselves in the role of spiritual director. †
Paulist Press International,U.S. The Book of Creation: An Introduction to Celtic Spirituality
By the author of Celtic Prayers from Iona In Celtic tradition, the "Book of Creation" is where we "read" what the Creator has said to us. J. Philip Newell here reflects on the seven days of creation in Genesis, using them as a guide to the practice of Celtic spirituality. Each day explores a different aspect of creation as a manifestation of God, revealing divine presence at the heart of everyday life. Newell begins by tracing the history of Celtic spirituality and how it clashed with Rome, then he goes on to draw from a rich and diverse selection of Celtic sources on creation: Eriugena, Pelagius, the Carmina Gadelica, novelist George MacDonald, poet Kenneth White, and Iona Community founder George MacLeod. Newell also includes meditation exercises that may be used by either individuals or groups. Newell is quickly becoming one of today's most authoritative and inspirational voices on Celtic spirituality. His book is perfect for prayer groups, seasonal parish programs, small faith communities, religious communities, spiritual seekers, anyone of Celtic heritage, and anyone interested in creation spirituality. †
Paulist Press International,U.S. Understanding Christian Spirituality
A readable overview of the contemporary spiritual scene that defines, outlines, and advocates several models or methods for studying Christian spirituality with a respect for Scripture, tradition, and one's own personal and cultural experiences. †
Paulist Press International,U.S. The Doubting Disease: Help for Scrupulosity and Religious Compulsions
The Doubting Disease by Joseph W. Ciarrocchi brings to the fore the most current information available today on religion and scruples, scrupulosity, and obsessive-compulsive disorders (OCD). In this book he helps us clearly appreciate the interior anguish suffered by thousands of people of faith who have this symptomatology and what we can do about it. As well as offering a concise, helpful understanding of the demographics, etiology and treatment of scrupulosity and OCD, in the Doubting Disease he also addresses the questions: *How does scrupulosity develop? *What are the differences between common and uncommon scrupulosity? *What are some classic and contemporary models of religious scrupulosity? *Where does the issue of scrupulosity fit into the history of pastoral care? *What are some practical ways to target scruples and increase motivation for reduction of scrupulosity and compulsivity? *How and when should persons get help for scrupulosity and OCD? Essential for all persons involved in general ministry, pastoral counseling, and the treatment of religious persons suffering from scrupulosity and OCD, I believe this book will also be of great service for anyone interested in the psychology of religion and the theological topics of "conversion," "discernment," and "sin." —-Robert J. Wicks Series Editor †
Paulist Press International,U.S. Marguerite Porete: The Mirror of Simple Souls
The Classics series, which has inspired many less-successful imitations over the years, has fulfilled its promise and given us an invaluable resource of the soul. The Catholic Historical Review Marguerite Porete: The Mirror of Simple Souls translated and introduced by Ellen L. Babinsky preface by Robert E. Lerner LOVE: This Soul has within her the mistress of the Virtues, whom one calls Divine Love, who has transformed her completely into herself, is united to her, and which is why this Soul belongs neither to herself nor to the Virtues. Reason: But who are you, Love? says Reason. Are not you one of the Virtues with us even though you be above us? Love: I am God, says Love, for Love is God and God is Love, and this Soul is God by the condition of Love. Thus this precious beloved of mine is taught and guided by me, without herself, for she is transformed into me, and such a perfect one, says Love, takes my nourishment. Marguerite Porete (?-1310) We know very little about Marguerite Porete, only that she was a beguine from Hainaut who was burned at the stake as a relapsed heretic in 1310. She might have been a solitary itinerant beguine who expounded her teachings to interested listeners. She wrote The Mirror of Simple Souls in Old French sometime between 1296 and 1306. The format of the text is a dialogue among allegorical figures who represent the nature of the relation between the soul and God. The fundamental structure of the discourse is grounded in traditional Neoplatonist philosophy, and courtly language is used to express theological abstractions. The Mirror is a theological treatise which analyzes how love in human beings is related to divine love, and how the human soul by means of this relation may experience a lasting union of indistinct ion with God in this life. This is the first modern English translation of the complete text. The translation is based on a critical edition of the Old French and Latin versions of The Mirror. The introduction sets The Mirror in the maelstrom of political and ecclesiastical tensions and conflicts, and offers an analysis of the French beguine's thought. †
