Search results for ""MP-MQU Marquette University""
MP-MQU Marquette University Aristotle On Interpretation Medieval Philosophical Texts in Translation
MP-MQU Marquette University Kierkegaards Concept of Existence
MP-MQU Marquette University Documentum De Modo Et Arte Dictandi Et Versificandi Instruction in the Art and Method of Speaking and Versifying Medieval Philosophical Texts in Translation No 17
MP-MQU Marquette University Language Truth and Poetry
MP-MQU Marquette University Nova Et Vetera The Theology of Tradition in American Catholicism
MP-MQU Marquette University Should War Be Eliminated Philosophical and Theological Investigations
MP-MQU Marquette University On the Various Kinds of Distinctions Metaphysical Disputation VII. De Variis Distinctionum Generibus
MP-MQU Marquette University On the Unity of the Intellect Against the Averroists
MP-MQU Marquette University Henry of Ghents Summa of Ordinary Questions
Presents an introduction and English translation of five articles from Henry of Ghents Summa of Ordinary Questions. They examine theology as a science itself and in relation to other sciences, on the final and efficient causes of theology, and on the authority of sacred scripture.
MP-MQU Marquette University On the Virtues On the Virtues and Vices Medieval Philosophical Texts in Translation Mediaeval Philosophical Texts in Translation
MP-MQU Marquette University Public Women and the Confederacy Klement lectures on the Civil War Frank L Klement Lectures
MP-MQU Marquette University Humanism and Theology
MP-MQU Marquette University Ideology in Practice What Does Ideology Do
An account of ideology in terms of social meanings. Such meanings - constituting a cultural techne - are public, conflicting, and fragmented; yet because they guide our practices, they frame our agency and identities. A cultural techne is ideological when it perpetuates unjust subordination, but ideology critique offers liberating alternatives.
MP-MQU Marquette University Lenin as Philosopher
MP-MQU Marquette University Identity Authenticity and Humility
Elaborates and defends an account of the experience of self-identity that underwrites the possibility of authenticity (being true to oneself), only accessible with humility.
MP-MQU Marquette University Grace The Gift of Holy Spirit
MP-MQU Marquette University Commentary On Being and Essence In De Ente Essentia d. Thomas Aquinatis
MP-MQU Marquette University A Guide to MerleauPontys Phenomenology of Perception
MP-MQU Marquette University Suarez On Individuation Metaphysical Disputation V Individual Unity and its Principle
MP-MQU Marquette University Transformative Leisure
MP-MQU Marquette University The Divine Names And Mystical Theology Mediaeval Philosophical Texts in Translation
MP-MQU Marquette University Universe and Creed
MP-MQU Marquette University Fifty Biblical Portraits
MP-MQU Marquette University A Theology of Uncreated Energies
MP-MQU Marquette University Mathematics in Platos Republic
A discussion of Plato's evaluation of mathematics as an intellectual discipline, and his reasons for training his philosopher-rulers to be mathematical experts.
MP-MQU Marquette University Practical Geometry Practica Geometriae Tr from Latin by Frederick AHomann Practica Geometriae Attributed to Hugh of St Victor
MP-MQU Marquette University Abstracts of Rahners Theological Investigations
MP-MQU Marquette University The Early Works of Orestes A. Brownson
MP-MQU Marquette University The NeoThomists
This work provides an introduction to the full-range of Neo-Thomist writings, and should be of interest to students of 19th- and 20th-century theology and philosophy.
MP-MQU Marquette University Parmenides Cosmos and Being A Philosophical Interpretation
MP-MQU Marquette University The Doctrine of the Analogy of Being according to Thomas Aquinas
MP-MQU Marquette University Omnisubjectivity
Reflects on how the modern discovery of subjectivity should influence the way we think about God's attributes. Linda Zagzebski’s examination of recent conceptions of omnipresence and omniscience reveals that if God truly has all possible cognitive perfections, then a new attribute should rightly be applied to God which the 'traditional attributes' do not address: omnisubjectivity.
MP-MQU Marquette University Ressentiment
MP-MQU Marquette University Fluent in Faith The Gift of Mary McCormick
Shares the story of a remarkable, contemporary woman who, in 1968, with the blessing of the Milwaukee Archdiocesan Latin American Office, a then 56-year old widow, took her three youngest daughters, ages 11, 14 and 17, and moved to Latin America for a year. She remained serving in Bogotá until 1994.