Search results for ""Nova Science Publishers Inc""
Nova Science Publishers Inc Aging, Culture & Society: A Sociological Approach
Nova Science Publishers Inc From PCK to TPACK: Research & Development
Nova Science Publishers Inc Retinoic Acid: Functions, Regulation and Health Effects
Nova Science Publishers Inc Psychology of Burnout: Predictors & Coping Mechanisms
Nova Science Publishers Inc Physics and Contemporary Needs V.20
Nova Science Publishers Inc International Charity for Self Interest U.S. Foreign Policy Toward Tropical Africa in the 1980s.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Statistical Description of Transport in Plasma Astro and Nuclear Physics Les Houches Les Houches S
Nova Science Publishers Inc CHEMISTRY ECOLOGY HEALTH Proceedings of the International Meeting January 612 1992 Yaroslavl Russia Zeolite Catalysis for the Solution of Environmental Problems
Nova Science Publishers Inc PolicyAnalysis Methods and SuperOptimum Solutions
Nova Science Publishers Inc Instability Chaos and Predictability in Celestial Mechanics and Stellar Dynamics
Nova Science Publishers Inc Athletes: From Performance Analysis to Injury Prevention
Athletes: From Performance Analysis to Injury Prevention opens with a study aiming to assess innovative theoretical approaches for studying human opportunities in sports where maximum achievement is caused by modern technology. The authors discuss the macro- and micro-nutrient requirements that must be followed by the athlete, depending on the athlete's total daily energy expenditure, the type of sport, their gender and environmental conditions. Subsequently, the components of a proper bike fit are explored, focusing on the three interfaces a human has with a bike: foot-pedal, pelvis-saddle, and hands-handlebar. Equipment needs, bike anatomy, and the process of performing a bike fit are reviewed. Lastly, the authors propose to identify at-risk women's team sport athletes by identifying psychological perceptions of high vs. low injuries and/or fatigued athletes.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Dinoflagellates: Classification, Evolution, Physiology and Ecological Significance
Dinoflagellates are fascinating protists, mostly unicellular, distributed in environments ranging from the polar to tropical seas, hypersaline, coastal, estuarine and oceanic waters. There are about 2,377 dinoflagellate species recognized. They exhibit a great diversity of shape, size, biochemical composition and physiological characteristics. Generally free floating, dinoflagellates are photosynthetic, a few species such as the Symbodinium are symbiotic, living in corals, while a few are parasitic. This volume presents a discussion on dinoflagellate phylogeny based on recent developments in molecular biology. It provides insights into the similarity of pigment composition with other microalgae. A comprehensive coverage of their carbon assimilation rates is presented, which appear to be low compared to other microalgae. Besides photosynthetic assimilation, an interesting aspect of acquiring carbon is through mixotrophy which appears to be wide spread amongst dinoflagellates and a thorough discussion is presented. Key features of this book include recent methods of culturing dinoflagellates, which can serve as analogues of their blooms in understanding their physiology, biochemistry and production of phycotoxins. This book, based on massive data collected over decades of research, provides an informative overview on the spatial and temporal distribution and dispersal of dinoflagellates by ocean currents, ballast water introductions and climate changes. About 70 species of dinoflagellates are implicated in the production of ephemeral harmful algal blooms (HABs), which are on the increase globally. Based on several case studies, a comprehensive coverage of the phycotoxins produced by HAB species (PSP, DSP, ASP, Ciguatera, NSP) is presented. The adverse effects of phycotoxins on human health, and the loss of revenues ($50 million in the USA) due to fish kills are evaluated. Latest advances in the methodology of genomics are presented with a view to highlight their importance and to understand their linkage with phycotoxin production. A discussion of remediation measures to manage HABs is presented, which would be highly useful in aquaculture operations. This book provides a large number of illustrations, microphotographs and color photographs. It is ideal for any audience requiring an in-depth exposure to current issues, ideas and methods used in dinoflagellate studies. The topics discussed serve as a useful reference to researchers, scientists, environmental managers, undergraduate and graduate students.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Hydrogen Energy and Power Generation
Nova Science Publishers Inc Solar Energy Applications Bioconversion and Synfuels
Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Advances in Environmental Research. Volume 97
Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Medical Nursing
Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Chronic Disease and Disability The Pediatric Gastrointestinal Tract Second Edition. Overview with Perspectives of History Nutrition and Behavioral Pediatrics
Nova Science Publishers, Inc. The Life of Abraham Lincoln Drawn from Original Sources and Containing Many Speeches Letters and Telegrams Hitherto Unpublished. Volume Two
Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Vascularization and its Role in Medicine and Tissue Engineering
Nova Science Publishers Inc Infrastructure Cybersecurity: Protections, Threats, and Federal Programs
Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Airborne and Biological Monitoring to Assess Occupational Exposure to Isocyanates
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Engineering Research. Volume 53
Nova Science Publishers Inc Genetic Disorders and Rare Diseases: Current Updates
Nova Science Publishers Inc Microbial Technologies and Their Applications
Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Biosensing Methods Applications and Technology
Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Bibliometry from a Global Perspective Library and Classroom Outreach and the Future Ranking of Political Scientists and Publishers
Nova Science Publishers Inc Fuel Briquettes Made of Carbon-Containing Technogenic Raw Materials
Nova Science Publishers Inc Reducing Motor Vehicle Accidents: Road Safety, Signal Controls, and Intersection Angles
Nova Science Publishers Inc Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Pulmonary Critical Care: Essential Ventilatory Approach
Nova Science Publishers Inc Parasitology: Risks and Challenges for Health and Sustainability
Nova Science Publishers Inc Free Speech: Threats, Limits and Challenges
Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Attention Augmented Learning Machines Theory and Applications
Nova Science Publishers Inc Intellectual Capital: Impacting, Measuring, and Improving
Nova Science Publishers Inc A Guide to Near-Infrared Spectroscopy
Nova Science Publishers Inc Nutraceutical Fruits for Human Health
Nova Science Publishers Inc Maritime Law Perspectives Old and New, Volume I
Nova Science Publishers Inc Histaminergic and Non-Histaminergic Itch: From Channels to Behavior
Nova Science Publishers Inc Olive Oil: Production, Properties and Health Benefits
Nova Science Publishers Inc Alkali Metals: New Research
Nova Science Publishers Inc The Dangers of Psychoactive Substances
Nova Science Publishers Inc COVID-19 in Nursing Homes: Impact, Transmission and Prevention
Nova Science Publishers Inc Dairy Products and Health
Nova Science Publishers Inc The Significance of the COVID Pandemic in Nursing Homes
Nova Science Publishers Inc Infectious Diseases: From Prevention to Control
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Psychology Research. Volume 150
Nova Science Publishers Inc Central Nervous System Pathologies in Hereditary Tumor Syndromes
Nova Science Publishers Inc What to Know about Lanthanum
Nova Science Publishers Inc Pearls of Wisdom: From the Mouths of the Elderly to the Ears of Babes