Paulist Press International,U.S. Stumbling Blocks or Stepping Stones: Spiritual Answers to Psychological Questions
Therapeutic meditations that show how human weakness can be changed by grace, prayer, insight, and choice into stepping stones on the road to God. †
Paulist Press International,U.S. George Herbert: The Country Parson and the Temple
"the publishers should be congratulated for their newest...event. By making sixty of the greatest spiritual classics easily available in their new series, they have done much to further the spiritual renewal of the Church." The Christian World GEORGE HERBERT-THE COUNTRY PARSON, THE TEMPLE edited, with an introduction and foreword by John N. Wall, Jr. preface by A.M. Allchin The Sun arising in the East, Though he give light, and th' East perfume; If they should offer to contest With thy arising, they presume. George Herbert (1593-1633) George Herbert (1593-1633) lived in England during the tempestuous reigns of James I and Charles I that saw the nation racked by conflict among Catholics, Hugh Churchmen, and Puritans. A member of a politically-active family, Herbert rejected a promising career as a member of Parliament for the simple life of a country parson. While busily involved in his pastoral duties he produced works of poetry and prose that have earned him a long-established place in English literary history. Collected here are two works originally published after Herbert's death at Bemerton in 1633: The Country Parson, a prose treatise on the duties, joys, and hardships of a pastor's life; and The Temple, a collection of poems. In them the literary genius of this humble priest whose spirituality was a synthesis of Evangelical and Catholic piety is revealed. Herbert's appeal for today is summed up by A.M. Allchin in his preface to this volume: "Without glossing over the fragility and brokenness of man's experience of life in time, he managed to reaffirm the great unities of Christian faith and prayer. These are the unities which draw together the separated strands in the Christian heritage, which draw together past and present in a living an creative appropriation of tradition." †
Paulist Press International,U.S. Symeon the New Theologian: The Discourses
"A major new reengage people with their own spiritual roots...the first contemporary fresh translations from the classic works of mysticism in the Roman Catholic, Protestant, Eastern Orthodox, Islamic and American Indian traditions." —G. W. Cornell, Associated PressSymeon the New Theologian: The Discourses translation by C.J. DeCatanzaro, introduction by George Maloney, S.J., preface by Basile KrivocheineIt shines on us without evening, without change, without alteration, without form. It speaks, works, lives, gives life and changes into light those whom it illuminates. We bear witness that "God is light," and those to whom it has been granted to see Him have all beheld Him as light. Those who have received Him as light, do so because the light of His glory goes before Him, and it is impossible for Him to appear without light. Those who have not seen His light have not seen Him, for He is the light, and those who have not received the light have not yet received grace. Those who have received grace have received the light of God and have received God, even as Christ Himself, who is the light, has said, "I will live in them and move among them."SYMEON THE NEW THEOLOGIAN (942-1022)Father George Maloney in his Introduction to this volume focuses directly on the special importance of St. Symeon and on how similar the religious situation of his era is to our own. "Concretely, the battle of two opposing views of theology centered around St. Symeon and his mystical apophatic approach of the experiencing of God immanently present to the individual, as opposed to the "head trip" scholastic theology as represented by Archbishop Stephen of Nicomedia, the official theologian at the court of Constantinople. Stephen represented the abstract, philosophical type of theologizing while Symeon strove to restore theology to its pristine mystical tendency as a wisdom infused by the Holy Spirit into the Christian after he had been thoroughly purified through a rigorous asceticism and a state of constant repentance."This great spiritual master of Eastern Christianity was an abbot, spiritual director of renown, theologian and important church reformer. These Discourses which form the central work of his life were preached by St. Symeon to his monks during their morning Matins ritual. They treat such basic spiritual themes as repentance, detachment, renunciation, the works of charity, impassiblity, remembrance of death, sorrow for sins, the practice of God's commandments, mystical union with the indwelling Trinity, faith and contemplation.†
Paulist Press International,U.S. Beginning to Pray
A new, attractive edition of this modern spiritual classic. †
Paulist Press International,U.S. 72. St. Irenaeus of Lyons: Books 4 and 5
These books focus on the sayings of Jesus.
Paulist Press International,U.S. The Abbey Psalter: The Book of Psalms Used by the Trappist Monks of Genesee Abbey
The Grail edition of the Psalms, hand-lettered by Trappist monks and set for personal chanting or choir singing. †
Paulist Press International,U.S. The Prayer of St. Francis
Although the prayer of St. Francis is widely known and loved by people of all ages, here is a new slant on it—a children's book that brings the prayer to life with tenderness, wonder, and joy. Accompanying each line of the prayer are sweet little animals paired with a wolf that can only be described at gentle and loving. Here is a wolf that is protector and helper to his little forest friends, bringing them light to banish the darkness, joy to counter their sadness, even contemplating the sunset with his arm around his friend the sheep. A short history of St. Francis and of the prayer is included to help readers put it in perspective. Children will be drawn into the warm, whimsical, and charming illustrations that truly make the prayer come alive. And as they read it to and with children, adults will find themselves smiling at and contemplating this book that will remind them of the beauty and simplicity of this prayer. †
Paulist Press International,U.S. Meister Eckhart , Vol. 2: The Essential Sermons, Commentaries, Treatises and Defense
"The very imposing and very welcome Classics of Western Spirituality™ series...should be in every theological collection of any depth." Ardin Newsletter Meister Eckhart: The Essential Sermons, Commentaries, Treatises and Defense translated and introduced by Edmund Colledge, O.S.A. and Bernard McGinn; preface by Huston Smith "…it is necessary that all things be bathed in the blood of Christ and led back into the Father through the Son's meditation, just as the Father does all things through the Son; and so the flowing back will correspond to the flowing out." Meister Eckhart (c.1260-1327) The thought of Meister Eckhart (c. 1260-1327), Dominican philosopher and spiritual master, is among the most daring and difficult in the history of Western mysticism. Thoroughly grounded in the Scholastic method of his day and steadfastly loyal to the Church, Eckhart's love of speculation, paradox, and the apophatic way, nevertheless, resulted in the controversial condemnation of certain of his teachings by papal bull in 1329. His doctrines of detachment, the return of the soul to God, and the birth of the Son in the soul have continued to perplex his critics and nourish his disciples through the ages. This volume, based on the critical Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft edition of Eckhart's works, represents the first time that his technical Latin writings and more popular German sermons and treatises have appeared together in English. †
Paulist Press International,U.S. Saint Kevin and the Blackbird
The early Celtic Christians placed great emphasis on the importance of care for God’s creation, as seen in a number of beautiful and tender stories. The story of Saint Kevin and the Blackbird is perhaps the most beautiful of them all.
Paulist Press International,U.S. The Most Beautiful Images from the Bible: Sharing the Stories with Children
A collection of twenty exquisitely illustrated scenes from the Bible, both Old and New Testament, accompanied by a meditation that explains what is happening in the scene, along with the Bible verse that inspired it. Ages 5-9. †
Paulist Press International,U.S. St. Ignatius of Loyola: In God's Service
In this engaging new biography of St. Ignatius of Loyola, Peggy Sklar introduces young adults to the fascinating and significant life of St. Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits). Painted in vivid detail are his early days, conversion, pilgrimage and founding of his new religious order. But the author takes this unique biography to a whole new level in focusing then, in the last chapter, on Ignatius' legacy of service and spirituality, as well as examples of activities that the Jesuits are involved in and concrete applications of Ignatian spirituality. This glimpse into Ignatius' life and spirituality will not only make this saint more accessible to young people, for whom he is an ideal role model, but to adults as well. †
Paulist Press International,U.S. The Story of St. Patrick
Ages 5-8 Prisoner, slave and saint! Even though a lot of people celebrate the day of the wearing of the green, few know the actual story of this remarkable and exciting man. †
Paulist Press International,U.S. When Science Goes Wrong: The Desire and Search for Truth
The science/faith discussion is often hindered by a fundamental misunderstanding of the role and function of science. This misunderstand was made most evident, with tragic consequences, during the recent pandemic. The ways that science has gone wrong, and the underlying causes of how it goes wrong, will be illustrated here with a series of historical essays describing ideas about the universe, planet Earth, and the evolution of life that were all based on ideas that were reasonable…but ultimately wrong. Some are amusing in retrospect; others are tragic. Theology, philosophy, or even mathematics may lay claim to eternal truths, but in science our very cosmologies change. Just as the major religions have adapted in the face of changing cultural cosmologies, so too has science adapted in the face of challenging new observations and new ideas. Religions and science are strengthened by experiencing a shift in our assumptions; that's where we find out what's essential, and what is cultural baggage. Ultimately, the point of our science is not to come up with the "right answer." Both as scientists and as human beings, we know that sometimes we learn the most by encountering ideas that challenge us. When we say, "I know that can't be right; so, where did it go wrong?" we gain a greater insight into what we do believe, and what it really means. Endorsements "As an antidote to our penchant to treat scientific findings as settled facts, the authors discuss the scientific method, rightly understood as a gift compatible with faith in our search for truth and meaning." —Archbishop Emeritus Joseph E. Kurtz, Archdiocese of Louisville "Departing refreshingly from the typically pontifical tone of popular science books, here are two experts who educate us on the ups and downs of the history of science with good humor and humility." —Jonathan I. Lunine, David C. Duncan Professor in the Physical Sciences, Cornell University "When Science Goes Wrong is an excellent resource for teachers, students, or anyone who wishes to examine how the very human process of scientific discovery unfolded through the ages." —Dr. Katherine Bulinski, associate professor of geosciences, Bellarmine University Brother Guy Consolmagno, SJ, is a research astronomer, physicist, a Jesuit religious brother, director of the Vatican Observatory, and currently the president of the Vatican Observatory Foundation. In 2022, he was awarded the St. Albert Award by the Society of Catholic Scientists. He is the author of numerous books, including Would You Baptize an Extraterrestrial?: ...and Other Questions from the Astronomers' In-box at the Vatican Observatory (with Paul Muller). Christopher M. Graney is an astronomer and historian of science with the Vatican astronomical observatory in Rome and the Vatican Observatory Foundation in Tucson, Arizona. †
Paulist Press International,U.S. On Earth as it is in Heaven
Josephine Lombardi, one of North America's most highly respected theologians, has written a practical and inviting book to show how the Lord's Prayer can be a powerful spiritual guide for daily living. In this revised edition, Lombardi has drawn from her reflections on the last 12 years since this book was first published to provide new insight into the wisdom and depth of this prayer.Drawing from her own life as a respected theologian, wife and young mother, On Earth as it is in Heaven is full of personal reflections, spiritual meditations and insightful anecdotes. Each section analyzes one line of the Lord's Prayer, followed by reflection questions and a short prayer. The result is a rich resource that nourishes the personal prayer life of adult Christians. This jewel of a book reveals God's relationship to us as being filled with intimacy and trust. Lombardi promotes the Lord's Prayer as a source of restoration and hope for families and society alike.Josephine Lombardi teaches theology at St. Augustine"s Seminary in Toronto.†
Paulist Press International,U.S. The Catholic Spiritual Journey: Responding to Today's Challenges
"In this post-pandemic world, reliance upon our Catholic traditions provides both comfort and challenge in daily living. Father Bacik is skilled at presenting the richness of our faith perspective in a manner that is accessible to all... Each chapter distills the essence of Catholic belief, a refreshing return to the heart of our faith."—from the forewordThrough the lens of "spirituality," and more specifically the idea of "spiritual journey," the Nicene Creed, the theological and moral virtues, the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, the Beatitudes, major liturgical feasts, and holy people, The Catholic Spiritual Journey explores how the Catholic spiritual tradition offers hope in challenging times."Fr. Bacik fuses a classical and contemporary pathway toward spiritual enlightenment. This catechetical masterpiece offers a rich meditation for anyone looking for a fresh interpretation of Catholic Christian teachings."—Rev. Richard S. Vosko, Hon. AIA, author of Art and Architecture for Congregational Worship: A Search for a Common GroundFr. James Bacik is a priest of the Diocese of Toledo and is the former pastor of Corpus Christi University Parish in Toledo. He has a doctorate in theology from the University of Oxford and has published numerous articles and more than fifteen books. Fr. Bacik has taught graduate theology courses at the University of Notre Dame, Fordham University, the University of San Francisco, and the Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. He has also lectured widely in the United States and internationally.†
Paulist Press International,U.S. The Psalms: Songs of Faith and Praise; The Revised Grail Psalter
Graceful and inspiring, here is an insightful and moving introduction to the Book of Psalms as prayer. †
Paulist Press International,U.S. The Catholic Church through the Ages, Second Edition: A History
The Catholic Church through the Ages, now in its second edition, is a one-volume survey of the history of the Catholic Church from its beginning until (and including) the pontificate of Pope Francis. The book explains the Church's progress by using Christopher Dawson's division of the Church's history into six distinct "ages," or 350-400 year periods of time, each cycle beginning with great enthusiasm and advancement and ending in decline and loss. Writing with the experience of thirty years of teaching, the author has fashioned an ideal text that combines substance with readability. Undergraduates, graduates, and interested lay people have given the author an idea of what topics should be emphasized. As a result, he has emphasized such areas monasticism, the Crusades, medieval theology, the Inquisition, Reformation, French Revolution, the nineteenth century, and the Church in the United States. And he has added material on the Oxford Movement, John Henry Newman’s contributions to the Oxford Movement and to the Catholic intellectual tradition, and the Catholic literary revival that took place in several countries in the early twentieth century, as well as on the last three popes. As a supplement to each chapter, the author has included an updated the recommended readings and bibliography, as well as the audio-visual materials. †
Paulist Press International,U.S. Dark God: Cruelty, Sex, and Violence in the Old Testament
Treats the question of interpreting difficult texts of the Bible that seem to shock our modern understanding of God and religious ideas. †
Paulist Press International,U.S. Saint John of the Cross for Every Day
Saint John of the Cross (1542-1591) is one of only 33 “Doctors of the Church”—of whom there are only three Carmelites. A contemporary of fellow-Spaniard and Carmelite, Saint Teresa of Avila, he is considered one of the great mystics in the Western Church, one of the glories of Spain and the Carmelite order. This devotional book is made up of his sayings from his masterpieces The Ascent of Mount Carmel, The Dark Night, The Spiritual Canticle and The Living Flame of Love, all edited and translated by Fr. Kavanaugh in Paulist Press's Classics of Western Spirituality series. In this little gem of a book, for each day of the year there is a thought on which to dwell, pray, or meditate. What makes this book unique is that it can can be picked up on ANY day of the year and the reader can appreciate the chosen thought. If you miss a day, the book will always be applicable for ANY and EVERY day of the year regardless of your circumstances.This is the perfect pocket-/purse-sized gift book for those who have a devotion to St. John and to Carmelite spirituality in general.†
Paulist Press International,U.S. Devotions for Caregivers: A Month's Supply of Prayer
Often when we think about those who are sick or homebound, we think only of the patient, and rarely realize that there is a caregiver who is equally tied to the home and the restrictive schedule of the illness. This book is comprised of easy-to-read-and-digest devotional prayers, each supplication based on a biblical reading AND containing a brief concluding prayer. A suggested "Stop For A Minute" section after the final brief prayer allows a moment for the reading from Scripture to sink in, and, hopefully, help the exhausted caregiver "refuel" spiritually and emotionally. Not a "grief-resource" book, but, rather, a book to help caregivers care for themselves too, this work makes a thoughtful gift for anyone who spends him/herself in taking care of others. Highlights: —the devotional thoughts are short and to the point, specifically directed to the caregiver —easy to read —a spiritual drink for those short on time —theset "daily devotions" are unique in their specific application to the world of the caregiver †
Paulist Press International,U.S. Deacons and the Church
Deacons and the Church is a comprehensive overview of the permanent diaconate that provides a unique combination of theological reflection, historical analysis, and pastoral problems and issues. Written by a permanent deacon, it sets as point of departure the restoration of the diaconate at Vatican II. From there, it follows the history of the diaconate from Jesus onward, pausing to consider those who serve as stellar examples of deacons for deacons: Lawrence of Rome, Ephrem of Nisibis, Francis of Assisi, and Nicholas Ferrer of Little Gidding. He discusses the deacon and liturgy, reflects on the spirituality of the deacon, the dysfunctional deacon, and the interface between the sacraments of Holy Orders and Matrimony. With its one-of-a-kind combination of theological, historical, and pastoral emphasis, enhanced by the personal experience of the author, this book is a must-have for deacons and anyone interested in the diaconate. †
Paulist Press International,U.S. The Lost Art of Walking on Water: Reimagining the Priesthood
With bursting congregations, shrinking ranks and a priest sexual abuse scandal in the headlines, no group seems more beleaguered of late than Roman Catholic priests. This book of essays by a priest is candid, thoughtful, honest, sometimes funny and filled with hope and practical suggestions for parish priests today. Facing such challenges as prayer, obedience, celibacy, depression and church leadership, he offers a call to greater transparency and trusting faith. Even turbulent times are graced. Father Heher believes priests can do more than survive this difficult time; they have the capacity to grow more resilient, relaxed, effective and loving. Highlights: —there are many books about priests but few to priests themselves by one of their own —engagingly written —insightful reading for lay people †
Paulist Press International,U.S. Light from Light (Second Edition): An Anthology of Christian Mysticism
In this revised edition of a longtime best selling anthology of Christian mysticism, editors Louis Dupré and James Wiseman bring together selections from the writings of twenty-three of the most important Christian mystics, from Origen of Alexandria in the third century to Thomas Merton in the twentieth. This edition retains most of the authors included in the first addition, but has replaced some authors from that edition with ones that will be of greater interest to readers today, e.g., Francis and Clare of Assisi, Francis de Sales and Jane de Chantal, and Evelyn Underhill. A general introduction discusses the place of mysticism within the Christian life as a whole, while individual chapter introductions place the mystical writers in their historical context and relate their works to others in the anthology. In addition, the editors have completely updated the bibliographies at the end of each chapter. Students and teachers of spirituality, as well as persons interested in their own spiritual growth, will welcome this popular revised resource, because it makes readily available in one volume major works by important Christian mystical writers. Like its predecessor, it is sure to be welcomed in the academic world and spiritual and devotional circles. †
Paulist Press International,U.S. Celtic Spirituality
Sure to be of exceptional interest among scholars as well as recreational readers is this volume in the esteemed Classics of Western Spirituality™ series. Celtic Spirituality offers translations of numerous texts from the Celtic tradition from the 6th through the 13th centuries, in a cross-section of genres and forms, including saints' lives, monastic texts, poetry, devotional texts, liturgical texts, apocrypha, exegetical texts, and theological treatises. Davies has written a helpful introduction, which covers the origins and characteristics of Celtic Christianity and the different genres included in body of the work. He provides readers with insight into the style, form, and character of the texts, including explanation of the Celtic emphasis on orality, the importance of place, emphasis on the environment and animals, and the role of the imagination. With its wide diversity of texts and emphasis on a current of spirituality that is both popular, historical, and inspirational, this volume will be important for scholars of spirituality and Celtic history as well as persons of Celtic descent. †
Paulist Press International,U.S. Early Islamic Mysticism: Sufi, Qur'an, Mi'raj, Poetic and Theological Writings
"In these critical times nothing could be more valuable for the West than a rediscovery of its true spiritual heritage: books which were once the treasures of people, now rare and little known." Seyyed Hossein Nasr Early Islamic Mysticism: Sufi, Qur'an, Mi'raj, Poetic and Theological Writings translated, edited and with an introduction by Michael A. Sells preface by Carl W. Ernst God is the light of the heavens and earth. The light like the light of a lamp in a niche The lamp enclosed in a cover of glass The glass like a glistening star Kindled from the oil of a blessed tree An olive not of the East not of the West Its oil glows forth nearly without the touch of fire… Qur'an 24:35 The first centuries of Islam saw the development of Sufism as one of the world's major mystical traditions. Although the later Sufi writings by mystics such as Rumi are known and available in translation, access to the crucial early period of Islamic mysticism has been far more limited. This volume opens with an essay on the place of spirituality within the Islamic tradition. Immediately following are the foundation texts of the pre-Sufi spirituality: the Qur'an passages most important to the mystical tradition; the accounts of Muhammad's heavenly ascent (Mi'raj); and the crucial work of early poets in setting a poetic sensibility for speaking of union with the divine beloved. The volume then presents the sayings attributed to the key early figures of Islamic spirituality: Ja'far as-Saddiq, the Sixth Imam of the Shi'ite Tradition; Rabi'a, the most famous woman saint of classical Islam; Muhasibi, the founder of Islamic moral psychology; Bistami, whose sayings on mystical union have generated fascination and controversy throughout the Islamic tradition; Tustari, a pioneer in the mystical interpretation of the Qur'an; Junayd, who helped place Sufi mysticism at the center of the Islamic tradition; Hallaj, famous for his ecstatic utterances and martyrdom; and Niffari, whose sayings are considered among the deepest mystical expressions within Islam. The sayings of these pioneers are embedded in the later stratum of analytical and synoptic writings of later Sufi thinkers: Sarraj; Sulami; Qushayri; and 'Attar. Extensive portions of these writers are translated into English for the first time. †
Paulist Press International,U.S. Healing of Memories
Concerned with emotional healing by prayer. Strong charismatic emphasis. †
Paulist Press International,U.S. The Prophet: For a New Generation
The Prophet: For a New Generation is a contemporary edition of the prose-poetry fables written in English by the Lebanese American poet and writer Kahlil Gibran. The original book, The Prophet, is undoubtedly Gibran's best-known work. It has been translated into over a hundred languages, making it one of the most translated books in history and one of the bestselling books of all time. The story focuses on the prophet Almustafa who has lived in the city of Orphalese for twelve years and is about to board a ship that will carry him home. He is stopped by a group of people with whom he discusses topics such as life and the human condition. This new and accessible edition is divided into fourteen chapters dealing with love, marriage, children, eating and drinking, work, joy and sorrow, freedom, self-knowledge, friendship, good and evil, prayer, pleasure, beauty, and death. Khalil Gibran (1883–1931) poet, philosopher, and artist, was born in Lebanon. The millions of Arabic-speaking people familiar with his writings in that language consider him the genius of his age. His poetry has been translated into more than twenty languages. In the United States, which he made his home during the last twenty years of his life, he began to write in English. The Prophet and his other books of poetry are known and loved by many Americans who find in them an expression of the deepest impulses of the human heart and mind. His writings in both languages, which deal with such themes as love, death, nature, and a longing for the homeland, are full of lyrical outpourings and are expressive of his deeply religious and mystic nature. †
Paulist Press International,U.S. 29. St. Augustine on the Psalms, Vol. 1
This volume covers Augustine's notes and commentaries on Psalms 1 through 29. Augustine’s theme is the church, less as an external institution than as the very focus and center of God and Christ. †
Paulist Press International,U.S. Angela of Foligno: Selected Writings
The Classics of Western Spirituality™series, which has inspired many less-successful imitations over the years, has fulfilled its promise and given us an invaluable resource of the soul. The Catholic Historical Review In one series, the original writings of the universally acknowledged teachers of the Catholic, Protestant, Eastern Orthodox, Jewish and Islamic traditions have been critically selected, translated and introduced by internationally recognized scholars and spiritual leaders. ANGELA OF FOLIGNO-COMPLETE WORKS translated, with an introduction by Paul Lachance, O.F.M. preface by Romana Guarnieri Suddenly, a divine word sounded in my soul: "My love for you has not been a hoax." These words struck me a mortal blow. For immediately the eyes of my soul were opened and I saw that what he had said was true. I saw his acts of love, everything that the Son of God had done, all that he had endured in life and in death-this suffering God-man-because of his inexpressible and visceral love. Seeing in him all the deeds of true love, I understood the perfect truth of what he had said, that "his love for me had not been a hoax," but that he had loved me with a most perfect and visceral love. I saw, on the other hand, the exact opposite in myself, because my love for him had never been anything but playing games, never true. Angela of Foligno (c. 1248–1309) "The superabundant one," "the saint of the double abyss," "the queen of the explorers of the beyond," "the one who lies," "the bedded, swooning saint," "the teacher of theologians"—thus have various commentators characterized the Blessed Angela of Foligno, one of the most outstanding, yet still too little known, representatives of the Franciscan and Christian mystical tradition. The dramatic story of Angela's passionate love affair with the "suffering God-man," how she is transformed and led into the deep abysses of the Trinitarian life, is recorded in the Memorial, the first part of her Book, which she dictated to her Franciscan scribe and confessor, Brother Arnaldo. The searing intensity of her account is unmatched in mystical literature. After her immersion in the fathomless depths of the Trinity, Angela emerged as a spiritual mother, gathering around her a network of disciples. The second part of her Book, the Instructions, contains her teachings in the form of letters and exhortations to her spiritual progeny, along with accounts of further visions and locutions, a testament, and an epilogue. This is the first translation into English of Angela's Book in its entirety. The translation is based on the new critical edition of the Latin text. A comprehensive introduction sets it in the context of the times, and summarizes Angela's inner journey, spirituality, and influence. †
Paulist Press International,U.S. Saint Teresa of Avila for Every Day: Reflections from The Interior Castle
Saint Teresa of Avila is one of the 33 "Doctors of the Church"—and one of only four women. This devotional book is made up of her sayings from her masterpiece The Interior Castle, which Paulist Press publishes in its Classics of Western Spirituality Series. For each day of the year there is a thought on which to dwell, pray, or meditate. What makes this book unique is that it can can be picked up on ANY day of the year and the reader can appreciate the chosen thought. If you miss a day, the book will always be applicable for ANY and EVERY day of the year regardless of your circumstances. This is the perfect pocket-/purse-sized gift book for those who have a devotion to St. Teresa and to Carmelite spirituality in general. †
Paulist Press International,U.S. Hope for the Flowers
It is hard to believe that Hope for the Flowers, by renowned ecologist, peace and environmental advocate, and organic food enthusiast, Trina Paulus, is celebrating its fiftieth anniversary. Hope is a book that has transcended boundaries of all sorts and has become a favorite for many—from multiple generations. A note from the author: “Somehow we each have to understand, that uncomfortable as it may feel, in some way you and I were meant for this time.” Regardless of the quotidian events that are swirling around us, some with the dubious ability to divide rather than unite—age, sex, class, religion, country, politics, the scourge of a present- and post-COVID world—we are grateful that Hope, and everything it stands for, was given to us as gift. Over four million copies have been printed in English, with over twenty translations across the globe. Paulist Press invites you to join the celebration! Media buzz: Many fans have commented, ranging from the well-known to the enthusiastic everyday reader: “In this book, two caterpillars get caught up in the fallacy of competition and struggle to reach the top of a caterpillar pile. By journey’s end, however, they learn that their true nature is not one of winning and being at the top, but of going within and emerging as beautiful butterflies who were born to soar.” —Deepak Chopra "Hope For the Flowers is one of my favorite children's books. Everyone is like a butterfly; they start out ugly and awkward and then morph into beautiful, graceful butterflies that everyone loves." —Drew Barrymore “The take is transformative. The caterpillar and the butterfly are powerful metaphors for dying for the good to become one’s best. This is a story that you will read over and over as you seek to become and achieve your highest and best self.” —Karen Briscoe Please note that the 50th anniversary edition is now available in hardcover and paperback. †
Paulist Press International,U.S. Tolkien and C. S. Lewis: The Gift of Friendship
Both Tolkien and C.S. Lewis are literary superstars, known around the world as the creators of Middle-earth and Narnia. But few of their readers and fans know about the important and complex friendship between Tolkien and his fellow Oxford academic C.S. Lewis. Without the persistent encouragement of his friend, Tolkien would never have completed The Lord of the Rings. This great tale, along with the connected matter of The Silmarillion, would have remained merely a private hobby. Likewise, all of Lewis' fiction, after the two met at Oxford University in 1926, bears the mark of Tolkien's influence, whether in names he used or in the creation of convincing fantasy worlds. They quickly discovered their affinity—a love of language and the imagination, a wide reading in northern myth and fairy tale, a desire to write stories themselves in both poetry and prose. The quality of their literary friendship invites comparisons with those of William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge, William Cowper and John Newton, and G.K. Chesterton and Hillaire Belloc. Both Tolkien and Lewis were central figures in the informal Oxford literary circle, the Inklings. This book explores their lives, unfolding the extraordinary story of their complex friendship that lasted, with its ups and downs, until Lewis's death in 1963. Despite their differences—differences of temperament, spiritual emphasis, and view of their storytelling art—what united them was much stronger, a shared vision that continues to inspire their millions of readers throughout the world. †
Paulist Press International,U.S. Baptizing Harry Potter: A Christian Reading of J. K. Rowling
In this exquisitely detailed book, a monk gives his own Christian take on the Harry Potter series. He traces the intricate pattern of J K Rowling’s surprisingly mystical tale with wit and insight. He brings out the wisdom of her understanding of good and evil and links her magical world, shown to be a rich mine of spiritual and Christian teaching, to spiritual reality. The author identifies the many symbols and illuminating connections both to the Christian tradition and among the books themselves and shows how they are ultimately rooted in the death and resurrection of Christ. Never didactic and always engaging, the author expounds on, among other things, the values that Harry learns at Hogwarts, which set the vulnerability of love and sacrifice against the ignorant and self-defeating power seeking of Voldemort. Packed with literary insight, richly referenced, and argued with fine literary acumen, this book will be a delight and an enlightenment for all lovers of the Harry Potter series. I †
Paulist Press International,U.S. Children's Liturgical Calendar Activity Book
An activity book for children that engages the whole family in preparing to celebrate the liturgical season of the church year. Includes a pull-out calendar that children can color and display. Ages 7-11. †
Paulist Press International,U.S. On the Liturgical Formation of the People of God: The Apostolic Letter Desiderio Desideravi
Desiderio desideravi, the title of Pope Francis's 2022 document on the sacred liturgy, comes from the Latin version of Luke 22:15: "I have earnestly desired (Desiderio desideravi) to eat this Passover with you before I suffer." Pope Francis begins this beautiful and relatively short reflection on the beauty, goodness, and truth of the sacred liturgy by reminding us of the Most Holy Trinity's love for us and desire for us.Responding to the need demonstrated by the desire of some Catholics for the pre-Vatican II Mass, Pope Francis encourages a deepening of our understanding of the Eucharist in order that we might fully appreciate the riches in the liturgy. The pope's text is accompanied by a helpful introduction and commentary by prominent liturgical and sacramental theologian, Kevin W. Irwin.Pope Francis, Jorge Mario Bergolio, was born in Buenos Aires on December 17, 1936, and became bishop of Rome and the 266th pope of the Catholic Church on March 13, 2013.Msgr. Kevin W. Irwin is a priest of the Archdiocese of New York who has taught at The Catholic University of America for years, where he served as dean of the School of Theology and Religious Studies.†
Paulist Press International,U.S. The Way of the Cross with Pope Francis: Meditations on the Stations
"The cross is the word of hope and mercy to all the crucified of the world, for those who are oppressed, the sick, poor, and marginalized, victims of violence and abuse, still find the courage to turn their gaze to the One who was pierced. And from this look of divine love they receive comfort, peace, consolation, and mercy, even the strength to forgive their executioners. What would man be without the cross of Christ?" —from the Introduction With this simple yet profound book, Pope Francis invites us to pray the stations and to continue “this Way of the Cross in our daily lives. Let us walk together along the Way of the Cross and let us do so carrying in our hearts this word of love and forgiveness” (Address, March 29, 2013). †
Paulist Press International,U.S. Seven Pillars of Servant Leadership: Practicing the Wisdom of Leading by Serving; Revised & Expanded Edition
Seven Pillars of Servant Leadership trains readers in how to evolve and implement the competencies and behaviors of servant leadership using pointed questions, stories, exercises, case studies, and research-based activities that the authors have field-tested with numerous leaders in the public and private sectors. Seven Pillars goes beyond developing individual skills, however. Each chapter includes stories of how servant-led companies have integrated specific servant leadership principles and skills into corporate cultures and policies. The final chapter offers updated strategies and examples so that readers can begin implementing servant leadership in their own organizations. The book includes questions that are ideal for small groups, that reflect the findings of twenty years of research on the changes of human behavior that take place in individuals and organizations. †
Paulist Press International,U.S. How Not to Say Mass, Third Edition: A Guidebook on Liturgical Principles and the Roman Missal
How Not to Say Mass looks first at general principles for liturgy, for understanding symbols, and for being a presider. Examining the Mass, section by section, using the approach of via negativa—focusing on what NOT to do—the author reminds presiders of the many obvious, but sometimes unconscious, violations of rubrics and liturgical principles which can be detrimental to the celebration of good effective liturgy. †